
By moc.liamg@dniotrecnoc

Published on Jun 11, 2010


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction; all the resemblances are just eerie coincidences. Everything in the story is owned by myself beloved, everything is copyrighted. Contains descriptive sexual scenes between males - don't read it if you shouldn't.

Note: This is a 3rd installment in the semi-series. The first story is Specter's Gamble </nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/specters-gamble/> and the second one is The Year of the Salamander </nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/year-of-the-salamander/>

I would recommend reading those first (at least Specter's Gamble) otherwise, some scenes and characters are not going to make much sense, since you wouldn't be familiar with the background and I didn't describe much of the previous events in this story. Other than that, enjoy! Feel free to e-mail me.

  • XIII -

When Raven woke up, it was almost eleven in the morning. He blinked several times, chasing the sleep away from his hazy eyes, and then he noticed Julian's arm wrapped around his waist. He thought of last night, and unwilling smile snaked across his lips. He thoughtfully looked at the peacefully snoozing blond, trying to figure out whether he wanted him to wake up or to stay asleep. Then he frowned, realizing that usually, at this time, Julian would be in one of his offices for almost three hours by now. He thought about what day of the week it was. Wednesday, he remembered. Yup, the blond would be definitely in one of his offices.

He slowly ran his fingers through that luminous blond hair that was somewhat splattered with blood due to last night. Julian shifted slightly without opening his eyes, and that was when Raven knew that he definitely wanted the blond awake right now. He propped himself on one elbow and started tracing his finger down sleeping man's face, as if he were painting him onto invisible canvas. He traced his eyebrows and smoothly slid down the bridge of his nose, thinking that the blond was definitely one of the most beautiful things he has ever seen in his entire life. Dangerous, twisted, sometimes even demented, but beautiful nevertheless.

His fingertip made its way towards that sensual mouth, and Raven was tracing it slowly, one lip at a time, when Julian's eyelids finally flattered, and his eyes slowly peeled open.

"What..." he muttered in a low from sleep voice, and Raven didn't let him say anything else, covering his mouth with his own.

Julian's eyes stayed open for several seconds, and then they slowly closed and his hands made their way towards Raven's hair. To his own amazement, Raven didn't feel like hurting the blond right now. That was new; usually, he would be almost shaking with anticipation of inflicting at least something on him, it didn't even matter what -- anything would feel good. Right now, however, he didn't want to hurt him at all. He caressed Salamander's mouth with his tongue, and when the blond made an attempt to get on top, Raven pushed him back down without saying anything and without breaking the kiss.

Julian obliged and sunk his fingers even deeper in Raven's hair, responding to the kiss hungrily by now. Raven loved that hunger, it made him almost dizzy. He pushed off the blanket and slid out of blond's mouth, starting to travel across his face and down his neck and chest. He didn't place a single hard bite on that smooth skin -- just nibbles. Then he briefly wondered if the blond was even enjoying this, and threw a quick glance at his hips. Yeah, he was definitely enjoying this, Raven thought with relief as the proof of that enjoyment twitched in hard appreciation.

Raven made his way towards that proof, and when his quick tongue wrapped around it, Julian's throat produced a low moan, which made Raven lap at the first tears harder. The blond tangled his fingers in Raven's disheveled by now hair, and the smaller man expected him to start guiding his head or setting up a certain rhythm, but Julian never did. He just caressed Raven's hair without as much as pushing his head, giving him all the control, which was also new. Usually, Salamander would be the one to set up tempo, rhythm, and everything else. Raven never complained about that -- it was more than fine with him.

Right now, however, he wanted to be in charge, and he expected the blond to refuse to give up the control, and when he didn't, it made Raven's head spin even more. He lapped at those tears that kept on coming, and worked his mouth slowly and thoroughly, making blond's hips lift off the sheets, getting intoxicated on the moans Julian's throat was producing pretty much nonstop by now. He performed a certain tongue trick, which was one of his best moves, and blond's hips thrust upwards almost violently when he did that.

"Oh, fuck, Raven..." he muttered breathlessly, and that made Raven to slow down drastically.

