Degree My Love

By Daniel M

Published on Jan 20, 2003


Hey Gang, new year, new story, new games, new players... let's get this party started.

DISCLAIMER: Over a year off and I still hate this part... alright here we go. If you are under 18 (or 21 depends on your local legal system) please avoid this as I accept no responsibilty should ya mama walk in and catch you chokin' the chicken to this. If you are offended by M/M concepts I think ya in the wrong place! Why not go to I claim no knowledge of the personal lives of mentioned celebrities within this fictional piece. I am not associated with Univeral records (or any other record company for that matter). No Goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

AUTHOR'S CHAT: Alright guys, I'm back and weirder than ever. I must say, it's been quite a year hasn't it. 2002 has brought many new things into many lives. I just want to catch up and say hello to everyone. I hope that I can continue to earn the respect that I earnt with 'JC Dreams', 'Garden of Song', 'Hearts of Ash' and 'Yesterdays Child'. I must say thank you also for the BBSA I recieved in the 7th awards. It was a great compliment. Thank you to the readers of 'JC Dreams' who nominated me. Also, anyone with any news on what 98 Degrees is currently up to (recording new album or anything... please let me know). And has anyone ever noticed how drinking lots and lots of coffee makes you hyperactive? Let's see on cup number 6 in ten minutes... this is gonna be a fun story. Let it be said I hate mornings!

AUTHOR'S THANKS: Thank you to Nifty for allowing me to post on this wonderful site along with so many other talented writers. Thank you to Danny. You are my twin man... love you! Steve... you've been there for me through the hardest times and through the best times. You are an angel in disguise. I don't care what you do for a job... I still love you. Darren... thanks for the shoot the shit conversations, they help me more than you will ever know. Sprout... thank you for your story 'The Gift'. It is a gift and I want to thank you for it again.


The Gift - (boy bands) - Drew Lachey and another Drew... I am loving this story... Sprout's pretty cool too.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) - JC Chasez story. JC is paired with Matt Hunter. I love the story... again WAITING FOR AN UPDATE... I tend to think it'll take a while though! It always does.

My Everything - (boy bands) - charming story with Nick Lachey nad non-celeb called Sean. Very fast paced... just the way I like it. Stories that is...

now go fetch your minds from the gutter!

FEEDBACK: - messenger attatched to this email so feel free to add me. If you email me, can you please note in the subject that you are writing in relation to this story.

DEDICATION: To my number one man, this story I dedicate to you.

In loving memory,

Caleb Jared Murphy

16 - March - 1998 to 19 - July - 2002

I wish I could have seen you grow up, I wish I could have watched you date,

I wish I could have watched you marry, I wish I could have watched you have kids,

I wish I wasn't the one who outlived you.

I think that's it... alright alright I'm gonna start the story now... happy?

Degree my Love 02


Sun Child

Anita and Mark made their way back to the dressing rooms and waited for Jeff and his company to arrive. Jeff screamed on into the dressing room closely followed by Nick who was hurling water at him. Drew and Justin tore into the dressing room and tried to grab Jeff. All the they succeeded in doing was slamming into Mark and Anita, bowling them over. Mark, hauled himself off the floor and looked at the surprised foursome. Looking he arched an eyebrow.

"What did you do for you and your cohorts to tear into hear at such a rapid rate of knots?" He asked. Jeff smiled sweetly.

"Moi? What makes you think that I would have anything to do with it?"

"Yeah and butter wouldn't melt in your mouth." Mark shot back.

"It's true I'm a perfect Angel."

"To bad your horns stopped holding your halo up and it slipped down to become your asshole." Mark threw in again. Drew chuckled slightly to that response and turned to Mark.

"So do you suffer PMS or Mad Cow Disease?"

"Same thing aren't they?" Mark asked. Jeff and Justin rolled their eyes.

"This is going to be a match made in Heaven." Justin groaned.

"What are you talking about? Heaven doesn't want me and Hell's too afraid I'll take over." Mark offered sweetly. Anita clouted him in the arm.

"Yeah yeah, have we finised 'A Night at the Improv' yet? Good because I'm hungry and need a caffine fix." She told him. Mark sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked over at Jeff.

"Well hurry up. You owe me a coffee remember." Jeff nodded and bolted for the showers. Five seconds later he returned grabbing Mark by the hand as he flew back out of the room.

Mark and Jeff finally stopped in Jeff's dressing room.

"So did you like our show?" Asked Jeff.

