Deedi Emerges

By Rob H

Published on Feb 25, 2003


Deedi Emerges (c) By Rob Henson

Chapter 1 -- The End

"Ok darling, that'll be Alex at the door, I'm just off" Daniel looked up from his book as his Mother pushed open the door to his bedroom.

"Well, what do you think Daniel, will I do ?" Kate Dewar marched into the room and did a twirl, her knee length skirt flying skywards and then floating gently back down again as she turned full circle. She was an elegant woman in her mid thirties and looked much younger. Her high cheek bones and natural blond hair, together with an irresistible smile had caused more than one near accident on the underground escalators as she made her way to work at the airport. She was taller than average, about five foot eight, and possessed a wonderful slim figure that most of the female population would kill for, and a personality to match.

"Mum, you look fantastic, that skirt looks great with the blouse just like I said, and the jacket really suits you."

"Yes, you were right as usual." she smiled. They had been out shopping together during the afternoon to buy a new outfit for her date that night. They had always shopped together since Daniel had be very young and now she had found that her son was an excellent judge of fashion, always seeming to know what went well together even when she herself was doubtful. Tonight she was meeting her boyfriend Alex who she had be seeing for the last three months. He was in his early forties and worked as a Marketing Director which meant he often travelled abroad, more recently taking Kate with him on some of the trips.

"Your bath's ready by the way. See you later, I won't be late."

Daniel smiled. "Mmmm, possibly, I don't think I'll wait up though." The tops of her fully fashioned, but non-seamed tan stockings had appeared as she twirled around for his inspection. He had noticed her pick them up in hosiery department of Selfridges that afternoon.

"Someone's in luck tonight" he had said as they walked towards the till to pay for the stockings.

"Don't be cheeky," she laughed. "Anyway you're just jealous."

"Mother, I am defiantly not jealous of Alex where you're concerned." he said in a very un-approving tone.

"Who said anything about Alex ?" Kate said softly but they had reached the till before she could say anymore.

"Don't do anything too naughty," he said suggestively as she was leaving his bedroom. He was a glutton for punishment but hadn't yet realised it.

"Ok," she said wiggling her bum and kicking her left leg up behind her. Then she slid her head back around the door and said "You neither." With a big smile and a wink she was gone. The smile froze on his face for a moment as he wondered what she had meant by that. No, it must have been just an innocent remark, after all he had always been careful. But there was also the comment she had made in Selfridges that afternoon about being jealous.

He heard the front door shut as he got up to undress. He still had a bit more work to do but needed a break and a long soak always made the difference. He was fifteen and just coming up to his GCSE exams and so work mostly consisted of revision. He was very bright and attended a good school so there was going to be little doubt about his results, but he was someone who was determined to do well, at whatever he put his mind to. He left his clothes on the floor and went through to Kate's room and then into her bathroom. They both had en-suite bathrooms but there was only a shower in his and she never minded him using her room even if she was dressing. More often than not she would ask about something as he wandered through, such as what shoes would go best with a top she was thinking of wearing or what did he think of a new slip she had bought.

The bath was full and hot but there was something else. He could smell perfume and as he tested the temperature he noticed that there was bath oil in the water. Strange. Perhaps she had just forgotten that she was running it for him. He got in anyway and immediately relaxed as the heat and the fragrance took effect. He laid back, shut his eyes and thought about the afternoon they had spent shopping together.

That morning at breakfast, she had mentioned that she was seeing Alex later and wondered if he was busy or whether he would like to go into the West End with her to buy a new outfit. He did have a class that afternoon but said he would come anyway. A session with Mr Johnson on the economics of pre-war Britain didn't stand a chance against wandering around the feminine finery of the big department stores in London. Besides he could pick up the notes from his good friend Ann who lived around the corner and catch up later. So he phoned in sick and did some revision in the morning until they left the house in Ealing after lunch.

When they were together they were just like best friends and, with his slim figure and long blond hair, during their trips to the shops, he had often been mistakenly asked, 'Would you excuse me miss, opps sorry.' Kate usually just laughed but it had happed again today while he was waiting for her to emerge from a changing room. He didn't mind really, in fact it was quite intriguing be taken for a girl. He certainly wasn't a boy's boy. His complexion was soft but he had the same sharp features and high cheek bones as Kate, which were a family trait on his Mothers side. His father had died when was very young and he never knew any of his family. As he entered his teens the relationship with Kate changed, imperceptibly at first but distinctly so as they became more like sisters. There was never any embarrassment as they walked around the house in various states of undress, probably because of the deep love they had for each other. He had started to develop some of the characteristics of manhood, just but puberty seem to be late coming for Daniel assuming it would arrive at all, he sometimes thought.

