
By Marin Giustinian

Published on Sep 27, 2019


In the following story, all of the characters are totally fictive and the setting is real. For whomever it would be illegal, immoral or prohibited for any other reason whatsoever to read a story about love between two young men is kindly requested to refrain from continuing. A free picture album illustrating this story (pdf) is available upon request at maringiustinian@laposte.net. Please remember to help Nifty stay online by sending your contribution. This being said, I hope you enjoy the tale.

DAWN (part two and the end)

by Marin Giustinian

In the Greek islands of the Sporades.

Once back in the house, Chris didn't stop laughing. As he was fumbling with his rucksack, he exclaimed, "Shit man! I'm so drunk I can't untie my sleeping bag..."

"Give up and get in bed. There's room for two!"

Chris stumbled, collapsed on the bed, laughing as he tried to unbutton his bermudas.

Theo stated, "You are really drunk, man... Let me help."

He undid the button, pulled down the fly and yanked Chris's shorts off, undies and all. Then he stripped and crawled over Chris, sprawling on the bed himself.

"Thanks, Theo," mumbled Chris.

"You're welcome..." uttered Theo, "Good night..."

"Yeah... good night," echoed Chris in a whisper.

They both fell dead asleep, never having bothered to pull up the covers.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Theo's hangover wasn't as bad as Chris's, but just enough for him to not run that morning. He had the coffee going and found some vitamin C for himself and his guest. Returning to the bedroom, he hesitated before waking the lad up. It made him feel all warm inside just looking at the young man's faint smile on his moist lips as he slept.

He sighed. Chris moved a bit and then, with a groan, he stretched in bed, opened his eyes and barely uttered, "Good morning, Theo... I don't know what hit me, but my eyelids weigh a ton and my gums itch..."

"Take this. It'll help. Retsina wine can do that to you... especially when you're a beginner, and we did sort of overdo it last night."

Chris took the pill and the glass of water, and readily gulped both down.

"Yes, we did indulge!... But it was great fun!"

Chris managed to crawl off the bed and make his way to the loo. When he came out, a cup of strong coffee waited for him on the table.

"Stay naked. We're going to wash up now. Then we'll dress, go to the tavern, and get ready for another day's work. Do you still want to come along?"

"Of course I do! Wow! That coffee is strong!"

"It'll get you going in spite of your itchy teeth."

They both laughed dumping cold water on each other, then shivering, they toweled down, dressed, and left for work.

The day went by like the day before, however the wind was a bit stiffer. Theo decided to hoist the sails anyway since he had his sailor boy aboard. The five passengers, young this time, two Italian girls and three French boys, obviously rainbow gay, were thrilled as Zephyrus heeled, cutting upwind through the increasing waves. The two girls sat up front and when a little whitecap broke on the bow drenching them with spray, they squealed. Giggling, they stripped off their tops, nearly praying for another dousing. After all, it was a 'clothes optional day'!

As they neared the beach in the little cove behind Peristera, Chris dropped anchor, and five totally nude tourists jumped into the water, swimming towards the beach, leaving behind their clothes scattered all over the boat.

As Theo was collecting shorts, t-shirts and underwear that he neatly folded on the benches, he complimented Chris, saying, "You're handling Zephyrus quite well, Chris. You and she seem to like each other. At this rate, with you aboard, I'm going to save costs on fuel!"

"Believe it or not, Theo; this is the first time I've held a job in my life! You're a great captain... and a very cool friend."

Theo gave Chris a thumbs up, pulled off his shorts and dove in with a naked Chris close behind.

That evening, they decided to eat in and not drink. Theo lit some charcoal in the fireplace. They grilled two sea breams, cooked some rice with carrots and onions, ate salted bread dripping with olive oil.

"I guess we're too tired to talk," remarked Chris.

"We don't need to talk, you and I... I feel like we understand each other without words," replied Theo, reaching over, touching Chris on the knee.

