Davids Revenge

By dolphinboy 333

Published on Feb 20, 2012


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author dolphinboy333@hotmail.com all comments are welcome. Please put "Nifty Story" in your subject line

David's revenge -- Part 6

"Well tomorrow is the first on the month, you will remain in your chastity belt until you have sex with at least 10 men, all in the space of this up and coming month, if you can manage more all the better, or else there will be a forfeit.!

He continued before Josh replied. "However I will need proof of your exploits, like before, this time however I will supply you with a "unique" word, that must be displayed in your pictures. After you have had sex with one guy, you will email or text me with the proof and I will email right back with your new word. Do you understand? He said as he threw a post it note pad at him.

Josh caught the pad and looked at him. "Yeah I understand"

"Good, well if you have sex with 10 guys or more starting tomorrow, then I will permanently let you out of your wee cage, but if you don't there will be trouble".

David never gave any thought to what the forfeit would be, as he watched from the bedroom window, as Josh disappeared around the corner of the driveway. However as he sat at his computer, emailing the first random word to his slave boy, he gave it some thought. He chuckled to the mental image that popped into his head right at that moment. He would take the boy into town on a Saturday, find a street that was not too busy, but that had plenty of people passing though it. He would, with the assistance of his friends, tie the blindfolded boy naked to a lamppost using rope and chains and padlock the chains together. He would then pour super-glue into the locking mechanism and they would leave him there. The police and fire brigade would probably need to be called out to cut the chains, he is likely to be photographed by passing kids on their mobile phones, perhaps the local press photographer and reporter, would turn up to record his plight. Brilliant he said out loud. Then he thought about it and decided that he would be better not being blindfolded, so that he could see everyone looking and laughing at him and if there were people or reporters taking pictures, then it would be all the more amusing to see his face. Yes he thought to himself, that would be a great forfeit. He looked back at the computer screen and typed his first word to Josh. He pressed send. Job done he thought.

To be continued ...

Next Day

Josh faced the prospect of being locked up for another 4 weeks at least and in that time he knew he would have his work cut out trying to have sex with a minimum of 10 men. The last time he was forced to do this with older guys, he had the problems of days not suiting someone, them not turning up etc, so this was indeed going to be a challenge.

He logged into his profiles and started searching for men. He touted his body like a hooker and soon established a few promising links.

Three hours later he was on his knees in the train station toilet, sucking a man's cock. He never knew his name, nor cared. He asked the man to photograph his face while he sucked his cock. The man who he estimated to be in his thirties and had given his true age in his profile, unlike so many others, had agreed to do so.

"Hold on a wee second" said Josh as the man got ready to take the picture. Josh pulled the post it note from his pocked and stuck it on his forehead. "Okay any time you want" he added.

The man looked surprised at the word "castle" printed on the note in felt tip pen, but as the boy sucked on his cock, he took the picture anyway.

"Thanks a lot" said Josh as he left the cubicle with a mouth load of warm cum sliding down his throat. "See you later". He rushed back to the house and emailed it to David. Two hours later he heard his phone go off with a text, when the family were sitting around the dinner table. His mother just stared at him and dared him to look at his phone. He knew better than to try and look, as they all knew it was a pet hate of his mother, that anybody used their phone during family meals.

One hour later he was in his room logging on to the internet, armed with his second word - "balloon" he trolled for another man. He was glad he bagged his first cock on the first day, but knew that reaching his target was not going to be easy.

Over the next four days he managed to get photographs of another two men, both of whom thought it a little strange to watch their cock slide into a boy mouth whilst wearing a post it note in his forehead. They however enjoyed the young boys willingness to be used.

He was given his fourth word, letterbox, and made arrangements to be picked up in the town centre by another man.

The White Van Gang ...

He waited patiently at the prescribed location and watched as a number of vehicles pulled up and then moved off just as he started to wonder if this was the one he was waiting on. He stupidly forgot to ask what the man would be driving. Then an old battered white van pulled up and the driver leaned over and opened the door. As he approached the door and looked inside, the man simply ordered him to get in.

Josh was unsure if he should, the man was quite old and looked filthy, unkempt beard, shifty eyes and a thin wiry frame.

"You were the one who contacted me, wanting fucked, right?"

"Yes" replied Josh as he climbed into the van. The van moved off with a jolt and squeak. The man never said much but looked the boy up and down, his tongue darted out his mouth and wetted his lips, "Hmmm nice, we are going to enjoy you" was all he said, and continued to guide the old van out of the town centre.

Josh heard the word, we, and was already felling uneasy, but he was in no position to say or indeed do anything. Had he wanted to escape, the time to do so, was before he got into the van and after the man had confirmed that he was wanting fucked. It was too late now.

The van travelled to an area of the town that Josh had never visited, but knew it was a deprived area, with low employment and housing in need or urgent attention. The van parked outside a block of flats. He was ordered to follow the man as he lead the boy to a flat on the ground floor. He put his thin hands on the boys shoulders and steered the boy to the door in front of them, standing behind the boy he reached round and placed the key in the door and opened it.

"In you pop" he said and gently pushed him forward. Josh heard the door close, then clicked locked behind him. There was no going back now.

"In here" he was told. And the man lead the way into the front door. As Josh entered the room behind the man and saw another two men sitting in the chairs in the room. These were the, we, that the van man mentioned at the beginning of the journey.

"Well done, he's lovely" said one of the man. He too was thin and straggly in appearance. But had a glint in his eyes, as he viewed the prize. Now it was the turn of the third man in the room to speak, he was younger and built more solidly than the two older men.

Josh looked around the room and noticed that it was quite untidy, more like a teenagers room than that of an adult. There were newspapers and magazines lying around with clothes draped over the furniture as well as other stuff lying around giving it a very messy look and feel. His attention was soon back on the main purpose of his visit, when the seated man spoke and gave him his first of many instructions of the night.

"Come hear boy and sit on my lap" he said.

Josh sat on his lap and watched as van man now sat in the chair opposite them both. The other younger man also watched without saying much.

The man placed his hand on the boys thigh and gave it a squeeze, he followed this up by groping the boys groin and he felt the chastity belt in between his legs. As a smile spread over his ugly thin features, he started to slip the clothes off the boys body. Soon Josh was sitting naked on the man's lap, with the other men getting up off their chairs and having a little grope of his belt and asking who had the keys, they were fascinated that another schoolboy controlled his ability to cum.

The man was becoming erect and Josh felt his cock through his trousers. The man pushed him to the side slightly and pulled his cock out from this trousers. The other men lifted the boy up in the air and guided his hole to the cock of their friend. Josh was lowered onto the large pole and sighed as he was impaled on the man's cock. The man started to buck his hips as the others watched. They started to shed their clothes, soon the boy was sucking on the cock of the van man as he was being fucked. It was a situation that he was familiar with, having had to become familiar with it, such was David's control over him.

The men abused him for a few minutes, then lead him to the bedroom. It was equally squalled in looks, but Josh was not there to judge the flat in a fashion contest, he was there to get fucked and fucked he was. The men loved passing him to one and other and making him suck and be fucked from different positions.

