Deedi Emerges

By Rob H

Published on Mar 28, 2003


Deedi Emerges (c) By Rob Henson

Chapter 6 - Deedi's Trip

It was Friday and Deedi met Liz for lunch before going to the office that afternoon. They chatted about Rosie's trip and the present they were buying for her. Rosie's flight was due to leave from Heathrow the following Tuesday at thee o'clock and Liz would be taking her to the airport, Deedi would go with them of course. Rosy had said she still needed a few things for the journey so they decided to have one last shopping expedition together on Saturday.

That morning Liz had been going through the post, which included the mail that had been forwarded to Deedi by the cleaner who went in once a fortnight just to tidy round and generally keep an eye on the house.

"Deedi, we are going to have to make a visit to Ealing," Liz said as they ate their salads, "there are a number of people who want to read the meters and they want to arrange a time for someone to be there. I think its time we sorted out some of Kate's things as well. We haven't been near the place since the accident and there are quite a few things that need doing now. I was thinking since we are going to the airport anyway why don't we go on to the house afterwards and stay there for a few days so that we can clear up as much as we can. We could then come back on Saturday morning. What do you think?"

Deedi looked sad at the possibility of bringing back all those memories she had managed to dispel over the last few months with the arrival of Deedi.

"Your right, I must face things sometime I suppose," she said despondently.

"Don't be so down, we can go out to a restaurant on Tuesday to celebrate some peace and quite with Rosy gone and maybe book a theatre in the West-end for Wednesday, how's that?" Liz asked.

"That sounds good. It will give me a chance to try out my new trouser suit as well, I haven't had an opportunity to wear it yet." Deedi said laughing at the reference to Rosy although they both knew that they would miss her immensely.

"Yes, I was thinking about that when you tried it on," Liz replied, "they can look great on the right person but they can also be a girls worst enemy if things are not all in their correct place. You look really good in dresses and skirts but I reckon you need a little more shape for trousers."

"Your right there, but what can we do?" "I know it sounds odd but I think you really need a corselet so that I can build in some padding for the hips, not much mind, and it would also give you a slimmer waist. I could then pad the bra out better so you would have a nicer bust. Would that be OK?" Liz asked.

"Yes, of course if you think it would work," she replied.

"I am sure it would. There's a really nice lingerie shop in town, it's a bit old fashioned but they will have exactly what we want. I could do the alterations on Sunday and you could try it on before we go down to London. Right, I think that's everything, I need to go."

The mailings had all been sent and the office was quite now, Deedi was putting all the sponsors details onto the new system she had created but it wasn't an urgent task. While she was having coffee break Liz came through to the man office with someone Deedi did not recognise.

"Deedi, this is Andy Walton who takes care of the finances here. Andy, this is Deedi my niece from London."

Andy was twenty two and the son of Robert Walton who was one of the trustees of the charity. He had studied accountancy at university in London and then joined his father's business with the aim of taking over when he retired. Robert had also co- opted him into running the finance systems for the charity when the previous board member had resigned.

"Hi there," said Andy, "Alice has told me what you have been doing with the computer systems here. It sounds like you have given them a good heave-ho into the twenty-first century by all accounts." He gave her a big smile and shook her hand.

"Yes," said Deedi, "it wasn't too bad, just needed setting up really."

"Well you've done a great job and I would like you to do a couple more things for me if that would be alright. Could you to extend what you've done to include some finance reporting if that would be possible, which would make my job a whole lot easier? If we can get together some time, I'll explain what I need?"

"Yes, of course," said Deedi a little nervously and looking at Liz for some re-assurance, "but I am away all next week in London so it will have to be when I get back. I am here every afternoon so you can tell me about it whenever you're in next."

"Yes, that was the other thing I wanted to talk to you about," Andy continued, "I work for my father out at Chesterton providing carers to people in their own homes all around Cambridgeshire, and most of the admin work to coordinate the visits is done manually. I have just bought a complete computer network but the consultant who put in is really a bit of a techy, he is good at what he does but Terry is useless at dealing with people. I wondered if you would like to set it all up for us and train my people how to use the various parts of the system."

