Days Before You Came

By moc.liamg@niarthtuomym

Published on Apr 2, 2006


Legal stuff: You ain't old enough, don't read it. You ain't mature enough, still don't read it. You lookin' for a quick wank, look elsewhere. There WILL be sex in this story, and it WILL be graphic, but it'll come with time, so bear with me.

Given to Nifty for archive; if anyone else wants to post this somewhere, ask first thanks. Email is

Days Before You Came | 03

"So, you don't have a car."

A statement like that, random, out of the blue, wouldn't normally have me jerking my head up to see exactly who had said it. A statement like that, however, generally isn't spoken directly into my ear, either.

He had blonde hair, in a curly riot about his face and down to his shoulders, and he was wearing Hollister jeans and something preppy up top. He looked wholesome, and I had the urge to dunk him in milk and see if he had a chewy center. He was also sitting in the previously-vacated seat next to me in science lab, and he looked as if he had no intention of leaving.

"What?" I said intelligently, after taking all of this in.

He smirked like I did something cute, and hauled his book bag up onto the table. It made a sound so loud and unexpected it made me jump. I glared at him and tried to ignore the fact that the rest of the class was now staring openly at us.

"You don't drive to school," he reiterated slowly, as if I was special ed, "so I assume you don't have a car."

"Who are you?"

Green eyes like bottle glass rolled ceilingward. "Do you always answer a question with a question?"

"You haven't asked a question yet," I had to point out, taking the end of the pencil I'd been chewing on out of my mouth to speak more clearly. No wonder he thought I was slow.

"Fine," he said in a huff, "an inquiry, then. Do you or do you not have a car?"

Taking a breath, I carefully put my things in my satchel before turning in my seat to look at him full-on. "And again I ask, who are you? Why do you want to know?"

"I want to know because I'm curious. My name's Josh." He held out his hand.

I ignored it. "You're not a cat," I answered blandly. I could've eaten the blank look that came across his pretty, pretty features at that moment. "'Curiousity killed the cat,' and all that." I smiled; shut up, I don't know why.

He smiled back. Good God, whoever his parents were had bred well. Apple cheekbones, sloping nose, wide, wide eyes. Even his slightly-too-square jaw made him look handsome, gave him character where otherwise he would have none. Entirely too bad he wasn't remotely my type. "So you are?"

"Someone who has a hard time thinking that you know I don't have a car, yet don't yet know my name." Damn, I was quick today. Robin Williams, I'm stealing your day job.

'Josh' laughed. "You're right. Noah, isn't it? I think that's what someone told me."

I nodded, not because I was being rude (which tended to be a perpetual state of being for me), but because I simply had nothing else to say. Okay, fine, you can keep your damn job, Mr. Williams.

"Well... Noah..." Josh suddenly couldn't look at me, or so I guessed, as the top of the black slate table seemed to have captured his interest. He drew invisible circles into the tabletop. "I was wondering whether you had a car or not, because I'm here to offer you a ride home." I stared at his downturned eyes for a moment, until he raised them and suddenly we were locked in a staring contest.

"Yeah," I said slowly, "I often accept rides from absolute, complete strangers. I also recently bought a bridge real cheap on EBay."

The most luscious mouth I have ever seen in my life downturned into a frown. "What the hell, man? I'm just trying to be nice."

I stood up. The bell had already rung. "You honestly expected me to just say, 'Sure, yeah, and while you're at it, go ahead and rape me, too?'" I shook my head. "Not happening."

Josh's mouth opened, and for a moment he just sat staring up at me. Then he did something I wasn't expecting; he laughed. Indignation, disgust, maybe even rage I anticipated; laughter threw me completely off my game. I stared at him, dumbfounded, until he calmed down.

"You know," he said with a broad smile, "you think like a girl."

I was thoroughly offended. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I walked away. I heard him protest and run after me, but before I could do or say anything else, like leave, a brown-haired girl stepped from seemingly nowhere and quite happily blocked my path. "Hi!" she said cheerily. I just blinked at her.

"Oh no," she said as her face fell, and her gaze shifted behind me. "You didn't ask him, did you?"

"I did!" Josh's voice sounded frustrated, and just a bit annoyed. Yay.

She looked back to me, and a ghost of her former smile appeared back on her face. "Hi, I'm Manda," she said like it should have meant something. "I thought my boyfriend would have gotten the job done, but apparently, he's as incompetent as always." Wait, what? "We were wondering if you'd like to ride home with us today. We noticed you walking yesterday." Again, that smile that never fucking quit.

"Uh, er..." I answered intelligently, until someone grabbed my arm and I looked up, up, Jesus Christ, up into Josh's face. Fuck, he was tall.

"Don't even bother trying to resist," he said like he was tired. "She won't leave you alone until you accept. It's better to just accept defeat and get it over with."

By the time all that had soaked in and I had nodded, I was walking alongside the Jolly Blonde Giant, who was still gripping me like I was mentally unwell and needed to be guided about. I finally came to my senses and carefully jerked out of his grasp when I heard my name being called somewhere behind and off to the left of me. I turned, searching. I knew that voice.

"Hey, Noah!" It was Reds, and he ran up huffing, like he had been trying for a while to reach me. His eyes flitted over my 'company' and they widened just a bit, but they flicked back to me all the same. "Opal wanted me to ask if you wanted to come with us to the mall for a while." Was it my imagination, or did his voice drop?

"He's busy," I heard Josh next to me, and I blinked back up at him. I was?

"Yeah, hon," the Manda girl said, leaning forward to brush off an imaginary bit of dust from Reds' shirt lapel. The shirt was a red one, with an intentional splatter of black paint just over his heart. I instantly liked it. "Maybe he can catch up with you and your girlfriend later, huh?" Her grip on my other arm steered me away before I could say much anything. I did, however, get a chance to see confusion and hurt flare across Reds' face. I tried not to feel bad about that.

"So where are we--?" I was cut off. Dammit.

By a hand to my mouth. "Shh, you'll know soon enough," the brown-haired girl giggled. For the first time, I turned and really looked at her. Her hair was long, and straight and bland, and her eyes were cow-brown and nondescript. Still, she had a body on her, and absolutely massive tits, so I suppose I could see the appeal she held for the more straight guys. She did zilch for me.

"Who are--?"

Again, cut off, this time by Josh. "That's Manda, I'm Josh, as we've already told you. Hold on, wait." He stood by a dark blue, expensive car with completely black windows and yanked open the driver's side door. "Get in," he said gruffly, as Manda went to the front passenger side, and since I was still, apparently, an automaton, I did. I opened the passenger door behind Josh and slid in, looking next to me to see--

"So you're Noah Garrow."

--Torin St. James.

    • --|to be continued.|-- - -

Next: Chapter 4

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