Deep Blue Eyes

By Jack Dean

Published on Jan 23, 2000



WARNING: Do not read this story if male, gay sexual activities between two consenting adults offends you.

I have never posted anything to a newsgroup. I have never even experienced anything worth posting to a newsgroup, that was, until last night and this morning.

What I experienced and did, when related in a public forum like a newsgroup may, when read by certain individuals, be offensive. So, if you are made uncomfortable or may be offended by reading about sexual activities in general; or; gay sexual activities between two consenting males, please hit the back button on your keyboard.

In any event, unless you want to read a sexually explicit, gay male story, please read no further. I do not wish to offend; only related a beautiful experience.

....................................................................... "DEEP BLUE EYES" Romance, young love and sex.

My name is Jack and I am a 21 year old senior at a state university in New Jersey. Last year when I was a junior, I was the co-captain of our swim team. This year, I am the swim team's captain. The captain last year graduated along with three other seniors.

My task this morning was to supervise try-outs for those students who want to fill the four vacant swim team slots. Forty-five potential candidates showed up this morning to fill the vacancies and two alternate positions on the swim team.

Having already successfully completed a academically difficult series of pre-test, each and every one of those forty-five students vying for membership on the swim team were the cream of the crop.

The selection process was very stringent since we were ranked second in the nation, contenders for the team national championship in August, 2000.

Since I was the team captain, the process of elimination of lesser qualified or talented individuals was my responsibility. I fully intended to mercifully make this mornings eliminations quick.

The first eliminator was a 6 lap foot race, around the Olympic size pool, a test of will, strength and endurance.

The top fifteen fastest runners were given 15 points for first place, 14 points for second place, thirteen points for third place and so on. Thirty candidates were sent home until the next swim team try-outs.

During this and each successive eliminator, there was one standout student that stood out in the crowd. In each and every eliminator, a freshman, new to our university, qualified with the #1 rating in each of the five eliminators and the academic pre-test wit a perfect 100%.

Matt, a seventeen year old, dark brown hair, blue eyed, 5' 10" simmer with a perfect body that filled out a bikini-style, red, white & blue speedo with what looked like a hard-on. Normally, swimmers rid their body of all hair, but, Matt was hairless except for what looked like peach fuzz on his tummy.

Also, Matt must have grown from the last time he tried on his swim suit from the previous year. His pubic hair showed just a little above his swim suit waist band. It was necessary for me and the other judges my co-captain and the swim team manager) to scrutinize each swimmer closely for ability, but, what I was fantasizing about matt's abilities could not be demonstrated in public.

What attracted me to Matt was his sense of self and his affect on others around him. Matt had the sweetest smile and sense of humor. He loudly encouraged other competitors, even those competing against him. He really wanted everyone to be winners. I was thinking, this guy is really leadership material. It was obvious that this guy was having fun. I was having fun just watching him have fun.

After we completed all of the events of the competition and eliminated five more students and sent them home, we adjourned to the conference room in the administration office. We interviewed each candidate, one at a time.

We, each judge, decided that we would ask each one of the ten remaining candidates three questions for a total of nine questions, each answer would be rated and the student would be awarded either 1 point, no point or have one point subtracted from their tally sheet.

The tenth question would be formulated and asked of us by the candidate. This question would be worth five points for first, four points for second, 3 points for third and so forth and would be awarded to each candidate. Matt's question was this, "How can I best serve the team?" The scores were in and the process of elimination was over.

After a short break, we reconvened in the conference room, staff and candidates, except the those I spoke to over the break. I overheard the six candidates whispering as they entered the conference room. I heard Matt wishing everyone good luck in such a sincere manner, I wanted to hug him right there and knight him king of the team, but, I remained professional.

The candidates took their seats at the conference table and I was left with the duty of welcoming them to the team and, as was done with me, I discussed how well they did in the elimination and qualification process. I started with the two alternates. To be honest, in my freshman year on the swim team, I scored lower than the two alternates and I was in second place.

This young crew of athletes are awesome. As I continues, I went next to the lowest qualifier of the remaining four new team members and I slowly worked my way up to the highest scorer. As incredible as it may seem, not only did Matthew score the highest today, he scored the highest qualifying score in the history of swimming try-outs - a perfect score!

As I recited his scores, he thanked ME and joked that he was just having a good day and that we should "just wait to see me on a bad day"! - all this with a warm smile, a chuckle and a hug. " How could this boy be such a complete package", I wondered.

