Days at the Beach

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Sep 11, 2006


Dislclaimer. This story depicts graphic sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are under 18 or the legal age in your state for viewing this type of material, leave now and don't read this story. Any complaints about the content will be disregarded as you have been fully warned.

Note: Hey all, sorry about the extreme lateness of this chapter. I am a full time student and my school work always comes first. However, because of some recent conversations with the real Jason, I decided it was important for me to revisit this story.

Days at the Beach Chapter 11

Jason didn't know what he was going to do. It was a weird predicament for him, being on the coffee table. He was so horny that he had managed to tune out the fact that he was surrounded by tons of guys. Although he was not a fag, he knew that none of the men around him would ever believe his denials. It wasn't important anymore. The first and foremost thing on his mind was Alex and getting a chance to be intimate with that boy. However, with 30 minutes to go and the cum had already entered his tube, that was looking less and and less likely.

Jason's breath got more and more ragged. He was moaning loud and it was obvious to any guy in the room what was about to happen. They had all came so many times by themselves or with help that they knew an orgasm was on its way.

"Oh my gosh!" one of the guys said. "Is he going to shoot?"

"Impossible!' said another. "He can't cum just by being fucked."

"Well, I guess we're about to find out for sure," Todd said, an evil grin upon his face. After all his disgust with his friend, he had taken a strong interest in Jason's humiliation. Other than Terry, Todd was the closest guy to the coffee table. After announcing the likelyhood of his fellow swimmer cumming, Todd got down on his knees for a closer look.

All Jason knew was that he had to act quickly. The last time he had come close to cumming, he had bitten his lip in order to keep it from happening. He desperately tried this again. A little pain was all he knew to take the horniness away .

Jason went through some convulsions, but luckily for him, they were not those of an orgasm. They were the convulsions of someone who was successful in stifling an orgasm.

A deep moan formed itself at the back of his throat, and he took several hyperventalating breaths. Everyone in the room braced themselves for what they figured was the inevitable, but that never came. Jason settled back down finally.

"Fuck yeah!" Todd said, leaning in for an even closer look. "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life."

The sheer experience caused Jason's cock to throb even harder. Still, he had successfully evaded the orgasm. The possibiliy of being with Alex was back on. "Hey, you know, my girlfriend would think this was very hot!" one of the guys said. Jason did not recognize his voice, though. "Can I borrow your camera phone, dude?" There was a pause and then the same voice redirected itself to Mark. "I mean, if it's okay with you that I take some pics, man."

"It's cool with me," Mark replied.

"Cool," the guy replied. "My girlfriend is really into seeing gay guys mess around. She keeps asking me to do it, but hell no would I degrade myself like that. I'm not a faggot like Jason here."

"Hey, didn't Jason beat you all the time during swim practice?" Todd asked the guy who had the camera phone. Jason had not seen the guy yet, but suddenly realized who it might be. He used to swim against this guy named Josh and he always won.

"Yeah," Josh replied. "But now that I know he's a fag, i want to race him again. Hey Mark, how about you make him swim against me naked? Maybe we can get some girls and other people in school watch me outswim him and we can humiliate him some more." "Sounds cool," Mark laughed. "I'll be there for that, definitely."

"Me too," Todd said. He was totally transfixed on Jason's cock and was paying only the minimal attention to what was being discussed around him.

Jason, on the other hand, heard every word. As had been the case with all of his previous humiliations, the words struck him with both fear and excitement. However, he was able to shut most of that out of his mind and concentrate on what was going on. Lying there on his back, with his knees propped up and his ass fully exposed was exciting in itself. Getting fucked for the first time was almost as good. His cock bobbed in the air, spilling out precum all over the place. It got all over his belly and formed a pool there. Some of it was hitting Terry in the face. Most of his concentration, though, was on the feeling of that vibrator moving in and out of him. It was like nothing he had ever felt. Terry was nice and did not do it rough or fast. But it was amazing to feel it moving in and out, over and over. Once again, Jason felt most of the world melting away from him.

Suddenly, Terry did something different, though. He started twisting the vibrator in a circular motion as he thrusted it into Jason. This caught him off gaurd as well as his dick. The thing was already as hard and big as it had ever been, but Jason swore he saw his cock stretch to at least another inch. And yet again, he felt the cum start to rise up into the tube of his cock. Anxiously, he tried to bite his lip again, but it was not enough. The circular thrusting was too much and there was no way he wasn't going to blow the whole saved up load in front of everyone at the party. Once again, his breathing became ragged and shallow. Jason's whole body turned red and there was no going back. He opened his mouth and yelled:

"Oh no, I'm going to cum!"

And before he could, the vibrator was promptly removed from his butt. His cock, in the beginning throes of orgasm, continued to wave in the air in frustration. It was begging for anyone to grab it and jack it off one last stroke. Jason even found himself looking at Terry and Todd, hoping one of them would be the one to take hold of his dick. But they both just watched him. Pretty soon, the orgasm subsided and Jason was back to the total state of frustration that he had been finding himself in lately. "Please let me cum, Mark, I really need to," Jason found himself starting to beg. "I can't go on like this anymore. I need some release. Let me jack off! I've never gone this long without shooting!"

"This guy can't get any lower," Josh said in disgust. "Why is he asking permission to cum?"

"He hasn't been cumming without my permission," Mark said with a smile. "This big, masculine, straight guy has been begging me lately to let him shoot. How weird is that? He won't cum because he thinks I will punish him if he does."

There were tons of comments about Jason's sexuality. But he was able to tune most of them out. They hurt and embarrassed him. he still knew he was not gay. he was being controlled and used by others.