"You're right. It's weird. We've just sort of met and yet you're like an old friend to me -- Ha! A brand new old friend!"

"Chris, let me say that I'm glad you still want to sleep in and work with me on Zephyrus," confided Theo as he rose, picking up the dishes.

"Let me do that!" quipped Chris.

"We'll do it together... Okay?"

"Okay... Theo, I'm so happy. You make me feel real! I am tired, but far from exhausted. I'm tired because I'm so full of beauty and fun... and friendship. You know, I feel really comfortable with you. Thanks for putting up with a spoiled brat like me!" confessed Chris as he dried the dishes.

"Shut up. Don't be foolish. Put that dishcloth down and... and give me a hug!"

Chris threw himself into Theo's embrace, melted against his captain, hugging him like his life depended on it. Theo patted him on the back and whispered, "Let's turn in. Tomorrow, we'll start the day nice and early. We'll go jogging, take a dip, and be back on the job by 8:30... Okay?"


They quickly washed, brushed their teeth and climbed in bed. They naturally cuddled for another big hug, chests and cocks in full contact.

As they hardened, neither budged. They felt each other's heart throbbing. Their breathing shortened. Their legs stirred, entwining.

Chris was the first to make a move. He began to nudge Theo's neck and slip down a bit. An intoxicating scent of aroused youth seeped out from under the sheets. The distant music and laughter of the tavern below floated on the sea breeze through the open window.

Theo didn't flinch. His mind was speeding. Never had his desire been so intense and that with a fellow. He struggled with his vow to never be led astray by sex again. However, he felt dizzy, excited, and very much aroused. Chris continued to worship Theo's flesh, flooding him with overwhelming tenderness. Theo's grip on his mental lifeline weakened. But when Chris began to suck on his cock, the lifeline broke and he let himself drown in a riptide of lust. Theo grabbed Chris's hair, holding him steadfast. Chris gagged a little and sucked even harder. Then all in a sudden, Theo spun around, grasped Chris's buttocks and swallowed his cock as deep as he could, sucking it, bobbing his head, swishing it with his tongue in a kind of crazed frenzy.

They frenetically nursed each other, jacking, licking, swallowing over and over with increasing zeal. For both it was the first time they had experienced such intimate sameness. They delighted in having living male flesh in their mouths, of feeling its ardor, instinctively realizing what the other felt. Then they shared the miracle of total abandon. Their semen churned deep inside. Their urgent thirst prodded them until they overflowed into each other, gulping down each other's most intimate offering.

Both their lives had changed forever.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Chris woke up first. He kissed Theo who smiled, opening his eyes, "Good morning, angel..."

"Theo, don't you think we need to talk about what's happening?"

"Why talk, Chris? Just let it happen. Do you need to say something?"

"Not really..." replied Chris.

They hugged and then jumped out of bed laughing as they raced each other to the loo.

They jogged, swam, washed, shaved, loaded the washing machine, and enjoyed a big breakfast at the tavern.

When Theo went to pick up the sandwiches, he told Kastro to not accept tourists for Thursday and Friday. He wanted to surprise Chris with a trip, just the two of them, to Kyra Panagia.

Kastro nodded, patting Theo on the shoulder giving him a knowing wink...

Theo blushed, smiling back.

The excursion of the day was the same, but not the passengers. This time it was an English family who had chartered the boat just for themselves. The mother, the father, their teenage daughter and their overweight, thirteen year old son scrambled aboard. The girl spent the morning pouting, looking at her smartphone. The fat, pimply lad complained of seasickness as he stuffed his puffy face with sweets. The mother slathered sunscreen on her arms and thighs all the time, sweltering under her straw hat. They all looked puzzled at the sandwiches. The boy asked if there was any mayonnaise and pickles.

Theo said, "Only fresh bread and cheese..."

"That's no sandwich! And look, the bread's got crust all over it."

"It's the way the Greeks do it, son..." commented the father.

"Well, the Greeks are just stupid shit!" yelped back the little ass.