"Yeah it was okay I guess." Mark told him trying to pass off as being non-fussed over the whole deal.

"You guess?" Jeff asked dubiously.

"Yeah I guess." Mark said, then cracked a smile. Jeff caught on seeing the glint in Mark's eye and pounced on him driving him backward onto a couch that was behind him.

"You, my dear Mark, are going to be very bad for me. All this sarcasm and wise cracks. Though I hear Drew is looking for someone to give him a run for his money." Mark smiled up at Jeff.

"Yeah but who said I was even remotely interested in Drew? Or have you been reading my diary again?" He grinned at Jeff who smiled and shook his head. Jeff leant down and kissed Mark on the lips, his tongue trying at Mark's mouth, prying to gain entry to Mark's mouth. Finally submitting to Jeff's probing he opened his mouth and allowed Jeff to take whatever pleasures he could from the kiss. With Jeff's hands running down over Mark's sides, Mark shivered from the sensation. While they were still mid-kiss, there was a loud banging on the door and Jeff groaned into the kiss and pulled back from it.

"Yes what?" He called out.

"Submit the toy boy to us. We promise not to harm him." Came Drew's voice through the door.

"Submit the singer to me and I promise to pervert him to my needs." Mark yelled back. Drew bashed on the door again. Sighing Mark kissed Jeff quickly on the lips again.

"Go shower and then we can motor and have time together." Mark bargined as Jeff leapt off him and moved to the shower. Mark opened the door to the dressing room and walked out. Drew was standing there waiting for him. He grabbed Mark's hand and led him back to the common room where Nick and Justin were both sitting there waiting with Anita.

"Look, Mark..." Began Nick.

"wait let me guess, you're sorry for what happened before your show. The others have talked to you and made you realise that you were wrong and can I ever forgive you?" Mark guessed. Nick turned a little red and hung his head in shame.

"I'll have to think about this one."

"Well if you've got to think, I guess asking for a head job is outta the question." Nick grinned. Mark turned and arched an eyebrow.

"Please, I've smoked fatter joints than that." Nick looked at Mark.

"I was talking about getting the head job not the other way around, I don't need to know your size."

"Nick, please learn. I want something that will excite me, not annoy me and won't get stuck between my teeth." Mark shot straight back.

"How do you actually find yours... microscope, magnifing glass?" Nick shot away, getting desperate for a come back.

"How can you tell yours apart from your other belly button? It's like a lightly coloured pubic hair." Mark continued. Drew and Justin flinched as Nick conceeded defeat, not being able to shoot back with anything. Drew chuckled again at Nick's loss. Mark rounded and looked at Drew.

"Listen here Chuckles... behave before you start to look like a mother." He shot at Drew.

"A mother?"

"Yeah, short, fat and wrinkeled."

"Hey... I may be short but I ain't fat or wrinkled... we can tell this can't we?"

"Yet." Mark tossed in and left the comment lying there. Drew was about to open him mouth when Jeff walked into the room, freshly dressed and hair dripping slightly. He walked up behind Mark and wrapped his arms around Mark's waist who jumped, not seeing Jeff enter. Smiling, he leant back against Jeff's firm chest and smiled contentedly. Nick approached Mark again.

"Look, as I was saying before. Well as I tried to say before. I still don't really know what to make of you, but let's leave the past there and try again?" He offered. Mark smiled slightly.

"Alright Nick. Just don't try to call me a gold digger again ok. I'd hate to tell you that you're a no talent." Mark smiled. Nick opened his mouth in surprise.

"I am so talented." Nick retorted.

"We aren't talking about whacking off here though Nick." Mark fired back, his eyes gleaming. Nick shook his head, realising he had just walked straight into that trap. Drew went to laugh again but caught a look from Mark and kept quiet. Jeff smiled and put his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"Did I hear something about a coffee before or am I dreaming again." he asked.

"Dreaming? With me in it? Ooooh must be a good dream." Then Mark looked over at the others. "Why are you dreaming of them though? Must be a nightmare."

"Purely because you're in it." Drew threw in.

"Wait until he sees you undressed." Mark said.

"He already has seen me undressed." Drew said.

"Didn't you know I like seeing strange men undress infront of me?" Asked Jeff. Not one to pass up and opportunity, Mark jumped all over it.

"And they don't come much weirder than him now do they?" Shaking his head in defeat, Drew stood up and moved away to the showers.