Josh then suddenly had an idea, there were three men here and he thought he could get all of them to picture him as he was abused boosting his tally to six in total The plan was doomed to failure in seconds as it dawned on him that he never had the other words that David would provide. He felt crestfallen. That is why David was an expert at controlling him, he had a habit of thinking things through and closing all escape routes for the boy. The disappointed boy was continually abused by the gang of three. As he lay on his back with his legs held up in the air and being fucked by the younger man, at the same time a cock was shown to his lips and he opened his mouth to accept the cock, he then had an idea that, whilst it was not great it would be the only practical thing to do to boost his numbers before the end of the month. He knew that this month he returned to school, after the summer holidays, on the 15th, so his available time to troll the internet, would be greatly reduced. So it was just an opportunity he could not let pass. The gang were more than happy to accommodate his request, when he explained what he was wanting to do. He had arranged to be their plaything on another two occasions, where he was going to be able to bring along his two new appropriate words from David, he would then have just over half of his target number complete before half way point of the month had elapsed.

David supplied the boy with his fifth word. Later that same night he checked his email and was surprised to see a reply from Josh already. He opened the attachment and saw the boys face with a cock in his mouth and a post it note stuck to his forehead showing the word, football, he smiled, the boy was doing well.

Josh made his way to the pick up point, with a post it note in his pocket, with the sixth word, spaceman, supplied by David. There was only a few more days left of the summer holidays and once back in School on Monday, it was going to be hard to arrange encounters with other men. He consoled himself with the thought that his total was going to be at seven, once he was fucked by the other two men of the "white van gang".

The van duly turned up and transported him to the untidy flat on the other side of town. He was lead into the front room like before, but was surprised to see another man who he had not seen before. He was maybe in his late 20's and was wearing a tight white T-shirt, that showed that he was without doubt the fittest of the gang. His six pack and muscular arms were on show. Josh also noted that he was far better looking than the others. He never gave his name, but seemed to take the lead over the others, Josh was soon naked in their company.

He was taken back into the bedroom, as before. The new man said that it was his desire to use a schoolboy in such a way, as to get the boy to be used to his maximum sexual output. Josh was not too sure what he meant, but soon found out.

The new man uttered the orders, one man was told to sit on the edge of the bed. Josh was positioned on his knees and his head was pushed towards the man's cock, he opened his mouth and his boyish face was held in position. The two other men were told to sit right up close to their friend, on either side. Josh's hands were lifted up and he was told to very slowly wank the cocks that he now held. The new man then took up position on his knees behind the boy. He manhandled his own cock till it was rock hard, greasing up his pole with lubricant, he started to push his purple head against the boys 15 year old cherry. It only took a few seconds and Josh was opened up again and accepted the erect cock, it slid inch by inch right up inside the boy. The new man took his time and developed a steady rhythm as he fucked Josh.

"That's what I like to see, a schoolboy being used to the maximum, all parts to the body playing a useful role in satisfying us". He stated.

Josh now knew what he meant by, Maximum sexual output. Occasionally he lost concentration and his hands would start to ease off with the wanking motion. The new man was expert in noticing this and would encourage him with a slap on his ass cheeks and gave him a verbal as well as physical reminder that he was to keep focusing on their pleasure. The three men on the bed were ordered to pass his head between them and Josh's face was firmly held onto a different cock every few minutes, his hands were moved about to ensure that his body was not going to waste.

The new man still fucked him, slowing down at times to wrap his muscular arms around his slim hairless chest, as he arched over the boy, pulling the boy's body tighter to his six pack stomach and whispering encouragement into the boys ear.

Josh had lost track of time and could honestly not estimate how long he was getting exploited but decided that with another man using him, meant that he could get his total number to eight, before going back to school, this was the bonus of his situation. It crossed his mind that if the gang expanded any more, then he was likely to reach his quota, easily before the end of the month. Then he would be free from his silicone cock prison. He hoped.

"Hopefully we are going to be ready soon, young man" he said.

The gang started to speed up their abuse of Josh, his head was passed about each lap at a faster rate and he was encouraged to wank a little bit faster and firmer. The new man pumped away at his rear end, slapping both his cheeks to keep him focused. Before long their breathing became more pronounced and the continued to exploit the boy for their pleasure.

"Keep going you little fucking schoolboy slut", one man said.

"This is what you want, this is what you were made for" said another through gritted teeth.

The men knew they were getting ready to explode all over and inside the boy. It was going to be soon. Josh had his head held tightly as the middle man on the bed who started to shout and gripped his head tighter, holding it still, he suddenly shot his sperm into the boys mouth.

"Oh yes, fucking yes" ... he declared and quickly passed his face to the man on his left, He replaced the boys hand, with his cum filled mouth and soon he too was shouting confirmation that he had cum. The man behind was delighted with the boy, pulling his head up by the hair, he forced it onto the last man on the bed, he too held his head firmly, putting as much inside as he could. He shot rope after rope of cum, into the well assaulted mouth. They were all spend and leaned back onto their elbows and watched their toned friend start to really pound the boy. He had timed his performance to perfection and pushed himself right inside the boy, gripping his hips tightly, pulling him back against his body and exploding a massive amount of man juice right up the boy. He threw his head back and slapped his cheeks really hard and shouted his pleasure.

"Fucking take that you fucking little whore" he shouted. "All of it, every last drop"

He pulled out and slumped back on his hunches

"The photograph and post it note" Josh said, "Please" he added.

The new man told him to climb up on the bed on all fours and look back over his shoulder at the camera. He placed the post it note on his right ass cheek and sat on the floor and angled his camera. Josh's ass started to leak the man's cum and spill it down the back of his balls. He faced the camera and smiled, as instructed, this forced a few drops of cum to slid out the corners of his mouth and run down his chin.

Click went the camera, "Perfect" stated the new man.

45 minutes later, a fully showered and cleaned up Josh sneaked back into his house and logged onto his computer, following his previous ritual, he emailed the explicit photographic evidence of the sixth man to abuse him, he alone of course knew that he had been fucked by more than the six people David thought he had, but it was the price he was going to have to pay. Within two hours he was supplied with the seventh word. He had taken a note of the men's mobile numbers and knew he could rely on another two fucks to take is quota to eight in total.

It was the weekend before starting back to school and he arranged to be fucked on the Saturday and Sunday, by the two remaining men of the Van gang. No new men appeared on the scene on these dates, so he ended the weekend with eight men on his list and half the month to get the remaining two, but he was back at school tomorrow and had no idea how he would fair.

Back to school ...

The first few days back at school were uneventful, save the one time he was cornered in the toilets by David, with no one about to see, he ordered that Josh put his hands on his head and spread his legs a little and push his hips out. As Josh complied, David unzipped the boys trousers and pulled open the flaps, he tugged the trousers down a little and hooked a finger in the waist band of his boxers and pulled it open, all the time his eyes never left Josh's face. As he pulled the shorts out further, he asked Josh what was in his shorts.

