Deedi Emerges

By Rob H

Published on Mar 5, 2003


Deedi Emerges (c) By Rob Henson

Chapter 3 -- Deedi Arrives

"Right lets start, how about some music first though," said Rosy fully in control now and sorting through her CD's "Kylie Minogue OK?"

"Yes, that's cool, where do you want me then?" replied DD now totally compliant with Rosie's wishes but somewhat apprehensive nonetheless.

"Let's settle on what you're going to wear first and then I'll know what make-up will suit you best." She opened her wardrobe revealing an enormous collection of clothes of every possible style and design. "The first question is whether it's going to be a dress or skirt, what would you like?"

"I don't really know" his head was beginning to swim again wondering what she had planned for the next hour or so, "I'll leave it up to you to decide since you seem to know what you're doing."

"OK, dress it is then. How about this?" she pulled out a red, long sleeve mini dress and held it up to herself, "This is in fashion and it'll show off your nice legs perfectly."

DD just nodded as he entered dream land wondering if he had a ticket to get out again.

"And you'll need something on your feet," she said bending over and picking up two pairs of shoes, "I call these my 'FUCK ME' shoes, what do you think, reckon you can handle 'em?" and held up a pair of red strappy, high-heeled sandals.

"ROSY" he couldn't believe what she had just said.

"Relax, just joking", she laughed, "you need to chill out a bit. These will do I think" she put the sandals back and gave him a pair of dark brown medium high heels, "We'll save the sandals for another time. These should fit, you're about my size" she said looking at his nylon covered feet.

"I'm a six in shoes" he confirmed putting the dress and shoes on the bed, "what's next?"

"We'll sort out your undies next then I'll do your hair and make-up, it shouldn't take long." She walked over to the dressing table first and folded a towel over the mirror, "but no peeking, I want this to be a big surprise. Now take off the skirt and top and I'll find a bra that might fit. I think I've got just the thing."

She reached into the back of a draw and pulled out an old but pretty padded bra. "Mum bought this for me when I was fifteen," she said, "it will give you just the shape you need." She helped him put it on and clipped it at the back.

"Keep the tights on, they look OK, in any case you can't really wear stockings with this dress ," she said, "we can sort that out another time as well."

"What do you mean by another time," DD finally asked, not able to contain his curiosity any longer.

"Oh nothing really, its just... well... maybe you might get to like it, who knows? Now just put this slip on and I can make a start on your hair, you'll need to wet it again though."

He never asked any more questions but pulled the white satin slip over his head and went into the bathroom as instructed. Rosy told him she would keep his hair the same but just trim a few strands to give it some shape and then use a setting lotion with some curlers to provide some bounce.

"Hold on," he said suddenly worried again, "I don't want a girls hair style permanently."

"You won't," she reassured him, "The set will wash out and if get you hair cut then you'll be right back to normal, assuming you want to of course."

"How do you know all this anyway?" he asked interested now and taking note of what she was doing just in case needed to do it himself.

"Didn't you know, I had a Saturday job at Mums hairdressers years ago and they said I could learn to do styling if I wanted, so they taught me. It's George and Jamie's place just round the corner in the shopping precinct. They're gay, really sweet and great stylists."

She got on with the styling, cutting, applying lotions from different bottles and finally rolling it around a dozen or so curlers. They pulled his hair in ways he had never felt before.

"I'll do your make-up now while that's drying." He remembered his own attempt at make-up earlier that year. He was intrigued to see what she would do.

"Now this is the cleaver bit, " she said sorting out the various bottles she would need "we need to make you pretty without drawing attention to anything in particular. If people see someone in a dress they assume she is a girl so as long as there is nothing to prove the opposite, then that's what they will believe. I remember seeing a couple of transvestites in London once. They were both quite pretty but they were wearing fishnet stockings, really high heals and the most garish make-up you could imagine. They looked grotesque and nobody was fooled."

She finished the foundation and was applying the blusher giving him colour and shadow on his high cheek bones.

"What about a name?" she then said, "What am I going to call you while we are out, we'll need a girls name of course?"

