Dennis Do Right

Published on Jul 9, 2019


Dennis Do-Right

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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My real name is Dennis Du Mont, but kids started calling me Dennis Do-Right in sixth grade. I did well in school at a time when some thought being at the top of the class was a bad thing. The name stuck. I am now the senior financial analyst for a local bank. They also loan me out to other banks when they encounter problems. I am single and live on my late parent's house. Do say my life is quiet is an understatement.

I have had one dependable pal since school days, Mark. He had been one of the few kids of my age in the neighborhood, and we remained friends. We discovered sex in the will you show me yours if I show you mine stage of development and that remained satisfactory for years.

Sometimes we might connect one or two times a year, other times it might be monthly. I tend to be a bit obsessive about work, especially if I am working on a major project. The head of the bank I work for says that when I get into the numbers, I really get into the numbers. I am perfectly happy with my life which I find fulfilling.

I was riding in a taxi to the airport when the taxi was T-boned. It was a major accident. The driver was killed, and I had a major concussion. Luckily, I was on the opposite side of the taxi from the impact. I was trapped in the taxi for almost an hour and was rushed to the hospital. I had a serious concussion, but it was not life threatening. I found out later the doctors were worried about brain damage, but that didn't seem to happen. There wasn't any problem with my brain.

It was two weeks after I left the hospital that I noticed a change. My analytical, numeric mind was unchanged. My emotional and sexual mind had altered. I was interested in sex. Of course, I had always had some interest in sex, but that was had been a minor part of my emotional makeup. Now I wasn't just interested in sex, I craved it and wanted it all the time.

As I said my analytical mind remained unchanged. I was puzzled, embarrassed and confused. I went to talk to Mark who was my only sex partner.

Mark ran a trucking company. He had always been interested in trucks and cars and had gone to work for a trucking company after school. He owned the company now. Mark was a smart kid and he was a wiz at scheduling trucks. He figured out the easiest most efficient routes for here to there and that translated to happy drivers and improved profits. When the owner retired, he sold the company to Mark. The company began to grow at a steady and impressive rate.

Mark told me that while we were pals, his sexual interests had outstripped mine years earlier. He thought I had a low sex drive and he had found other pals and playmates. He said he had several friends who would like me. Looking back, I think the concussion effected my thinking. I wanted more sex but finding additional sexual partners had not occurred to me.

When Mark suggested it to me it seemed obvious, but I had no idea how to meet other men. I told this to Mark, and he was surprised and thought it was odd. I had never really dated men or women. I don't think anyone thought of me as being sexually desirable. Mark didn't think that was a problem.

"I know men who would fuck a watermelon if it turned them on," he said.

"Do you think I should date?" I asked.

"Do you want sex or love?" he asked.

"To be truthful, I hadn't thought about love. I want sex. Is that a problem?" I asked.

"Let me tell you a little secret. You're a man. Love is not a requirement. You might find Mr. Right, but if you don't, Mr. Right-Now will meet your needs," Mark said.

"Will anyone like me?" I asked.

Mark smiled. "Your personality is a bit odd, but your cock is a bit oversized. I think that will even out things," he replied. "I have some pals you might like."

A few days later Mark called me and said he found a guy I might like. I met Mark and his pal Joey at a small restaurant. Joey was average looking, a typical computer nerd. He wrote programs to detect financial fraud. We got along well, and after dinner, I went to his apartment.

Joey was badly dressed and looked a bit slovenly. He had an expensive and a fancy apartment. When we got in his apartment there was a long gap in the conversation.

"I was kind of hoping we would get naked and mess around some," he said. "Were you expecting that?"

"Nope but it sounds good to me!" I replied.

We were naked in his bedroom a few minutes later. I had no idea want to say, but Joey saw my cock, dropped to his knees and began sucking. That really hit the spot for me. We were soon on his bed in the sixty-nine position. He had a thick, meaty cock and as soon as my lips caressed his cock he began to ooze. Mark only oozed a little before he shot off. I loved Joey's ooze cock. I knew he was excited, and I was doing it right.

I suddenly realized I was losing control and was going to shoot off. I warned Joey but he didn't pull away. I had taken Mark's cum, but he had never taken mine. Joey seemed to love mine. I then sucked Joey and took his load. After that, I said it was about time to go home.

"I can usually reload," Joey said. "Are you interested in a second round?"

I had always been a one-shot wonder, but a second session had immediate appeal. "I've never tried it," I replied. "I think I am more than willing."

"You have a nice one. Would you like to shove it up my ass?" Joey asked.

"I've never done that," I said.

"Well buddy, your cock is rock hard, so it has stepped up to the plate," He observed. "Just lie back and I'll sit on it." I did as he asked. My brain was unsure, but my cock was insistent.

