Days at the Beach

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 21, 2005


Dislclaimer. This story depicts graphic sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are under 18 or the legal age in your state for viewing this type of material, leave now and don't read this story. Any complaints about the content will be disregarded as you have been fully warned.

Days at the Beach Chapter 6

Joe and Mark began to feel like they had a little too much of a good thing. When Sean and Kyle had been their only slaves, it had been a lot of fun. Adding Jason in made the humiliation so much better. The only issue seemed to be that the focus on Jason may have been taking away from the other two.

"What do you think we should really do?" Joe asked. "I don't feel like really giving up on the two of them."

"I agree," Mark said. "But there's so much we can do with Jason. it's easy to tell that we're breaking him down. It's more fun that Sean and Kyle have been. I mean, we already knew they were fags."

"Well, what do you suggest, then?"

"We should just keep doing what we have been doing," Mark suggested. "We can humiliate all three guys at once. The more public things we do, if we get in trouble,it'll be Sean's and Kyle's asses on the line. Not ours."

"Sounds good," Joe agreed. "So what should we do to our little hetero brat next?"

"Oh, I have a few ideas," Mark said. "In fact, I believe our boys are waiting for us in the bedroom."

Joe laughed. The two of them got up and walked into the other room. Opening the door introduced them both to a very funny scene.

Jason was tied down, spread eagled and face down on the bed. He had a gag in his mouth. His red ass was uncovered and vunerable. The opening of the door caught his attention and he looked around and saw his tormentors come in. Sean and Kyle were both wearing tight blue thongs. Their cocks were hard and stretching the fabric. The two of them were busy massaging and feeling up Jason's body. After the episode at the beach, the boys felt their straight boy should get a little pleasure in return for that he had given the two other slave boys earlier.

"Untie him," Joe ordered. Sean and Kyle complied really quickly and untied Jason's bonds. Then, the two of them turned around and awaited further orders. Jason, however, stayed on his stomach.

"What's a matter, straight boy?" Mark asked with a laugh. "Turn over on your stomach. Let us get a look at your cock."

Jason shook his head no. His face and body was beet red with embarrasement.

With a quick look and a nod, Kyle and Sean knew what their orders were. Both of them grabbed onto each side of Jason and started to turn him over. He resisted just a little bit at first, but the two boys were enough to overpower him. Them flipped the naked straight boy over onto his back.

What they saw caused Joe and Mark to laugh out loud. Not only was Jason rock hard, his cock was throbbing. With ever beat of his heart, the rod bobbed up and down. The shaft was slick with precum, going all the way down to his balls. A string of cum attatched his cock to his belly button. Closer inspection revealed a glistening sheen of cum over his belly.

"Looks like our boy is kinda turned on," Joe said.

"Good deal," Mark agreed. "How about you two fags? Are you having fun with Jason?"

Sean and Kyle readily agreed that they were. While the focus was still on on Jason, they awaited any further orders. To everyone's surprise, Joe went over the the video camera and turned it off.

"Well, we are going to have a lot of fun tonight," Joe announced. "After your little workout at the beach, we both feel you deserve a night of just hanging out. The four of us are going to head towards the mall."

"So, get up and get dressed," Mark instructed. "You'll find your outfits sitting over there on the dresser. Sean and Kyle, you get dressed first. Jason... you stay there naked. Once the two fags are dressed, they're going to dress you too."

While Jason lay naked with a throbbing and bobbing hardon, Sean and Kyle put on their outfits. Once they were dressed, they both stood awkwardly and embarrassed. Joe and Mark had their laughs. The two of them kept their thongs on, and covered them only with sweat pants. then, to make them look like rejects from the 80's, they were both wearing half shirts. Sean's was gray and Kyle's was black. Their cocks continued to put major dents into their pants, while their flat bellies were completely uncovered.

Dressing Jason was a lot more fun. They put a mesh jockstrap on him, and made sure his hard cock was laying up against his belly. Then, they dressed him in a pair of really tight jeans. They then fit him with a skin tight shirt with no sleeves. It hugged every inch of his torso, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. In big letters on the front of the shirt was the saying "I Like My Cock." Afterwards, they primped his hair up nice, applied a lot of gel, and finished the look off with a viser.

"Well, he sure looks like a fag now, doesn't he?" Joe laughed.

"Sure does," Mark agreed. "Let's get him into the car."

As was before, the three slave boys sat in the back of the car. Jason was made to sit in the middle to prevent him trying to get away when the car stopped. Mark was driving and Joe was keeping an eye back on the spectacle behind them. None of the boys knew what was in store for them. All three of them had hard cocks, however, created large bulges in their pants.

