Davids Revenge

By dolphinboy 333

Published on Mar 14, 2011


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author dolphinboy333@hotmail.com all comments are welcome. Please put "Nifty Story" in your subject line

David's revenge – Part 3

Meanwhile in David's Bedroom ...

Press OK to confirm purchase. Instructed the computer screen. David rechecked all the information, then moved his mouse above the button and pressed it.

"Oh boy I can't wait for this to come" he muttered and rubbed his hands together in glee.

Saturday Morning ...

Josh got up and had breakfast with the family, they had decided that the usual family trip to the shopping centre was required. Josh however make up an excuse and managed to wriggle out of going, they were in the main, boring trips anyway, only his mother and sister seemed to get anything from them.

He watched the car reverse out of the driveway and waited a further 5 minutes to insure that nobody was going to return, having forgotten a wallet or handbag or something. When he was sure that they were gone, he raced by the stairs and stripped naked in his bedroom. He looked at his body in the mirror and started to play with himself, running his hands up and down his hairless body. As his mind started to wander, he remembered why he was desperate to avoid the weekly shopping ritual.

He grabbed his pad of paper and his pen from his bag and placed the pad in between his legs, he took his pen and slid it easily up his ass and proceeded to squat above the pad. As he attempted to write out what Johnny had asked him to, he again realised that it was going to be impossible. Ever time the pen touched the paper pad it just slid further inside him. As much as he clenched his cheeks together, nothing was going to grip the pen hard enough for him to write on the paper.

He gave up after 10 minutes. As he sat naked on the edge of his bed, he looked down at the pad, which had a few minor marks on them, but nothing that remotely resembled writing. He then picked up the pad and sat at his computer disk, moved the keyboard out the way and wrote "I am a faggot" out on 10 different sheets, using his left hand and doing so in a jerky manner. He looked at his forged "lines" and hoped that Johnny would accept them at school on Monday.

As he sat at his desk the door bell suddenly burst into life and startled the boy.

"Shit" he exclaimed, as he frantically dashed round the room grabbing his clothes and dressing as quickly as he could. He flew downstairs as the bell was pressed for a third and extended time ... the shrill piercing the quiet of the house. He reached the door and pulled it open to find Mike standing there with his back to him.

"Hey man, what you up to?" asked Mike

"Eh ... not much ... just hanging" was all the flushed Josh could reply.

"Cool, let's hang" replied Mike as he started to push his way past the boy into the house.

They both make their way up the stairs to his bedroom, as they ascended the stairs, Mike asked where everyone was.

"They are all out" Josh said.

"Even better then" was all Mike added. Josh wondered what he meant by that. Just as Mike reached the bedroom door and started to push it open, Josh burst past him and made his way to his desk having remembered his pad and "Lines" were still lying on the desk top.

"Watch it man" Mike retorted as he tried to recover his balance, "What's the fucking rush?" he asked after Josh.

"What's that ?" he enquired.

"Nothing", Josh replied as he tried to shove the paper into his bag.

Mike moved quickly over the distance that was between him and Josh and grabbed his wrist and tore the paperwork out of his hands.

"Let me see what you are hiding from me" he demanded as he read what was written on the paper.

He looked at Josh and raised his eyebrows and spoke "So, you are a little faggot boy, after all, I thought your ass seemed to take the coke bottle without too much force, yesterday in the gym, obviously cocks have been there before then?" he said

"It's not like that" Josh pleaded, but knew that he was not going to be able to explain the whole sequence of events.

"I thought I knew you?" Mike continued, "But it seems, that I never knew the real JOSH, after all your a cock sucking, loose arsed slut, who likes to admit to being a faggot" he waved the paper as if it was item one in the prosecutions case. "See" he spat out out still waving the paper.

Josh stood there and muttered that he was not a faggot.

"Enough talk from you." Mike added with more than a hint on menace in this voice. "Take off your clothes right now, as I am going to give you what you want and deserve"

Mike was just a little bit taller than Josh, but was considerably more robust in his build, he was about to take advantage of that difference. He shoved the boy in the chest and he flew backwards onto the bed.

"Hurry up, or am I going to have to force you?" he asked.

Josh started to peel off his T-Shirt and removed his socks and shoes, as he undid the button, he remembered that he had no underwear on, as he never had the time when the door bell startled him earlier. As he popped the button and pulled the zip down, Mike stepped forward and grabbed the legs of the jeans and pulled them all the way off.

"Well look here, no pants!, looks like you are ready for action, you little faggot that you are and you tried to state that your not gay, I think this just proves the point, don't you think?"

"No, it's not like that Mike, please let me explain, please" he begged.

"No, you are hardly wearing any clothes, you write down on paper that you are a faggot and you gave the thumbs up in the gym, as you sucked your own cock and drank your own cum" he paused before adding, " Oh yeah and your ass just gobbled up a bottle with no problem at all ... is there anything else left to add". Even Josh was stunned at the evidence, when it was presented like this. It was blunt, unvarnished and straight to the point.

With a air of utter resignation, he lay back on his bed and lifted his legs, holding his knees and presenting Mike with his boy cherry. It was his way of submitting to whatever Mike was wanting.

"Good boy, that's more like it, now put your legs down" Mike said as he started to strip naked and climb onto the bed. He sat astride the boys chest and pointed his erection at the boys mouth. He forced his cock inside Josh mouth and started to face fuck the boy, stopping every once and a while to place his balls into his mouth and demand that he stuck them as well. He enjoyed rubbing his genitals in the boys face. After some time he got up and sat on Josh's Swivel chair and moved it in front of the mirror. He beckoned Josh over with a crocked finger. The boy was instructed to sit on his pole and drape his legs over the arms of the chair. Mike wanted to watch himself in the mirror as he fucked his pal. Josh manoeuvred into position and sat back onto Mikes erection. As the boys cock head started to push into the hole, Mike grabbed Josh's hips and stabbed upwards at the same time as he pulled the boy downwards. Josh squealed in equal pain and pleasure. Mike continued to fuck Josh in as many different positions and locations as he could. He even led the boy downstairs with him into the hallway and made him get into the doggie position facing the front door and fucked him raw whilst pulling his hair and head backwards, all this just a few feet from the front door. He told Josh that if anybody was to enter unexpectedly then they would get a good eyeful of him being a whore.

