Deedi Emerges

By Rob H

Published on Apr 5, 2003


Deedi Emerges (c) By Rob Henson

Chapter 7 -- Deedi's Dilemmas

On Monday morning Deedi woke early eager to get ready for her new job. She really wanted to look her very best although that was never likely be a problem since she was now very adept at putting on her make-up and dressing for effect. She decided to wear a grey two piece suit with a very light, check pattern. The skirt was knee length and she wore a light blue blouse which was slightly see-through so she also wore light blue matching underwear. She pulled on a pair of very sheer, barely-black stockings and clipped them to her suspenders and found a pair of plain, black high heels. The overall effect was of a young professional girl about town. She looked in the mirror and was pleased with the result. She had been using less make- up recently but to greater effect giving her a more classical beauty.

She arrived in the office at nine o'clock and was greeted at the door by Sarah who showed her to a desk and explained all the housekeeping details. Sarah was nineteen and smartly dressed. She was tall, with light brown shoulder length hair neatly cut and an attractive face rather than a great beauty, but like Deedi she knew how to dress to suit her style. She had nice legs and wore a short, dark green dress, dark brown tights and matching dark green shoes. Deedi said she would probably be spending most of the day getting to grips with the computer system so Sarah left her to get on with it. At one o'clock Sarah came over to her desk.

"Sorry to interrupt but I am just going out to lunch, would you like something?" she asked.

"Gosh," said Deedi, "I didn't realise the time disappearing, yes that would be great, what were you thinking off?"

"There's an Italian cafe just around the corner which is good value. I thought we could celebrate your first day."

"Wonderful idea, we can get to know each other a bit better as well," said Deedi picking up her coat. The cafe wasn't too busy as they sat down each ordering a lasagne and a glass of white wine.

"So are you on a gap year as well," asked Sarah sipping her wine.

"Goodness no," said Deedi, "I have only just finished my GCSE's."

"You joking, how old are you then?" asked Sarah with a look of surprise.


"Wow, you look at least eighteen, you're very good at managing your appearance aren't you?"

"Well, its due mainly to my Aunt and cousin who really seem to know what they are doing and have taught me a lot."

"I must admit it's great having you with us. I know I shouldn't say this," she continued lowering her voice, "but the others in the office are all in there thirties and forties and only ever seem to talk about their husbands and children. Its nice to have someone around who is nearer my own age."

Deedi laughed. They chatted about their interests and their families during the rest of lunch and as they left, Sarah paid the bill. They got on well together and were already friends by the time they got back to the office.

Tuesday was going to be a special day for Deedi for that was when she had arranged to meet Robin. She had been very nervous when Liz had handed her the phone on Saturday but Robin was chatty and very friendly. She took the hands-free set upstairs to her room and laid on the bed. She was wearing a blue jumper, dark blue mini skirt and her favourite sun-tan tights, and of course no shoes. Her long legs stretched out in front of her as she listened to Robin. Lots of questions were asked as each of them tried to get to know the other better and finally Robin suggested they meet up. Deedi said yes immediately and agreed to see him in town at the wine bar where they had first met.

She thought about a style for her first date with a boy and decided on smart but casual, afterall she didn't want to fire off all of her big guns on the first meeting. She came out of the shower, dried off and put her one of her well padded bras. As she stood in front of mirror she looked at the image. A beautiful girls face, a nice bust, OK'ish figure, very long shapely legs, sexy feet and toes which were varnished in pink with a semi hard lady-cock and small round balls between her legs. She was in love with the appearance that all thee of them had created of the past weeks and even her lady-cock looked quite sweet sitting between her legs just below her newly trimmed hair. However, the biggest question of all was - what would Robin think of this image, assuming of course, he would ever get to see it. Afterall this was only there first date and there was a very long way to go, for her at least.

She pulled on her matching blue panties and found a pair of black, opaque tights and a very short black skirt with a wide black belt. She put on her new black ankle boots and a pink brushed wool jumper with a very big roll-neck which hung in front of her. After putting on her make-up and jewellery she was ready to go.

"How do I look Liz?" she said walking in to the lounge to say goodnight.

"Absolutely lovely," replied Liz getting and kissing her on the cheek, "Hmm, I think I recognise that perfume, be careful its lethal. Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow, I'm going up to bed soon."

