Davids Revenge

By dolphinboy 333

Published on Jan 4, 2011


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author dolphinboy333@hotmail.com all comments are welcome. Please put "Nifty Story" in your subject line

David's revenge – Part 2

David lay naked on top of his bed thinking of everything that was done to Josh that night, he stroked his cock as the images flashed through his mind. He tried to order in his head the things that he enjoyed most. His was having difficulty, as the night had gone so well. Josh was his to own and do with as he saw fit. He "saw" the surprise on Josh's face when his sister pulled his underwear off and the look of utter horror as he lost all his pubes in a flash of scissor blades and the buzzing of the trimmers. Then being humiliated by everyone as they pulled him around the hut on all fours making him a playfully puppy, for nothing other than the entertainment of the gang. Lastly, he loved the forcefulness of Josh himself, demanding to be penetrated and violated with a 10 inch sex toy. The memoires were recent and vivid, so much so that before he knew what was happening, his cock was firing jets of cum up in the air and all over his chest. To David's surprise he knew this was his most intense orgasm he had ever had. He had never experienced the jolts of electricity that this wank had produced before, he lay there for a minute or two watching the cum pool around his belly button and saw the splashes on his duvet cover.

As he started to plan his next move, he was surprised to see that he was getting hard already, just a few minutes after emptying his tight teenage balls. He was now getting the taste of domination and he liked it.

Meanwhile across town ...

Josh also lay in bed, only as his hand slid down his body he found a hairless penis and balls and remembered being humiliated in front of a lot of people from School, what was going to happen on Monday at school?, would everyone else find out?, what would Sarah say to him if anything?. How was be going to cope?. Josh continued to rub his hands up and down is hairless body. He opened his legs and felt right under his balls, lifting his hips slightly and feeling his hairless hole. Gently he pressed his right index finger against his cherry, as images started to sear onto his mind, of the approach of the huge 10 inch dildo, which then proceeded to fuck him. He had been a virgin a few hours earlier, but in that time he had been exploited violated and blackmailed. His life had changed, but the question was in what direction?, only time and school on Monday, would hold the answers. He also erupted some cum from his tender little cock as he reflected upon his predicament.

What was the same was that two 14 year old teenage boys were masturbating at the same time , only a mile or so apart in the same town. However one boy had power and control and the other had fear, lots to fear.

The next morning ...

David woke up much earlier than he normally would on a Saturday morning, but he could not contain his excitement and curiosity any longer, he just had to see the pictures and video clips from the night before. The Computer seemed to take ages to boot up and let him log in, which added to his anticipation. Eventually he could get logged in and inserted his SD Card from the camera, with a few clicks of the mouse he had a folder with 108 still pics and 24 video clips to look at, with his hand slightly trembling, he opened the pictures and started to flick through them at speed, all the time getting a hard-on in his trousers, he stared to play with himself and and become absorbed in the images he was looking at. He proceeded to the video clips and was again horny as he watched Josh being humiliated and tortured. He played the clip when Josh demanded to be fucked by his sister, over and over again, each time he kept spanking his monkey and his breathing got faster and faster.

"Having a good time?" his sister's voice interrupted.

"Fuck sake, how fucking long you been there?" he demanded.

"I heard the computer booting up and knew that my randy little bitch of a brother would be watching his handy work".

"So" she added "What are they like?" as she moved away from the door and stood behind her seated brother, who by this time had removed his hand from the front of his trousers.

She too looked through them again with her brother and remarked that the quality was great, she even praised him, less than a dozen pictures out of 108 needed to be discarded as they were rubbish. The video clips in particular worked out well, nobody drifted into shot and there was no real discernible voices on the track. All in all they were both delighted with the results. They had decided that if the quality of the pictures were not good or something had gone catastrophically wrong, then they would not tell anyone, just bluff their way forward and pretend that they had all the evidence they needed, no one was likely to challenge their authority anyhow. However all their worries were now rendered obsolete, everything was in place to progress, with operation Josh.

Monday at School..........

Josh had considered simply not going to school, but his options were limited, His parents were never fooled by fake illnesses or made up tales. He knew that if either David or Evil-lyn wanted him to go, then we would be in no position to refuse. He simply had no option but to go.

He made his way to school at the normal time, but at a pace that was a good deal slower, hoping to arrive at exactly the same time as the morning bell went, reducing the need for him to be in the playground for any longer than necessary and reduce his chances of being humiliated any further. As he approached the gates and checking his watch for the 15th time, they bell sliced through the chat of the school children and commanded that they make their way towards the appropriate classes.