Josh knew that if his parents turned up, he would hear the car in the driveway first but he was still panicking at how demanding and cruel Mike was being with him. He was ordered to lay on his parents bed as Mike draped his legs over his shoulders and fucked the boy whilst watching himself in Josh's mothers dressing room table mirror. He was getting off in dominating the boy. Next he marched the naked hairless 14 year old into his sisters room and made him put on a pair of pink "my little pony" pants, Making Josh hold on to a huge pink teddy bear, Mike forced his cock into his mouth again and Josh sucked and licked his cock whilst surrounded by his sisters stuff. Mike started to feel the cum building up inside his balls, he knew it would be soon.

"I am going to cum soon, where do you want it?, all over your sisters teddy bear, where you will need to explain what happened to it. Or do you want it fired up your arse?" he pulled Josh's face off his cock to get an answer.

"My arse, please he said to his pal", he reckoned that the teddy bear would be too hard to explain and to clean up, at least with Mikes cum deposited in his arse he could get cleaned up relatively quickly.

"Too late" Mike shrieked as he shot a bolt straight into his face, he then grabbed the teddy bear from Josh's grip and fired huge teenage boy blobs all over the head of the teddy bear. He laughed as he handed it back to Josh.

"Aww shite, what did you do that for?" Josh said angrily.

Mike throw him a glare that spoke of more trouble, but at that precise point they both heard the car come back into the driveway.

Josh still clutching the bear, quickly checked the bedroom, smoothed out the covers and ran out his sisters room, shouting to Mike to hurry up, they heard the car doors slam shut. Mike strolled out the bedroom as if he never had a care in the world, making his way along the top landing towards Josh's bedroom. The keys were in the door and voices could be heard outside. Josh was standing a couple of feet inside his bedroom, still wearing his sisters pink undies, beckoning Mike to hurry up. Just as the door started to open and Bob started to come into his house, Mike passed the door frame and strolled into the room, still naked and starting to get hard again.

"Josh honey, are you in?" Anne shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah mum, Mike is over we will be down in a minute"

He tucked the cum covered teddy under his bed and started to jump as quickly as he could into his clothes. Mike was in less of a hurry but started doing the same. When Josh was ready he waited for Mike to finish putting on his shoes, just then the door opened and Josh's sister looked round the corner.

"What are you two up to?" she enquired


"Well, why the guilty looks from the pair of you then?"

"Beat it" Josh said, trying to sound like his normal self, "Get out my room, now" he added.

"Suit yourself, hi Mike" she said as she started to turn and leave.

Mike appeared at Josh's side when they both entered the kitchen, where Anne was putting away some shopping that she had bought on the way back from the supermarket.

"Well, what have you two both been getting up to then?, no good, I bet" she added.

"Nothing" was Josh's short reply.

"Oh we had a great laugh" piped up Mike, whilst defending a glare cast at him by Josh. "I just thought I would CUM over and see what Josh was UP to and we just mucked about all afternoon" he answered Anne

Josh was embarrassed at Mike obvious use of innuendo, however the family seemed to be unaware of any double meaning.

Anne invited Mike to stay for dinner, which he happily agreed to, much to Josh's despair. As they all sat around the table, Mike sitting opposite Josh would slip off his shoe and start to press the sole of his foot into the groin of his pal, whilst seamlessly carrying on with the conversations around the table. He was trying to get the boy to have an erection in front of the family. After dinner, Josh and Mike left the table and went back to Josh's bedroom. Mike flicked his cock out of his trouser flies and ordered Josh to suck him off. The boy dropped silently to his knees and started to suck his pal off. They both heard footsteps coming up the stairs, as Josh started to move off of Mikes cock, Mike gripped his hair and forced his cock right into his mouth, he let go with just a few seconds to spare and Josh flew backwards and onto his bed, pretending that he was always sitting their. Mike tucked his erect cock into his trousers and covered his middle with his baggy T-Shirt, just as Anne opened the door and popped her head around the corner.

"Hi Mike, I think maybe it is time for you to go home, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but it's getting late".

"Your right Mrs Johnstone, I am just going to go now"

"Ok, Mike, remember Josh will be glad to have you over any time, right Josh?" she said looking at her son.

"Yeah, no problem" was all he could add.

"Cool" Mike said.

Josh's mother turned on her heel and went downstairs. Mike lifted his T Shirt and slapped out his still erect cock. He snapped his fingers and pointed down to his dick, Josh quickly got back down on his knees and started sucking. After being sucked for a few seconds, Mike took hold of his dick and quickly masturbated himself to a climax and aimed it all down the open mouth of Josh. When he finished he whispered to Josh to lick it clean and slipped his cock back into his mouth.

"Bye now" Mike shouted at the door as he was shown out by Josh. He winked back at the boy and blew him a little kiss, as he turned on heel and headed home. Drained but happy.

"That Mike is a really nice boy, Josh, I am glad you are friends with him, remember and invite him over any time" his mother said. "Maybe you can have a sleepover with him?, just a thought" she added.

The thought horrified Josh.

"Yes mum" he said, still tasting the cum in his mouth. He headed back to his bedroom, he needed to rest.

Monday Morning........

Josh arrived at school, with the forged "lines" in his bag. He had resigned himself to some sort of abuse, as he felt sure that Johnny was never going to accept his offering, he must know that it would be impossible to write with his ass. As he stood looking about, it did not take long for Johnny's large frame to lumber into view as he made a beeline directly towards Josh.

"Hi Toby, what have you got for me today boy?" he enquired.

Josh proceeded to hand over his 10 bits of paper to Johnny and watched as he meticulously looked at each one. Without comment he got to the last one and then looked at the boy

"Very good, I am really impressed", he said.

There was a pause, then he continued.

"However, we both know, that these are forged rubbish and that there is not a hope in hell that you could have done this in the manner that was asked" as he waived the paper in Josh's face.

"I am afraid there will need to be a forfeit, so after school has finished I need you to meet me at the back of the school, at the same door to the corridor, where you pimp your ass at lunchtimes, comprende?

"Yip" Josh said.

