
By chuck

Published on Nov 29, 2008


Today was going to be a very good day, thought Danny Hughes.

There was an open spot for the Malcolm X High School Varsity Basketball Team, and he was called in to meet with Coach Johnson. He was sure he was going to be asked to join the team. After years of hard work, he had been named the captain of the JV squad.

Now, with an opening on the varsity team, he was sure to be asked to join. He was finally going to be able to make his father proud.

Bob Hughes had worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to put a roof over their heads, and food on the table for himself, and his son, and still managed to make time for teaching his boy to be the best damn baller he could be. Their whole relationship was based on basketball. To Bob Hughes, it was much more than just a game. It made his son accepted in the almost all black high school, and kept him from the kind of bullying that a lot of the other white kids suffered. It also was the only chance for a scholarship that might allow his boy to rise from the poverty, and hardship he had lived through all 17 years of his young life. He had spent years impressing upon Danny how it was not just a game, it was perhaps his only opportunity to make something of his life. They had spent years preparing for this one chance, and Danny just knew that today was the day, that his fathers belief in him, and all the sacrifices he had made for him would finally begin to pay off.

Opportunity was knocking, and Danny had to be ready to do anything it took to take advantage of it, for the sake of his future, and to honor his fathers faith and sacrifice. His father was going to be so proud!

So there he sat, in front of Coach Johnson's desk, as the coach entered the office. At 45 yrs, 6'8, and 265 lbs. of ebony muscle, with a good size beer gut, and a touch of grey at the temples, coach Leon Johnson was an imposing figure to a 17 year old white boy, who at 5'7", maybe tipped the scales at 140 lbs.

"Danny, I'm sure you've heard about the opening on my squad. I know how hard you've been working, and what a fine job you've done on the JV squad, and I felt I should call you in, and tell you myself that you will not be getting the spot on my team." Danny's world crashed!!! "I have doubts as to whether you are good enough, and quite frankly, putting one white boy on an all black team would cause unity problems that I just don't want to be bothered with. Thank you for coming in, and keep up the good work."

Danny jumped from his chair, bursting into tears, "You can't do that, Coach!!! I've got to be on the team! What will I tell my father? It's his dream for me to make the team, and get a scholarship, so I can go to college. This will break his heart! What will I tell him?"

Coach rose from his chair, and walked around the desk, and placed his gigantic, jet black hand on Dannys pale white shoulder, and said, "don't be such a pussy, boy, life is rough, fucking deal with it."

Danny dropped to his knees, and wrapped his arms around coach's legs and bawling his eyes out, exclaimed "Please coach, please I'll do anything. Just let me be on the team!! I swear I'll do anything it takes!!! Please, for the sake of my father, put me on the team."

Coach looked down at the 5'7" white boy begging at his feet, and felt his dick start to harden, and an idea started to form in his mind. Having a white boy on the team might just be fun!

Coach reached down, and grabbed a handful of Danny's blond locks, and pulled his head back, looked into Danny's tearing eyes, and asked, "Anything, Danny boy??"

"Yes, coach, yes, I'll do anything!!" Danny wailed.

Coach shoved Danny's face onto his hardening crotch, and rubbed it over his bulge, and asked again"Anything boy?"

"No fucking way!!!! I ain't no faggot!!!!!" shreiked Danny as he tried to jerk free of coach's grip.

"Fine" spat coach, "Get your lily white, prick teasing ass out of my office, and make sure you tell your daddy I said hello", and with that coach flung Danny over the chair, and turned back to his desk.

"Please coach, I'll do anything but that, please!!"

Coach didn't even look up, he just quietly replied, "Your wasting my time now, get your pussy boy ass out of my sight. I"m done with you."

Danny didn't know what to do. His, and his fathers dreams were crashing around him. He had to do something quick. He could feel his whole future slipping away. He saw his father's face in his mind, he knew his father would be so disappointed in him, he would never forgive him for letting this chance that they both had worked so hard to give him, slip through his fingers. There was only one thing he could think of. He looked down in shame, and whispered, "OK, I'll do it."

Coach looked over at him, with a cruel smile forming on his thick, dark lips, and asked, "What did you say, pussyboy?"

"I'll do whatever you want, if you'll let me be on the team" he said in complete defeat. He would do anything he had to. He owed his father that much.

"Crawl your pussyass over here"

Danny crawled to the coach, but couldn't bring himself to look the man in the face.