Up to this point he had not seen anybody from Friday night, then all of a sudden he caught sight of David crossing the playground and making his way directly towards Josh. His heart rate started to increase and he began to come out in a cold sweet. David was within 5 paces of him, when he opened his mouth and shouted.

"Hey Johnny, wait up, I am just coming" and he crossed Josh's path directly in front of him but did not look or say anything to the boy. Josh momentarily missed his step and stumbled, as he was sure that David was coming straight at him. Josh thought "that was strange" for the rest of the day Josh encountered a few people from the party, but none of them engaged in conversation with him, laughed at him or pointed at him. He was in fact totally ignored and proceeded to go home relieved that nothing untoward had happened.

Later that night ...

"Why to we have to wait", David complained.

"Because it will give him a false sense of optimism, he'll start to think that it was a one off, then BANG, we get him again, he won't know what has hit him. Do I really have to think of everything?" she responded

"But why two weeks, can it not just be one?"

"Shut up, it's two weeks, ok?" she slapped him across the back of the head, twice to emphasise the point.

Josh's school day pattern repeated itself, day after day for the first week, then on the second week, the dreaded Monday morning came round all too soon, but again nobody looked at him or spoke to him. He was sure that something would happen, because what was the point of all the photographs and video clips, he was becoming confused to say the least. Two full weeks had passed at School and nothing was done or said to Josh. He had repeatedly been vague when answering his parents questions about the party. He gave them just enough information to keep them happy, without making up outrageous antics that he might forget and trip himself up on at a later date.

"Beep Beep Beep" the sound of a text coming in, made Josh scramble about his bedroom floor for his phone, he found it under the bed, covered by the duvet that was hanging off the side of his badly made bed. He flicked through the menus and came to the message. The was no phone number, but an attachment. It was a video clip, he played it and watched his own face appear on the screen. A semi erect penis was filling his mouth and he sucked on it whilst smiling at the camera. The clip only lasted a few seconds. "Beep Beep Beep" before he had to time to think of anything, the phone went again. This new clip showed him on all fours, with his head turned towards the camera giving a thumbs up symbol, whilst a 10 inch dildo is seen penetrating his eager ass. Again "Beep beep beep" the third clip was of him on the table , his ass exposed and shouting "Fuck me, fuck me, I deserve it" and again the dildo is plunged into his ass. Josh was shocked at what he saw, then again "Beep beep beep" this time it was a normal Text message which read:


Josh was then shocked to see two mobile phone numbers listed. He did not know if they were his parents off the top of his head, but he jotted them down on a scrap of paper and then went into the CONTACTS of his phone. He went pale as they matched his records perfectly. It did not matter how or when ...all that mattered was following the instructions. He raced from his house grabbing his bike and made his way to David's house just a few streets away.

On arrival, he knocked at the door and waited, David came to the door and opened it and turned his back on Josh, but shouted after himself

"Hurry the fuck up, you faggot, I don't have all day"

Josh entered the house and quickly followed David down the corridor and off to a room on the left. Josh could see it was a boys bedroom and proceeded to push the door open and enter. David was sitting at his computer and motioned him to come in and look at the screen. Josh watched all the pictures on the screen flash before his eyes, bringing back the memories from the party two weeks ago. David kept pressing the mouse and advancing to the next picture, he glanced round to Josh and added.

"Why the fuck are you still wearing your clothes, get stripped faggot boy"

Josh knew that to try and reason, was a waste of everyone's time, so he stripped off his clothes as quickly as he could, as he stood just to the side of David, the bedroom door opened with a squeak and there stood Evelyn. She smiled at the boy and walked over to him, as her brother swung round in his chair, she started to slowly feel the boys balls, molesting his cock and making him hard.

"Well, I see that you are beginning to grow back some hair around this little tiny penis, I am sure I told you to keep this nice and smooth at all times?"

"No, No, spluttered Josh, you never said anything, honest, I would have remembered" he replied.

"I am sure I did, lift your arms up, so I check there as well"

Josh lifted his arms and Evelyn checked them as well

"We are going to have to do something about this indiscretion Toby", she added.

She left the room only to return a few seconds later with her collar and leash as before, she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor. Josh dropped to all fours and waited till the collar and lead were attached. She pulled him out the bedroom and lead him up the stairs, with David following behind, getting hard as he watched the smooth bare ass wiggle about in front of him. She pulled him along the carpet and turned into the bathroom, where she turned on the shower.

