Days at the University

By Scott Langford

Published on Sep 5, 2006



The September air blew rather cool against our shirtless bodies as we finished up playing hoops on the court.

I was still sweating a bit much that it burned my eyes as it dripped in a bit. Gave my final shot, and it went swoosh right in. Perfect. I felt my roomy Tom give me a pat on my sweaty back telling me good job Gary, time to go clean up! We were beat. Played for a good hour and a half after classes ended. His hand felt good as it kneaded in my sore shoulder blades. I didn't want him to stop.

I used my t-shirt as a rag, when I picked it up. Cleaned up my face and poured water all over my face and torso. I tasted salty sweat on my lips as the water drenched my face. It felt tingly as it ran down my chest in the cool breeze out tonight. My nips sprung up hard in the air. I could feel they were too sensitive to put my shirt back on over them so I didn't. I didn't need the extra sensations of hard nips rubbing against a shirt with a cool breeze. Plus it woke up my cock from the sensations.

We got back to the dorm room. Him and I both went into the bathroom, that we shared with our suite mates. He dropped shorts leaving just his jock and called dibs on first shower since we only had one. I dropped my shorts too which had a liner so bareassed naked and got out my shaving kit. He stripped his jock off his cock that was elongated flopping down over his balls stepping out of the jock. He had long pubic hair that looked so inviting around his soft six inch cock with a cut head. He was six feet, with dark brown hair, and deep blue eyes that you could get lost in they seemed so calm, 200 lbs. His chest was mostly hairless with just a trace in between his pecs. His ass was a fine bubble butt, with hairy legs to follow.

So nicely shaped like melons with dimples included. I thought that's a sight I could watch all day and have for dinner.

I stood in front of the mirror watching as he adjusted the shower temperature before he stepped in. I'm dirty blonde most say, with gray eyes. My chest had no hair, just my pubes almost had a reddish tint to them. I was shorter than him, about 5"11, 165 lbs. I hung about five inches soft. After he hopped in I tweaked my nips, damn that felt good. Then left them alone.

I got into rubbing the shaving cream around my face and doing a nice slow shave. I got done shaving right when he was stepping out. Tom stepped onto the bath matt facing me, giving me a good show as he slowly dried off. His dick looked a bit redder and a bit fatter. He was chatting with me about the game we played while drying off. I caught him catching a glance at me a few times also. I had also elongated a bit dick wise with it resting on sink.

At this time a slight tap tap came from the door attached to the suite mates room. Randy busted in giving his hello's as was typical of him. He let it be known that he needed to let go. Went up to the toilet pulled his board shorts down and let out a big stream uttering an oh man! His cock was one nice one to look at, a big bell head that was purple in color with a thin shaft so his cock looked like an arrow. His shorts were pulled down over his ass as he did this. Smooth and white no tan on it.

He was my height and build, with brown hair and brown eyes, jarhead haircut. He was one of those self-conscious jocks who didn't care who had a look or for how long, oblivious. On a recent night out bar hopping drunk as shit on the way back he had to go and just rolled down the window and pissed out the car window to the delight of many spectators as we drove back to campus. He even waved his dick as he got waves from the girls we passed and a few whoo hoo's.

Tom said all yours to me for the shower as he retreated to our room. I declared a me next and brushed Randy's ass as I passed it. Muttering an I'm sorry it's so big it's in the way. Randy just said that ain't the only thing that is - giving his dong a shake. Nice try I told him, giving mine a shake before heading into the shower, I'll beat you any time! He just shouted out loser sucks bigger man scared to lose? I slammed the shower door shut just chuckling.

After I was done it was me toweling off slowly in the room with Tom on his laptop. His attention was elsewhere. He was stretched out on his bed in just boxers sitting up. The laptop further down his thighs than his basket. I slipped on my boxers and got down to my homework for classes also. Our beds were in an "L" formation against the walls. So that in my bed I looked directly at his bed at my feet. After a half hour I got up to grab a coke out of the fridge and offered him one too. He said yeah great. I brought it over and looked at his screen. It was of some porn.