"Well, the show's over for a while boys," Mark said. "You can go back to your partying or whatever. Jason will stay naked and tied up to the table though. Feel free to torment him, talk to him or ignore him if you want to. He is hear soley for your amusement."

Most of the guys just went back to partying. Jason laid there, the only person naked in the entire room, tied to a coffee table. He didn't really say anything.. just watched what went on around him. For a while, his cock stayed as hard as steel, but after a while it began to droop. He was happy and felt rather good about that, but it didn't last very long.

Todd sat down beside the coffee table and started talking to him.

"What is your deal, man?" he asked. "Why are you going along with all of this stuff?

Jason said nothing at first. He just looked away from his friend.

Todd reach out and tickled the underside of Jason's cock. He kept doing this as the nine inch dick started elevating back to it's normal height. Once it was as hard as possible, Todd stopped tickling and instead ran his fingers lightly up and down Jason's cock.

Jason moaned. "Why are you doing this?"

Todd just laughed.

"Come on man, everyone is going to notice it and think you're a fag too," Jason said. "Plus, I am not allowed to cum."

"You haven't been paying much attention," Todd said. "Most of the guys have left the party. YOu've been laying on this table for a couple hours. There's only like five guys left and they all want to torture you."

Jason looked around and it was true. Josh was still there, along with Todd and a couple of other guys that he knew, although not well. Mark and Joe were not in the room, and that was a surprise. He must have totally lost track of time as he lay on the table, tied, horny and denied of his orgasm.

Slowly, Todd closed his fist around Jason's hard cock. It was slick with precum, and that caused a look of disgust on Todd's face. After a moment, though, he laughed. "You'll just lick my hand clean a little later on, fag."

Fag? Jason thouht. You're the one touching my cock.

He didn't say what was going on in his mind, though. He didn't want to be punished. After holding the rock hard cock in his hand for a while, Todd started to tug on it slowly. The tugging was pulled small, uneven moans from Jason, but he was in absolutely no danger of cumming. The stimulation was slow and barely noticeable. Another guy came buy and sat down beside Todd. The two of themm started talking about something. Jason wasn't sure what it was, but it wasn't him. They started taking turns stroking his cock, though. Todd would stroke Jason for a while as he talked, then he would stop and the other guy would take over. both of them kept working his dick, but they started acting like he wasn't there. It made him feel very worthless and unimportant. Jason was there only for their enjoyment and his own feeling didn't matter.

After a while, Mark called Todd into the other room.

"I'll be there in a moment," Todd replied. He then turned to his friend. "Jack his cock while I am gone, but don't let him cum." Then, he took his precum covered hand and held it up to Jason's face.

Jason grimaced.

"Lick the precum off of my hand," Todd demanded. Thinking it was the grossest thing that he had ever done, Jason did exactly as he was told. Afterwards, Todd took the precum on the straight boys belly and wiped it over his face. Jason looked like he had blown someone and let the guy shoot all over his face.

Todd left the room. Jason was left alone with a boy he really didn't know. Even so, the kid was slowly jacking his cock. Once Todd left, he seemed to allow himself to get into it a little more, though. The kid started jacking him faster and several times brought him to the edge of orgasm. However, at the last moment, the kid would pull his hand off and wait until the cock would calm down. Then he repeated the process. Jason tried his best not to say anything to this kid who was totally playing with him for his own amusement. The kid was probably a freshman in the school and probably never had any sex in his entire life.

After a while, Todd, Joe and Mark came back into the room. Once they did, the kid stopped playing hard with Jason's cock, and instead returned to the slow strokes. "Well, time to get you up for your reward," Mark said with a laugh. He went and untied Jason from the coffeee table. Jason did not get up right away, though. He waited to do what he was told.

"You can get up," Mark said. Jason did as he was told. He was now standing naked in front of the guys. "Turn around so we can handcuff you." Jason did as he was told. "Now we're going to take you to get your reward and leave you for the night. However, I expect you to be ready tomorrow to race Josh. You'll show up naked at the pool at school at noon. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Jason responded.

They then led him out to the car in the nude. This kept him excited, but he was lucky that no one saw him. After throwing him into the back of Mark's car, the other three got into the front. The boy who had been jacking him (indentified as Billy) got into the back beside Jason. As was before, he started working Jason's cock as they drove. "We made some prearrangements with Alex," Mark said as he drove. "We're going to go ahead and drop you off and he'll pick you up. Assuming, that is, that he got the email that we sent him."

"Where are you dropping me off?" Jason asked.

"Right here," Mark said as he pulled up in an alley. Jason looked out the window and saw a dumpster. He started to worry right away.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Jason protested! "I didn't cum!"

"Go ahead, Billy," Mark instructed.

The boy in the back started jacking Jason's cock off very quick. Jason wanted to make him stop, but he was too close to do anything. The quick hand on his dick quickly brought him into convulsions. Before he came, though, the three boys in the front of the car dragged his naked body into the alley. They overpowered him, picked him up and dropped him into the dumpster. Billy then finished pulling on Jason's cock as he laid there, naked in the garbage bin. the convulsions continued, and Jason was unable to do anything. The cum finally made it up into his tube, through his cock and he finally started shooting off all over everywhere. He moaned loud in he alley, sure that anyone around heard him cumming. Once he had shot his entire, huge load over his naked body, Billy stopped pumping his cock.

"Well, let's go, boys," Mark said. "You better be at the pool tomorrow, fag boy."

Finally, Todd took a picture of jason laying in a garbage bin, with cum covering his naked body. They drove off.

Jason laid there in the dumpster, dejected and sad. He didn't move at all until he heard a familiar voice ask, "Jason?"

It was Alex.

To be continued: Send comments to

Next: Chapter 12

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