Day at State

By peter johnson

Published on May 10, 2011



This story contains acts of a sexual nature between two consenting males. If this offends you, please leave this page now.

As always, comments and suggestions are extremely welcome!

Day at State-----

I dumped my bag on the futon and wiped my forehead with my t-shirt; it was a scorching day, and Patrick's dorm room was on the fifth floor. He switched on the fan and turned to me, saying, "Well, this is it. Welcome to a day in the life of a college student."

I was a senior in high school, and I was trying to decide which college to attend next year. I'd toured campus before and I'd liked what I'd seen, but I wanted to make sure that State was the right school for me. So I signed up for "Day at State," a program that allowed prospective students to spend a day and a night with a current student to see what life on campus was really like. I was pretty nervous--I didn't really know what to expect. But Patrick seemed really friendly, and I was excited for the experience. It didn't hurt that he was smoking hot, either: just over six feet tall with blonde hair and brown eyes and, from what I could see of his body under his tight t-shirt and khaki shorts, a slim, toned body.

I didn't consider myself gay, but I was definitely very bicurious, and I was hoping to explore the less academic side of college life while I was at State as well. I wasn't bad looking either, also tall and toned from playing soccer year-round, with dark hair and blue eyes. I was very masculine, and--as far as I knew--know one ever even suspected me of being interested in men. Unfortunately, Patrick seemed straight as an arrow, too, so I didn't expect to fool around with him. That didn't stop me from getting some good long looks in while his back was turned, though, and it didn't stop me from fantasizing that he was just open-minded enough to fool around with an attractive high school student after he'd had a couple of beers.

"So, Jason, what do you wanna do?" Patrick asked. "I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do. I only have one class today, so after that the day's pretty open."

"I dunno," I said. "I don't really know what there is around here. Do you wanna give me a tour? When's your class?"

"I can definitely do a tour," he said. "And my class starts pretty soon, actually, so we should head out. Let me just grab my bag."

He bent over to pick up his backpack, and I got an eyeful of his firm ass stretching his shorts taut. "What about tonight?" I asked as he slung his bag on his back. "Do you know of anything fun going on?"

"Of course there's fun stuff going on," he said as we left his room, "but I don't know if I should really be taking you out. I feel like I could get in a lot of trouble."

"Come on. I'm supposed to be getting the full college experience, right? I need to know what I can expect from the social scene on campus before I decided to go here. And I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Well," Patrick said, "we'll see how the day plays out, I guess. My friend Josh is having a party at his house tonight--nothing too big, just a few people drinking--and if you prove yourself today, maybe we can drop by."

"Sweet. I promise you won't regret it."

As interested as I would normally have been in Patrick's Psychology of Sexuality class, all I could do during the lecture was fantasize about what that night would involve. I was excited by just the possibility of going to a college party, and I wondered what Patrick would be like drunk. Maybe he would get really sloppy and I'd have to help him stumble back to his room. Then I'd help him undress and get ready for bed, getting a real look at that tight body of his. Maybe he would be too drunk to climb up into his lofted bed, and he'd have to share the futon with me. I'd spend the night in bed with a half-naked man--in my head, Patrick slept only in his boxers, maybe even nude--and he'd just be grateful that I took care of him. Maybe I'd even get a peek at his package.

I was getting hard just thinking about Patrick's naked body. Suddenly, I realized that people were beginning to pack up their things. My cock was still swelling in my shorts, and it wouldn't be easy to hide; I had a pretty big tool--over seven inches and very thick, with fat, circumcised head. My face turned beet red and I willed my dick to stop swelling. Patrick was taking his time packing up, and I prayed that I'd be soft by the time he stood up. I eventually succeeded in stopping the swelling, and my cock began to shrink again. But before it was completely soft, Patrick stood up and said, "Ready for that campus tour?"

I didn't even have a bag to cover myself. I gritted my teeth and stood up, hoping Patrick wouldn't see the still sizable bulge in my shorts. "Yep," I said, face still glaringly red.

I saw Patrick's eyes flicker down to my crotch, and I knew that he'd seen my bulge. I felt even more blood rush to my face. Patrick just turned around, though, and headed for the exit. I followed him, hard-on rapidly shrinking with my embarrassment.

When we reached the hallway, Patrick leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry about it, man. It used to happen to me all the time in that class. We talk about some pretty hot stuff in there."