"Oh," said Deedi taken aback, "I'm not sure, the system here is simple and was straight forward to set up. I would need to look at what kit you have got and how you work first."

"That's what I thought you would say," smiled Andy, "which is why I talked Liz into letting you have the rest of the afternoon off so that I could show you what we do. Horningsea is not far from us so I could drop you home afterwards. Would you mind, I would be very grateful?"

"Well, I... I suppose so if Liz thinks that would be OK," said Deedi both excited and unsure now especially about being alone with this young, good looking guy.

"Of course, no problem," said Liz, "I'll see you later, have fun."

"Great, my car is just outside, shall we go?" Andy said picking up her coat and helping Deedi on with it.

The drive out to the office didn't take long in Andy's sports car which Deedi had to be very careful getting in to avoid showing her stocking tops, although Liz seemed to be very friendly with him so she felt quite safe. She did wish that Rosy and Liz would stop dropping her into these situations though, it was doing nothing for her rising stress levels. Andy took her into the office and introduced some of the co-ordinators who were still around.

"And this is Sarah, my office manager. Deedi is a bit of a computer wiz and will be helping to set this lot up and run the system for us," said Andy waving at the blank computer terminals.

"Hello," said Sarah, "pleased to meet you, where would you like to start?"

"Right I'll leave you to it then," said Andy, "do you want to pop in at about half four and let me know what you think, then I'll drop you home?"

With that he went into his office and shut the door. Sarah showed Deedi around the office and introduced the other staff explaining what they did. When she had finished she then powered up the server so Deedi could spend some time working out what needed doing. At half past four she knocked on the door of Andy's office and went in. She explained what was required and how long it would take.

"OK, that all makes sense," said Andy listening intently, "how about you joining my team part time until the job is complete and come in thee days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday say?

Deedi never expected to be offered a job.

"I... I suppose so," she said not really knowing how to react.

"What's the matter, you can do it can't you?" asked Andy not sure why she seemed reluctant.

"Yes, of course, that's no problem in principle, it's just the Charity work..."

"Oh don't worry about that, I have already squared it with Liz. We agreed you could still go in Tuesday and Thursday if you want to. Now to money, how does three hundred a week sound, acceptable to you?

"Y... Yes, that will be fine."

"Good, so we'll see you Monday week then, I'll tell Sarah to sort you out a desk, She's a great lady I'm sure you'll get on well together." What he couldn't possibly know was how very true that statement would turn out to be and for reasons he would never imagine. He dropped her back at the house and she told Liz and Rosy how the afternoon had gone. They were both pleased for her.

They spent most of Saturday afternoon finding last few things that Rosy needed and then turned a corner to the lingerie shop Liz had in mind. There were quite a few middle aged women in the shop and the assistants were both in there fifties. Liz took charge and described what she was looking for. After a few minutes she found what she wanted, a full length corselet with a clip up gusset and elasticated waist.

"Oh and I suppose you will need some detachable suspenders seeing as how you love to wear stockings so much, Deedi," Liz added searching for her credit card. Deedi just nodded blushing from her neck to the tips of her ears.

"Deedi or Daniel?" asked Rosy mischievously.

"Leave her alone," laughed Liz, "The reason she looks so good is because she pays attention to detail."

"Anyway," said Deedi recovering, "all you are going to need over the next six months is a combat suit."

"I don't care," said Rosy, "just so long as there are some great white hunters who'll look after me."

"I should think the only men you'll see are middle aged, married diplomats," said Liz as the assistant wrapped up the garment. "Do you need any stockings Deedi, there's a really good selection over there? I need some anyway." She wandered over to the rack.

"I guess I had better take my favourite toy with me then, wouldn't you say?" Rosy whispered to Deedi and they both giggled.

"There are some really nice fully-fashioned stockings here, what colours would you like?" Liz called over to them.

