
By gb skin

Published on Sep 10, 2004


Defeated Part II

WARNING: This story is meant for adults and contains men having sex with each other. If that is offensive to you or illegal where you live I suggest you not read it. This story is totally fictional and not based on anything that really happened -- that I know of. In the real world people have to use condoms, but these guys don't because they're immune or something. In our world, use a condom every time.

[Last time: the rules of the fight club were simple -- you lose, he owns you. I lost. Now I'm strung up in a back room and at my opponent's mercy.... and the worst is, part of me likes it.]

He stepped very close to me and our eyes locked -- mine watery blue, pleading in mute despair, his catlike and green, laughing.

"Now be a good boy and hold still." he said, and he brought the tape down over my eyes, blocking my vision and sending me into darkness. "I want you to concentrate on what I'm doing to you...."

Losing my sight made me want to panic. I shook my head as best I could with it trapped between my upstretched arms. I started to protest but his hand clamped down over my mouth, muffling any sound I could make. I felt his other hand touch my side and start to stroke my ribcage. I tried to object again but he only chuckled.

"You wanna make noise kid, go right ahead," he said, and with that his fingers suddenly pinched my nipple and twisted. I moaned in pain and arched my back, but could neither protest nor escape his grip. He tweaked my tit until it started to harden under his insistent touch, and despite my will my cock lurched with every pinch, as if it was connected directly to my tortured nip. It was straining against the pouch of my jock, trapped and begging for escape. But the pressure just seemed to turn me on all the more. My right tit was hard now under his fingers, and when he moved to the left I couldn't help it; I moaned in guilty pleasure, the sound vibrating against his hand clamped over my mouth.

"That's it kid, just trust me," he said. "I know what you need."

Trust him? This guy who moments ago had forced his cock down my throat as I lay tied up and helpless at his feet? Who had pumped me full of his cum and made me drink it down? But if I didn't like it then why was I so hard?

He removed his hand from my mouth, giving my tit an extra hard twist and laughing softy as I moaned. I could feel his hands moving down my torso, feeling the taught muscles as he worked his way down to my jock. Being unable to see had be on edge, my body tense and jerking at his sudden unexpected touches. With both hands he yanked down my jock, and my cock sprung free and slapped up against my flat stomach. It throbbed helplessly in midair, begging for action.

"Nice," he said simply, and ran a finger slowly up my length. I shuddered.

But just as I was hoping for a little action he suddenly left, and I could hear him cross the room and start rummaging around in his bag.

"Don't go anywhere now," he said, laughing at his own joke. I burned once again in shame at the reminder that he had me hooked, in body but also in mind. Even had I been free to go, I don't think I would have. And he knew it.

I jumped in surprise as his arms suddenly wrapped around me from behind. He had moved so silently I hadn't heard him approach. He wrapped me in a bearhug and squeezed, his own bigger frame pressing against my back. I could feel his thick pecs and big biceps enveloping me, and his half-hard cock resting right at the trench between my ass cheeks. His head was right next to mine, slightly above. There was a rumbling in his throat, almost a purr.

"You're being a good boy now," he said quietly. His hands roamed over my helpless torso for a minute, squeezing my muscles as he whispered directly into my ear. Having no other choice and no possibility of escape, not even being able to see where he would stroke me next, I surrendered into his grip.

"That's it, relax," he whispered. "I told you I know what you like."

He took one hand off me and leaned back, but didn't break contact between his stomach and my back. I heard a sound like the flip top of a bottle being opened, something being squirted out.

Then he wrapped one strong hand around the base of my cock. It was cold and slick, wet and smooth in contrast to my hot pole. I arched my back and moaned as he slowly drew his hand up my length, spreading the lube around and squeezing my unit for the first time. I dropped my head back against his shoulder and groaned.

"Yeah boy, you just relax," he whispered, his lips pressing against my ear. "You relax and let me take control."

I'd never felt anything like this as his slick hand slowly worked up and down my cock. My whole body was rigid, tensed up from being stretched out and desperate but unable to move. His other arm wrapped around my waist, holding me in place and preventing me from humping his fist like I so desperately wanted. He held me firm and immobile against him, and I could feel his cock lengthening as well underneath me, pressing up against me and starting to poke at my balls from behind.

