Dennis Do Right

Published on Jul 28, 2019


Dennis Do Right 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I talked with Barney a day later. He wanted to get together again. He told me he had a friend who was nice and would like to meet me.

"Is he into the same stuff we like?" I asked.

"He is, but he's a bit shyer than I am. Would that be a problem for you?" he asked. I told him I didn't think that was a problem. We arranged to meet at my house on Saturday at 8:00 PM.

Barney and his friend Gussy were on time. Gussy was much smaller than Barney and worked as a dispatcher. He reminded me of Radar in the old M.A.S.H. program. I asked if they would like beer and that was good. Gussy was tense, but the beer relaxed him. When we finished the beer, Barney said he was hoping for some fun like we had the last time. I suggested that we go to my bedroom and get more comfortable.

I asked Gussy what he liked to do.

"I like everything Barney likes," he said.

"Well, I liked everything that he did too. I love to suck cock and I liked being fucked the last time I did it. Is this the sort of things you like?" I asked.

He nodded. "Sucking is great. I've taken a cock in my ass before. It was okay. I think yours might be better. I would love to have Barney in me, but I am afraid it is too big," Gussy said.

I leaned over to suck Gussy and Barney sucked me. Gussy was fully erect seconds after lips caressed his knob. I deep throated him and when I pulled back, I tasted his precum. Gussy was excited. We went at it for a while and then cooled off.

"Does it seem strange to you being with bare naked guys?" Gussy asked.

"It does, but it seems exciting," I said. "When I was growing up no one was naked in my house and I didn't play sports, so I didn't get to the locker room."

"I played sports but being naked in the locker room and being naked and hard are not the same thing. In the shower I was afraid I would show hard. This is really different," Barney said.

"I get really excited when I am naked. Are you?" Gussy asked.

"I sure as shit am!" Barney replied. "How about you, Dennis?"

"I love it. I feel free and an as excited as hell," I said. "I never thought I could do anything like this. It's wonderful."

"I was sort of hoping that Gussy could fuck you and stretch you hole some and then I could give you a poke," Barney said.

"That is a plan," I said. "Are you willing Gussy?"

"I've got a short fuse. I can't get it out before I shoot sometimes. Guys don't like that," Gussy said.

"That doesn't bother me," I said. "Just let nature take its course. Relax and let it flow."

Gussy was not the Atilla the Hun type. He took his time and eased his cock into me. He used a lot of lubricant and added his own juices to the brew. It was good and he must have fucked me for ten or twelve minutes before he popped. He pulled out and Barney nudged his cock into my ass. "Gussy's cum is oozing out. Do you want me to push it back in?" he asked. I said yes.

He took his time too. I soon discovered the difference between fucking and super fucking. Barney didn't fuck me. He occupied my ass and made me into a part of his body. I knew I liked sex with men. I had no idea I could surrender my personality to his cock. He didn't fuck my ass, he fucked all of me. It affected every organ, but most of all my brain. I came to feel that his cock had its own brain and my brain surrendered to his cock's needs.

Before sex had been largely focused on my genitals. The focus expanded to include my entire body. It was good beyond what I had imagined. Barney was clearly enjoying it too when he realized his cock was a good fit for me.

I was intense and Barney pulled out of few times to let me catch my breath. Gussy took the rest time to return to my ass. He seemed to have a permanent erection. "Do you mind if I churn things up a bit?" he asked. I tightened my sphincter to grab his cock. Gussy took that as a yes.

Almost an hour later we were still at it. Gussy and Barney traded fucking duties. I couldn't take a solid, heavy-duty hour of Barney's fucking. Three interludes with Gussy let my ass get back to normal size, before Barney returned and shot off. They went home and I slept with sweet dreams.

Two days later Mark called and invited me to spend the weekend at his mountain cabin. He said Barney, Joey and Gussy would be there. I said that sounded like fun to me.

Mark laughed. "I'm hoping it is more than just some fun," he said. "Are you okay with that?" I said I was.

He picked me up around six on Friday and we drove to the cabin. It was an hour away. He was with guy named Chris in the car. Chris was an advertising executive who handled his company accounts. It didn't take me long to realize they were more than friends. The cabin was a massive pile of granite and timber, sort of a mega-cabin. It was 120 years old, but had been completely renovated with new bathrooms, kitchen sauna, whirlpool and swimming pool.

"Damn Mark, you do like to rough it!" I remarked.