"Will I be able to wear them with sandals?" Deedi asked. Rosy groaned and rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

"We have created a monster," she said and they all laughed.

She chose four pairs in the end, black, dark tan, grey and mist. They both noticed that Liz bought a pair as well and wondered why since she usually wore tights.

"We also have a new colour just in," said the assistant joining them, "very sheer, 5 denier called Totally Nude. You can hardly see them but they feel wonderful."

Deedi couldn't resist and bought two pairs. That evening they had booked a restaurant to mark Rosie's departure and Deedi got a chance to wear her new stocking which she loved.

Tuesday soon arrived and they left in good time for the late afternoon flight. It was a sad day and nobody said very much.

"Will you stop rubbing your legs together and playing with you stockings," Liz said finally breaking the ice, "it's putting me off my driving." Everyone laughed. Deedi hadn't noticed the soft rasping sound her new stockings were making as they slid up against each other.

At the airport there were lots of tears as Rosy went through into the departure lounge and waved goodbye to Liz and Deedi. As the plane lifted off passing though the white, bubbling clouds Rosy gazed though the window and reflected on the last few months and what had been happening to Deedi. She remembered when they were out walking that time and how she had tripped Daniel so that his trousers would get wet and dirty especially since she had already put the rest of his clothes into the washing machine. She did not feel guilty though despite the fact that that Liz and her had been encouraging Deedi. They had talked often about it and always made sure that Deedi was still OK with what was happening. As she saw it, if Daniel had not wanted to dress up as a girl then wild horses would not have dragged him into Rosie's tights that first night. The plane continued to climb and passed out of the clouds into clear blue sky where the sun always shone. There was nothing malicious about her actions though, for she loved Deedi and simply saw it as giving her a helping hand at doing what she wanted to do. Anyway, she thought, she may have returned to being Daniel by the time Rosy came home.

And so on to the next few months of her life and Robert. Now he really was a dish. He worked for the organisation who were sending her out to Kenya and she had first met him in Cambridge when Liz began to arrange the trip. He turned up one day very tall, very dark and handsome wearing a dark grey suit. As the plans became set he said he would come down to Nairobi to meet her at the airport and escort her up country himself. If she played her cards right, she thought, she might not need her toy after all. She smiled and quietly dozed off as the plane eased forward through the clear air towards Africa.

Liz and Deedi left the airport straight away and headed up to the house in Ealing which wasn't far. It was getting dark by the time they arrived so they decided to make a fresh start the following day. They went inside an Liz put her arm around Deedi knowing she would be feeling a bit strange, but she was fine considering what had happed not so very long ago.

"Where are you going to sleep," asked Deedi, "would you like Mum's room?"

"Deedi, It's not Kate's room anymore," said Liz holding her hand, "it's yours and it's your house too. I'll have the spare room I usually use when I come down. I like the colour scheme and the bed is nice and big. Do you want to use the main bedroom or your own?" she asked.

"I would like the main room, I know it used to be Mum's but I will feel closer to her when I am in there. Besides there is nothing in Daniels room I need." She went upstairs to pack away Daniels original cloths that she had taken to Cambridge just after the funeral. She had a final look round to see if there was anything she needed and shut the door on Daniel perhaps forever, she thought. They both had a long soak after the busy day and then got ready to go out.

"I'm afraid I am going to have to go back early," said Liz over dinner that evening in one of the quite local Italian restaurants in the town centre. "An urgent meeting has been called for Friday and I must attend. Unfortunately the men are all coming to you on Friday, will you be OK?"

"Yes, I'll be alright, I expect there will be plenty to keep me busy," Deedi said.

"And," continued Liz, "I hope you don't mind but on Thursday I have also arranged to meet an old friend I haven't seen for a while."

"No problem," but Deedi was smiling broadly.

"What are you grinning at," asked Liz.

"Rosy and I wondered why you were buying the stockings on Saturday and now I know," said Deedi still smiling.

