Deep Love

By Jason Bonerboy

Published on Feb 4, 2022


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Deep Love 4

I'm Tim Spanner here, I was out jogging looking for Louis my next son I hoped.

I was enjoying the late afternoon. It was about 5pm. I was jogging a lot. This house was just a bit further. I finally found the address. The yard was fenced. I had about 35 minutes till sunset.

I clicked my phone further and a pic of Louis came into view. I looked over into the yard and He was sitting under a tree with another boy. I wasn't sure how to deal with that. I'd take them both. The other boy looked like about 16. He was good looking. I walked over to the two of them.

"Are you Louis," I asked?

"Who want to know," asked the bigger boy.

I took a deep breath.

"The name is Tim Spanner and he wants to know," I said. Louis stood up and lunged for me. He now had me in a tight grip.

"I'm Louis Misterm," he declared.

I looked at him. I could feel a connection between him and the older boy. I pushed my pheromones out toward the boys. I could see them respond. I could now smell both their lust level go up a lot.

"Who are you, Louis' friend," I asked.

"He's Lance my bestfriend," said Louis. "What he said to you is all he's going to say,"

I looked at Louis and then at Lance.

"I guess you're a matched set? Meaning you go everywhere together?"

"Yes, can we both go with you," Louis asked?

Louis was about 4' 5" whereas Lance was 5' 9". I gave Lance a hug to.

"Why did you hug Lance," Louis asked.

I told them that he looked like he needed one. He smiled. Louis said if we were leaving now was the time. I lead both the boys back to the house. Walter was on the Computer and Eric was on his lap. They were both naked. Looked like Eric had Walter meat up his butt.

Louis and Lance were soon starring at them. I led them into the bedroom.

I look at both boys in the eyes.

"Do you boys know what I am?"

"A you a boy lover, or what," asked Louis?

I told them I was a vampire and make them one as well. Is that what you boys want? Then you'll be my sons.

"Really, we won't be victims of the system," asked Louis?

"If you mean the CPA so called protective services. Then yes, you'll be free to be what you want. But I hope you want to be my sons. You look like fine boys." I said.

They were look at me with tears.

"What wrong boys," I asked?

"We've both never heard anyone say we were nice, let alone want us to be their sons," said Louis.

Lance looked at me. He nodded the same thing. I looked at then again. I held my arms out for them to hug. They both went into my arms. They were both crying. I held them for a bit. Then I look at them. I reminded them they could look to me for anything. I also kiss them both as they cried.

"Louis do you want to go first. There will be no pain. I came block you from feeling any pain just pleasure," I told them both. "OK then boys let get undress.

They disrobed. We were soon 3 naked males. I had them lay down on the bed next to each other. Their discard clothes show me how bad they had been living. The clothes looked like rags almost. They both had big bruises on their bodies in several place. I told them I would never hit them. I also told them that they would be different. I told them they already had another brother who was sleeping and they'd meet him tomorrow.

I then got on the bed and bury my face in Louis' taint and licked away.

"Oh it feels so good." he trashed about.

I looked at Lance and he was smiling. I then got my lube worked his taint over with it. Then came my meat. Lance helped there. He had my meat ready for insertion. I then put at the taint of Louis. He put his feet on my butt and pushed me into him. I was balls deep. I slit my wrist just enough for blood to flow. I put it up to Louis mouth and suck away. When he was done. my wrist healed quickly.

Then I started to thrust in to Louis. He was soon in pleasure. I could feel what he was feeling.

"Oh Shit its never felt this good, Oh gawd cum in me, oh wow, it unbelievable Lance." I bit into Louis neck as he screamed and collapsed. I release my load and I drank a bit. Then licked the cut and it healed. It had been as intense as it was with Warren. I notice he had cum too as his belly and groin as it was wet.

I looked at Lance he was smiling. I reassured him Louis was just sleeping. I then grabbed Lance. I started by kissing him with a passion I didn't expect to have. Lance returned it all. He looked at me. I saw love and lust in his eyes.

"You made Louis happy, Thank you," said Lance.

"Let's make you happy shall me."

He just nodded. I went back to kissing him. The age difference made the love making deeper. I wondered if I had found a son and a deep lover like Eric and Walter.

I was soon at Lance's taint and had he squirming and moaning. I lubed up his hole and my meat. Then I aimed for his hole. His feet like Louis' cam onto my butt and pushed me fully into his pucker.

"Oh My Gawd in Heaven, It so strong of a feeling. ohhh Keep going father," said Lance. I slight my wrist and fed it to him. I was soon shooting into him.

"Father I am so close to coming," Said Lance. I lube my butt and his meat. then I lowered myself on his pole He came in seconds as I lean forward and drank from his neck a bit. Then I licked it as it heal quickly. I look at him as his meat came out of my butt and saw he was already asleep. I just laid on him for a bit. Now sure what was coming.

I woke up quickly and it was 6 am. I looked at the clock and noticed I had sleep 10 hours. My thoughts were muddled from Louis and Lances memories. I got up and peed. I didn't hear any noise I found both Eric and Walter asleep in one bedroom. But No Warren. Then I heard him in the kitchen.

"Morning Father, Coffee?"

I could smell warren was fully vampire now. I was overwhelm. He was gorges. He still look 12.

"Father, can I call you that? Is it ok?"

"My boy, You are wonderful to smell and see," I said. "You also have two new brother sleeping," I said. "Yes, father if fine."

He came over to me and started to kiss me.

"That was some night. And now you say I have two new brothers. cool," said Warren. I started to kiss him more. Soon it was very passionate. I could feel my meat longing to get some attention. We were interrupted by Lois and Lance.

"Can we get an introduction to our new brother," asked Lance. Louis looked at Lance.

"Wow, you spoke a whole sentence.," said Louis.

"Why wouldn't I," said Lance. Then Louis put his hand over his mouth and we all started to Laugh. I gave the introductions The boy all kiss each other.

More later.

Jason Bonerboy

Next: Chapter 5

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