Deep Love

By Jason Bonerboy

Published on Feb 9, 2022


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Ok no ramping up, please be sure to read from parts starting at number one.

Deep Love 6

Lance walked up to the boy waved his hand towards him. Then he looked the boy in the eyes he froze. Lance took the neck of the boy. He bit and drank. Tim came up and did the same thing. Then he licked the wound. Lance told Tim how doing it had turned him on.

They both talked really quick in their minds as they both went thru the memories. The boy had no family accept a 16-year-old sister. He was bisexual as was she. Lance released him. The boy blinked a few times.

"Can you spare some money man," He asked.

"What's your name," Lance asked.

We both already knew. But we couldn't let on.

"I am Neal. So can you help me. My sister and I are without food. I shouldn't tell you but our parents were killed the other day. We don't have anyone to take care of us. Can you help," asked Neal? "My sister Nancy and I would be grateful."

They led Neal to the car. Then they went to Neal's house. In the house he introduced Nancy to the Spaners. He told his sister that we were goanna help them. The house was filthy. I went thru the memories. They had nothing but the clothes on their backs. Neal introduced us to his sister.

"I am Tim Spanner, Nancy you are charming and beautiful. I like to extend an invitation to join my family. Neal told me you have no one to care for you. I would hate to see you both go into the CPA system. You two would no doubt be separated," I said.

Nancy looked at me with suspicion. I grabbed he and kissed her. She almost pulled away then she leaned into the kiss. She looked flustered from the kiss.

"I think we can except your offer. I also don't want to be separated from my brother," said Nancy.

"We are travel around the country. We will be here in Corpus Christi for about three months. We have an RV about half empty. There is more than enough room," I said.

They both liked that. It would be somewhere they could hide from CPS and the authorities. Everything Lance and I shared in our minds. He was thinking. If you're goanna take a wife. She's easy on the eyes I must say. She'll give the family new kids to the family thru birthing them. I agreed with him. It was the memories from Walter that gave me the desire for a wife. I told Lance. Lance said he felt the same way. Still he liked Neal. I'll be the one to convert him, I told him.

We took Neal and Nancy to the RV. They both thought it was wonderful. Once inside Lance careful blocked the way out. He didn't want them making a break for it. He knew I was gonna make him his brother but he thought the boys was cute. I however thought that and how the girl was pretty.

"Ok, I'm sorry to tell you that I have anterior motives. I love you Nancy and I love your brother."

"Are you kidnapping us," Nancy asked? "Are you some kid of child seller?

"No I want you to a part of our family. I do love you Nancy. I love you brother. All of my sons are recused from place nobody wanted them. I gave them a new life and now they are my sons," I told them.

"Do you want to marry me," asked Nancy?

"Well this is a state with common law marriage. Yes, I do. Is that a problem?"

"I need another kiss to be sure," she said. I grabbed her and kissed here better than last time. She was more than flustered

"After that, YES, I will be your wife."

"And Neal will be my son. He'll make a fine addition as will you to our family," I was talking to Lance in my head. How do I tell them we're also vampires. Not everyone takes to it. With all the garbage of fake stories and legends. Just do it slowly Dad, My lover, Lance said to me in thoughts.

"I also want to mention you won't die being a part of our family. At least by old age."

There was confusion in both their faces.

"Are you vampires or something," asked Neal?

"What if we are," I asked?

"So are you going to kills us," asked Neal?

"No I love you both, Nancy's going to be my wife. You're going to be my son. I don't want any harm to come to you," I said.

They both weren't sure what to think.

"I was living at a group home with Lance," said Louis.

"Tim saved me from my evil uncle he used me as a slave for sex," said Warren.

"So you really are vampires? Fine take me make me one," said Neal.

"What about you Nancy. I do love you the moment I saw you," I said.

"I will be you wife. So how does this work?"

"Well, I make love to one of you, you drink some of my blood, and then I drink some of yours. This is done while we make love."

They both thought it sound ok. I took Neal first. I told him to strip. He was slow. going.

He looked at me as I also undressed. He told me he was still a virgin. I told him there would be no pain as I would block any pain. I told him he would only have pleasure. You'll wake up tomorrow with Lance. He fancies you. He just smiled.

I took him into the bed and made love to him. I worked his taint and then his meat. Lance handed me the lube and left us alone. I pushed my penis into his hole. He loved this as much as when I had just licked his taint. Then I was fully in him. I had him bite my neck. Then I bit his. Then I proceed to cum in him. He had cum himself to as I released my seed into him. He was soon asleep.

About 30 minutes later I went from where Neal was sleeping. Nancy came over and saw her brother asleep.

"You see he's sleeping. I didn't hurt him. I love your brother. When he wakes he'll be my son," I told Nancy. I looked a Lance and asked him where were the other boys? He said. see the blanket up there moving. I could sell them both. I could smell them having sex.

"OK," said Nancy. "Take me and make me your wife."

I grubbed her and took her to the to the queen size bed. I closed the area off. I make love to her too. We were Both soon naked. She was so lushest to look at. I took and kissed her. Then I kiss and licked every part of her body. I then licked her colitis. She orgasmed 10 times as I got her off orally. Then I pushed my meat into her perfect pussy. She was almost screaming as I moved very slow. I had her bit my neck. Then I bite hers. I then shot my seed into her. She screamed in pure pleasure as I did. Then she was asleep.

I went out to the main area. Lance had a smile on his face. I knew what he was thinking.

"Your new son, my new brother will be my second lover after you. I know you have 3 possible 5 if you want them." Said Lance.

I grabbed him and kiss him. I was still naked so I made love to him on one of the beds. I was no virgin before I met Walter. Lance wasn't one when we met. I knew Louis was. I knew Neal was. But I knew Nancy wasn't. We were not mated in a different way. I wondered if she'd get pregnant right away form tonight's activity or later. Lance agreed with me in my head.

I went to lay down with Nancy. Lance went to be with Neal.

I knew when he fell asleep, so was I soon.

More later......

Here a list of most of my stories.

Jason Boner Boy

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