"I don't know it never occurred to me," he began to think about girls names. "Rachel, Jane. I have a friend called Ann, that's nice."

"Mmmm, I'm not sure, she thought silently for a while.

"Oh, what idiots we are," she said at last, "you already have a name we can use."

"Don't be daft," he said thinking that she had finally flipped, "you can't call me Daniel dressed like this."

"No silly, DD but pronounce it different. Make the first E sound longer and then shorten the second D, Deedi. It could be short for Danielle." She could see by his face he liked it and it would also mean he didn't have another name to remember."

"Yes," he said saying to himself a few times, "Deedi, I like that."

"You need to higher your voice slightly as well but not much and speak just a shade quieter."

"Like this," he said "The rain in Spain falls mainly down the drain."

"Yes that's perfect Eliza," They both laughed out loud. He was much more comfortable with what she was doing now and felt they had become a lot closer over the last few weeks. Not as close as they would get when they shared the same date though.

She finished his make-up and then applied nail varnish to his long finger nails after first shaping them with a nail-file. He had given up objecting now and just went with the flow. She would probably have an answer in any case.

"Right that's it" she announced at last, "I am going to get ready now while your hair dries." she went to the bathroom to have a shower. When she returned they carried on chatting so he could practice with his new voice while she got dressed. He noticed she was not in the least embarrassed as she removed her towel letting him see her completely naked. It was if they were sisters which, of course in a way, is what they were now tuning into.

She found a matching bra and panties set and also clipped on a suspender belt. Deedi had noticed that she loved to wear elegant clothes when the opportunity arose besides the usual jeans and trainers. He watched her roll a pair of sheer ivory nylons up her well shaped legs and clip them to the buttons. She choose a blouse and skirt from the wardrobe and smiled at him as she put on her 'FUCK ME' sandals. They both laughed again.

"Well," she said, "you never know who you might run into," which turned out to be true and would in fact, change Deedi's life forever. She finished off Deedi's hair and removed the towel from the mirror so he could see the result. Deedi was astounded.

"So, what do you think?" she asked feeling proud of the image she had created.

"Oh Rosy, I look wonderful, its fantastic. It's really is hard to believe that it's me inside that reflection. You've done an incredible job."

Deedi put on the dress and shoes and was ready to seek Liz's approval.

"Come on lets see what Mum thinks and then you have to make that decision, remember," knowing already what it was going to be.

"Oh, I had forgotten about that," said Deedi suddenly thoughtful again.

They went downstairs and Rosy called to her Mother who was in the kitchen cooking their tea.

"Look Mum, what do you think, doesn't she look great?" Rosy was excited now.

"Rosy, I'm a he not a she," Deedi protested but not very convincingly.

"Don't be silly, you saw yourself upstairs in the mirror didn't? Your Deedi now, well for tonight anyway." Liz came through from the kitchen.

"So where is she..." she stopped, "Oh my God, she put her had to her mouth and tears began to fill her eyes.

"Mum, what's the mater, what's wrong" said Rosy looking worried.

"She's beautiful, its just... when I first.... she looked.... just like Kate used to when we were young and used to go out together dating boys," she ran over to Deedi and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I'm just being silly, but you are the image of Kate and she always was the pretty one. Come on your tea's ready and it almost time to go." she wiped her eyes.

Rosy drove into Cambridge and parked up where it was only a short walk to the cinema. Deedi felt the exhilaration as the soft breeze swept around he legs and up her dress. She took short steps and turned her wrist in slightly as Rosy suggested. The short steps made her hips swing just as a womans did. Once they were in the foyer Deedi said she wanted to use the toilet and slowly walked off while Rosy queued for the tickets. Just in time Rosy spotted her walking towards the gents and ran after her. She had only made it to the sweet stall when Rosy whispered in her ear. Deedi stopped dead and froze. Rosy went back to get the tickets. While she was in the queue three boys made there way toward the auditorium and all three turned to look at Deedi giving her a big smile. Rosy eventually caught up with Deedi but she hadn't moved from the spot she had left her.

"I thought you wanted to go to the toilet," she said replacing the money in her handbag.

"I'll wait 'till we get inside," she snapped. Rosy just laughed.

