Day Trip to Dehradun

By smooth top

Published on Jan 31, 2008


Minors (and that means readers under age 18, or maybe even a higher age, if that is what the law is in your area) please leave NOW. People, who are not ACTIVELY hunting for gay pornography, please leave NOW. If it is illegal for you to be reading this material, please leave NOW.

This is the second part of almost a real story. More than 90% of it actually happened. Of course, names have been changed, to guard identities, and there has been an occasional, minor embellishment. Otherwise, it really did happen.

This story is my first work, ever. I am not sure if I want to be a porn writer for keeps, but I know it feels easier to start writing this way! I have been an avid reader of nifty since I stumbled upon it some years ago, and am proud that such a resource exists free on the net. Way to go! I wonder why more Indian authors don't post here though! I know there's plenty of talent there!

Please be safe, and ALWAYS ALWAYS use a condom!

Day Trip to Dehradun

Part II- Naughty Shashank

Shashank & I sat in his car outside CafeCoffeeDay in Dehradun. I had already decided that I wanted to go ahead with this dude. As Shashank was about to start `er up, I thought it was time to come clean. "Listen, I want you to know that I REALLY dig you, and would like to go someplace really private if you want to "

Again a blush ! Gawd, I could fall in love ! "umm, I like you loads too, but my friend's flat, which is usually available to me is not free today and I don't wanna check into a seedy hotel. Shall we go for a long drive instead? Some of my frens come over all the way from delhi to go on this drive I have in mind" "sure, if that's what you want", though secretly I was mulling over all that I would do if I could just get him behind closed doors for a minute !

we drove through lots of crowded areas, "this is raipur road, and we are gonna take the way which goes to Tehri" by now all that coffee in me wanted to come out and I was desperate to go. Murphy's law pronto, and we were on the bumpiest road in all of the town, with not a single spot where I could water a tree in semi-privacy!!

As Shashank laughed at my misery and I became ever more enamoured by his cuuute smile (did I tell you about his smile earlier?), I started to get a woodie! "Oh! No, not now! I hate to have to pee when I am hard" this just got more laughter, which of course, made me even more erect.

Mercifully we soon reached a slightly deserted patch and I ejected from the seat like a pilot whose plane is on fire! Phew! What a relief! They say `paradise is a dog with a full bladder and an avenue full of trees!' I second them!

When I turned around, I was surprised to see Shashank taking a leak too, but across the road !! Gosh ! the guy is bashful!! I teased him a bit about that too. As we drove on, the scenery got much better and we started to climb the hills. It was quite a lonely drive and I could not wait any longer, so started to feel the thigh next to the gear shaft. Slow n steady, don't wanna frighten the colt yet ! I was getting more and more turned on by now and could see that he was too. Suddenly, he braked. What now? As I looked ahead, I found that there were about half a dozen vehicles lined up ahead of us and, wonder-of-wonders! A landslide!! No rain or storm and suddenly you have grit and stones sliding down onto the road and completely blocking traffic!!

"there goes our lovely desolate drive up the hills. Its truly a marvelous spot, isolated and very scenic, out there" I could sense his disappointment and decided to make light of it- "sweetheart, what I want is YOU next to me, even if we are not on some scenic drive!!"

As he reversed the car, he turned halfway in his seat to look through the rear of the car. Now you cant bring such a cute face so tantalizingly close to Zubair and expect he will let go of the opportunity !! I kissed him bang on the lips. Not an open-mouthed wet one, but still a wholesome full lip-on-lip smacker that pressed onto his lips and made me realize that they were every bit as lusciously succulent as they looked to be!!

Startle! Priceless! Thank God he dint back the car down the cliff!

"Did you like that ?" "hey ! you could have warned me, I wasn't ready for it ! and someone could have seen us!" But I noticed he dint object to the kiss itself. hey! My sweetie was coming around! ;-)

As we reversed our drive back towards town, we came across an open clearing to the left, form where I could see a small path going down to the rivers edge, or rather, as I later discovered, to the embankments near the edge. "Lets pull over here, the view is lovely as the sun settles". My lovely guide was sure taking his job seriously!!