"How many do we have for coffee tonight?" Anita asked. Justin and Nick looked at each other.

"We're in." They said together. Mark and Jeff looked at each other and shrugged, their plans for a quiet time together dashed. Jeff unwrapped his arms from around Mark's waist and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, let's go for a walk while we wait for those three to get ready. Something tells me Anita's got something, or rather someone, no Justin's to be mentioned, to entertain her." Mark smiled and followed Jeff out of the room glancing at a bright red Anita. Grinning, both Mark and Jeff made a hasty exit. Wandering the hallways, they found themselves near the stage of the arena. The seats were empty and the crew weren't there pulling the set and stage apart yet. Wandering out, they sat down on the edge of the stage. Mark looked across at Jeff.

"Jeff, I've got to ask. Why me? There are better looking guys out there than me." Mark told him. Jeff shook his head and looked at Mark.

"To be honest, I don't know. I saw you come out of the back of the store when you heard a commotion. You didn't really bother with who we were. You spoke to us like any one else." Mark smiled.

"Wait until you meet my cousin. You'll understand why." Jeff arched an eyebrow.

"Do I want to know?"

"You'll find it rather ironic and you'll want to wipe your hands clean of me no doubt." Mark grinned. Jeff smiled in bemusement.

"Mark, I'm really enjoying this time we've had together, do you think, you know..."

"Are you asking me out Mr Timmons?" Mark asked. Jeff blushed several shades of red.

"Are you saying yes?" Jeff asked shyly.

"Jeff, I've got to ask. Am I just going to be one in a long line of guys in a long line of cities that you have then discard?" Mark asked, concern wrinkling his brow.

"Mark, you are the first guy I have even shown interest in since before tour started. I know it sounds weird, but in all the cities I've been to, you are the only one I've found attractive enough to talk to." Mark smiled and leant in and kissed Jeff's forehead.

"In that case, my answer is yes." He told Jeff. Jeff grinned like a chesire cat and leant over to kiss Mark. Mark placed his finger on Jeff's lips.

"Conditions apply." Jeff looked at Mark with raised eyebrows.

"Condition one is that I get a phone call while you are touring at least twice a week. Condition two is no bullshit. I need to know what's happening and I don't want to hear bullshit. We are honest all the way." Mark told him. Jeff nodded.

"Conditions met and agreed to." Jeff told him. Mark smiled and leant over and kissed Jeff gently on the lips. Jeff happily returned the kiss. The kiss was starting to build in fire and passion as Jeff pushed Mark onto his back and started to lie on top of Mark when a clearing throat behind them shot them part as though there had been a shot gun placed between their waists and was threatening to fire. Anita looked down at them and smiled sweetly.

"Before you give a encore show for the crew, let's get going for that coffee." She smiled. Sighing Mark stood up and offered his hand to Jeff who pulled up on it and stood up. Jeff leant over and picked Mark up. Mark wrapped his legs around Jeff's waist instinctively. Jeff smiled and kissed Mark. Mark broke the kiss and smiled before lying his head on Jeff's shoulder. Jeff grinned and carried him towards the exit. Reaching the exit, Mark lowered himself down to the ground. Anita had already brought the car around with Drew, Justin and Nick all waiting inside it. Jeff and Mark jumped into the back of the car as Justin had taken residence in the front with Anita. Once she had confirmed that Mark and Jeff were in the back, she stepped on the gas and they took off to a local coffee shop.

Sitting within the shop, the group got a few looks of people recognising them from somewhere but not sure where. They sat there discussing everything from the guys recording and tour schedule through to the evils of dealing with record companies within a retail aspect. As the time rolled by, Anita started to yawn.

"You got office tomorrow Anita?" Asked Mark. Shaking her head she yawned again.

"Nah, free day. Tomorrow is an official ScatterDay." She happily announce. Jeff raised an eyebrow. Mark spoke up before he could ask the question.

"We have several days of the week here, FrieDay, ScatterDay, ScumbDay and GlumDay." He told them. Jeff just nodded his head with an arched eyebrow,

"Riiiiiiiight." He said rather amused. Drew chuckled again at the whole thought of it.

"Listen here Chuckles. It ain't all funny ya know." Mark told Drew. Drew stopped his chuckling almost instantly, getting a laugh out of the rest of the group. Justin looked at Anita.

"Look, our hotel is right near here, why don't you crash in one of our rooms tonight?" He asked. "That way we know you won't be too tired driving home."