There was nothing to rush for so he topped up the hot water and washed his hair before laying back and drifted into a sleep that neither came nor went but allowed his thoughts to float around taking him nowhere in particular. He remembered the times he had dressed in Kate's clothes, the few times he had used her make-up and jewellery, usually while she was away on a trip, and the time one night when he had gone to bed in one of her night dresses wearing her stockings and suspenders. He also thought back to one event in particular when he had gone out for a walk nearly bumping in to Ann.

It was a Tuesday earlier in the year and his Mother had flown off to Johannesburg that morning. He had arrived home from school at about five o'clock as usual with nothing much planned. He got his homework out of the way early and decided to watch TV for the rest of the evening. He left his room but instead of turning into the hall to go downstairs he found himself wandering into Kate's bedroom. He had no particular reason be in there but he was feeling lonely that night and just being in the room seemed to make a difference. He could smell the perfume she had worn that morning as he sat down at her dressing table. He ran his hand along the wooden edge and down to the top draw which opened almost without him realising it. Inside he saw it contained some of her underwear, bras, panties, socks and tights. He put his hand in and felt the softness of the material not at all like his own rough clothes. The next draw down also contained underwear but this time more exotic, suspender belts of all colours, basques and stockings of every shade you could imagine. He knew then that he would try them on but he had little idea why. He seem to be on some sort of auto-pilot just like the aeroplane Kate worked on. He had tried on some of her clothes before but nothing much, just tights and skirts really. He seemed to feel more comfortable and relaxed in her clothes compared to his.

He had showered already so he quickly undressed and took his clothes back to his bedroom. In Kate's room he selected a matching underwear set. A very sexy belt in white with 4 long suspenders, a lace bra and silky panties. He put them on and found they fitted him perfectly which was no surprise as he was already aware that he and Kate were the same size, even in shoes. He tucked his now semi-hard cock away under the gusset of the panties and chose a pair of nude stockings pulling the first over his arm as he had seen Kate do. It felt cool to the touch as he placed it over his foot and unrolled it up his leg before clipping the stocking tops to the suspenders. All those years of watching his Mother dress had not gone to waste. Then he pulled up the second as before clipping them in the same way. He walked over to the mirror so he could see the result and was amazed. He had good legs, not all muscular and very smooth with just a few blond hairs on the calves and thighs.

Now for a dress. No question really once he had opened the wardrobe door. There in front was a black mini dress which he had seen her wearing the night before. He pulled it up over his nylon covered legs shivering to the sensation and, pushing his arm right up his back he managed to pull up the zip. He brushed out his hair with a side parting which meant it swept over one eye with a dramatic and very feminine effect. He found some medium height shoes which he slipped on and sat down at the dressing table again wondering what excitement he could unearth next. Make-up was the answer. Her make-up bottles surrounded him on the dressing table. First a little eye shadow, then some mascara and blusher finishing of with the lipstick. He saw some nail varnish but decided against it just in case there was a problem in school the next day. Looking in the mirror he decided he had finished. Looking back at him was a slight older, perhaps seventeen year old girl, sophisticated but not tarty and very pretty. He tried to be critical and it wasn't perfect for his first attempt but wherever he turned he saw that the image looked good. There was something missing though, jewellery. He knew she kept a box in the left had draw so he pulled it open and lifted the lid of the box. The problem was he didn't know where to start, she had everything, broaches, rings, bracelets, ear-rings, necklaces and some items he had no idea what to do with. A pair of ear rings caught his eye and he picked them up. They had pins but luckily, like most of his class he had had his ears pierced about a year before when it was fashionable. He wore a small sleeper in on ear and a small ring in the other which he had completely forgotten about. He removed these now and replaced them with two larger hoops from which hung two tear drop pearls. Finally a pearl necklace and the ensemble was complete.

He spent the next ten minutes just waking around the room admiring himself especially his legs which he couldn't take his eyes off. He felt the pressure from his still hard cock tight between his legs but then noticed how sexy his hair looked now that it was washed and brushed out. He then saw her perfume bottles on a high shelf of the dressing table and selected the one he liked her wearing the best and ended up using far to much. It was a exhilarating fragrance that made his head swim. Finished at last he went downstairs and turned on the television trying to walk as Kate did. By now though it was nearly nine o'clock and he was far to excited to sit still watching TV. He wandered around the house once more which was in darkness now, not really knowing what he would next but the night sky gave him his next thought, dare he go outside ? He spent twenty minutes weighing up all the arguments for and against. Could he pass for a girl? Yes he thought so. What would happen if someone caught him, ? Don't even think about it. The streets around where he lived were upmarket and quite so the risk would be small. On and on around his head the arguments tossed and turned until he made up his mind. He would do it. He really felt good dressed like this and being outside on a chilly night, just for a quick walk around the block would magnify those feelings by... well who knows ? What he did know though was he was now going out, whatever the risk.

