Dennis Do Right

Published on Aug 23, 2019


Dennis Do-Right 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Everett called me a week later and asked if I would like to get together. I said I would like that, and he invited me to his house for dinner. "I need to warn you, I want to get to know you better, and then I would like to get to know your cock and ass a lot better. Does that offend you?" he asked. I told him that sounded fine for me. We got together that evening.

He lived in a modest house in good part of town. Inside it was well furnished with impressive artifacts, sculptures and paintings. I don't know much about art, but I suspected it was good. He told me that his parents had collected some of it, and he continued to collect. I realized his life was the opposite of mine. He was cultured, well-traveled and well educated in the liberal arts. My life was limited a single focus on accounting. I told him this.

He smiled. "Dennis, you do know that you don't get to pick your parents and you can't control their lives and interests. My parents were wealthy and cultured but left a lot of the actual child rearing to the nanny," he said. "They were aloof but concerned and interested in me. I assume your parents were more hands on?" he said.

"Oh yes, but sometimes I think they were too much in control," I replied.

"Did you ever doubt their love and affection?" he asked. I told him I never questioned that.

"I never did either. In my prep school I knew kids whose parents mailed it in. I speak literally, a card and gift for a birthday and a trip to resort once and a while. I was lucky," Everett explained. "I discovered sex with men in prep school. I take it your discovery was more recent?"

"My interest developed after a bad concussion several months ago," I explained. "It seemed to come out of nowhere. I was surprised, but oddly not shocked. I had never done anything like that before."

"When I was first sucked by a guy it was so thrilling and an orgasm was enough," Everett said. "As I get older there is more emotional attachment. You obviously like man sex. Was it all a blur to you?"

"It was a pleasant blur, but you and Barney stood out," I answered.

"You like them big?" he asked.

"I liked them all, but the two of you were special. It was more than just a poke in the ass. I wanted to feel you squirting in my ass. I felt if I was on a desert island, I could he happy siting on your cock all day long," I replied. "I tend to sunburn badly, but I was willing to take the risk."

Everett laughed, "You are the first man I have met who includes worrying about sun burn in his sexual fantasies."

"That is unusual?"

"Usually the main worry is being caught in the act," he said. "About half of the time dreams involve a teacher or a coach. He catches you but eventually joins in."

"I don't remember being so attached to any of my teachers," I said.

"Enjoying me shoot in your ass is unusual. Many men don't like that," Everett remarked.

"I guess I thought it was a reward for doing well. I wasn't sure I was doing it right," I explained. "I thought it was proof that it was good for you. I wanted to open my ass wider so you could get deeper."

"I need to tell you that your new sexual urges interest me," Everett said. "I've never encountered it before. There is some literature on the location of sexual arousal, but it is assumed it is due to hormones, and does not involve the brain. My understanding is that your concussion is the only major injury you suffered in the accident?"

I nodded.

"I am also not sure if you interest in large cocks is physical or mental," he added. "I also noted you didn't seem to get tired of continual sexual activity the other day. You were consistently involved and enthusiastic. Did you enjoy the variety?"

"Some men were sort of soothing. Others revved me up again," I said. "They were all good. I think I could have taken more."

"I have mentioned your case to several friends. They are puzzled and interested in it too," Everett said. "They would like to meet you. Is that a problem?"

"No, but I'm not sure that is going to be helpful. When I talk, I tend to be all accountant. I am different when sexually engaged."

"If I told you they would not object to sexual engagement, would you be willing to participate?" he asked.

"I don't like the idea of being watched," I said.

"I know these men well. Let's just say they would have no problem being up close and personal," Everett said. "One of the men has a particularly impressive tool you might find enjoyable. He is an Indian Doctor, Ramesh Indra. It is difficult for him to find men with the rectal capacity and stamina to give him pleasure. Would that bother you?"

"It excites me," I said. The phone rang. Everett had client emergency. This ended our conversation, but Everett said he would get in touch with me soon.