When she arrived at the bar Robin was already waiting, He smiled broadly when he saw her, shook her hand and kissed her on the cheek. They sat in a corner opposite each other with a bottle of wine and pretty much continued where their phone call had left off, as they verbally danced the evening away. Just after ten Robin apologised and said he would have to go as he had to be up early the next day to drive to London and asked if he could take her home. As they walked back to his college to get the car she slipped her arm in his as they carried on their conversation. The drive took about twenty minutes and he pulled into the drive getting out first to open her door. Wow, she thought every inch of his six foot one frame was a gentleman. He escorted her to the door and she told him how lovely the evening had been and he asked if she would like to meet him on Thursday for a tour of the college and then have lunch together.

"That would be delightful," she said and waited for her first kiss but all he said was good-night and kissed her on the cheek again. She stood for a while as he drove out, leaned back on the wall and sighed. She could hardly wait until Thursday when she would see him again.

Simultaneously she was also getting to know Sarah and they were fast becoming best friends. They usually had lunch together and had also met during the evening when she wasn't seeing Robin. They had also been shopping together but Deedi was careful as she tried on the various outfits in the changing rooms. The change in her life was incredible she thought, one quite evening while relaxing in a hot bubble bath and it had all helped as gradually the pain of losing Kate diminished.

It was a couple of weeks later that Deedi was having a difficult afternoon trying to get the email system to work finally deciding that she needed to talk to the consultant. She looked up and Sarah was just putting on her coat.

"I'm just off," she said, "you seem so engrossed I didn't want to disturb you. See you on Monday." She was going away for the weekend with her parents.

"What's the time?" said Deedi looking up and seeing that the office was empty.

"It's nearly five."

"Wait, before you go I need to ring the Computer consultants, who are they?"

Sarah was almost out of the door.

"Terry Gillan Services," she said, "the numbers on my desk. Good night, " and she was gone. There was only Robert left in his office and she knew he would probably be working late as usual.

Deedi shut down the system and went over to Sarah's desk to get the number but decided she might as well use Sarah's phone and sat down. There was a yellow post-it note sticking out from under the phone with the letters TGS and a number although it didn't look local. She dialled and waited for an answer.

"Good afternoon, Trans Gender Support, how can I help," said a friendly voice pronouncing each word separately.

"I'm sorry what did you say," said Deedi looking at the number again.

"Transgender and Transsexual help line, can I help you?"

"Er, no, I... er. think I've dialled the wrong number, can you tell me what number that is please?"

The lady read out her number and it was correct.

"Sorry," said Deedi.

"This is completely confidential, you can talk if you wish," said the lady, obviously not quite believing Deedi. She quietly put the phone down and then quickly look around worried in case someone had come back but the office was still empty. Her mind was reeling now as she stared at the desk. It was then that she noticed something in the bottom corner of the large pad Sarah used for quick notes. The words 'Terry Gillan' followed by a Cambridge number. She dialled and it was answered straight away.

"Terry here, can I help?"

She told Liz what had happed over diner that evening.

"What do you think?" asked Deedi.

"What I think is you shouldn't jump to conclusions young lady," replied Liz, "does she have any brothers or sisters?"

"No," said Deedi"

"Well she could be phoning on behalf of a friend," said Liz, "or a cousin." Liz raised her eyebrows and Deedi gulped.

"I never thought of that," she said meekly.

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to put it to her or assume its none of your business?" asked Liz.

"Well when you put it like that I suppose it is nothing to do with me, but..." she thought for a moment, "if she is like me then it would be a shame for us not to know about each other, don't you think ?"

"Does it make a difference to you what she is?" asked Liz.

"No not at all, she has been a really good friend since I started work there and I like her a lot."

"How much?" continued Liz just testing the water, "are you attracted to her especially now knowing what she may be like?"

Deedi thought for a few seconds just to be sure.

"No not at all. It just like it was with Rosy. In fact that's probably one of the reasons its been so good now that Rosy has gone," said Deedi.

"Yes, you have a point then, why not leave things as they are and see if something presents itself. Maybe, if the opportunity is right you could tell her about your position and then she might reciprocate." However the sort of situation Liz that Liz alluded to presented itself the very next week.

