Dear Nifty Readers

By Phil R

Published on Aug 14, 2013


Dear Nifty Readers 2

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Denver, Colorado August, 2013

Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone who responded to my first letter and gaveme advice. Everyone was very kind and encouraging and I found that very heartwarming. The majority of you advised me to forget about labels and go with my heart.

So here's what happened.

Jamie left Houston after work on Friday to fly to Denver. I was pretty excited about seeing him so I got to the airport much too early then had a long, anxious wait.

I saw him come into the arrivals area and I was so happy I nearly cried with joy. We gave each other a huge hug and he whispered that he was really happy to see me. And then he said something that really surprised me. He said he loved me. I was thrilled and said the first thought that came into my head which was that loved him too. Then we hugged even tighter.

It was early evening and neither of us had eaten so we stopped at a cafe for dinner. We sat opposite each other in a booth and Jamie put his legs against mine under the table and I thought that was really romantic.

When we got to my place we started kissing like crazy. Then he said he really meant what he said at the airport. That he loved me. So I said me too. That I loved him. And I knew in my heart that was true.

Jamie said he felt a bit grubby after the trip and that he'd like to take a shower, and would I be interested in joining him. Of course I said yes.

We went into my bedroom and it was really fun watching Jamie get undressed. He was watching me too. By the time we were naked both of us were sporting major boners.

My bathroom has a roomy walk-in shower so there is lots of room for both of us. We couldn't stop kissing each other and running our hands over each other's wet bodies. Then Jamie grabbed the soap and said he'd wash me. So he started with chest then got down to my junk and that was really great. He was stroking my dick with one slippery hand and massaging my balls with the other. I told him to stop or I'd come really fast. So he turned me around and started on my back. After a few seconds, he started washing my ass. He ran his soapy hand into the crack, then with his finger he found my hole and gently massaged.

Honestly, I nearly fainted from pleasure! I moaned out loud.

I wondered if he would stick his finger in, but he didn't. He stopped and turned me facing him. Then he gave me the soap and told me to wash him. So naturally I did all the same things he'd done and when I fingered his hole he told me that it felt fucking incredible.

He said we should hit the bed. So we dried each other off and jumped into bed. We were kissing and hugging. Then he said to turn on my stomach. Straddled me and ran his hands over my back. He told me I was beautiful. No one had ever said that to me before and I loved him even more for being so nice. Then his hands started massaging my ass cheeks. I felt him pull them apart and I was wondering what he was going to do. To my utter amazement he stuck his face in and started licking my hole!

That felt so good that my instinct was to give him better access, to I pushed myself on my knees. That must have encouraged him because next thing I knew he was sticking his tongue right into my hole!

Well, it was now or never, so told I decided to go for it! I told him there was some lube and condoms in my nightstand.

He put on a condom and lubed my ass with his finger. He didn't put his finger in and I was glad because I really wanted the first thing in my ass (besides his tongue) to be his cock.

Pretty soon I felt the gentle pressure of his dick against my hole. He didn't rush and told me to relax. He said that if it hurt too much he'd stop. I said everything was okay. As his dick went slowly in it started to hurt but I didn't mind at all so I told him everything was fine. Once his dick was through the opening he just remained still and after a few seconds the pain went away. He asked me again if everything was okay and I said yes, that it was absolutely wonderful.

I know many of you said that labels weren't important, but it was at that moment that I finally admitted to myself that I was gay. I suddenly felt free. No more denial. All the fear and shame I had been feeling evaporated.

Jamie started to move in and out, going deeper each time, and I began to like the feeling more and more.

He told me he couldn't last very long and I told him to come whenever he wanted. So he picked up the pace. Within seconds he thrust really hard and let out a long low moan and I knew he had come.

He collapsed on top of me and kissed my neck and told me again that he loved me.

I was thinking that I was the bottom in the relationship. But then Jamie asked me if I would like to do the same to him. And I really wanted to so I said yes.

So, as usual, I pretty much did all the same stuff to him as he'd done to me. And it all felt amazing. I nearly blacked out I came so hard.

Afterwards Jamie said he was glad I was versatile because it really enriched our lovemaking.

What an incredible weekend! We spent the whole time making love and talking.

We agreed that two people who love each other should be together. So both of us are going to look for jobs in Seattle. Washington State has marriage equality and we will eventually get married, and maybe have a family.

In our field there are lots of jobs available, so we think within six months we'll be together permanently.

Everything worked out beautifully because I took your advice, and had the courage to follow my heart.

A million thanks!

Yours truly,

Phil R

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