He went back to Kate's bedroom and choose a coat. Also there on the top shelf was something that would give him just a shade more confidence, a round brimmed hat which he quickly popped on his head. He picked up one of Kate's shoulder strap handbags and went back to his room to get his keys which he put in the bag. He was walking quickly now and couldn't wait to get out of the house. Turning the last of the lights off he opened the front door and stepped out.

Wow. It was incredible. The first thing he felt as he walked was the chill around his legs, then his smooth stockings rubbing against each other and the taughtness of the suspender straps as he took each step. He seemed to float down the road hardly daring to breath. The noise of his heels click clacking sounded far to loud but exciting at the same time, not a noise he would ever be able to make in his other role. He turned a corner, walked for about two hundred yards and turned again. He wasn't planning to be out for long and all to soon he realised he was not far away from his front door again. In the end he hadn't passed anyone and there were no problems until he noticed that ahead of him was someone near to his front door, it was his school mate, Ann. She was obviously on her way home from somewhere. On my God, he thought, freezing inside but his legs somehow managing to keep going taking him straight into her path. He knew she would recognise him instantly, no question, but luck was with him as she crossed over the road and turned the corner into her own street. He rushed for his front door closed it behind him and let at an enormous sigh. Was it worth it he thought ? Abso-bloody-lutely the answer came after he had calmed down and thought about the last amazing twenty minutes of his life.

He went back to Kate's room and started to get undressed first removing her dress and shoes and then the make-up. Still wearing he underclothes he removed the earrings and necklace and placed them back in the box. As he shut the lid he noticed a bag a the back of the draw. He pulled it out and opened it gasping at what he saw. Inside there were three dildos obviously belonging to Kate. The first was black and had two straps attached. As he looked closer he saw that there was another, small one attached to the first but pointing backwards. It didn't take him long to figure out the mechanics of how it worked. The second was more simple in design, a double dildo attached in the middle and both shaped like huge cocks. The third was more interesting. It was about six inches long, cock shaped but it had a dial at the end which he slowly turned. Nothing happed at first but as he turned the dial further he heard a humming noise and felt the cock starting to vibrate. There was no doubt about the pleasure that could be obtained from that small device. He had planned to finish the evening off playing in her stockings anyway, so he took the vibrator back to his bedroom along with some baby oil from her dressing table, and lay on his bed.

Once again his movements seem to be automatic as he smeared the oil over the flesh coloured plastic, eased the panties to one side and slowly pushed the cock all the way up into his arse. He worked it in and out for a while feeling the waves of pleasure wafting over him and then remembered the switch. As he turned the dial up he felt the vibrating deep inside him, throbbing as his muscles tried to force the cock out of him. He turned it full on, pushed it all the way home and slipped the panties back in place. The feeling was phenomenal as he turned on his front so that he could rub his now solid-cock against the bedclothes. Ten minute later he experienced a shattering orgasm nothing like he had ever felt before when even when he had been wearing Kate's clothes. From that point on he knew that this was going to be an experience he would repeat and often hopefully.

Later that night as he was dozing off to sleep he thought being dressed as a beautiful girl and of nearly walking into Ann outside his house, and in his dreams he imagined a cock inside of him again only this time it was a real one and belonged to a handsome boy. He smiled as he slept.

The water was beginning to get cold now and as he opened his eyes he noticed that his Mother had left the clothes she had been wearing that day on the chair in the bathroom rather than putting them in the wash basket as she usually did. Over the back of the chair was the blue skirt, her pink top and in a pile on the seat was her blue silk panties, matching bra and sun-tan tights. Her shoes were probably by the bed where she took them off, he thought. She had looked lovely today especially as she made the frequent changes of costume trying to find the right combination of colours and styles to wear that night.

"You ought to come and work for the airline," she had said at one point during the afternoon, "and advise them on the new uniforms they needed for the cabin crew." She worked for one of the overseas airlines doing mainly short flights when he was younger but had moved over to the long-haul destinations as he got older and could look after himself. She had never needed the job as they were fairly well off after her mother had died and the family business had been sold. She had shared the proceeds with her sister Liz who lived in Cambridge with his cousin Rosy. They all got on well together but only met four or five times a year. Still distance was no barrier to communication as the telephone bills proved. The other advantage or her job was that he often had a couple of days and nights to himself which was very useful bearing in mind his new hobby.

