Day Gone Wrong

By Dale de Leon

Published on Jul 26, 2000


A Day Gone Wrong

Disclaimer: This is a story about a guy who incidentally, happens to be attracted to other guys. If all you're looking for is a quick thrill that you can jack off to, then sorry bud, this one's not for you. If that's not what you're after, well... sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. _____________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 11: Surprise, surprise!

I must have held my breath for around 12 seconds. The man whom I have looked up to for so long, the hero whom I have never thought I'd meet, the person who haunts the corners of my unconscious daydreams... he was here, seated only a few steps away from me and my entire future was riding on the hope that he will let me stay in his house long enough to finish my studies... now why is it that the only thing I can think of is the look on his face when I splattered mud all over him? Dhaow! I can almost hear the sound of Fate laughing hard at me from afar. This must be her idea of a cruel joke.

"... and this is the guy I was talking to you about Uncle Mike. This is my classmate... Dale de Leon.." Barry said as I began to pay attention to what was going on.

"Uncle Mike" just kept on staring at me with his grim and un-chummy eyes. Silence.


Really uncomfortable silence. (For some strange reason, the theme song from Jeopardy began playing in my head.)

I was relieved to hear Barry speak just when the music began to shift for the bonus round. "Well... whaddaya think Uncle Mike?"


Miguel Javier shifted his gaze from me to Barry then finally, back to me. He was looking at me like a hungry cat stalking a fat, slow mouse. My heart leapt a triple axel to my throat as I heard what he finally said, "Young man, do I know you from somewhere?"


I wanted to say something... anything!!! However, I just could not begin to put to words as to what was going through my head that moment. My emotions were all so mixed! A part of me wanted to grab hold of Miguel's legs and then cry and beg for mercy. Another part of me wanted to run as fast as I could and keep on running until I got to Sitio Maringgit while another part of me wanted to faint right then and there or perhaps maybe even shrink into a miniscule molecule on the floor.

How I wanted the third option to happen.

Cursing my genetic gift of resolute healthiness, I decided to give Miguel Javier what I can only describe of as being a cross between a grimace and a smile. "Errr... I don't know sir. I think so... err I mean I don't know," I managed to croak out in an unstable voice. Miguel's eyes narrowed with what I had hoped as not being suspicion.

All hail Barry, my hero, who spoke in the nick of time. "Uhm... you gotta pardon Dale here, Unc. He's been through a lot the past couple of hours and I think he's still recovering from the shock of losing everything he's got."

The man must've had a heart of stone. He didn't even look like he gave the slightest shit to what just happened to me. "I see," was all he said.

Silence. This was getting really redundant.

Finally, Miguel spoke up. "Dale de Leon... that's you're name isn't it?"

"Uhm.. yeah," I managed to squeak.

"Tell me Dale... give me one good reason why I should hire you despite your being a complete stranger in this household. For all I know, you might just decide to take my family hostage some day when we least expect it. Do you have any relatives here in Kanluran City? Can you provide me with references that will vouch for your being a man of integrity?"

"Aahh.. well... Dale --" Barry was going to say when I decided that I was tired of having someone else save my sorry ass for me. This was my future that was on the line here and it was high time that I stood up and fought for it. It was what a proud de Leon would do, personal fear and timidity be damned. I began to speak out,

"---what Barry means to say sir is that, yes, I am a person of good moral character. I may not have much left in this world, but I have that, at least. Good moral character and a strong personal drive to prevail."

I could not believe that I was saying what I was saying right now. My voice was rising from a mousy squeak to a more confident tone. Ah what the hell, I had nothing to lose. I might as well throw it all on the line. I went on,

"---and further more, I believe that it will be to you and your family's best interest that I be hired. Sir, I may not look like much but I can assure you that my body is not unaccustomed to hard labor. I have been a farmer all my life and I can do whatever job you can throw at me. If you want me to haul heavy things around the house, I can do it. If you want me to clean your cars, scrub the toilets and disinfect your bathroom, I can do it. If you want me to take care of your plants and your animals, I can do it. If you want me to cook a simple and nutritious meal, I can do it. If you want me to build you a table, a chair, or fix your plumbing, I can do it. I can do anything you want and more, and if you should ask for a demonstration, I am willing to show you."

I began to pause. Was I saying too much? Was I scaring this man off with my heartfelt and obvious desperation?

The room was still silent as Barry and his uncle were still trying to absorb everything that I had just said. I realized that I was not yet through.

"What I'm basically trying to say here, sir, is that I really need this job. I am willing to get by if you pay me a pittance, I don't care. All I'm asking for is a roof over my head and some rice to assauge my hungry stomach. In return, I will be the best damn worker you ever had in this house. Please... you've got to give me a chance! I just can't give up now when everything I've longed for and dreamed about is waiting and just within my reach... all I have to do is to work and study hard for it. Well, I'm willing to work hard for that, and if means having to take on an added job then so be it, I'm willing to pay that price. That is... if you'd only let me..." I said finally, with my voice trailing off. Well, this was it. If it was going to end now, then it is going to end in a bloody bang. At least nobody can blame me for not giving it a try.

Barry was staring at me speechlessly. He was probably thinking that I was going to get kicked out of the house, hind end first. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised. Meanwhile, Miguel Javier was quietly assessing me with eyes that bore through my soul with the menace of a striking hawk. Uh-oh.

