Deeping Lore

By Michael Offutt

Published on Dec 18, 2010


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_______________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 8-In the Company of Wolves

"You seriously aren't going to say one word to me?" Kian asked Dylan. It had been three hours since the incident at Alsamarax Keep and the three of them rode on the backs of two Ice Mares. Kian lagged about six feet behind his companions, upset because they were giving him the silent treatment. "D... you know damn well that what I did was the correct thing to do. If I hadn't, we'd have never made it past that crevasse two miles back. And...and what about that pack of Frost Hyenas out there?" he gestured. Through a curtain of windblown flakes, Kian was pointing at a pack of twelve or so of the bear-sized creatures trailing them on one side of the steaming river. It was obvious that they were scavenging opportunists, waiting for an easy meal that they could pick off and eat. It didn't help matters at all that both young men had blood on their armor-they'd showed up just as the slushy snowflakes were scrubbing them clean. Kian had no idea how far the scent had traveled but it had brought a large pack of them and before too long, they'd work up the courage to come closer. He shot a glance in their direction, watched them jostle for position; the barks emanating from their alpha sounded like the deep throated laugh of a fat man. Because their fur was mostly white, it was difficult to see them in the snowstorm. But, Kian had been aware of them for a couple of hours now. As yet, however, the alpha had not dared to cross the skinny river. Kian thought it might be because he was intimidated by the size of the Ice Mares.

Dylan glanced back at him cautiously, white metal visor down to cover his young face, and made it seem as if he were looking at the hyenas. "Did you hear something Ella Fravaugh?" he asked. Just hearing Dylan's voice for the first time in hours made Kian's heart flutter. Dylan hadn't once lifted his visor to Kian...not since the incident at the keep. Kian knew that he was punishing him. He wasn't going to let him look on his nose and eyes, his wonderful smile; he wasn't going to let him hug him or get close to him. And, he wasn't going to acknowledge his existence until he could stop being angry, which probably wasn't going to happen for a while, if ever.

And what if he truly never spoke to him again? The thought was agony but it was definitely on Kian's mind. And it made him despondent.

Behind Kian's visor, tears streamed down his cheeks. He'd plenty of time to think about what he'd done-that was the intention of the silent treatment-to give him time to reflect. However emotionally painful the punishment was for disobeying a direct order from his boyfriend, Kian felt to his soul that he'd done the right thing. Otherwise they'd be wasting valuable energy fighting the hyenas who would be trying to pick off the sick and weak, using up their one bag of food, and having to improvise all kinds of ways to get past the natural obstacles presented by the winter wasteland of Vas of Kleef. On their left, the horizon grew more complex as a forest of huge ice trees emerged from the storm. Their branches held large snowflakes that rattled in the wind like leaves and produced an eerie harmony on the air.

"You're so fucking self-righteous about your chivalry and code of honor that you think it's perfectly acceptable to treat me like crap," Kian stated.

Again, there was no response.

About a mile to the west near the mountains lay the long stretch of road that wended its way in the direction they sought to travel. The edges of the road had been marked with magical glowing human skulls to help guide the Necrolords and others that traveled the lands of Vas of Kleef in fulfillment of Zandine's wishes. During the day, the skulls gave off darkness so that the road could be easily seen. At night, they glowed with unwholesome yellow light. For safety reasons, they kept off the highway that led from Alsamarax Keep and hid within a spell cast by Ella Fravaugh that promised to camouflage them from magical and visual sight. Kian could discern the edges of the spell with his acute vision as the snowflakes distorted somewhat as they passed through the barrier. The hyenas, however, hunted by scent and that's how they were following them through the snowstorm. The Ice Mares had the ability to run on top of the soft ice; without them, Kian would be up to his waist in the stuff and probably would have collapsed from exhaustion by now.

"The wind seems to be screeching, Sir Knight. Let's hope it ends soon."

"I'm not screeching," Kian uttered.

"There it is again," Ella Fravaugh said. Henna poked her head out and frowned at Kian, shaking her finger at him, and then disappeared back into the pocket.

Kian just clenched his jaw and fell silent. His heart ached; he knew that this was the rut's doing as well. He'd never been this attached to someone and all he could think about was how empty his life was without Dylan. Was he being melodramatic? Absolutely. But he couldn't stop himself; it was out of his control. "Since when did I become such an emotional bag of raw nerves?" he asked himself. "Or for that matter, since when did I suddenly start talking to myself?"

By the time Dylan called a stop for the night, it was well into the dark. They found a good-sized boulder that would block most of the wind and hunkered down there. Nearby, the steaming river flowed, sending mist up into the frosty air that was thick with flakes. Kian's teeth were clattering and he was hungry. He made a move for Dylan's pack to grab the otterskin tent they'd used the night before, but as he did so, Dylan put his hand on the bag as a sign that he didn't want him to touch it. However, he never once looked at Kian and instead, spoke to Ella Fravaugh through his helmet. "What say you and I have a bit to eat, my friend?"

"I'm starved," the hare-foot said. "What have you got?"

Dylan started listing off things in his pouch; all of which sounded delicious. Then Kian sat down and watched them eat with his arms around his knees. Dylan slid bits of food through a crack in his visor and kept his back to Kian so that he didn't even get the pleasure of watching him eat, of even seeing the faint pink color of his lips-a thing he knew Kian loved.

After about ten minutes, he'd enough punishment, stood up and left the camp. He walked down to the water's edge and kicked at the snow with the his steel-shod toes. He took off his helmet, put it in his backpack and washed his face at the riverbank under the shelter of a huge ice tree. Then, he stood and tried to decide which way he was going to walk. If no one was going to speak with him then he was going to travel alone, Dylan be damned. That was when he noticed something glittering in the dark. His mind momentary off of his emotional anguish, he went to investigate, and saw a glittering piece of quartz on the ground. Kian was a thief, and he loved anything shiny. He bent over to pick it up when the ground gave way underneath him from some kind of sinkhole. Down he went and smashed his unprotected head against a large rock; it knocked him out and his flaccid body slipped into the hole in the ground and disappeared in darkness.

Back at the camp, Dylan looked up from eating and stared around at the flakes. He was suddenly aware that Kian was gone. He'd been mad as hell at his boyfriend for 90% of the day. But now that he was gone, his Adam's apple jumped and his throat went dry. "He's just taking a piss or something," he said under his breath. But when Kian hadn't come back in half an hour, he grew legitimately worried.

"What's wrong?" Ella Fravaugh asked him.

"Where did Kian go?"

"The blond boy? Down toward the river and that copse of ice trees. Last I saw him, he was washing his ears but that was almost three quarters of an hour ago. Does this mean we need to stop ignoring him? I'm still angry at what he did even though it might've been the right thing to do under the circumstances."

Dylan opened his visor and regarded the hare-foot with tearful blue eyes.

"Oh my, this has been hurting you hasn't it?"

The knight nodded. "I know it's a time of war and during war, triage is acceptable. But I just wanted Kian to realize how much I needed him to support me and to stop questioning my orders. He needs to recognize my authority on everything. That's how this relationship is going to work."

