Days at the Beach

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jul 10, 2023


Dislclaimer. This story depicts graphic sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are under 18 or the legal age in your state for viewing this type of material, leave now and don't read this story. Any complaints about the content will be disregarded as you have been fully warned.

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Jason had no idea what to think once Alex was tied down. He was saved from having to blow the guy, but there was no telling what worse things that Joe and Mark would make him do. It had only taken a few moments for them to tie Alex down. The bed was a queen sized bed, and Jason was spread eagled and tied to the bed posts, so Alex had to be tied practically overtop of him. It was uncomfortable, but even Jason had to admit that it was sort of hot.

Mark looked at both of the boys, naked and tied up, and shook his head. "I guess it wasn't going to take very long for Jason to actually find himself a boy on the side to fuck around with was it?" he asked and his friends laughed. "You really are turning into a fag, aren't you?"

Before Jason had a chance to address the comment, Terry grabbed his cock and began stroking it. His dick was still pretty hard and slippery and Jason began moaning loudly. He wanted release so badly that the moaning seemed more important than arguing the point that he was not gay.

"I've got an idea," Joe suggested. "Let's experiment with these fags a little bit." He turned to Mark. "Go into the bathroom and see if Alex has anything fun that we can play around with.'

Mark went into the bathroom.

Alex started to protest, but Joe would have none of that. He had a gag with him and he immediately put it in Alex's mouth, tying it in tightly. Once he backed away, Alex turned and looked at Jason, and Jason could tell right away that Alex was not really going to rape him. He had just believed that Jason was really into this whole master/slave thing and wanted to make him happy. There was still a bit of hurt in Alex's eyes.

"I'm not mad at you," Jason whispered to Alex. He hoped that the other guys did not hear him. "I know you weren't trying to hurt me."

Jason wanted to tell Alex more, but he was cut off when Mark walked back into the room. His eyes grew wide when he saw the small assortment of things that the boy brought back in with him. There was two tubes: one of Icy Hot and the other was Ben Gay. Along with those was a bottle of pills, and Jason could only imagine what was in them. They also had a vibrator, more lube and some other things. Jason looked over at Alex.

"You keep all of that in your bathroom?" he asked.

Alex shrugged because that was all he could do to reply.

"Let's jack both of them off with this stuff and see how long it takes for them to cum," Mark suggests. He holds up the tubes of Icy Hot and Ben Gay, extinguishing any hope Jason and Alex had that he meant the lube.

"Hey, guys, that's not funny!" Jason protested. The last thing in the workd he wanted on his cock was one of those two creams. He tried to struggle to get away, but of course, that was not possible. Alex had tied him down too tightly.

Joe took a pillow and ordered Jason to lift his hips up. When Jason refused, Joe grabbed onto his balls and squeezed. Jason yelped in pain. Joe ordered once more and Jason quickly obliged. Taking the pillow, Joe put it under Jason's ass to get hs cock arched as high into the air as he possibly could.

"Give me the Ben Gay for him," Joe sniggered. "It's appropriate for this faggot."

Mark handed the tube over to Joe. After unscrewing the top, Joe squeezed what seemed like the entire contents of the tube over Jason's hard cock and tight balls. Jason yelped yet again from the burn, but the yelping quickly turned into moaning from the intensity of the feeling. Having Joe jack his cock, which only served to rub the Ben Gay deeper into his skin, didn't help.

While this was going on, Mark did the same thing to Alex except with the tube of Icy Hot. It was hard for Jason to pay much attention to it, however. All he heard were the yelps and moans which were almost identical to his own.

"You look pretty thirsty, fag boy," Terry then told Jason as he was getting the hottest (in terms of burning) hand job that he had ever had. He put a bottle of water up to Jason's lips. "Drink this."

Jason obeyed and drank practically he entire bottle of water.

After Terry pulled the bottle away, Jason noticed that he was wearing quite a large shit eating grin on his face. "I crushed up a viagra pill in that," he informed the tied up boy. "No matter how much that Ben Gay is burning you, you're going to remain as hard as a rock."

"What?" Jason exlaimed in a panic.

"Yup, didn't you hink the water tasted funny?" Terry laughed. He made as if to take a drink out of the bottle, then realized his folly and stopped.

The burning hand jobs went on for quite a while longer, until it appeared that Joe was finally getting tired. Upon announcing this, he decided that it would be a better idea to untie one of Alex's hands and to make him stroke Jason's cock for a while.

"You're going to keep jacking your boyfriend's cock, okay fag?" Joe said to Alex. Not being able to offer a vocal response, Alex simply nodded. Joe untied his hand and moved it down to Jason's cock. Alex took up the job of jacking Jason off.

"I am getting tired too," Mark said. "Let untie one of Jason's hands and make him stroke Alex off."

"I'm not touching his dick!" Jason said. "Stroke it your damn self. When are you going to realize that I am not a fag? I'm only doing this shit because you're fucking making me!"

Joe then walked over to Mark and whispered something in his ear. Jason wished like hell that he could hear what was going on, but there was no chance. They talked back and forth for a few moments before turning back to the guys.

"I'm going to untie your hand, Jason, and then you're going to stroke Alex for a while," Joe said. Before Jason had a chance to object, Joe went on. "Then we're going to talk to you a little bit about what is going to happen next. If you don't stroke Alex's cock, then I am going to make the living hell you are going through now seem like a picnic in comparison. Got it, fag?"

"I'm not a fag!" Jason growled.

"Why do you keep letting yourself get deeper and deeper into all this then?" Joe asked. "With everything you did, we have just had more dirt on you."