After about fifteen minutes of driving, the boys pulled up to the local mall. Joe and Mark got out first, and then they let the other three out of the back seat. Once the slave boys knew where they were, Kyle and Sean groaned, but Jason almost automatically freaked out.

"What the hell are we doing here?" he asked. "I can't be seen dressed like a homo here! I have friends who hang out here!"

"Being seen looking like a homo is going to be the least of your problems," Joe laughed. "Now get walking or you know what the consequences will be."

Resigning himself to his fate, but still visibly nervous, Jason began to walk with the other boys to the mall entrance. In spite of his fear, everyone noticed that his cock did not go down at all. It still pressed hard up against his jeans. Every now and then, either Sean or Kyle would be ordered to reach over and give the boner a slight caress.

Many boys and girls were giving the small group the strangest stares. It was Saturday night and the mall was very crowded. This was exactly what Mark and Joe had been counting on. They had something in mind for poor Jason that would transform his entire life for good.

Once inside the mall, the boys made their way over to the food court. Sean and Kyle were made to go and get the food for everyone, while all the other boys sat at the table. Unsure of exactly what was in store for them, Kyle and Sean complied. They had been slightly relieved at the thought that the focus had been taken away from them. They didn't want to overthink it though, because they hadn't been taken totally off the hook.

Things were halfway normal for about 45 minutes. Mark and Joe did make Kyle and Sean stand up while they ate. That wasn't so bad, though. Some people gave them very odd looks, probably also because the two of them were dressed so alike. The attention wasn't that bad, though.

"Okay, Jason, time to have a little bit of fun," Mark announced.

"Yeah, Sean and Kyle, we want you to stand back a little from the table," Joe instructed. Both boys complied. Jason began to look a little relived. He assumed incorrectly that this coming humiliation was going to all be about them.

"Good," Mark said, obviously pleased. "I like where this has the oppurtunity to go."

Luckily, the two boys had picked an area that was set off to the back corner of the foodcourt. Although this really did not protect them from being seen, it was a place that the mall security rarely came to. That way, whatever horrid thing that Joe and Mark had in mind might embarrass them, but not get them arrested.

"Here's how things are going to work this time around," Joe said. He turned over to Jason and gave him a big smile. "You're going to have a lot of fun now, boy."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked, alarm coming into his voice for the first time. He had totally assumed that he was off the hook for the night. Surely they were not going to make him humiliate himself in the mall?

"Well, here's what you're going to do," Mark instructed. "First, you are going to unbutton your jeans and halfway unzip them. Don't worry, it won't be enough for anyone to see anymore then the top of your jockstrap."

He was about to say something, but Jason realized that he had better not. The last thing he wanted was for his father to find out what was happening. A little exposure of his underwear wasn't much to ask. He did as he was told.

"Hot," Joe remarked with a laugh. "Don't you think so, boys?"

Both Sean and Kyle nodded.

"Don't nod," Mark scolded. "Tell Jason how hot you think he is."

"You're very hot, Jason," Kyle and Sean said. They tried to be slightly quiet about it. Unfortunately a few people still heard. They turned and started watching what was happening with interest.

"Now, we're not going to make any of you expose yourself in the mall," Joe said. "So don't worry if that's what you were thinking."

Tha was a breath of relief for all three of the slave boys. They had been slightly scared that they would have to jack each other off or expose themselves in some other way.

"But you're going to pretend like you're going to do something," Mark said. "It'll just be for a quick moment, though."

"What?" Jason asked, a sudden look of worry comig to his face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Easy," Joe clarified. "You're going to get on your knees in front of Sean and Kyle."

"No fucking way!" Jason said, way too loud for his own preferences. This caught the attention of some more people in the crowd.

"Let me finish and don't you damn dare interupt again," Joe said and Jason immediately shut his mouth. "If you don't do exactly what we tell you, I can guarantee you that you will be a lot worse off that you will be otherwise."

Mark agreed. "All you're going to do is get down on your knees in front of them," he said. "Then you'll reach for their crotches. You don't have to grab them or anything. Just reach out."

"What's the fucking point of that?" Jason asked. He was a slight bit relieved that there would be no nudity. However, it did seem like they may be letting him off too easily.

"Nothing, actually," Joe said. "The only thing we're trying to do is make sure you will be doing what you are told."

"And if you do it, we'll leave the mall right after," Mark agreed.

"And once we get home, you'll get a little bit of a reward," Joe put in.

Jason still looked a little unsure. He had no reason to trust either one of the boys. They had changed his life remarkably in the last 24 hours. Both of them had made their intentions clear. They wanted to turn him into a fag. Still, he realized that he didn't have much of a choice. If he resisted, there was really no telling what might happen to him. With a deep sigh, he looked over at Sean and Kyle.

