Days at the Beach

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 1, 2005


Dislclaimer. This story depicts graphic sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are under 18 or the legal age in your state for viewing this type of material, leave now and don't read this story. Any complaints about the content will be disregarded as you have been fully warned.

Days at the Beach Chapter 2.

Sean was feeling very lucky. Well, at least he was for the most part. Although he had been thoroughly humiliated the day before, no one at the beach had really seen him. This was a great relief and it felt even better that the guys had given him Sunday off. Not really knowing what they had in store for him, Sean thought this wasn't going to be as bad as he thought it was.

And how could he lie to himself? In spite of everything that had happened, he had somewhat enjoyed. How else could he explain why he had been so hard throughout the whole experience? Besides that fact that Kyle had been playing with his cock the whole time, that is. But when he came, it was like the best orgasm he had ever had. He had loved it.

Afterwards, the luckiest and unluckiest things happened to him. The boys let him put his bikini back on, but the thing was soaked in his cum. It wasn't so bad at first, because they were on a part of the beach that no one really spent much time at. He had lucked out that no one had seen him naked, and it was possible no one would see him with cum soaked bikinis on. In fact, besides the obvous smell of the cum, they might just have assumed that he was wet from swimming in the ocean.

It was going good until the boys got hungry. Mark had the idea to give Kyle the money and send him to the concession stand. It was bad enough that the underwear barely concealed his cock, but being as wet as they were, his cock was clearly visible. He blushed when the suggestion was made, but knew there was no way out of it. He took the money and went to get the guys some hot dogs.

It was an odd experience, but luckily no oe said anything. A couple of guys gave him the thrice over, but Sean found that it didn't really bother him that much. That was until his cock decided to start getting hard again. Once that happened, he felt his whole body turn red. Of all the people in the line for the stand, he was the one dresed in the skimpiest clothes. Aware of this, his cock began to strain even more against his bikinis. He had to get his mind on something else, quickly, or he knew the thing would spring out of the bikinis and he wouldn't know what to do after that.

The man at the concession stand gave him a very wry grin when he came up to his place. He ordered the three hotdogs and felt rather pissed off that the guys were not going to let him get anything. He was starving as he didn't even have time to get breakfast. The concession man told him it would be a few minutes, but if he wanted to he could stand to the side while the other customers were helped. Already feeling totally exposed, it was really the last thing that he wanted to do. But he didn't have much of a choice. Following the boys around had given Sean a bit of a subserviant attitude and he did so.

About six customers passed him while he waited for the dogs to be done. Some of the people even had hotdogs, so it didn't take him very long to figure out what was going on. The guy behind the counter was trying to keep him there for as long as possible. Realizing the man was doing whatever he could to keep Sean from leaving, this caused Sean to blush even more. Unfortunately, it also caused his cock to start pressing against his shorts again. Looking down, he saw the head start to push against the nonexistent waistband. As much as he tried to resist and think of other things, it only made him harder. He tried to control the rising dick, but that prove to be impossible. The big head of his long dick began to push its way free of the skimpy bikini briefs that he was wearing. With alarm running through his body, Sean turned to the guy and asked if his hot dogs were done.

Luckily for Sean, everything was ready for him. Unluckily, he had to carry all of the items with both of his hands. There was no way that he could cover himself from being seen. He had never suspected himself for being an exhibitionist, but for some reason the thought of being seen was making him hornier than ever. He wasn't 100% sure but he thought at one point that his cock head had sprung free from it's polysester prison, making itself visible to anyone who had any desire to see it.

When he got back to the group, his cock had calmed down just a little bit. Sean was halfway scared that the boys were going to make him strip down to his naked self again, but that did not happen (much to his relief). In fact, the guys seemed to lose a lot of interest in him for the rest of the day. It was a shock, but not really an unwelcome shock. If he got arrested for indecent exposure, his only defense would be that the guys made him do it. That of course wouldn't work very well because the video would not be very good evidence. He cursed himself for getting himself in such deep trouble.

Sean's day passed quietly enough. He was relieved when he got home and nothing further happened to him that day. After speaking to Kyle, he learned that he would get Sunday off and nothing would happen to him until the following weekend. Knowing that this would make things easier, the week started off as pretty easy.

He had gotten very horny, though, on Sunday night and decided it would be a good time to jack off. The following day had been the first time in his life that anyone besides him had played with his cock. So jacking off was something that he LOVED doing. Most of the time, he did it several times a day. Nothing felt better than his hand sliding up and down the smooth, long and gorgeous shaft.

