
By gb skin

Published on Sep 9, 2004


Defeated Part I

WARNING: This story is meant for adults and contains men having sex with each other. If that is offensive to you or illegal where you live I suggest you not read it. This story is totally fictional and not based on anything that really happened -- that I know of. In the real world people have to use condoms, but these guys don't because they're immune or something. In our world, use a condom every time.

I was down on my knees on the hard floor, my hands tied behind my back. I was still breathing heavily from the fight, chest puffing and sweating. In front of me stood my conqueror -- I didn't want to think of him as that but it was true. He had beaten me, beaten me fair and now I belonged to him; those were the rules.

It's not clear to me how he got that final opening, but I remember my left eye going dark as his fist smashed into me, flashes of color against the black. A punch to the gut knocked the wind out of my chest, and I remember feeling him close, locking my shoulder and throwing me to the ground. His knee was in me back, his weight pressing me into the hard concrete floor of the old gym now used for this unofficial fight club. I hadn't given up, was struggling to rise but couldn't, and then I heard the bell ring.

He'd hauled me up and dragged me toward the back to his mates' cries of victory. My crew was shouting as well, psyching themselves up for the next round, but unable to help me any further. Reaching an abandoned room, I was too weak to resist as he dropped me on the floor and bound my hands behind my back with athletic tape. His strong hands tore off my shirt, leaving my chest bare and ruddy with exertion.

And now he was in front of me, leering and kneading his crotch through the hard cup he still wore. He'd discarded the rest of his clothes, displaying arrogantly his powerful frame. His muscles were full, a slight sheen of sweat collecting in their ridges. It was a body honed not in a weight room but through hours of hard training and innumerable fights. The band of his jock sunk lower over a narrow waist as he worked his package.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." he smiled, and exhaled a sigh of satisfaction at the thought of his reward. He took a step closer. The hand working his basket filled my vision and I tried to sit back on my heels to get away but he grabbed me by the hair and thrust my face into his crotch. One cheek was crushed against his hard cup, my nose buried in the crack between it and his leg. I tried to pull back but he pressed harder. I couldn't escape.

"Don't you ever try to get away from this cock boy. In a few minutes it's gonna be the center of your world."

He started working himself again, sliding his other hand into the pouch of his full jock with a contented sigh. As his jock dipped lower and lower I tried to look away but I was held tight. I closed my eyes, not wanted to see what was coming, and he just laughed.

"So you don't wanna see it huh? Well my cock's not going away that easy."

I felt a thump on my cheek and he laughed again, slapping my face with his thick cock. It felt heavy, meaty, and thought I tried to ignore it I couldn't -- worse, it was like I could still see it in front of me, half-hard now and still growing, thickening as he pounded my helpless face with his meat. The blows were getting harder as his tool stiffened, tapping like an insistent hammer at my closed eyelids.

"I think it's time to open those eyes now."

I screwed them tighter and felt him frown.

"Okay if that's the way you want it..." and wham his foot struck me square in the crotch. The cup I was still wearing absorbed most of the blow, and though it took some wind out of me I shook me head in defiance.

Wham. WHAM. Two more kicks in rapid succession, leaving, despite my protection that dull ache in the pit of your stomach when someone gets your nads pretty good. I groaned sickly, and opened my eyes to see him grinning down at me.

"Now you keep those pretty blue eyes open boy or you know what'll happen. And anyway, you knew the deal when you came in here."

I nodded silently. He kept a firm grip on my hair as he started to slowly masturbate himself in front of me, working the skin up and down his thick shaft. A large vein ran up one side to his mushroom cap, which I saw from up close as it started to ooze a bead of precum.

"You see me leakin boy? This is what I love. A stud like you all tied up and defeated at my feet. Think you're all strong and tough but now you're gonna see what you're really here for. Now you're gonna make me feel real good."

He brought the tip of his cock to my face, smearing his juice across me cheek to mark me as his. He moved it to my mouth and started to trace my lips with his tool, murmuring all the while.

"Mmmm. I like the feel of those lips baby. They're gonna feel real good on this tick cock of mine. Can you taste me yet? Gonna get those sweet lips all wet before I work my way inside you boy. You're gonna wrap those lips around my cock boy, gonna drink my load and love it aren't you boy..."

There was no way I was gonna open my mouth for this guy to shove his monster cock in. It looked huge now, it leaked so much juice that my lips were coated, and he started sliding his cock around them on a coat of his own lube.

"Remember what happens..." he intoned threateningly, pressing his foot solidly between my legs. Our eyes were locked. My face burned red. I could feel myself tearing up in humiliation and shame. I wanted to beg, wanted to say please, please don't make me do this but when I opened my mouth he swiftly thrust his way inside. My tongue worked in an attempt at speech but it seemed to only massage the thick cockhead filling my mouth, and he sighed in pleasure.

