Demon of Lust

By moc.oohay@rwahslaleg

Published on Feb 8, 2010


Reclaimer: Just so you remember from last time... or in case you didn't bother to the first episode first, this is written porn, so it's for adults, it deals with homoerotic themes, so it's for people interested in that sort of thing. If you are neither, I recommend you navigate to the nickelodion website.

This is the second chapter in the story of me and my wife's unbelievable adventures. In the first part I explained how I had discovered the circular design and when my wife built it in wood, we somehow summoned a demon of lust that possessed my wife and fucked me until I managed to destroy the circle.

I slept rather fitfully that night, and therefore was awake when my wife opened her eyes. "Oh god I feel horrible, I don't remember drinking anything last night but I feel like I'm hung over!" I looked at her, she seemed to be every bit her normal self, though grumpier than usual. She got up slowly and headed to the bathroom. When she came back she had a somewhat sour look on her face. "Did you slip me something? I feel like I spent the entire night having the hardest sex I have ever had in my life, but I can't remember a single thing." I looked at her, hardly daring to hope she had blacked out the entire experience, and trying to think up a plausible lie. "You were totally uncontrollable baby, I barely knew what hit me, trust me I'm as sore as you."

"Yeah but you can remember!" she whined

"I never conked my head on the hardwood floor." She reached up to feel her head, and I was pretty sure she had hit it pretty hard when she had collapsed. She winced when she touched a spot behind her left ear and pouted, but then she grinned and crawled into bed again. "I'm still sad that I can't remember, but I'm glad I gave you such a good fucking. I really wanted to make sure you remembered that night for a long time." I smiled at her, knowing she was right, and that I could never let her know what I really remembered.

"Just relax there baby, I'm going to make you breakfast, my way of saying thank you for last night." She giggled and squirmed under the covers. I made breakfast and most of that day was spent in bed, or cuddling on the couch together. Once she made a comment about my slightly altered gait, saying that it almost looked like I was the one who had been rudely nailed last night, but she laughed it off and I managed to not sound too strange as I joined her laughter. I think I probably should have been confused about why she never asked what happened to the wooden disc, but I think I was too relieved that she seemed to be completely back to normal to think about it. Over the next week or so things seemed to proceed quite normally and that night's events had all but faded from my mind. I was getting ready to go out for the day and told my wife I would be home early and make her dinner. Whenever any serious cooking was done in the house, it was usually me that did it, so this was nothing abnormal. I headed out the door and off into the woods. It was an exciting day for me, I found some very unique rock formations and spent several hours photographing them from all angles. It was almost dark by the time I headed home, and I was tired but happy, having completely forgotten about my promise earlier that day. When I arrived home the house was quiet and there were only a couple of lights on. I set my backpack down and was about to call for my wife when I saw her at the foot of the stairs, arms folded and foot tapping. Suddenly I remembered, and I looked into the kitchen to see she had set out ingredients for me to make stir-fry. I looked at her and slumped "I am so sorry baby I just got so into my work I totally forgot about the time..." I knew she was angry with me and I would have to do some extra work to make up to her.

"You have one chance to make up for breaking your promise to me... and you probably won't like it, but that's how punishment works. First: I want you to take a shower, I don't want you smelly when you serve me, second: make sure it's a quick one, and as soon as you're dry, get down here, don't bother putting any clothes on." She stared at me with a cold look that told me she wouldn't stand for any delay so I nodded, and ran upstairs. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but it seemed almost like it might end in sex so I decided to take my lumps and try to make her happy enough to let me enjoy some of it. I quickly jumped under the hot water, but when I looked I couldn't find my soap, I was pretty sure when wouldn't be satisfied with a half-assed job so I grabbed hers, even though it was the most girly-smelling soap I had ever found. I soaped up and rinsed off in record time, toweling off quickly and getting downstairs only ten minutes after I walked in the door. When I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her next order, she stepped over to me and started inspecting me. "Hmm, you're still a little damp..."

"I wanted..." she slapped my face hard

"Shut up bitch, you will not speak unless I ask you a direct question, do you understand!?"

"Y-yes Ma'am..." I fought the urge to rub my face where it stung, and just stood there, looking at the floor. She nodded and started touching me in various places, making sure I had cleaned well, she made me lift my arms and she leaned in to smell me, she seemed satisfied and walked into the kitchen, motioning for me to follow. She opened a drawer with kitchen towels and other things and pulled out a pink apron with lace edges, she brought it over to me and held it out. I took it from her but didn't do anything else. "You may put it on, it will be all you will wear for the rest of the night, you are to cook my dinner and serve it to me, while I eat you will kneel beside me and serve me in any way I desire." I felt very turned on by this whole scenario, but for some reason my cock stayed completely limp as I tied the apron behind my back and went to work in the kitchen.