"Dear, when are we supposed to be having fun?" pitched in the mother.

It was evident that the father was on the verge of murder. When the boat sailed into the cove and the sails were furled, Chris asked the young ones if they wanted to go for a swim with him. They both looked at him with blank faces.

Bridling his anger, he simply stated with cold, perfect composure, "Listen, if you don't get in the damn water and act like living, happy humans, appreciating the privilege you have to be here, with us, then I'll have to throw you in. Am I understood? So let me put it in terms you're able to understand, get your fucking shit together and jump out of this boat. Got it?"

The girl reacted like a wet setting hen, screaming, with hate in her eyes, "We'll take no orders from a greasy Greek nobody!"

"Listen to me, you little arrogant twerp! My name is Christopher Summers. I'm of pure English descent, son a New York millionaire and I'll no longer tolerate you making me ashamed of my DNA!"

As he spoke, he moved in on them. They backed off. As their precious offsprings were on the brink of being drowned, the parents gasped but didn't move.

The only escape for the kids was overboard and so overboard they went, with Chris diving in behind. Once in the water, they began splashing each other, and little by little, laughter could be heard as they swam to the beach.

"Why don't you go join them?" suggested Theo to the parents.

"Looks like they're having fun!" exclaimed the mother.

"They are, darling... at last! Now it's your turn to be thrown overboard! Ha!"

"Don't you dare!" she screamed as she leapt, hat and all.

"Thank you, Captain! We'll be back soon!" stated the father, just before dropping himself overboard, holding his nose.

Once they were back in Steni Vala, the family gave Theo and Chris a big hug each, happy as larks, thanking them for a wonderful day. The father slipped Chris a £20 note, slyly winking at him like the little executive clod he was!

"Oof! There are days like that. You did a great job, Chris."

"I grew up with the same kind of kids. All they need is a little attention and a lot of authority. I bet nobody ever hugs them..."

"Well as for me, I'm getting used to hugging you. I like having a mate aboard... I don't know what I'll do when you're gone..." said Theo as he pulled Chris by the shoulder up close, walking back to the house.

"I don't know what I'll do either, Theo," replied Chris, looking away.

"This evening we're going to wine and dine at the tavern and then cuddle and make love all night long! And then tomorrow we'll go, just the two of us to Kyra Panagia!"

"What?" exclaimed Chris, grabbing Theo's hand.

"Yes, I told Kastro to accept no reservation for tomorrow and Friday. That way, we'll have Zephyrus just for the two of us and we'll go to meet the monks, sleep at anchor and just enjoy being together. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great! Especially when you mentioned 'love' and 'all night long!' I do totally agree!"

Laughing, Theo quipped back, "Well, ALMOST all night long!" squeezing Chris's hand, still in his.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Love-exhausted and elated, they skipped going on a run and slept in until almost 9:00 AM. They enjoyed a lazy breakfast at home and packed for the trip. They made a basket full of bottled water, lots of bread, olive oil, salt, wine, cheese, and fruit. They also carried along Chris's sleeping bag along with a few extra blankets. Soon the sails were hoisted driving them northeast with very favorable winds.

Chris held the tiller with Theo relaxing at his feet, in the shade of the sail.



"Can I ask you a serious question?"

"Sure... go ahead!"

"What do you hope for in life?"

Theo wiggled a little, smiled up at Chris and answered, "You."

"I said it's a serious question."

"And I gave you a serious answer."

The boat sailed on.

Finally, Chris spoke again, "Can you explain yourself some? Please... I need to really understand."

"You are a total surprise in my life, Chris. After Aberdeen, I swore I'd never let anyone make me fall again. I was stupid. You happened and I fell and I'm happy... I don't know if I'm gay or bi or whatever... and I don't care. You are now a part of me."

"And you are a part of me too... But don't you understand that I must leave here?" he shouted, "New York's far away! Oh shit, Theo! I'm so mixed up!"

