Deedi Emerges

By Rob H

Published on Apr 13, 2003


Deedi Emerges (c) By Rob Henson

Chapter 8 -- Deedi Emerges

The girls met for lunch on Saturday and then spent the afternoon shopping although it was Sarah who did most of the buying on this occasion. When they finally swiped their last credit card and packed the last bag they went back to Sarah's house. Sarah had told her Mum and Dad about Deedi but they had never brought up the topic while Deedi was there. Deedi had also mentioned to Sarah that she had told Liz and likewise Liz felt it was none of her business unless Sarah raised the subject. They went to Sarah's bedroom and had a fun session trying on the skirts and dresses that Sarah had purchased.

"Now, I really must see what these look like on," she said opening a bag and pulling out a matching undies set which was very frilly and very sexy.

She took off her tights and then her panties allowing her cock to hang free. Deedi averted her eyes.

"Deedi, you're not shy are you," asked Sarah, "we've been friends long enough now not to be embarrassed, haven't we?"

"I suppose so," said Deedi still blushing furiously.

"So get that skirt off and let me see yours then. Remember, you still have the advantage on me."

Deedi unclipped the skirt she had being trying on and slowly and let it fall to the floor. She then slid her tights and panties down with one movement and took them off, straightened up and looked at Sarah.

"Mmmm," said Sarah taking a long look at Deedi, "Not bad, a bit longer than mine but not quite so pretty. I think you'll do though." Deedi smiled.

"Mind you who I am to talk," she continued suddenly dropping her voice, "at least your Robin seems to be happy with the situation which is more than I can say." Deedi immediately went over to her a hugged her tight.

"Don't be silly," she said in a very soft, reassuring voice, "there are thousands of boys out there who would love to have you as a girl-friend, it's just a matter of time. I had no idea how Robin would react when I told him but the fact was he already knew me by then and seemed to like what he had. Just keep looking and it will happen."

"I suppose your right," said Sarah feeling a little better.

What neither of them had noticed was that they were both naked from the waist down and their cocks were nuzzling each other, not out of any sexual desire but of real friendship.

"Come on," said Deedi, "lets get changed and then hit the town, and tonight we'll dress to knock'em dead."

They both got ready and Deedi suggested they wear very short skirts and tights with sandals. If that doesn't do the trick then they must be blind she said. The second thing that they never realised was that Fate was also looking down upon them as the dice were thrown and smiled as a double-six appeared.

They arrived at their favourite cock-tail bar and Deedi ordered the drinks while Sarah found a table.

"Sarah, do you have any change, I only have twenty pound note," Deedi called over.

Sarah stopped, opened her bag and turned back just as someone walked past carrying two glasses of larger. They banged straight into each other knocking the bag out of Sarah's hand and spilling its contents all over floor. Some of the beer also splashed onto her coat. She bent down quickly to pick up the money that had fallen out of her purse.

"I'm terribly sorry," said the man, "here let me help you."

She looked up and saw a young guy, about twenty-two she guessed, smiling at her.

"and don't lose this, they are a pain to replace," he said as they both stood up, handing back her driving licence and mobile phone which had fallen at his feet.

"Yes," she said still flustered, "I have only just got that one back from Swansea, I put the last one in the washing machine."

"Oh well," he said, "at least you have a clean licence, you should be safe to be with," and they both laughed. "but your coat, I've spilt beer all over it, is your dress OK?"

She opened her coat revealing her long nylon clad legs. He realised there actually wasn't much of a dress for any of his beer to fall on. However he did like what he saw, very much.

"Its OK, just the coat that's a bit wet, it'll soon dry, thanks," she said and he walked away.

"Well," said Deedi returning with the drinks, "I know I said things would be OK but I never expected you to move so fast."

"Don't be silly," said Sarah, "it was just an accident. Mind you he was nice wasn't he," she said glancing round at his table and seeing him smile at her. She smiled back.

An hour or so later they were getting ready to leave and Deedi went to the toilet.

"Hi, I just wanted to make sure you were OK," it was the guy who had bumped into her. He sat down in Deedi's seat.

"I'm fine," said Sarah.

"Mike Burrell by the way," he said and held out his hand.

"Sarah Lindly," she said following his lead and shaking his hand.

"Can I buy you drink to make up for your coat ?" he asked.

"That would be nice but we are just going out to eat," she replied.

"I wasn't thinking of tonight," he said in a low voice looking straight into here eyes, "how about tomorrow, can I call you and fix up a time?"

Sarah stopped for a second unsure what to do. She had not been out on a date since the incident she had told Deedi about although she had been asked many times. She also thought about what Deedi had been saying earlier in the evening.

"Yes, alright," she heard a voice saying but it didn't sound like hers.