The thought of Patrick getting hard in class--combined with the feeling of his warm breath in my ear--immediately made my package begin to grow again. I tucked the head into my waistband when no one seemed to be looking, and we went out into the sweltering heat of late afternoon to tour campus.

"So what did you think of campus?" Patrick asked as we finally made it back to his room near dusk.

"It's pretty nice," I said, collapsing onto the futon. "I wish it weren't so hot, though. I'm sweating balls."

"Not to scare you away from here, but the winters are worse."

"Shit," I said. "At least there are other things that make up for it, right? Speaking of which, did I prove myself worthy? Can we go to the party tonight?"

"Well," Patrick said, "you did do pretty well. You didn't act like an immature high schooler at all. In fact, you were better than a lot of freshman here."

"So is that a yes?"

Patrick gave an exaggerated sigh and said, "Yeah, I guess it is."

"Fuck yes!" I said. "When do we go?"

"I need to shower and change real quick because I'm dripping sweat and smell terrible, but after that we can head out whenever. Do you wanna shower too?"

"Yeah, I probably should," I said, swallowing my excitement at the thought of Patrick in the shower. "You can go first, though. I'll just watch some TV or something while you're in there."

"Works for me," he said, and he stripped of his sweaty t-shirt, throwing it into a hamper in the corner of the room. "I've actually got a bathroom to myself, since I have a single and I don't have any suitemates. So you don't have to worry about anyone walking in on you." He laughed. I drank in his naked torso--his six pack, his toned biceps, his small, hard nipples--and desperately searched my mind for an excuse to walk in on him. I lost my train of thought when he slid off his shorts, however, and I just stared at his boxer-clad ass. He tossed his shorts in the hamper as well, and I watched as he crossed the room to grab a towel. The outline of his package was clear, and I could see it swinging heavily through the fabric of his underwear. I crossed my legs to hide the raging erection that suddenly sprang up from my own crotch.

Patrick walked to the bathroom, but just as he was about to close the door behind him, he stuck his head back into the bedroom and said, "Oh, shit; I just realized something. Do you have clothes for tonight?"

"Actually, no, I don't," I said, realizing that I'd only packed one change of clothes for tomorrow and not wanting to put my sweaty outfit back on after showering.

"No problem," Patrick said. "You can help yourself to anything of mine--shirt, pants, boxers, whatever. You look about the same size as me."

"Really?" I said, the thought of wearing his boxers not helping my hard-on.

"Yeah, for sure. Just grab whatever you want and toss it in my hamper when you're done with it after the party."

He pulled his back into the bathroom and shut the door. I heard the shower turn on, and I got up and walked to Patrick's dresser, my rock hard cock leading the way. I opened a drawer and grabbed a pair of shorts, then opened another and selected a pair of red plaid boxers. My cock throbbed as I pulled them out of the dresser. I crossed to the closet, turning on the television along the way, and picked out a button-down shirt. I tossed the clothes on the futon and sat down next to them to watch TV while I waited for Patrick.

After a while, I heard the shower shut off, and Patrick came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His tight body only got better when wet. "You're up," he said.

I went to my bag and pulled out my towel, then glanced at Patrick. He'd undressed in the bedroom, not the bathroom. I didn't want him to think I was self-conscious by waiting to get into the bathroom to undress, but I still had a pretty sizable boner. I decided that I'd just take my clothes off quickly and slip into the bathroom before he had a chance to see my tented boxers, so I quickly pulled off my t-shirt and shorts. I turned around and was about to go into the bathroom when suddenly I froze: Patrick had dropped his towel and was pulling on a pair of boxers. His back was to me, so I didn't get a look at his package, but before he had his underwear all the way up, I got a full view of his naked ass and a pair of large balls dangling between his thighs. My cock was ready to burst out of my boxers.

Patrick began to turn around, and we briefly made eye contact. Then his eyes dropped to the enormous tent in my underwear for just a moment. He quickly turned his face away and pretended that he hadn't seen my raging boner, but I was sure he had. He brought his towel to his head and began to dry his hair, and all I could do was bolt into the bathroom, mortified.