Lunchtime was the same has it always was for the last few weeks, he ate his lunch in fifteen minutes and joined David and Johnny at the back of the school and proceeded to have as much sex as the financial economics of schoolboys allowed. It did occur to him during the afternoon classes, as he daydreamed, that without doubt he must be the most sexually active person in the school. Not even the most popular boy or girl in the whole school, would be having as much sex as him. He was now so accustomed to being raped and swallowing cum, that it was becoming just his normal daily routine. He was not sure any longer what Adam thought of him, but Mike had surely turned against him. He thought he could rely on the both of them, but clearly Mike was going to abuse him almost as much as David and his sister. He was going to have to wait till after school to see what Johnny had in mind.

This was the last day of school, before the summer holidays, which lasted for six weeks, as the bell rang out loudly all the other children dashed off, almost dancing their way out of the classes and the excitement was definitely in the air. The bell may have signalled the end of the school term for all the children, but Josh knew differently. As he made is way to the back of the school, he wondered what was going to be in store this time.

When he arrived, the door to the corridor was opened by another boy and Josh was ushered inside. He saw Johnny standing at the end, beckoning him with his finger, he made his way towards him, when he saw a chair sitting at the end. When he got there, he stood looking at Johnny for a few seconds. Johnny never said a word to Josh, but raised an eyebrow and nodded slightly in the direction of the chair. Josh started to peel off his clothes and sat in the chair. Johnny was impressed that he never needed to be told to strip. He was conditioned to it.

Some of Johnny pals went round behind Josh and using parcel tape he was firmly strapped to the chair, his ankles also strapped to the chair legs. The boy then had his sock stuffed into his mouth and tape wrapped around his head and over his mouth. When finished, they all gathered around to look and admire their handy work. The chair was then lifted up and he was carried almost like an Egyptian emperor back down the corridor and outside into the daylight. He was set down on the pathway close to the door. Johnny looked around and then smiled when he saw some people approaching. Josh could not see around the corner where Johnny was watching but could hear the voices getting that little bit louder. Around the corner came Evelyn, David and a good few of their cronies. As they all laughed at the sight of the bound hairless boy, their amusement was cut short, when Evelyn ordered that "she" be brought forward.

Through the gang, from the back, a young girl was pushed and pulled forward. Josh knew the girl to look at, but did not know her name. She was a little bit chubby and had red hair and wore glasses. Josh was pretty sure that she was probably the female equivalent of him, for Evil-lyn to torment in the same was as David owned Josh. The girl tried in vain to pull away, but the other girls and boys were too much for her and she was dragged forward and forced to stand right in front of the naked Josh. She looked down at him and had a look of horror on her face.

"Ok" said Evelyn, "Who wants to see the freaks mate?"

There was uproar and laughter and everyone shouted out their approval. The girl had her skirt pulled down and off her legs before she knew what was happening, she was then forced to her knees in front of Josh.

"Suck it bitch and make sure his small cock grows" Evil-lyn ordered her.

The upset girl cried and demanded to be let go, she was slapped for protesting. Josh was shocked at the force of the slap and felt sure that the girl had already been on the receiving end of physical violence from the girl gang. She meekly moved her head forward towards Josh's soft cock. Her ginger hair had two pony tails hanging out of either side of her head and they fell onto his lap first as she started to move closer.

"Do it, Do it, Do it" the gang chanted. Then Josh flinched as she started to pick the head of his prick up in her hands and place it in her mouth. Evelyn and other all moved in for a closer look and to make sure that he did put it in her mouth. After a few seconds she was still whimpering as Josh's cock started to respond and grow. Johnny and David as well as all the other boys started laughing and making fun of the "two freaks". As the girl remained on her knees, someone moved in behind her and pulled her knickers off, throwing them into the bushes nearby. After sucking Josh for a few minutes, she was the ordered to sit astride him and take his and her virginity.

She again at first refused, but the brutal slapping she got, as always, had the final say. Josh was still erect after his first blowjob from a girl and could not move as she sat astride his lap and slowly lowered herself down. Evelyn got down on her knees and reached up and took a hold of Josh's cock.

"Right we need to get this small thing lined up with the ginger pussy" she told her audience.

As all the others laughed, she man handled it like a joystick and aimed his small head at the girls vagina. The others started to push the girl by the shoulders until she started to accept the penetration by Josh. The girl looked straight into his eyes and had a vacant look of despair, he returned her look, but in his case, he could only talk with his eyes as he could not speak at all.

"Look, freak sex" someone shouted out.

"Cool, my god can you imagine what their children would look like?" another said.

"Aye, little ginger boy slut's who love cum in their mouths." was another helpful comment.

Most of the others had been accustomed to watching Josh being tormented, that they felt sure he was going to cum quite soon. The girl was encouraged to bounce up and down on his lap and really open her legs. After five minutes of being penetrated for the first time by another boy, she had her shirt and small trainer bra removed by the the girls and she was forced to rub her boobs in the boys face. Josh's face was flushed and red all over, but could do nothing. As the gang were getting more restless as to how long it was taking, someone got down on their knees and started playing with Josh balls at the same time as a couple of the boys pulled and tweaked his nipples. Still the ginger girl, who's face wore a vacant expression, as if in some sort of trance, placed her small boobs into his face and continued to bounce up and down. Josh started to flex and pull against his binds in the all to familiar way before orgasm.

"Here he comes, any minute now" David shouted out.

"Go on, give her one" was another comment.

"Go on you slag, drain his balls till they are empty" one of the girls shouted.

Josh squealed into his gag and shot his load up the girls pussy, to the cheers of everyone else. The girl just kept on bouncing up and down as if nothing had happened. She was on auto-pilot and never knew what to do. Josh's cock started to soften and his head flopped forwards and backwards, whilst his breathing got quicker and quicker.

"Good girl, you can stop now" Evelyn said.

She lifted herself off of Josh's lap and stood up starring at the boy. She was completely naked and she looked blankly at the completely naked and hairless boy that she had just been forced to fuck.

"Right" said Johnny, "The shows over, I can't wait to see what happens in 9 months time" he joked.

"Maybe Josh is still seedless?" another boy said, "And nothing will happen".

Stepping forward Evelyn said "Okay, were off, you get dressed and let him out of his predicament" she addressing the girl. With that statement, everyone turned on their heels and left the scene, occasionally looking over their shoulders and laughing as they made their way around the corner and out of the school.

