Declan's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 7, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Declan's Shit

Chapter Four

Declan and I started spending more time together around then, and got to know one another a lot better. He was a bit of a rough diamond, I realised. Underneath the cocky young scally who'd had two police cautions for drug possession and fighting he was a kind-hearted, even sensitive lad. He was surprisingly bright, too, especially now that he'd landed himself an apprenticeship at a local carpentry firm and wasn't smoking as much dope as he used to. It meant we couldn't often meet in the week, but instead he used to come over on a weekend and stick around for most of the day. Maybe it was a sign of how we were getting into one another more that we got more physical, our sessions longer and messier, more intimate and even more deliciously horny.

Unlike a lot of his mates, Dec didn't drink very much,. He usually preferred smoking weed to swigging strong lager and Buckfast, but every so often he liked to get pissed, and his shit the morning after was always something special. He used to get hungry when he was drunk so he'd often end up getting a takeaway on top of what he'd eaten before, and along with the drink it made him do even bigger ones than usual. Not that I saw it often, because hangovers almost always made him go first thing, but sometimes he managed to hold it until he could get to mine. He was always really horny when he had a hangover as well, up for going further and getting messier than ever before.

That was why one Saturday morning found us in the bathroom at my place. He'd been out to a club and stumbled home with a pizza in the early hours of that morning, but although he had dark circles round his eyes and his hair was all over the place, he didn't feel too bad. A paracetamol had cleared away his headache and he'd lain in bed for a long time, dozing off every so often and then waking up again with his mind full of kinky images and his cock getting hard. He was farting a lot as well. As soon as he'd realised he wasn't going to have to sit on the toilet straight away he'd messaged me, and I'd told him to come straight over, made him some coffee and played with him as he started to need a shit. Now the bathroom was thick with his farts, and he was naked apart from his grey trunks, his raging hard-on thrusting out through their open flies so I could pull him in close and suck it as I sat naked on the toilet lid. He pushed its thick, bulbous end right back into my throat, grunting excitedly, and fucked my face til I gagged. Meanwhile I ran my hands up his hairy thighs and fondled his arse. He hadn't had a shower before he came out and he smelled deliciously sweaty. His cheeks seemed to stiffen in my hands and he farted, loud and really ripe,


I turned him round and buried my face in his arse, pulled his pants down so I could thrust my nose into his musky crack, and he bent forward and parted his cheeks and farted on me again, gassing me and making me whimper. Then his hole twitched and opened slowly and he showed me his turtle's head. He let it nose out of him a little way before his hole tightened and it stopped, and I leaned in again until my nose was almost touching it so I could inhale his raw smell.

Ooh! Oh I need a shit so bad,' he breathed. I gotta do a big fuckin' poo!'

He pinched his hole up so that his turd receded, stood up straight and pulled his pants up again, all nice and tight over his peachy bottom with his cock trying to burst out at the front. He was shuffling uncomfortably now, wriggling his hips with his bum clenched up tight. He looked so cutely undignified when he was really desperate, and I leaned back and watched, and fingered my aching cock. When he twisted round I saw his was standing up proud and tenting out his crotch. His face was very intense and his eyes almost closed, and his breathing was growing heavy. His eyes met mine and a slow, horny smile spread across his face. Then he turned away and stuck his bottom back towards me, bent his legs and put his hands on his knees, and started to grunt excitedly.

`Uh ... uh ... oh, ah! Unf, ... oh fuck ... oh!'

Over his grunts and sighs his arse hissed gassily and began to squelch, and at once his turtle's head returned and pushed a pointed lump in the seat of his pants. His hangover-shit stink roared up my nose like a hit of poppers. Then his mouth fell open and he gasped, and the spike jutting from his bottom collapsed into a lumpy bulge. It swelled up to the size of a cricket ball, crackling and squelching, with squeaky little farts forcing their way out through it.

Cor! Unf!' he grunted. Oh fuckin' hell that reeks!'

`Mm, yes it does. Stinky boy! Keep going ... keep pushing ... mmm, yeah, that's right, do your big smelly hangover shit. Feel nice?'

He nodded vigorously, his bottom working, grunting in his throat as he strained out some smaller turds into the big pile he'd made. Little brown spots were soaking through his pants in places, and his smell was as thick and cloying as I'd ever known it. He straightened up in front of me, pawing at his cock through his pants and swaying his hips so that his load slid about on his bottom and massaged his balls. Then he grunted excitedly, bowed his legs and bent forward again. His bottom hissed and crackled, and he pushed out a big semi-solid turd, forcing his pile down and squashing out behind it to make a big lumpy mound on his bottom, with his pants stretched tightly over it. He was breathing hard, letting out little ecstatic gasps. When it ended he swayed his hips again, and I could hear his mess sliding to and fro on his skin. He twisted round to look at me with his face all flushed and intense.

`Feel like I've gotta fart,' he breathed.

He made a cute pushing face and his bottom heaved, and he farted loud and long. He did it again, all muffled in his shit, and then when he pushed and did it a third time the rasp tailed off into a loud, gassy crackle.

Unf!' he grunted. Oh I just shit more. Done a diarrhoea ... it's still coming!'

A brown spot appeared at the top of his mound, and quickly spread out as he finished his big nasty hangover shit. I reached out and put a hand on his hip, feeling his body tense as he strained, sniffing eagerly at his stink and listening to his grunts and gasps. When he was done I pulled him round and fumbled his thundering cock out of his flies so that it waved in my face like a gun. He'd been edging as he dumped, so his crotch was soaked and his shaft was glistening and sticky. I opened wide and took it in my mouth again, licked away all the spunk and let him fuck my face again. His shit massaged him as he humped, his voice suddenly grew higher and he pulled back sharply, dribbling cum across my chin.

`Ooh! Don't make me cum yet. Wanna sit in it!'

`On my knee? Sit on my knee!'

His eyes lit up. He shuffled back and turned around, right in front of me as I clasped my legs together. I reached out and pulled his hips back, bending him over so his bulging seat was right in my face. I could feel the warmth of his body and his shit on my nose, and I sniffed deeply and inhaled his potent young stink. Then I pushed him forward again and guided him down onto my knee. His hot, tacky bulge touched down first and he gasped, and I held him there for a few moments, pushing him back and forth so that it tickled him underneath and made him chuckle with pleasure.

`Mmm, stinky boy! God you're so fucking horny when you've shit your pants. Wanna make a big mess? Wanna big pooey bottom?'

`Yeah! Unf ... cor!'

He sat himself right down, and through his pants I felt hot, lumpy shit squash across his bottom. I took his chest and pulled him back, leaving him backwards so the mess spread up at the back, its hot, slimy warmth seeming to cling to my legs. When he bent forward again the back of his pants was a sticky brown mess, and the stink hit me afresh like a punch in the face. He began to rock and slide to and fro, and rode me like a horse, covering his bottom and balls in his own shit and grunting in his throat in his animal.

`Oh! Oh fuck this feels good! Gonna fuckin' cum!'

Quickly I pushed him upright and spun him round. My knee was all brown and sticky but I no longer cared. I pulled him back down, facing me this time, and settled him back on my knee with his dick thrusting up towards my tummy. He reached down and made a grab for mine, and started to wriggle and bounce again as we wanked one another. His grunts became higher and more frantic, and then suddenly his face contorted and he cried out loud as he shot all over me.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 5

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