He got out of the bath, dried off and decided, for the first time, to use some of the Kate's talc that was sitting temptingly by the basin on the vanity unit. It felt good on his skin especially on his legs which were smooth apart from a few soft blond hairs. He was just walking back to her bedroom when he stopped, looked down at the chair with her clothes and thought for a moment. Why not ? He knew she would be late back late and they were ready for the wash in any case so there was no danger of spoiling them. He picked up the pile and retuned to her bedroom. She had left her shoes by the bed just as he thought. It was going to be a nice evening afterall.

He wasn't sure why he had started wearing Kate's clothes and it wasn't much at first. just her panties or tights. However when he did put her things on things changed, he seemed to be closer to her, less lonely especially when she was away on a flight. Besides that it just felt so good. He put her bra on first. He was quite adapt after watching her for so many years. Of course it looked flat, not at all like her beautiful, full breasts that managed to only just stay in place inside the skimpy, sexy bras that she wore. That didn't matter though, for the time being anyway. Next he pulled her silky panties over one foot and then the other. They felt sensuous around his bum and cool against his cock which he pushed down between his legs. Now, very slowly, he pulled one of the legs of her tights over his hand just like he had seen his Mother do hundreds of times before. He then placed the foot over his toes and pulled them up, first one leg and then the other enjoying every second as the nylon slipped seductively towards his thighs and encased his long and very feminine legs before finally smoothing the panty section over his hips. Even that felt good hugging his waist.

With his long hair and soft features he caught sight of himself in her dress mirror. Not the fifteen year old boy he knew but an older, very attractive young lady and looking like a very sexy, a younger version of Kate just like he had seen in some of her early photos. He pulled the pink top over his head and put on the skirt before slipping the shoes on which were size six the same as his. He hadn't realised how alike they were until he saw how well her clothes fitted him. He didn't bother with any makeup tonight but went back to his bedroom to continue his work. The fun part would come later.

At about nine o'clock the phone rang. He picked up the hands free set from the lounge and went back to lay on his bed. There was no danger since he would see the security come on through his window should Kate return early.

"Hi DD, what's happening, just wondered if you were OK."

"Hi CJ, no probs, just feeling a bit sick this morning that's all."

It was his best friend Chris who had acquired the nickname from a TV series many years ago. Some hero at school had decide it would be a great laugh to use each other initials and Daniel had joined in as well with most of the class until it got boring. Somehow though, stuck with Chris and Daniel, the name even though many had now forgotten how it first happed. It had became accepted that that was who they were.

"You're going to be OK for the party tomorrow though, yea ?"

"Abso, can't wait, should be good." Saturday was going to be Ann's sixteenth Birthday and she seem to have invited most of the school. Daniel wondered what CJ would think if he could see him laying there rubbing his hands up his legs feeling the smoothness of the nylon.

"Doing much tonight ? Just wonder if you wanted to come over and listen to some sounds."

"No, I need to catch up with today's stuff. Ann came round earlier and lent me her notes for the lesson. What time we meeting up tomorrow ?"

"I said we'd see the guys about seven at McDonalds. We can grab a burger before we go. Don't s'pose the food there will be up to much."

"Right, see you then, bye."

Another half an hour and he had finished work. He put all the books away and went down to the kitchen to get a drink. It just felt so good walking around like this, so relaxing, so sensual, so feminine. Now it was time for some fun and the solitary, sexual experience that all young boys discover in there early years. He went to her bedroom and opened the draw where the bag sat and chose his electronic partner for the evening.

He usually took his time especially when wearing his Mother clothes. The sexual part felt great but that was by no means the whole reason for dressing up. Not for him anyway. About an hour later he went to her bathroom again and got undressed. He put the clothes back on the chair, returned his friend to its bag and went to bed. The problem was that he had left the shoes in the bathroom by the chair, something Kate would never do.

"Come on sleepy head, its nine o'clock and breakfast is nearly ready, just time for a shower. Hurry up." Kate said as she came into his bedroom the next morning.

Kate had returned at about two o'clock long after Daniel had gone to sleep. He never heard the front door or notice her come in to his room and kiss him goodnight. She had gone straight to bed after removing her makeup and brushing her teeth. It was then when she was in the bathroom that she saw the shoes by the chair. She was curious for a moment but then realised what must have happened. The small white stain on her tights told her everything she needed to know. She just smiled and went to bed thinking of Alex and their evening together, especially back at his flat. Her pussy was still dripping wet and, as she thought about all the things he had done to her body while they were laying on the couch, her fingers crept slowly down to her moist lips. Ten minutes later she was sleeping contentedly.

"Hi Mum." Daniel said still not fully awake. "Have a nice time."

"Great, Alex said I looked terrific. Well done cleaver clogs. How about you ? Get up to much ?"