"Aw, that's right. See I knew you were a natural cocksucker first time I saw ya. You sure you never done this before?"

The thing was, I had -- once -- down in the basement of a buddy's house in high school. He had talked me into sucking him off by swearing he would do me next, but after he shot his load he freaked out, got dressed, and took off. The experience was upsetting, but -- as much as I had always tried to deny it -- exciting, and remembering it now made my own cock start get chubby in the confines of my jock.

The stud looming over me was building up his rhythm, sliding more and more of his meat into my mouth until it was hitting the back of my throat. My hands tied, I couldn't do much but try to keep my mouth open and time my breathing with his escalating thrusts. One of his hands held me by the hair while the other fed me more and more of his thick cock. Soon he was pushing at the back of my throat and I started to struggle slightly in my efforts to breathe.

He moved his hands to grip my head on both sides, holding it steady for his rhythmic thrusts. He pushed all the way in, blocking my throat with his thickness. I could feel his pubes scratching under my nose and I gagged around his cock. He held himself there, cutting off my air supply briefly. He played this game for a while, holding himself in at maximum penetration until the edges of my vision began to go black, them pulling out just long enough to let me gasp a quick breath before plunging back in to pin my head on his massive tool. I don't know how long he kept it up; my eyes were watering, enough tears maybe to run down my cheeks and further lube his cock.

He eventually tired of the deep thrusting and began to pound my mouth in shorter, quicker bursts.

"That's it boy take my cock. Your mouth was made to fit around my cock. Boy you were born to suck, you just needed someone to show you isn't that right? You're gonna learn boy, you're gonna learn how much you need cock. You're gonna drink my load and beg for more before I'm done with you. I'm gonna mark this mouth as mine boy. Gonna shoot my load down that tight throat yeah and you're gonna swallow it all down. Here it comes boy get ready. Here it comes boy you're gonna drink it all get ready to drink down my juice boy yeah here it comes..."

He gave a roar of triumph and buried himself to the root. His cock lurched inside my in my stretched throat, I could feel it pumping gush after gush of his thick spunk directly into my belly. There was nothing to do but write there helplessly as he injected his seed into my gut, my hands clenching spasmodically behind me in their bonds.

He held my face tight as his breathing slowed, my forehead pressed against the solid slab of muscle on his lower belly, his cock softening slightly in my mouth. It remained half- hard as he pulled it out and wiped the remains of his load on my face.

He looked down at me and smiled. His expression almost sweet in the afterglow of his orgasm, but with that glint in his eyes that I had come to recognize meant he had plans for my helpless body.

"Don't try to fool yourself -- or me. You're hard as a rock under that jock aren't you?"

He was right. My cock was as full as it could get in the tight confines it was trapped in. He moved his foot back to my groin, not to kick but to massage the bulge he found there. He lazily worked his cock with one hand while rubbing my own package, grinning all the while. I couldn't help it; I groaned at his touch.

"Yeah that's right. The sign of a born cocksucker baby. Now we both know what you want. So let's not have any more of that straight-boy bullshit from a guy we know was born to worship cock. It's time for round two..."

Round two? I didn't know how to respond. I was confused, humiliated, but savagely turned on.

"But I think it's a little too early to trust you just yet. Some guys like you are afraid to learn just how much they need cock. So in case you get any bright ideas..."

Oof -- I lost my wind as his fist hit my stomach. I'd taken plenty of harder hits before, and he had himself probably hit me harder out there in the ring. But in my confused state I was unprepared and defenseless. I doubled over and gasped for breath, and I could dimly sense him cutting the tape off my bound wrists, then moving my arms in front of me to re-attach them firmly. He was moving around the room, attaching something to the tape at my wrists and then I was being hauled up, winding up on my toes with my arms stretched high above me, hanging from a hook at the ceiling that used to contain a sand bag. I heard him unrolling the tape again and he stepped back in front of me, holding a strip of it horizontally under his glinting green eyes. I knew what was coming and started to protest.

"You know that's not gonna get you anywhere. You can't stop me from doing to you anything little thing that I want, and I got big plans for that tight body of yours. I beat your ass out there in the ring and now I'm gonna have some more fun with it. But don't worry kid, I promise ya you're gonna enjoy it too.."

He stepped very close to me and our eyes locked -- mine watery blue, pleading in mute despair, his catlike and green, laughing.

"Now be a good boy and hold still." he said, and he brought the tape down over my eyes, blocking my vision and sending me into darkness. "I want you to concentrate on what I'm doing to you...."

This story is my own work and is copyrighted by me. Feel free to use it electronically in any way you wish provided you contact me first at: You can also write with any comments or feedback as this is my first story and I'd love to see what people think.

Next: Chapter 2

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