
By gb skin

Published on Apr 8, 2023


Defeated Part III

WARNING: This story is meant for adults and contains men having sex with each other. If that is offensive to you or illegal where you live I suggest you not read it. This story is totally fictional and not based on anything that really happened -- that I know of. In the real world people have to use condoms, but these guys don't because they're immune or something. In our world, use a condom every time.

He reached around and pulled the tape off my eyes. The light was low but dazzling to my overstimulated body. I was panting, trying to speak but utterly exhausted. The guy with his cock buried in my ass just chuckled at my feeble attempts.

"Save your strength kid, you're gonna need it before we're done with you."

He slapped my ass and pulled out abruptly. I gasped at the suddenness of his withdrawal, my hole grasping at his cock like it didn't want to let go. My ass felt raw and sore, newly sensitive to being filled. It was like his rod had left some ache inside me. I could feel the remains of his load dropping out of my hole and making a trail down one leg to mingle with the sweat coating my drained body.

My mind was trapped in sensations from my exhausted and used state, the only sound my rasping breath and thudding heart. I didn't realize my opponent was on the move until he opened the door, the rush of sound from the fights outside bringing focus back.

"Don't you go anywhere now," he taunted from the doorway. "I'm gonna go see if my mates are bringing back any of your little friends to play with."

His laughter faded as he walked off, leaving the door wide open behind me. Anyone going by would be able to see me hanging here. I couldn't remember what was outside the door, if it were a high traffic area or if I could hope nobody would come by and see my red and abused ass on display.

Fuck this, I thought, my courage returning if not my strength. I lifted my head, tried to look above me to get a sense of how I was bound. I worked my wrists at the tape, testing for stress points. My feet were only scraping the ground, which frustrated me until I realized I could use my hanging state to my advantage. The tape started to twist a little as I put my weight behind my tugs, but it wasn't enough to really get free.

How long had he been gone already? This was my chance to escape, now or never, because he might return with backup. And my body still ached from the treatment just one member of that crew delivered -- I didn't plan to stick around and find out what two or three of their cocks could do.

The noise of the crowd outside spurred my effort as I began to really exert. I yanked on the tape, gathering my feet under me and dropping my entire weight against my bonds. They definitely gave a bit. I kept it up, though each tug took its toll on me as well. But I was almost there, just a few more should do it.

I gathered my feet under me for one last effort. But right as I was about to push off I was suddenly grabbed from behind. He had one arm wrapped around me, pinning me to his body with my feet off the ground, my ass pressed against his solid abs. He brought his hand around to grip my throat.

"Good to see you still have some fight left in you."

I tried to struggle but was pinned tight. The hand on my throat wasn't blocking my airway, gripping instead my neck between his powerful thumb and forefingers. I felt blood rushing to my head, or was it blood rushing from my head? Where does the blood go when someone's squeezing off the circulation? I couldn't think straight; I started to go black at the edges of my vision.

My head pounded. He pinched my nip, hard, and I cried out. The sharp pain seemed to bust against the air in my lungs and shoot through my body, down through my chest and into my legs. Into my cock. My head was spinning, he kept working my tit and my vision faded and my cock raged hard again and throbbing in the air, weightless and twitching.

Released suddenly, I gasped for air. My vision spun with fields of black and color for a bit as the blood vessels cleared. It eventually returned, along with a sudden recovery of self-awareness. He lowered me a bit to where I could stand, though he still had me relatively immobile, my ear pinned an inch from his mouth.

"Just reminding you who's boss," he said. "But don't worry, you won't have any doubts about that by the time we're through."

"Damn straight," said a new voice. I looked up as a new figure approached the scene. It was the big guy who'd been in my opponent's corner earlier. He had a much smaller guy slung over his shoulder -- my mate Rick, it looked like. Even as dead weight, Rick's unconscious body seemed light as a toddler to the giant toting him.

He dropped Rick in the corner. Rick was still fully clothed, I saw, sweat soaking the armpits and neckline of his t-shirt. The makings of a large bruise lay on the side of his forehead.

The big man stepped in front of me, blocking my view. He was not only tall but thick in that classic kickboxer style: a chest, arms, and legs that slim down to dense cores at the midsection, wrists, and ankles. He wore only a pair of black shorts, slit up the sides to allow room for his massive thighs.

I could see the skin on his ribs was bruised. Rick had gotten in some shots. He was good against the big guys, knew how to get inside their range and attack at angles. But if this giant's body did show a few marks, it didn't seem to affect him any. He moved through the room easily, a victor feeling no pain. He looked me up and down appraisingly, a leer on his face.