"My grandmother told me once that we should answer complicated questions with simple answers. The simple answer would be for you to just refuse to return and stay here. That's all."

"But I have, I mean I really HAVE to go back with my father, go to the university, finish my studies..."

"And end up like him? Is that what you hope for in life?"

"Now let me understand! You say that I should stay here with you and simply drop all the rest? Good God, my father would kill me!"

"And by obeying him, that would kill you just the same!"

The southern bay of Kyra Panagia is perfectly sheltered. As they sailed in, the crystalline waters glistened. A heady fragrance of pine and myrrh floated in the heat of the breeze. Zephyrus seemed suspended above the sandy bottom of the transparent waters. They anchored in the shallows near the beach and from there, waded ashore, taking the path to the monastery.

When they arrived, the cool silence of the chapel welcomed then. It took a minute or two for their eyes to adjust. The scent of incense lingered in the smoky air. Votive candlelight made the gold of the icons gleam.

Chris was especially intrigued by an icon depicting a dove.

"Do you know the meaning of the bird in that picture?" he asked.

Theo replied, "I'm not that good in religion, but I do know that the church says that the dove is the symbol of the Holy Ghost, the spirit of God that guides us in need. These pictures here are called 'icons'. Believers think that they are sacred and if you pray to them, the prayer goes to the saint or the part of the Holy Trinity they represent."

As Theo was explaining those things to Chris, a monk entered the chapel from an inside door. They felt his presence as he approached.

He gently greeted them. Theo and he exchanged a few words in Greek. The monk nodded and then turned towards Chris and said in excellent English, "Your friend told me your problem. Heed your heart, little brother. Whatever you do, be faithful to yourself."

He put his hand on Chris's head and said, "May the Holy Ghost bless this young man, ignite his flame, give him the strength to fight, to defend his own light in the world!"

As Chris stared again at the icon of the dove, the monk put his hand on Theo's shoulder and exchanged a few words, still in Greek with him too. Theo nodded. A large smile illumined his face. The monk then said good-bye to both and left just as quietly as he entered.

"What did he say to you?"

"He just told me to always say 'yes' to my heart, and not heed any fear that hinders what my heart desires."

"He's a very impressive person!"

"In spite of his beard, I recognized his eyes and his voice. He used to be a famous pop star on stage and on the television a few years ago... a real celebrity in Greece... and now he's here... "

"Impressive... very impressive!" responded Chris as they walked back into the sun, returning on the path that led them there. Chris didn't say anything else. He seemed lost in thought as they walked together, hand in hand, in silence.

Suddenly Chris stopped, releasing Theo's hand.

"My mind is made up. If you say 'yes', I'll send a message to my father right now, here on the spot. I'll tell him I'm staying with you."

"Bless you, Chris. By all means, YES, and if all hell breaks loose, I'll still be standing by you. Do it."

Chris took his i.Phone out of his pocket, sat on the edge of the path and punched in the following message:

From: Christopher Summers To: Anthony Summers Subject: Plans

Hello, Hope your cruise doesn't do too much damage to the sea. I'm fine. I'm writing to inform you that I've changed my plans. I shall NOT return to New York with you and the others tomorrow. Please cancel my enrollment to Columbia. I don't need their diploma. I am in love with Theo Eliopoulos. We operate together his trehantiri, Zephyrus, doing day charter out of Steni Vala on Alonnisos Island. I have never been so happy. Thank you for all the money you've spent on me. I know you don't love me. I don't love you either. So therefore, from now on, please stay out of my life. Chris

Then Chris showed Theo the message.

"You do get straight to the point..."

"That's what my father always told me... 'Get to the point, son' -- so I got to the point."

Chris then sent the message and sighed.

"How do you feel?"

"Good! But I need a hug..."

Theo grabbed him and held him tight, kissing him tenderly in the neck.

"I love you, Chris..."

"I love you too, Theo!"