"He refers to it as the shack at the office," Chris said. They came with groceries for the weekend and started working on dinner. I'm not a good cook, but I am a great chopper. They appreciated that. Joey and Roger arrived a little later and then Barney came with Gussy and another man, Everett. Mark, Joey and Barney were in fresh work clothes. Roger, Chris and Everett were dressed for a foursome at the club. Chris was the bartender, so it became a bit festive.

The food was steaks, and several salads and was good. The house faces west, so we sat on the broad porch and watched the sun set.

The sun set was beautiful. It cooled off, so we stayed on the porch. It was getting late. "In case you didn't know it Chris and I are life partners. While we are partners, we both like to have fun with other men," Mark said. "Actually, I like watching him play with other men. It turns me and him on. I don't trespass on other men's property. If any of you men are exclusive, let me know. I want you all to have fun."

There was some mumbling. "I think we are all free agents," Everett said, "Am I right?" The rest of us agreed. "I think I should be clear. My mouth, cock and ass are available for recreational use. I'm not into piss, but I like the rest of the stuff that drools or spurts from a cock. I like to lick it; eat it and I love to shoot it in an excited man's ass. When you said you like fun, are there limits?"

"I'm sure there are limits, but nothing you mentioned is out of bounds. It's really not close to being out of bounds," Mark said. "It's getting late and I've been up since 5:30. There four bedrooms, so you can sleep wherever and with ever you want."

I ended up in a room with Everett. Everett was every inch a country club man. He looked prim, proper and well groomed. He stripped and had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his cock. His cock rivaled Barney's.

"Dennis, Gussy told me that you were able to take Barney's monster like a trooper," Everett said in near whisper. "I tend to get site seers in the club showers. I would love to get up your ass, but that's up to you. I'm telling you this to let you know my intentions are not honorable."

"Thank you for the warning," I said. "I've never been to a party like this one. Would I embarrass myself if I was a bit slutty?"

"Being slutty will get you the Mr. Congeniality award," Everett said. "I won it two years ago." We talked a little longer, but I fell asleep before we could play. The next morning, I discovered that having a man suck you awake was a pleasant way to start the day. Everett was such a button-down man, I forgot that being sexually generous is not related to income level or to personality. His wake-up effort evolved into the sixty-nine position. His cock was more impressive close-up and personal.

I had just met him but while sucking can be impersonal, licking up his sex juices as they oozed from his cock was intimate. I was pleased I could coax them from his balls and pleased he reacted.

Mark rang a bell and yelled that breakfast was ready. "This is a come as you are breakfast!" he added. It was a traditional breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon and sausages. Bloody Mary's and Screw Drivers lubricated the event. Everett and I came naked. He had been to the cabin before and said that was perfectly acceptable. Mark and Chris wore jocks. Barney wore old boxers with his cock hanging form the fly. The rest of the men were naked except for Joey who wore see through mesh jockeys and Roger who wore a butt plug.

Breakfast was good and almost festive. Everyone was in a good mood. "I was planning for breakfast in bed served from Barney's cock, but this is damn good!" Joey said.

After breakfast we had a brief hike and went to the pool. I suspected this party would become an orgy. My images of an orgy came from Old Testament Sampson and Delia, or Greco-Roman muscle man movies.

This was more of a pool party with orgasms. It was casual, friendly and pleasant. As far as I could everyone was willing to explore and be explored. No one seemed to be uncomfortable being naked, erect and sexually engaged in front of an audience. I was the only one who had not been to this event before, so I was a focus of attention.

I am sure that before my concussion, I would have been appalled. It would have been unthinkable. I had seen a porn movie when I was in college and I was deeply shocked. I couldn't have possibly participated in anything like it. This didn't bother me at all. Oddly while I didn't want to be fucked, I was almost obsessively interested in wanting to feel their cocks in my ass. The two competing thoughts didn't bother me or even seem peculiar. I'm a man so of course the urge to feel cock pumping cum into me overwhelmed my desire to avoid sex.

I mentioned this to Everett. He was most interested. He told me that was wasn't a professional sexual athlete. He was a phycologist and my situation was rare. He wondered if my concussion damaged whatever part of my brain controlled my sexual drive. He asked if I had any other changes in my impulses. I said if I had, I hadn't noticed.

Chris joined us. "Mark told me you were the first guy he ever fucked," he said. "He told me you were really attractive with a cock in your ass. I was curious. Are you game?"

Without thinking I said yes.

"Do you like it doggy style or on your back?" he asked. I told him it was his choice.