They were going out to a new cafe-bar on Wednesday and Deedi went back to Sarah's house while she got changed since it was on the way into the centre. Deedi waited in the lounge chatting to Sarah's mother while she went up stairs to her bedroom. Her father was working late at the factory. After about fifteen minutes Deedi realised she needed to use the toilet and Sarah's Mother directed here upstairs. The toilet and bathroom was at the far end of the hall and as she passed by one of the bedrooms a flash of light caught her eye, it was a mirrored door closing. Instinctively she looked in and there in full view, she saw Sarah just pulling up her panties and, unmistakeably between her legs hung a cock about the same size as Deedi's. Sarah even tucked it in the same way Deedi did. Deedi quickly carried on and, as quietly as she could went back downstairs. A few minutes later Sarah returned and they left for the evening. On the way in by bus Deedi decide that now would be a good time to raise the subject otherwise she would keep thinking about it and lose the moment.

They arrived at the bar which was not very full and Sarah asked if were wanted two glasses of wine. No said Deedi lets get two cocktails and a bottle of dry white.

"Wow, are we celebrating?" asked Sarah all smiles.

"Maybe but it will be significant."

"What will?" asked Sarah confused now.

"Tell you in a minute," she replied, "come on lets find a table."

They sat down and took a large sip of their cocktails and Deedi finally spoke.

"I have an apology to make," she started and then told Sarah what she had seen as she had made her way to the toilet earlier that evening, but she never mentioned the phone call. She also reassured her that she wasn't spying and that it had just been an accident.

Sarah dropped here eyes and looked sad.

"It's funny really," she said in a very soft voice, "you make sure you are very careful wherever you are and then get caught out in your own home. I'm really sorry, Deedi, I never meant to deceive you but I simply enjoyed us being really good friends and never wanted to lose that. I am sure I would have told you at some point... but I suppose its too late now. I expect you want to leave do you?"

"If I wanted to go why would I have suggested we by a bottle of wine and the cocktails?" said Deedi, "Sarah you are my best friend too and I don't want to lose that either. In fact there is probably a very good reason why we are best friends. It could be because we have so very much in common."

"What do you mean," said Sarah completely confused now.

"I know you might not believe it but I am the same as you," replied Deedi.

Sarah never spoke while the words sunk in.

"You," she finally said still not quite sure what Deedi was saying, "the same? You mean that... that you're a boy too?"

"Yes," said Deedi, "I used to be called Daniel. I guess you never realised?"

"No, not at all," Sarah said relaxing slightly, "you had me completely fooled. You just look so beautiful, in fact I was quite jealous. Although, thinking back there was one thing that seemed odd but I dismissed it at the time. It was when Andy came in and leaned over your desk to ask you something about the new computer system. I saw you go red and then squirm in you seat like a boy would but I never made the link at he time."

"Yes I remember that," laughed Deedi, "he looked very appealing that day and his after shave ... well, that was some thing else."

Now the tension had been broken they both relaxed and told each other their stories. Sarah had been dressing in her Mothers clothes and one day, when she was in her early teens, her Mother and Father came in unexpectedly and caught her. They were very good about it though and let her dress whenever she wanted thinking it might be a phase she would grow out off but she never did. In fact she thought her father quite liked having a daughter around. When he was given a promotion which included a move to Cambridge just after her A level exams had finished, she decided she would try living full time as a girl, as a sort of experiment during a gap year. She got the job with Cambridge Carers soon after they arrived.

When she had finished Deedi told her about her recent life. The wine was almost gone now and they were both feeling a bit drunk but very happy.

"Deedi," said Sarah as they were getting up to go, "I really am so glad this has happened. I hadn't made any real friends since we moved up here until I met you and its been really great since we have been working together, and now this."

"Me too," said Deedi who realised she had had no friends of her own age either since Rosy had left. So the bond between Sarah and Deedi that was already strong, now grew stronger still as they hugged each other tightly and then left. From that point on they were almost inseparable going out in the evenings after work and at the week-ends, shopping and spending time together at each others homes.

One morning, a couple of weeks later, as Deedi was getting ready to go with Liz to the charity office she was having difficulty with her dress.

"Liz could you help me with this clip please, it's a bit to high for me to reach?" Deedi wandered into Liz's bedroom. She had just come out of the shower and was drying off.

"Of course darling, turn around and I'll do it for you," she said pulling on her peach, satin panties.

Deedi was wearing a powder blue, knee length cotton dress with a high neck. It was simple and neat suiting her shape and colouring perfectly. It was one she had chosen on her first shopping trip all those weeks ago before Rosy had left for an assignment with the voluntary organisation that Liz worked for in Cambridge. They were both missing her and Liz had suggested that they have lunch and go shopping to cheer themselves up.

