Dealing with It

By Asharia Stone

Published on Nov 8, 2003


Thank you to all those who've come back to continue reading this. I know it took along time for this chapter to come out, but 5 and 6 are on their way and should arrive shortly. If you've read the previous chapters, you've been over all the legal shit, so I'm not gonna waste my time saying it again. If you're not suppose to be here, leave. Otherwise, enjoy

Chapter 4


When Ciana had asked me to meet her at Lucas', I never expected her to ask me to help her with the set up and chaperoning of a dance. She had told me before that she volunteered at the local youth home and often set up events for the kids living there. I listened while she explained that she needed people to help her set up for a Halloween dance and to keep the kids in check as well as keep the trouble makers out. After agreeing, the others, including Caelum, left pretty quickly, each claiming they had somewhere important to be, which left Ciana and me alone.

"I have something else I wanted to ask you, Zane," she started. I glanced at her. Her expression was pensive as she stared down into her glass. "As much as I need you to help with the others, I need you to do something else for me."

"What?" I asked. I was starting to wonder what she needed.

"I need you to be my date." I couldn't help but stare at her. She had to be joking. She looked up at me, her grey eyes clouded. "I know this must be a shock, but I really want you to go with me. There's only one other person I would go with and I already know that he won't go with me. Since you really don't know anyone here yet, I kinda figured it would be a good experience. And I was hoping you wouldn't mind going with me." She was rambling now, her nervousness showing in the constant movement of her fingers of the table top. I realized this was the first time I had seen Ciana unsure of herself.

"Um. I guess I wouldn't mind taking you. That's if you really want me to?" I answered hesitantly. Why the hell was I agreeing to this, too? I really needed my head examined. Ciana smiled at me, her eyes clear and worry free.

"Okay then, meet me at my house tomorrow morning around seven." With that disarming way of hers, she quickly sealed my fate and left me sitting bewildered at what had happened.

Saturday morning. Dawn. Clear, cool, and way too early. I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower, hoping I would wake up before I reached Ciana's house so that I wouldn't pledge myself to something else unaware. I remember the shock I felt when I realized that Ciana only lived a couple of blocks away from my house. Since she was in walking distance, I chose to walk instead of drive. I had no clue why she wanted me to come over, but I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like it.

Ciana met me at the door, a sleepy smile gracing her face. "Glad you could make it," she laughed as she pulled me into the house. I followed her through the dark house, noting what I could with the lack of light. There was a living room to the left, just inside the front door and a staircase leading up to the right. Straight ahead, which was where she was leading me, was a large kitchen. When we entered the kitchen, I noticed another room to the left. It looked large in the darkness and held a long table. I though it was strange considering there was a table in the kitchen. On the right were a couple of doors and a small hallway.

"Glass of juice?" Ciana asked as we stopped in the kitchen. I nodded. When she finished, she gestured for me to follow her. She moved to one of the doors, opened it, and. I found myself looking down a long staircase. Ciana started down it and I had no choice but to follow. I had a feeling that I was heading to her room, and I began to panic as I realized I didn't know what she wanted me here for this morning. The further down the stairs we moved, the greater my panic grew, and I was a nervous wreck when we reached the bottom. The panic started to ebb a little as I found myself in a small living room. It was done in a forest theme; greens and browns mixed together to give it a very natural feel. As I began to relax, I started looking around. There were two couches, one on each side of the room, a rocking arm chair, a floor pillow and a very impressive entertainment system. Two desks sat side by side next to the entertainment system. There were also two doors. One was open and I could see that it was a bathroom, the other door was closed, and Ciana was heading right toward it. I started to panic again as I realized I had been right, it was her room I was heading into.

When I entered the room, my panic was momentarily forgotten. To begin with, the room was huge. One side of it was a mix of purples edged in black. The walls were royal purple, trimmed in black, and there was a black dresser with softer purple drawers. A queen size bed sat next to the dresser, a lilac comforter covering it. There were pictures all over the walls and dresser, and I recognized some of the people in them from school. Anthony was in a couple of them. Somehow, I knew this part of the room was Ciana's. The other side of the room was done in blues and greys, again edged in black. It was almost the same except for the colours, and instead of photos there was artwork. I didn't know if they were done by famous painters, but they were all beautiful. A few I wanted to study closer, because it looked as if there was something else, something more to them, but my attention was diverted to the bed. Again, this bed was queen size. The difference was, this bed was occupied.

I stared at the shape stretched across that bed, hidden beneath the thick covers. I knew it was Caelum, and part of me wanted to run over there and rip the blanket off; to see his body up close. I ignored that part. It was hard, but I managed to turn away from the lump that was Caelum and focus on Ciana. She was searching the room for something and obviously wasn't finding it. I watched as she growled lowly before running and leaping onto Caelum's bed.

"Where's the laptop?" she asked him. I couldn't hear his reply; I could only hear the rumble of his voice. He shifted, the blanket sliding off of one of his legs, and I stared at the expanse of flesh revealed. "What's it doing there!?" Ciana exclaimed, jumping off the bed and searching underneath it. With a flourish she pulled out the laptop and headed back over to where I stood by her bed.

