Dear Diary

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Apr 13, 2005




*This is completely fictional *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving transgender issues, teenagers, swimming, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.

Dear Diary (TG, Magic/Sci-Fi, Teen)

MAY 30th

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is my 14th birthday. I share it with my best friend in the whole wide world, Charley. He and I have been inseperable since birth. We would have been twins except we have two different moms. They shared a hospital room after we were both born and came to find out a Charley and I were born a couple minutes apart on the same day; so except for the different moms part, we're just like twins. Some people even think we look a little bit alike.

I just found out that Charley and I are suppposed to go to two different schools in the fall when we go to High School. private schools in the area offer the best education, if you can afford it, but they don't allow boys and girls to go to school together. Our parents say they want us to get a good education, but Charley and I both know it will mean the end of our friendship.

We're both devastated. Charley and I promised eachother we'd wish to stay friends some how through high school. I know I'm a little old to believe in birthday wishes, but Charley and I don't know what else to do. Tomorrow, we'll blow out our birthday cake together, we've done it that was as long as I can remember. We figure if we both wish for the same thing at the same time, it has to work.


MAY 31st

Dear Diary,

Well Charley and I did it just like I said we would. It came time to blow out our birthday candles, Charley and I held hands and blew at the same time. I swear I felt a spark like static electricty between Charley's and my hand as we blew out the last candle. Maybe it was all the pictures our parents take, maybe the camera flash fooled me, I don't know. Charley and I finally got a minute away from our parents, we didn't want do ruin it by saying the wish out loud, so I just looked at him and asked, "Did you?"


"Me too," I said.

Maybe this will work, I hope so. I don't know what's going to happen but I can't imagine not being friends with Charley anymore.


JUNE 3rd

Dear Diary,

Charley's parents are letting him grow his hair out this summer. His new school will make him keep it short so I guess he's just being a rebel while he still can. Funny, it seems thicker and curlier then I remember it. Maybe its just becuase Charley's growing up, I don't know.

Still haven't figured out if our wish worked or not.


JUNE 7th

Dear Diary,

Charley's hair is as long as mine now. His parents promised to not make him get a haircut until he has to go back to school in August. How much can his hair possibly grow in two more months? I tell Charley he looks like a girl becuase his hair is so long. He hates that.

Still no idea whether we'll find a way to stay friends after school starts.


JUNE 12th

Dear Diary,

I'm worried about Charley. It seems like he's been losing weight lately. All he's been able to talk about since sixth grade is playing football in high school. If he loses much more weight, I'm not sure he can be the water boy even. I asked him if he felt ok, he says he feels fine but that he's been sleeping alot lately.

I stopped kidding him about looking like a girl, its getting to be not funny anymore. I think I heard someone at the drug store call him "young lady" the other day.

We still haven't figured out how we're going to stay friends in the fall.


JUNE 20th

Dear Diary,

Charley looks like my little sister. At least he does to me, no one else seems to notice.

His hair is thick and curly and looks a lot like mine. I swear his hands and feet have gotten smaller, but his hips seem to be getting bigger. In fact I know his wrists have gotten smaller, he can't even wear his favorite watch anymore - its too big on him. Its hard to tell about his feet becuase he wears sandals all the time, but they look like they're pretty loose on him too.

Charley gets called "young lady" alot now, he hates it. He says he sleeps alot more then he used to, but he thinks its just becuase he's growing.

No plan yet for High School.


JUNE 28th

Dear Diary,

Charley and I went swimming together for the first time this summer. I hadn't noticed it before, but I can't see the body hair he'd been sprouting since last summer. Its not much and it bleached out most of last summer, but you could still see it. Charley and I are inseperable in public and I couldn't see any of it today. Charley had a new swim suit also, he says the one he had last year doesn't seem to fit right anymore. This one looks really loose on him, he said it was the only one he could find that fit over his hips. Strange, his old swimsuit was brand new last year and I didn't think boys hips got bigger.

I know he's not getting fat or anything because he looks skinnier if anything. I don't know why, but it seems to look good on him. Charley was happy, no one called him "young lady" at the pool. I tell him he should cut his hair, but he doesn't want to.