He kept up his strokes at a maddeningly steady level. My moans began to turn into mumbles, vain attempts at directing him to go faster, to come on, that's too slow, come on man ah work my cock man come on I can't stand it speed up man please speed up I need to cum man please...

His cock was fully hard now, pressing up against my perineum. I could feel it below me, like straddling a rail, and he started slowly humping back and forth. I was still pinned against him and couldn't move under my own power, but was carried back and forth on his impulses. He held his fist steady and used his body to move mine, pumping my hips forward and back into his even grip.

My cock throbbed in his hand and my head spun. I felt swept away, like riding a wave that was all him, his power and strength controlling how I could move and what I felt. Every inch of me tingled, my arms pulled tightly upwards and stretched torso, my waist and cock clasped in his grip. But it was too slow, he should go faster, it felt so good but it was torture. I needed to cum, could feel my balls hanging heavy with the huge load that he'd been building up inside me.

All shame forgotten, I started to beg him -- to tell him how much I needed to shoot, how I'm dying for it man, speed up man please, please let me get off man I need to get off. My cock had never felt this big, my balls never so full of cum.

Suddenly took his hand away completely. I cried out in disappointment, cursed him and he laughed.

"Don't worry kid," he said, "You'll get your cum. This is gonna be the best cum of your life."

Keeping me trapped against him he moved his hand underneath to where his cock pressed into me. He pulled his cock down to slick it up, and I could hear the telltale sounds of this action. He let go and it slapped back up against me, and I realized then just where he was going with this scene. But these thoughts were immediately driven out of my mind as he started squeezing my cock again, and all I could think about was how good it felt, how all I wanted was him to keep doing it, to pump me harder.

He kept our bodies still as his slick fingered played up and down the length of my cock. I swear I got even harder than I was before. His touch was light now, teasing, but it built my excitement up to a whole new level. I felt my balls churn as he moved underneath me and we started to rock back and forth, his thick rod pushing gently at the outside of my opening while my own cock thrust into his tight hand.

I was moaning incoherently now, beyond conscious thought. I could feel his length against me but I didn't care. He was pressing more heavily now, but also squeezing my cock tighter and tighter and it was like the sensations were matched, like my ass and cock were connected and he was playing them both, building me up until I couldn't take it anymore. I could feel his head pushing against me but it didn't hurt -- he wasn't trying to get in just to tease me. Every surface of my cock tingled, my balls roiled with cum, my chest heaved as I gasped and panted for breath.

My mouth was moving wordlessly, begging him to take me over the edge at the same time my mind was beyond words. My balls were tight against my cock, huge with come. His hand moved faster and faster, his arm around my waist gripped tighter, his cockhead against my ass pushed firmer.

I threw my head back and howled as my cock lurched in his hand. As the first jet of come sprayed up across my taught chest he thrust himself forward, burying his length all the way inside me in one firm motion. I cried out at the sudden pain at the same time my cock shot another burst of come. I was impaled on his massive pole, writhing on it, unable to escape it. But even if his initial entry stung, his rock-hard cock pushed at something inside me that seemed to shoot sparks into my own spasming rod. His strong hand flew up and down my length, working shot after shot of cum from my balls. Every stroke got tighter and tighter until it was too much, my ass and cock shuddered and shook, both sending me wild mixtures of pain and pleasure that my baffled mind could no longer tell apart.

As he milked my cock dry of cum he mercifully eased his grip. I shook in my restrained position against him, my arms tied above me, my waist pinned by his strong arm, my ass secured on his mighty tool. Tears were leaking out from the tape covering my eyes. My whole body was buzzing and I wanted nothing more but to push him away, to curl up in a corner somewhere and try to regain my senses. But he held me fest, and watched intently as my breathing gradually slowed.

We both stayed there silent for a moment, me trying to get my senses back, he breathing steadily. My spent tool hung limp in front of me while his rod was still firmly planted inside me. I felt full, on the verge of over stimulation, but he wasn't moving around thank god. Then he flexed his cock inside of me and I jumped.