"Great," said Mike getting out his mobile, "what's your number?"

She read out her mobile number as he tapped it into his phone.

"I'll call you tomorrow, will that be OK?" he asked ringing the number to make sure it worked.

Sarah nodded just as Deedi came back. Mike got up, smiled at Deedi and returned to his table. They both got up and walked to the door but Deedi was silent.

"What?" asked Sarah at last.

"Nothing." Deedi just smiled, "tomorrow or Monday?"

"Tomorrow," said Sarah linking her arm in Deed's as they walked off.

Deedi made straight for Sarah's desk when she arrived at work on Monday morning.

"Well, I cant wait to hear what happened?"

"It was great, I'll tell you all about it at lunch time," she said.

They went to lunch and Sarah's told Deedi her news. He is a programmer out at the Science Park, has one younger sister and lives in Grantchester on his own in a flat. They had gone to a pub on the river near where he lived and everything had gone fine. They had kissed when they parted and agreed to meet again on Tuesday.

"Well just take things as they come and see how it goes," said Deedi, "and if it doesn't work out then so be it, you'll find someone else. We are what we are now, you and I, which just means things might take a little longer, that's all."

"Oh Deedi," said Sarah tears welling up as she kissed her on the cheek., "what would I do with out you?"

"We both need each other," said Deedi kissing her back, "and that's great isn't?"

On Monday morning the following week Deedi received a letter from her solicitor to say that there were some papers to sign which would complete the handover of the final portions of Kate's estate including the house. The problem Deedi immediately realised was that she would have to go to his office and sign the forms as Daniel. Liz and Deedi discussed the problem during breakfast.

"That's OK," said Liz optimistically, "it will give you a chance to try out our plan for the holiday although I don't suppose you'll be keen on dressing as a boy again. Would you like me to come with you?"

Deedi's face gave the answer she was expecting but she also knew there would be a number of occasions in the future when it would be necessary to shed Deedi for a while however disappointing that may be.

"I'll see if Sarah wants to come down with me and we can have a week-end on the town," said Deedi, "I can then pop into the solicitors on Monday morning."

Sarah had been out of the office all morning but met Deedi for lunch as usual. Deedi noticed that she was radiant, more beautiful than she had ever looked.

"Have I got news for you," she said as they ordered. "Mike knows all about me and it's great." She was beaming now.

"Rally, so what happened?" asked Deedi full of excitement.

Sarah told her how they had driven home on Sunday evening and kissed good-night as usual only this time he put his hand on her leg, but she stopped him just in time. She had planned to tell him all about her situation just as Deedi had done with Robin, but in the end had lost her nerve and was just about to finish the relationship.

"I'm sorry but we can't see each other any more," she had told him despondently.

"What do you mean?" he asked, "is there someone else?"

"No it's not that, it's something entirely different, there's nobody else."

"I thought we were having a great time he said, "is it me?"

"No not at all, I like you a lot and we have had a great time but I can't tell you what it is, that's all. I'm sorry" she said looking forward out of the windscreen ready to get out of his car.

He leaned over and pulled her chin round and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Is the thing you can't tell me the fact that you are a boy?" he said very softly.

Sarah was staggered.

"How did you know that," she could not believe she had given herself away again.

He kissed her again. "I've known right from when we first met. Remember when you dropped your bag and I picked up you driving licence and mobile. I noticed that it belonged to someone called Simon Robert Lindly. I just needed to be sure it was yours. I was intrigued initially which was why I asked you out just to see what would happen, but after that it all changed. We seem to have such a nice time together that it never seemed important, so I decided to wait and see what you would do. Whether you would tell me or let me find out on my own. I never thought you would want to call it off though."

Sarah was now in deep shock and couldn't say anything.

"So that's it. Don't worry, you never gave yourself away after that and I would never have realised if I hadn't known. It's really not a problem for me, is it for you?" he said pulling her towards him again and putting his hand on her leg as before. This time she did not remove it.

"No, Mike, not at all," she said and kissed him passionately.

His hand slowly slid up her nylon leg and she put her hand on his thigh feeling his already very hard cock inside the folds of his trousers. She slid down in her seat slightly as he moved further up rubbing her gently between her legs until he could fell her cock hardening under his hand, her skirt up around her waist and her long nylon clad legs stretching out in front of her, thighs apart and moving rhythmically. Meanwhile she undid his zip and took out his sold cock rubbing it slowly up and down feeling it growing in her hand. He slipped his hand under the waistband of her tights, into her panties, and took her slightly smaller but equally hard cock in his fingers. Their tongues explored each others mouths for a full fifteen minutes as they both begun to rub faster, then slowing down the pace and speeding up again until each knew that the other was ready to cum. They kissed deeper and with a final flourish, they both brought each other off, pumping until they had no more to give and then calming down. They continued to kiss without stopping while they replaced each others clothes until they looked decent once again, pulled back and smiled at each other. Sarah knew that everything was fine now.