"Well, young lady, you can just mind your own business. Now what's the plan for tomorrow?" said Liz changing the subject quickly.

As they ate they talked about what they both needed to do the next day. They decided that Liz would go through all Kate's papers and get as much in order as she could although there would probably be a need to make a number of phone calls and maybe even a visit to the bank. The will had been straight-forward since every thing had been left to Deedi as expected. Meanwhile Deedi would go through all of Kate's clothes. They had agreed that some things could go to the charity shop but Deedi would keep the rest as they fitted her perfectly and she liked them so much which was not surprising since she had be involved in choosing most of them. She would take some back to Cambridge and leave the rest at the house to sort out another time. Friday would be taken up with the various utilities that would visit. Deedi would also have some other things to go through and would come back by train on Saturday morning whilst Liz would take her new clothes back in the car with her on Friday morning.

The following afternoon they stopped at three so they could get ready for the theatre. They had both been busy and it had been a good day's work; quite a lot had been sorted out although there was still much to do the following day. Deedi got dressed and put on her new corselet which she thought gave her a great figure.

"But what underclothes do I wear with it?" she asked Liz.

"Yes, that can be a problem with these garments," Liz said thoughtfully, "you can't really wear stockings because they don't look right with the suspender buttons showing through and tights are awkward to get off when you need to go to the toilet. Hold-up stockings or knee highs are the best but I can guess what you'll want already. We haven't brought any but I expect Kate had some, why don't you go and have a look."

Deedi found some grey stockings in Kate's dressing table with a elasticated lace tops which would go with the light grey trouser suit. Deedi put them on, together with a cream satin blouse that seemed to go well with everything she wore.

"How do I look?" she said admiring her new bigger bust in the mirror.

"Very nice, that suit looks perfect. Just slip on the jacket as well so I can see the full effect." Liz said. "Yes, really good. I know that you won't want to wear the corselet all the time but it will be ideal when you are wearing something a little tighter."

"I think its fantastic, thanks Liz," said Deedi thinking that she did have something in mind that it would be good for. She had found Kate's airline uniform in the wardrobe and was dying to try it on. She had decided to wear it on Saturday when she returned to Cambridge.

Thursday was busy for both of them and they stopped work at six o'clock to give Liz time to get ready.

"I might be late so don't wait up," she said as she left.

Deedi had decided to go through the last of Kate's clothes and choose the final few items she wanted to take back to Cambridge although the two suit cases were already full. She had also decided to look through Kate's jewellery. There were lots of pieces there and she knew that some of it was expensive so it have to be valued at some time. She found the items she wanted and put them in a box together with a selection of make-up she needed. They had bought some for her but she mostly used Liz's and Rosie's, it would be nice to have her own.

She got changed and had a shower deciding to watch an adventure film on TV. She put on some white cotton panties and a pair of tan tights. She had found one of Kate's old male shirts which pulled over the head and had four buttons to the collar. The front and back were longer but shaped and allowed some modesty to be maintained, but not much. She decided to dispense with a skirt as she was staying in.

At seven o'clock just as the film was starting she realised she hadn't eaten all day and ordered a pizza delivery which she could eat whilst watching the film with a glass of wine. About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. She switched on the hall light and opened the front door. A young guy was standing there, crash helmet back on his head and holding a pizza box.

"Pizza for Deedi," he said handing her the box, "eight ninety nine please."

"Right, hold on," she said caught unawares, "I've got it here somewhere," and turned to find her handbag. She noticed it was sitting at the bottom of the stairs and lent over to take out a ten pound note. She stood up and embarrassingly realised what a view the young man must have had as she bent over to get her purse showing off her panties and tights, and felt her whole body rise in temperate by a least four degrees. Well after that show she thought, hunting for some change, he certainly doesn't deserve a tip as well.