"You know, he's not a knight. He's a pretty headstrong boy. He's going to do what he wants."

Dylan balled one of his fists, "He's so damned frustrating to deal with." He cast his gaze all around trying to see his lover but couldn't find him. Beyond their camp, the hyenas were starting to converge on the river. Maybe they saw something that was beyond his detection. He stood up, walked toward the riverbank, and saw Kian's tracks in the snow. Behind him, Ella Fravaugh gathered up their things and Henna sat perched on the lip of his pocket, silently watching as they moved away from the rock.

"These two boys sure are emotional," she stated to him.

"Yes, yes they are, dear Henna. I think that it's love."

She agreed with a sigh. "It's beautiful. I think it's wonderful when handsome men love each other."

"That's only because you've never seen rabbit love, my dear."

"Is it beautiful?"

"It can be," he sighed. "If you were a rabbit, I'd present you with a bouquet of freshly picked carrots. Then we'd share them with our noses twitching and I would complement your ears and you would tell me how handsome my tail looked. Then while you were eating carrots, I would mount you from behind and we would mate in the span of ten seconds."

"That sounds lovely," Henna agreed. "Although ten seconds is a bit long for a rabbit, no?"

"Not when romance is the issue, as it is with me. Sometimes, I've taken as long as twelve."

"Ooooh, Ella Fravaugh," Henna giggled. "You're such a stud."

"Kian!" Dylan called out into the night. But there was no answer. The knight followed the unmistakeable footprints that Kian left behind a few hundred feet more and discovered the hole in the ground. It was just wide enough to admit Kian's body and he peered down into the dark shaft, saw that the edges of it were slippery and wet. He also saw a little blood on a boulder a few feet in.

"I think he's been hurt," Dylan stated with profound concern. "I'm going in after him."

"Wait," Ella Fravaugh said. "Let Henna go first. She can throw light around so that we can see."

He nodded. Henna pulled herself out of the tight pocket in which she was wedged and flapped her butterfly wings. She uttered an incantation in the fey tongue and was surrounded by five orbiting balls of golden light roughly the size of a marble. Then she fluttered past Dylan and down into the hole, illuminating slimy roots and mud that was dislodged when Kian's body slid past. "I found him," she said after a minute. "He's unconscious but still breathing."

Dylan didn't wait for further reconnaissance; he slipped into the hole and slid down. He grabbed onto exposed roots and fell about fifteen feet and landed on his boots next to where Kian lay, spurs jingling. Kian was stretched out prone, eyes fluttering, on a bed of soft moss. He had a small contusion on his head that was bleeding where the skin had broken, leaving a patch of red on his blond hair. The cavern was decently warm and Dylan realized it was heated with the hot springs which flowed near the moss bed. Henna cast some of the glowing globes from her body and directed them to different points in the cavern. What was revealed in the light was some kind of ancient city, and he stood near what might have been construed as docks in their heyday. Stone walls, towers, and cliff dwellings that had been carved into the rock of the cavern stretched into the gloom, and steaming water flowed by in a shallow creek, fed from hot pools that bubbled nearby. Ice from above melted from the heat and continuously supplied the creek with water; the walls of the cavern on the western side were made completely of granite and were drenched in small waterfalls that flowed from above into this underground stream system.

"Are you okay?" Ella Fravaugh called down.

"Yes. I found him and there's some kind of ancient city down here."

Dylan kneeled next to Kian, took off his helmet, and searched his pack for some bandages. Henna, sensing the knight's distress, went to the water's edge, soaked a cloth, and carried it back to wash Kian's face of blood. Then, Dylan bandaged the small wound carefully and said a prayer over him to his God. He held Kian in his strong arms, feeling the youth's heartbeat, and quietly sobbed. Ella Fravaugh joined them a few minutes later.

Kian awoke to Dylan holding him and gently touched his shoulder. The Valion Knight smiled with joy; Kian thought that Dylan's blue eyes were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "I see your speaking to me now," he said in a whisper.

He carefully set Kian back down against the moss. "I was angry with you, but, I need to get over that. It's a time of war and different rules apply. I know this and so does Ella Fravaugh-"

"Well-" the hare-foot shrugged, shoulders bunched and essentially speechless.


Ella Fravaugh regarded him with a half scowl. "Technically we're not at war but yes, this is an extreme situation and there's going to be loss of life. I guess if we're going to work with Kian, we have to admit to ourselves that we don't have what it takes to be good at indiscriminate killing of the weak and helpless. This doesn't mean I'm going to be comfortable with it, sir knight. And I don't think that you necessarily should be comfortable with it either. Neither of us worships a good God or for that matter, one that is steeped in the teachings of purity. There are gray areas where morality and necessity collide and this just happens to be a very gray area. And for the record, again, I'm not comfortable with it at all. However, I think it's safe to say that we'd already have lost one or two of the men, women, or even children by now just because of the weather, not to mention the hyenas. What Kian did back there could be considered a mercy if addressed in the proper light."

Kian looked at them both, expressionless, his smile a flat line on his beautiful, fair face. "I'm not happy either. Despite what you guys think of me, I'm not a blood thirsty murderer. I just kill when I have to and thus far, my instinct has proven to be right on the money. There was nothing I could do to save those children, nothing any of us could do at all. A quick death is better than a life of know this more than anyone, D. And I'd do it again if needed. I'm sorry if my actions put me at odds with you two, but I've got to stay focused on my mission. This means I need to get back to the Library and kill the wizard Korga. If some innocents must die along the way to facilitate this, then so be it."

"Cold and professional," Dylan stated.

"That's who I am," Kian said. "I make no apologies for it."

Dylan nodded but said nothing to the contrary. He felt Dylan's thoughts however; he knew that the knight was still struggling to come to terms with murdering what he believed were innocent lives that were asking for some charity. However, his military conscious was going to let Kian have this hour. Dylan knew despite all his training that he couldn't have done what Kian had so easily carried through. If it had been up to him, they'd be mired right now with sick and wounded and trying to feed desperately hungry children with meager rations while knowing the entire time that they were being tracked by powerful followers of Zandine.

Kian tried to sit up and felt a pain in his chest from the injury that was now aggravated from the fall. Additionally, he was a little dizzy from the mild concussion he'd received in the stumble through the sinkhole.

"I think we'll camp here for the night," Dylan said. "Henna, can you put up my tent for me?"

"Yes." She giggled and started rummaging through Sir Avery's pack.

Dylan grabbed the sack containing the food and made Kian a sandwich. He also tilted water from his bottle into Kian's mouth while he lay against the moss and then fed him the sandwich with gloves on, so that he could stave off the feral rut a little longer by avoiding direct skin contact with Kian's tongue. It was a good thing, Kian hungrily devoured the sandwich and licked Dylan's palm for the crumbs, pink tongue flickering in and out like a small puppy's lapping at milk from a bowl.

"Kian," Dylan said, while feeding him a piece of cheese.

