Demon of Lust

By moc.oohay@rwahslaleg

Published on Feb 2, 2010


This is a piece of fiction directly from my own perverted brain, any resemblance of the characters to any person, living or dead, is purely a fabrication of your own brain as the reader. This fiction involves many forms of sex and is intended for open-minded adults only.

I will tell you the story of how my wife became my boyfriend. Ten years ago, we were a pretty typical happy couple, in a new house, no kids, and no connection to the community yet. We spent a lot of time home alone, we lived on a preserve I had inherited from my uncle, and I spent most of my day out in the wilderness taking pictures, I'm a photographer, and made pretty good money at it, enough to keep us comfortable. I am 5'8" tall, and about 145lbs, I keep myself in good shape climbing and walking all day, but I am hardly what you would call ripped. I have a soft, pleasant face, blue eyes and jet-black hair. My wife spends most of her days reading books and doing woodcarvings for ornate furniture. She is almost as tall as me at 5'7" but she likes to wear heels a lot so I find myself looking up at her more often than not. She is a total bombshell with smooth muscles, a firm, round ass and flat tummy topped with 36 C breasts, well, she says C, but I think she wears her bras a cup-size less to enhance her cleavage, they're probably small D's. She has a sweet elfin face with bright green eyes and long blond hair.

I was wandering through the woods one day when I came upon a clearing, or what used to be a clearing years ago, the forest was slowly taking it back. In the center was a flat-topped boulder, and as I came closer I found that it had in fact been carved and shaped by human hands, perhaps decades ago. The design carved into the circular top of the stone was unlike anything I had ever seen, and I got several pictures. I was disappointed to see that at some point in time the stone had snapped and a nearly 1" wide crack split the entire design. I didn't realize it then but the more I looked at the design, the hornier I got. After having taken pictures of every side of the stone I really couldn't stand it any longer and set down my camera. I pulled my hard cock out of my pants and started stroking, it didn't take me very long until I shot one of the biggest loads I had ever had in my life. When I looked down several thin strings of cum stretched across the stone, I picked up my camera and got a good shot of the stone splattered with cum before I packed up and headed home. Since that day I have tried dozens of times to find that stone, but I never saw it again.

When I got home and uploaded my pictures to my computer, I set the pictures of the stone into a separate folder until I figured out what I wanted to do with them. It actually was several weeks before I thought about them again. I was having a lazy day, staying home, reading, spending time with my wife, which I do about one day a week. I went downstairs to my wife's workshop to watch her work, and maybe get into her panties. What she was working on kind of startled me, I saw laying on her worktable a huge semicircle of carved wood inlaid with strange designs. At another bench was an uncarved slab that she was cutting into a similar shape. When I walked over to her she jumped in surprise, she tends to get very focused on her work and doesn't notice me until I am right next to her, but she's always good-natured about it. "Oh hi honey, um... I was poking around in your photos again..."

She blushed slightly because she had agreed to respect my privacy early on in our relationship, but had never been able to keep her promise, and every time I caught her at it she acted like a naughty schoolgirl, and it turned me on so much I had never been able to really get angry at her, especially since she usually apologized for it with a blowjob. It was only then that I realized what she was making, it was a perfect replica of the top of the stone I had found, for some reason (probably the size), she had made it in two pieces, which she would fit together when she was done. "That's ok dear, it looks pretty amazing so far, what's it going to be for?"

"Oh, it's not for a commission, I was looking and saw these pictures and I just had to build it, it's kind of crazy but I feel like I absolutely have to make this." She looked at me, a tiny twinge of worry crossing her features, but fading quickly to her usual excited smile.

"Yeah I know, I can't really understand it either, but that stone really seems to occupy the mind sometimes." I put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, pulling in close, her luscious ass fitting into my crotch perfectly. She giggled and moaned slightly, but before I got much further she broke away shaking her head. "Nuh-uh, I want to concentrate on this, but as soon as I'm done, I am going to fuck you like you wouldn't believe."

She had no idea how right she was.

