Deep Love

By Jason Bonerboy

Published on Jan 29, 2022


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Deep Love 2

He don't forget to read part1 if you haven't

No ramping up

Tim Spanner, here.

I woke up later in the daze. I was feeling even better. I found Walter was looking at his computer. He was scanning a teen website with teens looking for boys and girls.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ahhh, you're awake. The transformation is complete. I smell your Pheromones. Can you smell mine," he asked. His accent was gone.

"Is that what I smelling. I didn't know what that was or that I could," I said.

He waved me over to him. He started to tell me about that and what was going on.

He was what most people would called is a vampire. I was one too now. I had drunk his blood in the wine. I had two drinks and he fed me more while I was asleep. Three bites does it. Unless it was one very long drink of the blood. He also drank from me too. We were now family. I would get more powerful in a week. But I could turn others now. Apparently I would get stronger over the year.

He had a list on lonely kids, Most boys. Age 10 to 16. It was easy to get the boys to agree to come back and have sex and consume the blood to change them. He had rented a house in a quiet neighborhood. A few of the boys lived near there.

"I was going to drain you of all blood. But then decided to recruit you instead. You are still under 20. After that age it was harder to convert a person," He said. "it can be done. But it takes weeks"

I was just 19. I had moved out originally when I was 16 with a guy. I still managed to finish school. Oh how up until now; my life had sucked. Walter loved me and He gave me new purpose.

"I didn't think you were as young as you were. when I figured out how old you really were. I wanted you more and wanted to make you mine," Walter said.

"Well, you succeeded. I love you a lot more than when I saw you at the Bar." I said. "I can't see my life without you now!"

"Have you looked at youself in the mirror at all today," he asked me? I ran to the bathroom and looked.

"Shit, that's me?" Walter came up behind me. We were both naked as he grabbed on to me from behind. It was a wonderful feeling as he held me.

"Do you have a house we'll share from now own," I asked?

"Yes, but first we have to recruit 3 boys I have my eye on," he said. I turned around and kiss Walter. We end up on the bed and pounded each others butts. Sex felt different; stronger than last night.

Two days later we had settled into a rental house. There were kids playing all around. Walter had told me he was looking for boys who were unwanted so to speak. That also made it easy as no one came looking for them. He had three pictures of them on the computer. He sent them to my phone. I then put them on my new laptop Walter had bought me. I was trying to memorize their looks. One was a block away. So I'd go look for him. I thought I go for a jog.

Walter had told me to act naïve even if the boy figured out who I was. Then let the boy tell him the details. Then I'd know if it was the boy. I was running thinking of how I now looked. I was better looking version of my self. I would also use my over powered Pheromones. I wondered if anyone could resist.

As I was jogging along a lot of cute young boys and teen boys came into view. I was still getting use to my new skills. Walter had told me some of what to expert. He said I'd learn it and some I would figure out. Then I spotted one of the boys. I sent out my Pheromones to the boy. He looked at me with lust in his eyes. I could tell he was 14. I jogged up to him. He looked at me more. As I got closer he started to talk to me.

"Are you Walter," He asked. "I'm Eric; Walter said he could help me get away from my parents. All they do all day is do drugs. They don't care what I do. I 'm just their son that gets in their way."

"My name is Tim. What are talking about?"

I knew what he was saying and who he was. I was doing like Walter told me. He got close to me and whispered to me.

"Walter said he could free me from my parents. He had some special skills cause he's a Vampire," said Eric.

I put my hand over Eric Mouth. He looked at me surprised.

"Not so loud," I said.

"Sorry. Is it true?"

"Look Eric if you can get away come with me. Then you meet him in person."

"Well that easy. My parents won't even know I've left. They're so out of it. How about now. You lead; I'll be right behind you."

I led the way and could smell and hear Eric. He was right behind me as we finally got to the house. I led him in side. Walter open his arms to greet Eric.

"You live here," He asked?

Walter embraced the boy. I could smell his Pheromones now. The boy seemed please as he was in Walters arms. Then Walter looked at the boy. He told him we were renting the house. Eric started to cry. Walter hugged him again.

"You can't imagine what I live like or how my parents treat me. I just a...," The boy was bawling now.

He nuzzled into Walter. I got him a glass of water. He felt better.

"So what do you want from me Eric," asked Walter? "Let me ask you Eric are you telling me everything. I can tell when a person is lying."

I knew that was true. Because I could too as now I was a vampire like him.

"It's worse. They sometimes beat me too," said Eric. "I want to be a vampire like both of you." Eric grabbed Walter and started to make out. It wasn't long and they were grabbing each others meat. Then they got up and took off all their clothes. I watch as they went into one of the bedrooms.

Then Walter had Eric take a drink from his neck. It was a long drink. I knew it was enough. Then Walter drank a little from Eric. Then Walter had Eric plow into his butt.

"Is this your first time Eric," Walter asked?

"Yes, it feels so good in you butt," said Eric.

"It will feel better tomorrow after you change. I going to take your butt next. I can mask the pain and you'll only feel pleasure," said Walter

"Oh shit I'm cumin; Ahhh, yes, yes , yessss," said Eric. He was panting hard. Then Walter did to Eric what he did to me last night. He entered my butt. It had hurt for a second; But that ended and all I felt was pleasure. I watched as he push in to Eric taint.

"Ohh, oh wow Walter oh my gawd. That's intense. Oh my gawd yes. oh shit yes," Eric said. Then Walter started to move fast as Eric continued to scream in pleasure.

"Yes, here it come Eric take my seed," Said Walter.

"Oh yessss," said Eric. Eric was a sleep in second. He penis was wet from his own cum. Walter got up. He came over to me at the door. I grabbed him and kissed him.

"It was the same for me. What happens when you cum in a person for the first time," I asked.

"Well I release my seed and feeling and give them a different fluid of pleasure. It always in the seed. but the first time is a lot if you've never had it. Your like mine now. Why don't you turn the next boy. I want you to know what its like. I love you Tim. There is no greater pleasure of a guys first penetration from a vampire. Your body will release an extra fluid every time. But you also release more than normal to an non-vampire. I mean if we do it. it will be just as intense. It just feels like it more because the body is receiving something it doesn't know how to understand," Said Walter

"So because the level of pleasure is so great they pass out?"

"Yes, that pretty much it. However when you're a vampire. You can take 20 times the pleasure. Plus you don't fall asleep. Why don't we do it. It been very long time since I've felt penetration from a vampire," Walter said.

I grabbed him and dragged him into another bedroom. We spent over 2 hours going at it. We pound each other over and over. It was so good. Eventually we doze off holding each other.

Jason Bonerboy

Next: Chapter 3

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