"Oh, Sarah," said Deedi, "that's wonderful news," and she leaned over and hugged her.

"Which brings me to my news. I have to go down to London at the week-end to see the family solicitor. Why don't we go together and hit the west-end, we could have a great time celebrating your conquest."

"Wonderful, I'm looking forward to it already. We could take my car and go down straight after work on Friday, but I have to come back on Sunday morning. It's Dads birthday and we're going out to lunch."

"That's no problem, I can set the meeting up for Monday and get the train back in the afternoon."

"That's settled then," said Sarah still smiling broadly.

When she saw Robin that evening he mentioned that he would be in London over the week-end as well.

"I have the last of the family business to sort out and should be finished by Sunday," he said, "We could go out for the day if you like and then I could bring you home in the car on Monday."

"Yes, that would be lovely," said Deedi suddenly full of anticipation. The week-end was working out perfectly, seeing both her best friend and her boy-friend one after the other. They had been to the cinema and then to the wine bar. He pulled up into the drive which was quite dark and secluded but the evening was warm so Deedi was only wearing a jacket.

"OK that's settled," he said as he approached the house, "I should be with you by about eleven o'clock on Sunday so think of somewhere you would like to go, after that we'll have dinner and then go on to a really nice night club I know. Right, here we are home again."

"It looks like Liz has gone to bed," said Deedi glancing up at the side of the house where her room overlooked the garden.

Robin turned off the engine and they got out. He always escorted her to the door which she thought was rather sweet. He would be going off to London the next day so they finalised their plans for Sunday but agreed to speak on the phone in the meantime. She loved to hear his strong, confident voice even if she could not see him.

The air became still as they held each other close in the large gothic porch of the house. All that could be heard was the beating of their hearts as their faces drew close and the two lovers kissed, lightly at first but then more passionately as the excitement of being close to each other grew once again. Deedi's hands slipped over Robin's chest and caressed his nipples through his shirt as he held her tight and then she slid one hand down to undo his zip. She reached inside until she could hold his hardening cock between her fingers and gently rubbed him up and down until he became fully hard.

"Oh I love it when you do that," Robin said as she continued to massage his now solid cock, "your soft warm fingers feel so wonderful, my sweet."

He then slid his hands around to her front and undid the five large buttons of her dress uncovering her black underwear and at the same time, revealing her vulnerability. She gasped as he eased his fingers into the waist band of her panties on either side of her hips and slid them down over her suspenders and stocking tops to her ankles. She quickly bent down and popped them into her jacket pocket and kissed him again not daring to imagine what he might do next but hoping it would be something exciting.

He held her bare waist under her dress, holding her beautiful cheeks and once more around to her front were her clitty was beginning to harden just like his. He took her soft balls in his hand and squeezed three or four times feeling her gasping as they kissed deeply their tongues flicking in and out of each others mouths. Her breaths were quick and shallow as he took her stiff lady-cock in his fingers and squeezed in the same way. They were now playing with each other slowly rubbing themselves into ecstasy. They continued for a long time, kissing and playing, sometimes faster sometimes slower, near to cumming but pulling back at the last moment so that the pleasure would linger for as long as possible.

"You clitty is so lovely," he whispered in her ear kissing her neck and smelling her soft fragrance.

"And it's all yours, Robin," she said huskily "to do what ever you want with."

Her kissed her on the lips again and then slowly lowered himself down in front of her sliding his hands up and down her smooth nylon stockings until his face was level with her waist. He kissed her tummy and her suspender clips, nuzzling her clitty with his cheek. She was so hard now that her lady-clock was standing straight up. He took her tip in his fingers and pushed out his tongue tickling her balls as he moved his fingers over her small but solid shiny head. He then ran his tongue up the whole length and back again taking her balls in his mouth and sucking them gently before running his tongue up her again. She held his head in her hands pushing him into her groin and moaning softly each time his tongue touched her.

He continued to play with her tip and then pulled her lady-cock down pushing his mouth over her and out again. Over and off until she could stand no more and pulled his head towards her forcing him to take all of her into him until he could feel her hard throbbing head on the back of his throat making him choke. He pushed back against her hands until she was in his mouth again before pushing forward and taking the whole length in him once more, and then again, faster this time but still the whole length, and again but faster still, and again, again, all of her right into him. She was thrusting her hips hard now to his rhythm and gripping his head tight in case he should stop.

"Oh Robin" she cried her eyes tight shut," you're making me cum, oh don't stop, please don't stop, I'm going to cum, ahhhh," He continued suck her even harder.