"You'll do whatever I say, When I say it, no back talk, right?"



Danny's right ear was ringing. Coach slapped him so hard it knocked him over.

"When I ask you a question, you answer, 'Yes sir', You got that pussyboy?!"

"Yes sir" the boy replied

"Now get up, and strip out of yo clothes, and show me what I'm gettin!"

Danny rose to his feet, and started undressing, realizing this was probably going to be even worse than he had thought, but resigning himself to do what he needed to do to win coach's approval.

Finally the boy stood before coach, buck naked, hands covering his privates.

"Take your hands away, I said I want to see what I'm getting."

Danny did as he was told, and moved his hands away from what at the best of times only measured up to 5 inches

"Go ahead, and put'em back, If I had a sorry little pink nub like that, I'd keep it covered up, too. Now get back on your knees,and crawl between my legs, pull out my dick, and start sucking it. I ain't got all day to waste on your pussy ass."

Danny crawled over, and opened coaches pants, and reached in for the mans cock, but it was so long,and hard, he couldn't get it out. Finally, coach shoved Danny back, and stood up, pulled his pants down, saying, "you are one dumbass fuckin white boy. Now get your mouth on my dick before I change my mind." With that, he grabbed another handful of blonde locks, and shoved half his12 inches into Danny's mouth.

Coach then proceeded to grab Danny by the ears, and started to bob the boy's head up, and down on his cock, making the boy gag every time he shoved his head down on the fat shaft. He managed to get about 7 inches in the boys mouth by doing this, but he wasn't satisfied with that.

"Look here bitch, you gonna take all my dick all the way down that throat or else, you understand, I ain't wasting my time with a bitch that can't even swallow my dick"

With that coach grabbed him by the hair again, and drug him up against the desk, where he couldn't back away, leaned forward, placing his hands on the desk behind Danny's head, and started ramming his cock deeper into the boys mouth with every shove. It didn't take much of this brutal assualt, before all 12 fat inches had disappeared into the boys mouth. All Danny could do, was wiggle around, and cry for breath, every cry vibrating up, and down the shaft of the big black snake.

"Yeah, now that's what I'm talkin' bout" sighed coach as he pulled out to just the head, and started ramming all twelve inches inches in, and out of the virgin throat.

Danny was finally getting a chance to breathe. He just had to learn to follow coaches rythym, and breathe quick when the cock was pulled out on the out stroke. Once he got the timing right, he stopped fighting it, and began to relax. He looked up at 235 pounds of dark black african stud, muscling 12 huge inches of dick down his throat, leaving a trail of precum across the length of his tongue, and realized that he liked the taste, and feel of it.

Once the struggling stopped, coach looked at the boy , and when the boy looked up into his eyes, coach knew he had found himself a faggot. This little pink bitch wasn't just going to learn to service big black dicks, he was going to learn to love it.

"Yeah I think we're gonna be able to make this work. Now let's check out the other end." With that, he pulled his cock out of Danny's mouth, grabbed him by the hair again, and in one fluid motion, lifted him to his feet, and slammed him, face down on the desk. He lay the massive piece of meat in the crack of Danny's ass, and lay across his back, pinning him to the desk with his big juicy lips right up to Danny's ear, and growled in a very menacing voice, "Here's how this is gonna work bitch. Your gonna reach back, grab them cheeks, pull them apart, show me Daddy's pussy.........."

And Danny burst into tears, and squealed, "Nooo, you can't. Please coach don't fuck me! I'm not queer, please don...."

Coach pulled his head back by the hair, and slammed the side of his face into the desk so hard, Danny saw stars.

"Now shut the fuck up, and listen. If you want on my team, your gonna keep your mouth shut, unless I wanna stick my dick back in it, and your gonna do exactly like I tell you. Otherwise, I'm gonna fuck this sweet little pussy, anyway, and you still won't get on my squad. You think you got that white boy?"

Danny managed to answer, "Yes sir" through his tears. In total defeat.

"Now, let's try this one mo time. You gonna reach back, pull them cheeks apart, and your gonna ask me to please fuck Daddy's pussy, all nice like you mean it, understand?"

Danny reached back, pulled the cheeks of his ass apart, and said through his tears, "Please fuck Daddy's pussy."