I slipped off my boxers, turned on the shower, and stepped under the warm water. I was both horribly embarrassed and strangely excited. Patrick hadn't seemed freaked out about my hard-on; he obviously hadn't jumped on it and offered to suck me off, but he had seemed pretty okay with it. I brought my hand to my throbbing shaft and stroked it gently. I was already dripping pre-cum, and I knew that my boner situation would only get worse as the night went on if I didn't jack off before the party. I began to stroke faster and harder, thinking about Patrick's bare ass and the way he looked when he saw the enormous tent in my boxers. I was already close to cumming when I got into the shower, and before long my body was racked with pleasure as I pictured Patrick's naked body, wet and glistening, and I shot rope after rope of warm semen down his shower drain.

"No way, man! You're in high school? I guess we've gotta show you what college life is really like!" Patrick's friend Josh slapped me on the back and handed me a cup. "I'll even waive the the cup fee."

After my little jerkoff session in the shower, I'd managed to avoid getting any more boners on the way to the party, and thankfully Patrick hadn't said anything about the tent incident. I was ready to get fucked up after the embarrassment I'd been through, and I made a beeline for the keg, chugging two beers in the first fifteen minutes. I didn't know anyone there aside from Patrick, so my plan was to drink until I didn't feel awkward. And I achieved my goal pretty quickly with the help of a keg stand and a lot of chants of "chug, chug, chug, chug!" I still wanted to see Patrick drunk, so I made him go drink for drink with me. Apparently he was a bit of a lightweight, because as I was beginning to feel good, he was beginning to get sloppy.

We eventually ended up in a circle with an empty bottle of Steel Reserve in the middle. I'd met pretty much everyone at the party by then, so I wasn't shy about telling everyone to "get on my level." Josh had suggested a game of spin the bottle with a college twist; instead of just kissing the person the bottle landed on, you had to take a drink and kiss them. Josh began, and because I was sitting just to his right, I was going to be the last one in the circle to spin.

Josh's spin landed on a hot blonde girl that was incredibly drunk, and after chugging their beers, they made out pretty intensely for a good minute-and-a-half. The next guy's spin landed on the same blonde, and they made out for just as long. The third player was a girl, and her spin landed on the exact same blonde. She refused to kiss her at first because she was relatively sober, but the drunk blonde pulled her across the circle, and they ended up making out for just as long as Josh and the girl had.

Then it was Patrick's turn. He spun the bottle, and it began to slow down a few people before me. I was sure that it was going to land on me. My heart began to pound; I didn't know if he would be willing to kiss a guy. The girls had made out, but that was different--girls made out drunk all the time. This would be a different story. I decided not to say anything and to leave it up to Patrick, who I thought might just be drunk enough to do it.

The bottle slowed in front of me, but it didn't come to a complete stop. It ended up pointing to Josh. Everyone "oohed" and clapped and catcalled.

"No, man, that doesn't count," Patrick said, slurring his words and smiling. "Let me re-spin."

The drunk blonde pointed at him and said, "That's no fair! I kissed a girl. You have to do the same thing, it's only fair. Rules are rules."

Patrick looked at Josh, his head weaving a little bit. "I dunno, man. Are you okay with it."

Josh pounded the rest of his drink and said, "Let's do this."

Patrick took a drink as well, and they leaned into the center of the circle. Everyone cheered and laughed when their lips touched, and at first they both kept their mouths tightly closed. Then suddenly Patrick laughed and grabbed the back of Josh's head, forcing his tongue into Josh's mouth. The circle went wild, and Josh kissed Patrick back. When they finally broke, they were both laughing. Patrick pumped the air and got high fives from a lot of people. Two more girls and a guy spun next, each kissing someone of the opposite sex. And then it was my turn.

I spun the bottle, secretly praying that it would land on Patrick. I'd take the blonde, but my curiosity was out of control at this point, and Patrick was obviously willing to satisfy it on some level. The mouth of the bottle spun right past him, though, and it ended up landing on Josh. This time he didn't even hesitate. He pounded his newly refilled cup and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me to his face and shoving his tongue into my mouth. He tasted like beer and cigarettes--I loved it. My cock began to swell a little as I ran my own tongue over his and he ran his fingers through my hair. I'd never kissed a guy before, and Josh's stubbly jaw felt strangely right against my cheek.