He felt her stiffen in his mouth and knew she was ready but he never let up. She stood upright with her back hard against the wall, legs slightly apart, completely rigid for a final two seconds and then let go of all the she had. Two, three, four spasms, pumping and thrusting her hips into his face as she shot her cream into his mouth. He pulled back now but continued to rotate his head around the tip of her throbbing lady-cock as it continued to fill his mouth. Gradually the pumping reduced until she sighed and slumped back on the wall behind her, completely spent. Her clitty softened and he pulled away giving the tip a final kiss and doing up the buttons of her dress. He then adjusted his zip, stood up and faced her again.

"Robin, Robin, that was..." but she never finished the sentence. He kissed her once again but this time he pushed her cum which he had been holding in is mouth, into hers with his tongue. As their lips locked her cum swam back and forth between them until they both swallowed and it was gone. She could say no more, she put her hands around his neck and nuzzled into his shoulder. Finally he stood back, kissed her on the forehead and said softly that it was time to go.

The girls drove down to London after work on Friday evening. The motorways were busy with the usual week-end traffic so they had plenty of time to plan their time over the next couple of days. They went straight in, showered, changed and were both ready to go out again within the hour. As it was getting late Deedi had suggested they go to the same local Italian she had been to with Liz. They order their meals and toasted each other with a glass of Chianti.

"Well I must say you look absolutely wonderful, said Deedi squeezing her arm, "I love the way you've styled your hair, I bet Mike likes it too," she said smiling broadly and lowering her voice. It had permed with curls on top and longer at the sides and looked very sexy.

"Yes, things are good between us, he really is very nice and very well built," she replied starting to blush as she realised what she had said. Deedi laughed.

"So have you thought about the future," she continued changing the subject, "you were talking about going to university next year weren't you?

"Yes, funnily enough I do have a firm offer from Brunel University to study English, which is not far from here, and some others a for place up north. What about you?"

"Well I expect I will go to a sixth form college although I don't know if I should stay in Cambridge and sell the house or move back to London. Liz and I are going away on holiday next February and I was going to starting planning then. But what an idiot I am I never told you about that did I." Said Deedi.


"Liz suggested we have a holiday and we booked two weeks in Goa and you simply must come with us, I insist. I will get Liz to change the booking, please say Yes," Deedi pleaded.

"Hold on," laughed Sarah, "I need to think about it, although I never had a holiday last year what with the move and then starting work. It does sound nice though, I must admit."

"Good that's settled then," said Deedi taking a leaf out of Rosie's book. "and you realise what else we could do don't you?"

"Is this another surprise little one?" smiled Sarah starting to feel very comfortable after the aperitif and two glasses of wine.

"Well I was just thinking if you did go to Brunel and I stayed in London and found a sixth form college nearby then we could share the house together, what do you think?" said Deedi beginning to get excited now.

"Mmmm, we could I suppose but it all seems a long way off," said Sarah, "and there is another, more important question that needs answering first, you know. Would we be living here as girls?"

Deedi stopped dead in her tracks. This was something she had planned to discuss with Liz while they were on holiday.

"I don't know, I hadn't thought about it, what about you?"

"Well I agreed with Mum and Dad that I would live as Sarah for a year and then see what happed, its still early days yet."

"All the more reason for you to come away with us so we can plan out our futures but I have to say I've got a feeling that Deedi is here to stay now."

"I know what you mean, I really do feel like Sarah now and can't imagine going back."

They finished their desert and coffee and then had a slow stroll back to the house arm in arm. It had been a long day and they were both tired. They got changed, kissed each other good-night and went to bed, each sleeping sounder than either of them had done for a long time.

The next morning they both had a long lay in and a leisurely breakfast. They were going to Oxford Street shopping and would need to conserve their energies. They both slipped on an simple dress and tights to make life easier when they were changing, which they imagined would be quite a lot.

They arrived at Marble Arch by tube and walked, with the occasional detour, the whole length of Oxford Street on the south side, had coffee and a burger and then walked the whole length back again on the North. It took them four hours in the end and they could have carried on further if they had not run out of shops. The main purpose was for each of them to buy a dress and shoes for evening when they went dancing but of course they would also need new underwear, tights and a handbag. They came away, not surprisingly with a few more items than they originally planned to buy and only stopped when they realised that they couldn't actually carry any more.

They had decided to go back to the house to get changed then go back into town for the evening by car, with a restaurant and dancing on top of the agenda. They quickly showered and got ready. Deedi's dress was light blue with silver and blue sequins, very short and very sexy. She put on her new light grey tights and medium heel dark blue shoes. If she was going to spend the evening dancing she wanted something reasonably comfortable. Sarah had decided on a black pleated skirt equally short, red top, sun-tan tights and maroon sandals.

