
By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Jan 4, 2008


After we had both dressed and calmed down we went back to the galley for a drink. Sitting at the table looking at each other in silence for a few minutes was difficult. I realized that while I'm looking at the guy that I just sucked the cum out of and I could still taste it in my mouth. He finally broke the silence by saying that he would keep his part of the bargain and would indeed fuck me up the ass especially considering the quality of blowjob he had just gotten. I kind of shuddered with relief and fear at the same time. I think I was somewhat babbling and struck with nervous laugher when I asked when he would like to do it.

Not tonight for sure was his response, but three weeks from tonight would work for him. I could relax a bit and said that would be fine for me. Then he dropped the bomb by saying that since I had given him a spanking and tied his ass up that he felt entitled to administer a little pain to me before he fucked my ass. With that statement he chuckled and said that I would regret the day I spanked his ass. As he smiled, I felt his bare foot reach across under the table and caress my crotch making my cock instantly hard. When he realized I was hard he increase the pressure on my groin until I finally cried out in pain. All he said was get used to it boy, in three weeks I'll show you what pain is all about.

Well, I had survived the longest three weeks of my life and was waiting patiently for Bob to arrive. According to our previous discussion I had completely shaved (everything below the neck) and had taken enough enemas to flush out the Holland Tunnel. I felt clean and empty with my heart in my throat waiting for the phone to ring. Finally, he called and said he was waiting and he didn't like to be kept waiting. I ran to the end of the dock and let him in apologizing for any delay. The smile on his face frightened me and I had the very distinct feeling that I was taking a trip tonight that might just change my life. You must understand that except for giving him a blowjob I had never done anything sexual with another guy.

He said nothing on the long walk down the dock which had me filling the void with nervous chatter which only served to elicit a slight smile from him. On arrival at the boat I asked if he would like a beer which he turned down with a gruff tone and said you wanted this so get your ass back to the stateroom and strip. At this point nervous anticipation does not describe what is going on in my head. He follows me down the steps and very quickly dumps the contents of a small bag on the bed. It seems he had brought his own restraints and other items including a butt plug, small leather paddle and other items which I didn't recognize all of which he planned to "get even" for the spanking I had given him.

As soon as I was naked he approached me looking at my nipples and said that it would appear you are very excited but your cock and balls seem to have shrunken back to that of a little boy. I tried to explain that I was excited but it was mostly because it was cool in the stateroom. With that he reached out and twisted both of my nipples hard making me yelp in pain. His demeanor has now completely gone from civil to angry and demanding. He said that the only time I want to hear a sound from you is if I ask a question otherwise keep you fucking mouth shut unless his cock is in it. Next I was instructed to call him sir but only to speak in response to questions.

After telling me to lie on the bed face up he started to secure my hands and feet with leather restraints. Next he placed a blindfold over my eyes shutting off any view I had of what was to happen. After he had me secured and blindfolded he asks if I had any questions or comment because I would not have another chance to speak. I meekly asked what my safe word was; he just laughed and leaned in close and I felt his tongue touch my nipple which was quickly replaced by teeth as he bit my very erect nipple, causing me to scream in pain. Next were the most ominous words I have every heard. You dumb fuck, there is no safe word, and your ass is mine.

My heart rate is now about 150 and I'm sucking air like the room is running out. He very calmly started talking and explained that I should be careful what I ask for and in particular after giving his ass a beating. With that I felt him get on the bed and straddle my chest. It was evident that he was now naked and I could feel his shaved balls high on my chest as he instructed me to open my mouth. On doing so I felt and tasted his cock enter with the admonition not to allow any teeth. Having sucked his cock and liking it this didn't seem so bad until he forced it so far into my throat that I gagged. He would pull out and repeat the process, I don't know how long this went on but I could taste his leaking juices when he finally stopped and got off the bed. While this made it easier to breath, I almost longed for his cock in my mouth.