When the film had finished she turned off all the lights, set the alarm and went upstairs to bed. She had just climbed in and was wearing one of Kate's matching nighties with panties when she remembered the bag in the dressing table. She got up and retrieved it from the draw. She knew she would be playing with the vibrator later but the dildo with the harness intrigued her now as she took it out of the bag and held the two cocks. She wondered why Kate would want something like that and decided Rosy must have been right, maybe her and Liz were not so innocent after all.

The next day they packed up the car and Liz left saying she would meet Deedi at the station just after two when the train arrived at Cambridge. Deedi continued tidying round while she waited for the gas and electric men to arrive. Just after two o'clock she heard the door bell ring and went to open it. On the step was a young man in his early twenties and very good looking.

"We have a appointment to check the electric meter," he said, not taking his eyes off Deedi but she was beginning to get used to that now.

"Yes, that's right," said Deedi a little nervous about being on her own with a man. "It's down in the cellar below the stairs." She showed him the door and he was soon up again. She took him back to the front door and let him out but just as she was shutting it she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just looking for DD..." The voice trailed off as Deedi turned to see who it was.

"Oh my god. DD is that you?" the girl said.

"Hello Ann, how are you?" Deedi said calmly realising that she was completely trapped with nowhere to hide.

"DD what's happed, why are you dressed like ..." Ann said as she stood on the step her eyes wide open.

"You had better come in and I'll tell you about it. It's good to see you again."

They went inside and Deedi showed Ann into the Kitchen.

"I'll make some coffee," she said, "there's lots to tell you about. Sit down."

Ann sat down at the table still hardly able to believe her eyes.

"But DD... You look so beautiful... Your hair it's lovely and your clothes, that dress... and your legs, they're a girls and your wearing tights and your shoes... and your voice," Ann could not take it all in.

Deedi sat down next to Ann and told her everything, well not quite everything, that had happened and how Deedi gradually evolved since the accident. She left out the evening her and Rosy had spent with Nick.

"Oh and by the way, I pronounce my name D-E-E-D-I now," she finished at last.

Ann had listened intently as Deedi recounted the events of the last few months. They were almost sitting in each others laps now and when Deedi finally stopped talking, a quietness descended on the on the kitchen, just for a moment.

"Oh Deedi," was all Ann could say and fell into her arms and gave her an enormous hug. "I came round lots of times but you had gone and no one seemed to know where you were. I didn't know what to do," she had tears in her eyes now.

"That's OK," Deedi reassured her, "I was in good hands."

The afternoon had moved on without either of them realising it and Ann said she had to go.

"There's still lots to catch up on and I want to hear some more about Nick and Robin as well? He sounds interesting," she said getting up to leave. "how about we meet up tonight, shall I come round? I think its time I told you a few things about me too" she added mysteriously. Deedi had an idea what it might be but never let on.

"Come at eight and we came have the whole evening to ourselves, how's that?" said Deedi.

"That would be lovely," she said demurely and Deedi has the distinct feeling that Ann meant it as a date, but she wasn't sure why. The gasman called later that afternoon as arranged and he too was handsome. Deedi hadn't realised how good looking so many men there were around when she had been Daniel.

Deedi thought about what to wear that evening. She was confident enough to wear her pant suit now and looked even more stunning with the corselet underneath, if that was possible. She finally decided on a short skirt and stockings which was really he first love when it came to outfits. She found a pair of very sheer flesh coloured nylons with sandal toes so that she could wear her own 'FUCK ME' sandals as Rosy had suggested. She smiled at the thought and how she was going to miss her. As she glanced down her feet they looked very sexy with her red nail varnish showing through, so much so that she felt a stirring in her panties. Would she have time for... No, it was nearly eight and Ann would be arriving soon.

A few minutes later there was a ring at the door and Deedi went to answer it. As she opened the door she gasped at the vision. Ann had spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready and looked absolutely ravishing. Deedi's clitty immediately stirred again. Ann had put her long hair up and was also wearing a short red dress like Kate's, that Deedi had worn all those months ago, only hers had a slit up the side. As she walked into the hall Deedi noticed that the slit had opened slightly and she could see she was wearing black stockings. They kissed on the cheek and Deedi showed her into the lounge where Deedi had already put on some music.