Deedi was quite adept at doing her own make-up by now and had used a light blue eye shadow, a little mascara, face powder and pink blusher which matched her lipstick. She had varnished her finger nails and toes the night before in the same shade of pink. Her hair was still in the style suggested by Jamie and she went to see him every three weeks or so to tidy it up. A pair of fine, nude stockings and medium heeled dark blue shoes completed the ensemble. She really liked the feel of stockings on her legs and wore them whenever she could except with very short dresses and skirts, or if she were just lounging around the house when she wore tights. She thought that this would be a good business outfit to wear as she was going into the office with Liz to lend a hand with some of the paper work while Liz attended a directors meeting.

Deedi sat on the bed and watched Liz roll her dark fawn coloured tights first up one leg and then the other pulling the waist band over her hips admiring Liz's perfect figure and shapely legs. Liz was thirty eight and looked thirty. She was tall and elegant with light brown hair rather than the blond which seem to run in the family. Lately she had backcombed her fringe and wore a thin red tie which had the effect of taken even more years off of her age.

"You have a beautiful figure Liz and a gorgeous bust, I wish mine was like yours," said Deedi envying the vision in front of her as Liz pulled on a tweed skirt and cream stain blouse.

"Thank you kind lady," she said taking a low bow to show he gratitude. Deedi smiled. "Anything's possible if you want it badly enough," she added knowing full well what Deedi was thinking. "But nothing you have done so far is irreversible and we need to keep it that way for while. Things have moved fast for you over the last few weeks, Deedi, and I expect you have had a very exiting time. You must not be to hasty though, after all, the way you feel now could just be a reaction to Kate's death and maybe in a few weeks or months Daniel might want to come back again, who knows?" Liz said.

"Daniel seems like an old memory now," said Deedi slowly, "I'm not sure I ever want him back."

"Hold on young lady, Daniel was and is a part of you and is not something you can simply throw away. Male and female are just words to describe the way our bodies are put together but we aren't simply one or the other. We are all made up of both."

Deedi nodded. "I suppose so," she agreed.

"Let me ask you something, have you slept with anyone since becoming Deedi?" Liz looked directly at Deedi.

"Yes," replied Deedi. "but we didn't sleep much. They both laughed.

"Boy or girl?"

"Both," she said.

"Gosh, you have been busy. They weren't at the same time I hope," and they both laughed again.

"Now assuming everything went as expected, what was it like with the girl?" she continued with Deedi not quite knowing where this was leading.

"It was good. It was Ann from my old school and we both had a lovely time." Deedi explained.

"So some parts of Daniel are still in full working order then?" Liz arrived at her point.

"I see what you mean," said Deedi understanding at last.

"I know how you are feeling," said Liz, "and it really is great having Deedi around especially now that Rosy has gone. Let's just carry on as we are and then discuss it again next Spring or Summer when we might have a clearer picture of how you feel and in the meantime Deedi can stay as she is. But if Daniel starts knocking on the door then don't ignore him otherwise it will cause problems later, OK? Now, I was also thinking that it was time we had a holiday, how does Goa Sound? Any thoughts."

"Oh Liz, that sounds wonderful," Deedi got up and hugged her, "Thank you, but I can't go like this my passport is for Daniel?" She suddenly looked sad again.

"You certainly find all the problems don't you," laughed Liz. "I'm sure we can sort out that little detail, Rosy always could. Come on lets go and have breakfast."

"There is one problem looming though, " said Deedi as they went down the stairs, "and I really don't know how to solve this one."

While they were eating Deedi told Liz what was wrong. She had been dating Robin for a few weeks now and she was really fond of him. She had been very nervous on her first date but he soon put her at ease and was the perfect gentleman including kissing her on the cheek when he brought her home that first evening. She agreed to go out with him again during the day this time, and he had shown here around the various colleges of the university before having lunch together. She enjoyed being with him and always put in extra effort when getting ready so that he would be proud to be with her. She soon relaxed and enjoyed his company having fun and laughing a lot. Their first kiss was a magical experience and his hands did not roam initially but as the weeks passed he became more amorous, loving the feel of her smooth nylons and very sexy stocking tops as they kissed passionately. She had managed to hold him off so far but could feel that things were not right. Their relationship was developing and needed to move to the next natural phase, whatever that might turn out to be.

"I just don't know what to do," she told Liz.