Once the feature had started Deedi got up and went out but as she passed the boys they whistled and spoke to her.

"Come on love tell us your name, my mate her needs a nice looking girl friend, don't you Tim," and they all laughed. To her credit she just carried on. Ten minutes later she came back through another door at the back and sat down.

"Come on we have to go," whispered Deedi.

"Why, the films only just started?" asked Rosy.

"Those boys, they know, didn't you hear them."

"Deedi," Rosy re-assured her, "that's what girls have to put up with all the time. It means the exact opposite, they fancy you and so would I if I were them, now stop worrying."

They watched the rest of the film without incident and left the cinema. "That was great wasn't it, isn't Pierce Brosnan just a hunk," and Deedi found herself agreeing with Rosy. In fact she could hardly take her eyes off him throughout the movie but she just said yes and went very quite.

"Right, what shall we do now, fancy a drink?" said Rosy looking around and thing where they might go.

"Are you mad? I thought we were going home," said Deedi looking worried again.

"Deedi, will you stop it. You know you look fine and anyway we might meet a couple of nice boys and go back to their place for some fun, what do you think?" Deedi didn't think anything anymore, she was past caring.

"Just joking, maybe another night. Come on there's a wine bar I used to go to round the corner, it dark and it'll be quite, lets go" Deedi just followed hardly aware of what day it was as the images Rosy had just created swirled around her mind. They went in and Rosy ordered two glasses of wine and found a quite table in the corner. They had only just sat down when two boys came over and sat opposite them. Deedi froze once again.

"Hello Rosy, haven't seen you for a long while, how's it going?" said the shorter of the two.

"Hello Nick," she said smiling. She had not seen him for nearly a year. "I'm fine how about you. Oh, this is Deedi, my cousin from London. This is Nick who never quite aspired to being my boyfriend before I dumped him."

"Oh," said Nick holding his hands up to the ceiling, "so beautiful and yet so cruel." They all laughed at his over acting and even Deedi giggled.

"This is Robin, by the way, we're both reading English," said Nick now recovering.

"Please to meet you both," said Robin in a very smooth and deep voice. He held his hand to Deedi who automatically put hers out to shake his but he took it in his, lifted it to his lips and kissed the back, "especially this vision from heaven." Deedi was now the colour of her dress and Nick and Rosy burst out laughing again.

"Robin," admonished Nick "leave the poor girl alone," but Robin did not take his eyes away from Deedi.

Nick and Robin were both in their second year at the University and Nick had dated Rosy for a while earlier in the year but she gave him up to concentrate on her A levels. Now that she was a free agent again there was no reason why she couldn't pick up where they left off, afterall he did look very sexy, better than she remembered in fact. Yes why not, its about time she had some fun before she went away, assuming he asks her out of course.

"I hear you've got a place at UMIST," said Nick picking up the conversation again.

"Yes," said Rosy, "but not until next year, I'm doing some voluntary work abroad first and I'll be leaving soon. This could be your last opportunity young man, so use it wisely," she said looking at him seriously over the top of her glass.

"Righty-ho, no time like the present, lots to catch up on, so how about the four of us going out somewhere, are you staying up here long, Deedi?" catching her by complete surprise.

"Er... yes," she said softly, "I... I'll be here for a wile." Not knowing what else to say and not realising that she had fallen straight into his trap.

"Great, so that's settled, how about next week then, Rosy, alright, with you?" Nick said refusing to take no for an answer.

"Hang on quicksilver, not so fast" said Rosy seeing that Deedi was looking most uncomfortable now. "We'd love to but I need to check out a few things first. I'll give you a ring next week and we will set something up, how's that?"

"Sounds great to me, I'll wait to hear from you. Anyway we have to go, the groups just moving off. Come on lover boy, Bye Deedi, see ya Rosy."

"Good bye, Deedi," said Robin looking deep into Deedi's eyes, "Hope to see you again soon."

"Bye," said Rosy. Deedi's eyes had glazed over and if she looked like she was about to feint.

"Here have a drink," said Rosy, "you look like you need it. Wow, what about him then? I have never seen anyone with the hots like that, Robin really fancied you and I don't blame him poor sod."