Coach looked down at the little hole he was about invade, and realized his monster dick could do some serious damage if he wasn't careful. Since he didn't want to have to explain it, he decided, he better stretch it a bit, first.

"Hold it just like that. I'm gonna get something to make this easier. Thank me, proper, you whiny cunt."

"Thank you sir..=sniff="

Coach walked over to a cabinet, and reached in, and pulled out some oil he kept for massages. He turned to see the boy where he left him, laying across the desk, hands holding his asscheeks apart. He shook his head, "I do have to admit, not only do you white boys make a good substitute for pussy, but you learn to obey real good without much learnin. Makes my job easier"

Coach walked up with the bottle of oil, shoved the nozzle into Danny's hole, and gave a quick squeeze. He was pulling out by the time Danny started to scream from the pain.

"OK, now I want you to dig both of your middle fingers into your pussy as far as you can get them."

Danny was able to get halfway to the second knuckle, gritting his teeth through the pain.

"Now pull that hole open as far as you can get it and hold it open until I tell you to let it close"

Danny was able to pull the lips of his ass apart by about an inch.

"Damn boy, is that as far open as you can get it? This the first time you been fucked?"

"Yes sir"

" Don't try, and tell me you grew up in this neighborhood, and no Brotha's tapped yo tight white ass?"

"No sir"

"Well I guess it's just my lucky day, here, let me help you." Coach said as he shoved two large black fingers, all the way in.

Danny screamed out in pain, and started crying again.

"Damn bitch, you best stop this crying shit. I can't have no cry baby bitches on my squad. Here now, suck on these, they got a little shit slime on em, but that's okay. I'm not planning on kissing that mouth, anyway." said coach as he pulled his fingers out of Danny's pussy, and shoved them into his mouth.

"Alright, now we gonna do this. Get your fingers outta my way, and ask me to fuck your pussy, again, and this time call me Daddy. After all, that's who we're doing this for, right. So Daddy can be proud of his little white pussyboy, begging a big black man to make him into a cunt for big black cocks to dump their come in. I want you think of him right here in this room, watching you beg to be my bitch."

Danny began to cry, again, "Please no, Please don't do this......"

"Do it!!!"

"Please....DDDDaddy...=sniff=.....Fuck my pussy!"

"OK, but this is gonna hurt you more than it will me..................." Coach said, as he grabbed two handfuls of blonde hair, and shoved the plum sized head of his cock into his new pussy.


Coach slammed Danny's head into the desk, again, to keep from being thrown off, "Damn, bitch, calm down, this ain't no fucking rodeo. I'll give you a few seconds to get used to it, but I want to hear you beg Daddy for mo dick up this pussy."

"Ple...please ....Daddd...Daddy, put more dick in my pussy."

"Awww....Now that was a good girl. You make Daddy so proud. Daddy loves the way your little pussy feels around my black dick. Your gonna be a fun little piece of ass to have around anytime Daddy feels like fucking his big black cock into some tight pussy"

All Danny could do was lay there and take it. He was coaches bitch now, and there was nothing he could do about it. He hardly even screamed, when Coach shoved the other ten inches into his pussy in one stroke. He was destroyed, all he could do was lay there, and take it.

With no more resistance, coach started long dicking Danny's pussy, as Danny's innards just quivered in shock. As coaches big plum scraped back and forth over Danny's nut, something started to happen. The pain

faded bit, by bit,and Danny started feel a tingling in his insides. The harder coach fucked into his pussy, the stronger the tingling became, and pretty soon Danny started pushing back to meet the big black club as it was slammed into his cunt. It wasn't long before Danny was begging for more cock, begging Daddy to fuck his pussy harder, and bouncing on the desk ,trying to get more of coaches big black snake into his pussy. He didn't know what was happening, he just knew he wanted that cock to fuck his pussy harder, he would do anything fo that big black cock.

Even Coach couldn't believe the change in his new cunt. He didn't expect to turn the faggot out on his first try, but there was no doubt this boy loved getting fucked. He found himself coming closer, and closer to shooting as this virgin pussy milked his big black dick.

"Aww Bitch, you was made to be pussy for big black cocks, your pussy's dancing on my dick. I'm gonna shoot you full of my seed. Fill you with black man seed. You ain't never goin back from this, bitch."

"Beg for my seed, bitch, beg Daddy to fill this pink pussy with black cum. Say It Bitch!!!!"