"Yeah," he voiced after swallowing a bite. Dylan noticed Kian's eyes were starting to change to spots of blue with pupils of white. The feral rut was coming on, but it was slow in its growth. His eyes trailed over his lover's body, the long slim line of his torso to his legs, his perfect feet and hands that twitched ever so slightly encased in armor, broad shoulders and slender neck. He stared at Kian's nice bubble butt which lay within an arm's touch, a mere skin of metal keeping hidden a treasure that would feel so tight, so warm, and so inviting to his long slow stroke. He smelt the clean sweat from Kian's loins and his mouth watered to taste it. Inside his armor, his cock jumped uncomfortably and grew tight against his codpiece which wasn't made to support such size in a non-flaccid state. He closed his eyes, breathing, thinking of nothing but ice and snow. Kian continued to eat from his fingers; the blond boy knew he was driving Dylan crazy but submissively just nibbled from his lover's long armor encased hand because he was hungry and needed to eat. "Kian...I need you to obey me. I'm asking and saying, please. I know back there you opposed me on the stairwell and I forgive you for doing whatever it was that you did to knock me out. But, can you at least submit to me some of the time and just do what I ask of you without question?"

Kian's eyes twinkled and he looked up at Dylan. "This really is important to you, isn't it?"

Dylan nodded, "Please?"

He didn't answer him, but after cleaning his hand, he moved closer to Dylan and gently licked the top of his right boot a couple of times and then stopped and kissed the top of the moist leather with his soft lips along about where his toes were resting. Because of the rut, Dylan knew what Kian meant in that physical gesture. The licking of his boot told him that Kian promised not to challenge him again and was sorry. Whether or not, he would keep that promise was another thing yet, but as of now, Dylan had won.

"Good boy," he said, patting Kian's blond hair. "Good boy," he repeated.

"Your tent is ready," Henna said, floating up to them. She smiled and sped off to where Ella Fravaugh was stringing a pole to try fishing the waters.

Dylan swallowed hard, unable to take his eyes off of how beautiful Kian looked in the gentle light of the fairy fire. He lay down next to him, still hiding behind his helmet. Kian reached over and gently nudged the visor up so that he could look at Dylan's astonishing eyes. He sucked in his bottom lip, barely able to stop himself from touching the white knight's sweaty skin. He looked so masculine to Kian with just barely a dusting of fine hair along the cheeks, upper lip, and prominent chin. Kian only had to shave once a week because his face hardly grew hair, and when it did, it came in so blond as to be invisible against his skin. But he was certain Dylan had to shave once a day or others would claim he'd grown a beard.

"Kian, I want you to go into the tent and get ready for me, okay? I'll be in about ten minutes or so and I'll want you naked on the blanket, lying on your back with your feet toward the door. Please have your legs parted so I can see all of you when I enter."

"Okay, D," he whispered. "I think you should blindfold me, though."


"Because," Kian started to say with a soft voice. He lifted Dylan's fingers to his lips and sucked on the gloves, pink tongue flicking along the ends, "I don't want to see you until you're on top of me. But I'll be able to feel the heat from your body sizzle over my skin and hear you climb into place while I place my naked sweaty feet on your shoulders."

Dylan swallowed, and hastily rummaged around in his pack. Then he pulled out a length of soft cloth, folded it, and delicately tied it in place over Kian's eyes, knotting it in the back. Kian lifted it up with one finger so he could look out with his eye and find his way to the tent.



"I may breed you in my armor tonight because if we get attacked, I'll need to be battle ready to fight. I can't teleport like you and buy time to suit up."

He looked disappointed and Dylan knew it was because Kian wanted to rub his fingers through his chest hair. "Can you at least take off your boots so I can feel your feet on mine? And your gloves for the same reason-I love licking your fingers and well, your skin is magnificent. And no helmet, please, I love you and need to see you as you fuck me. Plus, you must wear your tabard so that my skin doesn't feel the touch of cold armor."

"Of course. I'll also light the candle for you, too." Dylan continued to stroke his hair and then had a thought. "Don't get excited...not yet," he gestured, "but I've an idea that may help you get comfortable for me." Carefully, Dylan sat back from Kian, and spread his legs out on the moss. Then, he undid his metal codpiece which was groaning from discomfort at the pressure behind it. He pulled it off, freeing his sweaty cock which plopped heavily onto the moss. It was nine inches of thick, sweaty meat with the glans the size of a small fruit, heavily veined and surrounded in a thick tuft of sable pubic hair. Kian's mouth watered at the sight of it laying there, the slit glistening with pre-cum and heavy balls pressed against the green moss. Aroma from his skin wafted to Kian's nostrils which flared in response. Kian reflexively started to reach for him and Dylan swatted his fingers away. "Not yet," he commanded. He gingerly dug at the liner of his codpiece, a soft cloth that was soaked through with sweat, a little urine, and some of his cum. He cleaned it once a week and right now, it had six days of him absorbed into the fabric pad. He pulled it out with his fingers, held it in his palm, and then with his other hand behind Kian's head, he pushed the youth's nose into it, so that he could smell his scent. The little natural color that was left in Kian's eyes completely disappeared as the feral rut consumed him, pupils replaced in white, irises as clear as blue sky. Kian nosed around on the cloth hungrily, licking at it with his tongue and Dylan wiped Kian's face and nose with it. Then he handed it to him.

"Now, go get ready for me." He could see that the feral rut was causing Kian to sweat. This was what he wanted; he enjoyed it when Kian gleamed in the candlelight. "Yes, Dylan," Kian said. Then he carefully picked himself up off the moss and went into their small tent still holding the cloth to his face, only now with his own hands. Dylan with his wolf hearing could discern Kian unbuckling the armor and taking it off his body. He closed his eyes, imagining his friend's gleaming torso of muscles and rib bone, the slope of well-defined biceps and triceps, the flare of pecs and the roundness of his glutes which were so perfect in their shape that the spheres didn't touch but lay apart by a narrow gap of cream colored flesh. Nestled there in the most sacred private part of him was the small barely pink spot of Kian's sweaty hole that would be tightly closed, awaiting his exploration begging to be plundered for a second night. It made Dylan ache to just think about it. Then, he heard something else, perked up and turned his head. Dylan opened his eyes and stared upward at the opening in the ceiling from which he'd dropped and to his surprise one large ice wolf, then a second, and finally a third fell through and landed on top of each other on the bed of moss where he'd been only a moment before.

Joy leapt into his heart as he saw the wolves shimmer and become fully armored Valion knights in the black tabard of the Crimson Guard. He recognized them immediately. The one with hair as silver as mercury was Sir Heath Falna; next to him was Sir Ephram Callahan, slightly taller at 6'2" and with medium length soft brown hair. Last was Sir Crispin Micah, a green-eyed red head from the steppes of the Nimmermore mountains. Crispin was the slightest of them all being similar to Kian in build at 6-feet tall and around 175 pounds. He ran to them, and hugged them tightly and they embraced him back, lovingly, like boys who had been missing their father. The fact that Dylan was exposing himself to them was of no concern for this seemed natural to the wolves who often watched each other piss and would oftentimes bathe and engage in naked wrestling together to establish the pecking order of the pack. Plus, several of them admired Dylan's size, which was a little greater than their own as he was Alpha and it was a reminder of his masculine potency.

