Deep In The Forest

By Blake Cotera

Published on Oct 31, 2012



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Deep In The Forrest

My dad had a hunting cabin in the Adirondaks. He'd take me up in the summer (non-hunting season) to fish and do repairs on the camp. The cabin was right next to a little waterfall and growing up it was one of my favorite places to be. So when I got my night drivers license I convinced my parents to let me go up on my own for a weekend. The only rule was I wasn't supposed to go in the waterfall by myself cuz my mom was always worried about falling rocks or some other horseshit that would never happen. So I headed north (after getting some weed and tequila from my buddy's brother) for the solitude of the mountains. I got there mid day on Friday. Forgot how quiet it was. We didn't own the land around it but in all my years there I never saw anyone when I was up there. Spent the day all to myself. Got a little high. Got a little drunk. Got a little tanned.

Next morning I decided to go down to the waterfall and clean off. Brought my shaving stuff, a bar of soap, and a handtowel to dry off. As I started to wash up the splashing from the waterfall was getting my clothes wet, so I took off my shirt. I didn't have any other clothes with me (remembering weed was more importing than remembering to bring clothes haha) so I thought `fuck it. I'll take off my shorts. No ones gonna see me anyway'. I stripped off my shorts and boxers and I'm telling you it was the greatest feeling in the whole fucking world. If you never been outside naked, do it! I washed, shaved, and just stood in the force of water. The sun cracked out and everyting was perfect.

Till I heard "Well, well.". I glanced over my shoulder. Two guys, older than me, probably mid 30s, staring at me and smiling. All of a sudden I felt very, very naked. I kept my back to them (I'm a pretty modest kid). Didn't know exactly what to say. They started talking to each other like I wasn't there. "Looks like there's a full moon early in the morning hahahaha". "You ever seen a lily whiter ass than that Carter?" "I got fising lures bigger than that butt hahahahaha". "We got us a man or a boy here?" "One full-proof way to find out" and with that I felt a hand grab my arm and start turning me. At that point I couldn't really tell if they were assholes or just having some fun. I found out quick. "Wellllllllllllllllll what do you know. He's got pubies so he must be a man but he's got the smallest little dick of any man I ever seen hahahahahahahahaha". It was time for me to jump in the game. No one makes fun of my weener! "Hey guys sorry I just wanted to shower and..." I was cut off mid-sentence. The guy closest to me apparently lost his sense of humor abruptly. I felt a cold and very firm grasp suddenly around my cock and balls as he got right up in my face. "You talk again without being told to I'll rip this little dickie right off you got that boy?" Suddenly I was almost paralyzed with fear. He let go but clearly meant business and it only took me that long to figure out who was in charge here, and it sure as hell wasn't me. Carter (the ball squeezer) seemed like the guy in charge. Murph was the other guy. Standing behind me Murph said "Look at this Carter, our boy here's got hair coming out the crack of his ass." Again, talking like I wasn't there, Carter said "Well we can't have that can we. Nice little city boys can't have a bushy ass can they? Fortunately we can fix that...right now." In an instant Carter lifted me up by the inside of 1 of my legs and had me nearly upside down. "Murph grab his shaving stuff and take care of his hairs." I was horrified when I felt shaving cream being applied to my ass crack. I don't have much hair on me and none on my ass cept for my crack. As I felt the razor slide over the inside of my asscheecks I could feel Carter pulling apart my orbs. "Get all the way in there Murph I want this little shit clean as a whistle." It only took a minute. They tossed me under the waterfall and pulled me out. I could feel the difference in my butt. They ripped my underpants that were laying on the ground all up and used them to tie my hands together and shoved my socks in my mouth to keep me quiet. Then Murph lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulders like a bag of cement and we walked further into the forest till we got to a clearing. I heard a voice in the distance yell, "Bout time. You jackoffs catch anything for dinner?" Carter yelled back, "Nothing for dinner, but we did bring back some entertainment..." We continued walking. My face was up against the small of Murph's back so I couldn't see anything that was going on. But then I heard the voice that had yelled out a moment ago say "Jesus H Christ what the hell did you boys bring us?". Only now the voice was standing right over me. I could see his boots. As well as 3 other pairs of boots. Jesus Christ there were 4 of them.

To be continued...

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