Looking up some pictures on the internet, Sean pulled down his underwear and squeezed some lube into his hand. He hadn't yet found any pictures that were quite turning him on, but that wasn't any excuse for him not to play just a little. With a cold, lube filled hand, he grabbed his hot, throbbing cock and squeezed it as tight as he could. It felt so awesome.

Sean froze, though. He remembered one of the things that he had promised to Kyle the day before. He had said that he would not cum unless given permission to do so. He promised.

Yeah, but who would know? he asked himself. There's no way they could find out that I have jerked off.

With that cleared away, Sean started pumping his hard cock. He loved the way his hand glided over the shat. Sean loved his cock. He was aware at a very young age that he was truly gifted in the dick department. His cock was a beautiful 8 inches long and so thick that he was just able to get his hand around it (for you readers, this is based off my own cock, just so you know). The skin was always so tight when he was at full mast. It was a thing of beauty and it was his pride and joy. He almost wondered if it really mattered that other people may have caught a glimpse of the impressive tool. They would have been crazy to not have loved it.

As his hand slid up and down the slippery tool, a strange thought appeared in Sean's mind. He was breaking his promise. He was breaking his word.

So what? His mind said to him. There was no way that the guys would know. He could always lie and said that he didn;t jack off. There was no way of telling.

Satisfied with the answer he gave himself, Sean decided there was no reason he couldn't bring himself to cum. He found this great picture online that horned him up really good. The guy in the picture was laying asleep in his bed. Some other guy was holding his cock, as it was hardening through the slit in his silk boxer shorts. After having his dick held by Kyle, this was truly a fantasy that he was able to relate to.

For some reason, though, he paused. Not sure exactly why, he almost felt slightly guilty. As if he were betraying some sort of confidence. His hand stopped sliding and simply held the hot and throbbig cock between his fingers. What was going on?

He couldn't do it. For the first time in his life, he felt bad about playing with himself. He had learned to jack off when he was about 10 years old and had made a regular habit of it since then. Never before had he ever stopped in the middle of doing it. Hell, he often would do it three times before he decided to quit. But for some reason, he felt very guilty this time.

It was because of what he said to Kyle, wasn't it? It was because he said he would not jack off unless he was permitted to do so. How odd that he would feel so subject to such a stupid thing. But there was some subserviant part of him that knew it was the right decision. He couldn't cum unless he was given permission to do so.

Permission? he asked himself. What was he, some sort of slave? What the hell was happening to him. There was no telling. Apparently the boys had found some sort of weakness in himself and there didn't seem to be any way around it. His hand was leaking with lube as it held his cock, so ready for release. For the first time in his entire life, though, Sean did not jack off. He held his dick for quite a while, giving it the occasional squeeze, but not once did he stroke the throbbing member. He realized in some dark and remote reason that it was almost hotter for him not to cum.

If he realized what the following weekend had in store for him, he would have jacked off until he was out of cum.

The whole week at work was a lot easier than he thought it would be. The boys did not do anything to him, and it was pretty easy. Several times he expected one of them to jack him off in the fitting rooms, or to make him work in his underwear, but to their credit, they did not make him do anything at all. Besides the not cumming part, Sean suspected that he had made it through the week pretty much unscathed.

On Saturday morning the next weekend (Memorial Weekend and he was happy for a three day holuday) the phone rang at seven in the morning. Knowing who it was, Sean answered the phone.

"Kyle." He said, solemnly.

"Hey, you are learning pretty quickly," Kyle responded in the phone. "Are you ready to have some fun today?"

Fun? Sean thought. Maybe fun for you. In spite of that, though, he heard himself say, "Yeah, I am ready."

"Good, now what else do you have as far as underwear goes?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I have more bikinis," Sean stated. "I also have briefs, some boxers and a couple of thongs and-"

"What color thongs?" Kyle asked as Sean wished that he had not mentioned it at all.

"Blue, green, red-" Sean begn and was cut off.

"Put on a red thong," Kyle said. "Meet us outside in about 20 minutes. You better be wearing the thong and you better NOT be covering yourself up. Got it?"

"I got it," Sean agreed. As much as it pissed him off, it also quite turned him on at the same time. He found the red thong and putting it on, he fully expected something bad to happen to him. He went outside and waiting until the boys arrived. At least I will be able to get off soon, he thought, fully expecting nothing more than a simulation of the previous week. It had been a whole week since he had shot a load and he was more than ready to give it another go.

The boys showed up and let him in the car. Nothing too embarrasing had happened while he was waiting. An old lady had passed by and she made a comment about how hot he looked in his bathing suit. Not really being able to reply, Sean had simply smiled back at her. Old women seemed a perverted lot, and he was happy for that fact at least. When he got into the car, it was the same situation as it was the Saturday before. He was not allowed to cover himself up as he sat in the back seat by himself.