They left at eight o'clock and drove into town although parking was not easy. Luckily they had remembered their three-quarter length coats for the walk up to Leicester Square otherwise there could have been a strong possibility of a riot given how short their dresses were. They ate at a Mexican restaurant in the square and then found the disco near Piccadilly that Andy had recommended to them on Friday jus before they left. The night passed all too quickly and it was soon time to go. They arrived home just after two and dropped their coats on the chair in the hall.

"I am gasping," said Sarah, "how about a nice long coke with some ice?"

"Yes please," said Deedi as she slipped off her shoes, slumped onto the sofa and put her feet up on the coffee table.

"Here you go," said Sarah bringing in the drinks and sitting down next to Deedi putting her feet up likewise. Deedi looked at their shapely legs in their very short dresses and their sexy feet as they sat together. Sarah was wearing a bright red toe nail varnish compared to Deedi's pink.

"I am absolutely pooped," said Deedi, "but it's been a fantastic evening hasn't it?"

"Just great, and how many boys did we dance with, I lost count after the first hour?"

"Me too."

They had danced together initially but were soon invited to join the many boys at the club, either as a pair or on their own. They also began to tire of the standard question asking them if they would like to be escorted home or whether they would like to meet again. The answer was always the same though, they were just down for the week-end and would be making their own way home. Most of the music was fast and furious with he occasional slow song giving the lucky guy they happened to be with at the time the chance to hold them up close, and not one missed the opportunity to ask them out. However, they had a great time for all of that and their confidence in their newly chosen gender soared.

"I must admit," said Sarah also looking down at their legs and feet and thinking about how they had just spent the evening, "considering what we were saying last night, being a boy now seems to make no sense at all to me."

"Your right," agreed Deedi, "but I would like a nice pair of titties just to please Robin."

"Well you could do that you know," said Sarah.

"Yes, Liz and I spoke about it but she suggested I wait for a while longer."

"That's not bad advice, it's still very early days for us yet and there is still a lot to learn."

"I was planning to discuss it again while we were on holiday which makes it even more important that you come with us. Have you decided yet?" Deedi asked.

"Of course I'm coming, I wouldn't miss it for the world. It does seem that we will have a lot to think about and talk over though. It will be good to have Liz there as well to give her advice although I think it will turn out to be an important crossroads for both of us."

"Great lets forget about for the time being then and just have some fun, talking of which, are you seeing Mike tomorrow?" asked Deedi moving the subject along.

"Yes," replied Sarah, "He's invited me over to his flat for diner tomorrow night."

"Mmmm, I can image what's on the menu for dessert then," laughed Deedi as she snuggled closer to Sarah who put her arm around Deedi's shoulder while Deedi played with her feet through her nylon covered toes. They both drifted into silence as they thought about the evening they would have with their respective boy-friends and hopefully, lovers.

Deedi woke at nine but there was no rush to get dressed. Robin was picking her up at the house at eleven o'clock as they had planned, after sorting out a few personal things with his family solicitor. She had breakfast with Sarah who then got ready to leave.

"Have fun tonight," said Deedi as Sarah got into her car, "and don't be too demanding on poor Mike will you?"

They kissed each other and Sarah dove off. Deedi decided to take her time and start getting ready now, there would be plenty to do if she still had some time left before he arrived. They were going to Greenwich by river-boat that afternoon and then to the restaurant later.

She got up and ran the bath then went over to the wardrobe to select her outfits for the day and that evening. It was always difficult with so much to choose from but she finally chose her grey pant suit and a short'ish dark green, high neck, long sleeve dress for the evening. She knew she would be wearing stockings so it couldn't be too short or she would draw attention to herself as Rosy had once mentioned.

As she soaked in the hot bubble bath she thought about how things had changed so dramatically in her life over the last year. Deedi was very much part of her now and Daniel was a long way away. She knew that part of the reasoning was to recreate Kate in some way but Deedi had also developed her own personality. She looked down at her chest and wished once again that she had real breasts although her nipples were very large and sensitive especially when she was aroused. Liz mentioned about anything being possible and she knew there were drugs that could develop her titties. She thought it would be nice for Robin if she were more feminine but he didn't seem to mind. Maybe she would talk to Liz while they were on holiday together after all.

She climbed out of the bath and dried herself finishing off with the soft talc she liked. She had her clothes ready and pulled on the corselet she used when she was wearing trousers. She had removed the suspenders since she was going to be wearing hold-ups as Liz had suggested, and she had been right, the whole combination gave her the most perfect figure. Robin had not seen her like this and she hope he would be pleased. She spent a long time on her make-up using colour and shadow to great effect as Liz had shown her especially if she was going out during the day as she did often nowadays. Finally she slipped on some low heeled shoes and was just about ready. It was almost eleven and Robin would be arriving soon.