"Nah, it's okay. I've got to drive that one home anyways." She said jerking a thumb in Mark's direction. Jeff started to protest.

"He can stay with us as well." Mark looked over at Jeff who blushed and looked away. Mark placed his hand on Jeff's and smiled again. Jeff pulled his hand out from under Mark's and looked around.

"As much as I want to hold your hand Mark, I simply can't in public." He said in a hushed tone. Mark nodded his head understanding. Mark stood and reached for his wallet only to be met by a round of protest.

"When I agreed to a backstage visit today, it was agreed that I would pay." Mark said trying to settle the arguement.

"That was with Jeff, not us." Drew shot back. Mark sighed.

"Look you can let me pay for what I said I would or you can deal with me being an unhappy and suffering nothing short of a male version of PMS. Which would you rather play with Drew?" Asked Mark. Drew quickly leant back in his chair and waved Mark up to the counter. Smiling in triumph, Mark made his way to pay for the order. Upon returning the group all stood and made their way back to Anita's car.

Driving back to the hotel Mark's cell phone screeched at him.

"Hello?" Asked Mark.

"Who is he? He looked hot." Came a familiar voice over the phone.

"Ryan, where on earth were you?"

"Look out the back windscreen." Ryan said. Twisting in his seat, he saw a small blue car driving behind them. Mark shook his head and flipped the driver a one fingered salute.

"That would be a hmmm for you and a none of your business for me." Mark offered. Still looking out the back window he saw Ryan give a fake pout and heard him the laugh over the phone.

"Well get Neets to pull over so I can meet him." Ryan demanded. Twisting back in his seat Mark looked at Jeff.

"You and your cohorts up to meeting another fan?" He asked. The guys sighed good naturedly and nodded. Lifting the phone so Ryan could hear.

"Neets, pull over, RyRy wants to meet the boys." Anita shook her head and flipped on the indicator to pull over. Ryan followed suit and was about to say something when he saw Mark take the phone away from his ear and hang up. Stopping the car, they waited for Ryan to appear at a window. Within seconds there was a curious head sticking in Anita's window. Spying the company Mark and Anita was keeping he squealed.

"Ohmigod, do you know who you guys are?" Mark laughed shortly followed by the rest of the entourage. Ryan blushed realising how stupid the question was.

"Yeah, we belong to that little band, oh what was the name again... Nsync or something?" Jeff asked with sarcasm. Mark elbowed him slightly.

"So which one of you is with the breeder and who's with the heterosexually challenged one in the back there?" Asked Ryan.

"At least none of them is with the mentally challenged hanging in my window." Anita shot back. Ryan reached in and pinched Anita's cheeks. Drew glanced over at Ryan.

"Well, we all thought we'd do a mix-n-match tonight. I've been curious about being with a guy and Mark was saying earlier he's curious about women."

"So you're sleeping with Justin again are you Sprout?" Asked Jeff. Drew blushed and sat back in his seat. Nick giggled at the whole concept.

"Don't get too cosy Nick, after I'm finished with Anita, I'm coming to your room." Mark threw in. Nick looked at Mark in shock.

"What Nick, don't tell me you didn't realise you were the best looking out of this lot?" He asked. Jeff elbowed him in the ribs.

"What about me?" Mark grinned.

"I said best looking, I didn't say best endowed." Jeff blushed and Drew chuckled slightly. Mark looked at him.

"As for you chuckles, you get the thing hanging in the window." Ryan arched an eyebrow and Drew got a look of mortification across his face.

"Feel special Drew..." Ryan started.

"Of course he does. He has his own bus to drive him to school, his own toilet at public washrooms and even his own Olympics." Mark cut in. Drew looked at him confused and Jeff started to explain.

"Special bus, special toilets, special Olympics... you know Special People." Drew nodded then threw a dark look at Mark and Ryan grinned.

"Ryan, you do realise that this would be a privelege don't you."

"Sleeping with Drew Lachey of 98 Degrees... well DUH!"

"No I meant you finally getting to sleep with someone of the human species." Mark chirped. Shaking his head in contempt, Ryan looked over at Justin.

"You're the quiet one I take it?"

"No, I'm the smart one who's staying outta this for safety reasons."

"He's the one who lives with his foot in his mouth." Drew explained.

"He doesn't need to at the moment, Ryan's the queen... I mean king of that species." Anita threw in.

"This is rich coming from the one who in senior high asked Mark what being gay was when he came out to them." Ryan chided.