Everyone was pretty happy, stood around after the meeting and talked. for a few minutes until disbanding to be with their families who travel to the university on this really cold January morning to support them as they tried out for the team.

Everyone left the conference room and the building and I was locking up and turning out the lights.

As I left the Administration building and headed towards the parking lot, I noticed someone out by the main street through the campus attempting to hitch a ride. It was too far away for me to see the person, but, I figured it was a student.

As I was leaving the parking lot with my car, I slowly approached the student. I could see he was wearing a pair of Levis and a black leather biker jacket. I also noticed his round and plump buttocks and slim waist.

As I was about to pass this young man on the side of the road with my car and, his head suddenly turned to the left and I recognized the most stringily beautiful eyes I have ever seen; before this morning, of course. It was Matt. I scared him with the sudden stop I made after recognizing him. He ran up to the car and to the rolled down window of the front passenger side of my car.

As he approached, I watched the form and style of his body's midsection in the right-side, rear-view mirror. Still trying to sound official and hide my excitement at seeing Matt again, I said tat hitch-hiking anywhere on campus was against the rules.

Of course, he wasn't hitch-hiking; just walking. I asked where he was going and where was his car. Matt's ride there that day was one of the candidates that were eliminated earlier in the process, leaving Matt without a ride home.

Matt lived over one hundred miles form campus and there was no public transportation traveling to his hometown from the university. I said, "Get in, Matt and we will get a cup of coffee and discuss what to do". He said that he would be alright and that he would call someone from his hometown to pick him up.

I reminded Matt that it would take someone three or four hours to get here to pick him up. I suggested that we go back to my apartment off campus and use my telephone to call his friends and family for a ride. Since it was literally 10 degrees out with a wind chill of 35-40 degrees below zero, Matt quickly surrendered to my suggestion and offer.

As we walked up the steps to my apartment, I marvelled at the beautiful young man that I watched so gracefully stride in front of me. He was a gifted athlete, and it showed. Inside my front door, I offered to take Matt's coat and hang it in the closet. He helped me off with my coat instead and hung both of our coats in the closet.

I offered him coffee and his said, "If you get everything out, I'll make the coffee". I agreed and offered to make him a late lunch. He said, "the offer holds for lunch, also. You get the food out and I'll prepare it". Wow! That's an offer someone who lives alone couldn't refuse. I live alone by choice, since it is easier to focus on my university studies; however, I must admit I have been lonely lately. I am a handsome. blonde-haired, blue-eyed man of 6' 2" in stature. I am quite popular, but, I had to really buckle down with my studies to maintain my 4.0 GPA for medical school.

I gave up casual sex sometime in the mid-nineties when I was a Junior in high school. Every gentle smile or gesture Matt made this morning had a greater effect on me than I even knew was possible. I tried not to allow my expectations to exceed Matt's willingness, but, I almost could not help myself.

I blurted old, "Matt, if you like, you can stay here until Monday morning and I will take you home. I hurried my rationale before he could offer what I expected to be a rejection, "This way, we can watch the AFC and NFC NFL playoffs on TV on Sunday, get some rest and travel during the day when the weather will be better."

I almost didn't get the last syllable out of my mouth and he agreed, almost apologetic for inconveniencing me. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Matt's demeanor was one of affection and tenderness. I set in my easy chair and he pulled a dining room chair up beside my chair. I tried to encourage him to make himself comfortable on the couch, but, he insisted that he felt more comfortable closer to me. I was, at first, suspicious of this affection, but, he could not do enough for me, including, helping me off with my boots, preparing meals and shoveling the snow off of my steps and sidewalk.

When Matt came back in from shoveling snow off of my and my elderly neighbor's stairs and sidewalk, I offered his tired, aching back my easy-reclinig chair that featured heat and massage. He, suggested, that, if I didn't mind, he would prefer the real thing, a sports rehabilitation massage. How could I refuse.

It was already 8 P.M., so I suggested that he take a shower, wear a pair of my warm flannel pajamas and lay on his stomach on my bed. As he went into my master bedroom's bathroom to take his shower, under the guise of getting pajamas for him, I tried to sneek a peek as he stood up at the foot of my bed, dropped his pants and underwear to the floor. I was stoped down to find Matt a clean pair of white sox from the bottom drawer of my dresser. I literally gasped out loud. I was embarrased by the noise I made and my face turned red.