"Was that what is was? I had no idea," her voice sounded disassociated from her body. However it was not just embarrassment that Deedi was feeling for she had noticed Robin looking at her and although she couldn't quite put it into words, basically she had what amounted to, the hots for him as well.

They arrived home late and Liz had already gone up. They both went to remove their make--up, said goodnight and went to bed. Rosy was keen to do a debrief but they would have to tell Liz everything again in the morning anyway and, frankly Deedi had had enough for one very eventful evening.

As she lay there drifting off to sleep, her thoughts turned to Robin. The thing that concerned her the most though was not the image she had in her mind of him making love to her but, and more significantly, her enjoying it.

Chapter 4 -- Deedi stays around

The next morning Liz came in with some coffee but Deedi was already awake. There was so much racing around her mind that she had opened her eyes with a start at seven o'clock and had not been able to go back to sleep.

"Good morning sweetheart, so how did it go then? Is everything alright?" she asked anxiously just in case there were any problems the night before. As Deedi sat up Liz noticed that she had removed all of her makeup but still retained the basic beauty that Rosy had created with her hair the previous evening. It was only when the bedclothes fell away from her totally undeveloped breast that the reality was obvious. Deedi's mind was on other matters though and she was completely unaware of how she looked this morning.

"Oh, it was fine, on the whole," she said but Liz picked up on her anxiety. Rosy had heard their voices and now came into the room. She was wearing a pastel pink and very short night dress with matching panties. She went around the bed and lifted up the duvet.

"Move over Deedi, it's cold out here and there lots to tell, Mum," she said as she climbed into the bed next to Deedi. Before Deedi entered shock again Liz sat on the edge of the bed and smiled.

"I not sure Deedi has got over it yet," she smiled and took her hand which was laying in the edge of the bed."

"Well, first off" said Rosy, ignoring any possible distractions from delivering her news, "Deedi has an admirer and it's obvious that he's as madly in love with her as she is with him."

"ROSY, that's just not true." Deedi almost dropped her coffee. Was there going to be no end to the totally outrageous things Rosy said, she was not sure her nerves could stand much more.

Liz laughed at her daughter's antics with which she was very familiar. "It's alright Deedi, she's just teasing," she said in her soft, re-assuring voice. "Start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened."

Before she could begin though Rosy had already decided her version of events would be the more interesting of the two if not entirely correct.

"Well," she started, deciding not to miss out a single minute of the evening, "we drove into town and parked up." She told Liz all that had occurred and luckily for Deedi's sanity kept it mostly accurate.

"That all sounds pretty good," Liz said turning to Deedi. "Seems like you had a nice time after all with nothing to put up with that us girls don't have to face every day."

"I suppose your right," said Deedi beginning at last to understand the completely different view of the world you have as a woman. "Yes, I did enjoy the evening very much apart from this monster," and she gave Rosy a playful smack in the ribs. They all laughed. But then Deedi face dropped, almost imperceptibly but Liz had spotted it.

"What's the matter," she said, worried that something might be wrong.

"Nothing really," Deedi said slightly hesitantly, "It's just that...after all that effort Rosy has gone to... I suppose I had better get my hair cut and go back to being Daniel again today." "Mmmm, that's true," said Liz, "Deedi was only created so that you could both go out last night and now all of your clothes are washed, ironed ready to wear, DD." She pronounced the name the way they had been doing the day before.

"Hang on," said Rosy thoughtfully, "lets not be too hasty. We had a good time last night didn't we? And part of the reason for that was Deedi being around, agreed?" Deedi nodded. "Now we are still going into town this afternoon with Mum and your coming with us aren't you Deedi," Rosy said pronouncing her new the name very precisely. Deedi nodded again.