"Sorry, Dylan," Sir Ephram Callahan stated. Ephram had a tongue piercing as well as two nipple piercings in different parts of his body. He had tools to make them in his pack and was the only wolf he'd known who loved jewelry of this kind. When he spoke sometimes, there was a click of the small platinum bead on his tongue against his perfect white teeth. "We've been tracking you ever since we detected your call a day or so ago. But negotiating the waste is perilous business-I'm afraid I've failed you."

"My call? And how could you possibly think you've failed me."

"Yes, your call," Heath said, removing his helmet. The sweaty, clean-shaven face belonging to this knight was pale blue eyes amidst shimmering silver hair and the face of an 18-year-old boy. "Somewhere between here and there, we lost two of our pack," he stated, eyes sorrowful. "It wasn't Ephram's fault at all, sir. We all technically failed you." He swallowed hard looking downcast. Dylan saw that barely visible at the bottom of his neck before it disappeared into his breastplate there was some bruising.

"Are you hurt? For that matter, are any of you hurt?"

Crispin winced, removing his helmet. Dylan immediately smelled blood on him. Crispin like the other two was clean shaven, at most nineteen years of age, and his emerald eyes sparkled amidst finely sculpted features and a prominent narrow Valion nose. "We were attacked by foul disgusting undead in some kind of living armor that repaired itself every time we damaged it. They attacked us with steel claws that looked like huge fingers. Erik dove in the way of one coming for me and was run completely through so that black blood poured from his body; I still got stabbed in the side." Dylan winced because black blood meant vital organs had been damaged, probably the liver or kidneys. Crispin's eyes were watery and the first sign of tears slid down his cheeks. "He died in my arms, sir. I tried to save him, but there was so much blood. I loved him sir...we all did." Then he softly sobbed while his fellow knights comforted him with gentle pats on the shoulders and back. Crispin held up his gloves, the normally white leather was stained red; there were blood spatters up his white armor to almost his elbows.

"What about Nathaniel?"

"We lost him, sir," Ephram stated. He moved his soft brown hair from out of his deep chestnut colored eyes. Dylan loved Ephram's eyes for they had a soulful glow about them that he'd never seen in any other man. "We backtracked for three hours to find him and couldn't. The weather was so bad and Crispin was limping because of the wound. I'm concerned it may be festering."

"I'll be alright," Crispin said with a wince. "It just grazed me."

"That's not true," Heath said. "I've been smelling fresh blood on you. We need to examine the cut, clean it, and dress it."

"By Thomas, we're so happy to have found you sir," Ephram stated, holding Dylan. "Thank the Gods that you're alive and well."

"Let me introduce you to Ella Fravaugh and Henna." He pointed them out to the pack. The hare-foot and the pixie were quite a ways down from them following along the mossy beach and casting line into the small, steaming creek. Dylan scratched his chin thinking how fresh fish might taste which also caused him to wonder about the kind of fish that might call these waters home. Ephram, Crispin, and Heath waved at the two fey creatures while he was deep in thought.

Henna rose up and spread golden light over the water and shouted out "welcome!" and her musical voice echoed through the cave and the empty dwellings of the city.

"What is this place?" Heath asked. He blinked silver lashes so long that they dusted the tops of his cheeks; he looked around with those perfect cobalt eyes.

"I'm not sure," Dylan said. "We found this place accidentally. Well Kian did-"

"-Which one is Kian?" Crispin asked, cutting him off. "Any of your friends, sir, are family to us and an honor for us to greet."

"Here here," the other boys stated, solemnly.

Dylan was silent and swallowed hard. He didn't know how to answer Crispin's question and as a result, there was a long dramatic silence as everyone waited for him to say something. The cute red-haired knight waved a hand in front of Dylan's face, "hello?" Then he said, "Wait a minute." Crispin stepped in closer to Dylan, placed his gloved hands on Dylan's shoulders and leaned in sniffing with his nose at the Alpha's slender neck. The small nostrils flared and the behavior attracted the other two who also looked at Dylan quizzically. Helpless, Dylan stood there as the pack surrounded him, sniffing behind his ears, licking his skin occasionally either on the neck or behind the ear. "What is that?" Crispin asked. "It's the most erotic thing I've ever scented. I can't get enough of it."

"What's what?" Dylan queried, obviously nervous.

Heath knelt down and carefully sniffed Dylan's crotch, nosing about there like a dog would to a human. He gently and respectfully pushed Dylan's large cock to one side with his fingers and pressed his face into the sweaty pubic hairs at the base of Dylan's slightly engorged phallus, sniffed about his nuts. "It smells divine. That's not your scent but someone else. But it's unlike anything -sir, the smell is all over your flesh."

Ephram and Crispin also dropped down and sniffed Dylan's crotch; they pressed their noses to the veined skin and scented him in the way that dogs do to humans. Crispin and Ephram flicked their tongues once, just to get a taste of whatever it was that coated Dylan's penis. The three knights dropped to the ground and followed their noses to the sealskin tent. Crispin paused, green eyes going glassy and long red bangs dangling in front of his eyes. He was fascinated at what might lie on the other side of the tent's wall. "It's in there," he whispered. "I can hear it panting."

"Don't go inside or even look," he stated, walking over to them. "Please, I need to explain something."

Ephram, Crispin, and Heath looked at him, lips agape and he could see their mouths were watering, slightly drooling, even though they were in human form. He kissed each one on the head, "Please, can you come over here and have a seat on the moss with me?"

"Yes," Ephram stated with some difficulty, swallowing the spit. A bit of light from the fairy fire glinted off the metal stud in Ephram's mouth. All three of them moved with the gait that is caused by uncomfortable erections. Dylan knew all too well what that feeling was all about.

Crispin and Heath followed through with an, "Absolutely, sir." It was said with deference to his station and great respect for he was their Alpha and they were just Betas. Dylan walked over, spurs jingling, followed by the others who crouched down on the balls of their feet. He crouched with them and admired these young, athletic men who were pinnacles of strength, dexterity, and masculinity. And they looked up to him with nothing but love. These were boys with whom he slept, played, and died. He'd known them for five years and they counted scars together. He almost cried when he thought of the fact that Erik was dead and Nathaniel was missing, most likely never to be recovered.

Dylan thought of Nathaniel. He was barely old enough to be a Crimson Guard, stood one inch above six foot, possessed silver eyes with black pupils and red gold hair. When he walked, it was the picture of grace, when he spoke, it was like hearing songbirds greet the morning. He was given the dragon spurs on his sixteenth birthday, which was practically unheard of, for it was the first day when a squire could even be eligible to be knighted during the Valion Moot. To become a beta in the most extreme division of the Valion knights meant he had promise and aptitude that was represented in less than 1% of the total population of knights. And of course it went without saying that Valion Knights lived only to perfect their extremely athletic bodies so this wasn't a factor at all in that elite consideration. All of the knights that served in Dylan's privileged squad were sweet, kind, and virtuous. However, Nathaniel showed unusual cunning and genius-two qualities that marked him as a future Alpha. If he was missing, Dylan hoped that he still lived and that he'd find his way here to be with them.