That can't be good.

He then opened his mouth to say a word.


Barry's head turned towards him increduously, "Huh? What do you mean okay?"

Miguel swivelled his chair, picked up the phone and with a casual nod, dismissed us. "Okay, he's hired. Have him get a copy of his school records and give it to your Aunt Chas first thing on Monday. Now go get out of here, I've got some calls I have to make."

I could not believe my ears. I could NOT believe my ears!!! Was I hearing this? Was I really getting hired??? A visibly ecstatic Barry grinned and gave me a light clap on the shoulder. He and I began to file out of Miguel's office when I heard my boss's voice call out from behind the chair, "And Dale?"

"Sir?" I responded.

"See those overgrown bushes by the east end of the wall?" He pointed out with his finger. "Have them pruned tomorrow morning."

"Yes Sir!," I grinned as I happily walked out the door.

Chapter 12: Dale de Leon... Javier Family Gardener and all-purpose Gofer.

As I closed the door, Barry began whooping and gave me a high five. "Woo-hoo! Dale, you're the man!!! Shit dude, whatever happened to that mousy guy who wanted to sleep on the floor? I didn't know you had a tiger in you!!!"

I was still a bit shaken by everything that had transpired so all I managed to give him was a tired but heartfelt smile. "Barry, I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks man!"

"Buddy, you owe me, big-time!!! C'mon... let's go tell Aunt Chas the good news."

Barry raced to the dining hall like a happy puppy. I trotted right behind him.

"Aunt Chas!! Aunt Chas!!! Good news!! Dale's been hired!!!"

Aunt Chas was visibly happy for me. She gave me a wide smile and shook my hand, "Well that settles it! Welcome to the household Dale!!!"

I gave her a happy grin and thanked her.

"Come along now hijo and I'll introduce you to the other help," Aunt Chas said and then motioned me to follow her into the kitchen.

A phone rang from upstairs and I heard a maid call out, "Senor Barry!! Miss Bianca is on the phone and she wants to talk to you." Barry turned towards me and congratulated me one more time. "Congratulations again Dale... and welcome. Now excuse me for a while... I've got a lonely girlfriend on the line." And with that, Barry pumped my hand and walked away towards the staircase. I nodded and followed Mrs. Javier to the kitchen.

As I opened the door, a strong whiff of onions, and boiling chickens greeted me. All around me were a motion of activity and labor as Aunt Chas was directing her staff of helpers prepare the meal for the evening.

"Oh there you are Dale. Okay ladies... and yes Lucio, you too... I would like you all to meet our new gardener, Dale de Leon. Dale is going to be staying with us for quite a while and studying over at Barry's school at the same time, so I would like you all to work out a schedule for him which will allow him to do his chores with us and study and go to school at the same time."

"Now Dale... these people will be your co-workers in the days to come. That over there is Mercy, slicing on the chopping board..."

I nodded shyly at Mercy, who was giving me a warm smile. She was a nicely-contoured girl of around 20 years of age, with a pleasant face and a reserved disposition.

"... and that is Cynthia, cleaning on the plates...."

Cynthia was a thin, brown-skinned girl with an intelligent demeanor. She also looked to be around my age. Cynthia gave me a nod and went back to her duties.

"... and that is Lucio, dipping his finger into the sauce. Now Lucio, take your hands off that and don't ever let me catch you again... "

I've met Lucio earlier. He's the family driver. Lucio is a dark-skinned man of medium build, who appeared to be in his late 40's. I could easily tell that he acted much younger than he looked. He gave Aunt Chas a "Did I do that?" grin and then gave me an conspiratorial wink. I grinned. I can already tell that I'm gonna like this guy.

"... and finally, on the stove cooking, is my personal assistant Rosa. Rosa is going to be in charge of you Dale, so don't give her a hard time and do whatever she tells you to do."

Rosa paused from stirring a pot and then turned towards my direction, appraising me. She was a woman in her 50's, kinda short and very stout. She looked like she could face a charging water buffalo head on and live to tell about it. I would pity the buffalo. Needless to say, she gave me the impression that she would not stand for any nonsense from the rest of us and that she would make us pay dearly should we choose to do so. This was one woman I did not want to get pissed at me. Rosa gave a slight scowl and went back to her cooking.

"... we have two more girls, Lisa and Fely. They're the twins' nursemaids and they're upstairs right now, tending to them. Well... I guess that's it. You will be staying with Lucio at the shed outside of the house, okay?" Aunt Chas said as I gave her an obedient nod.

"Well okay. I guess you're officially a part of the house now. Welcome. If there's anything that you'd like to have arranged, just let Rosa know and we'll work something out for you, okay? Good. Now I have to go and see what my babies have been up to," and with that, Mrs. Javier walked out the kitchen and left me with my new co-workers.

Rosa then pounced on me immediately. "Okay, you, take the garbage out of the house. You can begin your other chores when you finish. Do you understand? Good, now go get moving. I have a hundred other tasks for you once you're through."

Lucio rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Rosa when her back was turned. I laughed and picked up the garbage bag and proceeded outside the house.

Well, this was it. For better or for worse, this house is going to be my new home.

to be continued...

================================= How do you like the story so far? Tell me all about it at All comments are welcome, although I can't guarantee an immediate reply.

Next: Chapter 8

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