"And we are going to be having a real girls day out shopping for clothes. Now I think it wouldn't be quite right if Daniel were with us especially as some of the old fuddy-duddies around here can get a bit funny about men and boys hanging around the womens areas, right Mum?" Rosy was on a roll now, "and some of the bigger changing rooms are women only and you certainly wouldn't be allowed to go in with us while we were getting undressed and trying on different things. I might also want you to try something on for me so that I can see what it looks like on and so," she continued without drawing breath, "it seems entirely natural that Deedi should stay around for a little while longer at least. Same rules as before, we can stop at any time if you don't like it. I can't see a problem with that can you Mum? What do you think Deedi?" she stopped at last. Deedi could see a problem though.

"Rosy," she said slowly and deliberately, "last night it was dark but now your talking about going out in daylight into womens changing rooms. I could get arrested."

"No chance," said Rosy ignoring her protest, "You looked good enough to knock Robin over last night and it wasn't that dark in the wine bar. Listen, we'll really go all the way this time and have your hair done professionally, Jamie will do it for us. We'll make sure everything is right and there'll be no problems."

Deedi looked to Liz for guidance since she was going to be involved this time. Liz thought about it for a few seconds.

"Of course there is always a risk but I think Rosy is right. When I saw you last night, Deedi, it really was like seeing Kate again and for a few seconds I was completely taken in. It's Saturday and the shops will be fairly busy today so people will be getting on whatever they have to do and I would be very surprised if they took much notice of you. The other thing is you will be with us rather than on your own and so I don't think suspicions will even be aroused. You are completely realistic as Deedi believe me but just like we said yesterday, it's your decision. I must admit it would be nice to have Deedi with us for a while longer so why not get ready and then we'll see how you feel. But don't be pressured by this little minx, you must make you own mind up." They all laughed and Deedi was grateful for Liz's opinion.

"I've got to say I am feeing very confused," Deedi said at last being honest with them and herself. "You're right it was fun last night and I did used to enjoy going shopping with Mum," her face darkened for a moment as the memories flooded back but soon passed by as she continued, "and I would love being out with you this time as well and..." she realised she had just run out of steam and there was nothing left to say other than, yes.

"OK," said Liz getting up, " I'll give the salon ring and ask the boys if they can fit you in. They offer a complete beauty service now so I'll book you in for the lot, my treat, alright?" Deedi nodded and Liz went down stairs.

Rosy snuggled up to Deedi just like best friends sometimes do. "Don't worry," she said you'll be great and don't blame me if a least five boys don't ask you out on a date."

"Rosy, can I ask you something," Deedi snuggled into Rosy feeling the softness of her night dress, "were you serious about going out with Nick and Robin?"

"Well, I would like to go out with Nick again anyway and I think we would all have a good time together. Nick's nice and I'm sure Robin is too and they are not going to jump all over us, not unless we want them anyway." She was off again but this time Deedi just laughed, she was getting used to her now.

"That's why I said I would call him later so that you could make up your mind. I have got a feeling you liked Robin though so lets see how this afternoon goes. I am sure you will grow more confident and don't forget I will be there with you and won't let anything awkward happen, promise. Besides never show them that your too interested, boys are like goldfish, they should always be kept hungry." Deedi just collapsed this time and they both hugged each other.

"Oh Rosy, I do love you," was all Deedi could say. The only problem was Deedi still had the accessories of a boy and being in an intimate position with Rosy caused a not unexpected reaction.

"And what is that, young lady?" Rosy suddenly said, "I'm not having that thing sticking in me."

She got up, want over to the dressing table and pulled out a night dress and matching panties. "Here put these on and cover up your shame you naughty girl," Once again she managed to embarrass Deedi who meekly pulled one of Liz's nighties over her head and put on the nylon panties making sure her cock was tucked well out of the way. They got back into bed and snuggled up again.

"So what's Nick like then?" said Deedi at last finally recovering from another ordeal.

"Well, I had just finished with my second boyfriend after the Summer last year and went to a fresher party at the college with a friend. Nick was there and we just got chatting. He asked me out so I said yes. I went to bed with him at his flat after our third date and he was great. It was the first time I had had an organism, apart from on my own that is."

Deedi couldn't believe how candid Rosy was being with her. She had completely accepted who she was now even if Deedi hadn't yet fully comes to terms with it yet.

"I carried on seeing him until just after Christmas and then decided that I needed to get my head down and do some work. I guess he was busy as well because I haven't seen him since, and of course during the Summer we all had other things on our minds. What about you, any loves in your life?"

