Deep Love

By Jason Bonerboy

Published on Jan 30, 2022


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When Eric woke up, I could tell he was now one of us. He was Walter's son. I was now Uncle Tim.

Eric has lust in his eyes. It was mostly aimed at me.

"Tim, I want to mount you and be mounted by you. Then I want you again Walter," said Eric.

I was remembering something Walter had told me about my skills. I could alter any part of body. That included my member between my legs. Now I wondered if I should. Walter's member was 8 inches. I loved the size now that I was a vampire. Mine was about the same. As I was taking a shower. Suddenly Eric joined me. He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. I was now facing away as he had his face buried in my taint.

It was wonderful. Then he used some hair cream rinse in my pucker. Then on his meat. My world exploded a he pushed into me. He just hugged onto me as he was now in my butt hole with his member.

I could hear him puffing as he started to move.

"Oh My Gawd, Tim it's even better than last night."

"Wow, the intensity is amazing too," I spoke. He started to move really fast as he held onto my waist. Oh I felt so alive. My old life was but a dream.

Soon we were both sitting down in the shower. Eric then lower himself on to my pole. As it slide in the world exploded again. He was going a lot slower. I grabbed on to his meat that was now 6 inches in size. I feverishly jerk him off as he was soon riding me faster now.

We both exploded in scream of pure pleasure of unbelievable amounts.

"Are you two gonna coming out for lunch. or are you to be in there all day," asked Walter.

We started to laugh as we got out and went to eat lunch naked.

Walter told us that he put himself to sleep in 1750 and woke up 3 month ago. He travel a lot drinking form a few people. He was trying to figure out the world. Then he subdued a geeky kind of guy. He drank his blood and gain all kinds of knowledge. The guy woke up the next day. He felt that life was meaning less. Then gave him everything he had to Walter. It was a lot. At his behest He killed the guy.

"That's why I had a Russian accent. I hadn't overtaken the memories well. But sex helps with clearing your head of new knowledge. Then I disposed of his body in a way I'll teach you. It turns to dust. Before you leave Tim take a bit of my blood. You'll get all my memories. But wait 5 minutes and sit. That will keep you from getting confused."

Oh that explained a lot.

"Do you have the address of the 2nd boy. I'll go find him."

"Yes, But first the drink from me."

He held out his wrist. I started to drink then he said stop. I sat down for about 5 minutes. Then finally the mummeries were so muddled in my head. I taken only the amount Walter told me to. I could make him have to drink from some else If I took to much. Plus he had given Eric some last night. Apparently it only took about 6 hours for the transformation to work.

"There I just sent the info on the boy you cell phone," Said Walter.

"The memories will be come clearer within a couple of days," said Walter.

I looked at My phone a picture came up and then an address. Then I went for a jog. I could hear Eric saying had wanted to have sex with Walter again as I left.

I did the same thing as last time. I remembered Walter's words from before. I was going to act naïve the whole time.

I was jogging at a nice pace. A few people waved and lots of kids did to. It was a bit different then the last neighborhood of Eric's old life. It was nicer homes. I kept up my jog. I could sense all kids of desperation. It was nothing like Eric had put off. i could tell he was frantic to get away from his parents. I was now more into my skills now two day hence.

I kept up my pace wondering if he's be outside waiting or trapped inside his house. Apparently an Uncle control his life in every element. He couldn't tell me anything over a text.

As I was jogging I got a flash of what Walter had said about killing someone then deposing of their body to dust. I realized I could do if the situated called for it. As I was jogging I was lost in though. A boy came up to me at that moment and wanted to talk to me

"I'm Warren Zwicker, I need to talk to you quickly before my uncle knows I outside,' He said.

I knew he was the boy I was looking for. The picture matched.

"How old are you?"

"Twelve does that matter," he asked. I didn't answer him. It wasn't a issue for me. I just wanted to know. "What the issue with you uncle?"

"He's my dead moms brother. A real monster. If he finds out I outside the house. I doomed. He sleeping off last nights party. But if he wakes up." Said Warren.

I could now hear panic in his voice. Then I heard a man bellowing.

"Where are you boy, I got another party planned and you're the main event. Get back here."