I went home and there was a call from Gussy who asked if he could come over. He said he had a pal I would like. I told him that was fine with me.

Gussy's friend was Oliver, the choir director of his church. Gussy was the deepest bass in the choir and they improbably became friends. Oliver was a young, tall, slightly plump man who gave the impression he was never stepped outside into the sun. He was white as a sheet.

I was new to gay sex quite inexperienced. Apparently, my concussion removed my inhibitions and any sense of restraint. Oliver made me feel like a hardened libertine. Somehow, I knew that while he was virgin and untouched, I sensed that he was needy.

My youth was guided by my puritanical parents. Their view of the world was limited, but I never had any doubts about their affection and love for me. Gussy explained that Oliver's parents were difficult. From the way he said "difficult" I suspected that he meant borderline mentally ill. He had been all but incarcerated at his home and had attended "Christian" schools.

Oliver had a beautiful voice and that had distinguished him, since the school raised money with concerts of the school's boys' choir. He was now the choir director of a non-denominational "Christian" cult.

"I told Oliver that we could show him how we have some fun," Gussy said. "He really shy and isn't sure how it's done. I was hoping you could help us out."

I smiled. "I am always willing to help a guy out," I said. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

"We aren't friends yet," Oliver all but whispered.

"Well I hope we will show you how we became friends," Gussy said. "Dennis and I are good friends and we help each other out. We aren't work friends or school friends. We are more like playmates. We like to play together."

"Is that what you meant when you told me you are naked friends?" Oliver managed to say.

Gussy nodded. "Remember I told you there are somethings that you can only do when you are naked? I told you that we are Golden Rule friends. I do to him what he would do to me. We share things. I do pleasurable things to him and to several specific parts of his body. He does the same to me," Gussy explained.

"You told me I didn't have to do anything at all," Oliver said.

"Denis and I like everything we do. If you want to join in, we would like that, but it's entirely up to you. That's a promise," Gussy said.

I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but we stripped. Oliver stared at our crotches with obvious interest.

"I told you that our private parts are private for us and for our special friends," Gussy explained. "We all used our cock to urinate, but when we get excited, your cock turns off the urine part and opens up the connection to the balls. The balls make sperm. This makes a baby when we are with a woman. Fortunately, it makes billions and billions more sperm than is needed."

"We can play with our cocks to get rid of the extra sperm. This is pleasurable. Dennis and I like to play together and share the pleasure. For us this is much more pleasurable than doing it alone," Gussy continued as he dropped to his knees and sucked my cock. Oliver was clearly showing his erection under his trousers. He stepped closer. He began unbuttoning his shirt.

Gussy gently licked my cock concentrating on my cock head. When he pulled off, there was a glob of precum on the slit.

"Is that piss?" Oliver asked.

"It's sweet precum. I told you when a guy gets hard the piss is turned off and the sex juices begin to flow," Gussy said. "You can try it if you want. Dennis oozes high-test precum."

Oliver dropped to his knees. He came closer and stuck out his tongue. He touched it, then wrapped his lips around my knob.

"It's good isn't it, served straight from the balls?" Gussy asked. Things had moved quickly, and I wondered if this was planned. That turned out to be sort of correct. Oliver wanted to see and meet me before he jumped in with both feet. He didn't want to insult me if he wasn't interested.

He underestimated his sexual urges and was still thinking that sex wasn't that important to him. I think it's comparatively rare that people engage in sex and decide it not for them. When that happens, it is probably a sign of a mental problem.

Oliver was still at that stage of thinking that if he only sucked half of my cock he wasn't as gay if the sucked the whole thing. Some guys think that sucking a cock and not taking the load is only semi-gay. It's sort of like being semi-pregnant.