"A small caged hairless penis" Josh replied, his eyes also never left David's face.

"Good answer" replied David, then he added "But your also a cock hungry little faggot boy, who loves having his hole fucked, is that correct?" he asked and waited for the full conformation from Josh.

"Yes I am a slutty cock whore, that deserves to be fucked over and over" he said.

"And I am sure your wishes will cum true, get it ... cum ... get it ..." he laughed as he let the waistband of the shorts snap shut against the boys milky white smooth stomach. He then groped the boys cock and balls and marvelled at the control he exercised over the boys ability to cum, felling the silicone chastity belt that seemed to have a death grip on the boys libido.

David glanced around the toilet and observed its stillness. He simply walked out without looking back and left Josh to redress himself and leave the room and back towards his education.

In the evenings of the first week, Josh drew a blank in trying to arrange further meets, the best he could do was a couple of webcam displays for men that were too far away to ever be a post it note provider.

In the second week of school, he saw David and Evelyn plenty of times, but they just ignored him, then on the Friday, having once again drawn a blank in his attempts to be fucked, he was passed by David on his way to the last class of the week, when his arm was grabbed and David pulled him close and whispered in his ear ... "I haven't supplied you with any new words, lately, times running out and you know what that means."

It was now the weekend and Josh was becoming quite stressed at the thought of being permanently locked up. He thought of contacting the van gang and having sex with them again, but he could not risk that David would compare any new pictures with the ones he had already sent, what if he recognised a cock, or the room, bed, sofa anything that would prove that he was having sex with someone he had already been with. It was just too big a risk. He also did not want to contact the gang and ask if they knew someone else, in case they never, but wanted to fuck him, nun the less, he just never had the time to spare, all his efforts had to be tuned to getting his ninth and tenth man before the end of the month, which was only 5 days away. The pressure was on.

Nine down and one to go.

On the Saturday night, Josh met with a guy in the town centre. The man was more of a boy, Josh thought he looked like one of the boys in his school, one who was a year or two above him. On the following Monday he confirmed it was, but at this time, on the Saturday, the boy walked and talked to Josh as they headed out of town towards the woods. The boy was clearly nervous and kept glancing about as the pair of them made their way out of the town. He kept saying that he was glad to speak to another gay boy, as he felt he was the only one in the whole world. Josh decided not to tell him that far from being the only gay boy in the world, there were loads of people who loved sticking their cocks into young boys holes, more than he would believe.

Once they arrived at the woods, the boy apologised to Josh, saying that his parents were still in his house and that he had nowhere else he could go. He suggested that they find a secluded spot. Josh was more than familiar with places in the woods to have a sex encounter. He led the way, saying he thinks he knows a spot which should be ok. Once they arrived at the clearing, it was late afternoon and the sunshine was on the wane.

The boy grabbed Josh by the shoulders and spun him around, quickly wrapping his arms around him, he pulled him close and planted a long wet kiss on his lips, forcing his tongue inside the boys mouth.

"I have been dyeing to do that for ages, that was great" he enthused.

He continued to kiss the boy passionately on the lips. Right at this precise moment, Josh felt that this was the most gentle thing to happen to him, since his encounters with the twins a very long time ago.

After a little while, the boy asked if he could start to remove Josh's clothes. Josh said yes. A few minutes later the boy was planting small kisses onto Josh's nipples and rubbing them gently, he then dropped to his knees and and started to undo the boys trousers.

Josh stood before the boy in just his boxer shorts. The boy said that this was so exciting and stated to strip himself. He was so consumed by his excitement, that he no longer acted nervously and had stopped looking about as if someone was going to disturb them any minute now.

He too kept his tartan boxers on and stepped towards Josh until his body was very close that they both could almost feel the heartbeat of the other. He gently raised his hands and paused, as if savouring the moment, holding his position for a few seconds. Then he shuffled forward until their bodies touched. Soon he had his lips locked to Josh and pressed himself against his prize.

"Your beautiful" he said.

After a few minutes of allowing himself to explore the boys body, he dropped to his knees and looked up at the boy.

"Can I take them off?" he asked.

Josh thought that it was a strange question, what if he said no, would they have just dressed themselves and left, anyway he knew that he needed the number, so inevitably the answer was yes.

The boy licked his lips in anticipation as he grabbed the waist band and slid them down his legs, he let out a gasp when he saw the chastity belt.

"Wow, what is that?" he asked.

Josh told him of his plight and the need for him to escape his cock prison. The boy listened intently then planted soft kisses all around the belt and his stomach. He remarked that the boy was very smooth for a 15 year old. Josh this time never said anything about why he was so smooth. Eventually he stood back up and faced Josh. Josh dropped to his knees and with an air of duty, he also removed the boys shorts. The semi erect cock sprung forward and nearly slapped Josh on the face. The boy was only very slightly taller than Josh, but was very well hung. Josh remarked at how big it was and said that it was probably the biggest cock he had seen. The size was enhanced by the boys pube styling. A style that resembled Josh, as he had shaved himself smooth.

"You like?" he asked.

"Hmmmm ... Lovely" Josh said as he lifted it up and placed it on his face. He knew it was going to hurt and stretch his mouth and probably his ass, but refusing the cock was not going to happen.

He went to work and focused himself on the main purpose of the encounter. He sucked the cock and took as much as he could into his mouth, stopping every now and again kissing it from the bottom of his shaft all the way to the tip, before starting to suck again.

The boy gripped Josh's head and got carried away with the feeling he was experiencing, forcing his cock into the boys willing mouth.

After a little while he asked Josh if he could do something. Josh agreed and was soon on his hands and knees and showing his ass to the boy.

The boy had retrieved a dildo from the small shoulder bag that he had bought along. He greased it up and then spoke.

"I want you to fuck yourself on the dildo" he continued. "I will hold it still and I want you to back up and impale yourself on it, then I want you to slid back and forth on it, do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes" said Josh.

"Good boy, do it now then" ... he said.

The instruction had been forcefully issued and Josh complied without delay. He pushed back onto the dildo till his pink hole opened up.

"Go on boy, fuck yourself" the boy commanded. He continued "That's right you little slut, you want it, don't you?" he asked in a tone that was markedly different to how things first started in the woods.

Josh now felt the dildo burst past his entrance and he slid back as much as he dared, after a few moments he started to rock back and forth and fuck himself on the dildo that was held very still. The boy made him spent at least 5 minutes fucking himself, before he spoke to break the silence that had descended between them.

"This is what happens when someone tells you to go fuck yourself" he laughed.

Josh just let out a phoney laugh and continued to pitch back and forth on the dildo, rarely changing momentum.

After a while the boy ordered him to stop moving, but left the Dildo buried up his ass, he turned the boy over and onto his back. He then lay on top of the boy and started kissing him on the lips, whilst rubbing his hands over his smooth body, he seemed to embrace his shy and sensitive side again.

"Your lovely and this has been great, I love your hairless body and your ass loves getting raped" he said. Josh lay there and nodded slightly.

"I think it is time that I tried fucking you, is that okay with you?" he asked.

