Deep Space Probe - Mission Launch

By Blake Underwood

Published on Jun 30, 2024


Hi Readers & Writers, This is a true story. Do astronauts jerk off in space? I seriously looked this up. Are you an artist who would like to illustrate this story? Follow me on IG wild9ranger for sexy, silly, outdoorsy stuff. B. Underwood Support sexy @ to keep this fiction thriving

Check Jarraden's high school story `Holler my name' in bisexual/highschool (May 15th) to hear how his dick came to be the focus for...

Deep Space Probe -- Hard Landing

Aboard the space station, astronaut Kito must once again bottom for Jarraden. The pair need a `cosmic orgasm loop' to secure their Earth return. But Jarraden is beginning to fear, does Mission Control have a side quest of its own?

Eye Spy You

Kito was a hot ticket in Jarraden's eyes, in clothes and buck naked. Aboard the space station over a glass of wine in the Zero-G bar, Jarraden whispered seductively in the Japanese navigator's ear, until something he said made Kito's expression change.

The pair hovered, tethered to a table.

A few other astronauts of the 20-strong crew on free time, glanced across at the couple their mix of admiration...and jealousy evident, Jarraden was certain.

Kito sucked at the straw attached to the globe-shaped glass, listening intently. His muscular legs and glutes strained his black shorts. Against his olive-brown skin his teeth appeared to sparkle when he smiled.

Jarraden's hot stories of managing college with a mammoth schlong were making the former gymnast chuckle.

And Jarraden's work with the Pleasure Research Department (PRD) was something of a plumb assignment...for those with the skills. Jarraden had been hired after college for his ability to induce cosmic orgasms in a partner under the right conditions, and the scientists wanted to test this out in Zero-G.

Only when Jarraden had pitched up for the job interview, did the panel finally witness his bull-like dick -- induced in his teens from reciting a secret mantra. (Search `Holler my name' to read Jarraden's high school experience)

Kito's had barely been on station for one week, but his epic blow-bang with five colleagues -- which Jarraden had strong-armed Mission Control to sanction to power-up Kito's sexual charge -- had set tongues wagging, and garnered them both additional attention...perhaps beyond just crew!

Jarraden had only been approved by the PRD to watch, and was forced to remain flaccid, as Kito downed load after load of splooge. (Check out Side Quest and Critical Overload to follow Kito's story)

His face-fucking in the space station terrarium had given Kito the boost he needed for their upcoming fuck...a second attempt to achieve the nuclear, implosive orgasm that would ricochet through the body in ecstatic waves, leaving some in states of somatic bliss for weeks.

Within a few days, the Russians would be sending an Earth-bound rocket to pick up their cosmonauts on board, and Jarraden was desperate to leave with them after months in space.

In the bar, Jarraden pulled Kito in closer. "Keep smiling like I'm talking sexy...," he said, in a whisper.

"...but I think the PRD wants to keep us here...for much longer."

Of the men brought aboard for short stays to work with Jarraden, Kito was a prize. He clearly had some sexual energy mastery of his own.

His orchestration of the blow bang, how he had sucked his five colleagues to epic eruption in unison, and had circulated his own sexual energy, were rare talents.

Mission Control had paired Kito with Jarraden after a string of varied, sexy participants, with some of whom Jarraden had achieved the rare Black Hole Flux state.

But none had exhibited Kito's careful calibration of his own energy. Jarraden could sense it when they fucked.

And during the face-fucking, Kito on his knees, bolt-hard in his mesh boy shorts, he had masterfully worked all the hefty cocks, each of different dimensions and with specific triggers, to a monumental climax, screaming `Feed me' before their nuts spasmed and they produced lashings of bubbling cum custard.

He had literally activated a hypnotic switch in the men.

Jarraden needed to find out more, and gently...because the scientists observing them had let slip that the sex lab wasn't the only place where monitoring of their bodies was happening. Jarraden already knew that they watched footage of him showering -- that had had mission approval.

But Control had also commented favourably on his clandestine fuck in his quarters with the Nigerian astronaut, Emanuel, whose dick was so achingly bricked that he begged Jarraden to help him release. Their private meeting was against protocol, and supposed to be beyond the PRD's prying eyes, but Jarraden had willingly relented. He knew the perfect technique to get Emanuel off.

So, why had Kito cum during their first fuck? And might he be party to a secret agenda?

Now in the bar, whispering in Kito's ear, Jarraden eased back stroking his sandy beard, and watched Kito enquiringly.

Kito may have skills, but Jarraden knew his own too.

He wore a loose vest, and no underwear beneath basketball shorts that billowed around his thick thighs, so that in the Zero-G of the space station bar, his veiny flaccid slab poked from the leg hole, which Kito and the fellow drinkers were clearly seeing.

Jarraden said: "You want to take this...elsewhere?" He let a smirk edge across his lips.

"You know we can't Jaren," Kito said.

Behind Kito's eyes Jarraden saw the momentary indecision, before the confusion.

Kito pulled at the crotch of his straining shorts. "'re really testing my limits here."

"I doubt it," Jarraden said, laughing, and sipping from his own glass of merlot. "You've got plenty of control over those gorgeous nuts of yours."

"Hush man... If we were on Earth I would have banged you for..." Kito stopped.

"Hours? Yeah I figured so," Jarraden said, speaking sweetly. The pair floated, globes of wine in hand, and if this were Earth it could have been a regular hot night in Soho in any city from London to Mumbai, a male go-go dancer in Speedos pole-dancing while two jocks enjoyed date night.

Kito blushed. And Jarraden had his proof... Kito did have solid ejaculation control.

Fuck Protocol

The sex lab, capturing every aspect of Jarraden fucking, was studded with multiple hi-tech cameras.

But so was his shower...and his supposedly off-limits private room, he now knew.