"Stand up, hands above your head" she ordered, she removed his collar and lead

She then produced a Extra Strength Hair Remover depilatory cream for men, and proceeded to apply it to Josh's genitals, making him erect again and then coated it over the armpits, also ordering him to bend over, she applied it to his near smooth ass crack, all the time David watched his sister command and control the boy. He was getting turned on by his sisters domination of Josh.

After she re-read the instructions and the appropriate time had passed, she ordered him into the shower and to get washed off, whist she and her brother watched the boy soap up his now smooth and hairless penis and balls, he made sure that he washed his ass crack as well, after a few minutes , he turned off the shower and stood there naked and awaiting his next instruction.

"Here, get out and dry off, with this", she throw the towel at him, "And hurry up" she ordered.

She disappeared into her bedroom only to return carrying another tube, Josh was wondering what this was going to be.

"Get over here Toby", he now stood in front of her with his cock sticking out at 90 degrees, she read the instructions out aloud.

"Apply 3 times on the day of hair removal. Apply a layer wait for it to dry then apply the next layer. Apply 3 layers in total. It is very important to apply as soon as possible after hair removal.

Repeat application 3 times the following day. Applying 3 layers in quick succession as indicated in the previous step.

That's it! There is no need to use again until the next hair removal session"

"Well, Toby, that sounds simple enough" and started to apply the other product to the hairless teenager, three layers and than again he washed it all off. After he dried himself off again, she ordered that David and Josh both felt all around that areas that were treated, both boys agreed that it was very smooth indeed.

"Right" she snapped her fingers and Toby dropped to his fours, she attached his collar and lead and the three of them made their way back downstairs. It had crossed Josh's mind; what if her parents came in, or somebody turned up at the door, unannounced, how were they going to explain what was in front of them? ... No one turned up.

Once back in David's bedroom, she threw the tube into his pile of clothes and said.

"You can take this away with you , as you need to apply this tomorrow in the same fashion, just re-read the instructions, but make sure you do it properly, do you understand?"

"Yes" Josh replied.

"Good, now I am going out soon, so I only have time to feed and water the puppy, come here boy"

Josh moved over to her and she picked up the lead and they were off again down the corridor, this time they turned right into the kitchen, she pulled him over towards two bowls that were against the wall, she ordered him to drink and eat the contents, just like a puppy. It was not easy and extremely humiliating, but again as he was becoming used to it, there truly was nothing to do but obey. Like a puppy, a hairless smooth puppy.

After he he had slurped up some water and ate some of the crushed biscuits she had left in the other bowl, she handed the lead to David and ordered Josh to keep his face in the food bowl. She went round behind him and got down on her knees. She took a hold of his smooth cock and played with his balls, pulling them this way and that, playing with this cock, till it started to grow little by little in her hand. She pointed his erect cock straight down to the floor and started to tug and pull the whole length. Josh still had his faced buried in the bowl, with David standing above him holding the lead. Evil-lyn was building up speed and started to smack his smooth ass cheeks with her left hand.

"Don't fucking cum till I tell you, ok?" she again commanded him, just like at the party.

Josh started clenching his ass cheeks and squirming around on the floor, but kept his head in the bowl. David watched as his sister was again degrading him, in her usual ruthless manner. She kept reminding him to hold in his seed as she pumped away harder and harder, faster and faster. She again saw the signs that he was not going to last much longer, she looked up and winked at her brother, who returned a thumbs up signal to her.

"Keep holding it in, you dirty little pup" she scolded Josh.

He was now trying desperately to hold on and started to shake. His toes started to flex and curl up, he tried thinking about maths homework and geography lessons, but it was too distracting. His breathing got quicker and he could not hold out much longer, as his balls felt like they were going to explode any second.

"Arggghhhhh" he let out a scream through gritted teeth, directly into the bowl, suddenly jets of hot teenage cream shot out of his cock and splashed on the vinyl floor of the kitchen. She kept pumping his cock and he kept shooting his load, the release was immense. He also knew that he was going to be punished by her, but he only obeyed the calling of all teenage boys when they are masturbated. He ejected 5 or 6 hot jets of cum and slumped forward, still with his face in the bowl and David holding the lead.

"Here boy, come and get your protein" he said and pulled the lead, lifting his head out of the bowl and turning him around. Evil-lyn was now standing as she watched her brother, drag Toby to his spilled cum.

"Toby, lick it all up, you know it's good for you" he ordered.

Josh started to lick his cum off the floor and swallow it all, he was disgusted with himself, but felt he had no option. After a few minutes, he had cleared the spillage. Evelyn looked round at the clock and announced that she was running late, she suddenly just rushed out the kitchen and shouted over her shoulder.