"No, there has never been anyone." Deedi said opening up now that Rosy had revealed some of her innermost thoughts, "I quite liked Ann, who was in my class and lived round the corner, but never got around to asking her out. We always seemed to be hanging around in a group and there was never an opportunity to ask. We used to really get on well together and we spent a lot of time in her bedroom or mine but it was more like brother and sister really. We were very close though and shared all our secrets, well nearly all anyway. A bit later on I overheard someone say that she was a lesbian but I thought it was just boys being cruel. She did seem to have a special friend and neither of them seem to date boys so I guess they might have been right, who knows?"

"So sex-wise it's a big hello to Mr. Right-Hand then is it? Rosy said with a big smile. "maybe we can do something about that."

"Well at least its sex with someone you love," Deedi laughed ignoring another landmine, "not like you, little Miss Slapper," and with that they both got up.

"Wait a minute," Deedi said as Rosy was leaving the room, "who am I going to be when we go to the hairdressers and what am I going to wear?

"Don't worry, George and Jamie are pretty broad minded and I had often seen transvestites and transsexuals having their hair done while I was working there. We will tell them the truth and they might even have some advice for you. Just put on a skirt and a top and I'll fix you hair and make-up again."

When they were both ready they went down to breakfast. Liz told them that she had arranged an appointment for ten o'clock with Jamie which included a perm, a complete fingers and toes manicure, face pack and leg waxing. Rosy said she would go with Deedi to keep her company and also to have a quite word with Jamie to tell him the situation.

When they got back Liz was even more surprised than the previous night. Rosy told her that Jamie had asked what Deedi had wanted but they had left it to him to decide and he had really come up trumps this time. He had showed them a picture of Anthea Turner from a catalogue and said that he thought it would really suit Deedi's face so they let him get on with it.

"Doesn't Deedi look fantastic," Rosy said with a really big smile.

"I must say your really do look great Deedi, he's done a magnificent job. Did they do your make-up as well?" she asked.

"Yes," said Deedi," still coming down from the moon after her experience, "a new beautician had started there recently and said she couldn't wait to get her hands on me. This was the result, eyebrows and all."

"Well, if you had any doubts after this morning," said Liz, "they must have completely gone by now. There is no one in the world who would have any idea that you might be a boy now."

Deedi showed Liz her nails which they had varnished red but not to bright, and her toenails to match.

"Come on then lets get ready and go," said Liz, "this is going to be fun."

Deedi went upstairs with Rosy who suggested she wear a button up dress with some tights so that she could change easily if she needed to. She also suggested that Deedi wear a feminine pad to give a better shape to her bulge; it will look more natural she told her. Deedi asked if she could wear Rosie's red sandals this time so Rosy made sure the tights didn't have reinforced toes. She said that her that her feet would look sexier in those. Deedi remembered that Kate had some tights and stockings like that.

When everyone was ready Liz got the car out of the garage and they drove into town. They had a busy afternoon trying on different outfits and telling each other on how they looked. About half way through the afternoon Deedi was trying on a three- quarter length blue dress that she really liked when Liz suggested that they buy it for her.

"But.." Deedi started to say, not imaging that they would be buying anything for her when Liz interrupted.

"Listen, I think Deedi would like to stay around a while longer," said Liz with Rosy nodding in the background, "wouldn't she?"

Deedi looked at them both, lowered her eyes and nodded .

"In which case she will need to start buying her own things," continued Liz, "would you like that Deedi?"

Deedi nodded again and so off they went once more buying everything a young girl would need, dresses skirts, blouses, feminine t-shirts, panties, bras, tights and stockings, suspender belts, shoes, a jacket and a coat. They also bought some make- up and a handbag. At five o'clock they were all completely exhausted and went for a coffee. When they sat down Liz asked if they had forgotten anything. Rosy said that if there was anything else Deedi needed she could borrow it from her. Liz said she would make some room in the wardrobe and dressing table in Deedi's room but if there was anything in there she wanted to keep then she could use them also.

"I think we should go out tonight and celebrate," Liz then said.

