Dear Nifty Readers

By Phil R

Published on Aug 4, 2013


Dear Nifty Readers. Letter Number 1

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Denver, Colorado August, 2013

Dear Nifty Readers,

I wonder if you can help me. Something happened recently that really shook me up, and I need your advice.

Let me begin by saying that I am straight. Absolutely. I know this for several reasons.

First, I like women. My best friend is Suzy. She works at the same office as me. We go to lunch together at least twice a week. She's great company and always good for a laugh. She loves the way I imitate the crazy people at our office. Sometimes we go shopping and I help her pick out clothes that suit her. I help with accessories too. I'm pretty good at figuring out which purse goes best with which shoes and what necklace looks best with a dress or blouse. I like Suzy a lot. I wouldn't mind marrying her if she didn't already live with a guy. Why are all the good ones always taken?

Second, I'm no ninety-eight pound weakling. I go to the gym at least four times a week and I'm pretty buff. Sure, I check out guys in the shower. Who doesn't? Sometimes I go home and jerk off thinking about them, but that doesn't make me gay, right? I'm just a little lonely. I mean, sexuality is fluid. Maybe I'm not a perfect ten on the Kinsey Scale, but I'm pretty sure I'm over five. I'd like to get married and have kids, and only straights want to do that, right?

Third, I'm not a virgin. Three years ago, when I was 21, I was out at the bar with some friends, and after a few beers one of the girls there invited me back to her place. I had a little trouble getting hard. But then what guy wouldn't after a few beers? Anyway, she sucked me a bit and that got me going. I really enjoyed it, although she was a little overweight, and she wasn't all that attractive to me. Big thighs, fatty back. Yuck. Can't blame me for thinking about the guys at the gym when I was screwing her can you? No big deal, I've heard a lot of guys fantasize when they're having sex, right? If she was drop-dead gorgeous it would have been another story. I guess she could tell I wasn't into her that much, and maybe she was a little hurt, because afterwards she said a mean thing. She said she only fucked me because of a bet. Her friends bet her I wouldn't do it because I was gay. I sure showed them, didn't I?

But now I'm going to tell you about an encounter I had recently, and you'll see why I need your advice.

I'm an accountant and my specialty is auditing resource companies. There was something amiss with our client's ore inventory at a mine in Montana, so last week I was sent up there to take a look. I was met there by a colleague from our Houston office, who was a forensic accountant, because there was some suspicion of a fraud.

I met my co-worker, Jamie, at the airport of a one-horse town, then we went out to the mine site. I was pleased to see that Jamie was about my age and not too hard on the eyes either. If you're stuck in a shithole for a couple of days better to be with someone easy on the eyes. I say this not in a sexual sense, but just for esthetics.

We spent a long day at the mine going over the books. I also had to inspect piles of ore, trying to figure out if the inventory was calculated correctly. Mining accounting has its own sets of rules for these things. Jamie spent the whole day looking over the books in the office. We were both wearing business casual and I've got to say that Jamie looked really good in chinos and a golf shirt. I kept glancing at the intriguing bulge in his trousers. I was discrete and didn't think he noticed. I liked the way his chest filled out his shirt too. I mean it wasn't sexual. I was just admiring Jamie the way someone would admire a painting they liked. Art is art. Beauty is beauty.

We ended up staying at the town's only motel, which was nothing to write home about, let me tell you. We had adjoining rooms on the ground floor. After working a pretty long day we arrived at the motel about seven in the evening. Jamie suggested we eat at the motel's restaurant because we were both a little too tired to go roaming down Main Street looking for something better. So we just dumped our bags in our rooms and headed for the restaurant. The food turned out to be surprisingly good and we each had a couple of beers and loosened up.

Jamie asked me if I had a girlfriend. I was a bit embarrassed at not having one, so I just said it seemed tough to find the right girl. All the good ones were taken. He agreed and said he was pretty much in the same boat.

We talked about our respective lives, but he seemed a little guarded about opening up too much. I was the same. We ended up talking about work a lot and got into gossiping about our bosses. That was pretty funny because Jamie was a pretty good mimic, like me, and we really got into it.

We finished eating about nine and Jamie said it was too early to hit the sack, so why didn't I come to his room and watch a movie with him. I agreed and volunteer to get a half-sack of beer.

Jamie's room was like mine with one big bed, a dresser, a small chair and a good-sized TV. He said I might as well be comfortable and sit on the bed with him. So I said okay and he arranged the pillows against the headboard. We got beers then got comfortable. Jamie grabbed the remote and selected the movie button. There was a selection of types of movies. Drama, comedy, adult.

We both didn't say much for about a minute, just looked at the screen, then Jamie asked, a bit shyly, if I'd be interested in checking out some porn.