Finally, we broke apart, and everyone gave me high fives, telling me how legit I was for not being afraid to kiss a dude. All I said in response was "I need more beer." And I went to refill my cup. When I came back to the circle, the game had broken up. The blonde was making out with one of the guys, and Patrick was sitting on a couch by himself, sipping his beer and looking around the room with bleary eyes. I decided that I ought to try to meet some more new people, and I went out into the backyard, where I got sucked into a game of beer pong. When I made it back into the house, Patrick was still sitting alone, now with his eyes closed, nodding his head to the music and occasionally sipping his beer.

I plopped down next to him and put my arm around his shoulders. "You okay, bud? Just let me know when you're ready to head out."

He slowly opened his eyes and turned them toward me. "Man," he said, "I feel so bad, Jason. I should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around. You're in high school, and I'm in college, and that's how it's supposed to be." He was slurring his words pretty heavily.

"It's no problem, man," I replied, still fairly drunk but keeping myself together better than Patrick. "You don't even know what a pro I am at drinking. Do you want to head home?"

Patrick looked into the bottom of his cup and tossed back the rest of his beer. Then he fumbled his phone out of his pocket, looked at the time, and said, "Yes."

He tried to stand up, but he was pretty tipsy, so I gave him my shoulder to help him balance. We said goodbye to Josh and left the house. I could feel the heat of Patrick's body on my upper back and his warm, beer-laden breath on my ear as we stumbled down the sidewalk.

"You know what, Jason?" Patrick mumbled when we were almost back to his room. "You're a pretty cool dude. Probably cooler than Josh. It should've been you."

My sodden brain sobered up a little. Had he meant that it should have been me that the bottle had landed on? "What do you mean?" I asked.

"What does what mean?" he said. He'd clearly lost his train of thought. It was probably just wishful thinking on my part anyway.

"Nevermind," I sighed. "Let's just get you to your room."

We somehow made it to the fifth floor, but Patrick was too drunk to find his own keys, so I searched his pockets. He giggled as I fished around in his pockets, feeling a cell phone, a wallet, some spare change, and what I was pretty sure was the outline of his package. I eventually found his keys and let us in. Patrick promptly fell onto the futon.

"Where's the beer?" he moaned, covering his face with his arms as I switched on the light. "I need more beer. And less light."

"I think you've had enough beer tonight," I said. "I think both of us have. And I'll turn off the light as soon as I'm done getting ready for bed."

I quickly brushed my teeth and stripped down to the plaid boxers Patrick had lent me. I went to the futon to pull it out, but Patrick was still lying on it, giggling. "Dude, can you get up real quick? I need to pull out the futon."

"Ugh. I'm too drunk to climb into bed tonight. Can I just chill on the futon with you?"

"Fine," I said, pretending to be annoyed while swallowing down my excitement. I pulled the futon out with Patrick still on it, and he laughed.

"Okay, can you turn off the light now?" Patrick said.

"Don't you need it to get ready for bed?" I replied.

"I won't be able to take my clothes off whether the light's on or off," he slurred out. "Just help me out of them and turn off the light."

I went to the futon and grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt. He lifted his arms off his face and squinted his eyes as I slid my fingers up his torso, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it into the hamper. His chest and stomach were smooth with a trail of light hair leading from his belly button down into his shorts. I undid his belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, feeling the warmth radiating from his groin with my fingertips. My cock was beginning to grow, but since Patrick's eyes were screwed shut, I just let my borrowed boxers tent. I pulled down Patrick's shorts, and his boxers slid down a little bit with them, revealing the top of a neatly trimmed patch of pubes. I tossed his shorts onto the pile of dirty clothes in the hamper, then crossed to the light switch.

"Thank you sooo much," Patrick said, his eyes still closed. "Now come on over to bed." He patted the space next to him on the futon.

I turned off the light, then went to the futon and lay down next to Patrick. The window and curtains were open, and it was easy to see because the entire room was flooded with moonlight. It was too warm for blankets, so we just lay there uncovered. Patrick rolled toward me, and I could smell the beer on his breath.

"So what did you think of college?"

"It was pretty kickass," I said. "That party was crazy. And I'd never thought of Spin the Bottle as a college game before--it's such a middle school thing."

Patrick laughed. "Yeah, what did you think of that game? Pretty crazy, huh?"

"Yeah," I said. "Crazy fun. I was kind of hoping it'd lead to some more fun, though, you know?"

Patrick opened his eyes and smiled. "What kind of fun?"

"Well, you know," I mumbled, backtracking and pretending I was more drunk than I really was. "College is all about hooking up, right?"