The two naked pupils were left on their own. The girl had remained standing in front of Josh and had not moved in two minutes. Still staring at him. Josh started shouting through his gag, his muffled noise eventually grabbed her attention. She looked around her in a daze and saw her clothes lying everywhere, her bra and skirt lying on he path and her knickers attached to small branch in a nearby bush. She started to gather her things and got dressed. Josh looked at her and tried to catch her attention as she moved around. When she dressed and without saying a word, she left the scene and walked around the corner where the others had gone.

The traumatised boy struggled against his binds and started to rock back and forth in his chair. It was no use as the tape was wound around his wrists and ankles too many times and were never going to fall off. The panic set in and Josh started to cry and all sorts of images started to race through his mind. After 10 minutes of struggling he slumped forward in his chair and started to sob deeply, his chest heaving in huge throbbing movements. Then he heard someone approaching. He lifted his head and fixed his gaze on the corner of the wall and waited to see who it was. He was terrified in case it was someone who might take advantage of his predicament. The seconds seemed to take an eternity to pass. He had stopped sobbing and held his breath in anticipation.

Around the corner came the ginger girl. She moved towards him and dropped to her knees and started to pick at the corner of his taped binds around his ankle. Soon she had them removed and within a few moments he was freed from his chair and had his gag removed from around his head. Once free he stood up gingerly and thanked her for coming back. She never said a word. She still looked at him with not a hint of any expression on her face. She turned and walked away from him. The naked boy walked back to the corridor and was relieved to find the door had not been locked, he retrieved his clothes got changed and made his way home from yet another ordeal at the hands of Johnny, David and Evelyn. He could not bring his brain to process what the consequences of the abuse could be. What if she did get pregnant? Would she keep it? What would happen when he told his parents?, how would they react? He decided that he was too scared to think of all the options and instructed his brain to block out everything that happened that afternoon. He was not going to think about it, ever.

David's room ...

David leapt of his chair at the sound of the doorbell being pressed. He tore down the hallway and arrived by sliding on the laminate floor in his sock, just like Tom Cruise, he thought. As he opened it, there stood a man in a brown UPS uniform, clutching his electronic clipboard.

"Just sign here, please" he said.

"With pleasure" David said, hardly hiding his excitement. With a flourish of the stylus over the screen, the man was already heading away and David in turn ran to his bedroom.

"EVELYN", he shouted at the top of his voice, "IT'S HERE"

She soon joined her brother in his room and she watched as he pulled apart the wrapping, just like his four year old self 11 years ago, would have at Christmas, with the family all watching his little face light up in the process.

"Wow, that looks great" he said and she also added her approval.

"Lets not waste any time, text him over here" she ordered.

Josh's kitchen ...

The house was empty and all the family were away shopping. Josh had retrieved his sisters teddy bear from under his bed. Now he stood in the kitchen, in front of a basin full of hot water, he added soap powder and a little softener. He vigorously scrubbed Mikes dried cum from the head of the teddy. Having rinsed and wrung out as much water as he could, he raced up stairs to his room and turned on his hair dryer and started to dry the teddy out. It took ages. He heard his phone bust into life with an incoming text. He chose to ignore it, as he wanted to make sure that he concentrated on the task at hand. After be was sure that the teddy looked like it was before Mike soiled it, he made his way to his sisters room. He thought to himself that it was just as well his sister had loads of bears and was obsessed with collecting them. She had up to his point not missed it. Today had been his first opportunity to clean and return the bear. He looked around for a suitable place to put it. He decided that he would hide it under the bed and pretend that it had fallen there, that way he would not have to be questioned if she suspected anything. He would just claim that it has always been there.

He returned to his room and lay on his bed for ages before he remembered that his phone had a message on it. On retrieving the phone and pressing a few buttons, the colour drained from his face, especially when he realised it had been sent nearly 40 mins earlier. He texted back as soon as he could.


David's room ...

"What's keeping that little shit head?" ... "He is in for it, when he gets here" ... he shouted to himself.

Josh's leg's were in full motion as he cycled his way across the estate as quickly as he could. It was the first weekend after the school had gone into recess for the summer holidays, he had a vain hope that he might have time to himself over the holidays and that he would not be tormented in the manner that he had been ever since the party at the hut a few months back.

In his heart he knew differently, after all he was cycling to his doom, that, he knew for sure, why else would be be going to David's and Evelyn's right now, as fast as he could.

Josh put his bike around the back of the house and ran around to the front, prodding the doorbell a number of times. Through the frosted glass he could see the shape of Evelyn as she approached the door, it filled his heart with dread.

The door was opened and she looked the boy in the face and stated "Your late", she snapped her fingers and hooked her thumb in the direction of David's room. Josh quickly made his way into the room, he saw David sitting at his computer and was aware of his sister coming in behind him and closing over the door.

He turned and looked at David and then glanced at Evil-Lyn, neither of them spoke to him, but their expressions and raised eyebrows told the boy what was expected of him, he duly obliged and dropped his shorts and peeled off his T-shirt, quickly shedding everything else, he was naked in their company again. Evelyn again snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor, He dropped to his fours in his usual submissive position, where she was used to controlling him from.

"Up on the bed and face the wall" she spoke for the first time since coming into her brothers bedroom. "Stay on all fours, we need to do an inspection". He assumed the position as instructed and waited. They both came over to him and started to rub their hands over his smooth ass and sliding their hands in between his legs and grabbing his penis and balls. After they were sure that he was still keeping himself nice and smooth she ordered him to lie flat on his back on the bed. David took his ankles and tied them to the base of the bed with his legs spread apart. Evelyn took each wrist and secured them to the posts at the head of the bed. Once he was strapped and immobile, she proceeded to put a blind fold over his eyes and placed the pillowcase over his head. He had been in this position before, although the last time his ankles were strapped to the same place as his wrists, exposing his cherry, which was raped by a number of known and unknown assailants.

He lay there for a few minutes and wondered what was going to happen next. The answer was nothing initially. He could hear their presence in the room but felt nothing, he started to turn his head and try to locate them with his hearing, but nothing much was giving away their position, maybe they were just sitting and watching him. What did this mean?, he was struggling to predict what was going to happen to him.