The cameras contained sensors that could detect everything from heat to sound vibrations, and with the relevant software, the Pleasure Research Department analysis gave them a read of Jarraden's bio-markers, mood, pain and pleasure levels, even the internal temperature of his ginormous schlong.

When fucking with Kito the first time, Mission Control speaking in their ear-pieces had tried to break them from their hypnotic love-making. Jarraden had snapped from the trance immediately. Yet despite the warning for Kito to stop, he had climaxed... spunk erupting from his bone-hard prick in huge blooms that floated about the lab.

Kito couldn't stop himself.

Jarraden's dick was stonking hard, the veins along its thick ribbed body pulsed with his heartbeat deep inside Kito's very juicy and willing arse.

Kito clawed at Jarraden's chest and threw his head back in ecstasy. His smooth brown body glistened, and Jarraden's slippery arse crack squelched with each thrust of his hips.

In the ear-pieces Mission Control were playing a carousing shamanic drumbeat to manipulate the boys' rhythm.

The second fuck had been given go ahead, just 24 hours before the Russian rocket was to dock.

And Jarraden had a plan of how he and the talented Japanese engineer could do some investigating of their own...

Floating in the Zero-G sex lab, he and Kito were putting on the show of a lifetime for the boys at Mission Control. Kito had fully mounted the meat pole after 40 minutes of gradual opening, riding over Jarraden's ample veiny foreskin at the start.

Like a flower in bloom, Kito's arse had gaped slowly, inching down rib after rib, essentially wanking Jarraden inside Kito's guts.

Then in a final display of control to rival the Thai women able to shoot ping-pong balls from the pussy, Kito had used his arse to peel back Jarraden's foreskin to reveal the throbbing helmet and fully mount him with a gasp that took Kito's breath away.

The pair had floated so close to the camera that Kito's splayed butt cheeks were smack centre, revealing in exquisite detail every glistening fold of his hole.

Jarraden could only imagine what Control was experiencing...but he had a fairly good inkling.

If the sensors had been able, the guys of the PRD could have experienced the sweet musk from the Japanese gymnast's flower and groomed pubes, which was driving Jarraden wild.

Mounted, Kito levered himself forward so their muscular pecs touched. "I'm ready," he said, whispering the signal in Jarraden's ear.

Summersaulting in mid-air around the lab, Kito pulled his thighs higher and wrapped them around Jarraden's tight waist.

Jarraden started to sword Kito's arse, in and out, his weapon sheathed to the hilt and unsheathed. Jarraden's nuts were fully engorged to the size of grapefruit and they jostled and squirmed as the pair began their infinity loop, achieving the prized stated Black Hole Flux.

Fuck! They had done it!

The shamanic drumbeat changed rhythm and the pair responded, like dancers, changing their angle and pace as they rutted, ensuring Kito was thoroughly cunted.

They twirled and fucked making sure the cameras caught them in constant close-up, their faces contorted in wave after wave of bliss.

They wanted Control to see this experience in minute detail.

They smashed in every way possible, Jarraden expertly moving Kito in the mating press, then swivelling him on his greasy pole into a gorilla fuck. On and on, for over an hour...

Jarraden knew the pathways of his implosive orgasms intimately. He also understood the trajectory of a session of love-making, and how after the two-hour mark of fucking the energy waves would build to such a crescendo they would eventually take over his nervous system.

He also knew what Kito could handle -- this would be Kito's first time in this lowest of the possible Samadhi states -- and if Jarraden wanted he could overload Kito and put him into an orgasmic coma.

But there were other triggers too...besides those deep in Kito's arse.

And kingpin Jarraden wasn't going to let any pencil-pushing dick dictate Kito's beat-out.

Just as expected, Control changed the drum beat yet again, and Jarraden saw Kito's eyelids start to flutter. Kito was being brought to climax...and not by him!

With this, Jarraden bucked his hips just enough so that the pair drifted towards the panel of controls. Still spiralling as they fucked, Jarraden stretched his legs backward like a scorpion tale, flexing his glutes for Control as his toes deftly tapped a series of panel buttons that Kito had...let's say recalibrated...

The inter-com of Exo5 was fairly old-tech; and the broadcast relays between earth and the space station a complex but manageable nest of circuitry, especially for a smart navigation engineer.

So, with a little furtive remodelling, Kito was able to fully showcase his skills.

The crew of Exo5 got the surprise of their lives, as did the boys of Control when Jarraden flicked the switch -- the audio transmission sending messages to Earth was immediately reversed...

Publically broadcast around the station were the unmistakable groans and whimpering...and not from the sex lab...but from the guys at Control, along with the panicked scrabbling as someone tried to cut the feed.

The space station crew performing various tasks -- in their own labs, such as Dr Maylik Ali in the giant terrarium; others in the gym, some eating in the canteen -- all witnessed how their scientific research was being monitored back home.

In a state of more than just scientific excitement...

And among the chorus of lusty panting was the echo-y growling of Patrick, the head of technical broadcast, on the edge of orgasm as another voice, a man's, commanded him "...take it deeper bitch...much, much deeper...".

Addendum -- 6 months later

Four Mission Control scientists are facing jail for gross sexual misconduct after "whacking off, and in one case fucking" while handling real-time data from space station Exo5.

The scandal has for months rocked joint-agencies that manage billion-dollars scientific research projects. In a statement, leading governments said that exploring orgasms in Zero-G was at the leading edge of understanding human consciousness.

An Exo5 astronaut on board at the time, who asked not to be named, joked that "porn got upgraded to interstellar. The cosmic orgasm is real...and who doesn't want to witness that!"

A joint spokesman for four leading governments among the many who have invested, would not confirm possible treason, if data was being sold illicitly.

The case continues...

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