"What's that for?" I asked as we sat on the edge of her bed. She had opened the computer up and was waiting for it to finish booting up. "The others are gonna do the grunt work. You and I are gonna do the creative work. That and you get to help me design the costumes." I started to laugh before I realized she was serious. We sat there as she explained that the dance was a costume ball due to the whole Halloween thing. On the laptop, she showed me some of the ideas she had for the background and table settings. By the time we got to the costumes, we were both stretched out on the bed, and I had forgotten why I panicked in the first place.


I moaned as his lips slid across my chest, licking, nibbling at my nipples before continuing down to taste the skin of my stomach. A warm, wet tongue traced the curves and contours of my abs, teeth pulling gently on the hair of my trail before following it down. Soft lips parted and took me into a hot mouth. . . I ground myself into the bed beneath me, trying to relieve some of the pressure building in me. I knew whose lips and tongue I was dreaming of, the same person whose hands I imagine touching me when I jack off. Zane. It always seemed to come down to him.

I heard Ciana leave the room, and I drifted back into an uneasy sleep. I don't know how much time passed, but I heard the familiar growl of my sister before she launched herself onto my bed.

"Where's the laptop?" she asked.

"Under the bed, I think," I replied.

"What's it doing there?" I gave no reply, and I know she didn't expect one. I felt her get off the bed and could hear her searching under it. Once she moved away from it, I quickly fell back to sleep.

I awoke to quiet laughter from Ci's side of the room. I recognized my twin's throaty chuckle, but I couldn't place the other laugh. Pushing down the covers, I looked over to see the guy of my fantasy stretched out on Ci's bed beside her. They were looking at something on the laptop and laughing about it. I must have made some noise as I got up, because both looked toward me and laughed even harder. I watched as Zane flushed red, and I blushed as well when I realized I was hard as a rock, and my boxers did nothing to hide the fact. Walking quickly, I headed toward the bathroom, but I still managed to catch the sound of Ci giggling. Instead of going back to the bedroom, I headed upstairs to get some breakfast. I really didn't want to be faced with Zane again before I was ready for him. Seeing him in my room after the dream I'd had was almost more than I could bear, and I had spent a few extra minutes in the bathroom to relieve the problem his presence had caused.

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating some cereal when they both came upstairs laughing. Ci giggled even more when she looked at me, and Zane blushed again. I did my best to ignore them as Ci led him to the front door. When he left, she came back over to the table and sat beside me.

"Nice dreams?" she asked laughingly as she stole my breakfast. I didn't answer her.

"Come on, you gotta admit it was funny."

"Real funny," I grumbled. "How would you like it if you woke up and Anthony was in the room?"

She shot me an evil look. "Been there, done that. Remember?" She was right. I had forgotten all the times Anthony had come over early in the morning or had spent the night.

"Sorry. I just don't like surprises like that," I apologized.

"My bad anyway," she said, "I forgot to tell you he was coming over. Anyway, if you had told me you have the hots for him, I might have warned to you to sleep with more clothes on."

"How'd you know?" I asked softly, trying not to look at her.

"I know you bro; I've always known who you like. Most of the time before you do," she told me. That was true, but it was still unnerving. "Besides, Anthony mentioned your reaction to him in the locker room last week." I had to laugh at that, I knew Anthony would tell Ci, he was the biggest gossip in the whole school.

"That figures," I said, standing up. "What's up for the rest of the day?"

"Nada, just gonna do some homework. Might head over to Lucas' later though," she replied as she finished off my cereal. "Mom won't be home tonight, so we're on our own for supper." I nodded and headed downstairs to change.

I spent the day playing some ball at the court near my house before heading home for a quick shower. When I got home, Ci was waiting for me. "Gonna come to L's with me?" she asked.

"Guess so," I told her. She just smiled that mischievous little smile of hers before starting to get ready to leave.

We arrived at Lucas' shortly after 8 pm and, as usual, the place was packed. Anthony and the boys spotted us and waved us over. We spent the time as normal, joking, eating and laughing. But I couldn't seem to pay attention to anything. My mind kept replaying the blush that ran over Zane's face this morning. As distracted as I was, I still noticed the looks that Anthony kept throwing my way.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked softly. I shook my head no. I wasn't sure if there was something to talk about yet, so no need to worry about it. He sighed and turned to Ci. She threw me a startled look and the two of them excused themselves and left the table.

"What was that about?" Rich asked.

"It's A and Ci, do they need an excuse?" I joked. Everyone laughed, but I couldn't help but wonder what they needed to talk about.

When they returned, Ciana was wearing a small smile. Not her normal evil grin, but a smile that proclaimed, louder than words, that she had a secret that she wasn't gonna share. I knew better than to ask, so I ignored it and forced my attention to the antics of my friends. I forced my thoughts away from a certain guy as well. Or at least I tried to. Somehow I made it through the gathering and back home to my bed and dreams of Zane.

Next: Chapter 5

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