"Yes, " both girls nodded.

"It's been a lovely afternoon and I have really enjoyed being with Deedi." Liz continued, " How are you feeling now?"

"Really good," Deedi said, "I never knew being a girl could be so much fun."

"Told you it would be didn't I," said Rosy "so shall I phone Nick and tell him we would like a date with those two gorgeous hunks or shall I make them wait a few more days?"

Deedi lowered her eyes and said softly "OK you can ring him. I like Deedi being around too and if she's going to stay for a little while longer being pestered by boys I guess she might as well start to enjoy it." They all laughed.

When they got home Deedi and Rosy went up to Deedi's bedroom to sort out the clothes and start putting her new things away. It was while Deedi was putting some of her new underclothes into the dressing table that she noticed a white plastic bag in the back of the draw, just like the one she had found in Kate's bedroom. She glanced around quickly to see if Rosy was there but she had gone to the bathroom. She opened the bag and looked inside. Just as she expected, there was an electric vibrator inside similar to the one in Kate's room. She took it out and switched it on wondering if the batteries were dead. It started vibrating in her hand just as Rosy came back into the room.

"I just thought you'll have a chance to wear your new dress tonight... What's that?" As Deedi tuned towards her Rosy saw what she had in her hand.

"Ah, you've found Mum's favourite toy eh? I discovered it years ago but never mentioned it." Rosy said, "I used it a few times myself but then bought my own. Did Kate have one?"

"Yes," said Deedi, "I found it in one of her dressing table draws just like this," but Rosy never had to ask why she would be looking in Kate's dressing table in the first place since she now knew the answer.

"They're great fun especially when the boys are not around. I used it a lot after I stopped seeing Nick," she continued as unemotional as ever, "Did you ever use Kate's?"

Even though Deedi was beginning to get used to Deedi no-nonsense approach she blushed furiously.

"Oh come stop being so innocent, I bet you have," she pushed.

"Yes, a few times," said Deedi still very red and somehow not able to keep any of her secrets to herself when Rosy asked. She also knew by now that Rosy must have deduced how she would have used it since they both knew she didn't process a real pussy. They were sitting on the bed and Deedi was still holding the dildo now completely unaware of its presence in her hand.

"Did you like it?" she continued softly.

Deedi nodded, "Mmmm, it felt good,"

"Just like a man eh?" asked Rosy.

"I wouldn't know," said Deedi.

"Would you like to?"

"I'm not sure."

"It's a fantastic feeling having a real hard, hot cock inside of you, thrusting until you cum. Much better than these things."

Deedi was transfixed.

"It's all part of being a girl, Deedi." she said.

"Have you thought about having Robin inside of you, I saw how you were looking at him last night?" she asked.

"Yes," said Deedi unable to conceal her thoughts, "I was dreaming about it last night."

"He is nice looking, I don't blame you. It's Ok Deedi." She took hold of her hand, "I'll help you to do whatever you want and if you don't like it you can stop and do something else." Deedi nodded again a tear beginning to run down her cheek.

"But first of all young lady, we need to sort out your virginity, it's long overdue," she was back to her practical voice and Deedi had absolutely no idea what she could possibly mean. What she did know though, was that it was probably going to be good fun.

"Put this by your bed, Mum won't find it, besides I know she's got another one now anyway."

Dinner was a great success and they all came home shattered after the long and very exhilarating day. Deedi said she couldn't stay awake any longer and just had to go to bed. Rosy and Liz stayed up chatting for a while longer, mainly about Deedi and how far they should encourage her. Eventually Rosy said she was off to bed and took her shoes off to go upstairs, Liz said she would tidy up first and then be up soon.

The upstairs light was off but it was not a problem as she made her way to her bedroom in her stockinged feet, which was just opposite Deedi's. As she got closer she noticed that Deedi had left her door slightly open and, coming from inside the room, she heard an unmistakable humming sound. She very quietly opened her bedroom door and went inside and shut it again, smiling to herself all the while.

To be continued if you wish.

Would you like to hear more about Deedi's adventures? Any comments and feedback gratefully received

Next: Chapter 3

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