"Naw, CJ rang and I finished off my homework. That was all."

"Was the bath nice ?" she said in a strange tone.

"Er, yes thanks," he said not sure where this was leading but she had disappeared downstairs so he got up and showered.

As they were eating Kate turn the conversation around to their shopping trip the day before.

"You really are good at knowing what looks good aren't you. It's really great when we're out together."

"Yes I like shopping with you too." he said guardedly. There was that strange tone in her voice again.

"I sometimes wonder how you know so much."

"I'm not sure," he said beginning to worry now "Just observant I guess."

"Well, considering you never actually get to wear the things I buy and really feel what its like to be a girl, its amazing," She said matter of factly while eating a piece of toast. "It might be an idea if you tried some of them on just to give you a better understanding of what its like. You would certainly know what you were talking about then".

He was now going hot and cold and small beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead.

"Err. I I don't know. I I I have never thought about it." he stammered just wondering if there really was a limit to the number of butterflies you can hold in your stomach without them bumping in to each other as they flew around.

"Well perhaps we can have our own fashion show next time we go out. It might be fun for both of us trying on all those lovely frocks and undies when we get back." She got up and removed the plates. Daniel took the opportunity to make a very hasty exit back to his bedroom. She must know he thought laying on his bed. Perhaps not though, another thought came by banging in to the first. He went hot and cold again. Still, if she did know she didn't seem angry. But... His head was swimming now and he shut his eyes. Just think about the party tonight instead. Shit.

"Just going to give Liz a ring," she shouted up the stairs, "I might be a while."

"OK," he said and decided to go out, as quickly as he could.

"Well tell me all about him," ordered Liz, "This is beginning to sound serious. I want to know all the sordid details, hold nothing back. Remember this is for Queen and Country," They both laughed.

Liz and Kate had been great friends as children and shared everything, even a few of there boyfriends. There was never any animosity, in fact they found it fun as they compared notes.

"...anyway that enough of that," Kate said after an hour of pretty steamy conversation. "I have got something else to tell you. Remember what I said a couple of weeks ago, well, it's definite."

"What's definite ?" said Liz puzzled.

"You know, when I mentioned that I thought Daniel had been wearing some of my clothes. Well, after I had a bath last night I left the things I had been wearing during the day in the bathroom. Daniel had said he wanted a bath so I thought I would make things too tempting to resist and I was right."

"What happened ?"

"After I got in last night I noticed my shoes had been moved and he had been very naughty in my tights as well," They both laughed.

"Oh how sweet," said Liz "Did you let on that you knew ?"

"No, but I suggested we could have a fashion show together next time we go out shopping and both of us could try on the outfits," they both laughed again. "You should have seen his face, he couldn't get out of the house quick enough this morning poor love."

"What will you do now ?"

"Oh I'll get round to arranging something. Its not a problem in fact I think its really nice. It'll be like having a daughter, for a short while anyway, and he really does seem to know what he's doing fashion wise. Its uncanny. Still, must dash, love to Rosy."

"See you soon," Said Liz and they rang off.

Liz smiled and Rosy asked her what was so funny. Liz told her what Kate had said.

"Ah, that's nice, I bet he'd look really sweet. Perhaps we could be there when Kate has her show." They both laughed but not in a nasty way for they too loved Daniel.

The exams came and went with no particular problems and nothing more was said about the clothes, much to Daniels relief. It was the first Saturday after the exams and he was just returning home after a night out celebrating with his friends. He didn't think his Mother would be home yet but as he walked up the drive he noticed two figures at the door, a man and a woman. It was the Police. They heard him walking toward them and turned as he arrived at the step.

"Daniel Dewer ?" The police woman said.

"Yes, what is it ?" He began to panic.

"Is your Mother called Kate ?" The male officer said.

"Yes, tell me what's happed." He was almost shouting now.

"I afraid there has been a serious car accident and we have some very bad news. We had better go inside."

Chapter 2 -- The Beginning

"Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust," the words just kept going round and round his head. Not as often over the last couple of weeks, he had noticed, but still there. It just seemed so hard to believe that he was never going to see her again. Most of those early weeks just after the accident were still a blur to him but those words said by the priest on that rainy day in June stood out in his memory as the coffin fell slowly into the grave now to be occupied by both his Mother and his Father.