"On what did you wish to speak with us, great Alpha?" Ephram asked. He and the other two boys lowered their heads in respect to him until he nodded that they were to be `at ease'. He also gave them a reassuring pat on their heads with his hand which made them smile. If they had been in wolf form the knights would have been wagging their tails.

Dylan took a long time to formulate what he needed to say because having an Omega for the knights to use was not only a divine gift but it had astounding strategic value as well because of the kinds of warriors the feral rut could produce. Four unkillable knights is what Dylan now envisioned-young men who had boundless energy with the ability to heal in seconds from broken bones, cuts, and wounds that would kill someone without such gifts. And how much was an unkillable soldier worth? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? Dylan had no answer to that question.

He turned and beheld the sealskin tent where Kian was waiting for him. He felt himself grow stiff; he was distracted because he could feel Kian's thoughts which at this point, only a few paces away, were utterly consumed by the feral rut and the need for Valion knight cock. He knew that Kian was completely naked, blindfolded, and in the position Dylan had wanted. He was also drenched in sweat, skin burning hot, and his mind practically gone with lust. The entire interior of the tent was filled with his man-stink-a thing that was going to drive him absolutely wild once he smelt it for it was filled with Omega pheromones. Kian's chest would be rising and falling with the Heat; he had no idea the other wolves were here and probably wouldn't know until his mind was able to clear. Dylan could see his lover's hands trembling, slender fingers and toes quivering, and breath panting out of his mouth hoping that he would feel a dick inside him soon. Dylan, however, still had his mind. And before him were three of his boys who would love the Omega just as much as he did, and, he needed them to be strong and have the healing powers which he now took for granted. Kian had made it a point that in military times, extreme measures needed to be taken. The assassin had used the word triage. Well, what Dylan was contemplating was a kind of triage and as Kian had so adamantly lectured to him, in times of war, unpleasant things needed to be considered. Despite his own misgivings about their relationship, he knew that he had to let them stud Kian. The added strength would serve them well. Additionally, their souls could freely intertwine; they would be able to read and explore each other's thoughts and feelings. Dylan grew excited just thinking of the mental orders to his men that were instantly acted upon. But he also deeply loved Kian even outside the rut, so he was going to establish rules. He needed to protect his property while serving the needs of his men. And this was something only the Alpha could do. In addition, he wanted to make sure that what happened with Kian was beautiful and loving. His boyfriend deserved no less than the best that he had within his power to give.

Kian had never been a stranger to multiple partners, however, he was careful with whom he picked for his bed. Kian was also a great lover; Dylan had discovered that personally. It was also important for Kian that potential partners meet a certain standard. Crimson Guard had been hand-picked by Dylan, so his boys had no problems in far surpassing the standards he knew his boyfriend would desire. No, the biggest concern now was going to stress to these boys just how lucky they truly were. Barely men, these teenagers were going to be the only ones in the universe to ever fuck an Omega on a regular basis and he needed to stress that to these knights or Kian's life would be in danger. He knew that Kian wouldn't care one whit at who fucked him while he was in the rut. However, that could change by morning. To make certain that they weren't at odds about this, Dylan needed to be his boyfriend's advocate when he was unable to speak for himself. Thus, it was a time for strict rules and he knew just how he wanted to begin.

"Betas," he began, voice gravelly, "inside that tent over there is an Omega...the first in a millennium, and...well, how do I explain this? He's presently taken with the Heat." Dylan let what he said sink in; the wolves were struggling with the idea. He envisioned gears spinning in their minds along with a certain question...Omega? As in legendary Omega? Dylan was certain that his words had at least forced a mental double-take as they pondered, did our Alpha just say what I think he said?

"Oh my God," Crispin and Ephram stated. Their voices were low, soft, and almost guttural. Heath blinked uncomprehendingly at the news and just stared at the two-man tent in awe. At just the mention of a legendary Omega, the three boys' hearts were a flutter with emotion. An Omega was a mythical promise whispered on the lips of Elistra, spoken of in the sacred texts, and dreamt of when sampling the smoke narcotic of the Canine Eroticus root that grows in the Nimmermore Fields high upon the white cliffs of the Ventikoran Mountain range.

Ephram spoke first. "Sir, a legendary Omega is said to open our hearts to love each other on a level of joy that is said to be more potent than a combination of the most distilled emotion between a mother and child, the admiration and respect of a million of your peers, and the immaculate essence of taking the virginity of your childhood sweetheart on the first night of your wedding. Did we hear you right?"

"It's more potent than that," Dylan said, blue eyes misty. "A combination of all three of those would pale in comparison to the coupling of Omega and Valion Knight. It's so much better, I can't put it into words, actually."

Heath's eyes were so wide; he thought the young man was in danger of losing his eyeballs.

"Okay," Dylan began, "now that I've your attention, let's talk about this. The scent you smelled on my skin...well that comes from me being deep inside him...and it's a product of the feral rut once I unload my blessed semen into his guts. That's when all the magic starts. And, I'm going to let you guys have at him tonight. However, there are rules to this like any other game we play and you all must strictly adhere and agree to them right here and now or you won't be allowed into that tent. In fact, I won't even let you see him."

"You've no right to keep him to yourself," Heath challenged. "The Omega is for all the knights."

"No," Dylan said. "Trust me on this, Heath. He'll die if we allowed more than just our little group here to see him. He'll barely be able to handle us four on a nightly basis and trust me, once you taste what he has to offer, you shouldn't have a problem in not wanting to share him with anyone. There's no way there's going to be more than that. I love him."

"We all love him, sir," Ephram said. "It's in our nature to love him."

Dylan sighed, "Guys, listen to me." He set his helmet on the ground and looked at them eye-to-eye so that they could see his tears and be cognizant of his emotions. "Kian is my boyfriend. I love him beyond even what the feral rut is. He sacrificed himself to become the Omega for our pack and it's my full intention to share him with you but you must swear that you'll never tell another Valion Knight. I want you to swear that you'll never brag about this to another one of our order and that you'll attempt to hide your miraculous regeneration, strength, and physical superiority from the curious eyes of others."

There was silence while Dylan waited for them to think about this request. It was important that they knew that arousing suspicion in others of their order regarding the existence of a living Omega would bring doom to Kian. He wanted them to feel the gravity of it, to understand that what they had discovered here on this remote world was a thing of great beauty. It needed to be cherished, loved, and cared for delicately. To do anything else would risk its destruction. Crispin reached up with his hands and touched the tears on Dylan's cheeks and smiled, lowering his head respectfully. "I swear by the God of War himself that I shall do as you ask, Sir. I shall take the secret of the Omega to my grave."

The two other boys nodded, and then repeated the oath to Dylan.

"Thank you," he said.

"What are your rules, sir?" Ephram asked, clicking his tongue piercing against his teeth.