"You boys have fun, see you later" and then she was gone, the front door banged shut a few seconds later.

"Come on Toby, here's a good boy" said David as he pulled him back along the corridor to his bedroom.

Once in the room, David made Josh lie up on the bed, leaving him a minute of two whilst he went to the toilet. Once he returned, he went straight into a drawer and got some rope out, he proceeded to tie the boys hands to the bed posts at the top end of his heavy oak framed bed. He then got out some tape and bound it around his mouth and head, making sure that he could not speak. Lastly he tied a scarf around his eyes and put a pillowcase over his head. He then placed a set of earphones on his head and turned on his music player. Josh was subjected to some rock group that he was not sure who it was. He could not see anything, was unable to talk and could not hear anything other than the music, playing loudly.

David put on the computer and printed out a message on a sheet of paper. He then picked up his mobile and sent a text to Johnny.


David then got up and left a small amount of lubricant sachets and condoms in a small bowl on his bedroom cabinet. Lastly he grabbed the ankles of Josh and pulled them over his heal and using more rope attached them also to the bed head. He looked at the boy, who thrashed his head about when he grabbed his ankles, but there was nothing he could do. All things were now set up, he had a quick look around the room and was happy with his arrangements. He left the room and the house, but knew that Josh would not now this, he checked his watch.

Johnny's time ...

Johnny made his way to David's house, not quite sure what the text meant, but arrived some 20 minutes after he received the instruction. He found the key and unlocked the door, standing for a second or two to hear if anyone was in the house. He heard nothing. He made his way to David's bedroom and slowly opened the door. His eyes nearly popped out his head when he saw the boy trusted up naked and displaying his hole for all to see. He looked around the room, trying cupboard doors, sure that David was going to leap out from behind them. He quickly checked the rest of the house and was sure that he was alone. The boy must not know he was there, he concluded when he saw the headphones, he looked to see that the music was still playing and that the volume was quite high. Ever since he lead the boy out to pee at the party, he had dreamt of having his ass as a prize, now here it was on display. This was too good an opportunity to pass up.

He stripped off his clothes and climbed onto the bed, the boy suddenly was aware he was not alone, he mumbled through his gag, but it was nothing that was going to be heard or listened to. Johnny started to stroke his cock into life, he saw the condoms and lub in the bowl, he ignored the condoms but selected a lub to help with his penetration. He aimed his now purple shiny and slimy head directly at the hole and started to push. Josh flexed and clenched his cheeks trying to resist the unseen invader. He felt his ass cheek being pinched and he squealed into his gag. Again and again he was pinched and again he screamed into his gag. The cock however was not going to go away.

Johnny pushed and opened up the hole, just as the dildo had at the party. He breached the boys last line of defence and shoved some more inches inside him. He was loving this, he started to pump away at the hole sliding his length in deeper and deeper, holding it there and pulling all the way out, before plunging it all the way back inside. He took great pleasure in raping the boys hole and make sure that he got plenty of use out of his time, as be had waited long enough. He ploughed the boy for 15 mins building up speed and penetration, making sure that the hairless ass was going to be breed in fine style. He arched is back to intensify the feeling and then bent over the boy to pound away. A few minutes later, drops of sweat slid off his forehead and splashed onto the boys stomach then he shot his load deep inside the boy, whose head flew back in shock, he unloaded bolts of semen and buried his cock right up to his pubes, as he fell backwards still pumping his seed into the raped ass. He withdrew and watched as a trickle of cum slid out the hole and ran down his crack and dripped onto the sheets. Johnny lay still catching his breath for a minute of two then he got dressed and looked at the paper note that David had left on the bed when he first entered. It Read

When finished, please forward the same text onto the gang [one at a time]– Robert, Casey, Luke, James and Martin. Have fun ... XXXX David

Johnny smirked and picked up his mobile, he searched for Robert and then forwarded the same text he had received earlier. As he left the room, he failed to spot the small red flashing light on the shelf just to the side of the bed, that had recorded everything that had just happened in the room. David loved his gadgets.

Josh was frantic. He listened to the same album four times over, he could not hear or see anything but was aware of being raped 6 times that afternoon, but had no idea if I was David repeatedly raping him or were there others? He just did not know, but he ached all over by the time he had his binds loosened and had his blindfold gag and headphones removed by David. David allowed him 15 minutes to recover, before telling him to get his clothes on and fuck off back home.