Then onto the bed someone knelt and picked up his penis an their hand and started to slowly manipulate it into an erection, he was then masturbated faster and faster. He knew it was David as the technique was that of a boy. As he started to get near the point of cumming, The masturbator suddenly stopped and dropped his cock, which twitched and spasemed for a few seconds. He lay in silence for what he estimated to be approximately 5 minutes , then his cock was picked up again, definitely by the same person and again he was tormented to the point of orgasm, then his cock was let go again, he remained on edge for a few minutes and again he returned to his soft state. This process was repeated another two times. He was finding it really hard to handle, as the feeling of wanting to cum, was being denied to him each time. It was painful. This time he was left for much longer that the previous times. A good 10 minuets he reckoned.

David looked at his sister and they both nodded their heads, it was now the right time. Silently they moved in on Josh.

Josh felt the bed move again, as someone's weight was placed on the mattress in between his legs. He felt his cock being picked up again and thought that he was going to be played with again, only this time something felt different. He felt something else touching his genitals, his balls were pinched and pulled into something and then his head of his penis was pushed and pulled into something else. He could hear small giggles and the odd swear word uttered under David's breath. There was more huffing and puffing from the two tormentors, then there was a small clicking sound and a stifled laugh or two. He felt the two of them getting off the bed, however something was attached to his cock and balls, some piece of equipment, but he was not sure what it was.

He was again left for a few minutes on his own, he was sure he could hear David taking digital pictures again, but what of?.

Evelyn pulled his pillowcase off his head and then untied his blindfold and removed it. The sun streaming in the window made him squint his eyes for the first few seconds and then he looked down his body and looked in puzzlement at some sort of rubbery contraption attached to his genitals.

"What the fuck is that" he demanded to know.

Evil-lyn did not take to the manner in which he spoke and promptly slapped him on the head.

"Don't you use language like that ever again" she shouted and slapped him again across the back of his head, just to reinforce the point.

A stunned Josh never seemed to register that he had been warned over his language, as he again asked.

"What have you done?, what the hell is that thing?"

It was David's turn now to join in.

"That thing ... you little slut is a chastity belt and it will stay in place until we say otherwise" he told a stunned Josh.

Evelyn continued, "It is a device to keep your little pecker from being played with and to ensure that you stay compliant to our needs, do you understand?"

Josh never replied, just stared at the contraption, then almost as if he saw it for the first time, there glinting in the late summer afternoon sunshine, was a small brass padlock.

"What have you done?" he asked, again with too much of a demanding tone for Evelyn's liking.

She slapped him harder than the previous two times, then she grabbed his nipple and twisted it between her forefinger and thumb. Josh squealed like a pig and started to cry. She let go and with her nail she dug it right into his nipple with as much force as she could muster.

"I don't like your attitude she said", then she started to untie his wrists, whilst her brother did the same at the foot of his bed. He was hauled to his feet and stood there looking down. She reached up and patted the encased cock and balls and said they will remain locked up for as long as she wanted.

"As you know it is the summer holidays and we are leaving tonight for a fortnights holiday with our parents to another country, I was going to give this key to Johnny to let you out in a couple of days, for a little light relief", she paused for effect, then continued, "However your attitude and language leave a lot to be desired, so I have changed my mind".

She wiggled the small silver keys in his face to taunt him, then lifted her short skirt, pulled the waistband of her knickers open with her thumb and dropped the keys inside, next to her pussy.

"There", she said, "Nice and safe".

Josh again started to protest, when David came up behind him and kneed him behind his knees and he fell to the floor.

"Well Toby ... I don't like the way you are behaving, but I do have another present for you, you don't really deserve it, but I will give it to you anyway"

She showed him another collar and this time there was a small metal bone shaped tag attached to the collar. On the tag was the engraved name of Toby. She proceeded to attach his collar and then locked it with another brass padlock. As Josh looked up at her, she again hid the keys in her moist vault.

He was shocked at the latest turn of events. He realised very quickly that he could not wear the collar for the two weeks they were away in holiday. He would be seen with it and would not be able to keep it from his parents. Covering it up was not going to be practical. He started to panic and then begged her to remove it. She made him pant, stick out his tongue and whine like a puppy. She had the upper hand as usual and took full advantage. He was getting desperate and started to cry. This amused David and he laughed at the boy, leaning forward to ruffle his hair and taunt him, telling him how pathetic he was. He even got his camera out and took a video clip of the boy begging and rolling over on to his back and having his tummy rubbed. He made sure that the chastity belt was in view as well. He was having a good time, tormenting and owning the boy.

"You will keep the collar on until we get back" Evelyn said.

Josh started sobbing his heart out and was distraught at the thought of the next two weeks.

David grabbed the boy by the hair and pulled him towards the computer chair and made him sit and look at the screen."

We have a task or two for you, whilst we are away on holiday". He gave the boy a sheet of paper and explained what was to happen.

"I have set you up on four websites, these are the user names and passwords of all the sites. I have made up your profiles and uploaded a selection of photo's"

Josh just looked at the paper and the screen, with a blank, but worried expression on his face. David continued.

"Your job, whilst we are away is to go onto these sites and arrange meets with some guys for sex. However you must make sure that the guys are all older men. Nobody under 40 years of age. Do you understand?" David never waited for an answer from Josh, before continuing.

"Your job is to have sex with at least 5 men in the next two weeks"

"8 men" interrupted Evil-lyn " As you complained just a little too much about your chastity belt, instead of being grateful, I am increasing it to 8"

David looked at his sister, then shrugged his shoulders and said "OK, Toby, looks like it is going to be 8 men. We of course will need photographic and video proof"

Josh just slumped forward in his chair. He could say nothing, as all the cards, as usual, were in the hands of his tormentors.

Evelyn now spoke "I want you to get fucked as much as possible by as many older men as possible, the older the better, all you have to do is prostitute yourself as much as you can. If all you get is someone from another country wanting to watch you and control you via their web-cams, then that is fine, but make sure they get to see you fucking yourself with a dildo".

She handed him the same 10 inch dildo that was introduced to his virgin anal hole a few months ago in the hut, at the infamous party, which seemed a life time ago.

"Just make sure that you record the session ... and don't think you can get away with long distance web-cam shows, all the time, I want to see real cock ploughing your faggot ass, also your little pink lips wrapped around old cock. If you fail in your mission, then I will be extremely pissed off and I will punish you as appropriate, so much worse than anything that has gone before, do you understand"

The beaten, humiliated and submissive Josh, simply uttered his compliance to her instructions.

She ordered him onto the floor on all fours, she then sat in the computer chair and swung round to face the boy.