"Who did you wanna hook up with?"

"Well, that blonde was pretty hot."

"Yeah," Patrick said, closing his eyes again. "But you seemed to enjoy your kiss with Josh well enough."

"Well," I said carefully, "it wasn't the worst thing ever. Just different. You didn't seem to mind yours either, though."

"I'm a man of many tastes," he said mysteriously and smiled. "Had you never done anything like that before?"


Patricked opened his eyes and looked me squarely in the face. "Would you ever want to try it again?"

I gulped and returned his look. I was thankful that he was looking at my eyes, because my hard-on was getting out of control. I suddenly felt my dick throb and slip through the unbuttoned fly of my boxers. Now my thick cock was standing at full attention, completely exposed. "Maybe."

"Well, I could show you something a little less 'middle school' if you want," he said, and he looked down at my naked rod.

"Okay," I whispered.

Patrick brought his lips to mine, and I could taste the alcohol on his mouth. He kissed me softly, much more softly than Josh had kissed me. I slid my tongue over his teeth as her brought his hand to the back of my neck. He rolled onto his side, and I could feel his growing meat warm on my thigh. I reached across him and laid my hand on his ass, kneading the firm muscle gently at first, then hard. Our kiss grew more intense, our tongues sliding in and out of each other's mouths. Patrick's hand slid down from my neck and across my bare chest, coming to rest at the base of my cock. He wrapped his rough fingers around it and began to move his fist up and down my pole.

I rolled toward Patrick and pressed my meat into his muscular thigh. I could feel his throbbing member pressing back into my own thigh; it was clearly at full mast now, and it was just as big as--if not bigger than--mine. It was still encased in his boxers, so I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of his underwear. He raised his hips slightly, and I slid his boxers off. His huge, cut cock slapped against his stomach. Then Patrick hooked his fingers into my underwear and slid it off as well.

I was in heaven. We continued to make out, our rock-hard cocks rubbing up against each other, our firm bodies pressing tightly together. I grabbed Patrick's ass with both hands and rolled him on top of me, feeling his warm sac drop onto my own. Patrick planted his hands on either side of my head and ground his dick into me hard. He slid his tongue out of my mouth and moved his mouth down to my neck. He brought one hand to my nipple and pinched it lightly as he sucked on my collarbone.

Then his tongue was gliding down my chest and stomach, tasting my salty skin. Finally, his face made it to my groin. He ran his tongue up the underside of my shaft, then suddenly plunged me meat deep into his mouth. He bobbed up and down, swirling his tongue around the head of my cock and gently rolling my balls in his right hand. I could feel his cock on my leg, throbbing, waiting for release, so I sat up and guided Patrick's ass to the side where I could reach his rod. I took it in my hand and milked it as he slobbered all over my dick.

Patrick came up for air, looked me in the eye and said, "Just let me know when you're gonna cum. I like to fool around with dudes sometimes, but I'm not real big on swallowing their spunk."

I just laughed and grabbed the back of his head, firmly guiding his mouth back to my shaft.

His meat was warm and hard in my hand, and I kept looking between my hand on his massive cock and his head bobbing up and down on my dick. Sometimes I watched his tight ass thrusting forward, pushing his hard meat deeper into my fist.

Then I felt an intense wave of pleasure building in the base of my cock. "I'm close," I gasped out.

Patrick pulled off and said, "Sweet, me too. Let's finish together."

He lay down next to me and we began to stroke each other's rods furiously. I could feel the cum rushing to my cock. Suddenly, Patrick leaned towards me slightly and gasped, shooting rope after rope of hot jizz onto me. The first wave landed on my dick, and the others shot onto my stomach and pooled in my belly button. Just as the last of his semen was dribbling into my fist, I was overcome by a flood of pleasure that started in my cock and spread outwards. I moaned and shot a jet of cum straight into the air, followed by another and another. They splattered on my stomach and on Patrick's hand, and eventually the intense pleasure decreased and then subsided as Patrick squeezed the last of my load out of my dick.

I lay there out of breath for a couple of minutes, unable to move. Then I turned my head and looked into Patrick's face. His hand had fallen off of my deflating hard-on and into the pool of mixed cum on my belly.

"That was--" I said, trailing off. Patrick's eyes were closed, and he was snoring. I kissed his lips one more time, then closed my own eyes and fell asleep.

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