Dealing with It

By Asharia Stone

Published on Jun 14, 2005


Greetings readers. First off, thanks for all the feedback and comments, I really loved them. I really do apologize for that nearly year long delay, but I'm trying to write as quickly as possible. I'm also sorry about the cut off in chapter 12. For those who missed the extras I asked if anyone wants smut and if anyone want me to write the back story for Jeff and Rick just let me know. Here's chapter 13 and 14 is on the way. Enjoy.

13 Zane

I awoke the day after Valentine's to soft kisses pressed across my face. The kisses were sweet but far from chaste, and the subdued passion in them brought me fully awake. I let Cae's lips seduce me, let them glide across my own, tongue dipping into my mouth and beckoning my own out to play. Desperate for more, I pulled Cae closer and rolled us until I was on my back with Cae's solid body covering me. He settled against me, pressing our bodies together from chest to thigh. I gasped into his mouth as I felt his erection brush against mine and I thrust upwards, trying to increase the friction. We got lost in time, kissing and thrusting against each other. There was nothing rushed in our actions, it was sweet and sensual and I felt a climax rise up in me, flooding my body with sensation. I cried out in surprise and felt Cae shudder against me a moment later. We settled together, enjoying the sensations still flowing through us. "That was unexpected," Cae whispered against my neck. "But good, right?" I asked, worried that my lack of experience would bother Cae. "Um..." he licked a strip up my neck and kissed the shell of my ear. "Any better and I think the room would have combusted." I laughed and relaxed, not even the sticky mess in my shorts could bother my at that moment. Everything was perfect. The door cracked open and Anthony peeked his head in. "Yo, Z, your sister's on the phone. Sh says it's urgent." I levered myself up, blushing as A noticed the condition of my shorts. When he left the room I changed quickly into another pair that Cae handed to me. He pressed a quick kiss on lips before pushing me out into the living room. Anthony was cuddling with Ci on the couch and I felt the blood rush to my face, knowing that they had probably heard me and Cae together. Trying to ignore them, I grabbed the phone. "Lisa?" I could hear soft sobs on the other side of the line and began to worry. "What happened? Is something wrong with Dad?" "N-n-no, Dad's fine. It's just that-" she broke off for a second and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Zane, Mom's here." All the blood that had flooded my face now drained leaving me weak and shaken. I tried to think of something to say, some way to comfort her, but all I could think of was the last time I had seen our mother, the hate and anger in her eyes. I could still hear the words she had spit at me and Dad. Cae came out the bedroom and took the phone from my numb fingers. "Lisa?...Yeah, okay...Yeah, I'll bring him over right away." He hung up the phone and pulled me into a tight hug, but said nothing. I wouldn't have registered anything anyway, I was still lost in the past.

Caelum with Anthony's help I redressed Zane and began the short walk to his house. I had no idea of what was going on, neither he nor Lisa ever spoke of their mother beyond the fact that she had left three years ago. I knew nothing about the woman, but if Zane and Lisa's reaction were anything to go by, I wasn't going to like her. We walked quickly, Zane gripped my hand tightly as we mounted the stairs. "Stay?" he asked, his voice hesitant. "Of course," I told him, hugging him tightly. "I'll always be here for you." We walked into the house and were greeted by a sobbing, red topped whirlwind. Zane wrapped his arms around Lisa and held her tight as if his will alone could keep the bad things away. As we stood there in the doorway Mr. Sloan, Zane's father, came out of the kitchen followed by a stunning red headed woman. Looking at her I knew where Zane and Lisa got the red in their hair and when Zane got his looks. The woman was beautiful with think red hair that fell in waves past her shoulders, her eyes were the same sparkling green of her son's and her features were delicate. She wasn't short, she almost reached Zane's height and she sported the willowy figure of a runway model. "Mother," Zane's voice was frigid and his mother flinched back. "So good to see you again, Zanie!" she gushed, moving forward. Zane back up a step, dragging me and Lisa along with him. The movement centered her attention on me and a sneer twisted her lips. "This is a meeting for family only." Before I could say anything Mr. S stepped forward. "Caelum is a part of this family. If Zane wants him to stay, then he stays." "He stays," Zane stated, his voice still cold. I put a hand on his back, steadying and comforting him as best I could at the moment. "What do you want, Mother?" "Is that anyway to greet the woman who gave birth to you?" she admonished, trying to gain back some of the high ground she had lost. "You really must learn some manners Zanie." "When you left y ou lost any right to tell me what to do. Now, I asked you what you wanted, I would really like an answer." I moved closer to Zane, pressing into him. I could feel the tremors wracking through him as he struggled to remain upright. This was hurting him and Lisa was still shaking within the circle of his arms. "Can't I come to visit my children? Is there anything wrong with that?" her voice had become sugary sweet and syrupy and I didn't trust her. "Considering how you walked away and left us, considering the things you said, yeah, I'll say there's a lot wrong with that," he hissed. "Your father's poisoned you against me, that's it, isn't it? He's told you lies to make you hate me." I couldn't help but stare in shock. How had she gotten to there? It had nothing to do with what they were talking about. "I knew I shouldn't have left you here with him." "He has never said anything about you, he has never told us lies. Dad didn't make me hate you, you did that all on your own. Or don't you remember what you said to me that night, about how you should have aborted me, how I was unwanted. I won't even go into what you said about Lisa." He paused to take a breath. "Whatever it is, I don't care. I want nothing to do with you." The room was filled with silence after that. Zane's mother standing with her mouth open in shock, Mr.S trying to hide his amusement and Lisa still snug in her brother's arms. Having said all he had to say, Zane turned and walked Lisa out the front door. Mr. S gestured for me to stay. "Caelum, can Lisa spend the night with you guys?" he asked, knowing that I wouldn't let Zane spend the night alone. "Sure, it'll be no problem sir," I replied. "Who are you?" The ex-Mrs. Sloan asked. "He's Zane's boyfriend," Mr. S answered for me. I could see the disgust in the woman's eyes. "My son's a fag?" her voice was filled with venom. "No, your son happens to be gay. And if you can't be civil about your son's choices, then you'll leave my house now!" Mr. S's snapped. He nodded to me and I left to take Zane and Lisa back home. Hopefully Ci and Anthony could help them relax.