"I like a guy spread eagled on his back with his legs spread apart. I can watch your cock so know how I am doing," he said. That was fine with me.

"I need to warn you once I'm in, I usually stay until I pop. Is that a problem for you?" he asked.

I said no. "Does Mark mind?"

"Maybe I should have mentioned this earlier. Mark likes to use my cum as lube and push it deeper into you. Usually he pulls out before he shoots, but he might like to relive old times in your ass," he explained.

"You are okay with that?" I asked.

"Well, cocks aren't that obedient. You can try to control them, but they do whatever they want to, whenever they want to shoot," he said. Chris was a skilled fucker. He was careful inserting is tool, and then became more vigorous as I got used to him. We had a nice audience. Chris had a massive orgasm, pulled out and Mark filled the void in my ass. He must have been excited because he shot off after five or six minutes.

Next, Everett steeped up to the plate. After Chris and Mark's cock my ass muscles were limber, and while Everett's cock was big, it fit. As it pushed deeper and deeper in my ass the feeling I had when Barney fucked me returned. The audience appreciated the view. Everett's cock was the star of the show, but my asshole played and impressive supporting role. It seemed that my ass was regarded as wonder as I adjusted to the imposing cocks that entered me.

By the end of the afternoon every man spent some time in my ass. I didn't passively take each cock; I took them with enthusiasm and vigor. Gussy said my ass was a good kisser. He thought I had a seventh sense of what each man wanted and what worked best for each cock. I loved it. I was indeed Miss Congeniality.

I was worried that they would think I was a slut, but they seemed to think I was generous and a good sport. Seven men had fucked me and at least four had shot off in me. That seemed to suit the men fine. Everett, Barney and Gussy ejaculated so forcefully that I could feel the individual squirts. That was wonderful.

That night I ended up in bed with Mark and Chris. Mark fucked Chris and I slipped into Mark's hole as they screwed. I discovered Mark's ass was wonderful, tight and responsive. I lost it and began ejaculating in Mark, and I felt him shooting into Chis a few seconds later. We pulled apart and Mark was asleep the second his was out of Chris's hole. I knew Mark crashed after an orgasm. I figured that Chris was fully loaded, so I relocated to suck Chris to sleep. I needed to swallow three times when Chris came.

For the first time I realized that sperm was the food of the gods, especially when it was served directly from a guy's balls to my mouth. I wondered of Mark felt the same way, of if it was just me.

Sunday was a calm and pleasant day of enjoying the beautiful setting, and good conversation with occasional sexual interludes. The sex was good, not quite as intense as the night before, but enjoyable. As Mark and Barney drove me home. Chris was spending the week at the cabin. We talked.

"You seem to have jumped in with both feet," Mark said. "Some of the men in the group have partners, but all are friends. When it's all pubic it's not cheating. When you know who you've been sucking or fucking, we classify it as recreation, not love."

"Even when you feed a guy your load?" I asked.

"At one time orgasms were frowned upon, but cocks aren't obedient and with four to six guys it gets messy. Everett left a deposit in Chris's ass. I thought I was punishing Chris but fucking him immediately afterwards. My cock seemed to fall in love with Everett's cum in Chris's ass," Mark said. "Your ass was a treat."

"It was good or me too. Was I too slutty?" I asked.

"I think you were just slutty enough," Barney said.

"I feel like I should feel some guilt or remorse, but I feel fine," I said. "I used to be so strait-laced. Since the accident I have been acting strangely."

"Did you ever think that you were acting strangely before the accident, and now you are normal?" Mark asked. "You were never demonstrative when we first met. I thought you didn't like it and was surprised when you wanted to get together again."

"As I recall, I came back again and again," I said.

"You were the first guy I ever fucked," Mark said. "I loved your tight ass. You didn't complain when I came in your mouth or shot off in your ass. I think I was too fucking macho to let you fuck me."

"You liked it?" I asked.

"Yes. It was especially good when I felt you squirt" he replied. "I feel good about taking cum from my pals. It seems to me that when you are young shooting off is all you want or need. It didn't occur to me that taking you time working up to the orgasm could be good too. It was nice you let me do you, but it didn't occur you might enjoy it too. You didn't complain, and that was good enough for me."

"I didn't know if I enjoyed it. I knew it was sex and that was enough," I said. "I wasn't sure I would ever do it again. Somehow each time we got together, I seemed to like it more. It seemed so undignified, I surprised myself when I seemed to find your cock in my ass every time we connected."

Next: Chapter 3

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