Dylan sniffed, dried his eyes on his glove, and then spoke. "Each of you will be allowed to breed him but none must do so without me present at the same time. Only I am privileged enough to be alone with Kian and to make love to him alone. Also, I want you to keep yourselves elevated off of him at all times and missionary style only. And I really mean this-I don't want him crushed underneath you because you're too lazy to hold yourself up, even if what you do takes an hour or more. That's your problem and you are the one that's going to have to work it out even if it makes your arms incredibly sore. Other positions are to be reserved for me because I'm Alpha and he's my boyfriend. The reason I want you in missionary style with him is because Kian is a person. I want you to talk with him, love him, treat him with respect and get to know him. He needs to feel your caring...this isn't just a chance for a mind-blowing fuck...which he is...but never forget that he's a person."

"Yes sir," they all said, swallowing hard.

"When someone is taking their turn on Kian, I want everyone else in ice wolf form clustered around Kian, keeping him warm, providing him your soft fur to rest his head and arms against, and letting him feel your heart beat. But there is to be nothing sexual going on. This isn't an orgy and never will be, do you understand? The reason I want you in wolf form is to remove temptation to participate. With Kian, it's one-on-one and the knight that's studding him has all the rights to him until he's completely finished."

They all nodded.

"And `finished' isn't just blowing your nut. Once you've put your incredibly valuable seed into him, his guts process it and force the Heat to pool blood in his mouth. You can drink it slow or fast but make sure Kian is never in any danger of drowning in his blood. This severely drains him, is painful to him, and I want you to support his back, his shoulders, his neck and head, everything while you're drinking his blood so that he doesn't have to strain a muscle. He may try to force you to stop but you need to drink it all. He doesn't understand that if we don't, the blood will keep coming and he may asphyxiate on it. Once his mouth stops bleeding, then your turn is over. I order you to each give him at least thirty seconds to drink some water before another person steps up to fuck him. You've got to give him time to drink because he'll be sweating a lot during all of this."

"I'll make sure to have ice cold water ready for him to drink in a water bottle, sir," Heath stated.

Dylan nodded and gave the boy a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Now guys, I want you to go with a slow long stroke. Kian isn't used to our size and it hurts him. I want the other wolves not engaged in the act to make sure that there is enough wolf saliva present at the point of penetration to make things slippery. Additionally, each person is allowed to play with Kian's cock only for one minute."

"Why so little?" Crispin asked. "What if I want to love him with my mouth, sir? A minute is not enough time to appreciate his beautiful flesh and bring him to cum."

"Exactly," Dylan said. "I don't want him to cum...ever. It's his request that he made before any of this started. He's under some kind of curse and it's extremely important to him because he's taking a drug which should allow him to father a child in a short time. In the mindset of the Heat, he won't object so you have to control yourself and just stop playing with him there after one minute. But the minute will give him a little pleasure and give you some as well if that's what you'd like to do."

"Sir," Crispin started to say, "are we allowed to mark him? I mean, this is such an honor that I feel it will give us some individuality to say that there's a piece of him that's entirely ours to keep. Please sir; ownership of territory like this is highly prized."

"I've thought about this and each of you will be allowed to mark Kian in some unique way."

Ephram spoke up, "I'll give him a tongue piercing." The others looked at him with evil grins and shook their heads. "Well it'll feel extraordinary when he's sucking my cock, sir. Additionally, I request permission to pierce both his nipples. When he gets his mind back in the morning please ask him to keep them in for they're my mark and I'll take great pride in seeing him display them. I'll understand though if he's pissed and doesn't want them."

Dylan smiled and gave him the go ahead to do just that once they went into the tent. Dylan said, "I'll mark him with my urine. No other will get that privilege so that anyone that smells him will know that he's mine." When he said that, they all looked a little disappointed.

"Does he have body hair, sir?" Heath asked.

"Very little. Only in his groin and it's completely blond."

"I'll want him denuded of all body hair below the neck. Our bitch shouldn't have hair for he's not earned the right for luxurious fur like the kind that we sport." Dylan nodded agreeing with him. It was something he wanted to bring up with Kian but didn't have the courage to do so because it might make his boyfriend mad. But truth be told, by virtue of not being an Ice Wolf and a Valion Knight, Kian wasn't worthy to wear man's hair on his privates-a concept he may have trouble accepting. It may be different in other cultures, but Kian chose to sleep with men that spent a lot of time as wolves. This is one of the things that came with that choice.

Crispin spoke up, "I've a foot fetish...I love the taste of sweat down there between the toes. I claim Kian's feet as my own... I request that no one else gets to lick them period except for me. That'll be my mark and my claim to a part of him."

"You can't claim a part," Ephram said. "That isn't allowed."

"Yes, I can. And I just did."

"Sir, is this allowed?" Ephram asked Dylan.

"I'll allow Crispin this. However, I get to overrule it if I want, Crispin. But you don't have to worry about me because I'll go after you so you'll always have the freshest sweat from Kian's feet."

Crispin smiled at this news. "That's perfectly agreeable, sir."

Dylan sighed, "Also, we have to feed Kian and I want it understood that I always get first choice on whether or not to feed him. I love having him lick my palm and I think I'd like to keep this between him and me due to the intimacy of the act. However, if you ask nicely, I may allow you to feed Kian from your palm. Also, beyond the nighttime breeding, you're never to touch Kian with bare skin. I'm the only one allowed to do that. Furthermore, when you breed Kian you must do so in your armor and once you're done, I want you to put codpieces back on and shapechange into wolf for the night. I will remain human and naked once I'm done and Kian will sleep in my arms and mine alone."

"Why is it that you get that privilege?" Ephram asked.

"Because I'm his boyfriend and I'm Alpha."

There was silence as the three boys went over all the rules in their head. There were a lot of them but they all reiterated that they would swear to keep to these rules. "Is Kian beautiful, sir?" Heath asked. "I mean, is he lovely like the legends say an Omega is?"

Dylan's eyes misted over. "If you were a caveman that lived underground all his life and one day you emerged to see the sun in the sky for the first time, I'd imagine the feeling that overwhelmed you at this profound moment would be equal to what you'll experience when you see Kian inside that tent naked."

They all swallowed hard in unison. And in truth, it was absolutely correct.

"Let's get ready. Heath, I want you to hold off on removing Kian's body hair until I've a chance to verify that this is okay in the morning with him. If it is, I'll order him to do it himself so that he can wash it off in the river."

"Who gets to be first?" Ephram asked.

"Crispin, you go first on Kian. Get him broke in for us that come after, please. And remember to use wolf saliva to lubricate the passage."

The red-haired knight grinned happily. Dylan started to remove the rest of his armor while the others watched. They knew he was planning on sleeping naked with Kian but they still enjoyed seeing the perfect body of their Alpha. And, there was something erotic about watching him remove his armor as pieces of skin slowly were revealed. Tall, broad shouldered, with a narrow waist and muscular legs, arms, and torso that gleamed in fairy fire, Dylan was a sight to behold. He had no hair on his back at all, and just the right amount across his chest, six-pac abs down to his enlarged phallus where it formed a thick but well shaped bush. His nuts were the size of large figs, heavy, and the scrotum periodically contracted with his lascivious thoughts as if readying to empty a large load of cum once he got down to business. Finally, he set his boots to one side, transformed to wolf, and entered the tent. The others followed behind, with Crispin removing his uncomfortable cod piece as he slipped into the small tent behind his wolf brothers.