"Well," said Liz and thought for a few moments, "you could always dump him and then the problem would be solved. Do you want to do that?"

"No, not all," said Deedi shaking her head.

"Do you think he would like to go to bed with you?" Asked Liz again.

Deedi nodded, "He's already dropped a few hints and his hands are all over me sometimes."

"Oh that's just men, least he's healthy I suppose." They both laughed, "seriously though he will find out eventually or simply stop seeing you, and I take it you don't want that either." Deedi shook her head again.

"So you can either can tell him first or let him find out for himself and I definitely don't recommend the latter. If you surprise him in a situation like that things could get awkward. At least if you tell him you can control where and when and choose the best moment."

"Yes," said Deedi still a bit despondent, "you're right of course, but what if he then dumps me."

"Deedi, I love you dearly but you know you are not a real girl. If that causes Robin a problem then that's his prerogative. The best result you can have then is that you part friends but if that's the way it must be then so be it. Plan what you are going to say and do., think about when the moment will be right and just to be on the safe side, find somewhere where you won't be in any danger."

"Oh Liz, I'm sure he wouldn't do anything like that," said Deedi, "he's so gentle."

"I'm sure you are right but you never know with men, they can be unpredictable where their manhood is concerned. Have you spoken to Sarah about it she may have some ideas especially if she's been in a similar position already."

"What an idiot I am, I never thought of that. Thanks Liz, it's helped just to talk it through as well," said Deedi clearing up the breakfast things. "I'll ask her tomorrow, come on we'll be late for your meeting."

They grabbed their coats and drove into town. Deedi had a busy morning and when Liz's meeting finished they went to lunch at a small Italian restaurant near the centre.

"I was thinking about your passport," said Liz "all we have to do is bring back Daniel for a few hours and then change back at the hotel. To be honest if your wore a t-shirt and jeans you would still look like Deedi in any case. You just need to do is wear a baseball cap or something when we go through passport control."

"Great idea," said Deedi, "I'm sure that will work afterall there are loads of unisex boys and girls around nowadays."

"So this afternoon we need to buy you a bikini and some clothes for a hot climate, yes? Lets go then, we can book the flight as well" said Liz and off they both went just like any other Mother and daughter having a great time shopping together.

The next day she was having lunch with Sarah and explained her problem.

"I was wondering when this would crop up," she said, "you seemed to be getting closer to each other all the time."

"So what do you think, should I tell him?" asked Deedi.

"I don't know Robin at all so you will have to make your own mind up but let me tell you about something that happed to me not long after we moved up here. I met a boy and he asked me out so I said yes. We went around together for a while and gradually things started to get more serious. Well one night we were in the park kissing and I don't know what happed really, it was all very passionate and I just got swept away I guess. Anyway he moved his hand down there and I never stopped him as I usually did. He went berserk, calling me names and then he punched me in the stomach."

"Oh Sarah," said Deedi with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry, did you tell your Mum and Dad?"

"No, not at all, Dad would have killed him for hitting his little girl," she replied. "Just be careful that's all."

"Thank you Sarah, I think I know what I am going to do now."

The following Wednesday evening Deedi had arranged to go out with Robin to a pub on the edge of town away from the students. She had also decided to tell him her news when he took her home later that evening. She had been thinking about what to say for a couple of days and had finally come up with the best form of words she could think off.

They arrived back at Deedi's house around eleven and Robin saw her to the door as usual. He moved up close and held her in his arms, her perfume stirring him on as he moved his head closer to hers. They kissed deeply his tongue gently parting her lips and pushing into her mouth. She loved it when he did that but this time she pulled away.

Robin opened his eyes, "What's the matter my sweet?" sensing that something was not quite right, "You seem downcast tonight."

"There is something important I have to say," she said lowering her eyes and dreading this moment, "Things are moving fast between us and I don't want either of us to get hurt. Robin, you have got to realise that I am not the person you think I am."

"I know that," he said smiling, "there's lots more I still need to find out about this gorgeous young lady here in my arms."

"No, I mean... with me... what you see... is not necessarily what you get," she was starting to feel nervous now.

"I don't understand," he said and then he laughed. "Your not going to tell me you're a boy or something silly are you?"

"I'm afraid that's exactly what I am going to tell you, Robin" she said quietly, grateful that she did not have to use the word.