They had a wonderful day in London sight seeing and walking in the park. There was hardly a moment when she did not hold his arm or they were holding hands or his arm was around her shoulders with lots of stolen kisses thrown in for good measure. They looked like a couple who were very much in love as indeed, they were beginning to discover was the case. He finally dropped her back at the house at six o'clock so that she could get ready for the evening. He had a few final things to do and would see her again at eight.

She decided on a quick shower so that she could spend more time getting dressed. She wanted to look the best she could on this date for she had a feeling, just a small one, that this night might be...significant.

She had chosen a matching pink set for her underwear. Liz had now padded all of her bras and she now clipped it up in front as most women did before turning it through a hundred and eighty degrees and pushing her arms through the straps. She held her titties in each palm and sighed. Liz had done an excellent job on the padding and they felt soft but firm. Next she put on her suspender belt in the same way and straightened it up so that the suspender straps dangled evenly on her thighs. Her little lady always became semi-hard at the thrill of getting dressed but she knew it would soon go down again and behave itself.

She opened a new packet of fully fashioned stockings and felt their coolness on her arms once again as she prepared to pull them on. She had picked a colour called Mist which was a very light grey and showed off her fine smooth legs exquisitely. She clipped them up and then put her new sandals. They were black with two very thin straps across the toes and one more around the ankle, she hoped the message to Robin from these shoes would be very loud and very clear. Finally she pulled up her matching pink frilly panties and tucked her lady-cock down inside. It was always difficult in there if she started to get excited, which was nearly always the case when she was with Robin, but she also enjoyed the pressure of it not being able to escape from it's feminine prison, well not until it was necessary she hoped.

She sat down at the dressing table to put on her make-up which she wanted to be special this time. First a light foundation cream which Liz had suggested and then a face powder but not too much. This gave a good base to work with the blusher which accentuated her cheek bones giving her a classic beauty. Then a green eyeshadow to go with the dress, eye-liner and mascara for her long lashes. She completed the picture with a bright pink lipstick which matched her nail varnish and her underwear.

She stood up and looked in the large dress mirror on the wall. She was still wearing her underwear and was very pleased with the final result. It was probably her best effort so far and she felt her clitty hardening again inside her panties. She quickly pulled on her dress and completed the ensemble with a dark green choker, a green ribbon for her hair and a selection of jewellery including a very slim watch, a bracelet and two rings all belonging to Kate. The earrings were her favourite pearl drops, small but very pretty. As she put on her cream jacket as she heard the door bell go.

"That'll be Robin, well, what do you think Mum, will I do?"

"You look beautiful darling, that dress really suits you, give us a twirl," said Kate's voice, and she did a pirouette her dress flying skywards and then floating gently back down again as she turned full circle, just allowing a very small peek of her stocking tops. She opened the front door and Robin stepped inside the hall.

"Hello, is everything all..." but Robin stopped in mid sentence and gasped. "Oh my god, is that you Deedi?"

He stood still for a full five seconds while she slowly turned full circle for him. His eyes ran from the tips of her very sexy varnished toes to the green ribbon in her hair.

"Oh my God," he said again, "You, you ...just look... beautiful beyond words. Are you really my date for tonight or am I just dreaming."

She nodded smiling broadly and clutched his arm.

"My darling," she said very softly in his ear, "I am yours for as long as you want."

They ate in a small but very relaxed Italian restaurant in Soho which many thought served the best Italian food in London. They chatted easily sometimes knowing the others thoughts before they were spoken. They talked about Robins family and the problems he was having to sort out, they talked about his course at university and how Deedi was planning to go on to take her A levels and they chatted about their lovely day together. Soon it was time to go and they stepped out onto the street. Deedi felt that chill around her legs she was beginning to get used to but still enjoyed as they walked north towards Oxford street and the club Robin knew.

It was very exclusive and very intimate. Although busy it was not full and the disco music was beginning to give way to soft, more romantic melodies. They danced very close, her head on his shoulder and the combination of her perfume and the moment meant she could feel his slowly hardening cock through her thin dress. She nuzzled closer rubbing gently against him for she wanted nothing more in the world at this moment than for him to want her -- completely and in every way.

"Hey, little one," he whispered glancing at his watch, "do you know it's half past one? Time to get you home."

Neither of them had noticed the minutes slipping past as they gracefully moved around the dance floor their bodies entwined almost as one movement.

"I never realised," she said dreamily, "OK I'll get my coat."

Nether said much in the car as they listened to the music of the night on Jazz FM. The roads were clear at that time and they were soon back in Ealing.