The first thing that Crispin became aware of upon entering was the intense smell of Kian's svelte body. The youth lay before him, his sweaty feet equipped with long perfect toes just inside the flap. He followed the long line of Kian's smooth slender legs. Veins crisscrossed a stomach that rippled with his muscles to the shallow outlines of ribs and flared pecs. He had a few bruises on his body but was otherwise unblemished. And the bruises quickened his pulse anyway, for it meant the boy was used to abuse. In front of his eyes, Kian moved to accommodate Dylan, who slipped behind his blond head and lay down, his wolf body acting as a pillow for him. Kian's arms and hands got buried under wolf fur, as the knights settled in around him using their animal forms. Kian was panting, sweat pooled in the shallow of his abdomen and his navel and he carefully sensed Crispin approaching and placed his narrow feet on Crispin's shoulders as the knight moved on top of him. Kian felt Crispin's swollen phallus brush against his ankle and his skin lit on fire. Crispin paused and lifted the boy's scrotum with his nose and licked at the barely pink opening with his tongue and marveled at the creamy unblemished flesh. Meanwhile, the other wolves near Kian's feet, made certain that Crispin's large cock was wet and slick with saliva to help ease the passage. Crispin closed his eyes in pleasure, allowing himself to soar upon the sensation while he enjoyed the taste produced from Kian's incredible sweat. He licked between Kian's toes and the arches of his feet, he licked the youth's ankles and placed them on his shoulders. Then, he put his hands on either side of Kian's torso and pushed himself through into the blond boy's guts and as Dylan had instructed, he made certain to go slow and easy.

Beneath him, Kian trembled with sensation after sensation and Crispin remembered Dylan's other orders. Carefully, he removed the blindfold on Kian's eyes with his fingers and French-kissed him, lolling his tongue over the boy's. Kian's eyes were wild spots of blue, white pupils dilated to extremes and he just looked at Crispin blankly while the knight tried to focus his eyes. The sensations of tight, wet, warmth unlike anything he'd ever felt rode his nerves and produced pleasure so powerful it tingled his entire body with electric current.

"Holy shit," Crispin whispered, panting heavily on Kian's chin. He pressed his eyes closed, sweat dripped from off his face onto Kian, leaked through his armor and soaked his tabard. After a few minutes, his black cloth tabard was so soaked that sweat dripped over Kian's body like an indoor rainstorm. "NNnnnnnghh," Crispin uttered, fighting to prolong the task because it felt so incredible. Kian's soft squishy guts had managed to take all of him with a little force on his part, and the boy's body felt like a custom glove. It helped to push off the rut from Crispin's aching nuts. He found his mind soaring, his soul intertwining with Dylan's and Kian's as if he were engaged in a slow circular dance in the dark. "Talk to him," Dylan's soul urged him. "Let him know how much you love him."

Crispin's eyes opened to a waking dream and he was in a field of flowers, in front of him, the boy was lying nude in the sunlight, tugging on his hand. The flowers were white lilies and he lay down next to Kian who smiled at him with laughing eyes. "Who are you?" he asked.

Then Crispin found himself in the sweaty dark tent again, exerting, muscles in his arms burning as he held his body from up off of the Omega. Underneath him, Kian's pink lips had moved with the question; Crispin kissed him hungrily, "I'm Crispin," he whispered to him. "Pleased to meet you and, I love you, Kian." Every word that Crispin said to him was true and filled with emotion. When he said "I love you" Crispin almost cried.

Kian's eyes focused for a moment, and between pants he said, "Nice meeting you too, Crispin." Then he reached up with his hands and touched Crispin's face with sweaty fingers. "You feel so good," he uttered between thrusts. Then he angled his head up into Dylan's wolf belly and cried out because of the pleasure and pain that his body rode. Kian squeezed sweaty eyelids closed, blond lashes dusting his cheeks, and skin turning ruddy with the efforts of love.

Finally, Crispin couldn't hold any longer and he unleashed a stream of cum inside Kian, feeling his nuts contract over and over, he held the quivering boy impaled on him. Before his eyes, Kian's mouth filled with red blood that spilled from his lips. Dylan called this the Heat. Crispin hungrily drank it up, swallowing it while Kian whimpered, blood spilling down his cheeks. It was like hot fire down Crispin's throat, tasted coppery, and he felt the impetus of its awesome power, giving him strength, renewing his vigor, and filling him with athletic ability he previously could not attain. Kian tried to push him away, but Crispin held onto him, continued to drink the blood the youth offered up and feeling his mind and soul join with Dylan and Kian on a level in which he previously thought impossible. No longer was he alone in the field of lillies with Kian, but Dylan was there as well; all three of them naked. They lay together like puppies, stroking each other's skin and looking into the blue sky. And love poured around the three of them like a thick blanket. He knew that they would die for him. It was commitment and intimacy, and Crispin's spirit soared.

Crispin parted lips with Kian whose eyes fluttered; only a couple of drops remained of the blood and he licked those from the Omega's face and withdrew his still erect cock from Kian's slightly enflamed anus. It was so long that, as he withdrew, it slapped against the floor of the tent with a splash into a puddle of sweat. Then he held the cool water bottle to Kian's lips; the youth drank from it heavily and Crispin transformed to a red-haired wolf and moved to one side so that Ephram could step in for his turn.

Beautiful and gentle Ephram licked Kian's torso, soft brown hair matted to his scalp with sweat, and his tabard already soaked through. Between his legs, his large moist phallus depended between Kian's legs which lay on either side of the knight, waiting for him to start. But Ephram lifted himself up and crouched between Kian's feet and unrolled a small kit of piercing tools. He withdrew a long needle and held Kian's panting body down with his left hand. Then he lanced both of Kian's nipples, the boy cried out in pain, and blood dribbled down over his ribs. Then he carefully inserted small platinum rings and when they were in place, he tugged on them with his fingers and a small drop of blood emerged from both points and he licked them up. Next, he pushed his erection into Kian, holding him by the shoulders and doing so slowly, looking into Dylan's wolf eyes to make sure the Alpha was not cross with him.

When he had established a slow rhythm, he paused to slap lightly on Kian's cheeks, bringing the boy's focus back to Ephram who dripped sweat onto his face. "I'm Ephram, by the way," he stated in a whisper, kissing him.