On the screen was a porn sized dick with condom on going up a cunt full force and close up. I kind of winced thinking oh yuck, but instead said an oh my! Tom asked me if that looked good. I was like oh sure it does. All the time thinking if that was your boy cunt it looks good. His boxers were slightly tented with his half hard on. As much as I wanted to sit next to his side and overlook what was on the screen and at his dick I went back to my lit paper. I could see his boxers tent larger as he watched the screen. About 15 minutes passed kind of watching him and doing my work but it got distracting.

I could see he had full wood on watching the screen. I knew he wanted to toss off to what he was watching but was a bit shy to do it so blatantly. So I told him I don't care if he has to rub one off we're both guys here. He wasn't sure when I told him that, and I went yeah man, do what you gotta do. He asked me if I was sure and I told him go for it, it's the only way he'll get back to homework.

Tom was so worked up he took his dick out and started to stroke it as he watched the screen so slowly and rubbing the precum around his dick head. I just told him we're totally cool here which relaxed him when he realized I was watching. He went and wrapped his hand on the leaking head making a slooshing sound as he handled it. He just started masturbating it. I just watched him putting on this great show making my cock start to drip hearing the noise he was making.

He took his boxers off down his long slender legs kicking them off. He watched the screen a bit more that was still in his lap then let it slip aside him next to his thigh. He wasn't watching anything his eyes were closed just stroking his hard slippery cock.

I was getting so hot seeing the show. Tom was whimpering as he stroked his cock. He was even starting to talk dirty to himself going oh yeah suck it, take it, all of it. My bone got to me. Thinking he is talking to me. I took mine in my hand admiring the hardness running my hand around the head that was leaking and started stroking along with his strokes. Worked my hand around my nips, another on my balls and joined in. His eyes were closed the whole time as his hands worked on his pecs and rubbed his 6 pack. It was too hot for me to last. My first blast went out and I let go. Receiving warm sperm wash on my torso and face. I just lay back catching my breath feeling a rapid heart rate.

He was so close to blowing but still working it faster and faster. His dick was so hard and the skin pulled so tight. The head looked so mean and so sensitive at the same time. His dick was a blur in his hand as he laid his head back into the pillow. Moans, then it came shooting up like a fountain in his hand. A cum flow fountain all over his hand and dick. He moaned one last time and then just rested back. Staring up at the ceiling his chest heaving hard breaths. His hand still on his drenched soaked dick.

I asked him if that was what he was studying. He told me he has to be well rounded before declaring a major. I told him if that helps him decide a major then tell me about it. He got up dripping with sweat and cum and went into the bathroom. I cleaned up just using my covers. I went back to my English lit paper.

The room reeked of cum. I just shook my head at it all.

I guess I'll never understand straight guys drives. Especially what is on their hard drives.

The next morning it was back to life as usual. I got up and got ready to go work out. I was changing into sport shorts with a jock. Tom arose and just grinned at me saying hey buddy! I leaned over and touched his bare chest and rubbed my hands on his pecs and went off. I wanted to tweak a nipple but thought better of it. Keep it friends. Telling him don't have a naughty day!

Tom got up and chose cargo shorts commando and a white logo t-shirt with flops. He went off to class. In first class all he could think about was how hot it was jacking off last night in front of his roommate. He was wondering if I liked the show. It was making his willy crawl down his leg again feeling good rubbing against his coarse leg hair. He felt he was leaking down there. He was in the third row of the auditorium lecture room and could tell his prof was getting glances up his pants during the lecture. This didn't help at all when his willy was hardening. He felt himself start to drip as his cock was clearly visible up his shorts to the prof. The bell head was visible to the prof with the precum dripping off it and he didn't care. He kept thinking enjoy the show.

He was hard during the lecture. The prof kept glances to minimal but that kept him hard all hour. Tom knew he was a show off and didn't care. When the lecture was over he leaned back in his seat when all others were leaving, putting his hands behind his head and letting his hard dick go out through the shorts after everyone had left the area. The hard helmet head stuck out as he stretched his arms behind his head. It showed out wet and sticky, and even slimy but Tom kept stretching. He pretended not to notice his self exposure cracking his knuckles above his head in an arch.