His laughter stopped. "I don't believe you," he said looking into her beautiful eyes, stroking her very real blond hair and smelling the sensuous fragrance she was wearing tonight. Even her gorgeous bum felt soft and round as he held her in the doorway. "What's really the problem?"

"It's true," she said reaching behind him and taking his hand from where he had been holding her, slowly moving it down over her hips and onto her thigh. With her other hand she pulled up the hem of her dress until his hand was resting on her stocking tops. He could feel the tiny button of her suspender clips as she pulled his hand up around her leg and onto her silky panties. In any other circumstance he would be in heaven at this point but he knew something was very wrong now. Finally she placed his hand directly between her legs. Her little lady-cock was soft but there was now no doubt in Robin's mind what he could feel between his fingers through the thin material of her powder blue panties.

"My name is really Daniel," Robin froze for a few seconds but did not say anything. She was relived that he did not seem to be angry. He then removed his hand allowing her dress to fall back into place and stepped away. He turned as she heard him say "I have to go." He got into his car and drove off, not fast but not slowly either. She thought for a moment and went inside. Liz was watching the end of a film on television.

"Did you have a nice time darling?" she said as Deedi came and sat down beside her taking off her shoes but not replying.

"You've told him haven't you?" Liz said seeing a tear slip down her cheek,, "Oh my love, come here." She held her close and felt her quietly sobbing into her breast. Realising now that her and Rosy had let out a genie out of the bottle that they were never going to be able to put back in.

"He's gone, I've lost him," she wept.

"It was the best thing to do," Liz said after a few minutes but Deedi could not hear her through her sobs.

The following Tuesday Liz was out shopping when the phone rang. Deedi was just getting dressed and had not yet decided what she was going to do that day so she had just slipped on a skirt and jumper with some black tights.

"Hello, its me" she recognised the voice instantly, "I just wanted to say sorry for going off like that the other night." Robin said very slowly picking every word with care.

"That's OK," Deedi said non committally not know what mood he may be in.

"I think we need to talk, I don't want to just leave things like this," he said, "Can we meet?"

"Are you all right," Deedi said wanting to make sure he wasn't planning something she would regret.

"Yes, I'm fine. What you said was a shock but I have been thinking things over and I would like to see you again to sort things out."

"Yes all right but I have to warn you it won't be Daniel you'll be seeing, it will be Deedi."

"Good, it's Deedi I need to talk to. Shall I pick you up at eight?"

"OK," she said, "see you then," and thoughtfully replaced the receiver as he rang off. There was something is his voice, though. Something accepting. Perhaps... Deedi couldn't wait to tell Liz the moment she came through the door.

"What do you think?" Deedi asked willing her to be positive.

"The first question is do you really want to see him again and secondly will you be safe," Liz replied.

"Yes, I do, he really is very nice and I am sure he isn't just doing this for a chance to get back at me, but your right I will need to tread carefully."

"OK then, lets really give him something to drawl over, I'll help you get ready. Go and have a long soak while I put the shopping away and then I'll up to help you get ready." Liz said and they both fell into each others arms. Robin arrived exactly on time and Liz gave Deedi a kiss on the cheek as she left. She had pulled out all the stops using her skills from when she had been a fashion designer many years ago before she had sold the business.

They had decided Deedi should wear Liz's short black dress with a black satin choker. Her make-up was light but so well done that it completely changed her look, more than Rosy or Deedi had ever managed to achieve. He hair still held the perm she had done a few weeks before and only required a gentle brush to complete the image of a very beautiful girl. Liz found a black cardigan in case she felt chilly but they agreed she didn't need a jacket since the whether was very mild for the time of year.

"I that doesn't knock him out," said Liz as Deedi was pulling up the sheer, near transparent, stockings that she loved, "he must be made of stone."

"Thank you Liz, I really am so lucky to have someone like you" she said finally looking in the mirror and seeing Deedi looking the best she had ever seen her.

Robin took Deedi to the wine bar where they first met and which they still used occasionally. Robin bought a bottle of Rioja and they sat down in one of the corner alcoves next to each other.

"Let me begin by saying sorry for running off like that," Robin began, "my only excuse was that I was shocked, in fact looking at you now I still wouldn't believe it if you hadn't...err.. given me that demonstration. I have been thinking about it a lot this week and wanted to tell you how things are with me. But first I think it would be a good idea if you told me what this is all about seeing as you seem to have the advantage at the moment. Is that OK?"