Oliver seemed to like everything we did. Sex is a difficult thing to dislike. His equipment was in working order, but he seemed to unprepared for the intensity of sex. He thought leading a well-received concert at Christmas was exciting. When I sucked his load from his balls using his cock as a straw, a new world opened for him. He had been living in a cold water flat and was suddenly in Buckingham Palace.

Gussy and I could have taken things slowly but everything we did was such a complete success. Oliver passed every test and he wanted more. We were all happy by the time they went home.

Later that week the man named Ramesh called me. He was one of Everett's friends and asked if I would like to get together with him and his partner Geoff. I told him I had some reservations, but Everett was a friend and I would meet them.

"We are both psychiatrists, but I promise no shop talk," he said. "I was hoping that this would be purely social. To be direct, we are also interested in sex, but that will be up to you. Physical attraction is not always dependable."

I was at their house at eight. Ramesh was a bearded, short, well built, hyperactive man. Geoff was an older, mellow bear with bushy sideburns. I thought they were a daddy-boy combination, but they seemed to have a balanced relationship. They were attractive and intelligent men. We all knew that sex was an option, and my concussion-enhanced mind went into overdrive.

We talked for fifteen minutes, when I blurted out, "If we don't get naked soon, I'm going to blow up."

Geoff laughed. "We just happened to have a whirlpool in our bedroom. Normally our house is clothing optional," he said. We trooped off to the bedroom. Geoff was tanned, toned and moderately hairy. He had a stubby, thick tool and huge balls. Ramesh was skinny, hairy like a Chimpanzee and hung. It looked as if his cock was 20% of his body weight. Let's just say we got along well.

It took three or four minutes to discover we were compatible. We all sucked, top and bottomed. While my willingness to do it, all may have been the result of an accident, theirs was either natural or due to a lot of practice. I dropped to the floor and began sucking Geoff. His cock grew a little in length and a lot in diameter. His knob was big and sensitive and his slit almost bisected it. I forced my tongue into it to intercept his precum when it was fresh.

Ramesh got in the whirlpool and called us over. "Come on guys. You can sit anywhere you want!" he called. We went over. Ramesh was fully erect and stroking. He noticed me staring.

"I've have some lube, if you want me to massage your sphincter," he said. Ramesh was a mind reader. I took him up on the offer. I sat back and his cock head reached my sphincter. I bounced on it a few times. He didn't force it through; my sphincter relaxed and invited it in.

Geoff was on the other side of the tub. He slipped into the water and came over to suck my cock as his partner moaned. Geoff was an enthusiastic sucker. It was not just being polite. I quickly come close to shooting. Ramesh gently pushed me away and transferred me to Geoff's cock.

Geoff's cock was fat and stretched my ass, his knob quickly penetrated my sphincter lodging his oversized cock head at my prostate. I had a sense that my ass wasn't wide enough for his cock and my prostate. He was fucking that tender organ. A few minutes later I felt an orgasm forming. Again, they switched positions and I was on Ramesh's organ.

I felt relief that the pressure on my prostate was relieved. My entire ass was tingling. Suddenly warm, soothing sperm flooded my ass. I could feel his cock spasming as he ejaculated.

"Just let him finish," Geoff said, "He can ejaculate for a minute or two. When he begins to get soft, you can squeeze your sphincter and milk him." I tried that with great success. We cooled off and talked.

"Everett told me you were wonder," Ramesh said. "I usually have to slowly break a man in. You were ready."

"Do you think I was too ready?" I asked.

"I don't thing being too ready exists. Most men are interested in Ramesh's cock, but that interest doesn't always translate into being able to enjoy it up their ass," Geoff said. "For some men it's too big. When you combine that with the unease that many men feel when someone's cock is in your ass, it's not good."

"It felt as good as your ass, Geoff," Ramesh said. "Dennis, Geoff was my first totally successful fuck. I unloaded in him for the first time and he loved it."

"Am I trespassing?" I asked.

Geoff laughed. "Ramesh and I are both friendly men. He likes to top more than the bottom. I like some variety in a bottom. He's nice and polite when I fuck him, but I know I don't ring all his chimes."