"Here Toby, come her, good boy" she said.

Toby made his way over to her, she lifted her skirt and told him to sniff her panties. As he started to sniff, he could see the outline of the two sets of small keys that were inside her private vault. She pushed his face right into pussy and spoke.

"Can you feel the keys?"

A muffled "yes" was only just audible.

"Well that is the closest you are going to get to freedom", she pulled his head away from her crouch and stood up and walked away from the naked, hairless and now caged boy.

"Get dressed you faggot" David added cruelly, "We need to get packed up, as we are off in a few hours.

Josh cried as he dressed, he was back in his shorts where the chastity belt was not too noticeable. He looked in David's mirror and tried to adjust the neck of his t-shirt to cover the collar, it was impossible, it could be easily seen. He asked for a scarf to cover it, They both laughed and told him to fuck off.

He was lead down the corridor to the front door, it was held open and he made his way out into the sunshine.

"Wait there, slut, don't fucking move" Evelyn said.

Josh froze on the spot. She retrieved the keys and undid the padlock on his collar. She turned him around to face her.

"I'll will keep this in the meantime, but be fucking assured, if you act like that again I will make you permanently wear it and I will think of other things to do to you that are lot worse than this, do you understand."

He thanked her over and over again as she shut the door in his face.

She returned to the bedroom, carrying the collar in her hand. David asked her why she took it off their property.

"Well, doofus" she said as she slapped him on the head, "If I left it on, he would have found it almost next to impossible to keep it a secret, then too many awkward questions could be asked by too many people and our whole plan to start to unwind, see" she added.

He nodded. "Ah ... yes ... good idea"

"As always, the good ideas are mine" she confirmed.

"By the way, what was it you were going to do to Josh, that was worse than what we have already done?" he enquired.

"No idea, never had anything in mind" she paused for two seconds, then added "But he does not know that", she laughed. David joined in the laughter.

Josh peddled his way home, feeling the strange sensation in between his legs, but also mightily relieved that his collar was removed. He had had his genitals trapped and controlled by others and yet he also had feelings of relief. His mind was now truly being fucked with.

His first night of captivity ...

Josh's mind was in turmoil as he lay in his bed. He lay under the sheets with his legs wide open and he played with his encased cock, he could feel himself becoming aroused, but at the same time the device was restricting him and he was left with a semi erect cock which left him feeling almost permanently horny. He found that he started to finger his hole more than he ever did, as he was denied his cock, it was the only other thing he could play with. He had hidden the 10 inch dildo in his bedroom, when he got back from David's house. Perhaps he was feeling paranoid, but in the course of the 5 hours since he got back to his bedroom, he had re-hidden the dildo 4 times, feeling sure that his mother or sister would find it, just by walking into his room and using their special dildo locating x-ray eyesight. He was paranoid.

He also wondered how he was going to handle the internet sites and what he was going to have to say and do, to try and entice older men to have sex with him, then of course mention to them that he had an urgent need to be photographed or video taped whilst being abused. He had no idea how this was going to work. He could not wait any longer, he slipped off the bed and retrieved the dildo from its secret hiding place and spread cold lube over its head and shaft. Lifting his legs he satisfied his lusty need, with at least 7 inches of penetration. Over and over he made sure that he took it all inside him. He needed that, but still found that he was feeling semi erect, his caged cock felt the same before he started to rape himself. This was torture.

The next day ...

As the family set out on their weekly shopping trip, Josh made his excuses and stayed behind in the house. After he was sure that the coast was clear he stripped off his top and took up his position in front of the PC, the webcam was on. He logged himself into all four sites at the same time and then waited to see what was going to happen. As his status was broadcast as "online" .. it never took long before small boxes started popping up on his screen. The messages were all different. Some got straight to the point, people telling him that they wanted to fuck the boy until be begged them to stop, others were more friendly. He tried his best to keep up as many conversations as he could, but found that it was difficult. As David had set his profile to indicate that Josh was only interested in older dominant men, he was getting plenty of attention. He eventually logged out two of the sites and concentrated on he ones that he thought might get him somewhere.

Many of the men wanted to trade pictures, especially ones with Josh in them. However as all the pictures with Josh in them were being controlled by his absent owners, he was not in a position to trade. This had the effect of putting some of the men off and they soon disconnected from the conversations. Others were keen to chat to him on his webcam, this was the path that he chose to go down.

He was aware that there were a growing number of men watching him, which was a strange feeling for Josh. However he focused on one man, who's login was called "boylover" who according to his profile was 51 years old. He started to tell Josh to play with his nipples and squeeze them between his fingers. He was next ordered to run his hands up and down his smooth chest and tweaking his nipples was he ran over them. Josh complied. He had by this time "tuned out" all the other requests and chose to do what the older man said. He had hit the record button to make sure that he had the evidence to show David and his sister when they got back.

"Now slowly and provocatively remove your shorts and underpants" he was told by the webcam voice.

Josh stood up and ran his hands down his stomach and arrived at the waistband of his shorts, slowly he slipped his thumbs under the elastic and slid them down his legs, till they pooled around his ankles.

"Daddy wants you to play with the front of your pants and stroke your cock" the voice continued.

Josh knew that he could not play with his cock as it was locked up, so he patted the front of his pants and fondled his nipples with his other hand. He then slowly started to pull his underpants down inch by inch, until his exposed and shaved body was visible for all to see, but his chaste cock was still hidden.

"Let Daddy see what you have in there?"

Josh peeled his pants right off down his legs and showed the many men that were tuning in, his small cock enclosed in its silicone protector, He waited to see what the response was.

He was shocked when all the messages started appearing on his screen. There were loads of comments like "nice, brilliant, Beautiful small cock." and so on. He just kept clicking them off his screen.

His Daddies voice finally responded ... "Get your key and unlock the cage and start to play with your self, I want to see cum"

Josh typed back that he did not have the key and he was stuck in the cage.

"Who has your key, boy?"

"eh ... well ... my owner does" was all that Josh could say

"Who is your owner?" he was again asked.

Josh was not wanting to be put into the position of telling the man that it was another of his school mates who was controlling and ordering him about, but as the voice was getting more authoritative and demanding, he was unsure how long he was going to be able to hold out. As it turned out, not very long at all. As the other watching men were all asking the same question, after he revealed he never had the key, it was undoubtedly the number one topical question.