I was hoping he'd say that and I quickly agreed. So he selected the adult list and we looked over the titles. He asked me what I thought of the movie with threesomes and I said that would be okay by me.

The movie came on and it started showing little previews of the scenes, crediting the actors. No holes barred. Didn't take me long before I was sporting a pretty good wood. Like I said, the beer had loosened me up a bit. I looked over and could see a definite bulge happening in Jamie's chinos too. I could hardly take my eyes off that, so I had one eye on the TV screen and one eye on his crotch. I mean, what guy isn't curious about another guy's junk? Like at the gym. Check out the competition, right?

Then I noticed Jamie checking out my bulge. Our eyes met and we both had a bit of a chuckle.

By this time we were both starting to stroke our dicks a little through our pants, then Jamie said that he was getting a bit uncomfortable and would I mind if he took his dick out.

I was like, do I mind? No, of course not, as long as he didn't mind if I took mine out too.

So Jamie unbuckled his belt, pulled down his fly and pushed his pants down to about mid-thigh. He left his boxers on. I followed his lead. We both had pretty good tents in our shorts!

We continued to stroke ourselves through our undies for a while.

Then he lifted his ass and pulled down his boxers, freeing his cock. I gasped. I couldn't help myself. I'd never seen a real guy's hard-on before and I've got to admit it looked incredible. I thought he must be circumcised because he had no foreskin covering the head. It wasn't porn star size, but it was still a substantial rod—thick and straight. Again, I followed suit pulling off my boxers, and I noticed that Jamie was staring just as hard at my dick as I was at his.

At about this point a scene started where two guys were going to fuck one chick. I thought it was really cool that two guys would be comfortable to get naked together like that and not be embarrassed about being hard in front of each other. The girl was sucking both of their dicks and the guys were facing each other. It was incredibly hot. Then she took both dicks in her mouth at the same time! My heart nearly stopped. Their dicks were totally touching!

Jamie said he thought that would feel great and I agreed. By this time both of us were stroking our dicks slowly. Jamie said to go slow. He called it `edging' and said when you hold off coming for a good while you really have a good orgasm.

By this time we were both oozing pre-cum and I saw him wet his fingers with it and spread it around his dick, using it for lube. I tried that too and it felt really great. My only concern was holding off coming. I didn't want to shoot too early and wreck the cool thing we had going.

Then Jamie said it was pretty warm and maybe we should take our shirts off and I thought that was a good idea. He pulled his shirt off over his head and I got a real good look at his hairy arm pit, which I liked. For an instant I wondered what it would be like to lick him there, but then I told myself to get a grip! After he took off his shirt he shucked off his pants, boxers and socks. I did the same and we were sitting there naked as babies. Well, lots of people practice nudism, right? No big deal. But we were sitting pretty close and I could feel the heat of his body and I liked that.

The two guys on the screen started fucking the girl and eventually one was in her ass while the other was in her cunt. I was wondering if they could feel each others' dicks like that. The top guy's balls were slapping on the bottom guy's cock. For some reason that really fascinated me. Eventually they both came on her face. I loved the groaning, grunting sounds the men made when they came, although I wished the bitch they were fucking would just quit her awful moaning.

By this time I was definitely watching Jamie more than the movie. Then I noticed we could see ourselves in the mirror above the dresser and I pointed that out. Jamie thought that was really cool. I could see that his balls were getting really tight up against his body. His balls made lumps at base of his cock, on both sides. I looked and mine were pretty much like that too.

Jamie was definitely watching me too and then he said that he doubted he could hold off much longer. I was glad because I didn't think I could either. So he said let's come and then maybe we could rest a bit and have a go a little later. I said I thought that was a good idea.

I guess he got carried away a bit because he put his leg over top of mine. Just the calf, but I really liked the feel of his muscles and hair against my leg. He probably didn't even realize what he was doing.

We both started stroking our dicks faster then I reached the point of no return so I said I was going to come and he said he was too. I started shooting and there was so much pressure the first shot went right over my head and hit the wall behind me! Jamie's first shot hit him in the face!

We both climaxed for ages with several shots of jizz on our chests and bellies. I swear one of my shots hit Jamie in the chest, but he said he didn't mind.

Afterwards Jamie said wow and I agreed. Wow!

Then he got up and went to the bathroom and got us both warm, damp face cloths and towels to clean up. I really liked the way his half-erect cock was swinging from side to side as he walked toward me. I really wanted to reach out and grab it, but I told myself to get a grip because if I did something like that he'd think I was gay and I didn't want that.