"So I was a sheltered little Catholic girl."

"So sheltered nd Catholic that the only thing you showed up more to than church was casinos and bars." Mark dropped in. Anita turned bright red and slipped down in her seat.

"Are we ready to go back to the hotel yet?" Drew asked.

"Brilliant idea, first intelligent thing you've said all night." Jeff replied.

"I will only speak in future when I have intelligent things to say then." Drew said poking his tongue at Jeff.

"And he was never heard from again." Mark commented omminously. Nick started to crack up which only earned his a clip around the back of the head from Drew. Nick stopped mid-chortle and glared at Drew. Sighing, Anita started her car.

"Time for the taxi to move on." She surmised and Ryan backed out of the car.

"Alright, nice to meet you all. And Mark I expect full descriptions tomorrow." Ryan told him.

"Ryan! You know the rules about who we go home with."

"Alright, then we'll wait until they're OUT of town then." Mark shook his head and looked at Ryan again.

"See you at home sometime and we'll have hallway sex." Mark told him. Ryan laughed and waved goodbye.

"Hallway sex?" Asked Jeff as they drove away.

"Passing in the hall and saying 'fuck you'." Anita explained. Laughing quietly Jeff shook his head and leaned his head against Mark's shoulder only to have Mark's phone go off again. Sighing he pulled it out and answered it.

"Yes Ryan?"

"Which one is it? Is it Drew?" Asked Ryan.

"Goodbye Ryan." Mark said ready to hang up, pulling the phone away from his ear.

"Or Nick, I bet it Justin... no no, Jeff... Mark don't you hang up on me don't yo..." Ryan shrieked as Mark pushed call end. Turning off his cell phone, Mark tucked it back into his pocket. Cuddling back up to Jeff he smiled and rested lightly against Jeff's shoulder.

Arriving at the hotel, Nick told Anita to park around the back as there seemed an over abundance of teenage girls accumulating at the doors to their hotel. As the guys made their way up to the hotel rooms, they all looked at each other wearily.

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm hitting the hay as soon as we get upstairs." Drew offered. Nick yawned and agreed. Jeff and Mark looked at each other and shrugged while Justin and Anita stood to the back of the elevator talking quietly, not noticing any other conversation that floated around the small room. Finally they arrived at the pre-destined floor and they all piled out.

"Who's room is breakfast in this time?" Asked Nick wearily.

"Mine." Said Jeff and with that dragged Mark outta the elevator and down the hall to his room.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Anita called after them.

"Please, that gives me even more options." Mark called back.

As soon as they were inside the room, Jeff slammed Mark back against the door and kissed him passionately. Mark was shocked for a moment then relaxed into the kiss thens started to kiss back with a certain fever that both scared and excited him. Jeff lifted Mark up off the ground and carried him over onto the bed where he lay down on top of Mark and kissed him repeatedly. Sliding his hands down Jeff's sides, Mark tugged Jeff's shirt lightly up over his back revealing more and more skin. Jeff moaned slightly, lifting his mouth off Mark's and closing his eyes.

"I've been wanting this since I was in your store earlier." Jeff told him. Mark smiled coyly.

"I've been wanting this since you sang 'I Do (Cherish You)'." Mark told him. Jeff leaned back slightly bemused.

"What? Tonight?"

"No, about five years ago." Jeff grinned and launched himself into another attack on Mark's body.

Jeff was soon dressed only in a pair of boxer briefs and socks, still ravaging Mark's lithe form. Jeff jerked up a bit and reefed Mark's shirt off him and gasped at what he saw. From Mark's right colarbone right down to about an inch above his navel was a jagged red scar. Mark flinched and grabbed his shirt back and yanked it back on and tried to get out from under Jeff, who was still visibly in shock. Struggling to move past Jeff, Mark must have snapped Jeff out of his trance, only to have Jeff move off him and pull him to a sitting position beside him.

"Mark, what happened?" He asked, concerned. Mark looked at Jeff then looked away and down to the ground. When he looked back over at Jeff, his eyes hadn't moved and was waiting patiently for an answer. Sighing Mark turned and faced Jeff.

"Ok, I want you to know that I am fine and this happened about six years ago." Jeff simply nodded and waited for Mark to continue. Seeing this, Mark drew a breath and looked at Jeff.