"Who owns you?" came the short but firm voice at the other end of the webcam

Josh gave in, just like he was getting used to now. "Another schoolboy" he replied and with this answer he realised that he confirmed to all the watchers that he was still in school. This at a stroke turned on the webcam watchers. His screen lit up with requests for more information and the circumstances that led him to be encased in a chastity device by another schoolboy. He again clicked off the numerous boxes that appeared on his screen and waited for his "Daddy" to instruct him. He did not have too long to wait.

"Where do you stay?"

Josh started to panic, it was too direct a question and he was not wanting to reveal his address. So he replied with the town he lived in and hoped that would be more than enough detail. The man never spoke, but a message appeared on his screen, telling him that he needed to disconnect from the broadcast and wait for instructions. Josh did this and then got another message demanding his phone number. A few seconds later his mobile phone started to tweet from his bedside table. His hands were trembling and his mouth dry as he picked up the phone. He hesitated for a few seconds, before pressing the accept key.

He squeaked into the phone "Hello" and waited.

The same webcam voice spoke from the other end.

"I Live 8 miles away from there, so I think we will need to meet up, that ok?"

Josh remembered his instructions from Evil-lyn, he was to have sex with older men and plenty of them. He knew that he had to comply with her instructions, leaving him with no other choice but to say, yes.

The man gave out his instructions. They were to meet in 1 hour. This was going faster than Josh wanted, but he had no choice.

One Hour later........

Anne looked at the scribbled note on the kitchen table and handed it to her husband.

"Typical teenager" he muttered, as he read that Josh had gone out to a pals and won't be back till after dinner time. "Giving us some notice would have been nice" he added.

Josh had got dressed straight after being told to meet by the stranger, as he headed to the door, he realised that he had no idea how long he would be with the man, so he ran back upstairs and grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note to his parents that he would be back after Dinner, that way if he was finished with the man very early, he could waste time before going back to the house. It would have been worse if he said he would be back for a certain time and then was late. That would start a lot of awkward questions. Better to be safe and sorry, he thought to himself, which was also ironic as he was preparing to meet a perfect strange, that 5 minutes earlier had ordered him to strip on a webcam for his and other men's pleasure. He packed his small digital camera in his pocket and set off the the agreed pick up point.

Josh was 15 minutes early, by the time he arrived. He had no idea what the man looked like or what he was driving, but the man knew exactly what he looked like, including naked and wearing a chastity belt.

Various cars drew up alongside the bench he was sitting at, he would then slowly get up and start to move towards the cars, just as the lights changed and they drove off. After the third time of doing so, he felt a little stupid, so decided to sit and wait until something happened. He looked down at his watch for the 18th time in the last few minutes, when he was aware of a light blue car drawing up, directly at the bench. He waited, shaking with fear and trembling inside. The electric window slid down and a voice spoke. It was the same voice from the webcam.

"Get in boy"

Josh got up and looked both ways as he crossed the pavement to the car, he bent down and looked inside the car. He saw a much older man who had a large belly and facial hair, with a moustache, he filled the entire drivers seat and could easily be described as a bear of a man.

Josh got in and closed the door. The man turned and looked him up and down, undressing him with his eyes no doubt. Something he would be doing for real in a short time. Nothing much was said as he drove out of town and headed to his house. He asked the boy what school he attended and just some general small talk. Josh thought it best not to mention his school by name, so he remained vague. 20 minutes later he pulled onto a block of flats and got out. Josh followed as he lead his way into the communal area and up the stairs to his flat. The boy dutifully followed. Once in the house he locked the door and putting his hands on the boys shoulders he gently propelled him into the sitting room. He stood over the boy and towered above him. Josh's mouth was dry and he had no idea what he was supposed to do. Was he to do something or was he to wait for the man to make the first move. The man asked if he wanted anything to drink or eat, he said no and stood there in his t-shirt and shorts, as he was again studied by the man. The man sat in his chair and ordered the boy to stand in front of him and dance sexily for him. He picked up his remote control and turned on his music centre. Josh felt stupid as he started to sway his hips and move to the beat of the music. He started to mutter that he was not any good at dancing. But the man just ordered him to continue. After he had amused the man with his moves for a few minutes, he told the boy to come closer and stand in between his legs, which he did.

"Take your t-shirt off" he did as he as told.

The man reached up and pulled his shorts and pants down in one go, as he did so, he picked up the pants and smelled the crotch area.

"Get your socks and trainers off now", Josh was now stood completely naked and with his semi hard dick trapped in side the chastity belt. The man pulled him forward by the belt and took a close look at the contents.

"Very nice" he said as he stood up. Up to this point he had been a man of very few words, just some basic commands. It had turned him on when he found that the boy simply complied with his every instruction. This was his dream scenario, a slutty boy who did as he was told. He looked at the clock on the wall and then picked the boy up and threw him over his shoulder and made his way to the bedroom. Once in there he threw the boy onto the bed and pulled off his top. Josh was faced with a large hairy belly and swollen man tits. When he removed his trousers and boxer shorts, he revealed a thick but average sized cock surrounded by short wiry hair.

"Okay boy, Daddy is going to give you a good seeing to"

Josh remembered Evelyn's instructions about getting proof, he told the man that it turns him on, if he is photographed and videotaped whilst being abused. The man at first was a little reluctant, but Josh told him there would be no need for his face to be in any picture, just as long as Josh's face was seen. The man said ok, Josh rushed naked back to the sitting room and retrieved his camera from his shorts and raced back into position.

On his knees, looking up at the man, Josh opened his mouth and waited. The short fat cock was pushed past his lips and he started to suck on his first mature man dick. The camera clicked and the image was created. The man took a few photo's from various positions and seemed pleased with the results. Josh still sucked for all he was worth, whilst playing with the man's heavy loaded balls. The man pulled his head off his cock and moved over to his bed, he lay flat on his back. He told the boy to stand over him facing his feet. As Josh straddled the man's large belly, his boy hole was visible. The man reached up and pulled his globes apart and prodded the pink hole with his finger. Grabbing his hips and pulling him down, he pulled the boys ass to his face and started to force his tongue inside the pink pleasure hole. Josh was lying over the man's huge hairy belly and was left looking at his cock. He picked it up and at the same time as he could feel his hole being attacked and scratched by the stubble on the man's face, he placed it in his mouth and started to 69 the man.