"It's fine" Josh replied simply.

The boy lifted Josh's legs up to his chin and exposed his ass, he pulled the dildo out and threw it to the side. He then took up position and prodded his very large cock at the boys raped hole. Soon he was sliding his member into Josh. He threw his head back and exclaimed "yes" every now and again. After ploughing his hole he pulled out and tuned Josh onto his side, pulling his legs back up to his chin. He slapped Josh's left cheek forcefully, surprising the boy again. Reverting back to his meaner side, he whispered in Josh's ear. "Your fucking loving this, you slutty little boy fuck". Then then started to shove his erect penis back into the boy and built up some speed as he fucked the boy without remorse.

"Fucking slut" he said.

Pulling out Josh he threw the boy roughly onto his back and sat astride his chest and wanked himself, completely absorbed with his own satisfaction. He jerked and spasmed and fired rope after rope of ripe teenage juice all over Josh's face. After he came down from his high, he complied with Josh's request to take a photo of his cum soaked face wearing its odd Post it message.

They made their way out of the woods and back to town. Not many words were exchanged between the pair, but before they parted, the boy stopped and looked straight into his face and said.

"Thanks Josh, I have had the best night of my life, thank you very much, maybe I will see you around?, your a very sexy boy, you know"

"Eh thanks, see you" Josh replied and turned the other way and headed off home, confused by the different extremes of behaviour that was exhibited by the boy, But ecstatic that he was able to send David the proof of his humiliation. It did seem strange to feel elated at being humiliated, conflicting emotions danced around his head at night as he lay in his bed, softly fondling his encased cock. Freedom was almost palatable, he was sure, or was that hopeful thinking. He fell asleep.

The Desperation of Ten.

There was only two days left till the end of the month and Josh was running out of time and ideas, he was not getting any new men lined up to fuck him. He started to think frantically about a plan B. However nothing was coming to mind, he resisted contacting the van gang again, he knew he might need to do that and hope that David does not realise that it is someone he has already been with.

As he again spent another couple of hours getting nowhere, he had a thought. Quickly he sent an email and waited for the reply. A hour later he heard the jingle on the computer, he raced to the screen and his hopes were raised and then dashed in double quick time, as he read the message. He replied, begging the man to reconsider, adding that he would do anything, anything ...

The man re-read the second email ... "Anything" ... hmmm interesting he thought to himself. He took to the keyboard and again explained that he would not have the time to see the boy, but added a small hook at the end of the email ... "you did say anything, didn't you?"

Josh typed a two word reply..... "Absolutely anything" ... he waited with baited breath.

The reply, pinged into his inbox, he opened it without breathing ... it read ... "Okay, 7pm tomorrow night, don't under any circumstances be late"

Josh fell back on his bed with utter relief and exhaustion. He had done it.

The Chastity belt chaffed his groin as he jogged down the road towards the bus stop, suddenly he let our a scream, "Shit" and slid to a stop on the gravel. He patted his pockets again and confirmed that he forgot his camera and the post it note pad with the 10th word written in caps on it. He flew back down the road, his feet pounding the pavements and occasionally jumping onto the road to get himself around the pedestrians that would slow him down.

He bolted back up the stairs to his room, collected the items and tore off again, down the stairs and out onto the street, in the direction of the bus, but at least 8 minutes behind his original schedule. His heart skipped a beat, as he flew around the corner, holding on to the lamppost, to aid his balance, when he saw the bus pull out from the stop, billowing the environmentally damaging gases in the air as it went. And went it did.

Josh lurched forward resting his hands on his knees and gasping for air, dripping with sweat. He lifted his head and watched the bus get smaller and smaller as it chugged away into the distance. He looked at his watch and although he did not know the bus timetable, he instinctively knew that the next bus was going to be too late and this was the one time he could not afford to be late.

As he straightened up and blew out his cheeks, he saw the bus turn left into the estate down the road, his mind suddenly leaped into action, the estate had 5 or 6 stops, within it, before the bus came back out onto the main road, he might just make it. He burst into life, his cock and balls ached as he pounded along the pavement, all the time focusing on the target ahead, he knew he had quite a distance to cover. He slim body was sweating profusely but he kicked on his pace a number of times and kept his eye on the side street that the bus would come out from. As he got nearer, he saw it come out the street and turn back onto the main road. He was not going to make it. He re-doubled his efforts and dove on, ignoring the pain the chastity belt was giving him. Josh struck a break, the bus pulled up at a set of lights and got stuck behind traffic at a busy section of the road. Josh had caught up alongside the bus on the other side of the road, he then cut across the road ahead of the bus and at the same time pressed the pedestrian crossing button on his way, without waiting to cross, the lights changed to red and held up traffic for another minute, allowing him to just make it to the bus stop in time. He paid the fare and collapsed into a window seat at the rear of the bus.

The bus took Josh towards his destination and gave him enough time to compose and recover himself. He now stood in front of the door, glancing at his watch, he was five minutes later than he should have been, but all things considered, he was happy to be at the location. He stabbed the bell with his finger and the door almost immediately opened, the huge figure stood in his way and spoke.

"Your late, get in" and before Josh had time to respond the man moved forward and grabbed a fistful of his jacket and pulled him inside the flat.

"I told you I never had the time for this, get through to the bedroom and get stripped, I am leaving in 5 minutes time to pick up Sarah" He pushed Josh in the direction of the bedroom.

Josh quickly removed his clothes whilst the man was in another room. He then entered and looked at the naked hairless 15 year old, his eyes sliding down to his chastity belt.

"Nice" he remarked. He looked over to the bedside cabinet and noted the time on the clock 7.07pm

"Get over here boy" he said and Josh moved to the end of the bed and stood looking at Sarah's father. The man went round behind the boy and pulled open a drawer in the unit behind the boy.

"Open wide" he said.

From behind, he reached round and Josh was barely able to focus on the small cock shaped object as it was put into his mouth. The man then fastened the straps around behind his head.

"That's a pecker gag" he informed the boy. "Now on your hands and knees" . Josh assumed the position. The man fitted collar and attached a lead to it.

"Bend over, open your ass and shove it out" he instructed.

Kneeling down behind the boy, he slapped his ass and barked "I said, thrust it out, you can do better than that", he again slapped the boys ass hard.

Josh now bent over and opened his legs and poked his ass out as much as he could. The man penetrated the boys ass with a strap on dildo, which he again fastened the straps around the tops of his thighs. He was now plugged at both ends. "Stand up and put your hands on top of your head" he ordered.

He opened another drawer and produced a small handful of pegs, he attached two pegs to each each nipple, flicking it at the same time, sending small pulses of pain down Josh's body. He attached another four pegs to his loose scrotum skin under his chastity belt.

"There you go, all set" he said. Josh just mumbled through his gag, which amused the man.