"I was going through a hard patch in life. I could see all my friends happy and in love. I was seventeen and had fairly much worked out I was gay. I had told Anita and Ryan and that was cool. I was extremely lonely because heaven knows, life ain't easy when you're gay and at high school. No one was game enough to take me on over it, but other than that it was standard run of the mill days. I started to use the net. It opened up this big huge world to me. All this gay porn and ways of meeting men. It excited me." Mark drew a breath and Jeff sat there waiting.

"I'd been chatting to this guy online for quite a while and he finally asked to meet me. We met and went for coffee and this was great. We did it again and eventually called ourselves a couple as much as we could as I was still far from out at home. As far as the parentals knew I was straight. Anyways, things had been strained between the husband and myself for quite a while and we had a rather large fight one night."

"The husband? Is that your step-dad?" He asked. Mark shook his head.

"Far from it. He's the biological father. Anyways, that's jumping ahead. As I was saying, I had a fight with the husband and he threw in some comment about never meeting my girlfriends. I turned and looked at him and said 'That's because, for your information Daddy, I'm gay!' He lost the plot. He threw vases, books, CDs... anything he could lay his hands on. He stormed off and sent my mother down to tell me I had five minutes to pack the shit I needed and get out. So I did. I packed my shit and left. Never spoke to them for three months after." Jeff was puzzled.

"Did one of the vases hit you or something for that scar?"

"I'm getting to that, stop jumpin the gun. As I was saying, I packed my shit and left. I went to the only place I could think of, my boyfriends. I guess seeing me appear on his front door step, two bags in hand full of clothes and other necessities kinda put him off. He told me he couldn't see me and that it wasn't working for him. I was heart-broken until I heard the other voice. Pushing the door open, there was a naked guy sitting on his couch. I looked at him and got angry. I flattened the bastard then grabbed my bags turned and ran. I heard a car start behind me, I guessed it was a neighbour's or something, at that point I didn't really care. I ran. That's when he hit me. My supposedly loving ex-boyfriend ran me down. I was homeless and lying on the ground dying. Someone must have called an ambulance, because I awoke two weeks later in intensive care with more cords and cables hanging off me than Christopher Skase." Mark looked at Jeff who had tears in his eyes that were starting to leak down over his cheeks. Reaching out with his thumb, Mark gently wiped them away.

"But like I said, that was a very long time ago and I'm here and alive now." Jeff sniffled and nodded. Leaning over, he kissed Mark gently on the lips, this time with no hungry passion, more with a hunger to show his compassion for Mark's pain soaked tale. Mark smiled a little and hung his head as well.

"I guess I kinda ruined the mood for us tonight huh." Jeff shrugged.

"Well, we're meant to share these stories. Isn't that what boyfriends are for?" Jeff asked smiling. Mark smiled and lay back on the bed.

"I'm bushed. Can we skip the wild monkey love until another night please?" He asked. Jeff nodded and peeled back the bedsheets then leant over and kissed Mark again.

"Anything for you." Mark pulled his blue jeans and socks off and reached for his shirt but stopped in contemplation. Jeff made the decision for him and lifted Mark's shirt off him himself.

"I accept you and every part of you. Every lump, bump and scar." Jeff told him smiling. Mark smiled back.

"You, Mr Timmons, are going to be a hard man to resist."

"Ahh, a good man is very hard to find though."

"I hard mind if very good to find as well." Mark threw back. Smiling, Jeff turned out the light and cuddled into Mark and kissed him lightly.

"Sleep well and sweet dreams." Mark kissed him back.

"You too Mr Timmons, sleep very well." With that Mark reached over and turned off the lamp that stood beside the bed.

The buzzer sounded the following morning jolting both Mark and Jeff from sleep. Opening an eye Mark looked at the sound of the alarm and saw a body next to him stirring. Closing an eye he groaned in realisation that it was in fact morning. Staggering out of bed, he pulled on his jeans and shirt and looked at the sleeping figure next to him. Padding out of the bedroom, he found the kitchen and looked around. As he shuffled through the kitchen items, there was a consistent banging on the door to the room. Wandering over to the door, he flicked it open to find Drew and Nick standing there, along with the breakfast that the guys had ordered the night before.

"Morning." Drew chriped at him as Mark gave him a dirty look.

"What's that, we're not a morning person?" Asked Nick. Mark flipped him a one fingered salute and went back to the kitchen and continued his hunt.

"What are you looking for?" Asked Jeff smiling as he appeared out of the bedroom.

"Expresso machine."