I should have been shocked. Everything about my upbringing was saying no. As he sat back on my cock, it slid into him and was overwhelmed by pleasurable sensations. I felt as if his ass was jerking me off. I think that maybe in my wildest dreams I might have expected that. I didn't expect the intimate feeling that my cock had found a home away from home.

Joey obviously loved it. We had just met, and we were intimately involved in sex, and it seemed as if this had been meant to be. I noticed Joey's body for the first time. I had a single-minded concentration on his cock before. He was tanned with a hairy torso and had a few extra pounds. He wasn't handsome or ugly, he was just a guy impaled on my cock.

He began to bounce on my cock. "You know what you are doing?" I asked.

"I sure do. You relax and let nature take its course," he replied. It felt as if my cock had expanded and his ass had contracted. We were both after the same thing. My first ejaculation exploded in him as his cock spurted his first shot. It took a while for us to cool down after that.

"Do you want to fuck me?" I asked.

`I do, but I don't think my cock will recover quickly from that last orgasm," he said, "Do you think you could come over another time?"

I told him I would love that and got dressed. My head was spinning. I was calm enough to drive and get in bed. My night was filled with pleasant dreams. It was Saturday so I spent much of the day thinking both the night before. I expected some feelings of regret, or unease. They never came. I wanted to know if the feelings were truly as intense and pleasurable as they seemed.

Just thinking about it made my cock hard. The mere memories induced pleasurable sensations.

The phone rang. It was Joey was calling to ask if I was okay. I told him it had been wonderful, and I wanted to do it again. I asked if I could come over that evening.

He told me he was occupied. I think he could sense my disappointment over the phone. We talked a little longer, and then hung up.

Ten minutes later get called back. `I was talking to the old friend who was coming over and told him about last night. We are playmates and he asked if you might be interested in joining us. Have you ever been in a threesome before?" he asked.

I said no, but it sounded like it might be fun. Joey knew that was a long-winded way of saying yes. He said his pal was going to be there at 9:00. I told him I would be there. Before the concussion, that would have been a shocking prospect for me. I had never considered a threesome. I was barely comfortable with a single partner. It didn't bother me at all now.

I was excited, not nervous when I knocked on Joey's door at 9:00 and a dapper older man answered the door. "You must be Dennis Do-Right," he said. If I had a nickname it would be Roger Rarely-Right. Come in!"

"My Parents told me I would get more things right if I tried thinking first. That skill has eluded me. Thank god for trust funds," Roger added.

Joey entered the room wearing a towel. "Roger has done well with his trust funds and very well when he invested in me," Joey said. "He's not here for talk, but he is here for some fun. We've done the introductions let get to the main attraction!" Joey dropped his towel and Roger stripped off his shirt and dropped his pants. I did the same.

Roger was in good shape and tanned. His swimming trunks left a tan line. I focused on the long, thin snake hanging from his crotch. I immediately want to know what it would feel like up my ass. The events of the previous night seemed to have freed my imagination.

Roger and Joey kissed so I had a chance to sample both of their cocks. Joey was already dripping precum and I positioned my tongue between the two cock heads, sampling whatever oozed from either cock.

"I told Roger you were new to the scene and had never been fucked. He likes to be the first man to use a guy's back door. He was the first to do me and I have been a regular ever since," Joey said. "This is just something to keep in mind."

"I am not here to fuck you," Roger said. "If the opportunity arises, I just wanted to let you know I am open to the possibility."

"I was thinking that I owed that to Joey," I said.

"That's a nice thought, but my cock is thick, and it can stretch the hole too much for some men," Joey said. "Roger had deposited so much cum in my ass through the years, I'm almost his brother. It's fine with me."

"You're not jealous?" I asked.

Joey smiled, "It turns me on!" We sucked each other for a while, but I think we all knew want the main event was doing to be.

"Before Roger fucked me, I had thought the fucker was just using your ass as cum deposit. When Roger did me, he used his cock to find the hard to reach places in my ass. As he poked and prodded, I was at first excited and then I realized I wanted to shoot off too," Joey explained. "Actually, I didn't want to shoot off; I had to shoot off. I was confused. I couldn't tell who would drain his balls first. When I felt him twitching and squirting, I shot my load. I am a bit of a neat freak. There was cum drooling from my ass, dribbling from our cocks and sprayed across my gut."

"I loved it. I am a neat freak except in wild sex. Roger was licking-up my cum as if it were candy. It was wonderful," Joey continued. "It's hard to believe that cum shoots from the same organ you piss from."

"I have noticed that cocks are incredibly conveniently located," I said.

It's nice that your cock doesn't have and sharp edges, like fingernails," Roger said. "In general, the main problem is diameter. I have been told that I have a dream cock for a first fuck. It's easy to take and I shoot off quite quickly, so I don't overstay my welcome."

