Day Gone Wrong

By Dale de Leon

Published on Jul 22, 2000


A Day Gone Wrong

Chapter 2: The Hick Gets a Life. Well... almost.

'Miguel Javier...' I thought to myself thinking over and over about how the name fit the man. Miguel Javier. What a classy name. The man definitely had class. Among other things, he belonged to a reputable family which had a lot of money, prestige... and power! The way he carried himself alone spoke of how much confidence and influence he had had on his person. To an uncultured hick like me, the man could do no wrong. I looked up to him. He was everything that I wanted to be... my idol, my ideal... the future me.

'Reality check Dale,' I reminded myself as I took myself out of the clouds and back to my boring Math class. Usually, I loved Algebra but there was a such a thing about a subject being too easy. I was an ace at this back in high school and right now there was nothing new that was being taught in its college equivalent.

The teacher's loud harrumph shook me out of my reverie. "Mr. de Leon?," my Algebra teacher said. Still reeling from my thoughts, I managed a stupid-sounding "Huh?" then took a quick look at the black board. "Err... it's 79x to the 39th power," I hastily told Mr. Santos, my Algebra teacher. Mr. Santos took a long look at me and nodded. "Okay, it's a good thing to know you were listening. For a minute there I thought you were daydreaming," and with that he went back to droning on about the topic.

Someone snickered behind my back and I took a glance at him. It was Barry Ty, my seatmate. "Close one bro," he told me. "Wha..? Oh yeah... man, this is too boring," I told him. He grinned. "Easy for you to say, you're smart."

"Is there something you would like to share with the class, Mr. Ty?," Mr. Santos' voice boomed out, "The answer to this question maybe?"

Barry stood up and took a look at the board. "Uhm... well... uhhh..."

Poor schmuck. "Psst... Barry... quantity 84X plus Y squared over 9Z," I whispered to him.

"Err yeah... quantity 84x plus Y squared over 9z," Barry managed to echo out.

Mr. Santos nodded affirmatively and moved on to another problem on the board. Barry looked a whole lot relieved as he eased down on his seat. "Thanks a lot man... that was close!" I grinned. "No problem man."

I faced the board again and tried to focus on the lesson. Barry was one of the friendlier people among my classmates. He often copied answers off me during tests and quizzes, but I was a generous enough person not to mind him. I've always believed that everyone is responsible for their own actions and if Barry ended up not learning anything in this subject because he cheated his way through it, well then, tough luck. It was his call.

A lot of people liked Barry Ty. He was a gregarious kind of guy, always willing to make friends with anyone irregardless of whether the person was the owner of the biggest shopping center in the country or some farmer kid from the province. He seemed to be the happy-go-lucky type... seeing each day as one big party that was waiting to happen. Being a good-looking half-Chinese half-Spanish rich guy, all the chicks wanted to get to know him. Being a really generous buddy and a really fun person to chill with, all the guys wanted to hang out with him. As for Barry Ty... well... if you wanted to hang out with him, then come along and enjoy the ride. I could scarcely believe that such kind of guy would even want to talk with me. Of course, I didn't discount the possibility that it was because he wanted to copy my answers off from me, but then again, his friendliness seemed genuine enough to be natural. And besides... it was nice to be able to talk to someone without being self-conscious about who I am.

I sighed. Once again I asked myself what I was doing here. I was out of my league. In this big city of affluent citizens, I was a little ant that was scurrying and trying hard not to get squashed amidst all the human traffic. I missed the barrio.

Finally, the bell rang. Everybody arranged their things and stood up to get out of the room. I took a quick note of the assignment written on the board and shoved my books inside my bag.

Somebody tapped my shoulder. "Hey... Dale, right?" It was Barry. "Uh yeah... what's up?," I asked him. "Hey man, I just wanted to thank you again for the quick save and all... and for letting me copy from you and stuff." I gave him a lazy grin and shrugged. "Sure, whatever man. No problem."

"Cool... so anyway, hey I was wondering what you're doing tomorrow night." Tomorrow was Friday.

"Tomorrow... hmm... why, what's up?," I asked him as we both walked out the classroom.

"Well, there's this party going on at my house and it'd be cool if you could come along and join us," Barry told me. I stopped in my tracks and blinked twice. Me? A party?

"Uhm... what's the occasion?" I asked Barry.

"Oh-- nothing much... just a little gathering, you know.. among friends and all," he told me nonchalantly.

"Oh." I said, pondering on the his words. Well I'll be damned... one of the popular kids was inviting me to a party. A party. With him, and his popular friends. Right.

"Uhm.. well... hey I'm not sure. You know, we've got tests and all..." I managed to mumble out. Barry's got to be kidding. What the hell would I be doing in a party? I would stick out like a sore thumb, what with all the rich and wild kids out there and me hanging on for dear life to a wall, trying my damndest not to stand out. Yeah.... right. Me in a party? Dream on!

"You've got to be kidding me right? Friday night... studying??? Hey man, it's the nineties!," Barry said out, grinning. "You're only young once... enjoy it while you still can. La Vida Loca and all that shit!"