It was a chilly day in late September and Autumn had not quite made up its mind whether to get down to serious business right now or leave it for another couple weeks. It was late afternoon and the sky was overcast, one of those days that never really seems to take hold as it drifts gently towards evening. Liz, Rosy and Daniel were walking back to the house after a pleasant lunch at a fairly new pub-restaurant by the river. They had had a nice time and Liz was pleased that at last Daniel was beginning to take an interest in other things after the devastation that befell them all in June, although he seemed subdued beside her this afternoon as they walked slowly home. She never spoke but left him to his solitude for she knew what he would be thinking about. Indeed she had done the same herself over the last few months. She was so grateful to Rosy for taking control of their lives during this difficult period. She had been wonderful, always knowing when to take charge, when to step back and when to just leave them both in peace. They were very close, much the same as Kate and Daniel had been and since arriving Daniel had also slotted into their lives seamlessly even though it wasn't the best of circumstances.

They had to walk about two miles along the river back to their house on the outskirts of Cambridge. It had rained heavily over the last week although today had been dry which was why Liz had suggested they all go out together after being stuck in the house for so long. It had been good for all of them and they had even laughed as the wise-cracking waiter had made jokes while he was serving their drinks. The route back along the river bank was silent compared to the noisy bar and the ground was still wet and slippery from the recent rain.

"Daniel, I have been thinking," Rosy said thoughtfully.

"It's DD," said Daniel pronouncing the two letters quite distinctly.

"Pardon," Rosy queried caught by surprise. Liz too was puzzled.

"All my friends call me DD. Only Mum used to call me Daniel. I think I prefer that now," he said very quietly.

"Oh, OK, I never realised, sorry," she understood what he was saying now. When they used his name, especially Liz who was very much like Kate and two years older, it must have reminded him of his Mother. Although Liz was dark they were alike in just about every other respect even their voices.

"Right, DD, I was just thinking that we will need to be ready to leave at about seven tonight if we don't want to miss the start of the film." Rosy continued.

"No probs," he said as he began to surface from whatever deep place he had been visiting over the last fifteen minutes or so. The two of them had planned to see the latest James Bond film in town that evening and Rosy was looking forward to a break from the house. She was eighteen, two years older than Daniel and had just finished her A levels gaining a place at Manchester University, although she had decided to defer going up this October to have a gap year doing some voluntary work abroad. She was due to leave in the middle of October, just less than a month away.

Of course the last few months had been an horrific period for all of them and Liz had moved in with DD almost immediately the news had came through. Kate and Alex had been out to a restaurant that night and an oncoming driver had fallen asleep at the wheel ploughing head-on into Alex's car killing them both outright. The funeral had been a week later and a few days after that when most of the urgent matters had been dealt with, she took DD back to Cambridge to stay with her and Rosy until they were ready to discuss the future. DD's exam results had arrived in the meantime and apart from a perfunctory 'congratulations' no one, least of all DD, had paid much attention to the ten passes, all at A or B. His sixteenth birthday had also come and gone with the same indifference. He had planned to leave school at the end of term anyway to go to a sixth form college and so moving to Cambridge for the time being was not a problem. It was good that he could tread water for a while and not have to worry about much at all.

As they came to a bend in the river not far from the house the path became very muddy as it moved closer to the river bank. Rosy who was in the middle trod on some wet leaves and slipped sideways knocking DD's legs out from under him. He immediately went down on his side, rolled onto his front and then slid down the river bank stopping just as his legs hit the water. There was no danger as the river was quite shallow at this point. Everything went quite for a moment as he looked up at them his face and hair covered in mud. Then Rosy burst out laughing. She just couldn't stop herself. When Liz saw that DD was OK she too started and then DD. It was as if an enormous pressure valve had been released as the three of them cried at DD's state.

"Come on," said Liz at last, "We need to get you out of those wet clothes and into a hot bath before you freeze."

Rosy and Liz helped him up, still giggling as they made there way back to house. Liz ran the bath and Rosy helped him out of his muddy clothes downstairs in the laundry room so that he didn't mess up the carpets. Once his clothes were off he didn't look so bad with just his face and hair now caked in mud. Rosy threw his filthy clothes into the washing basket where most of his other things were waiting to be washed.

The heating in the house had switched off earlier in the day so he shivered as he went up stairs to his room wearing just his boxer shorts. He turned into the bathroom which was between his and Liz's rooms connecting the two. It was a large bathroom in a large house much like Kate's and DD's, with spacious rooms and a huge garden that ran all round the back and sides leaving them secluded on the edge of town. Rosie's room was opposite and although DD had taken what was the spare bedroom, Liz had been using it as an overflow of her own keeping most of her out of season clothes in the wardrobe which filled one wall. The dressing table had also been full of underclothes so they had moved in a chest of drawers for DD to use while he was staying there. Liz had helped him pack when they left Ealing but their hearts were not really into the task and consequently he didn't have nearly enough clothes with him and so frequent washing was needed to keep him supplied with trousers and shirts. It wasn't much of a problem though since he hadn't been out much while he there.