"See you Monday at school" he cheerily remarked.

He turned on the monitor and retrieved the small webcam from behind the books. I wonder what happened when I was out this afternoon?, he smiled to himself as he pressed the play button on the screen.

Josh cycled home with cum leaking out his hole and dribbling down his legs. Again he was sore all over.

Monday morning ...

Josh woke with a physical pain in the pit of his stomach, he knew this was not going to be a good day at school. The party had been to weeks earlier and he thought that things were maybe just being forgotten about and moving along, then on Saturday, he found himself being abused and raped in David's room, but could do nothing about it.

He judged his arrival to coincide with the starting bell and managed to avoid David and his gang, he never saw Evelyn at all.

As the lunch time bell went , he found a quiet corner to sit and have his sandwiches. There was a tap in his shoulder, that made him jump. It was Johnny.

"David wants to see you, now, if you can spare the time?"

It was not really a question, it was an order. As Josh followed Johnny across the playground, round towards the back of the school, he was aware of a few people looking at him and giggling and pointing, he was sure it was about him. He was paranoid about what others thought they knew. Eventually they arrived at a back door which lead into a small corridor. There were a number of doors on either side, but David was leaning against the end door, beckoning him forward with the crook of his finger.

"Good boy Toby, now it is time for you to earn your keep" David said menacingly

"Get in there and do exactly as you are told, do you understand?"

"Yes, but what have I to do?" replied Josh

"As you are told, for fuck sake, it's not that difficult"

David opened the door with a key and shoved the boy in the back, propelling him forward into the darkness. He pulled the door shut and locked the door with the key, he glanced at his watch and took a mental note of the time.

"Johnny, have you put out the word?"


"Good, now we need to wait and see if there are any takers?" David summarised.

10 minutes later a boy from the 2 years above David's and Josh year, turned the corner, looking in both directions.

"Eh ... is this where, you know ... you can ... eh ... have some fun, are you David?" he asked

"Yes I am and this is the right place, just depends on the money you have, as to the level of fun you can have" he replied in a business like manner.

"What are the prices?" the boy enquired.

"Well, if you simply want to feel him up and play with his small hairless cock and balls, as well as tweak a nipple or two, then it costs £2.00 or if you want him to suck your cock and take your cum in his mouth, then it is £5.00 and lastly if you want to fuck him and stuff your dick right up will hairless and willing hole, then that will be £10.00, of course the forcing of the boy to do any of these things is thrown in for free, how does that sound?"

David continued "Judging by you adjusting your cock in your trousers, I fell that you are an interested customer, am I correct?"

"I want a fuck, but I don't have enough money, can I pay you the balance tomorrow?" the boy ventured

"No" was David's reply, "Just come back tomorrow with the right money and you can have him again, that's the best I can do?"

"Ok, here's a fiver", he said and thrust the money into David's hand.

David opened the door to see that Josh was still standing in the dark room, he evidently never found the light switch, David turned on the light, the Josh reacted by putting his hands over his eyes.

"Right, this boy has paid for a blow job, make sure that you satisfy him and that you swallow all the cum that he offers you, do you understand?"

Josh just nodded, as the boy pushed by David, in a hasty manner.

"Only a blow job nothing else, ok" he confirmed. The door was locked behind them.

The older boy took out his cock straight away and played with it, whilst looking right into the eyes of Josh.

"I am allowed to force you, David said I could, that part is free"

"Eh" was all Josh could muster.

The boy grabbed Josh by the shoulders and forced him onto his knees and grabbed his hair and pulled his head back and looked down at him. He whispered under his breath

"Fucking suck on this you fucking cheap little faggot boy" and forced his cock head into the boys mouth.

Josh opened up his mouth and started to suck for all his worth, the older boy eagerly face fucked the boy, watching in fascination as his cock penetrated his wet mouth. Faster and faster he bucked his hips. Josh had been mostly used to seeing and sucking cocks from boys his own age, but this boy was older and a bit more mature, thus his cock was that little bit longer and fatter than he had previously been used to. Within a few minutes, he could hold out no longer,

"Fucking swallow this you little fucking faggot" he demanded.

Then he unleashed his pent up teenage juice right down Josh's throat as gripped and clung onto his head.

"Oh yes you little whore, fucking take it all".

Josh nearly chocked but managed to swallow everything he was given. It was his first taste of cum. Other than his own when he was made to lick it up off the floor of David's kitchen. He was then forced to lick the boys penis clean. When he was let go, he slumped back onto this haunches and looked up at the boy. The older boys face was flushed and red, he looked a little bit surprised at what he had done and said, also the the way in which he said it came as a surprise, but he just zipped up his trousers and turned and knocked on the door to be let out.