"Would you like a drink first?" asked Deedi,

"Mmmm, yes please, do you have a glass of white wine," Deedi had the same and they sat down next to each other, very close.

Ann told Deedi all that had happened and what all their friends had been up to. Deedi asked if she had a boyfriend. She said she hadn't, well not quite anyway. She saw that Deedi was puzzled and knew the time had come for her to explain.

They had been the best of friends and were often in each others houses chatting about homework, or the group of friends they went around with and many other intimate subjects that Ann had never discussed with anyone else. Unusually though Daniel had never asked her out on a date. It hadn't felt right somehow and since they saw each other a lot in any case it didn't seem to matter. Ann told her how she had dated a couple of boys but it hadn't worked out. Deedi was sitting with her arm around Ann who had taken her shoes off and folded her legs under her revealing her stocking tops which Deedi hadn't failed to notice.

She continued telling Deedi how she also used to see a lot of Jane, her best friend, after Daniel that was, and how one night when they were on a sleep over together Jane had crept into her bed and they had made love. Ann stopped for a moment to see if there was any reaction from Deedi and then carried on.

"It was wonderful," she said, "like nothing I had ever experienced with a boy and after that I knew that I would only be attracted to women and not men. The strange thing was though I loved you too even though you were a boy but it didn't seem the same. Are you shocked?"

"Only in that I didn't know," Deedi said, "listen, I'm glad you are beginning to find out about yourself as I have done but one thing I have learned is that, whatever you decide isn't necessarily for keeps. You can change you mind if you want to, at any time. So, if in a few years you suddenly like the look of a boy and want to go out with him then don't worry, just go with what you feel at that moment."

"Oh Deedi I knew you would understand," she said lifting her head and looking into her eyes. They both held the glance for a second and then kissed. After a moment Ann pulled back and look deep into Deedi's eyes.

"Deedi, I want you to make love to me," she said.

Deedi thought for a moment.

"Ann, are you sure," Deedi replied, "you may see a girl sitting her with you on the sofa but I still function as a boy."

"Just because I am a lesbian doesn't mean I don't like my pussy filled," she said, "and anyway I have always wanted to make love with Daniel but it never felt right, I understand why now. Deedi is different, Deedi is who I want inside of me."

They kissed again, longer this time and passionately, there hands exploring each other bodies as they writhed on the sofa. They stopped for a moment to remove each others panties and then moved position so that Ann was laying on her back. Deedi lay on top but taking her weight with her elbows and they kissed again, deeply, as before. Ann slipped her hand down between them and pulled up her dress. She then took Deedi's hard lady-cock in her hand and guided it toward her wet pussy. As she felt the tip tickle her lips she pushed up and took the whole length of Deedi inside of her making her gasp. She moaned as Deedi pushed, slowly and then quicker, rhythmically, steadily with full long strokes that melted Ann's insides.

"Deedi," said Ann rolling her head from side to side, " I want you, I want you now."

Deedi pushed fast now and felt her clitty hardened for the final moment before pumping her cum into the waiting, demanding pussy. When Deedi had finished she slid over to one side and they were both silent for a long time, holding each other close.

"That was great," Ann finally said and kissed Deedi's hair, "but I wish I could make love to you now."

"That's good because I know a way that you can," said Deedi and went upstairs to the bedroom. She knew exactly what she needed. She returned to the lounge a few minutes later having picked up some baby oil on the way.

"Put this on," she said handing Ann the double dildo with the harness, who immediately saw what to do and took the device from Deedi. Ann poured a little of the oil on the larger end and gently pushed the other end up into her pussy. She did up the straps and pulled her panties back up and to one side so that the larger cock poked through.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Absolutely divine," replied Deedi, "Come here and fuck me you gorgeous beast."