"Right" he said, looking again at the clock and reaching up and taking hold of the lead, "down on your hands and knees boy" he said. He pulled Josh round to the side of the bed and told him to get on his back. He looked up at the man towering over him. The man flicked up the edge of the Duvet Cover on the bed and ordered Josh to slide under the bed. There was not much room but Josh found himself under the bed, starring at the underside of the mattress. The man appeared at the head of the bed and grabbed his wrist and pulled it up towards some rope that was attached to the leg of the bed. As he made his way around the bed, Josh spread himself out and allowed his wrists and ankles to be strapped to the bed legs. The man leaned under the bed and placed a small cushion under his head. He then got up and grabbed all the boys clothes off the floor and put them in the bottom of the wardrobe. He looked around and made sure there was no trace of the boys stuff anywhere.

"Now Josh, I don't want you going anywhere, whilst I am out, you understand?" he laughed at his own joke. The only response from Josh was a muffled noise from under the bed. Sarah's father pulled the duvet sheet back into place and switched off the light and pulled the bedroom door shut. Josh listened as he heard the man lift his car keys and close the front door, locking it behind him. He was now in near darkness, alone in the house, gagged and plugged, naked and tied to the underside of the bed belonging to the father of the girl who he kissed months ago, in an innocent manner, that now lead him to be in this predicament.

Josh had no idea how much time elapsed when he heard faint voices behind the front door, then the key was put into the lock and the voices became louder as they entered the flat.

"Now if your good, tonight, I have a wee surprise for you, it's in the bedroom, but only if you are good" Josh twitched against his binds when he heard the man say that. He had hoped that by getting his 10th man, he was going to be spared any more humiliation, but shuddered at the though that at the very last leg, he was going to be exposed as a whore of a schoolboy who loved having sex with other men. What would Sarah think of him then?, what would she say?, would she find out about his other acts?. He could do nothing other than panic from under the bed.

The Man and his daughter, laughed and talked over their meal. The aroma of the food teasing Josh's nose. The TV went on later and the two of them enjoyed a comedy, judging by the laughter that could be heard.

"Right come through here, I have a little surprise for you" he said to Sarah.

"Okay, dad, I can't wait" she replied.

"Okay, stay there, it's under the bed, I'll get it, your going to love playing with it" he said as he dropped to his knees at the end of the bed and lifted the duvet sheet. He leaned right under and looked at the naked 15 year old, strapped into the same position that he left him . He reached under the bed and pulled out a box that was in between the boys legs.

"Here you go" he said as he handed it to her. Josh listened from his position as she let out a scream of excitement.

"These are great" she said. "I love them, thanks daddy". Josh could hear her hugging her father.

"But you don't "play" with them" she scolded him.

"Well, slip of the tongue, I meant wear them" he responded. "I hope these are the correct colour, now?" he added.

"Yes perfect" she said as she sat back on the bed and tried on her pair of new shoes, "I just love them, thanks daddy" she said.

"Come on, lets go" he said as the pair of them left the room, where Josh was plunged once again into darkness. But relieved that he was not exposed, literary

Some time later, he eventually heard her father wish his daughter/princess good night and sweet dreams. Josh was shocked, she was going to be in the house over night, he had assumed that her father would drop her off back home and then come back and abuse him.

The light came on and the bedroom door was shut tightly. The man silently removed all the binds and pulled the boy out from under the bed. Taking the lead he put the boy over his lap and removed the strap on dildo, he pulled his cheeks apart and inserted two fingers and quietly finger fucked the boy. Josh noticed the time on the bedside clock as he was put over the man's lap. It was 10.38pm, he had spent almost 3 and half hours being a slave boy in the man's bedroom.

The stout man pulled his fingers out the boy and lay up on his back on the bed and opened his legs. The boy took up his position crouched in between his legs and started to masturbate the huge fat cock. The man grabbed his lead and pulled him up onto his large belly, he then started to thrust his hips and stab the boys cheeks with his purple cock head. Nodding silently at the boy and waiting. Josh knew to impale himself on the cock and bounced up and down fucking himself on the large fat cock. The man let out small groans of satisfaction as he fucked the schoolboy. After fucking him for about 10 minutes, he pulled the boys lead forward and took his face in his hands, he undid the pecker gag straps and removed it from his mouth.

"Good boy" he whispered, "Now put those gay lips to good use", he said as he spun the boy around atop of his belly and pointed his face to his groin. Josh took the man's large fat erect penis into his hot wet mouth and sucked away, knowing the importance of achieving his goals and staying as quiet as possible, with Sarah being just a few feet away in the other room.

The man's view was the boys pert white ass, splayed open as his legs hung down the sides of his belly, revealing his violated pink hole. He fingered the target, whilst the boy pleasured his cock. He pulled the boys ass down towards his face and tongued his ass, forcing his big wet tongue up the hole all the time squeezing his has cheeks.

He then pulled Josh off and made him get on his fours on the bed and pulling the lead back a little he started to fuck the boy.

"Daddy are you awake?" Sarah said from the other side of the bedroom door.

"Yes honey, but I am still in bed, what is it?". He pulled out the boy and turned him round and got back into the bed, pulling the duvet cover over the pair of them.

"It's just I am not feeling too well" she said

"Okay, just a second" he said stalling for a few more seconds. He pulled the boy close into his side and draped the large duvet over the boy, pushing his head under the cover. He put his index finger across his lips and indicated that he expected the boy to hug as close to his body as possible, and not to dare make a sound. Josh was sure that Sarah would see him, but his only hope was that the man's large belly would provide a sufficient tent, to hide under.

"Okay honey, come in"

The door squeaked open and Sarah came into the room.

"What's wrong, princess?"

"I have a real headache, it's pounding and it's making me feel a little bit sick as well" she said

"How long have you been feeling like this" he asked concerned.

"The last couple of hours, but I hoped it would go away" she replied

Josh kept holding onto his breath and staying as still as he could. The subdued lighting was probably helping as he was on the far side of the bed furthest from the door. The conversation finished with Sarah's father giving her a peck on the forehead and giving direction to some medication he had in the bathroom.

She left the room and was heard in the bathroom getting her medication. She then made her way back to her bedroom.

The man pulled back the duvet after a few seconds and smiled at the boy, who was still super glued to his side.

"okay boy, lets' get some semen inside you" he said in a matter of fact way.

Josh assumed his position on his knees pointing his small pink boy pussy in the direction of Man and wiggled it suggestively, again glancing at the clock and hoping that he would be finished soon and could contact David before midnight, he knew he was cutting it fine.

David's Bedroom

Back in the town, David checked his email and phone, he had heard nothing from Josh and it was now nearly 11pm on deadline day. He mused to himself that the forfeit was going to have to be implemented, he would need to contact his team soon.

He started looking through some of the hundreds of pictures of Josh, laughing occasionally at certain ones. He felt his erect cock through his trousers whilst watching the images.

Sarah's Father's bedroom.

Josh was now being fucked by the man, as he remained on all fours. The large man brought his weight to bare and forced his fat cock up the well violated hole. He kept his rhythm as steady as possible, reducing the noise that the pair of them might make.