"It's under the sink and it's called Espresso not Expresso." Jeff corrected him.

"You say Espresso, he says Expresso, I say it's all fucking caffine." Mark grumbled. Jeff laughed and pulled the machine out and plugged it in. As soon as a pot was ready, Mark made himself a strong cup of coffee and sat there savoring the feel of the caffine returning to his system. A banging on the door made the small company jump. Wandering over and opening the door, Nick stepped back to let Anita and Justin stagger on in.

"Mornin'." Anita bubbled. Mark glared at her from under sleepy eyes.

"Ooooh, still blood in the caffine stream huh." Mark meerly nodded his head and lifted the cup back to his mouth. The others stood around looking at Mark in bewilderment.

"He's not a morning person." Anita told them. Jeff arched an eyebrow.

"We kinda picked that one up for ourselves." Anita stuck her tongue out at him and Mark glanced at her.

"Go clean your mouth out bitch, you still got a pubic hair on it." Jeff giggled to himself as he saw Justin turning a deep crimson red. Anita leaned into Mark's ear and whispered.

"Be nice to me, it's 7:30 and I gotta drive you to work by eight." Mark's eyes shot wide open and he threw the last of his coffee back. Racing to the kitchen he put the mug in the sink and quickly rinsed it. Flying back into the bedroom he located his wallet, watch, shoes and extras which he had left there. Putting them all into correct pockets, he flew back out and grabbed a piece of toast, he kissed Jeff quickly.

"Running late, call later, gotta go. Anita, car, drive, five minutes ago." With that Mark disappeared out the door with a questioning boy band looking at his wake. Anita sighed and shook her head. Leaning over she kissed Justin lightly goodbye and hurried out the same door that Mark had hurtled through moments before.

Driving through the city, Mark looked at Anita.

"You have that 'I've just had wonderful sex all night' look on your face." Anita blushed.

"Why don't you? I mean you seemed the think a certain Mr Timmons seemed to get along very well." Anita ribbed back.

"He took my shirt off and half freaked." Mark told her sadly. Anita sighed.

"I'm sorry Mark. Maybe one day you'll find someone who can look for beauty beyond the skin depth."

"I think I have with Jeff. He said he accepted me lumps, bumps and scars. It was just enough to ruin the mood after I told him the story behind the scar. Hence the 'call later' remark to him as I left." Mark confessed.

"You didn't leave." Anita said. "You flew out of there like you would catch something had you stayed." Anita smiled. Mark hung his head ashamed.

"I guess I did make a rapid departure didn't I." Mark commented thinking back.

"What would ever make you think that?" Anita asked. "The whole cloud of smoke behind you? Maybe the four shell shocked boy band members who looked on in your wake?" She asked. Mark sighed and shook his head.

"And there goes my love life again. I will learn the lesson of more haste less speed one day." Mark sighed. Looking out the window, it occured to him that he hadn't turned his phone on yet and pulled it out of his pocket hitting the power button. Sitting it down on the dash Mark looked out the window again. Moments later, his phone chirped to life. Picking up the phone, Mark looked at the caller ID and then answered.

"Yes Mr Timmons, what may I do for you?"

"I hate caller ID." Jeff told Mark laughing.

"And I adore it. Sorry about bailing so fast this morning." Mark told Jeff.

"It's cool, you were running late for work. I was just wanting to know what time you were finishing?"

"About two this afternoon I think." Mark said.

"Want me to come by and pick you up?" Jeff offered.

"That'd be nice. Afterwards, we'd need to go back to mine so I can shower and change." Mark told him. Jeff happily agreed and they agreed to meet at two that afternoon. After hanging up Anita looked at Mark.


"He's picking me up from work." Mark beamed. Anita grinned.

"Here's hoping he's a keeper." She smiled at him. Mark smiled back and prayed the same thing.

Mark's day at work passed slowly and uneventfully until about midday. Mark was sitting in his office, finishing off paperwork when he heard a commotion in the front of the store. Sighing, he could already guess the cause and rose from his seat and walked out into the store to find Jeff standing there surrounded by hordes of hormonal teenage girls. Jeff saw him and looked at him for help.

"Mr Timmons, thank you for coming to the meeting we arranged, won't you please come into my office out the back." Mark said loud enough for all the girls to hear. The girls all backed away slowly and Jeff made his way around the counter and scooted into the back area. Mark motioned Jeff into his office and closed his door.