"You promise that's all I have to do and then we'll go?" Jason asked.

Both Mark and Joe readily agreed. "But you better hurry up and get down on your knees, Jason," Mark said. "Our offer is only available for the next 30 seconds."

With a rush and a hurry to get out of the mall, Jason quickly got down to his knees. Once there, he immediately began reaching for Sean's and Kyle's cocks. Right before his hands reached, though, he stopped.

Jason didn't stop because he was told to, though. Jason stopped when he heard a voice behind him say, "Jason, what the fuck?"

Still on his knees with his hands outstretched, Jason turned and looked behind him. His jaw dropped as he saw his best friend standing right behind him. He was completely frozen with fear.

"Josh, what are you doing here?" Jason asked. He remained on his knees for two reasons. The first being that he did not really know how to react to this situation. The second was that he had felt his cock start to harden in his jockstrap. The long shaft started inching it's way up further and further. It was threatening to break free past the waistband of the jock.

"What the hell are you doing?" Josh asked. "Get the hell up off the floor or people are going to think you're a fag."

Jason did what he was told. He started to stand up. His cock kept expanding, though. To keep Josh from seeing his obvious arousal, he kept facing Sean and Kyle.

"Um, nothing," Jason said, sheepishly. He shot a quick look over at Mark and Joe, who were laughing their asses off. They really got him good this time. "I was just hanging out with some guys here."

"What the hell were you doing on your knees in front of them?"

"He was gonna jack them off!" some guy who was watching the action said. The crowd burst into laughing.

"No, I wasn't doing anything," Jason protested. He searched his mind as quickly as he could to come up with any sort of lie. The truth could not be told. If was bad enough that his best friend may have suspected him for a fag, but it would be worse if Josh knew that two smaller and younger boys were treating him as their slave. So, Jason simply stood in place, facing away from Josh. He couldn't think of aything to say.

"You better not be a fucking homo," Josh warned. He seemed to be getting very irritated. "Why the hell won't you turn around when I am talking to you?"

"Turn around, Jason," Mark instructed. This got a dirty look from the older boy, but Jason didn't say anything. He simply gave up and turned around.

"What the fuck?" Josh asked. With those words, Jason knew that he probably lost his best friend. Later on, he may have been able to come up with some sort of story to explain why he had been on his knees. He might have said he had been drinking or was stoned. But the one thing that he couldn't explain is why his 8 1/2 cock was as hard as a brick. And not only was it pressing its way to escape from the mesh jockstrap he was wearing, but the actual head of his dick had found it's way past the waistband.

Jason was about to cover himself up, but an extremely mean look from Mark made him drop his hands to his side. To the boy's further dismay, Josh had noticed this.

"Why the hell do you have a hard on?" Josh asked. "Why the fuck are you hanging out with these little homos?"

Jason couldn't say anything. He could normally be very good at lying, but there was nothing he could think of to explain the current predicament. Besides, as he stood there, his cock continued to throb and kept trying to push its way further out from the constraints of the jockstrap. Despite all of the humiliation and the potential loss of his best friend, Jason's cock did nothing but get harder and harder. The more he hung his head down, the more his dick raised its head.

Josh was at a loss for words as well. Here was the guy he had hung out with since they were little kids. Jason was not only his best friend, but he was a total alpha male personality. He had a girlfriend, but he got with a lot of other girls when he and she had been off... which was time from time. He played all sorts of sports, he hung out with all the jocks.. he even changed in the same locker room. Hell, there were quite a few times when Jason had even seen Josh naked. Josh had no telling whether or not his best friend had been checking him out the whole time.

Jason was trying to think fast. He knew he had been set up by Mark and Joe. He was trying to think of the best way for him to get himself out of this mess without digging himself in deeper. As quickly as his mind raced, though, his cock seemed to be the organ that was in control. It throbbed more and stretched higher and higher, coming up to his belly button. At least two full inches of meat were visible to anyone who was watching. An a lot of people were watching.

Josh was about to ask another question, but he stopped when he saw what he considered to be the final straw. A bubble of precum came from the tip of Jason's hard cock and then slid down the shaft. There was no way the boy could deny that this whole sequence was turning him on.

"Sean," Joe said, motioning over to Jason. A simple look from the boy told Sean easily what he was to do. Walking over to Jason, he reached around and put his hand around the boy's exposed cock. He gave one squeeze and the resulting moan from Jason's lips gave away the last hope of survival the boy had.