"Looks like your mate's out of action for a while," he said. "Too bad -- I was looking forward to using his tight little ass."

Seeing Rick all knocked out in the corner must have gotten the fight back in me.

"If I weren't tied up here," I said, newly defiant, "you'd never lay a finger on him asshole. How about this: you get me down from here and I'll take you on. Double or nothing -- I win, we walk out of here. I lose, you got us both."

Both of them laughed.

"You don't get it," the big guy said, reaching down to paw himself through his shorts. "We already got you. And neither of you are leaving until we let you crawl out with our cum dripping from your guts. Now let's get some privacy in here and get down to business."

His friend headed toward the door. This was my last chance. I tore once more at the tape holding me up. It ripped loose and dropped me to the floor. I managed to twist as I fell, rolling to the side and sweeping out a leg to take the big man down. He fell next to me with a surprised grunt.

The tape was still binding my hands; I had torn it loose from the clip but not rent it completely. Without my hands I didn't know how I'd be able to keep them both off me and escape with Rick.

The first guy was on me right away. I was only halfway to my feet when his shoulder slammed into my ribcage, a perfect tackle. He landed on me while I was still stunned, and quickly worked my hands back and pinned them. I wound up flat on my back with my arms stretched back and over my head. This guy really knew his pressure points and leverage; all he had to do was kneel down on my arms and there was no way I was getting out. It doesn't matter how strong you are if you're trapped in that position.

The big guy was crouched down beside us, starting right at me. He looked a little angry, but mixed with that lay a kind of glee, like he was enjoying the chance to get his juices flowing. It was a look like something inside him had woken up, in the mood to play some nasty games.

"I guess you do still have some fight left," he said, crawling over. "Good, that's how I like it."

I tried to keep him off using my legs, but with my arms pinned so awkwardly I couldn't get any power in my kicks. He easily got a hold of my left leg under one massive arm. Soon he had them both, working them under himself so that he was sitting on my thighs, pinning my legs with his weight. I wasn't as completely immobilized as my upper body was, but the little movement I could muster wasn't near enough to shake him off.

"So, you're a tough little fucker, huh?" he asked, grinning down at me over his huge chest. "Let's see how tough you are."

He slapped my side. The sound of his open hand on my ribcage echoed through the room. He followed that up on the right side, then twice more rapidly on the left. But I was tough. He wouldn't get any sound out of me like that. Still, his slaps stung as he kept it up, and I knew my stomach and sides would be turning red soon, if not already.

He kept up the pace. It was hard to anticipate where the sting would strike next. I started twisting a little and squirming, trying to get away or shift his blows to a less abused area. But I still didn't make a sound.

With one last slap, the big guy let his hand come to rest on my stomach. He rubbed the skin softly, his hand rising and falling with my pounding breath. He looked me straight in the eyes. I felt his hand curl up into a fist, start to trace its way down my stomach.

I knew what was coming. I knew how to take it. I knew to tense up when his fist came thumping back into me, landing with a slap against my tensed abs. He again let his hand rest there while he held my eyes. We both knew I could take quite a number of these -- it's a normal part of training to beat on your self or your mates, that's what toughens you. It's called iron body training. But this was no training room, here there would be no calling a pause when things got too much. This guy wasn't going to stop until he broke me.

He started throwing more punches, strikes that looked almost lazy, but were nevertheless delivered with precision. He hit at a regular rate, single blows slamming, each strike sounding a note of impact through the small room. My six pack stood out sharply from the strain, strength fading slightly as sweat slid from my sides to the floor.

His pace was slow but relentless, giving me a fraction of a second each time to recover. It didn't really matter -- he was adding strength to his blows, the strikes slamming stronger as he kept it up. I could feel the steel in my abs start to give, to soften and fade, to thin and sting and burn as they tried to remain a shield against his fists.

My face was twisted in discomfort, the cords of my neck strained and red. I closed my eyes and tried to draw on my last reserves of strength. But all I could feel was the burn in my stomach, the strain on my shoulders where they were pinned, the weight holding me down on both ends.

His fist struck again and for the first time I groaned in pain. He broke out into an evil smile and struck again. Where before the heavy thud of his punches fell through the room, now a beat later my cries drowned them out. Soon I was no longer conscious even of this sound, not conscious either of the tears running down my face, aware only of the ache in my stomach.