After about five minutes of this new position, the man pulled the boy off him and got down on his knees at the edge of the bed. He made Josh lie on his back with his hips lined up at the edge of the bed. Using his left arm, he hooked it under the knees of the boy and lifted his legs upward towards his chest, this exposed his small pink rose bud.

"Who's your daddy?" the man said.

"What ... eh ... his names Bob" replied Josh.

"I'm your daddy" the man said.

"I don't understand what you mean" said the puzzled boy.

"From today, I'm your Daddy and I want you to say it, nice and loud, do you understand?, let me hear you say it"

"eh ... your my daddy" Josh said hesitantly.

The man started to push his finger into the boys hole and as he did so, he said "LOUDER, let me hear you say it with conviction".

"Your my daddy, I want my daddy to fuck me" said Josh.

The man smiled as he inserted his finger the whole way in and wiggled it about.

"That's one in, do you want another finger in?" he asked.

"Yes" said the boy

"YES, WHAT" he said as he pulled his finger out and slapped his ass cheeks really hard.

"Yes Daddy, I want another finger in me, please daddy give me more".

"Ok, more coming up" and with that he pushed his forefinger back into the hole and then started to forced his other finger in as well. Josh lay on his back looking at the ceiling and knew what he needed to say next.

"Daddy, give me another finger, please I need three inside me, please daddy give it to me"

The man was happy with the boys performance and dutifully inserted another, this was much harder to do and made the boy squeal in pain on the odd occasion. After fingering him for a while, he changed position and held the boys knees up at his chin and started to again rim his ass and assault his now stretched hole with his tongue. He loved rimming the boy.

"On your hands and knees for daddy".

Josh got up from his position and climbed onto the bed and assumed the position. The man got himself into position behind the boy and started to stroke his cock into life.

"What do you want?" he asked Josh.

"I want daddy to fuck me good and proper" was his considered reply.

"Oh daddy will, don't you worry" and he started to poke the hole with his head. He reached over and pulled some lube from the top drawer of the bedside cabinet and smeared it over his cock head and some on the boys hole. He arched over the boy and leaned into his ear, pulling his head back and whispered "Daddy is gonna make you my bitch, your going to be daddy boy forever, that's what you want isn't it?"

"Yes daddy I need you to fuck me now" Josh demanded, then added "please take some pictures or video of your conquest.

"Ok" he said as he reached over and grabbed the camera. After putting it onto the video mode, he proceeded to record the moment that he de-flowered the boy. He recorded his pink swollen cock head at the entrance to boy heaven and then its' progress as it penetrated inch by inch. All this was accompanied with the voice of Josh clearly asking and begging for his daddy to fuck him. The man also took a few still pictures of him fucking his ass. After he felt he had done enough, he put the camera down and started to plough the boys ass, he really made sure that it went in the whole way, ignoring the obvious discomfort of the boy. He was too caught up in the moment to care about anybody else other than himself.

Josh was in pain, but knew better than to complain, so he was left with no option but to take as much of a pounding as he could. The man's fat cock opened the boy as wide as he had ever been. He looked around at the clock and said that he was expecting someone and he needed to finish soon. Josh started to get worried, who was he expecting and were they coming here to fuck him.

"I wonder what he is doing" remarked Anne, as she worked in the kitchen preparing the family meal.

"God knows" was her husbands reply, as he walked out the kitchen, with the newspaper tucked up under his arm and a cup of steaming coffee in his other hand.

"Send him a text and see how long he is going to be?" Anne asked her husband.

Bob was not great with technology, but managed to send a text to their absent son, demanding to know where he was and more importantly when he was going to be back.

Josh heard his phone going off in his shorts, but they lay with his other clothes through in the sitting room. He looked round and asked his daddy if he could go to his phone. He was told no chance as the man was not too far away from his climax. He leaned over the body, pressing his fat hairy belly into the small of his back and wrapping his hand around the boys chin, he pulled his head back and muttered that he was just about to cum, so the boy was going nowhere.

As Bob sipped his hot coffee and watching his phone for a reply, he would never have imagined that his son was 8 miles away from his home, wearing a chastity belt, in the company of a complete stranger, naked, on his fours and calling an older man by the name Daddy, begging to be fucked and having his wish come true. His phone was still silent.

The man throw his head back and groaned with pleasure and announced he was about to come. Josh knew it was his queue to speak.

"Give it to me daddy, I need your cum inside me, please I am desperate"

"Yes you bitch, you do" ... he shouted and with that, he grabbed the boys hips and pulled himself the full way into the boy and fired his hot load deep inside the boy. Josh felt the hot cum enter him and stayed in position till he was ordered to move. The man remained inside him and flopped back over the boy, but made sure that all his cum was staying in the boy. After about a minute he pulled off and got off the bed, Josh remained in position.

"Ok boy, time to fuck off, I am finished with you".

Josh got off the bed and walked through to the sitting room and dressed himself. The man had been a man of few words for most of the afternoon and with the curt instructions that he had just given, it looked like he was not going to change. Josh got ready and the man appeared back in the room fully dressed. Josh picked up his phone and checked his messages. He looked at the man and asked if he was going to give him a lift back to town. The man said "No, get the bus". Josh looked at the phone and texted back that he would be home in 45 mins approximately.

Bob jumped when his phone burst into life, 10 minutes after he had tried to contact his son. He was cutting it fine. He was nearly going to call him, but was mindful of an argument that the family had, when Josh protested, that he was embarrassed when his parents called him, when he was with his friends. So they had agreed to text first, but if he never got back quickly enough then they were going to call him, regardless of the embarrassment it caused.

"You will get the bus, if you walk down to the end of the road and turn left. The bus stop is just there. Should only take a 20 mins to get back into town".

He glanced at the clock in the hallway, then gave the boy some money and propelled him towards the front door and told him that he enjoyed himself that afternoon. He then pushed the boy gently out the door into the stairway.

Josh made his way down the stairs slowly, checking that he had not left anything at the man's house by mistake. He was sure he had everything when he made his way out into the bright evening sunshine. He squinted his eyes. Then he started down the pathway leading away from the block of flats, when he saw something that made him almost choke and stopped him dead in his tracks. The colour started to drain from his face, it couldn't be could it?

"Hi Josh, what are you doing here?" said Sarah.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 4

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