Deedi thought for a moment and then nodded crossing her legs and letting the hem of her dress reveal the fact that she was wearing stockings. She hadn't noticed this but Robin had hardly able to take his eyes away from her sheer nylon covered legs since that first moment when he had picked her up at the house.

"Alright then, I'll start," she said feeling slightly more comfortable now knowing nothing untoward was likely to happen although she would still have think carefully before choosing her words.

"There isn't all that much to tell though, I started dressing a couple of years ago mainly when my Mother was away. I don't know if I told you but she used to work as part of the cabin crew on an airline before she died. It sort of helped with the loneliness at first but I have to admit I did like the feeling of being a girl if only in a small way. That stopped for a while when I moved up here to stay with Liz and Rosy after the accident. I never really had enough of Daniels clothes with me and one day I fell in some mud with nothing to wear until the following day. Rosy and I were going out that evening so she suggested that I borrow some of her clothes and it all seem to escalate from there."

Robin was listening intently and neither of them had noticed his arm on the back of her chair touching, but not quite holding her.

"As for now," she continued, "as each day passes Daniel's memory seems to be tied up with my Mothers which is slipping further into the past. Liz and Rosy seem to like Deedi being around and Daniel seems to be irrelevant to all three of us right now. If you ask me about the future then I can only say I have no idea. That's all there is to it really. No one apart from Liz, Rosy and you know about it, oh, and one other good friend, a girl called Ann," she added. She stopped and took a sip of the wine leaving Robin to ponder on her words for a few moments.

"Your turn now, tell what you have been thinking," she said putting the glass down a noticing her dress was revealing far too much but doing nothing about it.

"Well, as I said last Wednesday was a shock, not in the way you might think but more because it seems so impossible. You really are very beautiful. I wondered if you were gay at first and then whether I must be for wanting to be with you but since I didn't know at the time that didn't seem to be correct. But later I realised that knowing what I now know didn't change my view. I did.. still do enjoy being with you. You are fun to be out with and I was.. am really fond of you."

His mouth was drying out now so he too took a drink. Deedi hand was resting on his strong muscular thigh but he never noticed.

"The reason I wasn't so shocked about you, I think, was due to the public school I attended. I enjoyed it there and naturally some of us got up to the things boys do at those places. A small number were obviously gay and later on we knew they were having sex with each other but for the rest of us it was just playing really. A bit like you were saying, we were lonely I think. Anyway it was all harmless fun at the time just masturbating each other or the occasional blow job. But I am not ashamed of what I did and I enjoyed it at the time although I have not done it since. Although was good then, I knew I was not gay, or even bi-sexual which is why I am confused now I guess."

He paused and took another drink. Deedi hand was still on his leg and now his was on hers too, gently rubbing the smoothness of her stockings but completely unconsciously. She didn't mind, it felt nice.

"So where am I now? Well, as I said I do love being with you, for all sorts of reasons," he added in a low voice making her blush, "and I do want to carry on. I still believe I am not gay because gay men want to be with other men and I want to be with you, a beautiful young lady. On reflection I don't believe you consider yourself gay either do you?"

"No, I certainly don't feel like a gay boy." She said thinking about her time with Ann, "I like being with you too but the feelings I have comes from the girl inside, not Daniel. The point is these are all labels, male-female, gay-straight, whatever. You see me as I am and now you know exactly what the differences are. There are no more surprises, I can assure you, I am what I am. So, the question is do you want to be with this person that you see in front of you and all that comes with her or not? Think about it while I go to the toilet."

She was quite confident about using the correct door now after the near disaster in the cinema that time. She returned to her seat after causing quite a few stares from the men in bar and a few slaps on the men's arms from the women in the bar.

"Ok, its simple really I think," he continued when she returned and pulled her cardigan up on to her shoulders, shivering, "for my part I would like to start that's not right. I would like to continue dating the Deedi I have grown fond of knowing that she is now even more special than I first thought. I don't know where it will lead but I don't think that matters right now. Lets just be together and see what happens. That's all I want, what about you?"

A tear welled up in her eye as she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Her fragrance engulfed him and he kissed her full on the lips.

"Yes, that's what I want too," she said as she pulled away, "very much."

"Come on then, lets go back to my flat for a coffee and a cuddle, but that's all I promise," he said holding his hand over his heart, "I don't think I am ready for any more shocks just yet,"

"That would be lovely," she said relived that things seem to be resolved for the moment anyway but there was still a long way to go.