"Do you want to come in for a drink? she said as the car pulled up at her house. It had been a wonderful day and a beautiful evening and she didn't want it to end... not just yet.

"Yes," he said getting out and locking the door. "I'd like that".

They went in and he put on some music while she poured them both a glass of wine. They took a sip and put their glasses down. As they turned back facing each other he took her in his arms and they kissed slowly and deeply. After a minute or so they stopped and pulled slightly away from each other.

"Would you like to stay?" she said so very softly hoping he would give her the answer she had been longing for.

He looked into her eyes and nodded. "I think you know the answer to that already my sweet," he said.

"Robin," she added very deliberately knowing that she had to ask, "Are you very sure about this?"

He kissed her again on the neck and gently whispered softly into her ear, "I have never been more sure of anything in my life, sweet baby. Come on."

She pulled away and turned off the music. Then, taking him by the hand led him up the stairs to Kate's bedroom which she was now using as her own, led him in and switched on the table lamp by the bed giving the room a pink-soft romantic feel. He looked great, she thought as she walked back to where he was standing, so tall and handsome. They kissed again and she undid his shirt running her hand over his strong chest. She bent down slightly and kissed first one nipple then the other taking it between her tongue and her lips and sucking gently. He moaned as she removed his shirt and then slid her hand down to undo his trousers. He held her head as she licked and sucked him. He had never felt like this before with any of his previous girlfriends. He could feel his cock straining in his pants desperately waiting to be unleashed. She undid the last clip and used both hands to pull down his trousers and shorts and slipped them over his feet. Finally she knelt down on the floor and removed his shoes and socks. As she looked up, level with his groin, her mouth was directly in line with the head of his eight inch thick manhood which was pointing straight up to the ceiling and as solid as a tree trunk. With one hand she took the shaft and gently stroked it to and fro before pulling it slowly into her mouth. He groaned again.

"Oh Deedi, that feels wonderful. Don't stop, don't ever stop."

She rolled her mouth over the head of his cock thrusting herself on to him making sure she covered every inch, licking and sucking his shiny red head, his shaft and his large full balls. She lifted herself up onto her knees and pulled his cock out of her mouth so that she could stoke him some more, faster this time feeling his stiff manhood become even harder. She then thrust it back into her mouth and sucked the head as hard as she could bobbing up and down in a frenzy until she was ready. Then she pushed her head forward forcing his cock deeper into her mouth pushing the head against the back of her throat. His moan was now very low almost guttural as she slowly, very slowly took the whole length of his shaft deep into her throat until she her lips were touching his balls. She pulled out slightly and then forced her way onto him again and again and again until she felt him twitch. She knew he wanted to cum but she was not going to allow him that final pleasure like this, not yet. Slowly she pulled away from him and got up to her feet and kissed his lips, each of them enjoying the salty taste of his dripping wet cock as their tongues played with each other.

He wrapped one strong arm under her wisp like waist and the other under her legs lifting her in one motion and lowering her gently on the bed. He climbed on to the bed with her and knelt at her feet taking her slim seductive ankles in his powerful hands and softly, very softly kissed her toes. He then caressed her ankles with his fingers and kissed the straps of her sandals as he slowly removed them. His hands moved slowly but inexorably over her smooth nylons as he continued to kiss her moving ever upwards, first her calves then her pretty knees to her thighs. Her eyes were shut and he could hear her sighing with pleasure. He carried on, slipping his hands under her dress as he kissed her hard little suspender clips and the frilly straps that kept her stocking wonderfully taught. On to her bare cream white skin rubbing his face into her now visible, pink panties. With one long movement he slid them down over her legs and dropped them by the bed. He moved back to kneel in front of her waist and pulled the hem of her dress back to reveal her lady-cock, flat and hard against the velvety, white skin of her stomach. He leaned forward and took her in his hand and slowly pulled back her now tight foreskin just enough to see the tiny hole that he hoped would be soon gushing forth the juice that he had held in his mouth just a few nights before. He leaned forward and gave her the lightest kiss on the very tip and heard her sigh again. His other hand worked slowing up and down her legs caressing her very soul. He pulled the skin back all the way to it limit and lowered his head still further until he was able to take her inside of his wet mouth. He moved faster now taking her whole length into him feeling the hard salty head as it pushed against his yielding throat.

"Come here, I want you too," she demanded.