What came next was not expected. After hearing the sound of him rattling around he got back on the bed and I felt him pinching my right nipple. I don't know why, but the right one is most sensitive. A few minutes into this my nipple was rock hard and was feeling very good when I was racked by incredible pain causing me to scream and jerk my body trying to escape. As the pain subsided he explained in a very soft voice that I now had an irremovable nipple ring installed. Having said that he reached down and gently touched my balls and cock which for some reason were very sensitive. My cock quickly hardened and my balls pulled up tight to my body. He then explained that he had thought about piercing my cock tonight be decided that he would save that for another time. I started to relax but was quickly brought back to reality when he said it was time to turn me over and beat my ass. With that statement I was rolled over face down and told that he was going to release my leg restraints but that if I failed to do what he asked I would be beaten unmercifully.

Being on my stomach gave some respite to the fact that I was completely exposed and vulnerable to his punishment. That thought was quickly disprove when I felt the first impact from the leather paddle he had brought. His strokes were delivered with just enough time in between to allow me to relax. Once the pattern was established, the anticipation of the next blow was excruciating. I don't know how long or how many strokes he administered but I know the blindfold was soaked with tears and I was sobbing like a baby when he finally stopped.

My next surprise was the sound of his cell phone ringing. On answering all he said was, I'll be out in a minute and let you in. I started to question but immediately felt the paddle on my ass again with his instruction to shut the fuck up. I lay face down with my ass burning like fire not knowing what was going to happen next. After about ten minutes I heard the boat hatch open and heard voices. "Voices", now what the hell was he going do? As best I could determine there were two voices in addition to my "friend" Bob. To say that my heart rate and respiration increased is an understatement. I can hear my heart beat and hear my breathing as I suck in air. I can hear them coming down into the stateroom and laughing and talking. One voice asked, what the hell did you do to his ass"? Bob's voice then clearly said, don't worry about it, you're just here to fuck him and leave. At that I felt my waist being lifted up and padding placed under my lower abdomen. My legs were then spread and tied. All of this taking place in the midst of casual conversation like they were at a ball game. The next comment was that they should lube my up good if they were not going to use condoms. I felt a cold gel being applied to my hole and next a very large finger being inserted to lube the inside. My responses were reduced at this point to moaning, some from good feelings, and some from pain.

Bob's voice was clearly in control as he instructed the other two to wait their turn since he had a deal with me he would fuck me first and since they were much larger it only made sense that he wouldn't loosen my ass too much. I felt someone between my legs and could actually feel a body pressing down on me when a voice in my ear said, you wanted to get fucked, fucked you will be and without warning I felt a searing pain in my ass as he hammered his cock full depth into my very tense hole. I remembered being thankful for the lube and trying to relax my hole. Bob just started pounding without regard for me but within seconds, I was actually enjoying getting fucked. He must have been pretty worked up because he went off in about three minutes filling my hole with slippery juice which I became even more thankful for as the next guy replaced him. His size was noticeable and his style lacking because all he wanted to do was shoot a load and leave.

The last guy was gentle and took a little time to massage my balls and cock before inserting his cock. He added lube and told me to try and relax and gently worked what had to be a ten inch cock up my ass. He was slow and patient and once relaxed my cock started to harden and I felt very good. He lasted a long time and I found myself grunting and pushing back against his thrusts. I suddenly felt that familiar feeling and my balls pulled up tight. My orgasm did not shoot or ejaculate in the typical sense. I just became very tense and I felt a sudden release resulting in a flow of fluid from my aching cock. Shortly after I felt the last guy tense up and grow rigid as he deposited his seed up my ass.

I was released from my bonds and told to keep the blindfold on until they left. My friend Bob was last to leave and said upon leaving that you should always be careful what you wish for! I just collapsed and lay on the bed with cum leaking from my much abused hole.

From the tie and tickle bondage to getting a beating and gang fucked was a far reach for me. Clearly fright and excitement are compatible feelings for me. Who knows where this will go.

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