I gave a final cry of pain and surrender. The punches stopped but I was broken. I could hear myself talking, babbling stop, oh shit stop, please, please stop fuck oh stop.

He did. I lay there gasping, panting, each breath stabbing inside.

He got up and in one smooth jerk pulled off his shorts to reveal a huge, throbbing cock. I struggled feebly as he grabbed my legs and placed them on his shoulders. His blunt cockhead pressed into me and I tried to protest. But I had nothing left.

"That tight little ass of yours is probably still lubed up from my mate here, don't you think? But just to show how nice a guy I am I'll give you a little extra."

He pursed his mouth and let out a gob of spit. I felt it drop onto the point where his cock met my ass, slicking slowly down around each side.

"That's all you get kid. This fuck is gonna show you who's boss."

Without further warning he thrust into me. I cried in pain at the invasion. He was so much bigger than the last guy I'd been forced to take. My hole burned as his thick cock slid into me in one long thrust. He didn't give me any time to adjust, pulling out and slamming back in immediately.

He started off at a hard pace. My limp body rocked back and forth underneath him. Each time he pounded into me the sound of his tight body slapping into my thighs and ass mixed in with my groans. My insides felt pushed out of place. I struggled to get away but I couldn't.

His thrusts grew even stronger and it hurt even more, but at the same time his thick cock began hitting that place inside me that sent tingles through my body and right into my cock. Against my will I could feel my own prick responding, chubbing out, flopping heavily with his thrusts.

"Look at his cock man," the guy sitting on my arms said. "I told you he likes it rough." He had taken his own cock out and was beating it. It thumped against my forehead every now and then. The big guy grinned, wrapping his hand around my tool and squeezing roughly. I groaned again, this time more in pleasure than pain. He didn't let up, ramming into me relentlessly. Each powerful thrust was like a hot iron invading me, tearing me open and penetrating to my inner core. When his cock hit my prostate another fire burned through me. I was buzzing with the sensations, overwhelmed by the pain and pleasure, the humiliation of weakness and helplessness combined with the fact that he was making me like it, making me cry out for him to use me, to sink that massive tool into me over and over while he jacked my cock. His face lowered over me tauntingly, drops of sweat dripping off into my eyes and open mouth.

He was breathing hard now too, pumping faster, his huge muscles pumped and full with exertion, his cock harder and more swollen than ever. It moved through me, claimed me, pain was gone now or at least I didn't notice it anymore. All I could feel was his cock, all I was was the huge tool penetrating my hole, making me moan as he ravaged me with it. He took his hand off my cock to fuck me in a pushup position. My hard cock bounced on my stomach, throbbing in time with his thrusts.

"That's it punk. You love taking a real man's cock in that hole. You came in here all tough but now you're loving this treatment. Little tough guy huh? Little tough guy hard as a rock while I use his ass. You gonna shoot now boy? You gonna shoot your load with a man's cock in your ass? I'm gonna fuck that load right out of you boy. Go on kid, show me how much you love this. Show me how much you need a real man's cock inside you. This is gonna prove it once and for all, you're gonna show us the cockslut you are. That's right kid, that's right shoot for me now, shoot for your master now."

I could feel a wave rising inside me, a core of molten energy growing larger with every thrust of his cock. It built larger and larger and then suddenly tipped through me, sending sparks through my battered frame. I cried out as a white-hot jet of cum shot from my cock to impact on my jawline. My ass clenched down on the invader inside me and I felt it pulse too, spraying my insides with the big man's load. He roared as his cock swelled and shot in time with my own orgasm. He filled me with his load while my own spunk sprayed all over my chest, like each jet of come was pushing through his cock and out mine. I shuddered at the power of the sensation, unable to move or even think as I rode it to an orgasm like none I'd ever known.

The first guy got up and walked away. Even freed I had no strength to move. And I was still impaled on the big guy's cock, softened now but still huge in my once-virgin ass. He knelt there rotating his hips slowly, grinding his pelvis into me as if trying to get further inside. He had a silly post-orgasmic grin on his face.

"Now wasn't that nice?" he asked. I didn't answer. I didn't have the strength to, I told myself. But be both knew the real reason for my silence -- he was right. Even as the intensity of my orgasm faded I still clung to the feeling of fullness in my ass, my hole stretched around a beautiful cock. I didn't want him to pull out.

"That's okay, you don't have to say it." He let his finger trail in the pool of cum on my chest, collecting some on a thick finger. He smiled indulgently and looked to his friend.