The walk back to Cae's was made in silence. Lisa stayed pressed against my side small tremors still shaking her. I didn't know what to think, what to do. We hadn't seen our mother in three years and I had been more than okay with her absence. Now she was back and I knew she was going to cause trouble. We reached Cae's and were met by A and Ci, both had worried expressions. "Your dad called and said that Lisa was spending the night," she told me as she drew the small girl from my arms. We all headed downstairs feeling subdued. Within minutes we were cuddled together on the couches, Lisa snuggled between us. The tale was quietly told as we lay there. We told about when our mother left and the things she said. I could see the anger in Ci's eyes. "It's alright, Ci," I told her. "She can't do anything. She sighed over all rights to us when she divorced dad." "Still, a mother should be like that," Ci said. "Yes, but some are." I replied. "Can we do something else?" I glanced down at Lisa, wanting to take her mind off of everything that had been going on. "Games or movies?" Ci asked standing up. "Games," Lisa said, finally piping up. "Well, Games it is then." We played cards and board games for a couple of hours, until Ci sent Lisa to take a nap. "Are you all right?" she asked me. "I'm alright, worried about Lisa, but otherwise fine." I smiled, trying to ease her worry. "Bit worried abut dad too, mom did a number on him when she left." "Well, we'll be here for you anytime you need us." They all nodded and Cae pulled me so I was leaning back against him. I relaxed against him, safe in the knowledge that my friends would protect me. The day past with games and movies, snacks and laughs. Ci, Cae and Anthony make sure to keep our minds off the events of the morning. When night fell, I slipped into bed with Cae, Ci shared her bed with Lisa and Anthony opted to go home. Sleep was a long time coming, thoughts of mom, dad, Lisa and Cae running through my head. Morning came with a symphony of sounds, Ci and Lisa laughing in the living room, Cae telling them to keep quiet and the quiet murmur of the tv in the background. "S'okay, I up," I shouted. "Dad called," Lisa told as she ran in to bounce on the bed. "Said mom's gone. He said he'd tell us what it was about later." "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, Ci's kept me occupied. We've been watching cartoons and eating ice cream." I looked at Ci who tried to look innocent, but I could help but laugh. I was glad though that it was the weekend. I don't think I could have dealt with going to school. "Enough ratting on me," Ci laughed, pulling Lisa out of the room. "Let's leave the lovebirds alone for a bit." Cae was quiet as he entered the room, looked at me, concern easy to read n his silver eyes. He didn't say anything just climbed into the bed with me an and pulled me into his arms. He handed me the cordless phone he had brought into the room with him. I gave him a small kiss in thanks and dialed my number. "Hey Pops, Lisa told me that mom left," I greet him. "Yeah," his voice sounded old and frail over the line. "She went back last night, but I figured you and Lisa would do better where you were." "What did she want?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. I heard him sigh and prepared myself. "She's up for a promotion but her boss is a big family man and all of the other candidates have families. She was hoping she could convince you and Lisa to go live with her so she could secure the position.:" "So basically she just wanted to use us?" I know my voice was full of anger, but I couldn't believe that she would just show up and expect us to willing go with us. "I told her to just go, convinced her that it was best if she just left us all alone," Dad sighed again. "She won't be coming back." "I'm glad," I told him. "I know it sounds bad, but I really don't want her in my life." "I understand, I don't really want in her in you life or Lisa's. She won't be coming back, Zane. I promise." There was silence for a few moments. "Can you have Lisa home before her curfew. You both have school tomorrow." "Yeah Dad, we'll both be home tonight." I hung up the phone and sighed with relief. "Everything okay?" Cae asked. "Yeah. Everything is just fine," I answered. I snuggled back into his arms. Life was good, not perfect, but just enough.

Next: Chapter 14

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