Liz tuned as he enter the room, "Its just about ready, I've put some bath oil in to get rid of the smell. I hadn't noticed until we got home but that mud stinks".

"Thanks Liz," DD said as he removed his shorts and sank into the hot water. Surprisingly, just like at home in some ways, the problem of being around each other dressed or otherwise had just never arisen, probably because of them having other things to think about. Obviously Liz and Rosy had never worried about it and having DD around seemed so natural to them that they took it for granted nothing need to change while he was there.

"I'll leave you to it then," Liz said as she left "have fun." Just for a moment as he laid there, he was taken back to that night in June after Kate and him had been out shopping together. He remembered what she had been saying and how he had dressed up that evening creating the exact image of her from that day. It was a nice feeling, not sad at all, almost as if she was there, in his mind at least. Different though, she was now more a part of him rather than someone else who had now gone forever.

As these images glided in and out of his consciousness he realised now how much he was missing her and begun to wonder what he could do. However events elsewhere in house saw to it that a solution would appear without him having to do anything and also a lot quicker than he would have imagined. He got out of the bath, dried himself off and wandered in to his bedroom. He looked in his draw for something to wear but it was empty. Just then Liz came in with some hot chocolate.

"Liz, have you seen my clothes, I don't seem to have any ?" he asked taking a sip of the warming liquid.

"Oh, I think we have a problem," she said, "I forgot that what you had on today had to make do for tonight as well, the rest is waiting to be washed and won't be ready 'till tomorrow."

"What am I going to do," he asked looking up at her "Rosy and I are going out tonight and I have nothing to wear ?"

"Hang on, I'll get a robe and we'll go downstairs, I'm sure we can think of something," she disappeared into the bathroom on her way to her bedroom and came back a few seconds later with a very feminine but short pink robe.

"It's cold in here, just put this on for now," she said handing him the soft but warm garment. He was hesitant about wearing it until she said, "Don't worry, I know its mine but no one will see. Anyway its warmer than sitting around with no clothes on at all."

His face reddened as he undid the towel from around his waist and let it fall to the floor. Thankfully his cock has resumed more normal proportions after his bath, as he slipped his arms into the fine material, pulled it over his shoulders and knotted the tie.

"That looks OK," said Liz with a reassuring smile, "That colour suits you don't you think ? Kate told me how good you were at advising her when you were out shopping together. You can come with us into Cambridge shopping tomorrow and be our expert if you like. I have got to get some new winter outfits".

"Y Yes alright," he said suddenly wondering what else his Mother might have said to her sister. He should have known though, that there had be no secrets between them. His mind was upside down now listening to Liz as he followed her downstairs in her dressing gown. Rosy was in the lounge as they came in and she gave DD a big smile.

"You need to dry you hair, shall I do it for you," she said appearing to take no notice at all of what he was wearing.

"OK," he said as they all sat down and Liz told her what had happened asking if she had any ideas. DD shivered again.

"Are you cold ?" Rosy asked noticing his bear legs looking very smooth and white.

"Yes, a bit," he said finishing his drink.

"I've some socks you could wear but I don't think they will make much difference in that gown," she said thoughtfully, "I have got some thicker tights though, they'll do the job. Come on lets go upstairs and we'll get them," With that she got up, grabbed his hand and marched him upstairs before he could even think about protesting. Liz just smiled as they went out thinking how nice it will be having another girl in the house. They went into Rosie's bedroom and she made straight for her underwear draw while DD sat on her bed.

"Er, Rosy, I'm not sure about this, " he said "Won't I look silly ?"

Rosy turned and smiled handing him a pair of her tan tights which were slightly thicker than any of Kate's he had worn in the past, more like the ones she used when she was going to work.

"No of course not," she said and sat down beside him on the bed. "Listen, Mum and I love you heaps and we would never do anything to hurt or embarrass you, right ?" he nodded and lifted his head to look at her. She was smiling, her face radiant. She leaned over and gave him big hug and kissed him on the forehead. "so put these on and we can think about what we can do about later, I'm not giving up on a night out with my favourite cousin that's for sure," a plan already beginning to form in her mind.

"Hang on though, you need some panties you can't wear those horrible shorts under your tights," There was something strange about the way she 'your tights' but things were now moving too quickly for him to think straight. She threw him a pair of her white cotton panties and went to the wardrobe to see what else he could wear.

"You'll need something else as well, you can't sit around in just your tights," she said looking around and noticing how expertly he was pulling them up each leg.

"That's very good, you look like you've done that before," she said selecting a wool skirt and picking pastel pink T-shirt and pink jumper from a draw.

"Oh it's just that I'd seen Mum do it so often," he said looking up. "What are they ?"