"Fill me with your cum Daddy, shoot it up my pussy til I can taste it in my mouth. Fuck me,....Fuck me....Fuck me Daddy.... AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And as Danny shot his load across the desk, his pussy started twisting, and turning, biting , and snapping, on coaches dick.

Coach couldn't take any more, and finally let loose, "AAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Take my load you pussy fucking cunt!" Shooting a huge load up his new pussy, until he collapsed on top of Danny.

Coach lay there for about ten minutes, until he finally caught his breath. He then got up, walked around the desk, grabbed a handful of blonde curls, pulled Danny up, rubbed his dirty cock all over Danny's face, then shoved his dick, back into his mouth, and ordered him to suck it clean. Danny had no more fight, he just let coach shove the smelly, sticky cock in, and sucked like he was told. Once it was clean, coach pulled his cock free, and let Danny's head drop to the desktop, like a sack of rocks. He just lay there with the taste of coaches cum, and his own ass in his mouth.

"Now thank me for turning you into a white pussy boy, and fucking you a new cunt."

"Thank you Daddy for turning me into a white pussy boy, and fucking me a new cunt." Neither of them could believe the sincerity in the faggots voice.

Coach walked over to the office door, opened it, and yelled "JIMMY! Get yo ass in here".

A Skinny black kid came rushing in, his jaw dropping to the floor when he saw coach standing there nude. Then he turned, and saw the white boy laying naked, with come dripping from his ass.

Coach could see the freshmans cock getting hard. It looked to be about 7 inches. "Hey there pussy, this little freshman brotha more of man at 14 than your ever going to be, with that little pink dick of yours."

As beat as he was, it pleased coach to see Danny was embarassed enough to blush all over his body. Coach enjoyed humiliating the white boy. This was going to be a lot of fun!

Coach turned back to Jimmy, and asked, "Yo Little Brotha, I figured you were still here. How would you like to be the second man to fuck my new whiteboys pussy?"

"I don't know coach, You sure it's ok? I don't wanna do nuthin queer."

"Don't worry Jimmy, you ain't gotta do nuthin queer. The white boys the queer, all your gonna do, is shoot a load in her pussy. I just did, an you know I ain't no queer, right?"

"Alright coach, I'll take a turn." And with that, Jimmy dropped his pants, pulled out his dick, and shoved it all the way up Danny's pussy. Danny was mortified, he couldn't believe he was just laying there letting some freshman fuck him in his ass, but he was just too tired, and too broken to put up any resistance. He just lay there, and let it happen.

While this was going on, coach was putting on his clothes, and then walked to the front of the desk, and looked in his bitches eyes, and saw total surrender. It brought a smile to his face.

"OK cunt! Here's the deal. You do everything I say, and I let you be on the team. Your daddys pussy now. Since we don't want everyone to know our business we're gonna call you DP, even better, we'll call you Deep, we'll have everyone calling you Deep all day long, and whenever you hear it you'll think of how deep my black dick goes up your pussy. This here is Jimmy, He's the team manager, he stays and cleans up after practice. Say hello Jimmy."

Jimmy slapped Danny's ass hard, and shoved his dick in hard, yelling, "Pleased to meet ya Deep!" And laughed.

"Jimmy is also the son of the school principal, my boss. I'm supposed to take good care of Jimmy. Now your going to take good care Jimmy. If I find out you haven't taken care of Jimmy, You will be very, VERY sorry. Now say hello to Master Jimmy, and tell him you will be happy to serve him anytime, anyway that he wants."

"Hello Master Jimmy, please allow me to serve you any where, or anytime you like."

"White boys always have such nice manners, don't they Jimmy? It's almost a shame you gotta pull your shitty dick out of his ass when your done and make him lick it clean with that mouth, isn't it"

"Gonna break my heart, coach" Jimmy grinned.

"OK Jimmy when you finish playing Deep, have him clean up while you relax, make sure he thanks you for dicking his pussy, and lock up on the way out."

"Yes coach"

"And don't tell anyone about Deep. It's a private team matter."

"Got it, coach"

"Deep, you be here for practice tomorrow last period. We'll get you a uniform, and introduce you to the team."

"Yes sir"

"Your Daddy's gonna be so proud! You make sure he knows your new name."

As coach turned to leave, he saw a fresh tear roll down Deep's face. Yeah, this was gonna be a lot of fun!

Next: Chapter 2

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