He laughed. "You sure look good twitching there on my cock kid."

He did it again and I reacted the same. I was trying to keep control but that slight movement felt like an earthquake inside of me. He kept it up, like it was all a big game to him. The hand he'd been using to stoke my cock dropped down and started gently massaging my balls.

"You got a nice pair here kid," he said. "Shot a nice load too." He moved the hand around my waist upwards to sweep around in the trails of cum I'd left on my chest. Collecting a load in his hand he moved it up to my mouth. I didn't open it. Here I was with his cock buried inside me, his hand wrapped around my nuts and ready to punish them if he chose, but I still had my pride.

His hand was firm around my vulnerable balls, but he didn't squeeze like I'd expected.

"Aw come on now," he said, "aren't we past all that? You got off real good kid, the proof's here in my hand. Truth is, you like this treatment. You need it. You came in here tonight thinking you were all tough but the truth is you hoped you'd lose, hoped you'd wind up here all tied up and at the mercy of a stud like me. Admit it, this is what we both want."

As he spoke he continued to massage my balls, pulling them gently down and letting them swing back up, rubbing his thumb on that spot directly on the bottom that's always been so sensitive on me.

"Come on kid, open up," he said, twitching again his cock inside me. I was responding to his work, I couldn't help it, and I moaned slightly through closed lips.

"That's right guy," he said, and I could feel my tired cock lengthening again, plumping out with blood from the feel of his hand on my nuts. He started to move his cock slightly back and forth inside of me and I felt like he was draining me of strength. My mouth dropped open a little and he shoved a cum-coated finger inside of it, painting my tongue with my own spunk.

"Finally," he said with a satisfied grin. He collected more cum from my chest and fed it to me as he began to pump his cock a little harder. I'd never tasted come before -- not before tonight at least -- but I seemed to crave the taste now. He left his fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them, working my tongue to get them clean.

His cock was really moving inside me now, pulling out to half his length before plunging back in. Every time he buried himself to full length I felt my own tool hardening more, like it was being inflated from the force of his thrusts against my prostate.

He moved both hands to grip on either side of my waist, and started thrusting all the way inside me, long, steady thrusts. He would pull out until the crown was just inside me, teasing my opening with the possibility that he would pull out all the way before slamming back into me, hitting my prostate and sending sparks up my spine and down my cock. I was already keyed up by the treatment he had given me earlier, and hung there moaning as he started to pound faster and faster.

My cock was rock hard now as well but he paid it no attention. It bounced in rhythm with his powerful thrusts, flopping in the air in front of me. I wanted to grab it but I couldn't, my hands were still trapped overhead.

His hands held my waist steady for his thrusts, which grew in strength and speed until I hung there helpless, unable and unwilling to do anything but surrender to his pounding cock. I could feel the muscles of his chest against my back, pumping with effort and slicked with sweat. The flat sheet of his abs started to smack loudly against my ass cheeks, a high, sharp sound that combined with his ever louder grunts and my helpless moans. The sounds grew louder, his pounding of my ass stronger, and I opened completely and let him fill me.

Without warning he reached one hand up and twisted my right nipple hard, thrusting all the way inside me, burying himself to the hilt and pushing me up to my toes. I was balanced on his rod, and my cock exploded, shooting a burst of cum onto the old floor in front of me. He moaned with pleasure as my ass clenched down on him, and gave one last thrust before himself erupting, his cock filling me even more as he blasted my insides with his hot cum. I rode his cock, completely under his control, as each thrust of his pumped another shot from my own leaking tool.

He gave one final thrust and was still, his cock softened but still filling me completely as I hung on it, various body parts twitching as if I had been jolted full of electricity. I felt him relax against my back and lean his head in to plant a gentle kiss at the base of my skull.

"That was great kid, wasn't it?" he asked. He signed contentedly. "My buddies are gonna love getting their piece of you..."

WHAT? be continued

This story is my own work and is copyrighted by me. Feel free to use it electronically in any way you wish provided you contact me first at: You can also write with any comments or feedback as this is my first story and I'd love to see what people think.

Next: Chapter 3

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