He moved position so that each of them could take the other into their mouth and suck themselves into heaven. He could see her sexy feet and shapely legs as he continued to caress her legs and thighs. It was almost impossible to believe that this vision of loveliness could not be a real girl but the evidence was there, in his mouth as he wrapped his tongue around her now pulsing head. She felt him taking her inside him and wondered how this gorgeous man could enjoy this very special girl so wildly but the evidence was in her month as she wrapped her tongue around him feeling him pushing for more. As each gave pleasure to the other with their mouths it was reciprocated like a chain reaction, always building, sucking, licking, stroking, rubbing. First slowly and then faster until they were both throbbing and ready to fill each other with their cum, but once again she slowed down the pace and pulled away for there was only one place in the world that she wanted his thick creamy seed and there was only one place he wanted to put it. She moved up onto the pillow and motioned him to lay beside her. Robin moved up behind her wrapping her tight in his arms and gently kissing her neck, smelling her perfume and nuzzling her soft, fragrant hair.

"Are you ready for this my love," he murmured in her ear almost inaudibly.

"Oh Robin, I want you inside me so much" she said, her voice low and husky.

He moved his hand down and took his still throbbing cock between his fingers slipping it between her cheeks and sliding in slowly until he could feel her sweet bud against his tip. He pushed gently and felt a slight resistance. He kissed her neck once more and whispered softly.

"Relax my sweet, just relax, you're safe in my arms, its time to let me into your beautiful body." he said almost hypnotically.

A mellowness washed over Deedi as he felt her soften in his arms and her muscle relax. He pushed his hips gently forwards just enough for the tip of his pre-cum-wet cock to pass through her little hard ring and into her sweet, sweet arse. She gasped with a slight pain but he continued to push. It seemed to her that everything was now happening in slow motion as held her tightly in his arms, kissing her neck and inch by solid inch, entering deep inside her very being. Two, three, four, five was it never going to stop. It did though and he pulled back slowly until once again just the tip of his cock was only just inside her. She felt her muscle straining to push him out as it was meant to do and looked around at him, worried in case he had changed his mind and didn't want her like this after all. But he kissed her again and this time with one long push he thrust his cock all the way into her so that she could feel his soft balls against the milky-white cheeks of her smooth bum. She gasped again not pain this time but ecstasy as he rhythmically pulled out about two inches and pushed in once more. In, out, in but harder this time, in again harder still. Her breathes were coming fast now and she felt her heart racing, in again, harder. He felt her griping him tight as each thrust drove him deeper into her, as if she couldn't let go of him. No pussy had ever felt this good for their union was complete, his cock and her tight little pussy working together in a perfect dance.

"Ohhhh, Robin," she whimpered, "That feels so wonderful, your cock is filling me up, I love you."

"I love you too, my darling" he whispered in her ear and let his hand slide up her stockinged leg to her thigh and then in between her legs where he found her hard lady-cock. Not as long as his but thick now and dripping pre-cum from the end and ready. He took it in his fingers and moved them in time with his own thrusting hips. He felt her stiffen a little more as he worked her shaft and pushed into her, harder and harder.

"Oh, Robin, Robin," she cried, "Please give it to me, give it to me now."

They continued rocking in perfect unison until he could hold back no longer, his cock pushing one more time before stopping for a moment, giving one final twitch and then pumping his creamy white cum into her bowels, gush after gush. She felt him filling her hoping it would never stop as more and more of his seed spurted into her. She too could hold back no longer as her cock gave way and it too released its rich cream, pumping, pumping, pumping as he refused to stop working his fingers until he had milked every last drop of her cum from inside of her body.

As they calmed down Robin slowly unzipped here dress and unhooked her bra. She got up and took them off then lifted the covers and got into bed. Robin slid in beside her and, face to face, holding her tight they kissed deeply. There bodies were completely entwined and both their cocks were still solid and nestling against each other as they slowly moved their hips in unison. Deedi then pulled herself away slightly and lifted her leg while Robin took his cock and found her entrance once again. Still kissing he entered her and felt her gasp as he pushed his tongue into her mouth and his cock deep into her arse. They moved together in perfect harmony kissing personality and thrusting forwards simultaneously. He then pulled his mouth away and lowered his head so that he could kiss her small but cherry-stone erect nipples. He felt her whole body tense as he sucked harder still deep inside her wonderfully tight pussy, thrusting until he was ready to cum again. He lifted his head and looked into eyes.

"Deedi, you are so, so beautiful," he said and kissed her again as he pumped a newly found source of his cream into her once again. During the next hour they made love every possible way and in every position until they finally both lay back exhausted still in each others arms his cock inside her from behind as it had been when he had first entered her. They lay still and quite for a full ten minutes before Deedi broke the spell.

"Oh Robin, that was so beautiful, " she whispered dreamily and completely exhausted.

"Yes, my love, it was and I am never going to stop making love to you like that." she smiled contentedly as she felt his cock beginning to grow inside of her once more.

The End

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BTW Lindsey will be with us soon too.

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