Demon of Lust

By moc.oohay@rwahslaleg

Published on Feb 17, 2010


The third chapter of my story will shed a little more light for me, and will bring me a difficult choice.

Things had been pretty normal for my wife and I since the dinner night, though it seemed like I was doing a lot more domestic chores than I used to, but I did them without complaint as much as I could because I didn't want to provoke her into another episode... at least, I thought I didn't. I would catch myself every once in a while remembering the feel of a long, hard cock going down my throat, or being roughly slammed into my ass and I would shiver at the memory. It usually happened while I was doing some menial chore like laundry or cleaning the kitchen. I also seemed to have a lot of trouble getting my cock hard in order to pleasure my wife, but whenever I started having those thoughts, it rose to its hardest, most unimpressive 4 1/2". Yes, I had measured it and confirmed that my dick was indeed smaller than it used to be, significantly so, and what's more, I didn't seem to need to shave nearly as much as I used to. I used to need to scrape my face with a razor every morning to keep my wife from complaining about my stubble, but now, if I shave on Monday, I won't get 5 o'clock shadow until Thursday. My body hair also seemed to be thinning out, becoming softer, finer, and significantly less noticeable. My only guess was that the demon's cum was making me more feminine, and that thought terrified me... but, at the same time, a tiny part of me tingled with excitement.

I spent some time on the internet looking up everything I could on demonic possession and other phenomenon, I wasn't about to bring a catholic priest to my house if I could help it, so I looked for alternative methods, no matter what though, there was always a twinge of regret when I thought of getting rid of the demon forever. I found a site that gave me some information that allowed me to form a plan, and I hoped I would be able to implement it soon, but it needed some preparation. Unfortunately I wouldn't be prepared soon enough.

I had taken the car out to town to pick up the things I would need to set up my plan, and didn't really think anything of it, we usually drove into town about once a month to get necessities, and kept to ourselves the rest of the time. For some reason today, though, I felt very self-conscious every time someone looked at me, every look someone gave me seemed to be a little too knowing, every smile in greeting seemed to be more of a leer. I knew it was impossible for anyone to know, but I felt like every person who saw me had just finished watching my wife fuck my ass with her huge cock on public television. I bought my things and left in kind of a frantic state, probably causing more looks just because I was agitated, but I was certain that if I stayed in town one more minute, someone would take me down an alley and fuck my mouth. As I drove away I felt very stupid, I knew that there was absolutely no merit to my fears, but then another fear popped up in that little part of my brain, 'what if it wasn't fear, but desire, what if I wasn't worried a man would fuck my mouth, but hoping for it.' The thought made me tremble with fear, but despite myself, I felt my little cock stiffen at the idea.

When I returned home I was mostly over the entire thing, our house being a good 30-45 minute drive from the nearest town, and was in a mostly good mood when I entered the house, that is, until I saw my wife. She was standing at the foot of the stairs as I walked into the house, she was wearing only a long shirt that was too tight for her firm tits. I could tell she didn't have a bra on underneath because her nipples were hard as stone. One hand was on her hip as she glared at me through her wire-frame glasses, the other hand was slowly stroking her large erection. I dropped the bags in my hand, but my legs were rooted to the spot, I couldn't get away, and part of my mind was trying to convince me I didn't want to.

"No, please baby, not again... don't do this, I'm your husband..." her eyes flared and she cut me off

"HAH! To think that with a dick as pathetic as yours you can still call yourself a man, much less a husband. You can't even get hard anymore unless you're dreaming of my cock, a real man's cock. Don't think I haven't noticed, you can't even get hard with your wife's lips around your cock, the only way you can make her pussy cum is with your tongue, like a woman would." I shook with humiliation, I couldn't even look her in the face anymore, all I could do was watch as she slowly, rhythmically stroked her huge, beautiful shaft. "From now on, cunt, you will never refer to yourself as male in my presence, that worthless little thing between your legs is never to be mentioned, THIS is the only true cock in this house, and this cock owns you. Now strip, proper cumsluts never wear pants, and if I see you in pants again I will punish you severely." I was still trembling, but I had no strength to disobey, her cruel declamations against my manhood had done their work. I fumbled with my belt as I kicked my shoes off, yanking my pants and boxers down before unbuttoning my shirt. I realized suddenly that I was crying when a tear dripped from my chin and onto my chest. She stalked toward me, never taking her hand of the rigid shaft. "Get on your knees, whore, kneel before your master. Oooh, are those tears of joy, slut? I'm glad to see you are finally starting to show proper reverence for a real cock."