David opened the door and the boy left the room, David looked back at Josh still on his knees and then turned to the older boy.

"Well how was it, can we expect to see you tomorrow, with the correct money?"

"Eh, I think so ... I'll see, ta the now" and off he went in a hurry.

David locked the door again and waited for his next customer. 15 minutes passed before another person turned up. This boy had hardly any money and could only afford a feel. So David opened the door and the boy stepped in. Josh stood there and then asked what he had paid for. The boy replied a feel. Josh removed his trousers, pants and his shirt and stood there still wearing his socks and shoes. The boy started to rub his hands slowly all over his body, bringing his cock to life. He told Josh that he was going to be saving up for a fuck sometime soon and that he was going to enjoy his hot smooth ass. He started to play with his nipples and then sucked on each one, whilst his hands explored his body. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and the boy stopped what he was doing. David opened the door and peered in.

"Ok, well that is all you have time for, was he to your liking?" David enquired

"Oh yes, I am going to be back with enough money to fuck his ass, just as soon as I can get it together" was his reply

"Fine, looking forward to it" David replied as the boy turned on his heals and headed out the door and down the corridor.

David looked back into the room at Josh standing there with his erection sticking out and still wearing his socks and shoes , but nothing else. David looked at his watch and then spoke to Josh

"Get ready, there is not enough time for anything else, besides there does not look like there is going to be any more customers today"

Josh put his clothes on and left with David and Johnny flanking him. When they were back outside, David turned and told him that for the next few weeks he was to quickly have his lunch, and then report for "work" for the rest of the hour lunch break. He was told that his mouth ass and cock were going to be rented out to whoever paid the correct fees. It was also explained to him that he had to make sure that all the customers left the room fully satisfied. As repeat business was a good sign of the quality of his work.

Josh make his way back to his class.

The Next day ...

Josh ate his lunch straight after the lunchtime bell went and was finished within 15 minutes, he made his way to the back of the school and arrived at the corridor, David was waiting for him, he glanced at his watch and remarked "Right on time Toby, good boy" as he was pushed into the room and told to be ready.

David had pondered his pricing strategy a few times, as he was a little disappointed with the previous days takings, however he remembered that he is after all, at school and that there is just not that much cash flying around. In the end he reasoned that as long as Josh was affordable the boy should be well fucked in the next few weeks, which after all was his main aim.

After about 5 minutes the door opened and Johnny stood to attention , as the lumbering figures of the twins entered, almost blocking out the light in from the door behind them. David and his sister had quite rightly earned themselves a bad reputation around the School, but the twins were in a whole new league. The were three years older than David's year at school, hardly anyone knew their real names names, they just went with the "Twins" tag. They even had a reputation for intimidating the teachers as well as there classmates. They truly were not to be messed with. Both of them were slightly over 6 feet tall and as they passed Johnny they looked down at him, with a sneer. Johnny just gulped and moved aside. They approached David.

"I here you have something that ... well, we want" they both stated at the same time.

"Yes, Gentleman" David responded, trying to sound very confident. He then suddenly saw a chance to make some money.

"So, how can I help" he added

"We want the boy to suck us and we want to fuck the boy together, right now, ok?"

"Well, that will be £40 please, as both of you want him at the same time, there is a slightly different price structure"

The twins just looked at one and other, suddenly one hand shot out and grabbed a handful of David's shirt and jumper, right at his neck. Johnny's instinct was to jump in to the rescue of his pal, but on this occasion, be was overcome with shyness.

"Look here you little shite, it is £5.00 for a suck and £10.00 to fuck, that's £15.00 each, so by my reckoning that is a total of £30.00, right, so where the fuck does £40 come from?"

"Ok, great news, there is a special offer today" David spluttered, his feet were hardly touching the ground, as he swung about.

"Good, glad to hear it, £20 sounds just fine to me, I like a good offer." the boy said as he laughed. He released his grip and David fell back against the wall, he thrust out his hand with a £20 note in it and pushed it into David's hand. "Get the door open and don't fucking mess with us again, do you understand?" he said forcefully.

"That's fine, no problem, sorry for the misunderstanding, you two gents enjoy yourselves" David added, trying to recover some composure.

David opened the door and the twins walked in.

"Do whatever they tell you to" was the only helpful advice he could give to Josh. And shut and locked the door.