"When I fuck it's a marathon, not a sprint," Joey said. "I don't lose my erection when I cum the first two or three times."

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"Sometimes, sometimes not. Some guys love it," he said. Roger had been lubricating my hole as we talked. He pushed his finger in deeply several times.

"I think Dennis Do-Right is ripe," Roger said as he positioned his cock at my ass. He pushed a little. I resisted a little. He pushed a little harder. I moaned. Oddly I felt that relief when you try on a shoe and it fit perfectly on the first try. Roger' cock belonged in me.

I had tasted his precum earlier and known the sweet goo was lubricating the way and was now drooling into my ass excited me. I have since learned that enjoying your first fuck is rare. For many men it takes several weeks or months to enjoy it.

I loved it and Roger was into fucking big time. He was expecting to take it slow and easy, but he was soon thrusting with increasing vigor. As he had said, he shot off after five minutes or so. Roger pulled out and my ass felt empty.

Joey must have noticed that look. He took Roger's place and nudged his massive cock head into my well lubricated hole. I don't know what happened next. Joey knew. His thick stubby cock popped through my sphincter and directly rammed my prostate. I could only moan and twitch in extasy as his cock made repeated attacks on my prostate sending waves of pleasure through my body. The pleasure was so intense I couldn't think or understand what was happening. I could only react. This went on for what seemed an eternity.

Joey popped and he added his cum to Roger's. When Joey pulled out, Roger licked the opalescent goo dribbling from my well used hole. When he worked his tongue into my ass, I shot off again. I was exhausted and told them I was bushed.

"Dennis if you can rest for ten or twenty minutes, you many have the urges return," Roger said. "A third or fourth fuck is not as exciting, abut it can be mellow and mellow. You can savor the sensations better when you are less excited."

"Are you just saying that because you want to fuck me again?" I asked.

Roger smiled. "Joey and I would both like to fuck you again, but it's also true. If you stay a bit longer it will be good." I stayed and they were right. The later fucks were more like an anal massage but were enjoyable and ended with impressive orgasms. I got home a little before midnight. I expected to wake the next morning filled with regret. I barely knew Joey and had just met Roger. It had been wild and uninhibited. That wasn't the way I usually acted.

I was happy as a lark without any worries. It had been so good any negative thought I might have had vanished. I felt like a new man, a different person. On Monday I was feeling good and my financial skills seemed undiminished. I had been working on a complicated financial problem and discovered where the problem had been concealed. I realized that several obvious errors had been used to hide the big problem. The scheme had used ten or twenty-thousand-dollar problems divert attention from a million-dollar fraud. It was a clever scheme.

It took me two days to write it up. I sent it to the Bank President who sent it to our lawyers, and they sent it to the police. The president also sent it to other banks and bank regulators. I was the hero for the day. The bank was afraid I was over working and they switched me to a four-day week. They were afraid the accident had put a strain on me. I tended to work a 10 to12 hour day, and the extra day off was good for me. It was easier for me to take the entire day off than to stop working at 5:00.

Mark, Joey and Roger seemed to take me on as a project. I wasn't socially skilled, and I was ill equipped to dazzle men at a gay bar. I did realize until later that the trio had good taste in men and seemed to know the sort of men that interested me.

Mark introduced me to one of his truck drivers, Barney. Barney could have been the model for someone depicting the missing link. Men joked his mother had mated with a gorilla. He was shy and uncomfortable with people. I have the same social problems without looking like a gorilla. Barney loved trucks and restored period trucks to their former glory in his spare time.

Mark discovered Barney's sexual interests and his lack of social graces and thought we were a good fit. We were a good fit. Barney was a hulking, clunky and oversized man. I am average. Barney was horse hung. I loved that. When I say I love his gigantic organ, I mean it. As soon as I saw his cock, I was fixated on it. It turns out that worshiping a man's cock is a good way to make friends. Barney thought I was handsome and smart.

I came to like him, starting with his cock and eventually liking all of him. Sucking cock may an odd way to make a friend. Instead of shaking hands I started with his most private organ and I worked it until he spurted is sperm into my mouth. He wanted my cock and he started gently and carefully and become more vigorous as I responded. I fed on his excitement, and he on mine. When he shot off, I lost it and came in his mouth. We were both sucking on a penis shaped straw, trying to get every drop and glob of cum.

We cooled down and I asked him if he liked to fuck. He said he did, but it was hard to find guys willing to take it. "My cock scares them," he said. "I'd take yours. I think I would like that."

"Maybe we could do some experimentation when we get together the next time," I said. "Your cock is big, but I want in in me badly."

"You want to get together again?" he asked. I answered him by leaning over and sucking his still drooling cock.

Next: Chapter 2

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