The prof Dr. Kessler pretending to clean up his notes approached Tom sitting there and asked so young man got something bothering you? Not leaving his eyes from the protruding cock head along side of Tom's shorts. Tom still leaning back just replied restless sleep last night still trying to wake up. The prof replied looks like you've woken up to me. Tom replied stimulating lecture this morning prof! His hand moved down and pulled his shorts down to cover up. Prof just winked and walked out telling him his office hours are available for more of "stimulating lecture" if he wanted to drop by. Tom thought interesting...

After classes it was just myself and Tom on the court for a 1 on 1 game of pig shooting the hoops. He kept so close to me today, that I called foul so many times eventually I gave up and gave into it. He was grabbing my ass at times and let his hand brush my crotch, just telling me "oops". I guess I didn't mind it. I liked the attention. He would rub up around me while dribbling and I could feel his hot breath on me a few times.

When it came down to the last shot to win it Tom was lined up and asked me what does the winner get? I joked a blow job and before I finished saying it he sunk the basket dead on! I was like hey - that was kidding how about a case of beer instead. He was like a bet is a bet. He came up and wrapped his sweaty frame around me reeking of man sweat telling me he was going to go easy on me. I reached over and tweaked his tit going yeah right. The beer will do you fine! His man smell filled my nostrils making me hard.

To tell the truth I was getting turned on by this talk. Enjoying being under his arm as we walked back to the dorm. He couldn't be serious could he? I just thought my hormones, testosterone was just out of control letting it get to me. He ruffled my hair before he released me and then slapped me on my ass. I slapped his ass back and tweaked his other nip going what a horn dog you are! He told me, nah just a corn dog that wants to be eaten.... cracking us both up.

We got back to our room the shower was already running in the bathroom. We both went in the bathroom stripping down to nothing and got out our shaving kits standing side by side looking in the mirror. Tom poked me with his long index finger in the ribs asking if I was going to pay up on the bet. I turned to look at him with his Santa Claus face of shaving cream asking him you aren't for real so give it up! He told me try me and find out! I swatted his bare ass with my hand and oh it felt good, saying to him you wish. He said oh, hurt me, hurt me, that felt good. So I was into this play and swatted it again but this time left my hand on his round ass.

My hand started feeling around his round globes he stopped shaving and let me feel him up. My hand was feeling it up and down, and then I let my hand creep between the cheeks. He moaned, and then I let my middle finger find his sweaty hole and let it creep around the area. Still serious now bud? He just nodded at me still moaning so I went further and let it slide in a bit. All he said is "me likes" as I kept massaging at his ass crack area. No resistance so I slipped in farther and he started to rotate his hips with my finger in his ass.

My dick began to inflate with the ministrations. His was too showing full as he leaned over the sink to let me play with his hole. He bent over the sink a bit and I moved around his back and started using two fingers. All he could say is oh yeah, right on, keep it going. I let my fingers do the walking like the yellow pages as I got to the third one and he took it well. My cock was dripping just inches from his fine ass straight as an arrow looking at the target. My strawberry cock head was angled right at it as one hand fingered him and my other hand was massaging his balls.

I couldn't take it, it was time for entry. I reached in my shaving kit and found Vaseline dabbing some into his hole and slicking up my dick. I lined my cock head up and slowly started to penetrate the hole in front of me reaching my hands around his long torso up his back. I looked at him so willing and thought this is going to be good for the both of us. I slid in the head of my cock and stopped when feeling his ass pulse and my waiting head pulse also waiting to go for more.

He was just about to say more when the shower turned off. Oh not now! Of all the times. What to do? There was nothing to do. The shower door slid open and Randy came out looking at the scene. At first a surprised look on his face which turned to a smile, so boys caught, well don't let me interrupt it.

He took his towel and dried off, I was frozen if in time, but felt Tom's ass start to generate back on my hard dick. So I continued to penetrate further. Randy drying off slowed down his toweling off watching this. He started to bone and then got down on all fours and snuck up on Toms balls and dick under me and started to suck.