"Just a skirt and jumper. Look just try them on and then check in the mirror. If you think that you look silly then we'll think of something else, how's that, deal ?"

He thought for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't like what was happening, it was just that he never dreamed he would be dressing as a girl in front of his Cousin and Aunt. He put on the rest of the clothes she had given him and went over to the mirror. His hair was still wet but he looked every inch a pretty young lady, as he knew he would.

"Wow," she said "I have to admit you do look very much like a really lovely girl, not a boy dressed up at all. Now is that a problem for you because its not for me and it won't be for Mum either ?"

"Well..." he looked again into the mirror and turned slowly around. He had looked at many a ladies legs and his were as good as any he had drawled over in the recent past and his figure looked fine even if it was a bit flat where it mattered.

"I suppose not and I do feel a bit warmer now," he said which was an understatement.

"Come on lets go downstairs and see what Mum thinks and then we can decide what you are going to wear for tonight." she said pushing him gently through the door.

"What do you mean ?" he walking down the stairs behind her in his stockinged feet which he had to admit looked very sexy.

"Well, there aren't that many options really," but she said no more as they went back into the lounge.

Liz came in from the laundry room and was startled at the transformation in DD.

"You look great DD, how does it fell to look like one of us," she asked knowing full well what he had been up to not so very long ago. DD was starting to get used to walking around in front of other people now and said he felt a bit odd but OK. They all sat down together and Liz asked if they had any thoughts about what they might do about going to the cinema that evening.

"What do you think DD ?" said Liz.

"I don't know what we can do if all my clothes are in the wash," not daring to even imagine where this conversation might be going.

"Well I have put all your dirty things in the machine but they won't be finished for a couple of hours yet and then they will have to dry before being ironed. I'm afraid they are not going to ready to wear until tomorrow." she added.

"Oh," was all he could say pulling his legs up on to the couch under him and unconsciously playing with his hair.

"Well I have an idea," said Rosy. DD was not surprised since he had an inkling of what was coming and he was starting to feel queasy.

"I would really like to go out tonight and I think, with a little make-up and hair styling DD could easily pass as my girl friend and ..." but before she could finish DD interrupted her.

"You have got to be joking, right ?" said DD really beginning to panic now. "You think that a boy could go with you into Cambridge, dressed up in your clothes and get away with it. You've got to be crazy." Sweat was starting to appear on his brow. He was certainly not cold anymore.

"You're right about that DD except that you wont be a boy dressed up in girls clothes," said Liz softly. "All you've done so far is put on a skirt and a jumper and from where I'm sitting you could pass as a girl easily. Goodness knows how pretty you would look in some really nice clothes, make-up and a little jewellery."

DD was quite. Liz seemed convinced about what she what saying and he did believe Rosy earlier when she had said they wouldn't do anything to embarrass him. After all if they were out together and he was spotted she would be also be in difficult situation.

"I don't know," he said finally beginning to warm to the idea, a little at least. He remembered what he had been thinking about in the bath. "What if someone sees me ?"

"No one will notice, its getting dark now and we will be in the cinema. We'll drive in so there's minimal risk, OK ?" Rosy had all the answers.

"I suppose so," he said not at all convinced.

"I'll tell you what, same deal as before right ? It will be your decision DD, no one else's" Rosy said sitting up in her chair and beginning to get excited at the prospect. "Lets go upstairs and I will get you ready. You won't just pass for a girl, I'll turn you into a real stunner, the works. And then you can spend as much time as you like in front of the mirror making up your mind and we will only go if you are 100% happy. No less. What do you think ? Are you game ?"

DD looked to Liz for help but she just smiled.

"It's up to you, DD," she then said quietly, "The only thing I would ask I suppose, is what have you got to lose ? And you never know you might actually enjoy it. As Rosy said if you're not completely comfortable then you can forget all about it and go another time."

"And you wouldn't mind. It would be a bit odd, your nephew turning into your niece ?" he asked more or less resigned to the fact now and he had to admit he was really was beginning to feel quite good in Rosie's Skirt and tights. Liz and Rosy had both noticed how his hand had never stopped gently rubbing his nylon covered legs since he had sat down.

"Of course not," she said, "you're our DD now and that will never change. Go and get ready while I start the tea. After that it's up to you." It was beginning to get dark now and Liz switched on the lights. At least he won't be out in daylight he thought.

"All right then but its my decision OK, no brow beating me until I give in or anything," DD said to Rosy before finally giving in.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Rosy said jumping up, "Come on, this'll be fun you'll see." DD got up and followed Rosy out of the room and up the stairs not quite as enthusiastically but not reluctant either. If she did a good a job as she said she would this could be just what he wanted.

To be continued if you wish.

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Next: Chapter 2

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