Josh was about to turn and walk away. He started to move, but then looked back at Jason with a terrible look of disappointment. "You better believe your girlfriend is going to hear about this," he said. "She's never gonna touch your homo ass ever again."

Josh turned and walked away.

Mark and Joe decided the that boy had suffered enough. They did not let him tuck his cock back in his jockstrap, but they allowed him to let his shirt fall over it. It still looked slightly obscene, though, as they walked their way out of the mall. For the second time that day, Jason was practically in tears. The two boys had taken him to the ultimate humiliation.

Back at Sean's apartment, Joe and Mark took Jason into the bedroom. They laid him down on the bed, where he sulked. He was visibly upset, cried for a large part of the way home... but his cock never wilted at all. In fact, the thing had been throbbing, twitching and was bigger than Jason had ever seen it before. He couldn't figure out why his dick was betraying him the way that it was.

"Well, i think we better give Jason that reward he was asking for," Mark said. "I think he;s suffered enough."

"Sean, get Jason naked," Joe instructed.

Jason did not resist at all while Sean undressed him. It only took a few moments before the boy was down to his jockstrap. His cock was still standing tall, straining against the mesh prison. Once Sean pulled the jock off, though, the cock was freed and it bobbed in the air. It seemed like it was begging to be touched.

Sean licked his lips.

Mark laughed. "Jack it for him," he ordered.

Sean grabbed the big cock and closed his hand around it. Jason had leaked so much precum that it was easily stroking. Another soft moan escaped from Jason's lips. He laid his head back and spread his legs. Despite all that had happened to him so far, his cock was still in charge.

"Play with his balls," Joe instructed Kyle. Kyle quickly went over to Jason and started pulling on the boy's balls. Jason seemed like he was in ecstacy having two men faun and fondle over his huge dick. For the first time in the last day he seemed to forget that these were other men and he just tried to enjoy himself.

It didn't take long for Jason to get close to cumming. Once he got close, his heart started racing and he started thrusting his hips in Sean's hands. Joe and Mark knew what was coming, so Joe went and whispered something into Sean's ear. Sean nodded in response.

"Time to give Jason his reward, boys," Mark ordered.

Sean, still working on Jason's cock, and Kyle took Jason and moved him over, so he was laying sideways on the bed. The sudden movement surprised Jason, but the movement on his cock pretty much kept him in compliance. Kyle scooted Jason over, so that the top half of his body was leaning off of the bed. After some adjusting, he was sat back in such a position where his legs were propped up and his cock was pointed directly at his face.

"Now, don't make him cum until he begs for it," Mark said.

"And you better make sure to get a couple shots in his mouth," Joe added.

Sean kept stroking, but made sure to not let Jason get over the edge. Every time it seemed like he was about to cum, Sean slowed down and would stop. If Jason thrust with his hips, Sean would simply move his hips.

"Plead for it, Jason," Joe said.

Jason shook his head. He was in ecstacy, but he wasn't about to give in. He knew he could make himself cum without losing all of his dignity to the boys.

Mark looked over at Kyle. "Talk dirty to him," he instructed. "Get him horny so he begs.

Kyle complied quite easily. "You are a dirty little pervert, jacking off when you know we're recording it. risking all of this just so you can get off you're a nasty, horny little pervert. you're a slave not only to me, but to that hard cock between your legs. You're a fag, Jason. You're a cock sucking, fag and you want to blow your load into your mouth. You love Sean's hand on your fuckstick, don't you? You love how he keeps pounding and pumping your cock. You want to taste your own load, don't you? You are such a perv and you want to blow into your own mouth. Look at it, you're ready to blow, aren't you? you can feel the cum now. The cum has moved into your shaft already hasn't it? You don't think you could hold back now even if you wanted. Well, you know your dad will get to see the video of this unless you beg! Tell us you want to eat your own cum! Hurry, Jason. The cum's in your tube already! You're cock is throbbing and it's going to blow! Jason, beg for it!"

"Oh my god, feed me my cum!" Jason shouted, not able to hold back anymore.

The moment he said it, the cum started shooting out of his cock. Sean made sure that he kept aiming it correctly. The two first shots got him right on the face. After a stern look from Mark, Jason opened his mouth and he got the next three shots right in his mouth and on his lips. He was moaning louder than he had ever moaned before. He didn't care who heard him though. All he knew is that he was feeling awesome.

Sean just kept pumping his cock. It still felt good. Something happened afterwards that made Jason feel like he had crossed the point of no return. In simply one day, these fags had made him do some things he never would have considered. But the next thing he did was not because of them. He was shocked that he did it, but didn't really mind.

Jason licked all of the cum off his lips and swallowed. His cock stayed as hard as a rock.

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Next: Chapter 7

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