"Hmmmm, don't you look sweet" one of the twins said as they both circled the boy. "Perhaps you can do us a little favour and remove all your clothes, that would be a great help" he said almost too politely.

Josh slipped out all his clothes and stood there, again both boys circled their prey and took in the sight of the blonde young looking hairless 14 year old. One boy stood directly behind the schoolboy and the other took his position right in front of him. Josh was the naked sandwich filling. One of the twins took the boys face in his huge hands and placed his moist tongue right into the boys mouth and started to kiss him passionately. The other twin standing behind him, started to run his hands gently over his shoulders and down his back and across his hips, slowly arriving at his buttocks. He pulled them apart and probed gently with his finger, trying to locate his little rose bud. He also placed gentle small kisses on each shoulder and on his neck. The other twin removed his tongue from his mouth and started to cover his neck and chest in small kisses. He moved his mouth to each nipple and slowly liked and bit each nipple gently. His hands also slid down over his flat smooth stomach and onto his hips, moving to his central area and caressing his cock and balls, enjoying the smooth and hairless wonder that was Josh. Josh was shocked, as he like everyone else, had been well aware of the twins reputations for violence and brutality and yet here they were abusing him just like the others, but both were being very gentle and caring. The twin at the back put his hands on the boys shoulders and turned him around 180 degrees and started to kiss the boy in the mouth as his brother took over the rear duties, the both seem to be getting maximum pleasure from the boy.

After a few more minutes of caressing and touching, they gently pushed the boy to his knees. They both took out their cocks and positioned themselves in front of the boy.

"Just take you time and pick one to suck and do your best" he told Josh.

Josh had known no other technique, other than being forced to do things against his will and being blackmailed, now here he was on his knees, being offered two cocks and being told to take his time. He was not sure what to make of it all, but decided to make the most of the opportunity. With the twins having the reputation they had, he did not want to upset either of them. He looked up at the two boys towering over him and smiled as cute a smile as possible. He then reached up and took a cock in each hand and started to play with them both at the same time. They both grew to be large thick, well filled rods. He then dipped his head onto the one on the right and took as much as he could into his mouth, whilst still playing with the other cocks. After just 15 seconds he quickly moved onto the other cock and did the same, he kept alternating between the two cocks to insure that both of the twins were getting their equal share. The twins looked at each other and smiled, they enjoyed their cute little sweet candy boy attending to their needs. Josh reasoned with himself that the twins were not going to hurt him, so maybe they would help him, in a sort of "your enemies enemy is my friend" premise. It may not be like that, but it was worth a try, after all he had nothing to lose. He made sure that he sucked their cocks until their breathing increased, giving as much head as possible, although as they were both about 8 inches in size, he was not going to be able to get it all in his mouth. Josh decided to speak first. He stood up and looked up into their faces.

"I would love to have you fuck me and dump your cum inside me, please I need you to fuck me" before waiting for an answer, he turned round and thrust out his ass and wiggled it about as suggestively as he could, pulling his cheeks apart with his hands, again looking over his shoulder, he added "Please take me, I want both of you"

The twins looked again at one and other and started to take their clothes off. Josh held onto the shelves he faced and raised his left foot off the ground and placed it on the second bottom shelf and thrust his ass out and bent over some more. He opened up as much as he could. One of the twins positioned himself right behind him and wrapped his hands and arms around his waist as he lined himself up.

"This might hurt a little, just let me know if you are ok" he said

"I think I will be ok, please just take your time" Josh added

The twin started to push into his hole and kept pausing to allow him time to get used to it, the other twin watched as his brother started to invade the boy, he took Josh's hands from the self and turned him round and bent him over, holding his weight and keeping his balance. The one behind started to fuck the boy slowly. The one at the front moved a little closer to the boys head and said softly.

"Put this in your mouth and it will help you keep your mind off the matters at the rear!"

Josh opened his mouth and was for the first time since all this had happened he was being spit roasted, ironically in a caring and gentle manner by the boys with the worst reputation in the whole of the school. He felt the warmth spreading across his ass and the was actually liking the sensation. The boys worked on him for a few minutes and then changed positions, Josh asked if they were enjoying him, in the small break when they changed positions. They both agreed that he was a sweet little slut boy. Josh felt things were going as best as they could given the circumstances. Eventually the both started to say that they were near climax and wanted to fire their load all over his face and was he okay with that. Josh said he was. One twin started to masturbate himself and soon was saying that he was going to cum, he gently pulled back Josh's head by the hair and aimed his large cock at his chin and open mouth, he flexed his cock and then shot a couple of large deposits of cum all over his chin, lips and the side of his face, a couple of latter squirts came out and struck his forehead and onto his hair. As soon as he was finished he passed the boys head to his brother who had been beating his cock all the while, he too aimed it at his face and shot a bolt or three on his cheek and nose, with more than a few drops landing in his mouth. They both had plastered his face in their juice and both liked him all the better for it.