No new ideas about what to do this fall.


JULY 2nd

Dear Diary,

Charley and I were playing catch today. I tossed the ball to him and hit him in the chest with it. It looked like Charley had tears in his eyes. He says his chest has been sore lately, he thinks it because he's been working out to get ready for football. I can't bring myself to tell him he looks more like a cheerleader then the quarterback.

Charley doesn't seem as strong as he used to be. He told me he hopes he isn't throwing like a girl like everyone says he is.

Still trying to figure out what happens after September.


JULY 6th

Dear Diary,

Charley and I were supposed to go swimming today. Charley didn't want to go. He wouldn't say why, but I noticed he's wearing looser shirts then he used to. Maybe its because his chest is still sore. He says he's been working out alot lately.

Charley's shorts don't fit him well, they're all lose around his waist and tight around his butt. Charley only wears soccer shorts anymore. I think they're the only kind that fit him.

Charley's been more emotional lately too. Maybe its just all the puberty stuff we learned about.

He doesn't know what to do about this fall either, I'm beginning to think the wish didn't work.


JULY 10th

Dear Diary,

Charley and I were supposed to go swimming again today. He said he didn't want to, he keeps backing out of swimming which he knows I love. I asked him why and he wouldn't say. I asked him if he was sick or anything, I thought he might have cancer or something becuase of all the weight he's been losing and how things don't fit right anymore.

Charley told me that wasn't it. He swore me to secrecy before he'd say anything else. Of couse I'd keep a secret with him, he's almost my twin. Charley made me turn around while he took his shirt off. When he let me turn around again, I realized right away what the problem was. His nipples are all puffy and swollen, like mine were a couple years ago before my boobies grew. Charley made me promise not to tell anyone, especially his mom.

That's why he's been wearing baggy shirts and why his chest hurts all the time now he says. In health class, I'd heard about this sort of thing happening sometimes with boys. Charley's starting to think he's turning into a girl, I told him he'll probably outgrow it or something. I was too afraid to say anything else.

Charley may look like a girl, but its not going to keep us from being seperated in the fall.


JULY 19th

Dear Diary,

Charley came over all upset this afternoon. He was getting dressed this morning after his mom left for work. He'd been waiting to get up after her becuase he was worried she'd see his budding nipples and freak out. Well apparently she'd forgotten something so she turned around before she'd left the neighborhood and come back to the house. Charley hadn't put a shirt on yet when his mom walked in on him.

She was actually pretty cool about it, she called his doctor and they're supposed to have an appointment tomorrow so Charley can get a physical. If she noticed anything else like I have, she didn't say anything to Charley.

Charley looks and acts more like my twin sister now then my twin brother. Even with his baggy shirts, I can still tell he's getting boobies.

I don't know how this is going to solve our seperation in the fall.


JULY 20th

Dear Diary,

Charley's doctor thinks he has something like sympathetic pregnancy. His doctor checked him out yesterday and says none of his physical changes have been all that significant and the boobies he seems to be growing aren't anything that no other boy his age has gone through.

He thinks Charley's physical changes are mostly due to the fear of us being seperated and that given time they will go away on their own. The doctor didn't see any need to give Charley any medication or anything as he suspects the changes are only temporary anyways.

Charley's doctor and his mom decided that the best thing to do was let Charley decide what to do for now.

Am I the only one that thinks Charley needs a training bra?


JULY 29th

Dear Diary,

Charley started wearing a training bra today. He says its just becuase his boobies are so sensative against his shirt. For the most part, no one can tell he's wearing one. He still gets called "young lady" all the time. It doesn't seem to bother him as much anymore. I think he looks totally like a girl, he says he's still a boy. It doesn't help that he wears his hair back in a ponytail. When we go out we look like two sisters.

I hope Charley's back to normal before school starts.