For a minute there I almost believed him. For a minute. "Yeah... well... you know... uhm... I... don't think I'd know anybody there other than you."

"What? No way man, Daphne Aguilar will be there... and Danny Tan... and.." Barry rattled on, mentioning some of the popular kids on campus. Oh sure, I knew them. Bet you a hundred bucks they didn't know me. Barry went on, "... so anyway, you just gotta be there man. I can tell you don't get out much. This'll be good for you. Like they say: All work and no play makes Dale a dull boy."

Guilty as charged. "Hmm... I don't know. Well... tell you what, I'll give it a try," I glibly lied to the guy. I just couldn't flat out refuse him, but I wanted to walk away from this with as much as grace as possible. I didn't want to come out as the stuffy kid with no sense of fun whatsoever, no matter how true that fact was. Barry smiled. "Cool! Tell you what..." he said as he pulled a sheet of paper off from his Filofax, scribbling down his address. "This is where I live. You just get there and I'll show you a good time." And with that, he handed me the note. "See you there pal!," Barry said as he slapped me on the back and ran off to catch up with his buddies.

I stood right there and looked down on the scrap of paper. It was an address located at one of the ritziest parts of town, naturally. 'Yeah, see you there,' I mumbled to myself. Yeah, when pigs learn how to fly. I walked away, shoving the note down my bag.

Chapter 3: I Say a Little Prayer for You

I was still thinking about Barry's invitation as I was walking away from the school and unto the church grounds. I was grinning to myself, scarcely believing my luck. Who would've thought that little Dale de Leon from Sitio Maringgit would get invited by one of the most happening people on campus? To a really cool party, no less. Man, if the guys back home ever heard about this.... Hehehehe. They'd never believe it. Nope. Not in a million years.

I was nearing the bend where I took a swan dive unto wet Mother Earth, walking carefully this time. The church administrator really ought to do something about that lead pipe.

This was becoming my usual afternoon routine after classes ended, walking from the school grounds towards this church, also called the Holy Trinity Church. I loved this place. It reminded me of the ancient basilica back at Sitio Maringgit, where my auntie and I often went together to pray. Its quiet and solemn atmosphere was a welcome change from the academic atmosphere at the university.

I knelt down the entrance facing the altar and solemnly made the sign of the cross. As I stood to get up, my heart skipped a beat as who should come in but Miguel Javier himself! I cringed instinctively as his eyes met mine and I remembered how I splattered him all over with mud.

The funny thing was that it was as if he was looking right past me. Did he know I was there? Miguel just walked on, and it seemed like he didn't recognize who I was. I didn't know whether I was relieved or dissapointed that he didn't remember me.

That was also one of the reasons why I loved coming to this Church. Miguel often walked by... probably off from work, cutting across church grounds and walking on towards where he had parked his car. I eagerly awaited this daily routine, cherishing the moment when he would walk on by usually at 3:30 on the dot. For a few precious minutes, Miguel Javier was a part of my life as he walked the length from the church grounds to a nearby parking lot. Of course, I would be sitting by somewhere unnoticed, quietly observing this man that I had come to regard as my idol and hero.

Miguel had a confident way about him. He carried himself like a poised sword, striding purposely and economically, eyes set on his destination and mind focused razor sharp on some unknown purpose. What a handsome man he was. With his aristocratic features and rich-man get up, the man looked like a somewhat stockier and ebullient Richard Gere. During those days when he was wearing an informal golf shirt, I could tell that he used to be a body builder. Broad shoulders, stocky chest and an upper body torso that tapered down to a narrow waist, he was quite a sight to behold, even for a man in his forties who was beginning to show his age. Despite some minimal flab and a slight paunch, one could easily tell that there were still a lot of muscles underneath. If I ever will be just as lucky as Miguel, I would hope to age as gracefully as he did.

I was a bit surprised to see him inside the church. The man didn't strike me as being religious. I carefully watched him as I sat at a far away pew near the wall. He was in front the statue of St. Peter, lighting a candle and offering a silent prayer.

It was a profound sight to behold, this powerful man acknowledging the existence of a being who was even more powerful than him. I was wondering what prayer he was offering up to the heavens. Miguel didn't seem to be the sort of man who would be having any problems in life, but then again, I could be wrong. Sometimes rich people need some help every so often.

I knelt down and clasped my hands in prayer. I closed my eyes and began to pray. "God... whatever that man is asking for... in Your infinite Mercy, if he should so deserve it... grant it unto him." I felt a little uneasy as I began to pray that for some reason I could not quite understand.

When I opened my eyes, Miguel was finished praying and he began to leave. I watched him walk away to a side door and walk towards a classic-looking black Mercedes Benz parked outside. The sky looked all gray and gloomy, and there he was, Miguel Javier looking all grim and serious, countenance matching the environment. I wish I had an easel and some art supplies, so that I could paint the scene right then and there.

He took one last look at the church before he got in his car. Then he turned it on and drove out of the church grounds, leaving me all alone to my quiet thoughts.

to be continued...


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Next: Chapter 3

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