"I didn't let any of this happen," Jason grumbled. He hated the logic that everyone tried to use on him. Just because he was not able to make everything stop, that somehow was equatable to him being gay.

"True," Joe remarked, "but you haven't really done much to stop it. Do you remember that video we made of your ex-girlfriend spanking you on the beach?"

"Yes," was all that Jason would say

"And the one of you getting fucked with the dildo on Sean's table?" Joe added.


"Well, we made dvd copies of them and handed them around to every girl in school," Joe said with a smile. "You'll never get a date with a girl again."

More panic than he had ever experienced flooded through Jason's heart. If he hadn't taken the viagra pills (Which Alex had been given too while they were talking), he figured he would have lost his hard on.

"No, you couldn't!" Jason cried. "You didn't! I mean, what if my father finds out? He'll kick my ass!"

"Imagine this," Joe continued, "every girl in school seeing you fucked on a table with a dildo. You can't even claim it was rape, because you didn't do a damn thing to try to stop it!"

"My dad won't only kick my ass, but he'll come after you too!" Jason threatened, but realized that it was rather an empty threat. There was nothing on any of the videos to implicate any of the other guys of any wrongdoing.

"There won't be any proof," Joe said. "Are you ready to jack Alex off while I tell you the rest, or do you want us to make your life even worse."

Jason sulked and was silent for a moment. Alex's hand was still working his dick and it was still standing up to it's full ten inch mark. He looked over and saw that the other tied up boy was watching him as Mark stroked him. Finally, he sighed and gave in.

"Untie my hand; I'll jack his cock," Jason gave in.

Mark stopped stroking Alex and untied Jason's hand. Reaching down to Alex's thick dick, Jason began to recicprocate the burning handjob that he was receiving. Jason then turned back to Joe.

"Why won't there be any proof?" he asked.

"We used a computer program to make the dvd's only watchable once," Joe laughed. "Once the girls watch them, the program will not be watchable again. Therefore no one but the girls will see them."

Jason's heart continued to beat hard and fast in his chest. He felt the pulse in his hard cock as Alex continiued to stroke it and squeeze it. It was a small relief that there was no way his dad would ever see the dvd, but that was not very comforting. He was still extremely freaked out.

"Please," he begged, "tell me you didn't pass those out!"

"Worried everyone will think you're a fag?" Joe asked.


"Are you beginning to worry that it might be true?"

Jason didn't answer that question, because he was unsure about what was going through his mind. He did not feel gay and didn't think about doing things with guys normally. However, the situation that he had been put in was making him question all sorts of things. Despite everything, he was lying in bed, jerking off another guy. He had let himself get fucked with a dildo in front of a party of guys. He had let a girl spank him while he was naked on the beach. He had had cocks in his mouth and his hands. The only place he had not had a cock was in his ass, but the thought of having one there make his dick throb. It was hard to know what was going on in his head and he really did not want to speculate much on it.

"Are you worried that you might really be gay?" Joe repeated.

Very thickly, Jason replied, "Yeah." Then, "You really didn't send those videos out, did you?"

"Nah," Joe replied. "But I did make them, and they are ready to go out to the whole school, not just the girls. If you think its bad enough that you would never get another date with a girl, just imagine what the guys will think? I mean, your swim team buddies will probably think it's hot. You guys are all just big fags anyway, but the football team, the baseball team, the other guys. I wonder how they will treat you once they see the kinky shit you're into. And that scares the shit out of you doesn't it, fag boy?"

"Yes," Jason repeated.

"Tell me you're fag boy," Joe ordered. He knew that he was treading on new ground and wasn't sure exactly where it would lead, but the idea excited him. Having Jason admit that on some level he was enjoying everything that was happening was the biggest thrill of all.

"I'm not," Jason replied. No matter what he was feeling inside, he wasn't about to admit something that was not true.

Joe laughed. He sat at the edge of the bed by Jason's legs. "I don't really care if you're a fag or not. But I want to hear you tell me you are. And if the next words out of your mouth are not 'I'm a fag,' I will leave you here, naked and tied on this bed while I order all of your dvd's to be passed out to everyone at school. Now, once again, tell me you're a fag boy."

Jason did not say anything at first. He laid where he was, considering what was going on. He looked right into Joe's eyes and realized for the first time that Joe was stronger than he was at the moment and there was nothing he could do about.

"come on," Joe coaxed. "You know you want to. You want to say it to me, don't you?"

Jason continued laying there, not saying a word. He wondered about what had been going on in his life lately. He wondered about all the man on man sex he had been involved in. He wondered about the way he thought about Alex. He wondered about the humiliation and how it had turned him on. All of these things continued to flood his mind. Although he had doubts about his sexuality, he did not see himself as a fag boy. He did not think that he was gay. But the humiliation of telling Joe that he was a fag boy was what was turning him on. The humiliation was everything. He found himself extremely close to wanting to admit it.

"YOu want to tell me you're a fag boy, don't you Jason?" Joe continued. He kept looking Jason in the eye and the tied up boy realized that he had lost his alpha male status, perhaps for good. Joe was the alpha male here and that was not going to change. Another throb passed through his hard cock.

Finally, Jason nodded. He did want to tell Joe that, even though he didn't believe it was true. He needed the humiliation it was going to cause him.

"Tell me you're a fag boy," Joe ordered again.

"I'm a cocksucking fag boy," Jason admitted while he turned about four shades of red. It wasn't true, and he didn't believe it. But when the words came out of his mouth, his cock started going through convulsions and an orgasm seemed unavoidable.

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