I was on my knees, not sure what to do, expecting her to fuck my mouth, but she didn't seem like she was moving in that direction. I was afraid to initiate anything on my own in case it wasn't the right thing. She stood there, stroking that fat, rock-hard shaft towards my face, for a while she looked down at me, then she closed her eyes and leaned her head back, but her hand never changed pace. I could barely contain myself, I needed something to happen, having a specimen of such true manhood waved at my face was like a battering ram to my psyche, I lost all sense of my own masculinity, and a soft, sweet voice spoke came from my mouth. "What should I d-do Daddy... how do I s-serve my master?"

Her head came back up and her hand slowed and finally dropped from her cock. "Stroke it, use your hands to milk the cum from your master, show it that you really want to be a cum-hungry little whore and it will reward you." I nodded, my hand slid up her smooth, shapely leg to the base of her cock and my fingers circled most of the way around it, wrapping it gently and softly pulled until my thumb brushed under the head, bringing a glistening drop of precum from the hole. I gasped and my mouth opened, my tongue moving toward it, but I stopped myself, looking up into this woman's eyes. She chuckled, and shook her head softly, "If a drop falls you may attempt to catch it like a good cunt, but your tongue will not touch my cock... not yet anyway." I nodded and my eyes locked on the droplet as my hand slid back down the velvety length, my mouth open wide, begging like a baby chick.

My left hand slid up the inside of her creamy thighs and gently fondled her heavy balls, while my right took up the same steady pace that she had been using, but I added a few gestures that my decades of experience at stroking my own cock had taught me. Whenever my hand came up to the head I would slide my thumb in a semicircular motion underneath it at that most sensitive spot. The middle finger of my left hand gently stroked the seam of skin behind her ball sack, right to the edge of her anus, but never actually touching it. I slowly but steadily increased the pace of my stroking, and suddenly the gathering precum welling from her hole lost its hold and dripped onto my upper lip. At this moment I lost all pretense of self-control and began jacking her cock rapidly, I heard a soft whimpering and suddenly realized it was me, begging.

"Please, Daddy, give me your cum, please, cover your whore with the sperm from a real cock!" She moaned and growled deep in her throat, her balls tightened in my hand and her hot shaft pulsed. The first stream of cum slammed into the roof of my mouth and I felt my own member jerk between my legs. I didn't close my mouth to swallow, I wanted more. Another spurt hit my open mouth before she yanked my hand off her cock, gripping it herself and aiming the last shots at my face, and then my chest, and finally at my shrinking dick. I swallowed what was in my mouth and stroked my entire body with my hands, smearing her cum all over myself, licking my hands clean and looking up to her.

"That's a good cumwhore, but there's a problem, you made a mess on the floor." She took a step to the side and pointed where my cum had shot between her legs. "Lick it up." I couldn't even think, all I knew was that I needed more of her cock and her cum, and I would do anything to get it. I dropped to all fours and put my face to the floor, my tongue made a couple passes at it but couldn't pick it up, I only succeeded in pushing it all into a puddle, so I kissed the floor where my cum-puddle was, and slurped it all into my mouth, swallowing it down. "Oh my, that was a lovely sight, and sound, you're really trying to be a good cunt tonight, aren't you? That's good, because from now on, I never want to see your cum again, I know you will orgasm from servicing my cock, and I don't want to stop that, but you must get rid of the evidence before I see it."

I whimpered and nodded, every fiber of my masculinity had either been blasted away, or buried deep beneath desire. She walked over to the living area and lay down flat on the rug near the fire, her cock rising straight up like an ivory tower. She looked over at me and beckoned with one finger and a sly, sideways look. I half- crawled, half-slithered to her, taking my place between her slightly spread legs. I knelt there, waiting, and she reached down to my head, gripped it by the sides, and rammed my face down on her erection. I barely had time to open my mouth, and definitely didn't have time to prepare my breathing or open my throat. I gagged loudly as the tip of her big cock slammed into the back of my throat, and before I could recover she pulled my head up and slammed it down again. The second time she held it down as I gagged, my throat convulsing as I tried to catch my breath and keep from retching. "I'm going to gag you for a few minutes, I want you to work up some really good, slippery saliva to lube my cock with, so don't try to suck, I know you want to swallow this cock all the way down your throat, but not yet." I stopped trying to get my throat to open and just let her move my head, the only thing I did was try to keep from vomiting while she gagged me hard.