Deedi laid back on the sofa, pulled her skirt up and opened he legs. Ann leaned forward and took hold of her new cock and rubbed it up and down just like a man would. Of course each stroke actually pushed the other end further up inside her own pussy which she enjoyed.

"So you want this in you do you?" she said in a husky voice and eased her cock forward until it was touching Deedi's ring. With one push she went in an Deedi had caught her breath.

"Oh yes, that's good," she gasped, "go on push it all the way up."

Ann placed her arms either side of Deedi and threw her hips forward. The whole length jammed itself into Deedi's tight arse, simultaneously ramming itself all the way into Ann's pussy so that there hips ground together. She then pulled back about four inches and rammed forward again causing Deedi to cry out repeating this just like a man fucking his lady, hard. She was in heaven and after ten minutes was close to cumming. Deedi push her hands up and took each of her titties in her palms and Ann could hold on no longer, she cried out as spasms of pleasure wafted over her whole body like waves. Eventually she calmed down and fell beside Deedi on the inside of the sofa. Deedi turned away from her and eased the cock between her legs. Ann could not remove it from the other end without getting up and taking it off. Ann just shut her eyes and savoured the moment slowly, unconsciously working her hips very gently back and forth.

"Am I going to see you again?" Ann asked at last.

"I don't know," replied Deedi, "I am going back to Cambridge tomorrow and I don't have any plans yet for the future.

"I could come up to see you if you like." Ann said sounding a little down at the wonderful opportunities she was about to lose having only just discovered it.

"Why not come and stay for Christmas, its not far off and we will have lots of time to ourselves.

"I'd love to, do you think that will be aright?" she asked nervous the Deedi might withdraw the offer before she could agree.

"Of course," Liz won't mind, in fact I am sure she would be pleased that I had some friends to stay.

"I love you Deedi," she said and snuggled up tighter.

"In that case do something with that lovely big cock that's between my legs instead of just playing with yourself."

Deedi got up early the following morning although her train didn't leave until twelve forty five. She reckoned it would take about an hour to get across London using the central line to Liverpool Street station. To give herself enough time she would leave at eleven. She had already decided what to wear so she showered, dried off and covered herself in talc using one of Kate's talc dusters she had found. It was strongly perfumed and must have been expensive. She pulled on a pair of pink silk panties but no bra. Although she would not be wearing her trouser suit she was going to wear the corselet again. She loved the figure it had created on Wednesday when her and Liz had gone to the theatre and she wanted to see what it would be like with a skirt. Not just any skirt but Kate's airline uniform. First she put on her make-up which she managed to apply quicker each time as she became more skilful at using the various creams and powders. A quick brush of the hair and she was ready to get dressed once again.

She had noticed the uniform when she was sorting out the clothes and remembered how lovely Kate had looked when she used to wear it to work. All cabin crew looked sexy, that was a known fact and the main reason was the uniform. She pulled the corselet up her legs and over her hips. It was a little tight but then it was meant to be since it had to create a slimmer waist. She then found the detachable suspenders that Liz had cleverly thought of, and attached them at the bottom. She then gave the whole thing one final adjustment and slipped the pink shinny blouse over her shoulders and did up the buttons. It also came with a loose necktie which added to it's charm. From the dressing table she picked up a new pack of stockings she had found in the draw. They were with the tights that Kate usually wore for work and Deedi guessed they were part of the uniform. She undid the packet and pulled out the soft, dark tan nylons. She loved the fell of brand new stockings straight from the packet, fresh and untouched. She pulled the first over her hand savouring every moment. Getting dressed gave her a real thrill especially with that most feminine of garments. She slowly pulled the end over her still red painted toes and eased the nylon over her foot feeling the silky smoothness as it slipped over her heel. She let the nylon run out through her fingers as she slowly unwound the material up her leg until the stocking top was stretched over her thigh. She then attached one suspender clip and then the other delighting in the taughtness she felt as she stood up. She put on the second with the same slow deliberacy as the first until both were done and she was able to see her beautiful legs in the mirror.