We walked down the path and reached the top of the embankment with a pretty steep slope leading down to the river bed. As we stood there with a small breeze just putting the right amount of nip in the air, I came onto Shashank from behind and encircled his neck and shoulder with my left arm as I did the same to his waist with my right and then locked my hands in front of his chest.

"Now where are you gonna escape to, sweetie.. " I whispered into his right ear. I also was just nudging his right ass cheek with my hard-on, through his trousers and my jeans, lightly enough for him to know it was just there, brushing against him as I stood just behind and slightly to his right.

"who the hell wants to escape", he sighed as I nuzzled the nape of his neck and very very lightly bit on the tender skin just below his right earlobe. Meanwhile my left hand had disengaged from the interlock and was massaging his left nipple and pecs under the jacket and over the linen shirt. I seemed to be doing the right moves, `cos in a wee bit his back arched as he thrust his ass back onto my rigid member. Despite the two pairs of lower-wear between us, I swear I could feel the softness of his right bun as it yielded to my pressing rod! WOW! This was the stuff I wanted to do with him, and here I was, actually doing it !!

Shashank's eyes were closed as he leaned his weight back onto me and threw his neck back. I lightly kissed the right angel of his mouth and those sexy lips parted. It was then that I knew I had scored for sure. I was not the only one enjoying myself, I now knew! I resumed my nuzzle-n-nibble on his soft neck, made all the more easy by his arching his back and neck. And removed my left hand from its attention- giving job to the left chest. I had better things to do with it!

As I held his waist now with my right arm completely around it, for I needed to support his weight as he was almost completely leaning back onto me, I slipped my left hand down the left side of his back and inside the belt of his (thankfully!) loose-waisted trousers. The CK briefs were just peeping above the belt but I did not negotiate deeper, content with feeling the hot ass through the soft fabric. As I squeezed the left bun-cheek and held it in my palm, he let out a low moan. This of course had the desired effect and Zubair-junior was pronto trying to bore a hole through my jeans as well as his trousers. My grasp tightened and so did my hug. By now I was sucking on his right earlobe and his breath was quite ragged. I am sure my pole left a shaft- shaped bruise on his right ass-cheek, we were pressed so hard together.

Of course, it was too good to last. I glanced at a movement through the corner of my eye, and was horrified to see a village-bumpkin type, not 50 metres away from us, trying to figure out what was happening.

He must have come up the slope from the river with his herd of goats or whateve,r and must have been confused at the sight of me trying to revive an obviously unconscious Shashank, in a standing-up position as he leaned back on me. Having seen this new technique of open-mouth-to-side-of-the- - neck respiration, coupled with the new method of CPR where the heart is revived by squeezing the left bum-cheek, all the while supporting the fainted form with the front of my pelvis impaling his right bum-cheek, he must have decided then and there to enlighten his fellow-villagers about this latest advance in emergency care.

From his viewpoint it was obviously a successful technique, because he only saw a sudden regaining of consciousness in Shashank as I whispered into his ear that we were being watched. We quickly disengaged and started to stroll away.. Emergency resuscitation witnessed, Mr Bumpkin wandered away, doubtless deciding that this was something that he MUST share at the village choupal tonite!!

Seeing that the spectators had disappeared and a convenient rock protruded from the bank, I suggested to Shashank that we sit down. "no no, not there, come here and sit on my lap, or at least my thigh" this got him giggling, and expressing concern that I would not be able to take his weight !!

Imagine what that does to a man's ego!! So of course I swept him up off the ground altogether as he protested, left arm supporting his back and right under his thighs / knees. In this classical pose, with his arms linked around my neck, I walked some distance as he kept laughing and finally begged me to put him down.

"Now do you believe that I can take your weight?" He just smiled and gave me a full lipped kiss on the cheek. Somehow that felt even better than the lip-on-lip smack!