After about 10 mins of fucking he stopped, pulled out the boy and sat over in the chair in the corner of the room. He beckoned the boy over with his crooked index finger. The boy rushed over and as the man stroked his cock held it upright, the boy turned round and leaned back, pulling his cheeks open until he lined up his hole with the man's cockhead. The man slouched back in the chair to allow his big belly to get out the way and to give the boys slight ass as much access as possible.

Facing away from the man, Josh crouched up on the man's legs planting his feet on the man's knees and impaled himself on his cock. He held onto the arms of the chair for balance. He was desperate to get the deed over, so he could get on with his much overdue email. He needed to take control of the situation.

He clenched his cheeks together, as tightly as possible and then started to really push his body back and forth, as quickly as he could. The man noticed how the schoolboy was working harder, he also saw a few beads of sweat form on his smooth pale back. He was determinted to stay still and make the boy work as hard as possible for his reward, he knew the boy was desperate to make this happen before midnight, so he was going to make sure he got the maximum of satisfaction from the desperate schoolboy.

Josh tried really hard but the man was proving to be hard to sate. This was similar to the schoolboy he met in the woods, who held the dildo still and ordered Josh to fuck himself on it, the man was almost doing exactly the same thing. He knew he would need to get results soon, so he redoubled his energy and effort, rocking back and forth as quickly as he could, really clenching his cheeks and forcing the man's cock deeper inside of him. Eventually he felt the man respond, he shifted his weight in the chair and Josh looked down he noticed his toes curling and stretching out, he kept going faster and faster. The man started to groan a little, it was another sign that he was getting close to his and Josh's goal.

Like an athlete who specialises in endurance races, the boy dug deep within himself to summon up the energy to win the race, The boys race was to get Sarah's father to cum inside him soon.

Frantically he increased his rocking motion, despite his hole hurting, he blocked out everything and concentrated on being released from his cock prison. He chose to focus on freedom and ignore the pain and discomfort he was experiencing.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted with the sensation of hot semen being fired up his hole. The man was cuming in large jets and Josh now hoped that the end was in sight. He never slacked off the pace, he wanted the man to be completely spent. The man's breathing got heavier and heavier and his head rocked back in forth in the chair. He eventually reached up and grabbed the boys hips.

"That's enough, that's enough" he whispered as he stopped the boy's rocking motion.

"Good boy" he said.

Josh dropped his feet to the floor and lifted himself upright. He raised himself off of the man's cock and stood away from him. All his muscles ached from the position he had been in, but he felt relief that he had made Sarah's father cum.

Keeping his voice low, Josh asked "Where's my clothes?" as he looked round the bedroom, He added, " I need you to take a picture of me, as proof of the fuck" he said.

"In the bottom of the wardrobe" The man replied and nodded his head to the right.

Josh got out his camera and post it note and asked the man if he would take a picture of him.

Sarah's father duly took the camera from the boy and watched as the boy climbed onto the bed and bent over, placing the post it note on his right buttock cheek, he looked back over his shoulder smiled as the man's warm cum spilled out of his hole. It was exactly what the van gang man had done and he felt that in the circumstances it best showed David that he had complied with his orders.

The camera flashed.

"Can you put on your laptop?, I need to send this picture as soon as possible" he whispered.

"Sure" the man said.

He proceeded to set it up on the dressing table and turn it on. It whirled into life. It was not a new laptop and Josh watched as it slowly and painfully booted up. Josh looked at the clock on the bedside cabinet and noted that it was 11.20pm. He had 40 minutes to get the photo sent. As he waited forever for the old laptop to boot up, he removed the memory card from the camera and got ready to send the picture. The man lay back on his bed watching the boy sit on the backless stood, his back to him, but the light from the screen formed a halo around the boys head in an otherwise dark room.

Eventually the laptop was ready but needed a password. The boy spun round and looked at the naked man stretched out on the bed. "Password please?" he whispered.

The man beckoned him again with his crooked finger for a second time. Josh got off the stool and scurried over to him, he leaned in over the man placing his ear to the man's lips.

"Josh you are a little slut" the man said.

"I know, I know, but can I please get the password to your Laptop"

"Josh you are a little slut" the man repeated.

Josh had noticed on the bedside clock that it took 8 minutes for the laptop to boot up, he was not wanting to fail at this late stage, so he again offered to do anything the man wanted, he begged him and whispered to the man, " I will become your sex slave if you want, but please can I get the password" he pleaded

"I just gave you it, twice" the man said smiling ... " All the one word, joshyouarealittleslut, no spaces" he added.

Josh dashed over and sat on the stool and typed in what the man said. To his relief the laptop continued to log in, this painfully took another 2 minutes. Eventually however he was ready, he brought up his email account and entered the SD card into the slot, he attached the picture to his email. The man had got off the bed and now stood right at the boys back, his heavy balls and cock rested on the boys shoulder and he watched as the boy typed as fast as he could. Josh felt the man's warm penis rest on his shoulder and he could see it out the corner of his eye. He did his best to ignore it as he was desperate to get out of his cock prison, he just had to hope and pray that this was not another cruel game by David. He craved freedom.

He pressed SEND and sighed. He looked at the clock in the bottom right hand side of the screen. It said 11.32. He had made it by just 28 minutes. He just had to wait and see what happened now.

He spun round a little in the stool and placed his lips against the man's softened cockhead. He opened up and started to suck on it. Slowly but surely the cock responded to his first aid method. He spent the rest of the night sucking and playing with the man's cock.

David's Bedroom.

David had become absorbed in watching porn clips online and never noticed that it was now 00.15am. Once the latest clip finished, he logged back into his email account and smiled when he saw that he received an email from Josh. He opened it. It had one very short sentence.

Target reached, see attached, it said ... he opened the attachment and saw the 10th word that he had supplied to Josh, on the post it note attached to his ass cheek. He zoomed in with the mouse and looked at the bead's of cum that was leaking out of the boys ass. Whore he said out loud.

He sat back and continued to look at the screen. Then he grabbed the mouse and looked at the message that Josh sent, he had forgotten to look at the time it was sent. Again he smiled and said out loud, "Well I'll be darned, he made it, the little slut indeed"

The man's bedroom

The next morning at about 7am, Josh was nudged awake by Sarah's father. He had fallen asleep next to the man having had to satisfy him during the night. He was exhausted. The man held his index finger up to his lips to indicate silence and ushered the boy off the bed and onto his feet. Just like when he arrived the previous night the man plugged the boy at both ends and again told him to get under the bed, he fastened his legs and arms to the bed legs, got dressed and left the room.

Josh could hear the voices from the kitchen, the laughing and talking, then he heard the TV getting switched on, after a period of time that he could not determine, he heard the door closing and the house fell into his silence. He assumed that the man was taking Sarah back home.

He could do nothing but wait.

Later on, the door opened and he could hear the man come back in, keys were put in a bowl and he moved into the kitchen, the kettle was put on boil and Josh could hear him getting cups out of the cupboard. It appeared to Josh that the man was going to go about his business and leaving the boy tied up permanently.