"You rang most of mine," I said. "Technically, you rang a few chimes I did know existed."

"Did it bother you to take the cocks of guys you just met?" Ramesh asked.

"Nope, it felt so good I didn't care," I replied. "It was odd. Geoff's cock was good, but it seemed to me that your cock made me more emotional, especially when you pushed deep in me."

"It is size that turned you on?"

"Perhaps, but Geoff cock head gave my prostate a wonderful massage," I explained.

"As my cock pushed deeper into you, you felt more attracted to me?" Ramesh asked. "Did you feel odd opening your body to a stranger?"

"I don't think so. Did you ever go to Cowboy movies where they became blood brothers? I felt a kinship with you, especially when you started ejaculating," I said.

"We told you this was a purely recreational get together," Geoff said. "That is true, but if I am completely truthful, we find you interesting. The brain-sex connection is unexpected. We would love to study it more."

"You are not just an interesting case. You are intelligent and articulate. That is not always the case when there has been brain damage," Ramesh said. "I said that wrong. We don't know if there has been brain damage or if some circuits have reconnected somewhere else."

"I need to make a confession. Many consider Ramesh and me to be sex driven well beyond the normal limits. Some might accuse us of using you for our own pleasure," Geoff said.

"Would that be true?" I asked.

"Let's say it would be for our mutual pleasure," Geoff replied. "We are hoping that your sexual obsession coincides with ours. Does the prospect of spending several hours with sexually driven men in constant arousal offend you or intrigue you?"

"Incidentally Geoff and I are capable of multiple orgasms. We don't want to wear you out, but we can provide constant genital stimulation to you for hours, if you can take it," Ramesh said.

I knew I should have been either shocked or offended. It was an outlandish proposition. I asked, "How many hours?" I had expected to give them a definite no.

"Three to four hours. We might be able to do more, but we don't want to injure your cock or ass," Geoff asked. "We have an old friend who could join in if we fade. He's big like Ramesh. We will be studying you, but most of the time it will be with our cocks. It's probably not going to get us the Nobel Prize." I gave up pretending I wasn't interested. I agreed to get together again.

We got together a week later. Groff introduced their old friend, Matt. He was in his late fifties, tall and bearded. His hands were callused and rough. He was a construction worker. Geoff went off and Matt came over to me.

"I'm into fucking big time. Are you really as into it as they say you are?" he asked. I nodded. "Are you sure you want it three on one?" I nodded again. "I shoot off fire hose style. They said you would like that."

"I definatly like that. You don't need to worry," I replied.

Matt looked relieved. "Some guys say they like big ones, but I can barely get my knob in them," he said. "I've got Geoff's heft and Ramesh's length."

Ramesh and Geoff came back and we went to the whirlpool. Matt had the body of an old-time wrestler, massive and graceless. I sat on Geoff's cock, but Ramesh and Matt's tools caught my attention immediately. Matt's cock was massive and graceless like his body, but that didn't bother me at all.

"Who wants to be next?" I asked. There was silence, then Matt said, "I'm always ready." He looked at me and asked, "Does it bother you when a I guy you just met wants to shove hos cock up your ass?"

"I don't think so," I replied.

"Has Geoff cum in you yet? I'll need to lube you up otherwise," Matt said.

"I don't think so."

"You are wrong about that, Dennis, I seemed to have lost control. Sorry about that," Geoff said.

Matt sat next to me. "Why don't you sit on me and we can see if it fits," he said. I traded places and gingerly sat on Matt's cock. "You have a pretty little hole. A little bit of Geoff's man cream is drooling, but it's nice. I'll make sure I hit the target," Matt said.

I sat back and his knob lodged in my ass. his cock head lodged against my sphincter. I suddenly relaxed. A second later it was all in.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked.

"I'm in fucking heaven," I replied.

Next: Chapter 4

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