Matt simply and innocently smiled at me, walked into the bathroom (leaving the door fully open). I found "this and that" to do in the bedroom as I would sneak another peek and another peek through the slit between the door and the door-frame.

Matt was so georgeous and so well endowed that I almost fainted. I have seen many young men naked and almost naked, and there has never been anyone I have ever been more attracted to then this 18 year old Adonis. I was convinced he knew just how attracted I was to him when he suggested that I allow him to massage me first.

He insisted, so I waited until he came out of the bathoom into my master bedroom. He was wearing only a towel around his waist. I could tell by the new look in his blue eyes that he was horny and that something more than a massage was going to happen in my bedroom tonight, or was that just wishful thinking on my part. I went into my bathroom with just my pants and boxers on since I had to have something to hide my raging 8-1/2" hardon. As I came out of the bathroom, I walked over to my bed where Matt was reclining.

He stopped me and from laying down and asked me if I mind if he played a CD of soft, romantic music. He had already lit the more than twenty candles he found around my house and had them palced around my bedroom creating a very reomantic and senual atmosphere. I jst stood there, frozed in one spot at the side of my bed as Matt directed the entire procedure.

As he turned away from the CD player towards me, he stood maybe 6 inches in front of me, standing there clad in only a towel. He took my hands which were hanging down to my side and brought them up between us, at about the heart level. Four hands, claspe together and placed at heartlevel as we stood there almost naked in my bedroom with only candle light and insense filling the air. Matt whispered, "Jack". I could not see Matt's face as I stared down at or hands, I answered, "Yes?" As he held but of my hands now with one of his hands, he used his now free hand to lift my cin so that his eyes and my eyes mett and he said, "I want this to be more than a massage. Is that O.K.?"

"IS THAT O.K.?", my heart screamed in my head, of course it's probably the most anything has ever been "O.K." in my life.!

When I was so close to him, all I could see was his eyes, I woud have given him anything he wanted. How could I have been so affected by this boy of only 18. Was I so desperate? I never felt less desperate in my life. I couldn't answer him with words, so I just nodded. Moving that free hand of his down from my chin while he still held both of my hands with his other hand, he released the towel from my waist allowing it to drop to the floor, never allowing me to lose contact with his beautiful blue eyes. I was mesmerrized by his beauty.

Matt guided my hands to his towel and I instinctively released his towel so that it would drop to the floor. Matt gently applied presure to my chest with the palm of his right hand so that I would take a step back and lay down o my be with my legs bent at the knee and my feet on the floor. He kelt between my legs and gently began to massage my rock hard penis with both of his hands; slowly and gently.

All I could imagine was the deepest blue eye I have ever seen. I was excited, yet soothed. Matt slowly and gently manipulated my balls; one at a time; then, both. He played with my manhood with his hands for what seemed lke one glorious minute. Suddenly, I felt his warm breath close to the head of my throbbing member. Then, a slowly drawn lick with a hot tongue, seductively stroking the head.

Suddenly, again, without warning, Matt agressively plunges my 8.5 inch cock into his hot mouth and down his deep throat. Matt did things to my cock with his throat that I never knew could be done.

As his throat massaged the senitive head of my cock, his tongue and hot mouth sucked more cum out of my cock then I knew existed in the world. I shot five or six loads, I can't be sure because I was delirious. As I layed back in a daze, Matt moved my legs up onto the bed and cleaned me off with his mouth and tongue; dryied me offf with a towel and covered me up. I watched in the semi dark, candle lit room, as Matt made love to himself.

He slowly and gently rubbed his nipples, cock, balls as he penitrated his anus with first one finger, then two, all the time jacking-off his large cock. The beauty expressed on his face as he made love to himself was so enticing, that, I again got a hard-on. As he was building up to a climax, I reached over and took charge, doing for Matt what he did for me.

The only difference being that I was able to last for what seemed like a hour; bring his near a climax only to back off. I had a few tricks up my sleeve. When he begged me, and only then, I sucked and jerked him until he exploded shotting his first wad literally on my bedroom ceiling, my bed's headboard and my face and chest.

Matt is asleep in the bedroom right now. Writing this story has made me horny again, so, I think I'll slowly and gently wake Matt up and see what happens. I really am falling for what Matt has; in his heart and in his deep blue eyes.

(WebTV can not spell check a message this long. Sorry. Jack Dean.)

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