As they neared the boat, Chris said, "Could you wait a minute? There's something important I've got to do."


Chris ceremoniously took his iPhone out of his pocket. He then placed it on a flat stone beside the path. Carefully choosing another stone, he knelt and smashed the object quite calmly. He then put it back into his pocket, saying, "I'll keep it until it can be disposed of properly. These things are the source of much more pollution to mankind than we can barely imagine."

"Do you think you can live without it?"

"I think that without it, I can live at last!"

They enjoyed eating their food, joking, watching another sailboat look for an anchorage on the opposite side of the bay. Later, they swam, walked along the shore as the sun went down. Back on the boat, they ate, then piled up the cushions, making a sort of bed amidship. They spent a long moment pleasing each other with their caresses, their kisses.

They were both emotionally exhausted.

"Let's sleep some now and at dawn we'll make love, deep love. I want you inside me, Theo."

"Only if you promise to not leave me empty. I need you too."

"I promise..."

Enlaced, they closed their eyes. They were at peace with the world, with their daily future, and their faith in each other to keep their love alive.

Friday, August 10, 2018

As the hidden morning sun gradually illumined the cloudless sky above them, Chris's hand wandered over Theo's smooth chest. He turned on his side, edging in closer. Theo turned, facing him too. They kissed, lightly at first, then with more urgency as Chris took Theo's oozing cock in hand.

"Theo, I'm ready..." whispered Chris.

Theo said nothing as he softly took his companion's head between his hands and kissed his eyes, his lips, his neck. Then with a hoarse voice, he uttered, "I'm going to fetch the olive oil..."

The boat moved ever so gently, never straining on the anchor chain. In the distance, the monastery bells rang the first prayer of the day. Time stopped. Chris's sphincter twitched in anticipation. Theo slightly trembled as he handed the flask of oil to Chris. He then reclined on the cushions. He held out his arms, inviting Chris to straddle him.

Chris's instinct took over. He anointed Theo's straining cock, worshiping it, caressing it with infinite tenderness. Then he moved up a little and placed Theo's glans at the right angle to enter him. Theo kneaded Chris's buttocks, his fingertips lightly coaxing the precious opening. Chris sensually undulated his hips and humming, his lips parted and his eyes never leaving Theo's, he lowered himself on the vibrant cock. He welcomed Theo deep inside him. He was lost in a trance of lust. Theo throbbed, shivered, then grabbing Chris by the back of his neck, pulled him closer. Their eyes were locked in a wild gaze of total communion. The slow motion of their hips synchronized. Chris slightly rose and fell with the movements of Theo's cock. Theo moved ever so gently inside Chris, thrusting by instinct from time to time.

Then they lost control, Theo turned Chris over on his back. He seized his ankles and no longer withholding his ardor, slid himself even deeper, going in and out of Chris's clenching flesh. Chris gasped, writhed, drooled, moaned, his eyes gleaming, wide open. Their mouths twisted in a strange, wild, ecstatic smile. Suddenly Chris screamed as he spewed his cum in abundance on his chest, on Theo's, on both their faces.

Chris's orgasm triggered Theo's as he arched and heaved, his head thrown back. He howled as he shot over and over again volleys of his sperm deep into Chris. He tensed an instant, then spent, breathless, he collapsed.

Once they both came back to their senses, Theo whispered in Chris's ear, "You promised."

"You are the god of my dawn, Theo. The first time I saw you, coming out of the sea, I felt a force rise in me. Now I am with you at dawn on the sea. You are my god and my god is love! My cock is still hard, yearning to be in you... in you now..."


As the dawn became morning, Chris overflowed into Theo, as Theo overflowed into the rising sun. They panted, laughed, gasping in ecstasy and then kissed some more. Such was the will of their dawn-god, their love!

After a swim, with a steady, quick breeze, they sailed around the island just for the fun. Passing beneath the monastery, they waved back at the monk, waving at them from the terrace.

