Days Before You Came

By moc.liamg@niarthtuomym

Published on Mar 31, 2006


Legal stuff: You ain't old enough, don't read it. You ain't mature enough, still don't read it. You lookin' for a quick wank, look elsewhere. There WILL be sex in this story, and it WILL be graphic, but it'll come with time, so bear with me.

Given to Nifty for archive; if anyone else wants to post this somewhere, ask first thanks. Email is

Days Before You Came | 02

"Who knew that Noah Garrow, new heartthrob of West Carter High, was into humping his bed while daydreaming of Brian Molko?"

It was Reds who said that, I knew that without looking up from trying to button myself fumblingly. I should have felt embarrassment at what they had just witnessed, but truthfully all I felt was rage. Once I was decent, I stalked over to the door and shoved it closed in their faces with only a short, "Out," as direction.

'We're a couple when our bodies double...'

Nancy Boy played mockingly in the background, and the first thing I did after sending them out into the hallway was turn my stereo off, then throw a small bitch fit. What the fuck were they doing there? I grabbed my shirt and looked for a moment like I was going into convulsions, then quietly threw it in the laundry basket. Freak-out over with, I exited my bedroom and proceeded to figure out where else in my house they had invaded.

I found them in my kitchen, Reds sitting like a good little boy with his hands folded on top of one another at the table, Opal walking around slowly, reading all the little sayings on the various knickknacks that littered the room. They both turned to me with varying expressions on their faces; Reds like I was about to kick his puppy but hadn't yet, and Opal like I'd done something halfway interesting. I imagine her opinion of me was evolving every incident.

Reds remained unusually silent, but no one noticed because Opal and I began speaking at the same time. She asked, "So are you gay, or is Brian Molko just a fetish for you?" at the same time I inquired nicely, "How the fuck did you guys get in here and how did you know where I fucking lived?"

Opal shut her mouth, one eyebrow raising as she turned her face toward Reds. "He's got a mouth on him, doesn't he? Feisty." Jesus, would she ever not like something I did?

"It was Opal's idea to follow you home, and when you didn't lock your side door, she decided to sneak in, too. I'm innocent in this, I swear," Reds confessed, his palms up in the air as if showing me he had nothing in them would prove something to me. All they proved was that he had meticulously manicured nails and that his hands looked soft and fingers suckable. "I take it you're home alone," he finished, his eyes skittering from my gaze to the blue tablecloth like something falling apart.

"Hey." Opal snapping her fingers at me brought my attention back to her, but not in a good way. "You got your answer; now can I get mine?"

I smiled sweetly at her. I walked up to her and stood nose-to-nose, which was easy considering we were about the same height, around five-eight. "You follow me, which is considered stalking, then you break into my house and invade my privacy. On what grounds should I even answer your question?" I asked in a calmly controlled voice, like I was about to lose my patience any moment. Maybe I was.

Opal stared directly into my eyes, and I could see the blue flecked with the green-brown of her irises. She smiled like she had a mouthful of something luscious, then did something I did NOT expect. She leaned forward and pressed our lips together.

I jumped back, a hand automatically covering my mouth. "What the fuck?!" I spat at her.

She just shrugged, and moved to lean against the counter. She looked out of place in my kitchen, all that black surrounded by country blue. The look on her face as she smiled at me said that she now knew all about me that she had set out to know. I couldn't figure out how since she didn't know shit. Deciding it best to ignore her, I turned toward Reds.

Somehow, he had gotten up without me noticing, and was now standing not a foot away. The chair he had been occupying had been neatly pushed back under the table, and I stared at him suspiciously. "When did you learn to obfuscate?"

He blinked; obviously not a roleplayer. "What?" That had taken him off guard, and wiped the beginnings of that sultry come-hither look. Two birds; one stone.

"Nothing," I said with an ambiguous shrug, and led the way out of the kitchen into my parents' pristine living room. I took a seat in the most uncomfortable chair in the room, this mauve wing-back that looked and felt equally hideous. It was, however, the only seating available where I wouldn't have to share with someone else, so I made the best of it. I leaned back with my legs spread lazily before me, typical guy pose. I linked my hands over my stomach and regarded them both with slightly less hostile eyes. "Okay, you've seen where I live and my mating habits. Done, or is there more?"

Opal laughed, the sound soft and tinkling, like glass over cat fur. "You still didn't answer my question."

I raised an eyebrow. "Which?"

"Are you gay?"

This time, it had been Reds to ask. The way he hung forward on his seat on the horrendous, matching mauve couch had both my eyebrows shooting into my hairline. "Why, do you want me to be?" I couldn't help myself, it was just too easy.

"No," he said shortly, and instantly drew back, a frown on his face. Opal, for once, chose not to comment, and was carefully watching Reds as well.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, cocking my head casually to one side and dropping my gaze to my sock, crossing my legs so I could mess with the toe.

"Yeah, man," Reds said, instantly defensive and, if I could pretend I could interpret him correctly, uncomfortable. "I was just asking, cause, well, it was just weird.... You didn't even have a porno mag out or nothing."

The laugh caught me off guard, catching in my throat, and quickly turning into a cough. "So you're saying I couldn't have been using my imagination, hmm?" I said once I regained my composure. "Are you implying that because I'm a guy, I can't use the thoughts in my male chauvinist head to bring myself pleasure? That I have to use visual stimulation, or for that matter, outside stimulation of any kind, in order to get off?" The scoff was low in my throat. "That's very sexist of you, Reds."

Reds colored, and couldn't meet my gaze. He folded in on himself, his knees to his chest, and mumbled something incoherent.

"What?" I asked.

"He said his name's Corey," Opal supplied for me. "His real name, anyway, and if he's giving you his actual name, then you must have done something right, because he doesn't let people use it very often." She was staring at me like she was figuring out what exactly I'd just done.

Hell, I was trying to figure that out myself. I'd done something right? By ridiculing him? What, did the kid get off on humiliation? Shaking my head, I decided to let the issue drop for now, and said, "Okay, Corey, then," instead.

The smile that peeked out between his knees looked foreign on his face. He was small to begin with, but the bright, innocent smile made him look about twelve. I inwardly groaned. This kid could be my absolute undoing. He wasn't stupid sexy like that Torin guy had been earlier, but there was some sort of je ne sais quoi, which was French for nothing, about him that I couldn't place.

"If the interrogation is over," I said, walking toward the front door and unlocking it, "then you two can kindly get the fuck out before I call the cops for breaking and entering."

Opal walked toward me, and I swear I saw a challenge in her eyes. "You wouldn't do that."

I shrugged. "Maybe not. Want to find out?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

They left fairly soon after that, walking past me as I held the door open for them. As Reds past, I caught him looking at my chest, then watched as his gaze slowly raised to my face. It never got higher than my lips. I wondered what that was about.

As I shut the door, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. One day, and I already had strange people following me home. What fun.

Brian Molko was waiting for me upstairs.

    • --|to be continued. thanks for the response.|-- - -

Next: Chapter 3

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