Two days later, after I had come home from a day out in the woods, I came down from taking a shower and saw half of the completed wood disc laid on the living room floor, and my wife carrying the second piece in and beginning to lay it in place. When the disc was complete I felt a twist in my gut and my cock was instantly rock hard. She knelt down in the center of the circle and hooked her finger at me, moaning softly in desire. I walked over to her, dropping my towel on the way and her hungry eyes locked onto my cock. I had never had reason to be overly proud of my cock, 6" fully erect, but decently thick, however, my wife was a wonderful woman and loved me dearly, and never gave me any reason to be depressed about my size. When I stopped in front of her, for the first time since I had known this woman, I saw a momentary flicker of disappointment cross her face, and I could see in my mind that she was imagining a much larger cock. For some reason, the idea both humiliated me, and made me even hornier. I gripped her hair and roughly shoved my cock into her mouth, she moaned with desire and opened her throat, taking my entire cock into her throat. Every time I pushed my cock into her throat an image flashed into my mind of a larger cock going down her throat, and the more she moaned, the more aggressive I became, gripping her hair tightly and ramming my cock down her throat. I knew she was imagining being gagged by a larger cock, and I became obsessed with a need to make her gag on mine, I continued to shove it down her throat roughly, and she took every thrust, her moans mocking me until suddenly the slightest spasm and gag sound came from her throat. The sound went through me like electricity, my cock began pulsing, shooting spurt after spurt of cum into my wife's lovely mouth. After an eternity that must have been only a few seconds, I pulled back, nothing left in my cock to even drip out, and as soon as it was out of her mouth it deflated, and the wicked expression on her face took on an angry tone. She looked me straight in the eye as I sank to the couch in front of her, and pursed her lips. I watched as she slowly spit every drop of my cum out of her mouth, something she had never done before, any time I have cum in my wife's mouth since we first met she had swallowed every drop eagerly. This direct rejection of me filled me with humiliation, and the intense fire in her eyes nailed me to my seat as she lifted her short skirt, showing off her smooth-shaven cuntlips. She reached down and began stroking herself with her finger, never taking her eyes off me, my cum had poured from her chin and splashed into a pool between her knees on the intricate designs in the wood. I could hear, or, feel more than hear a hum that became slightly more intense as she began to moan in pleasure, I couldn't take my eyes off her dripping cunt as she shoved first one finger in, then two, then three, pounding herself hard and fast. No matter what I tried I couldn't get my pathetic cock to respond, it flopped uselessly between my legs. My wife never took her eyes off me even in the grips of what seemed to be an incredible orgasm, at least as powerful as the best I had ever given her, and the humming reached an almost painful intensity. She screamed and threw her head back, shutting her eyes and a bright pink light suddenly shot from the disk of wood she was kneeling on and a shape seemed to rise out of the floor and through my wife's body, lifting her to her feet, but with her upper body still leaning back in apparent unconsciousness.

The Image solidified into a powerfully built man with huge horns sprouting from his temples and curling back into a tight circle. His eyes burned with the exact same intense lust that had issued from my wife, and this also rooted me to my seat. He seemed to be merged with my wife at the waist, sharing her legs, his upper body emerging from her stomach as her upper body dangled from his back. A huge, hardening cock began to rise from beneath my wife's skirt, and the demon smiled at me as he reached down to stroke it. "Finally, after many years, I have been summoned again, but I find to my surprise, not loyal supplicants, but a pathetic husband and an unsatisfied wife. I am known as Brezguul, the Joy- Bringer, and I find myself in an interesting situation. I have been summoned, and I cannot escape this realm until my lust has been sated, but the body I am inhabiting is the only female here... though judging by your infinitesimal member, you could probably pass for a woman enough for my purposes."

I still couldn't move, but his words turned my stomach, my throat and bowels clenched as he eyed me hungrily. "Y-you c-can't, I-I'm totally straight, I c-could never..." My sputtering excuses sounded weak and pathetic next to this perfect specimen of male sexuality and some yet-unknown part of my mind spoke in a soft, submissive tone, maybe it won't be so bad, the rest of my mind fought against it, but while it didn't get any stronger yet, it never got quiet again. The demon grinned at me and my wife's upper body rose and he pulled it on like a dinner jacket, his features melting away, leaving her face with his expression, and the huge cock protruding from her crotch. Her voice had a wicked tone to it that I found impossible to argue with "Come on Love, I swallowed your cock, the least you can do is swallow mine."

She stepped toward me, slowly stroking the huge thing, and when she came to the couch she reached forward with her other hand, I was powerless to resist, and couldn't shut out the little voice in my head, which was giving me instructions now; open your mouth wide, keep your jaw open, and your lips around your teeth. She slowly pushed her cock toward my mouth and I knew I could do nothing to stop her so I opened my mouth. The thick, salty head pushed past my lips, and she slowly pulled my head forward, the thick shaft sliding to the back of my throat where I gagged. She actually giggled, and moaned in pleasure, but spoke in a sweet voice "Relax Love, open your throat, when I reach the back you should be between breaths and swallow." I couldn't think, the loudest voice in my mind, shouting 'I can't believe this is happening, this isn't happening, this isn't possible!' And the little submissive voice saying 'That's right, breathe in rhythm with her thrusts, swallow now, take it all." Suddenly I became aware that she was truly fucking my mouth, the large ballsack slapping against my chin as 10 of her 12 inches disappeared down my throat. I breathed in time with her thrusts, and she sped up gradually enough that I could adjust without trouble. She suddenly gasped and pulled back until only the head was in my mouth and I could feel it pulse and suddenly a thick jet of cum shot into my mouth, the first stream nearly filled my entire mouth and I had to swallow just to keep holding it in. She pumped four or five shots into my mouth and then pulled all the way out and shot the remainder of her huge load over my face and chest. I finished swallowing the cum in my mouth as the quiet voiced sighed in contentment in my mind, and I looked up at her happy that the demon had been sated and it would leave now. My wife (or the demon) seemed to read my thoughts because that wicked grin spread across her face again and she said "Oh you're not done yet honey, a demon of lust can't be satisfied by just one orgasm, now turn around so Daddy can get to your sweet little hole."