It was close to 3:00 PM when they approached Steni Vala. The metallic, grey yacht loomed like a threat, tied stern against the quay, its dagger shaped bow pointing directly at them. The yacht occupied the space normally reserved for Zephyrus. The neighboring slip was free. As they moored beside the monster, Chris's father appeared on deck.

He yelled, "So there you are at last! What's that fucking nonsense about you staying? You never answered my calls! I left at least ten messages. What's all that shit? Have you lost your mind?"

"Kindly shut up, Father!" screamed Chris as he tossed his shattered phone, on the deck of the yacht, "Here's why I never called back!"

Theo was met by the captain at the stern as he boarded the yacht. They calmly discussed the matter in Greek as Summers continued ranting at his son. The other guests were probably too ashamed to appear topside.

"Get immediately on this boat! Our flight leaves at noon tomorrow. Our helicopter is reserved for 7:00 AM in Skiathos! We have to get underway now..."

"I couldn't care less! I told you I'm staying!"

"Get on this boat immediately!"

"Never in my life," screamed Chris as he jumped ashore. Summers scrambled down onto the rear platform, ready to intercept his son. Seeing Theo there beside the captain, he shouted, "Who's that creep on my boat?"

"This is not your boat, Sir, but mine," firmly stated the captain, much to Summers' astonishment.

Theo stepped ashore, and stood steadfast beside Chris. Summers strode over, facing them... "So this asshole of a fag is your cocksucker!" he hissed between his teeth.

"I'm the cocksucker, Father!"

Furious, Summers slapped his son, making him stagger. Chris retaliated by kicking his father in the crotch with all his might. Summers bent over, heaving, paralyzed in pain. Chris, blind with fury, shoved his father, still crouched, into the water.

The motors of the yacht began to rumble.

Summers struggled to climb up on the quay. Chris just stood there, dumbfounded by his own audacity. The police, having witnessed the havoc along with the other onlookers, moved in. One of them helped Summers out of the water, the other immediately reassured Chris. Then both of them firmly ushered Summers to the yacht with injunctions for him to get aboard and immediately get off the island.

Soaked and humiliated, the dapper, high society, braggart -- the famous Doctor 'Make-Me-Beautiful', Anthony Summers -- boarded the ostentatious monstrosity he had chartered while his son and Theo hugged under the applause of the small crowd their misadventure had drawn.

The yacht slowly pulled away from the quay with Summers still screaming over the grumble of the motors, "I'm cutting off support, no more money! Go fuck with your worthless nobody, your filthy Greek prick!"

Then suddenly the yacht roared away in a cloud of obnoxious diesel fumes. Chris just stood there, stunned, pale, delivered, gazing at his father, speeding out of his life.

Tenderly tugging on Chris's arm, Theo said, "Let's go..." They slowly walked, hand in hand, back to the house. Several villagers came and patted them both on the back.

They climbed up on the terrace. Doctor Anthony Summers' chartered yacht slowly became an insignificant speck in the distance.

Another powerboat ploughed the gentle waves. Jet trails scarred the cloudless sunset.

"Look at that, Theo! I'm glad to leave that world behind," uttered Chris.

"Tomorrow, we'll go jogging and then back to work," stated Theo, "And tonight we'll dine at the tavern and celebrate!"

"Yes! And we'll bathe and dress for the occasion!"

"And later, when we're back, we'll undress and..."


Happiness needs a certain amount of wisdom to become an actual reality. Disconnection is the path to wisdom. The happiest of lives is often a hidden life, far from the proverbial 'rat race' of wealth, power and glory.

Concerning tales of true love, like this one, the traditional sentence used at the end is, 'And they lived happily ever after'. That's the way this story is about to come to an end, for the moment.

Theo and Chris were and still are very wise. Thus their story doesn't really end. It just becomes silent for awhile, leaving a certain, secret smile in the hearts of those who believe it can really be happening.

A free picture album illustrating this story (pdf) is available upon request at maringiustinian@laposte.net.

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