Eventually the man came into the room and sat on the chair in the corner, the same one which Josh had impaled himself on the man's cock the previous night. He sat there sipping his hot drink, he said nothing. Josh just lay where he was, he had no alternative.

When he finished his drink, he went through to the kitchen and washed it and put the cup on the drying board. He then moved about the house doing various chores it appeared, just leaving the boy tied up under his bed. Josh heard his voice and strained to listen. He was sure he heard the man say, "see you shortly then, Okay bye" and then put the phone down, but he could not be 100% sure.

He got his answer shortly.

The bedroom door opened and and Josh was aware that two people entered. The duvet cover was pulled up at one side and Sarah's father face appeared smiling.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" he asked Josh while laughing. Then another face appeared and he too laughed. It was David.

Josh was shocked and utter bewildered. What was going on.

David and Sarah's father untied his legs and arms and pulled him out from the bed.

David turned to the man and spoke.

"Well, uncle, did he do as you told him?"

"He was just as you described a complete little slut, desperate to have sex with anything, I must admit, I have had the most enjoyable time with Josh" he replied.

Josh could not believe his ears, although still wearing his pecker gag in his mouth, even if it been removed, he would have been lost for words.

David attached the collar & lead to the boy and pulled him like a dog along the floor. He was led out of the bedroom towards the living room.

The door squeaked open and as Josh was pulled along by David, he was followed by Sarah's father, on entering the room, he was aware of some people quietly sitting in the sofa and chairs. He was led to the middle of the room.

"Sit" David ordered, he dropped the lead and went and sat in the chair opposite the boy. Sarah's father had also taken his seat.

Josh looked around the room. They all noted the shocked expression on his face, as he took in his audience. Evelyn was sitting on the sofa and next to her was Mike, as he rotated his head to the left , he saw Johnny sitting on another chair next to Sarah's father, then the last person in the room, was further to the left and had been sitting virtually behind the seated boy.

"Hi, Josh, how are you?" she asked. "I know, you think you heard me leave, well that was just a wee joke, obviously I never left" she giggled.

Josh just stared at Sarah, tears welling up in his eyes and running down his cheeks. His mind was so overwhelmed that he just cried and blinked at her.

"I know your probably wondering what's going on, right now and that you will have a million questions?" she added "Well let me help you" She got up and went behind the boy and undid his pecker gag.

"Why,..... how,..... I don't understand" spluttered Josh.

"Of course you don't understand, petal, your too gay and stupid"

The words and the manner they were said, drove a dagger into his heart.

"Let me explain" she paused for effect. " I was bored one Saturday afternoon, when I came across an article on the internet about turning gay people straight, it was some religious mob from America, that said they can convert you back to the way god intended ... blah blah blah, anyway It got me thinking. I started to wonder if you could make someone gay, it was just a laugh at first, nothing serious. Then I got talking to my cousins", she pointed at David and Evelyn. "They said that it sounded too far fetched, no chance, were their words. Well, I do like a challenge and I absolutely hate being told that my ideas have ... no chance"

She stood up and started to circle the boy, who all the time remained shocked, lost for words and staring up at her in disbelief at what he was hearing.

She continued. "So you see, I decided to hatch a plan, I needed a test subject, that was you, then I needed to create the circumstances to start the plan off. We did just consider brute force, that was why we bought Johhny & Mike into the plan, but I felt that we needed to be more subtle, so that the subject, could be bent to our will over a period of time. So it was my idea to entice you romantically, just to get you interested. Then we would move progressively to plan B, turning you into a cock sucking bottom fucking whore that has sex with loads of men."

"As you can see, it worked very well" she pointed at him.

Josh was still sitting like a pet dog, his ass was plugged, he was hairless and naked, wearing a chastity belt and a collar and lead. It did look like her plan had worked perfectly.

She started speaking again. "Your Mum and dad know nothing of your plight, my father here", she pointed to her father, "Has two brothers, one of them is your dad and the other is David and Evelyn's father, but they all fell out 25 years ago and they have have not spoken since. Why I hear you ask?, well, you see, your dad caught his two brothers having a blow job in the back garden, it was just teenagers experimenting with different feelings, but no, your holier than thou, father went ballistic. There was a massive family argument and that led to your father completely blanking his two brothers. So when your family moved back into this area, my dad here, thought that he would go and see if he could patch things up, but no, you father would have none of it. Dad came home in a rage, I of course never knew the whole story, but dad eventually spat it all out, so then I remembered my plan to convert a boy into a gay slut. You of course were the perfect test subject, you'd just moved into the area, knew nobody, young enough to be a virgin and best of all, the son of the holier than thou brother. The funny thing is, both brothers married and had kids, me, David and Evelyn, so it was obvious that the episode in the garden was just a teenage thing, but it still did not wash with your father, even after all these years"

Josh just listened, tears running down his eyes, sobbing louder and louder, but not actually saying anything.

"So when I mentioned my plan, it did not take long to agree. I knew my cousins, David and Evelyn would be, up for it, we had a bet, just 5 pounds, that was all, so I am here to collect from them, as I won the bet. She stated.

David and his sister got up off the chairs and each handed over the money they owed to their cousin Sarah.

"Pleasure doing business, guys" she said as she shoved the money into her pocket. Turning her attention back to Josh, she addressed him.

"David & Evelyn are now bored with abusing you and as I have won my bet, so there does not seem much point in going on, as much fun as it was. Therefore David will give you the keys to the chastity belt and you can go free. You will be allowed to grow your hair back, that's if your body remembers where to grow it", they all laughed. "We have all the photograph's and video clips we need to amuse ourselves with and of course the priceless memories of humiliating you. It's just a pity I never saw them first hand, but I suppose I needed you to keep believing that I was innocent, just to allow us to keep manipulating you"

Her father then took over. "Your father is a complete wanker for doing what he did, but now his own son is a cock sucking ass hungry gay boy and we have all the proof we need to shove down his throat. So you have a task, if you want to keep all this digital evidence from leaking out onto the internet and being sent direct to your Dad, then you have to try and persuade your dad to forgive me and my other brother. Simple task I would think."

"But what if I can't?" said Josh in a croaked voice.

"Well, I would think you have all the motivation to succeed, don't you think"

David stood up and everyone turned and looked at him. "Oooops" he said, " I forgot to bring the keys with me." as he patted his pockets and then pulled them inside out to provide the proof.

"Never mind" said Sarah. "Just post them to him when you get home.

"Uh, okay", he said

"Wait there boy", she ordered Josh.

She left the room and returned with a dildo, which she swung in her hand, as if it were an everyday household object.

"Just for old times sake, I want to see you suck it then hand it to Evelyn, who will do the rest"

Josh took the dildo from Sarah and started to suck on it, like a giant lollipop. They were all seated now and in silence, they watched the boy suck the dildo for a few minutes and then hand it to Evelyn.

"Assume the position" she said as she got off her seat.

Josh got on all fours and pushed his ass out for easy access. Evelyn took the dildo and pushed it into his well stretched hole. It slid in easily. After a few moments she left it inside him and returned to her chair.

Sarah spoke again "Take your ass round everybody and let them all have a little shot at fucking you" she said.