I couldn't think, I couldn't believe that my wife had just suggested I let her put that thing into my ass, but even more than anything, I couldn't believe that I was getting up off the couch, turning around, and bending over in front of her. Small whimpers of fear tinged with desire escaped my throat and my legs trembled, but the soft, sweet voice in my head bubbled with excitement. "It's going to be all right Love, it will hurt at first, but you will feel the pleasure soon enough. First though, I need to get you ready."

She got down on her knees and gently spread my ass with her hands, I felt myself blush, but wasn't sure why, then I felt her hot little tongue teasing my clenched hole. I gasped and tried to listen to the soft voice as it told me to relax, and I could feel the hot, wet muscle try to work its way into my rosebud. I felt her spit on my ass and her tongue went back to work, then she stopped for a moment and I didn't know what she was doing until I felt the tip of her wet finger press into my hole. I groaned as she slowly worked the first knuckle and then the second into me, after she worked one finger in and out a few times she started with a second. This went on for a few minutes until she had three fingers pumping in and out of my ass and the sounds I was making were less from discomfort and more from pleasure. "I think you might just be ready now baby, but I want you to tell me, when you can tell me 'Daddy, I want your cock in me.' I will give it to you, but not before." And I felt her position herself behind me, the tip of that giant cock gently rubbing against my now-empty hole.

A part of my brain that had been silent for several minutes suddenly sprang to life 'Yes! Just refuse to say it and she won't do it, you'll be free!' but immediately the soft, submissive voice became loud and strong, beating down the last shred of resistance as my mouth opened and I heard myself speak in a submissive but insistent whimper "Please Daddy... I want your cock in me, please fuck my ass!" She gripped my hips hard and my voice vanished as I felt the fire of her huge cock stretching me. She wasn't gentle, but she thrust with a smooth and steady pressure, the pain wiped out all thought in my head for a few moments. She managed to get buried halfway before she had to pull back and try again, each thrust was powerful and designed to get her cock as deep as she could. After the third thrust, the pain was less intense and I could think again, her cock was more than three quarters deep and I knew it would only take a couple more thrusts before she had it buried to the balls. I felt myself push back against her as she began her next thrust, suddenly she growled deeper than I thought was possible, and her next powerful thrust got her fully buried in me and she began fucking me for real. I could her growls of pleasure from my wife and whimpers of desire and submission from my own throat. I looked back underneath myself as she was pounding me and saw my own cock was again rock hard as she was fucking me. She continued to pound me and suddenly snarled with primal need and buried herself as deep as she would go, I could feel her cock jerking inside me and knew she was filling my ass with her thick cum, at the same time my own cock exploded all over the couch beneath me. Again, as before she pulled out halfway through and finished cumming all over my ass and back. She moved over and collapsed onto the couch, I could see the huge cock was no longer as big or as rock hard, but it was far from limp. I could tell that after a short breather she would be quite ready to fuck me again.

I got down on my knees and crawled over between her legs, I placed the tip of my tongue on her balls and slid it all the way to the tip in one long stroke. She moaned in pleasure and looked down into my eyes as I licked her cock. It didn't take long at all before she was hard and big as ever. I smiled up at her and turned around, crawling over toward the circle of wood and swaying my ass at her. She had made it beautifully so it used the design to fit together like a puzzle. She growled with desire and got on her knees behind me, stroking her thick shaft up and down my crack. Suddenly with one last burst of strength, the part of my mind that still thought I was a man took control of my right arm and grabbed the wood, yanking it apart and separating the pieces. The demonic light went out instantly, the humming was silent but my wife let out a howl of pain and rage in a voice that was half hers and half the demon's, she dropped to the floor convulsing and flailing. I couldn't see very well what was happening, but after a few seconds her thrashing calmed and she collapsed, breathing heavily. I crawled over to her and noticed that the huge cock was gone, she seemed to be unconscious, but otherwise ok. I picked her up and carried her up to our bed, when I laid her down she murmured and seemed like she was just fine. I went downstairs and picked up the pieces of the circle, I took them to the fireplace and broke them into smaller pieces, dropping them into the flames before heading to bed myself.

It was over, I had won, the demon of lust was gone.

I would learn soon enough just how terribly wrong I was.

Next: Chapter 2

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