Kian nodded, looking confused, his lips slightly apart. Ephram pushed his fingers into Kian's mouth and the youth sucked on them. After a few minutes of this pleasure, Ephram got down to business and grabbed Kian's small pink tongue in a pinch and held it for a moment while he lanced it with the needle. Again there was more blood and Kian trembled underneath him. Ephram quickly put the tongue ring into place and then kissed Kian, "There, that didn't hurt now did it?" he asked. But he saw Kian's eyes had left a trail of tears. Ephram kissed him to show that he loved the boy and then licked the tears from his face. "I love you, Kian," he whispered. And it was the truth, for Ephram just like the others truly loved him and he proved it by trying his best to pleasure himself using Kian's body. Respectful in the same way as Crispin, Ephram made love to Kian's hole, but when Kian resisted his penetration even slightly, Ephram forced the issue with clenched buttocks because he needed to have all of him down to the base swallowed in Kian's flesh. This was pleasure for Ephram, and he wasn't to be denied. Kian's eyes fluttered with the waves of pleasure that occurred as the beautiful knight rolled his buttocks on top of him, milking the precious seed from his aching ball sac which seemed to occur with agonizing slowness. Finally, he too expelled himself into Kian's body and on the tails of the intense orgasm, Kian's mouth dripped blood. Ephram lapped it up, noticing that Kian's skin grew visibly whiter and paler as he did so. The youth almost lost unconsciousness before it was over. Like Crispin, Ephram withdrew, watered Kian's mouth with the contents of the bottle and kissed him delicately. Now, it was Heath's turn.

The gorgeous silver-haired knight moved into position and carefully slid into Kian's now enflamed hole that dripped with the white semen of his pack brothers onto the floor of the tent. He closed his eyes in pleasure as Kian's living body wrapped itself around his cock with the squeeze and comfort of a glove of flesh and blood. Gently he lifted Kian's feet onto his broad shoulders and supported his weight on his hands and muscled forearms. Kian ran his fingers over Heath's sopping wet tabard wishing that it was exposed chest hair, and the only sound in that small tent was the squeak produced by Heath's full plate armor when the joints rubbed together. Slowly, he fucked him, choosing to ignore the fact that, for the moment, the youth was still in possession of his pubic hair. Kian was so beautiful that Heath was willing to overlook it. He hovered over the perfect face of the blond boy, kissed him, and introduced himself, "Hello Kian," he whispered. "I'm Heath and this is an honor to meet you." His voice was low and sincere and the two men in the tent making slow love would have broken the hearts of any that could have witnessed it and not taken part.

Kian just nodded, breathless, and skin glistening.

Heath was as shallow a knight as any that Dylan had ever met. His standards were so high that his list of sex partners was extremely few and limited basically only to other knights in the same order. Now, however, he was seeing a look on Heath's face that showed he was experiencing sex on a level that he'd never enjoyed before and with someone that destroyed his standards and forced them into a new elite category. His silver hair was dripping with sweat; he'd never seen Heath work so hard on someone, and the knight was groaning louder than Kian's breathless pants which had been non-stop for hours on end. "Nnnnnggghh," he stated, eyes pressed closed. "Gggrrnnnngggnnnhhhh," he uttered, as he plunged his buttocks over and over to piston Kian in the guts.

Dylan saw in the minds of the knights, the field again that he'd observed when Crispin had been breeding Kian, only it had changed from white lilies to yellow daisies with Heath's effort. The colors were becoming more vibrant and he knew they were originating from Kian. Suddenly, Dylan understood. This was a competition and the color of the flowers was how much Kian was enjoying the sex. It had been white under Crispin, pink under Ephram, and now yellow with Heath who was moving his hips in such a way as to stroke Kian's swollen prostate, but only occasionally. Dylan didn't understand how every stroke wasn't hitting home because this was definitely Heath's intention. It was like Kian was doing something with his body. Heath, opened his eyes and hungrily kissed Kian, gnawed at his lips, and then, when the blood came, he drank from the boy while still deep inside him, releasing the thick white fluid that carried his children into Kian's eager intestine. When he was finished drinking from Kian, Dylan was a little worried, for Kian's color had faded to almost a stark white, and his voice was raspy.

Heath transformed to a silver ice wolf while Dylan gave Kian a long draught of water.

Dylan knew Kian was weak, but it was his turn and he wasn't going to be denied. Kian mustered some strength, placed his feet on Dylan's bare skin shoulders and ran his fingers through the knight's black chest hair and smiled. Dylan looked down at him and then he penetrated him. Kian cried out and his body shuddered, eyes focusing on his face. This time it was Kian that held Dylan's face, he whispered, "I love you."

Dylan held him lovingly and slowly fucked him, taking extreme care to not hurt Kian at all, and unlike the others, he lay skin against skin with the boy, slid against Kian's muscular body, and mingled sweat with him. Because he was the fourth of the knights to do so, Kian's skin was already a little raw and Dylan's Alpha male size caused very minor, but unavoidable damage; there was a small bit of blood. Kian nevertheless adjusted himself beneath Dylan, taking a posture that was uncomfortable but afforded the knight even more pleasure as his scrotum slapped against Kian's pale flesh. Deep inside him, Dylan's glans rubbed softly against Kian's prostate on every thrust, massaging it, and Dylan realized something magical with Atlantean anatomy for Kian seemed to have the ability to conscientiously adjust the placement of this pleasurable organ inside himself or to protect it somehow from stimulation. Whatever it was, he was allowing Dylan full access which hadn't occurred with anyone else. He'd been in the minds of the other knights and they were unable to strum Kian in this same way and with as much frequency; he concluded that his boyfriend was saving this for him, somehow adjusting the placement of organs within him to allow greater pleasurable contact with Dylan's cock. It was further proof of Kian's love for him. And when Dylan had his moment inside Kian, the explosion turned the field in all of their minds to red flowers and he held Kian in his arms long after he drank all of the blood erupting from between his boyfriend's crimson stained lips. Kian's blue eyes fluttered and Dylan could feel Kian's pulse actually weaken because he was so drained by the efforts in the last four hours. But he never fought him off. Instead, on the edge of oblivion Kian held on sharing what his body had to offer to his Valion knight lover. When the act was complete, Dylan gently lay him back down on the floor of the tent where sweat pooled in puddles. He held his swollen, partially flaccid cock in his fist and marked him again with a little spray of carefully aimed urine and then pressed his body to Kian to keep him warm while the blond's body cooled and sweat dried. Sometime, in the late hour of the night, the Atlantean assassin finally found rest and slipped into a deep quiet slumber. The last thing he remembered was how safe, warm, and loved he felt enclosed in Dylan's strong naked arms. His face looked drawn, pale from the ordeal, and his body was squeezed in on all sides by sleeping furry wolves whose breathing was so quiet it reminded him of the peacefulness of death itself.

CHAPTER END NOTES and DISCUSSION OF STORY: This is also taking place over at Gay Authors. Here is the link: In the discussion thus far I've linked 8 pictures that relate to villains and heroes alike, plus a pic of what I think Kian looks like and a pic of what I think Dylan looks like. These are just "ideas" though so don't let them ruin your mental image you have by any means. Anyway, I'd love it if you went and took a look and commented on the forums or added your own pic of what you might think some of these things looked like. Also please click on the little green square to up my reputation on the gay authors website as it helps out with how my postings clear the queue and other benefits. I appreciate all of you that have stuck with me this far in my story. As an appreciation, Chapter 9 is queued to be posted on G.A. sometime today.

Next: Chapter 9

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