I was totally turned on by now and kept pestering him to tell me a place more private than this. When I realized that he TRULY was outta ideas, I got so frustrated that I knew I had to do something to stop myself from jumping on him right then and there, in the bushes and undergrowth!! So I ran down the slope of the embankment and looked up at an astonished Shashank "how are you going to get back up here now? It's a very steep slope!!"

Good! An opportunity to show-off! I was not gonna pass up on this chance!! He did nt know about my mountaineering skills or the fact that I was practically a goat as far as slopes were concerned!! So I shimmied up the slope (amost 60ø !smug, smug!) and was pleased to see him apparently impressed! So, of course I did it again! Only this time, when I was below the embankment, I thought I would adjust my hard-on within my tight jeans. So I unbuckled and slid them down to mid-thigh.

"WOW! Take off those briefs too. You have sexy smooth thighs, I wanna see what's inside those grey briefs too!" well, two could play at being a tease, so I just rubbed myself through the briefs, smiled up at him, and took small, geisha-in-a-kimono steps up the steep slope of the embankment with my jeans bunched across my lower thighs. Its not easy buddy, try it sometime!!

I made it up the slope without a slip (phew!) and started to put my dishabille back together. "why do you wear your jeans so high up?" he is right, I always have and its kinda odd. But then, it showcases your package pretty nicely, snugged tight!

OMG! I looked at my phone! It was almost 5! I had a long way to go back. So we got back into the car and started the long drive back to the bus stand. By now I was totally randy and wanted at least a good hand - job if nothing else. Shashank was busy driving with one hand as I coaxed his left under my pullover as I sat with my jeans down to my thighs again. It was kinda crazy because we were now approaching civilization and traffic was beginning to appear. Although I doubt if anybody could make out what was happening in the moving car!

His left palm and fingers finally encircled my raging hard- on. I was leaking pre-cum (I am a fountain-spout in this regard, I just cant stop when I am turned on!) copiously by now. As he rubbed his thumb over my cock-head, it slipped away slickly. Surprise registered in his voice "oh! You are uncut!"

"So? Did you think I was cut? Is that the way you like it ?" flustered."no no, I mean, I just thought." trailed off. cho chweet! What he wanted to know was that with a name like Zubair, why was I not circumcised like all other muslim boys. Well, if he didn't ask, I was not gonna volunteer the info! ;-)

by now he was jacking me off and it felt sooooooo good!! I mean, your own hand never feels as good somehow as another guys, right? but I could make out that he was having trouble driving in this handicapped state. The need to shift gears was increasing as we were re-entering the city and traffic increased. And his pre-cum slicked hand had already coated the gear handle with a lot of Zubair DNA!!

Reluctantly, we both realized that this would probably result in a car crash. !sigh! sometimes I wonder why we did not finish off the entire thing in the woods before re- entering the car!! I guess when all the blood is diverted to the dong, there is none left to feed the brain and THAT'S why it goes dull!

So I was zipping back up patting my clothes back into place as he narrated how he once got into an embarrassing situation. Apparently he was being similarly naughty with another friend (popular guy, hunh!), and the car whacked into a scooter. They both got off in a rush to check the damage and help the motorist up, before it being pointed out by the quicly-gathered crowd that their dicks were hanging out!

Now here I was, horny as hell, and not yet relieved!! And going back all the way to Meerut! Enough for a guy to yell out loud! I suggested he come along half-way for the bus ride. I had seen that the entire back rows had been empty, invitingly so! But no go. Shashank had to get back home in the car.

I realized he was being sweet enough to drive me back to the bus stand. So I decided not to push the issue further. But by now my blue balls were desperately seeking some release. And then it struck me!! There might be some hope in Danish!!

Danish was this filthy rich 19 year old who I had got in touch when I was ... But lets save that for another story!! ;-)

Did you like that and would you want to hear the rest? I was somewhat more explicit in this second instalment. would you like me to continue thus? better? Worse? Please encourage me!

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