They went in and Robin made the coffee while she took her coat off and sat down. She looked ravishing and wondered if her skirt was too short afterall. When he came back he sat down and put his arm round her. She snuggled in as they drank their coffee but neither spoke. When they finished they continued to sit quite for a while before Deedi turned to him and asked if everything was OK.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I am still trying to come to terms with how beautiful you are..."

"...for a boy," she finished he sentence for him.

"Yes," he admitted.

He turned to her now seeing be luscious sweet red lips and his head just sunk down until he met them. They held each other and kissed passionately with no thought in his mind about her real gender now. She felt his hand on her leg caressing her stockings and then moving up easing her dress out of the away so that her suspenders were visible but he went no further. Maybe he is not quiet ready for that yet, she thought. That was OK tough, since she loved to be touched on her smooth nylon legs especially when was someone else's hand. She rubbed her hand over his strong chest and eased open two of his shirt buttons so that she could play with his nipples. There was an immediate reaction as he shifted his position slightly and let out a low moan just as she pushed her tongue into his mouth while she played with him. Her hand slowly crept down to his trousers and slowly undid the zip until his rampant cock sprung free. She made sure there was no objection with each action she took but he was too far gone now too resist.

She wrapped her fingers around his cock and gently played with him while their tongues continued to dance in each others mouths. Then she pulled away and looked into his eyes and saw him nod, the question was asked and answered without words. She moved off the sofa and knelt down between his legs and took his hard eight inch cock in her hand squeezing and rubbing until she pushed out her tongue and licked the whole length very, very, slowly from his soft balls to the tip of the now exposed bulbous, bright red head. She did this three time and then slipped her mouth over the head and sucked as hard as she could. His breaths were coming fast now and his moans grew louder.

He opened his eyes, looked down and saw her bobbing up and down on his cock taking in about four inches with each downward thrust. He saw her smile with her eyes and he returned the smile pushing his fingers though her soft fragrant blond hair. She sucked fast now rubbing with her hand at the same time. Faster, still faster, faster until she could feel him start to arch his back but them she slowed down the pace. She wanted to get him screaming for her to stroke him faster, screaming out for her to bring him off, screaming to have her, screaming for Deedi.

She started to work him faster again and then slowed down once more, and then again, and again until she felt he could hold back no more. She lifted herself onto her knees and slid her hands up over his stomach over his chest and took each of his nipples between her finger and thumb rolling them around as she continued to suck on his now dripping cock in her mouth. Faster again, faster, faster once more until he thrust his hips upwards in an involuntary spasm and his cock became completely ridged. It held still for a second and the twitched as he began to pump out the rich creamy cum she so badly wanted inside of her. He was pumping furiously now as her mouth filled with more and more but she kept sucking not letting him go until she had extracted every last drop of that precious liquid. When he finally stopped she lifted her head, still holding his gently pulsing cock with her hand and swallowed. The feeling was wonderful as she felt the hot cum sliding down her throat. She looked up but he was till lying back with his eyes closed and still gripping her head fearful she might have stopped.

They sat together for a long while until it was time for him to take her home. At her front door he got out of the car to kiss her goodnight just as they had done less than a week ago but this time Deedi was quite relaxed. She put her arms around his neck and they kissed passionately again.

"Deedi," he said at last, "I just can't tell you how wonderful tonight was."

"And for me to," she said completely happy now.

They kissed again and she felt his hand slid around from her back to her hips and then down between he legs. He gently rubbed the swelling bulge with the palm of his hand and she gasped felling her clitty growing inside of her panties. He then stopped and slowly pulled up her dress with his fingers until he could fell the smoothness of her black satin panties full now with her erect member. He rubbed again and then slipped his fingers inside her waist band and gripped her clitty squeezing her rhythmically as she had done to him. Her legs turned to jelly and she leaned back against the wall holding him tighter in case he should float away and end this ecstasy. He stroked her like this for about a minute and then slowly moved his hand away and lowered her dress again. She opened her eyes just as he spoke almost inaudibly.

"I can't wait to kiss and caress that little lady down there just like I kiss these sweet, sweet lips."

Later that night after the lights were out, she had a very long session with her toy. She had slipped her favourite night dress over her head but kept her stockings and suspenders on as she slid into bed. She finally fell into a deep and contented sleep.

To be continued if you wish.

Would you like to hear more about Deedi's adventures? Any comments and feedback gratefully received

Next: Chapter 6

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