I could tell that my loud gagging was turning her on, she was moaning and her cock twitched every time it hit the back of my throat and another loud gag issued from my mouth. Suddenly she pulled my head off of her cock and held it there as thick ropes of spit connected my mouth to her hard shaft. She was breathing hard, and I could tell she had stopped herself to keep from cumming. She looked down at me and smiled, she let go of my head and started stroking the shaft, covering every beautiful inch with my saliva. "Spit on it slut, you want it nice and slippery." I gathered the thick saliva in my mouth and spit it onto the shaft as she stroked it. I did this a couple of times and she groaned with pleasure each time, her hands coating her length with the slick fluid.

"Now, I want my little cock-whore to pleasure herself on my dick, I'm not going to fuck you, I'm just going to lay here while you fuck yourself on it. You're not allowed to use your mouth, just your ass." I looked at her, not sure I could believe what I was hearing, and for a brief second there was a tiny war inside my head, but I looked down at the slimy, hard, 9" cock and the cumslut in me won immediately. I got up onto my feet, crouching between her legs and licked one of my fingers, coating it with my spit, then reached back to slide it into my ass. I began fingering myself, then brought my hand back to my mouth and slobbered on a second finger. "Turn around, I want to watch you get your tight hole ready." I nodded and turned around to show her as I pushed both fingers into my ass and worked them in and out. Once I managed to get a third finger in I couldn't wait anymore and straddled her hips, lowering my hole to her stiff cock. She held the base with one hand to keep it aimed for my tight ass until I got set with her cockhead just barely pushing into my rosebud. I took a deep, calming breath and shivered, not really believing what I was about to do, I closed my eyes and relaxed my leg muscles, letting my weight drive it deep into me, I didn't stop until I felt my ass resting on her hips. I moaned loudly, and slowly began to rise and fall, I felt every inch of her hot, hard meat as it slid out of my ass slowly, then dropped myself down hard and fast. I began a steady rhythm of slow out, and hard in, making my whole body shake, and my tiny cock was hard and twitching.

"That's right cunt, fuck yourself on my huge cock until you cum, and when you're done cumming I want you to tell me if you want more, I only want you to stop when you feel like you're satisfied, and you have had your fill of Daddy's cock." The craziness of the whole situation hit me hard and my body was wracked with simultaneous feelings of mind-crushing humiliation, and heart-stopping pleasure and I lost control. I barely had the presence of mind to cup my hand over the tip of my dick before I experienced the most powerful orgasm of my entire life. I drove my ass down and held it as deep as I could get it as an impressive amount of cum spewed from my pathetic hard-on. After it was done twitching, I milked the last few drops from it and brought my hand up to my mouth. I had never in my life thought I could possibly enjoy the idea of swallowing my own cum, and the concept made me feel tiny and worthless, but the humiliation of it all turned me on so much that my cock sprang back to full hardness just from the smell. I made sure that she couldn't see what was in my hand, because I remembered her warning, but I made even more sure that she heard every slurp and moan as I sucked and licked the semen from my hand.

"Mmmm, such a good cunt, are you done? Should we end this here?" I almost cried at the thought of quitting now, emotions and thoughts swirled through me making me dizzy. I knew I wanted to be a man, I wanted to be the one with the big hard-on, but at the same time I couldn't deny that I loved to serve such an amazing cock.

"No please Daddy... please let me pleasure myself on your beautiful cock! I want more, please!" My begging made the shaft buried deep in my colon pulse, and I knew I was turning her on by being so slutty.

I practically squealed in girlish delight when she said, "Very well, since you're such an insatiable whore you may continue to ride Daddy's cock." I shifted my weight and rose a little, then turned around to face toward her head, making sure not to let her hot dick out of my tight ass. She groaned and smiled at me as I finished repositioning myself and without waiting another second began to bounce up and down on her cock as hard as I could. I was ramming her cock into my own ass with a vengeance, watching her expression as she stroked her breasts and pinched her nipples. Five more times I practically screamed in orgasm riding that cock. Five times I caught my cum, in dwindling amounts, and licked it hungrily from my hand. Five times she asked me if I was done. Four times I begged her for more, though my voice got hoarser and my breathing more ragged.