"So, what's next on the program?"

His mate had moved Rick over to the bench, laying him down with his ass hanging off the end. The guy stood behind Rick, coolly gazing at him while stroking his cock slowly.

"Next up, our boy here's little buddy," the guy said, smiling wickedly. He pulled down Rick's shorts and rubbed his hand over the globes of Rick's ass while lazily jerking himself.

"Nice ass on this one too. So tight that I don't think I wanna ruin it with lube. Aw yeah, that tight virgin hole is gonna feel so good around my cock."

I jerked in surprise as the big man wrapped his hand around my cock again, thumbing the head slowly. I was still keyed up and oversensitive from shooting, but instantly hardened again under the stimulation, my ass squeezing the cock inside me and milking out another drop of cum. I stared as if hypnotized as the first guy ran his cock over the pale, smooth skin of Rick's ass.

"Of course," he said, "it's not gonna be too pleasant for your mate here. Yeah, it ain't gonna be too fun for him at all. Imagine, waking up to some stranger ripping open your hole and raping you. That's the kind of thing that could scar a guy for life."

"Don't," I said helplessly. "Don't do this."

They exchanged looks.

"Tell you what," the big guy said, his hand continuing to work my cock. "I bet my mate here could be convinced to let your buddy go. After all, he's already shot a few loads into you tonight hasn't he? So if you think about it, one more don't make that much of a difference does it. But what happens next Saturday when we're sitting around horny? And the Saturday after that? Well, it'd sure be nice to have a real cockslut around to work over in times like that."

He gave my cock an extra hard rub and I groaned. I closed my eyes in shame, a tear running down my cheek.

"Oh, are you volunteering? You sayin you want those loads we'll have waiting for you? Wanna worship our cocks? Well if you do then you're gonna have to say it."

"Look me in the eyes boy," he commanded. I obeyed reflexively. "You get one chance kid. You tell me you want my cock, you want it inside you like it is now, you want it for as long as I want to give it to you, want it as hard as you can take it. You say that to me right now or we take your mate's cherry in the most painful way."

They had me. They had me and they knew it. Even without the threat against Rick, my cock was thinking for me at this point, my ass was telling me not to let go, that they were right, it needed to be filled with their cocks, needed it now and tomorrow and next week or whenever when they would finally allow me to feel them inside again.

"Okay," I said. "Okay, you win."

"Say it." He increased the speed of his hand on me. "Tell me how much you want my cock."

It was like a dam burst inside me. Words poured out of my mouth uncontrolled. I was babbling, begging him not to pull out, promising him that they could do whatever they wanted to me as long as I could take their cocks down my throat, worship their manhood with my tongue, swallow their loads and choke gratefully on them.

My words got faster as the speed of his hand increased and I was coming again, firing more cum onto my belly. I couldn't believe I had anything left at all. But there it was, proof how much I craved the treatment they gave me.

"Okay," said the big guy. "It's a deal."

The first guy left Rick and knelt at my side. He collected my new load in his hand and fed it to me. I lapped it up without resistance, panting and utterly exhausted, every cell buzzing in afterglow. The two of them stayed silently and grinning at me as they fed me my load. I sucked every last but off their strong fingers.

When they were done they both stood up, the big guy's cock sliding out of my ass with a slurp. They stood over me, two giants who now owned my body and soul. I would come to them anytime -- come for them anytime if they allowed me. All they had to do was command and I would not be able to resist.

The big guy pulled his black shorts back on while the other started packing his sport bag.

"Don't bother looking for us kid," he said. "Just be back behind this building next Friday night at 8:00. And when we show up for you, you better be ready to make good on all those promises you made."

They left, laughing. I was focused on the sound of their voices as they faded, getting farther away and leaving me alone with the unconscious Rick. My whole body ached, most of all my ass. I lay there focusing on the feeling, on the memory their cocks had left behind. I wondered how many days it would take for me to be able to sit down again normally. I wondered what they had in store for me in the future. I wondered what I would tell Rick. I wondered how long this new life of mine would last... but a part of me was already sure that I never wanted it to end.


Sorry for the delay in getting this out! I moved three times since writing part 2 and it's been hard to find time to think, much less write. But now I'm back in the game and there will be more coming. Thanks to everyone who wrote with comments on the other parts! This was my first story and I really value your remarks.

This story is my own work and is copyrighted by me. Feel free to use it electronically in any way you wish provided you contact me first at:

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