Day Trip to Dehradun

By smooth top

Published on Jan 27, 2008


Minors (and that means readers under age 18, or maybe even a higher age, if that is what the law is in your area) please leave NOW. People, who are not ACTIVELY hunting for gay pornography, please leave NOW. If it is illegal for you to be reading this material, please leave NOW.

This is almost a real story. More than 90% of it actually happened. Of course, names have been changed, to guard identities, and there has been an occasional, minor embellishment. Otherwise, it really did happen.

This story is my first work, ever. I am not sure if I want to be a porn writer for keeps, but I know it feels easier to start writing this way! I have been an avid reader of nifty since I stumbled upon it some years ago, and am proud that such a resource exists free on the net. Way to go! I wonder why more Indian authors don?t post here though! I know there?s plenty of talent there!

Please be safe, and ALWAYS ALWAYS use a condom!

Day Trip to Dehradun

Part I- Sweet Shashank

Happy birthday Rohan !!

I tried SEVERAL times to call you today, the 23rd of Jan ? unsuccessful? L

We speak almost everyday, sometimes important stuff, sometimes un-important?

But THE one day I want you to know that you are being wished a happy and joyful life, I seem to incur the wrath of the no-mobile-connectivity god!

So lemme tell you about my trip to Dehradun today, instead?

?Zubair ! You will land up in B.I.G. trouble one day with this impulsiveness of yours!!?

Ma was probably right: I have been impulsive about most things. But I hope she is wrong on the prediction, she has been wrong, as yet at least!!

So it was with a sense of freshness and expectancy that I stood waiting at the roadside, where people told me I would get a bus to Dehradun easily?

But before that, allow me to fill you in on WHY Dehradun?

I had been chatting with this guy from Manjam for quite some time now ?

We had bumped into each other online nearly six months ago, when I was on my earlier visit to relatives at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Saharanpur ?

He seemed nice enough to chat with, and we had exchanged pix, where he was sweet to look at too?

But what got me truly turned on was when Shashank and I exchanged numbers and we spoke to each other for the first time; he was sooooooooooo suave on the phone!! J

So we stayed in touch and would catch up with stuff once in a while.

When I told Shashank that I would be visiting Meerut for a few days, he said it was not too far from Dehradun and I should try to make a trip. I let that go as almost impossible: after all, I would be staying with a friend?s parents and would be hard-pressed to explain why I was rushing off to Dehradun suddenly!

And then after I landed, it was almost a 2 hourly call, ?why dontcha come over, we can meet and I will show you a good time??

Well, I can?t say that I was hypnotized, but Shashank CERTAINLY made me feel very special and desired, and I think I allowed the silky smooth tongue that he possessed to coax me into impulsively declaring to my friend?s family that I had to go meet an old school mate tomorrow!!

And THAT?S why I was here at the kerb, expectantly awaiting the bus!

A smart Volvo turned up with plush seats and a very cozy interior, and hardly any passengers. Glad to pay the extra fare to be able to keep the draught out in this exceptionally cold weather, I clambered on and made for a nice sunny seat.

The drive was quite pleasant and lush fields sped by as I listened to some groovy music on my i-pod.. I was full of anticipation, and admittedly, a little apprehension. After all, I had NO IDEA who Shashank would turn out to be! I doubted very much if he was a serial killer, but he just as well might be one of those flabby men who are gross and put up fake pix on the net!! How on earth do they imagine they can get away with it when they finally meet up?

Shashank & I spoke several times through the journey and as I crossed the mountains just before entering the Doon valley, he said he might be a tad late. Oh! Well, not too good a start!

All too soon I was at the bus stand with no Shashank or his Wagon-R in sight! The bum told me he was gonna be late by 5 mins but I spent more than 30 waiting outside the bus stand at a small PCO stall bang opposite the entry.

I made use of this time to try and call Rohan; maybe a landline phone would work where my cell failed- no such luck! I even tried to call Mihir, my pal-of-six-months-who-promised-to-show-me-Dehradun-once, just to tell him that I was finally in Doon and he was a jerk to not be the one escorting me. Ring-ring-no-pick-up. Oh! Well, today appeared to be my lucky day for everything!

The car appeared finally, from a direction other than what I had been scanning, and I was heartened to know that he was no fake-pic-on-the-net guy !!

My anger at being made to wait evaporated when I saw his cuuute smile and the way he apologized.

?you don?t need to wear a seat belt here??.. as I reflexly reached over to secure mine.

Gawd! Those lips! I was almost not hearing the sounds that he was making, just looking at them move!!

Really cuuute smile too, did I mention earlier? J

?Hey bud! That?s an awful tie you have on!? It really was. Kinda jarring shades of dirtyblue and dirtieryellow, not grime dirty you know, but just the designer-was-having-a-bad-hair-day-dirty.

And so we drove on. I guess that?s what happens the initial few minutes you meet someone for the first time that you have been speaking to on the phone for long. You kinda absorb him as you morph the image you had of him onto the person you are finally meeting. The conversation was more like a background drone, as he pointed out this road and that tower and what-not on the drive back to town.

After we crossed Ghantaghar (I found that name funny!), we were almost on Rajpur road. This, I am told, is THE place to be seen at if you wanna be seen shopping at Dehradun. Kinda weird to have a shopping area called a road, but I guess that?s how it was. And we reached CafeCoffeeDay.