The last time, when she asked if I was done, I didn't even speak, I simply collapsed to her chest, gulping air in rapid, gasping breaths. I couldn't tell her I wanted to stop, but I didn't have the strength to continue. She rolled me off of her and got up, her still rock-hard cock popping out of my, somewhat looser, ass. I felt a sob shake my body from the feeling of emptiness, but she spoke soothingly. "Don't cry little cumdump, you've been so good for Daddy that I can't end the night without giving you your reward. Roll onto your tummy and pull your knees up under yourself, push your sweet little ass up into the air for me." I took a little time to do it as I was practically exhausted, but I wanted her cum bad and I was sure that's what my reward would be. She even helped me a little, giving me some support with her arms as I got into position. She stroked my ass with her hands and ran her finger around the rim of my ass, I couldn't stand it anymore and I began begging, whimpering between humiliated sobs.

"Cock, please Daddy, please fuck me, I need your cum please, I've been good, please cum in my ass, make me your whore Daddy, I want it..." I just kept repeating things like that in a whimper and she gave an evil chuckle, delighting in teasing me. She pressed the tip to my ready hole and I sighed expectantly but she pulled back and I started crying again.

"You've been good so far my little whore, and I am going to cum in your ass, you've earned it, but I want to hear you say something for me first, tell Daddy, 'I have a worthless, tiny cock, and I will never cum again unless I have a real cock in me, I will never ask a woman to demean herself by accepting my cock in her.' When you can promise me that and make me believe it, then I will fuck your sissy-whore pussy until I cum." I couldn't speak for a few moments, and she kept teasing me with the tip of her cock, I knew I had to say it, and mean it. I knew if I said it I would never fuck my wife again, and never ask her for a blowjob, and my battered and defeated masculinity tried to hang on to that shred of dignity tooth and nail, but I was truly lost.

"Daddy, I'm sorry my cock is so tiny and worthless, I don't ever want to bother a woman with trying to get pleasure from such a pathetic thing. I never even want to cum unless there is a real cock, a big, hard, man's cock in me, whether it's in my ass or my mouth, unless I'm pleasuring a cock worthy of the word." I shook with sobs after the last word left my lips, but was immediately rewarded by a hard shaft slamming home into my waiting hole. She was pounding me harder now than I had even been fucking myself, it seemed like my submission turned her on more than anything else that had happened that night.

"Oh yeah, take Daddy's cock like a good whore, you want Daddy's cum don't you bitch, cuz you're a worthless, little-dicked slut, you don't even deserve to dress like a man..." She kept on growling out obscenities as she fucked me, deeper and harder, and all I could do was whimper, beg for more, and agree with every dirty, humiliating thing she said about me. She howled like some feral rutting beast and slammed her cock deeper into me than it had ever been before and I felt it flood my intestines, she gripped my hair and pulled herself into me as hard as she could, her cock pulsing three or four times before she pulled out and shoved me down onto my stomach, shooting four or five more streams over my ass and up my back.

I lay on the floor and curled into a ball, sobbing and whimpering as she knelt over me, her half-hard cock held in her hand. She leaned over me and grabbed my hair, pulling my head to her. "You're not finished cunt, until you clean Daddy's cock, use your mouth like a true slut!" She roughly wiped my face across her cock until I started licking it, sucking the slime from it until it was hard and glistening again. I didn't know what I was doing, I was on whore auto-pilot, and I liked it. When she decided her cock was clean enough she pushed me away. "Now, I'm going to fuck your mouth, once I cum down your throat you have two choices, you can get yourself some much deserved rest and sleep down here by the fire... or you can climb those stairs to the bedroom and I will use your mouth and ass until dawn." With that she shoved her cock into my mouth, but this time gave me the time to adjust my breathing and swallow it. She was much nicer as she fucked my throat, keeping a strong, steady rhythm. It didn't take long for her breathing to get shallow and her cock to pulse as she let loose her third orgasm into my waiting throat. I swallowed every drop until she pulled back and shot the last of it over my face.

I collapsed to the floor, breathing hard, and didn't move for a while, she looked down at me with a kind smile and slowly got to her feet. "Go ahead and sleep my sweet little cumslut, you've earned it." She crouched over at the fireplace and stoked the fire, by the time she had finished laying new wood on and putting away the poker, I had managed to get to the foot of the stairs. She looked totally shocked when I turned to her, but her stunned expression turned to a hungry grin when I winked and climbed the stairs, trying to sway my ass as much as possible.

Thanks to all of you who have responded, I have one more part in the making, and either that will be the last entry, or there will be one more after it, but this story will soon come to a close, I will try to write some more stories, but I can't guarantee anything

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