Demonic Desires" Science fiction and Fantasy, High School

By JP Aradon

Published on Nov 4, 2023



Two friends encounter a supernatural evil in this erotic horror story. If you don't like gay sex and terror, please do not read but if you enjoy it please contribute to

Demonic Desires By Jaradon

"Come on pick up the phone" Mike had been anxiously trying to contact his friend Jody for the past hour, but Jody never called back.

Mike was worried because the town they lived had been plagued by a series of mysterious disappearances; several young men had vanished without a trace. The police had investigated but found no answers.

Mike had an idea who was causing it, a creature named Baroth a night demon who he had glimpse in his dreams.

"They are just nightmares "Jody insisted but Mike knew Baroth was real and now Jody was late, and Mike knew Baroth had taken him.

"I can't sit here and do nothing" Mike thought. He grabbed a jacket and a flashlight and went to look for Jody.

The October evening was chilly. The houses had Halloween decorations which added an eerie atmosphere as Mike rode his bike towards the mansion.

Mike took out his cell phone and tried texting Jody one more time but there was no response. He read the last message from his friend telling him that he was dropping hardware supplies at the Anderson house.

The eighteen-year-old boy stood by the gates of the mansion. The lights were out but he knew Baroth was inside. Mike walked slowly across the lawn until his found a back window. He broke the glass and managed to get inside.

Mike walked slowly through the main rooms of the house. The interior decorated with paintings and expensive antiques. He had a feeling something was watching him. Mike stopped in front of a large door. He can hear chanting coming. Mike was note religious, but he crossed himself before looking into the chamber.

The room looked like the inside of a church lit by candles.

Jody was tied with ropes between two pillars. His naked muscular body glistening with sweat

"Let us begin the ceremony" Baroth wore a red cloak. His face looked human, but it was just an illusion hiding the demon within.

"Get away from me! "Jody shouted.

Baroth looks at the instruments of torture laid out on an altar before him.

"Silence!' Baroth commanded.

Mike hid in the shadows watching.

"You will be mine like the others."

Baroth picked up a ten-inch silver dildo.

"No" Jody was straight and was horrified by the idea of this mad man using a sex toy on him. .

Baroth rubbed the dildo against Jody's lips.

"Lick it "Mike shut his mouth in disgust.

Baroth uses his long nails on Jody's sensitive nipples.


"It's pleasure or pain my boy."

Jody opened his mouth and sucked on the silver dildo.

Mike could not believe his straight friend sucking on the sex toy.

"Good boy" Baroth grinned.

"Why are you doing this to me? "Jody pleaded.

"I need to feed "Baroth stood behind the helpless young man.

Jody feels the head of the silver dildo as it touches his back.

"Please no" Jody pleaded.

Baroth teased Jody's virgin butt hole with the sex toy.

"God no"

Baroth smiles as he expertly plunges the dildo into the helpless young man.

Jody moans as the Baroth violates him with the dildo.

Mike turned on by the look of his friend's face.

Baroth twist the dildo.

Jody is getting a hard on from the sexual stimulation.

"I knew you would like it" Baroth licks Jody's neck with its forked tongue. The demon begins to stroke Jody's eight-inch shaft.

Mike watches the demon masturbate his friend's cock.

"Stop it!" Mike shouts

Baroth turns and faces Mike.

"Do you want to pleasure your friend?"


"I can see the lust in your eyes "the demon hisses.

"You are wrong" Mike stutters.

Baroth smiles as he pulls the dildo out of Jody's ass.

"Here you try it?" Baroth hands Mike the dildo

"Get out of here "Jody shouts at his friend as he struggles to break the ropes.

Mike is in a trance.

"Lovely..." Baroth hisses as he caresses Mike's body.

"Don't touch him!"

"You want him too?" the Baroth glares at Jody.

"You sick bastard!" Jody tries to break his bonds.

"Silence" the Baroth commands a glowing ball gag cover Jody's mouth.

Baroth stares into the Mike's eyes.

"I love you Mike" the Baroth said his voice sounding like Jody.

"Jody I..."

"It's okay," Baroth whispers as his face changes into Jody's.

"I want you" Mike gives in to his desire and kisses Borath. The demon was right Mike had been in love with Jody ever since they had become friends, but he had never had the courage to tell Jody how he felt.

"I love you Jody" Mike feels his cock getting hard.

Jody is horrified to see his friend kissing the monster. He struggles to break the ropes.

Baroth embraces Mike its claws tearing off the man's shirt. Mike feels the sharp nails scratching his skin and he snaps out of his trance. He is horrified to realized he is kissing Baroth

Mike plunges the silver dildo into the creature's right eye.

Baroth shrieks

Mike runs to free Jody from the ropes.

Baroth changes into its demonic form a green scale cloven hoof creature.

Mike finds a knife and cuts the ropes holding his friend.

Baroth in its blind fury knocks over a candelabra setting the chamber on fire.

"Come on Jody" Mike drags his friend out of the burning room.

Baroth screams in agony as the fire surrounds him.

Mike and Jody escaped from the burning house.

The two young men watched as the house and the evil within destroyed by the flames.

"We made it Jody" Mike puts his arm around his friend.

"Yes, we did" Jody looks up at Mike.

"I need to tell you something."

"You don't have to "Jody kisses Mike on the lips.

"I love you Jody" Mike stares into Jody's face and is horrified to see it has changed into the demon.


Mike runs but the creature grabs his leg, and he falls the ground.

" Baroth tears off Mike's pant exposing his ass.

Mike struggles but the creature is too strong.

"You are mine now "Baroth plunges his ten-inch erect cock into the boy who screams in agony.

Mike wakes up from his nightmare.

"Jody! Jody!"

"I'm here Mike" Jody is lying next to his friend.

Mike hugs Jody.

"That thig was back! "Mike trembled.

The authorities have searched the ruins of the house after the fire. They had found the bodies of the young men Baroth had killed but no trace of his remains. Mike and Jody never spoke of the supernatural events. They knew nobody would believe their encounter with a demon. But one thing had changed after that night the nature of their relationship. They were no longer just friends they had become lovers.

"That thing could have killed you" Mike said stroking Jody's dick.

"It's over" Jody turned Mike on his side.

"But the dream"

"Never mind that now" Mike felt Jody's hard cock penetrating his ass.

"You are so hot bro."

Jody fucked Mike deep.

"Fuck me Jody"

Mike loves the way Jody was ramming his eight-inch rod into his ass. Her jerked himself off at the same time.

"Going to breed you Mike" Jody filled Mike's ass with his warm load.

Mike jerked himself off into a double orgasm.

"Love you bro." Jody said.

"I love you too "Mike responded.

Jody and Mike kissed. The two men would rest for a moment and would have sex again, but this time Mike would fuck Jody. They needed to make love as if it were a form of protection against the terrors of the night.

They found comfort in sleep but outside their house something is watching and waiting.



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