So we cleaned up and were just sitting on the bed, both of us saying wow every once in a while and laughing a little. Then Jamie said he was a feeling cold and did I want to climb under the covers? I was a bit cold too so I said sure and we got under the covers.

We were lying on our sides just looking at each other and giggling a bit and I told him I'd never had an orgasm as intense as that, and he said, really? I nodded slowly, looking into his eyes, and then suddenly Jamie put his face close to mine and kissed me on the lips!

Holy shit! I sure felt that in more than just my lips. My whole body felt like it was on fire and my cock started to get hard again real fast even though I'd just come a few minutes before.

I thought to myself that I must be bi-curious. Maybe a six on the Kinsey Scale. Lots of guys are bi-curious. No big deal, right?

I kissed him back and we had a good long kiss. It wasn't long before he started probing with his tongue and I let him! It felt really good and I was pretty much fully hard from the kissing and my guts were churning with pleasure.

Then Jamie put his hand on my chest and ran it through the hair and lightly touched one of my nipples. And he didn't stop there! He ran his hand down over my belly until it was resting in my pubic hair. My hard cock was resting against the back of his hand. Whoa, I'd never let a guy touch me before, but I must admit it felt incredibly good.

Then he moved his hand on top of my cock and lightly gripped it. Weird, but I have to admit it sure felt wonderful. After that he moved it down and cupped my balls like he was weighing them. That felt really good too, and I thought I wouldn't mind trying that on him so I moved my hand like that too. He seemed to like it, and mewed like a kitten.

Then he shifted around and took my dick in his mouth! Holy shit that felt even better. I wondered if we had moved from bi-curious to bromance. I've heard of bromance before but never experienced it, so I figured this is what it's like. Or maybe we were just experimenting. Lots of guys experiment, right?

I really liked the way he tongued my dick as he moved his lips up and down over the shaft. Especially on that sensitive part just below the head. Then he let his saliva lubricate my dick and he made an `O' with his fingers and rubbed it really vigorously. After I couple of minutes I warned him if he kept that up I was going to come but he didn't stop. He just rubbed harder. I tried not to but I couldn't help it, I came again. In his mouth! After I finished, he pulled his lips from my cock and looked at me, smiled, and swallowed!

So I thought that since he'd been so nice to me I'd return the favour, so I did just what he did to me and I could feel his dick getting extra slippery with pre-cum, which didn't taste bad at all, then pretty soon he warned me he was coming, so I kept up the rhythm and he shot a load in my mouth too. It tasted a lot better than I thought it would. Not bitter at all. A little nutty. Anyway, since he had swallowed my spunk I thought it would be rude not to swallow his, so I did.

Then he pulled me up and we had a great long kiss and I could taste the cum in our mouths.

I can't really describe how I felt right then. It was pretty overwhelming. We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

We spent the night together and had three more sessions between naps. In the morning I had to go to my room and mess up my bed so the maid would think I'd slept there.

We worked pretty hard the next day. There was a fraud going on at the mine and we were able to expose it and get enough evidence to bring the police in.

The next night we pretty much repeated what we had done the first night, except we didn't watch a movie this time.

The following morning at the airport we both felt really bad about saying goodbye. I had really grown to like Jamie, as a friend, of course. I suggested he come up to Denver to visit me next weekend and he agreed, so I'm looking forward to that.

He'll sleep in my queen-sized bed with me. No use making him sleep on the couch when there's half a bed empty.

We've been talking on the phone every day for hours and saying how much we miss each other. He said he'd like to get to know me better--a lot better. I think he might mean anal sex.

That's what got me worried. To me the dividing line between gay and straight is anal sex. If I go all the way with him I'm afraid I'll slip into the gay part of the Kinsey Scale, and that will be that. Goodbye dreams of marriage and kids.

But I like Jamie, I like him a lot. I long to be in his arms again. I think wouldn't it be nice if we could sleep together every night for the rest of our lives. And part of me thinks that anal sex with him would be wonderful too. I'm wondering if I'm in love with him, but that wouldn't be possible if I'm straight, right?

So that's why I'm writing this letter to you, dear Nifty readers. What do you think I should do? Should I refuse anal sex with Jamie and stay straight, or should I let myself go and be gay?

I'm a bit of a coward and haven't told Jamie I'm not gay yet. I just get the feeling he'd be terribly hurt if I said that, and believe me, the last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt Jamie. I'd do almost anything not to lose his friendship.

But if I say no to anal sex he'll know I'm not gay, right?

Of course I haven't told Suzy any of this. Even if she promised not to tell a soul, I can't trust her completely, and what if this got around the office?

So you're the only ones I can turn to. I need advice. I'm going crazy with confusion. What should I do? Any thoughts on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter,

Yours truly,

Phil R

Next: Chapter 2

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