Josh, still on his hands and knees, reversed himself towards David and the in turn Mike, each person, left the dildo inside him when they were finished. Lastly he approached Sarah, the girl he had innocently kissed all those months ago and set in motion a plan that she had hatched, after getting "bored" on a Saturday afternoon in front of the computer, but had also coincided with a family feud, to provide the perfect storm.

"Good boy" she said, taking the dildo and with understated relish she fucked his ass. "Take it all in you little cock hungry slut, you love this don't you" she said, but never wanted an answer. "Your father would be so proud of you now, won't he?" she said, this time she did expect an answer, as Josh never replied, she slapped his ass cheek with her spare hand.

"Yes he would" squeaked Josh.

All of them stood at the door and waved him off on his new mission.

"Remember boy, you need to persuade your Dad to get back in touch with me, or else, your gonna be an internet star." Sarah's father added.

"I'll post the keys soon" David shouted at Josh as he was half way down the path, on his way home.

"Well, that went really well, I think" said Sarah to everyone as they all sat in the living room again.

Sarah demanded that they tell her some of the their stories, this they did for an hour, laughing and joking as they went. Mike was given a mock row, and told that his dog rape of the boy, was way over the top, however it was funny, none the less. They all had a good time recounting their humiliation of the school boy.

Back home

Josh started to plan how he was going to bring up the subject, never mind try and find common ground between the warring brothers. It was going to be far from easy, but unless he wanted to become an internet porn star by default, he had to get to work soon.

Sarah's father's house

"Do you think he will pull it off?" Sarah asked her father.

"Doubt it, but don't really care if he does or does not, we'll just have fun with him regardless"

"Suppose so, it certainly worked out well, all things considered" she added.

"Yeah, it's been a blast", they laughed together.

Josh Home

Five days had past since he was abused at Sarah's father's house, nobody spoke to him at school and there was no sign of the keys that David promised to post to him. He felt that he could not ask him, he just accepted the situation. The sign of a true submissive.

David's Bedroom

The envelope was addressed and stamped, but remained on the edge of the computer desk in David's room, unposted. David passed it every day when leaving to school, but decided that it would be a bit of fun to keep the boy waiting longer. He also wanted to see if the boy would have enough courage to ask him in school. Each day he was given his answer. No.

Josh's Home

Two weeks after being humiliated, he was still locked up in his cock gage, he wondered if he was destined to never cum again.

"Josh Honey, I am off to work now" Anne shouted up the stairs in her usual mothers voice.

"Get out of bed you lazy boy" she commanded.

"I'll be back this afternoon, there something in the fridge for lunch, make sure you take it and clean up when your finished, do you hear me" she shouted

"Yessssss" he shouted back at her.

"Good" she replied and closed the front door behind herself. Josh was in the house alone, as his father was away on a business trip and his sister was out at some Saturday morning thing in the school.

The front door opened again a few seconds later, his mother shouted up the stairs. "Josh honey, there's some mail for you, it's on the kitchen table", she pulled the door closed without bothering to wait for the usual teenage groan to follow.

Josh watched her mother reverse out the drive and pull away, once he was certain that she was gone, the naked and hairless boys dashed down the stairs into the kitchen, there was a white envelope on the corner of the kitchen table. He grabbed it and held it up to the window, as the sunlight streamed into the room, he saw what he hoped to see, two small keys hazily outlined inside the envelope. He ran naked up the stairs, back to his room.

He opened the envelope and pulled the paper out, the keys spilled onto the floor with a small jingle. He read the note.


DO NOT take off your chastity belt yet, text me when you receive this letter and I will tell you what time you can take it off. The time will be of my choosing and you will broadcast the moment of freedom via your webcam, with me watching ... or else.

Josh re-read the note several times, he could not believe that he had the keys in his possession but was still being controlled by David. He knew of course that the "what else" threat meant that he would, as usual, comply with the demand.

He grabbed his phone and texted David.

He got a reply 5 mins later ... it simply said. 8pm tonight. He had another 11 hours to wait.

He logged on at the time he was told and watched as he saw David, Evelyn, Mike and Sarah, all present in David's room.

"Okay boy, do it." Sarah said. She seemed to be enjoying the abuse more than the others, perhaps because she had to remove herself from the plan as it was being hatched and implemented, but since confessing to Josh that it was her idea all along, she as making sure that she got to humiliate him as much as possible in the end.

Josh's hand were shaking as he took the keys and pushed them into the lock. It had crossed his mind that they might not be the correct keys, as it just be like then to fuck with his mind. But the lock opened with click. He removed the padlock, all the time standing in front of the webcam, making sure that his audience was getting the best view.

He started to slowly remove the silicone gage and eventually pulled it off his cock, there was a cheer from the webcam audience. He threw the object onto the bed behind him and looked down at his small hairless cock. He was still in the habit of shaving himself and felt he needed to do that, until he could get his gage off.

Sarah told him to start playing with his cock. He did as instructed and found that it was not at all responsive. He started to get a little worried as he stroked and played with it, but it remained flaccid.

"Might need to lock it away again if it does not work any more" she said, the computer screen laughed.

Josh continued to play with his dick, slowly it started to get harder and soon he was wrapping his fingers around the shaft and wanking himself. He was getting carried away, when Sarah shouted at him to stop. He stopped and looked at the computer screen.

"I want you to wank till you get near to cuming, if you remember what that was like, and then stop and take your hands off, do you understand?" she said

"Yes" he simply replied.

"If you don't do as I have instructed I will come right round to your house and embarrass you in some way, also the internet will be getting a new gay porn star tonight."

He wanked of a few minutes and started to feel the signs of his impending explosion. He stopped suddenly and dugs his hands into his naked thighs, his small erect cock, twitched and spasmed for a few second and he struggled to control himself, something that he had allowed others to do for quite some time. His cock started to soften just a little bit, then he could hold out no longer. A spirt of cum dribbled out the end of his cock, followed by a few drops more and they dripped onto the carpet at his feet.

"Don't fucking touch it" Sarah screamed at him.

He stood, fingers still digging into his thighs, his knuckles white with tension.

One more small drop appeared at the end of his now soft cock and it hung there, he never touched his cock.

"There you go, guys, that is what you call a ruined orgasm" she said turning to the others, by way of an explanation to what they had just watched.

"See you later, Josh" she said, then the webcam went blank.

Josh cleaned himself up, hid the belt and padlock and went downstairs to the family room and watched some TV. He never took in anything that was on the TV. He retired to his bed later on that night and played with his cock, getting reacquainted with what it was like for all teenage boys to wank all the time. It was a very violent orgasm he had that night, he had another two wanks during the night. He needed it.

He lay on his bed in the Sunday morning, plotting how to get his father to forgive his brothers.

An idea sprung to mind ... it would take time, but he now thought he had a starting point ...

Well, that is the end of my story, I hope you enjoyed it ... but I have just realised that at the very beginning of this story, I never introduced myself, how very rude ... anyway, Hi, my name is Josh.

The End.

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