There was not a single time the blond would call out his name while they were getting lost in a haze, not a single time since late August. Raven would scream out Salamander's name quite often, but Julian never moaned Raven's out even once. He realized that he slowed down too much and picked up speed, making those hips to lift off the sheets once more.

After a long while, and after at least three more `Oh, fuck, Raven...!' the dark-haired man started traveling upwards, still without a single hard bite. He made it all the way to Julian's face and latched onto blond's mouth, letting him to taste himself on Raven's tongue. Julian's hunger was in full bloom by now, and that almost made Raven to lock his teeth hard on one of blond's lips, but he stopped himself at the last second. He didn't want to hurt him right now, and even his thirst for blood wasn't strong enough to outweigh that. He kissed the blond for several more minutes, and then he pushed him down once again after Julian attempted to pull himself up.

Julian dropped down on the pillows, his breathing nowhere near composed by now, and he watched the smaller man with a silent question in his lilac eyes. He growled something unintelligible, which ended with `...Raven...!' when the dark-haired thief suddenly impaled himself on his body, and then he placed his hands on the slender hips that were mounting him. Raven threw his head back, moving excruciatingly slowly, setting his own rhythm, musing about the fact that the blond was letting go of control so willingly, letting Raven to be the one in charge this time.

He found the right angle almost instantly (with Julian it was an unbelievably easy thing to do) and shuddered sweetly, welcoming those brilliant sparks. He looked down when he felt Salamander's touch on his right wrist. Julian guided Raven's hand towards brunet's leaking by now length, and placed it onto the warm slick flesh.

"I like watching you..." he muttered breathlessly, and Raven gave him a small smile, wrapping his fingers around himself.

He started sliding his hand up and down, his slow strokes matching the rhythm of his hips, making sure that he only applies minimal pressure -- unlike Salamander, Raven couldn't last for as long as he wanted, therefore, he took precautions. He kept that excruciatingly slow rhythm for a while, Julian's fingers digging into his hips without trying to grasp control, and finally, his body started moving faster -- all on its own, it seemed.

The blond watched him with half-lidded eyes, his teeth locked on his bottom lip, his breathing short and uneven. That intent, hungry look made Raven's fingers to wrap tighter around his pulsating self, and his hand sat quicker pace -- the pace that his hips followed immediately. He knew that as of now, he wouldn't last much longer if he didn't slow down, and he wouldn't do that -- it felt too damn good to slow down right now. His hips agreed with him wholeheartedly and picked up even more speed, making his hand to mimic that. Julian's hips followed the rhythm eagerly, meeting Raven's movements halfway, satisfying that silent `More, more, more...!' demand that was pulsating in Raven's hazed mind.

Raven bit his lip and threw his head back when he felt that oh-so-familiar splash in the pit of his stomach. To his surprise, it wasn't growing as quickly as he thought it would. Instead, it was building up slowly, almost lazily, making him shudder in sweet anticipation. He knew that he was moaning so loudly by now that it was probably heard by whoever happened to be in the house at the moment, even though the door of the bedroom was closed, and he didn't care.

His hand tightened its grip and started moving faster yet, making the build-up to grow a hell of a lot quicker.

"Julian..." he moaned without opening his eyes. "Julian, oh God..."

"Raven..." the blond muttered in very uneven voice. "Shit, Raven... Come for me..."

Those words were the final push, and Raven screamed out when his body eagerly obliged, making the fingers of his free hand to dig into blond's hip helplessly. The blond mumbled something unintelligible, his back arched tightly, and Raven felt his wild spasms, which made him shudder even more.

"God..." he breathed after they both stopped thrashing, and fell on top of the breathless blond, panting. "God..."

"That was... different," Julian said after a minute or so without opening his eyes, and Raven managed to lift himself up on one elbow.

"I didn't feel like hurting you... Did you like that?" he asked in a low voice, and the blond looked thoughtful for a few seconds.

"Yes," he said finally to Raven's satisfaction. "Once in a while it would be actually okay..." he opened his eyes and looked at Raven. "Just don't make it a habit," he finished, and Raven smiled at that.

"I won't," he promised and kissed Salamander's mouth.