Dear Diary,

I finally made Charley go swimming with me today. We hadn't been since his boobies started growing and now that he was all but pouring out of his training bras, I decided he was out of excuses. I tossed a sports bra at him and made him put it on. Since Charley had gotten his boobie, he had been less afraid to be topless in front of me. I'm amazed, his boobies are as big as mine and look just like them too. Charley had fun swimming and avoided eye contact with the boys at the pool for the most part. He ended up getting cornered by a boy named Henry, who thankfully went to a different school then we did, but he handled it ok. Henry seems to like Charley alot, if only he knew what the situation was.

Charley seems to be changing again too. He told me he thinks his penis is shrinking. Like most boys he measures it every day. He said it used to be 3 inches and its only 2 inches now.

I'm not so sure this is all going to go away by the fall.



Dear Diary,

Charley is concerned becuase his penis is still shrinking. He says its only about two inches now but you can only see a little of it because its surrounded by what he says are folds of skin around his penis. He doesn't remember when the extra skin first appeared. Charley showed me this afternoon and he looks a lot like a girl all over. He says he saw Henry at the mall the other day; Henry remembered him from the pool and asked his name. Charley blurted out the first thing that came to mind, Christie. I giggled when Charlie told me, he's a boy after all. Charley didn't seem to mind too much when I laughed. Given his present circumstances he's accepted the fact that as far as anyone else is concerned, he's a girl.

We need to figure out what to do, Charley is supposed to be starting school soon. I doubt they'll let Christie go even if she'll be a boy again by her sophomore year.



Dear Diary,

Charley's mom found out about his shrinking penis. Apparently he has to sit to pee now, he says there's only about an inch left and you can't see it outside of the folds of skin. He's not sure what happend to his testicles either, they seem to have disappeared. Charley's mom found out when she accidentally walked in on him after a shower. He'd forgotten to lock the door; I didn't tell him, but I think he wanted her to find out.

She took him back to the doctor. The doctor thinks this might take a little longer to work itself out but that it won't be permanent. He suggested Charley try wearing girls underwear, it should fit him better and be more comfortable.

Charley's mom is looking into other options, I think they both realize he can't go to an all boy's school this fall.



Dear Diary,

Charley came over this afternoon to go swimming again. I was finally able to talk him into a wearing a girl's bathing suit. I thought he should try a bikini, but he wouldn't wear anything but a one-piece. I did get to see him naked though. He doesn't look anything like a boy even when he's naked. I think its cute that he was wearing a matching bra and panty set, I don't think he's wearing them just becuase the doctor says to.

Henry saw us at the pool this afternoon and spent the rest of the day flirting with Charley. I would never tell Charley this, but I think he likes all the attention Henry is giving him; I can see it in his eyes. I didn't think Charley was gay though.

Charley's mom asked my mom about the school I'm going to. Maybe Charley and I can stay together after all!



Dear Diary,

Charley had to go to the ER becuase of a bad stomach ache. The doctor asked him when his last period was. His mom closed the door of to the exam room and told the doctor about what was happening to Charley. Charley said the doctor told her that was crazy, that her daughter was an absolutely normal 14 year year old girl. The doctor had to have Charley put his legs up in the stirrups and show his mom what he was talking about before she would believe him. Charley has a vagina!

They never did figure out why he was having a stomache ache, Charley thinks it has something to do with him having a vagina now.

Its true, he showed me when he came over here. It looks just like mine. I guess he's as much of a girl as I am now.

He was wearing a really cute skirt and top that showed off his boobies. He said his mom stopped on the way home from the ER and bought it for him. He couldn't stay very long, he said he was meeting Henry at the mall again and that his mom had given him some money to buy new clothes, girls clothes I guess.

Charley's mom is wierded out that she's got a daughter now; but the doctor tells her its just temporary and the best thing she can do is just raise Charley like her daughter for now.

Charley's mom talked to my school and they're going to let him enroll as Christy until everything is back to normal. I'm just glad it looks like my wish came true. Charley's happy, we can stay together and Henry's been really nice to him as well.



Dear Diary,

Charley asked me for a tampon today. OMG, my best friend Charley had his first period. Henry's been his boyfriend now for the past couple months. Charley won't tell me, but I think they've been having sex too.

Who am I kidding? I don't think Charley's ever going to be a boy again. Oh well, Chrissy is a pretty cool friend and I don't have to worry about us being seperated now.


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