She now pulled on the dark green skirt, did up the zip and then the clip. It was tight around her legs but with a short slit at the back to make walking easier on the plane. That was the reason she wanted to wear the corselet. She lifted the skirt up above her waist giving her a final look at her long legs and pulled the blouse down tight as she had seen Kate do many times before, and straightened out the skirt. She found the medium height, green heels that Kate also wore enjoying the feel as she slid her feet into each shoe. She lifted the matching dark green jacket from the chair and she was almost ready to go. She had packed the final bits she wanted to take into the cabin bag she had found in the wardrobe which had a handle and wheels for pulling around the long walkways of the airports. It was full now as Deedi kept finding more clothes to take. She checked in the mirror on last time as she placed the hard, small brimmed hat onto her head with a slight tilt, put on the raincoat and stepped out into the street.

After locking the front door she turned and stood for a moment just catching her breath. It was always exhilarating when she first stepped out and felt the chill around her legs and up her skirt. With the next step she was off leaving the house behind her once again until... who knows when. It took about twenty minutes to walk to Ealing Broadway station and the rest of the journey across London was uneventful. On the train at Liverpool Street station she was lifting her bag onto the rack when she suddenly felt the weight lighten.

"Please, let me do that for you," said a the man in his mid twenties, very tall and nice looking.

She thanked him, removed her raincoat and sat down. He smiled and sat down opposite, across the aisle and picked up a book he was planning to read during the journey. After her night with Ann which continued well into the early hours, she was feeling tired so she shut her eyes and thought about the events over the last couple of weeks. It had fun with Ann but she realised that she enjoyed it most when Ann had been making love to her. She had shut her eyes while Ann was pushing her cock into her but it was Nick she was thinking off when she had been bouncing up and down on his very real and very hot cock.

She opened her eyes as the train went over points and saw that it was speeding through the Essex countryside but out of the corner of her eyes she noticed something else. The young man appeared to be reading but she could see, past the edge of his book that he was staring at her legs. Mmmm, she thought maybe I'll have some fun here. She shut her eyes again, yawned and then very slowly crossed her legs allowing them to make that unique whispering sound as they passed over each other. She then moved her hand up her thigh knowing she must be showing her stoking tops by now, and pretended to scratch her leg, pulling her skirt back down when she had finished. She opened her eyes slightly and noticed him squirm in his seat and adjust his trousers. Oh Deedi, she thought, you are a naughty girl.

The train pulled in on time and she walked into the car park to find Liz. She was standing by the car but had not noticed Deedi until she waved.

"Deedi, I never recognised you," Liz exclaimed, "whatever will you do next? I must say you look stunning in that uniform, it's years since I saw Kate wearing it and I can see by your figure you are wearing you corselet. You really look great." They hugged each other and got into the car.

The drive home took about thirty minutes and they went straight to the kitchen to have some coffee and catch up with the news. Deedi told Liz how she had met Ann but not about their fun together the previous night. She also mentioned about her staying for Christmas.

"That's good because it helps me out too," said Liz, "I have been invited to a friends for a few days just after Christmas and I wasn't sure about going but if you are having some company then perhaps I'll go ahead and arrange it."

"Mmmm, I wonder who that could be?" said Deedi smiling, "not related to a date on Thursday by any chance is it?"

"Wonder on little Miss Nosy. I'll tell you in due course. Now have you got anything planned or is a quite night in with just the two us."

"I have booked an appointment at the hairdressers for three thirty but after that an easy night sounds just about right after this week," said Deedi, "there's still lots to talk about and I start my new job on Monday."

They had tea at seven and had just moved back into the lounge when the phone rang. Liz picked it up and then handed over the receiver to Deedi.

"It's for you," she said which was extremely strange as Deedi had never received a call since she had been staying there.

"Who is it?" she asked curious now.

"It's somebody called Robin."

To be continued if you wish.

Would you like to hear more about Deedi's adventures? Any comments and feedback gratefully received

Next: Chapter 5

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