I am not a world-class chef by any stretch, but I am a good cook, and she had laid out all the ingredients I would need to make a pretty good stir-fry. I worked over the gas stove quietly, not daring to make any comment as she sat at the table, watching my every move, I had never felt so exposed before, never felt like I was being looked at like an object, and somehow, it made me shiver in a kind of pleasure that felt sexual, but never even made my dick so much as twitch. I prepared a beautifully laid out plate of food and walked over to the table, I set it down and knelt beside her chair. She looked down at me coldly, not touching her food and I trembled, trying to figure out what I had done wrong. "Well? Where's my drink bitch!?" I stammered and backed away, moving toward the kitchen, I began to get to my feet but she shouted "Crawl, whore! Only real men walk, men who keep their promises, you will get me a glass of red wine, and you will do it on your knees!" I was dumbstruck, but I didn't dare sit there, unmoving, I crawled to the wine rack, took the corkscrew out of the drawer, and opened the bottle, I was fortunate that there were clean wineglasses in the dishwasher and pulled one out, pouring a glass and then crawling on my knees over to the table, setting the glass next to her plate and the bottle a little further away. "That's better, now, bring me the salt, bitch." I shivered every time she called me a name, but still my cock was unresponsive, and I could not figure out why. I crawled over to the other end of the table and grabbed the salt, I thought it would be prudent to grab the pepper too but as soon as I touched it she snapped "I asked for the salt, cunt! It's a simple request, I would hope you could do it without fucking up completely!" I cringed and let go of the pepper, crawling the salt over to her and placing it next to the plate. She salted her food and took a few bites, then, without looking at me said "It needs pepper bitch, bring me some." I was too scared of pissing her off at this point to even sigh or roll my eyes, I crawled over, grabbed the pepper, and brought it back as quickly as I could. "Good, I think I have everything I need, so, until I tell you otherwise, lick my feet." She had her legs crossed, I was kneeling on her right side and her left foot was raised and aimed my direction, so I began with that one, sliding my tongue over her toes and the upper part of her foot, sometimes taking a toe into my mouth and sucking for a moment. After a few minutes she told me to switch and uncrossed her legs, hooking her right one over the arm of the chair. In this position, as I licked and sucked, I saw that she had no panties on under her dress, and her pussy was very wet. After another few minutes, she was about halfway through with her food and she spread her legs wide. "Now, cunt, lick me, and I had better cum before I finish my meal or you won't like the consequences!" I quickly positioned myself beneath the table, pushing me face between her legs and began licking in earnest. I wasn't truly worried, my wife had always praised my skill with my tongue and as long as she didn't wolf her food down, I would get her to orgasm without too much trouble. I was licking and sucking for all I was worth and she began to squirm in her seat, I could hear her moaning in pleasure as I took her engorged clit between my teeth gently and flicked my tongue rapidly across it. Finally, she grabbed my hair in a death-grip and screamed loudly. I lapped up all the juices that gushed out as she came down from her orgasm, and continued licking, but just gently stimulating her, not trying to make her cum anymore. She let me continue for almost five minutes before she pushed my head away and stood up from her chair. She looked down at me as I remained there on my knees, my chin dripping. "Now whore, tell me why you didn't stop licking me when I had cum."

I looked at her, worried I had done something wrong, but knowing that failing to answer would make her mad, "Because you didn't tell me to Ma'am"

She smiled, "Good answer, so you get a reward, you may stand in order to get me my dessert, there is cake on the counter." I looked over and saw a cake that she must have baked while I was gone. My wife is not terrible in the kitchen, but I have never seen her make anything from scratch, so it was probably a boxed kind. I stood up, walked into the kitchen, and pulled a cake knife out of the drawer, I had to lean slightly over the counter to reach the cake. At that moment she was on me, her chest pressed against my back, forcing me to bend over a little more. Something felt strange about her hips against my ass but before I could wonder about it she was untying my apron, then she tied it again, but had my wrists tied together with it. I looked back at her, not sure what to do and she had a wicked grin on her face, one of her hands slid up my back, keeping me bent over the counter, and the other reached down to lift her skirt. When she had her skirt out of the way she pressed back up against me and I went cold. I could now properly feel what had seemed out of place as she slid the length of a rock-hard cock up and down my ass-crack. I couldn't believe it, it was warm, and I could feel her balls push up against me when she slid up far enough, so I could tell it wasn't a dildo. It didn't seem quite as large as the one she had the other night, but it was definitely bigger than mine. She softly dug her nails into my back and pulled her hand downward and the quiet little voice in my head practically screamed in desire. "Mmmm I wonder if this whore's tight little hole is ready for Daddy's hard cock?"