By this point, Sean had decided that all of the other guys had to be gay. if they weren;t, they would not be putting him through all of this torture. Why would straight guys want to see another guy making a fool out of himself at the beach? Why even further would anyone put their hand on his cock without wanting to. Kyle at the very least was as gay as Sean was.

When they reached the beach, things were very similiar as they were before. The boys laid out a blanket and the sat down to enjoy themselves. Sean was made to stand up and was immediately told to lose the thong. He did as he was told and handed the thong over to Kyle. The younger boy placed the scrap of fabric in his pocket and Sean had to stand in front of them all with another raging boner. He was so scared someone would see, but no one walked by on that lonely part of the beach.

Finally, after talking amongst themselves for a while, Kyle turned to Sean and smiled. "Now let us know how many times you have jacked off this week," he said.

"None," Sean replied. He cock was at full mast and it was already seeping with precum. He hoped that was enough to convince the guys that he was telling the truth.

"Okay," Kyle continued, "you have been a good boy. So now you will get rewarded. Do you want to guess what your reward is?"

Sean was hoping he would be allowed to get off. So, he voiced this concern. "Will I be allowed to cum, sir?" he asked. He addded the 'sir' on without really thinking about it. The realization of that caused him to blush deeply.

"Lay down, Sean," Kyle instructed. Relieved about being allowed to lay on the beach again, Kyle slipped down to the blanket. His cock was hard, throbbing and leaking with tons of precum. He couldn't wait for Kyle's hand to bring him to the brink of cumming again. It had been a whole week and he had never waiting this long since discovering that he could jack off.

"Now, things are going to be a little different this weekend," Kyle instructed. "I AM going to jack your cock. When you get close to cumming, I want you to tell me. When you do, I will have another little surprise for you."

Sean agreed. Anything to get some release, he thought. Nothing would satisy him more than Kyle's hand on his throbbing dick.

Slowly, Kyle started stroking Sean's cock. Mark and Joe looked on with eager eyes. If Sean hadn't known better, he would have sworn that both of them were drooling. Did they want to get their hands on his dick as well? Just the though made Sean's dick stretch larger than it ever had before and the precum began seeping out in what seemed like gallons.

"I think he's getting close," Kyle told the other guys. "Think it's time to tell him his next mission?"

The other two boys agreed. The both grabbed both of Sean's arms and helf them together. Before he knew it, both of Sean's arms were being handcuffed together. He looked shocked, but he was so close to cumming that he didn't care too much. A large moan escaped his lips and then right when he felt his load building up, Kyle pulled his hand off the hard dick.

Sean found himself once again thrusting into the air. Unfortunately the air was not able to keep the friction going. His cock was once again denied its release and he kept rocking his hips. All three of the boys were laughing at Sean.

When his hips finally were under control, Sean looked at Kyle with wondering eyes. He was sure he knew why Kyle stopped, but knew better than to ask why. With sympathetic eyes, he looked at the younger boy.

"I have a new deal for you, Sean," Kyle stated. "For each time you nod your head, I will stroke your cock just once. If you shake your head, I will burn your thong and make you walk home naked. Do you agree?"

Not being stupid, Sean shook his head yes. This resulted in one long and slow pull of his dick. Sean moaned deeply as a load of precum came out of his slit. The boys laughed as Sean uncrossed his eyes.

"Here the deal," Kyle continued, "You are going to let Mark, Joe and e spend the night over at your place for the entire weekend. Right?"

Sean wanted to shake his head no, but he had no reason to at all. Once again, he nodded. This nod resulted in another stroke and he realized then how close he was to cumming. he began to thrust his hips in Kyle's hand, but the boy simply removed it again. A large glob of cum spurted from his cok and landed on Sean's face. Without so much as an order, sean found himself licking the cum up with his tongue. All of the boys laughed at him as another spurt of cum shot from Sean's cock.

"Wow, we brought you right to the brink, didn't we?" Kyle asked. Sean nodded but this did not result in him getting another stroke. THe oys just loked at him as Kyle asked one final question.

"Now, you won't cum unless I ask you to, right?" he asked.

Sean nodded, knowing it would get him another stroke. It did and Kyle pumped his dick just one last time. Another load escaped from his cock and Kyle used this load to polish Sean's cock. He was careful to keep the boy from cumming though. When he was done, the large dick was sparkling with cum. Sean needed to cum so bad.

Then Kyle gave the worst news at all. "You won't be allowed to cum until late on Monday night," he said. "And we're going to torment you so much that you'll be our willing slave by the time you are allowed to get off. And when you do cum, it'll be like a waterfal and you'll lick up every fucking drop."

To be continued:

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Next: Chapter 3

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