He laid his head on Julian's chest several minutes later and closed his eyes, feeling a great nap looming on the horizon.

"Why aren't you at work, by the way?" he asked without opening his eyes and the blond shrugged.

"Didn't feel like it," he replied. "Don't worry..." he said a few seconds later. "I am not going to go broke because of slacking off..."

Raven laughed at that softly.

"I am going to call a moving agency in a couple of hours," the blond said, and Raven opened his eyes just so he could blink and frown.

"Why?" he asked with genuine puzzlement. "You need to move something?"

"Yes," Julian said casually. "Your stuff... I will tell them not to take any furniture though... Unless there is something you really want or need."

Raven remained completely mute for several minutes.

"Come again...?" he said finally.

"Give me at least ten minutes," the blond said seriously, and Raven lifted himself up on his elbow once more.

"You are going to move my stuff...?" Raven didn't even smile at that. "Where to...? And why for that matter?"

"Here," the blond said as seriously as before. "As for why..." he shrugged. "Because that's what I want."

"I don't think so," Raven said after several more minutes of stunned silence. "First of all, I like my apartment...! Second of all, I paid rent for the next month already...! Third of all... I don't think so!" he said again with determination.

"So I take it as a no for the furniture?" Julian asked as if he didn't hear a single word. "You don't need or want anything?"

"Julian..." Raven said with great restraint. "I am not moving...!"

"Don't worry about the rent," the blond ignored those words as well. "They will give it back to you."

"It's non-refundable," Raven said automatically and closed his eyes.

"Believe me," the blond said with content. "They will give it back to you."

"Julian..." Raven said again, and the blond pulled him down without letting him finish whatever Raven was about to say.

Raven gritted his teeth with helpless frustration while Salamander's arms wrapped around his smaller frame rather tightly.

"Goddammit, Julian..." he said finally. "Look, I have a great deal on my apartment right now, okay? I don't want to lose it because of your sudden whim...!"

"Whim?" the blond repeated with an audible frown in his voice.

"Yes," Raven nodded against his chest. "Whim...! I am not one of your toys, and I don't want to be thrown out into nowhere when you decide that you are tired of this particular game!"

Julian pulled away just a little and propped himself up on one elbow, looking at Raven with a dark frown. Raven looked back at him without shifting his gaze.

"This is not a whim," the blond said slowly. "And no, you are not a toy; and no, I am not going to throw you out..."

"Being on your sex-call six days a week is not enough anymore?" Raven asked quietly. "You want it to be twenty-four-seven now...?"

Julian's eyes darkened a little.

"This is not about sex... Not anymore," he said in the same quiet manner.

"Then what is it about?" Raven wouldn't look away.

The blond looked at him silently for several minutes.

"You," he said finally, and now it was Raven who fell silent.

"I want my desk," he said finally, and the blond blinked at that. "Also make sure they get all my books."

"They will," Julian nodded and lay down, pulling Raven closer.

Raven sighed and wrapped his arm around blond's waist, melancholically thinking that he would never even imagine that one dark-green rock would lead to this.

"By the way," the blond said a minute or two later.

"Mmm...?" Raven asked without looking up.

"If you will ever fuck anyone behind my back, I will kill you," Julian said calmly, and Raven knew that he meant it. He looked up.

"Ditto," he said quietly, and now the blond looked thoughtful.

"Parties...?" he said, and Raven gave him a small smile.

"Those are okay as long as I am a major part of them," he said, and the blond nodded slowly.

"All right..."

"And as long as the... guests... don't appear on the scene more than once; no repetitions."

"All right..."

"And I am not doing anyone younger than seventeen," Raven finished, and this time, the blond was silent for a long time.

"Pity," he murmured finally. "But all right..."

Raven sighed once again, wrapped his arm tighter around Julian's waist, and buried his face in blond's chest. He closed his eyes, knowing that this final All right' was as close to I love you' as it could possibly get in Salamander's case. He was willing to give up one of his most favorite kinks for Raven, and that was enough to convince the dark-haired thief that he would not need his apartment from now on. ****

A little of shameless self-advertising. You can find all of my stories (including Debts) here

Next: Chapter 14

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