"Alright, what are you doing here? I don't finish for two hours yet?" He asked Jeff. Jeff lifted his backpack and pulled out some brown paper bags, presumably containing food.

"You didn't have much breakfast so I thought I would surprise you." He said smiling shyly. Mark smiled back at the thought and leant over and kissed Jeff lightly.

"Thank you, that's very sweet. Though I think it was you who got more of the surprise." Mark laughed. Jeff blushed and nodded his head.

"I do believe you are right." Jeff grinned. Looking up, Jeff let his gaze wander around the room, stopping at a picture on the desk of himself. Reaching out he picked it up.

"Dare I ask?" Jeff grinned at Mark. Mark blushed furiously.

"I put it there this morning. First time I've ever done it, kinda made me feel good to put a photo of someone special on my desk." Mark told him. Jeff leaned over and kissed Mark.

"Well, I am very grateful for that. You'll have to get me a photo of you now though, you do know this don't you." Jeff bargined. Mark sighed.

"If I had one of me I would. The most recent one I have is about two weeks before the husband threw me out of the house." Mark admitted. Jeff was a little shocked.

"What? You don't even have a passport photo?"

"Yeah, on my passport though." Mark said blandly. This time it was Jeff's turn to sigh.

"You aren't gonna make this easy for me are you?" He asked and Mark shook his head in response. Mark smiled and filled out another form then filed it away.

"Well, I'm finished for today now. I'm meant to be out the front but I'll go check that Rach can't handle it." Mark said excusing himself. He returned moments later with a mixture of amusement and disappointment on his face.

"Bad news... store is full of people. Good news... most of them are buying. Better news... most of the stock they're buying is 98 Degrees stock. Jeff arched an eyebrow questioningly.

"Word got out that you're here I guess so they're all here trying to see you." Jeff stood and kiss Mark again.

"Well let's not keep them waiting." Jeff walked out of the office leaving Mark standing there who hurried out when he heard the loud shrieking. Walking out Jeff was getting clawed at over the counter. Mark looked at the masses and then yelled out

"If we have one more person reach over to grab at Mr Timmons we will be closing this store, now get under control." The crowd ignored him until he grabbed Jeff and pushed him into the store room. The crowd seemed to grow angry until Mark reappeared and stepped up onto the counter.

"Unless you all get under control, Jeff Timmons will stay where he is and we will close this store. He is here of his free will giving up his free time for you. He will stand at the counter and sign posters, CDs or whatever. That is it, please get under control." The crows listened that time and sorted themselves out. When they had gotten ready, Mark climbed down and grabbed Jeff and brought him back out. Handing Jeff a marker, people made a line to get articles signed. By the time the last person had been through, Jeff was exhausted. Smiling, Mark escorted Jeff back to his office and sat him down and kissed him lightly.

"I'll be right back, time to go ring off my register and sign out." Jeff nodded as Mark walked out to the store.

"Your boyfriend has a cute ass." Rachel said whispering in his ear. "Don't worry Marky, my lips are sealed. About that raise though..." Rachel grinned.

"About that redundency package." Mark threw back. Rachel smiled and walked quickly away. Grinning, Mark rang off his register and took the float to his office and counted it up. He looked over at Jeff who was barely awake.

"Well, you're very good for business. Normally we don't make a grand a register on a Saturday. Today mine took two and half." Mark told him when he finished doing all the tallying. He handed Jeff a docket and pointed to the bottom.

"Read out that number to me."

"Two thousand, five hundred and thirty two dollars, eighteen cents." Mark smiled and dumped the docket into a bank bag.

"Excellent, yet again a perfect float." Mark smiled and dumped the bag down the safe chute. Standing, Mark grabbed his phone and walked out of the office, Jeff trailing behind tiredly. Closing the door and locking it, Mark walked out into the store and waved Rachel back to him. Rachel came quickly.

"I'm off now Rach. Usual Saturday drill. Knock yourself out, and no flirting with the customers this time. We know what happened last time." Rachel blushed.

"Not my fault he was your boss."

"Who grilled my ass about over friendly staff." Mark told her. Rachel grinned and walked back to the customer she was serving. Motioning Jeff out the back door, they both made a hasty exit, save being harassed by fans wanting a piece of Jeff. Making it safely to a cab, Mark gave the driver directions and they were embarked on their way to Mark's residence.

--- Alright gang, there's the second chapter in 'Degree my Love'. Hope you all enjoyed. Latahs, SC. xxx

Next: Chapter 3

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