By this time I had arrived at the conclusion that this guy was real nice, and I would enjoy the coffee and conversation to follow! Funnily, Shashank was doing most of the talking while I listened intently, busy just drinking him in. Gawd, he was cute!

?Last month my foto was displayed in the local eveninger as I was dancing at so-and-so?s wedding with my wife? (Oops)!? He realized that he had let on that he was married! I guess my dismay showed through, ?cos he immediately said, ?actually I am engaged, not married, but my fianc?e & I talk of each other as if we are married, it?s a private joke!?

?But you have a wedding band on your ring finger??

?Yeah, that?s my engagement ring?

Liar. J I could smell from a mile that he was being untrue, but hey! It?s your life Shashank, if YOU are OK with cheating on your wife, who am I to object?

J As long as I get the goodies that is!! ;-)

He was obviously the shy types: he had chosen a table very far into the corner, hidden behind a column and was literally invisible to the rest of the caf? crowd, farthest from the door! But the staff seemed to know him well. Popular hunh !!! ;-)

I teased him a bit about getting all his ?new friends? here, and he almost blushed ! Gawd, he was sooo cuuute! I found out he was working in some MNC as a financial advisor, just picked up his job. He appeared very sincere and serious about his job, and seemed to like talking about it. That was a nice omen. I like earnest guys. Makes them more un-inhibited in bed! ;-)

Ok, I am gonna get into this guys pants, decision made! ?Shashank, lemme take off your tie, it really IS horrible.? And I just reached over and pulled it off, making sure I spent a while fumbling at the knot so that my face was inches from his. ALL the while I was smiling into his eyes, no wonder the knot was being fumbled upon!

By now he was smiling too, knowing fully well what I was playing at, and also the fact that the guy at the counter could see all the close male-bonding happen! ?Lets get outta here, I like you tons and wanna know you better in a more private place. ;-)?

So we were up and on the counter, he a little flushed and me more than a little eager to get my paws on him in a more conducive environment.

?no no, I am gonna pay, you?re a guest in my town? Gawd, was he cuuute!!

Especially when he got all flustered, because they would not take his credit card.

?Relax, Shash, just gimme the car keys and I?ll get my wallet lying in my jacket pocket??

As I walked down the steps on my way towards the door, I spotted a pleasant faced guy staring at me: big round hazel eyes and huge eyelashes which gave him a very pretty-faced look. A bit disappointing in the chin though, very tiny and a total turn-off. I met his gaze and half smiled back. He averted his gaze, and pretended to not have been looking.

Maybe I should describe myself a bit here. I am 5?11??tall, with an unruly mop of hair which would NEVER stay in place if I so much as flicked my head once. I?ve been told by loadsa barbers that my hair is so straight that it could be a chink?s head of hair. I take them to mean it as a compliment. I grow it long occasionally and like it short near the sideburns usually.

I?m not a body builder by any standard, but love jogging / running / swimming and was on my college sprint team. An athletic, well toned body which I push to the gym maybe thrice a week, when I am not playing tennis.

Not too bad in the looks department, I pride myself on my smooooooth body, with just a bit o?hair on my legs, nowhere else. I always keep my lawn mowed right to the skin. Every week.

But what I REALLY think is my USP is my ability to use my gaydar effectively and hold eye contact. I mean I am totally aggro in giving the looks. And that seems to have some sort of a magnetism on guys who are on the hunt!!

Ok, all that makes me sound too full of myself, but I just wanted to make you realize that this pleasant-faced guy was not the first that I had boldly smiled at and hinted interest in. newayz, he looked away quickly- I knew that mouse-like small chin would make him a scaredy-poo! J

As I crossed the door of CCD to reach the car, I espied a gorgeous small-built guy talking on his mobile phone just outside. Now lemme tell you that I have a huge failing for short, cute, just-into-college type guys. And this one was really a pretty boy. Not effeminate, he had the looks which generations of being in the hills bestow on you. Fair but not pale, rosy lips, a hint of peach-coloured sun-burn on the cheeks, almost-brunette hair. But most of all, just tall enough for me to lift him off the ground as we kissed!!

I spent a few extra minutes fiddling around with my jacket pockets in the car as I savoured this find. Gawd, was I getting randy! Out on a date with a cuuute guy and already eyeing another !! thank God I was not monogamous !


As I went in and the cashier changed my money, I told Shashank to check out the guy we would pass near the door. ?he is totally my type, dude!? I realized this was too loud when I turned around and found the small-chin-doe-eyes guy REALLY staring at me: he seemed to have heard me! Shashank told me later on that he might have possibly recognized him from some earlier gay party and was merely looking at the ?new guy? in town!

As we went down the steps towards the exit, I saw my gorgeous shortie come in and join the s-c-d-e guy and greet him warmly. Yup, they were a number. Confirmed. Wish I were with gorgeous-boy too!! (little did I know?)

As we sat in the car and Shashank was about to start ?er up, I thought it was time to come clean. ?Listen, I want you to know I REALLY dig you, and would like to go someplace really private if you want to ?

Did you like that and would you want to hear the rest? I deliberately was not notty in this first instalment? would you like me to be?

Please encourage me!


Next: Chapter 2

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