I couldn't believe it, I had gotten rid of the demon... hadn't I? "Please dear... please don't do this..." all I could do was beg pathetically as she reached over and scooped up some butter with her two fingers and began to roughly lube my sphincter. She wiped the butter all around my hole and then shoved both fingers in at once, she didn't even slow down just began to brutally finger-fuck me. I groaned in pain and humiliation, at least, I think that's what it was, but it sounded a lot like a moan of pleasure. She chuckled and pulled her fingers out, leaving me feeling empty and confused, but only for a second as she placed the tip of her hard cock at my entrance and grabbed my hips. I swear that I was smiling as she drove it in to the hilt, I felt her balls hit mine and suddenly realized I was hard as a rock. Her pounding my ass had made my cock harder than anything I could remember, and the soft voice urging me to enjoy what was happening wasn't so quiet or timid anymore, it reveled and exulted every time my wife called me a 'cunt' or 'whore', when I used to only hear the moans of pleasure in my head, I now could hear them escaping my throat. She suddenly began ramming me with more intensity, losing all rhythm and I knew she was about to cum. She finally grabbed my hips and shoved into me so hard I swear her balls almost went into my ass, and I could feel her cock spasm as she flooded me with her cum.

She pulled her cock from my ass and I whimpered, it was all I could do not to cry from the emptiness. She moaned with a predatory chuckle, and stroked my back, gently untied my hands and groped my ass. "Get that sexy ass up to my bedroom slut, when I get there, if I find you on your knees, begging, then I will give you more of Daddy's cock, all night long." I could tell that she was only playing with me, she would fuck me no matter what I did, but it would probably go better for me if I did what she told me. I walked upstairs quickly, my ass feeling strange from the rough ride and the slick butter. I considered cleaning it but didn't want to miss my chance, so I just got down on my knees at the foot of the bed, facing the door. It was a few minutes before I heard her climbing the stairs to our room. When the door opened, I was almost regretted submitting to her demands, she was naked from the waist up, her lovely, firm tits moving slightly with her breath, on her legs was a pair of leather chaps for riding horses, it covered only her legs and left her crotch and ass bare, on her feet were her highest heels with stiletto points. Her 8" cock was fully erect and bouncing out in front of her as she strode over to me. "Well slut? What do you say?"

I stammered for a moment, trying to figure out what I would say when the submissive part of my brain came to my rescue "Please Daddy... I need your cock, please fuck me, use me like your own personal whore." She chuckled and gave me a wicked smile, stepping forward and reaching out to grab my head she guided her cock toward my waiting mouth. My cock sprang to life again as she slowly slid hers down my throat I could feel it twitching and couldn't help rocking my hips back and forth even though there was nothing there to fuck. I swallowed her 8 inches like I had been doing it all my life, which confused me, but I was way too horny to think about it. She looked down into my eyes and moaned in desire, her cock twitching in my mouth and she suddenly gripped my hair and started to slowly fuck my throat with long, deep strokes. She got into a steady rhythm and gradually sped up, until after a few minutes she was slamming her cock down my throat and I was fighting to stay in time with her and keep from gagging on it.

"Oh god bitch, I'm gonna cum!" She yanked her cock out of my throat and started stroking it hard. "I'm going to cover your face, mark you as my little cumwhore!" All I could do was whimper in desire with my mouth open until suddenly a huge stream of cum slammed into my open mouth and onto my lips, I kept my mouth open to catch more as she shifted her position, shooting the remaining cum over my cheeks and nose, some got in my hair, and a lot dripped down to my chest. She looked down at me and grinned, "Ooooh that's a lovely picture, show me what you have in your mouth sweety, then swallow it down like a good girl." I opened my mouth wide and swished my tongue around to show her all the cum in my mouth, then closed it and swallowed, then reached my tongue out and licked some off my lips, swallowing that as well. "Just like a dirty cunt, get your ass in bed, I'm going to fuck it 'til you pass out!" I jumped up into the bed eagerly, and she spent the rest of the night pounding my ass, she came three more times, shooting it inside me and also all over my body, I came twice just from her fucking my ass so hard.

The next morning she didn't seem to remember a single thing from that night, and I seemed to regain a little of my masculinity, I felt violated by what had happened, and quite disgusted by how I had acted. I also noticed that my cock seemed to be smaller than usual, but I figured I was just imagining things, and having feelings of inadequacy. For the next few days, every time I cooked for my wife I wore that same apron, and every time she was extremely horny by the time dinner was over, but I could only get hard half the time, and consequently ate her out a lot without actually getting any myself.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- So ends chapter 2 of the Demon of Lust series, I welcome any comments and hope you enjoy the progression

Next: Chapter 3

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