He was up to us quickly. He grabbed Warren by the neck and was dragging back to the house. I didn't want to make a scene. I follow quicker than I thought I could move. The door was locked but I was able to force it open with new found strength.

The boy was dangling by the back of his neck. I pulled him free and put him behind me.

"Watch this Warren," I spoke. I remembered the memory from Walter. I grabbed the Uncle and Crust his skull in less than a second. Not enough time for the man to make a sound. But the surprised look on his face was the last thing he did. I worked my powers for lack of a better term. He burst into flames and then I pulled up all his essence into one of my hands. I placed it in to my pocket in a tight ball. I didn't want to leave any of his body behind. for the authorizes to find.

"How did you do that," asked Warren?

"No time to talk. Follow me. We're getting the hell away from this place." Warren was happy at my words. We arrived at the house with no other issues.

We were greeted by Eric and Walter.

"Is this Warren," said Walter. "You didn't give your age."

"I'm 12 sir. I was worried no one would come."

"Nonsense. So now I'm your new uncle Walter. I'm kind and nice. No sirs around here. How would you like Tim to be your new Dad?"

"I'd like that very much," said Warren. "After I saw what Tim did to my old uncle was amazing."

I looked at both Eric and Walter.

"I had to kill him. I then vaporized him and have what's left of him in my pocket. He was using the boy as a sex toy. For himself and his friends." I said.

"I glad I gave you my memories. You've done better working your powers than I knew you could," Said Walter. "Now you need to take care of your new son."

I looked at Warren. I hadn't really studied him. The issue with his now gone Uncle had taken all my attention. I looked at my new son. I feel in love with him. I now had a son. I would soon make him fully mine. He was very sweet looking. His hair was a mousy brown. He frame was small. However I reminded my self he was after all only 12.

"What are you all. medians. magicians wizards," He asked? I looked at him. I kissed his face. He started to cry.

"No don't do that. Your life is going to so much better from now on," I told him. "We're a highbred vampire family. Now you going to be just like us by tomorrow morning."

"Look, after rescuing me from that man. I don't care what you are. You saved me from him,"

"So do you want to be like us and truly my son," I asked Warren?

He looked at me with a new kind of look as tears where coming down his face. He smiled and grabbed onto me in a hug. I picked up my new son.

"I want to be like you and truly your son. please do it," said Warren in a whisper. I took him into one of the bedrooms and started the process.

I found lube and started to work his pucker. I masked his ability to feel pain. I had him on his back. I placed his legs up on my chest as his lubed taint was met by my well lubed meat.

I heard him gasp as I did too. He moaned more as I bottomed out in him. He was crying more tears of joy. I knew he wasn't feeling any pain.

"Oh Father do it make me like you and feed me your cum," He moaned. I was going slow but it was wonderful. I slit a small cut in my wrist as fangs protruded on request. Then they retracted. I held my wrist to Warren mouth. He drank deeply as I continued to pound his butt. My cut had healed on it own after I pulled it from his mouth.

He got a dreamy look in his eyes. I started to move very fast as he just moaned the whole time. I then grabbed on to his neck and drank a bit. He was soon in true ecstasy as I loaded my cum into him. He was asleep in my arms. I laid him down and noticed he had shot his load between us.

I went to take a shower and heard Walter and Eric in another bedroom. Walter was yelling louder as he was talking to Eric.

"Oh Gawd Eric Harding and deeper. Gawd yes cum in me. Oh shit yes," said Walter.

"Shit is right wow," said Eric.

I went and had a quite shower. I came out and couldn't sleep. I was tired enough. But it was only 4pm. I could hear Eric telling Walter he wanted more sex.

I went on got my clothes. I placed the tightly packed ball of the former Uncle on a dresser. I found my phone and saw the information for the third boy. He was 12 also. He lived in a group him with 20 other kids.

I decided I was going for a jog. I text Walter phone. It dinged next to the computer on the desk. I looked at the screen and saw 7 more boys that Walter had scooped out.

My heart was now tied to Warren. I really loved that boy. I put that though away. He'd sleep about 8 hours.

I had only one boy on my mind right now. Louie Misterm 12 and desperate. I'd make Warren and Louis twins. So off a jogging I went.

More later....

Here's a list of my other stories. Please take a look.

Be safe

Jason Boner Boy

Next: Chapter 4

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