I started to fuck Tom's ass. I then felt some warm fingers at my balls, Randy had reached up and started to play with me. I was going wild. He was sucking Tom's dick, I was going in like a sledge hammer, and getting my balls petted. I didn't last long shooting it up Tom and then Tom shot in Randy's mouth. Randy's only free hand jacked himself off. His spurts felt warm on my calves. I felt it drip down my leg hair.. We all collapsed on the floor wondering how clean it was, but that was a mute point.

All of us out of breath. Ow wow Tom said, and I repeated it. Randy asked if next time he could join in from the start rather than taking party left overs.

It made us crack up.

A sound of a key in the door of Randy's room could be heard. His roommate Jeff must be coming home. We all three quickly got up and toweled off scattering about.

The next night was a dorm mixer with the girls our sister floor "Disco Divas" (just their floor name made me want to puke) to come over to our floor "Haggard" to meet the guys. All I could think of was this is going to be from hell. I'd rather be put into a medieval torture device than go through with this. It was a traditional party where the floors got to mix. Since we were the hosts, the plan was each room would have a different drink in it. From gin and tonic to shots.

Tom and I decided to have vodka lemonade in our room. Our suite mates Randy and Jeff decided on whiskey sours. So I thought this can't be all bad. Playing bartender will keep me busy. Plus I like both drinks.

The party started at 7pm. Our room got pretty crowded and everyone was having a good time. I actually hate to admit it but I was having a good time also. Joining in on conversations and mixing with everyone. After a few vodka lemonades feeling no pain I decided to venture out myself and let Tom take over. I had heard about this really great drink a few doors down called the Shark bite. It sounded interesting. When I got into the room it was really crowded.

I had to weed my way to the punch bowl with a pink mix was in it. The bartender was Tristan who was shirtless with Mardi gras beads slung around his neck.

He had dark hair and blue eyes with this alabaster skin over a sculptured torso. He looked so yummy standing there. He was like hey Gary glad you came over! Gotta try this one handing me a plastic cup of the mix. I tried it and it was very very good. He smiled seeing me like it showing his perfect smile.

I asked him what was in it and he told me inventive that it was a long island ice tea thing just with punch mix instead of tea. He brought his cup up for a cheer. We both drank it all down to the finish. He asked me if I wanted a refill and I declined saying maybe later.

I told him I'd passed Go and collected my $200 dollars a while back. Needed to take a leak. His suite had quite a line by the bathroom. Standing in line I felt a hand on my shoulder turned to see Tristan. He told me one way to beat the line is to exit this area and just step out the dorm for a bit. He grabbed my hand and led me off the floor and down the steps to outside the dorm.

We got out there far enough away and he just let his shorts drop. I got to see his dick as he started to go on a tree. I got next to him and did the same just letting go. I glanced over to watch him. He was also watching me piss out my stream. We had both finished and zipped up. He put his arm over my shoulder as we walked back. It felt so good I wanted to lean into him but didn't he wasn't Tom. When we got back he asked me if I wanted another Shark bite and I told him better go see how Tom is doing at our room and see if he needs a break.

Back at my room I entered the crowd and got back to the bartending table. It was Randy there serving up the drinks. He told me Tom had gone out a while ago looking to see where I had gone off to and Jeff was still manning their room. Also the RA had been around announcing half hour til party over too much noise and complaints.

Randy made a last call for all those in the room. We served and then shooed those left out the door. Finally all gone and door closed, locked. Randy came up to me and kissed me. I was a bit taken aback by his boldness. Him telling me he didn't get his full share the other day. He was being aggressive pushing me on the bed. It was there that we made out him on top of me. His hands caressing through my hair. I felt his hard meat on my own.

He reached down and took my shirt off kissing me all over. Sucking on my tits for a long time before going down. I lifted up and he took off my shorts and my boner struck him in the face. He picked it up in his hand looking at it. Then went to licking it. I let him continue and he went down on my rod like he had never had one before. Sucking for a bit then licking.

I was lost in heaven.

He was bringing me close and I told him so as he just murmured something continuing on my hard rod buried in his mouth. I couldn't take it and just shot down his throat letting him take my cum.

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