They got dressed and helped Josh up onto his feet. One picked up Josh's underpants and wiped his face clean and they both thanked him for being a sweet little slutty candy boy. As they were about to leave, they both said to Josh that he was not to tell anyone what they had done, if anybody asks, they fucked him good. Josh nodded his agreement. They knocked on the door to be let out, David opened the door and as the twins were leaving, they enhanced their own story but spitting out at Josh as he stood there.

"Don't ever complain and whine like that or else", then they turned on their heels and left.

David looked at the naked Josh and then at the small queue that had formed whilst the twins had overstayed their time limit. Not that David was going to say anything. He looked at his watch and said.

"Right Toby , we just have about enough time for three more fucks and a Blow job"

He pushed forward the first boy, who was there the previous day, but could only afford a feel, this time he had got the money together for a fuck. He was told by David that he had less than 10 minutes to get the deed done, if the others were to be fitted in. Josh was quickly pushed to the ground and the boy started to fuck him wildly whilst snarling obscenities in his ear.

"Take it, you little dog whore, fucking take it and like It" amongst other things, were spat out.

All in all be was fucked and swallowed cum for the nearly all the 45 minutes of his "Work shift"

David was ecstatic at the £50 he made during his lunch break with out doing anything, he was enjoying his new job. The Wednesday and Thursday passed in a similar fashion, the twins did not turn up again, but Josh was on the most part kept busy sucking and being fucked by various boys. On the Thursday, he coped with the most customers that he had had at any one time, he was fucked 7 times and gave out 5 blow jobs all in the space of 45 mins, Making David £95 in one lunch time. David started thinking of an after school session or two, but decided that as much as he enjoyed the extra income he could not be bothered with all the hanging about endlessly whilst Josh was fucked over relentlessly. At the end of the day, the goal of the exercise was to turn Josh into a two bit cheap shag and that was what had happened, so he was satisfied.

Most nights when Josh went home after school, his mother would enquire what he got up to today, he mainly just said he was fine, without telling her that her only son was now a rent boy for all the guys at school, but never made a penny out of it. David had promised him that he might buy him a present if he was a good money making machine.

The Friday, is PE day ...

Physical education, a day most of the kids hated as they had to carry all their gym kit as well as their school kit. Josh knew also that he was going to be at risk, it was now an instinct thing with him. The boys changing area was open planned room and the shower block at the back, with a small corridor linking the two. David was going to be there along with Johnny, so he kind of new in advance that this was going to be humiliating for him again. And he was right. PE was always late in the afternoon and the last thing the children did before heading home for the weekend. Today was football [soccer] day and the boys got a little bit muddy when playing, so they all had to shower afterwards. When they made their way back into the changing area, Josh was so busy trying to keep his wits about himself, that he failed to notice that his towel had been removed from his peg. When he realised that it had been removed he turned round to see Johnny & David laughing at him.

"Some of the boys are wanting to know why you don't have any pubic hair, what is wrong with you?" David chided.

Josh knew he could hardly say why, he was acutely embarrassed as all the other boys in the class were in various stages of puberty, even the ones that were a good bit behind in their development still had a bush of sorts around their genitals.

"I am just a slow developer" was all he could say.

"I'll say" said David, "You don't mind if a have a little look, do you?, just to see what a late developer looks like"

He told Adam and Mike, two of Josh's best friends since he moved to the new school, to come over and have an inspection. The two boys reluctantly came over and looked at their friend.

"Waow.... said David as he got down on his knees and peered at the cock and balls, "I don't think there is a single hair there, what do you two guys think?"

This forced the two pals to get down on there knees and stare at Josh's crotch.

"Eh ... well, there does not appear to be any hair right enough" ventured Mike, looking at the genitals in front of him.

"Please boys" David added, "I think you should have a feel around in case there is a tiny hair there that we missed, we need to make sure"

Although Adam and Mike had been best friends with Josh and were in the same year, they had been in fact in different classes until just last week when some changes were made. This was the first time they had all been to PE and the first time they had seen their pal naked. Neither of the two of them had been at the party and had not been told about what had happened. So this was just as embarrassing for them.

"Come on Adam, don't be shy, pick his cock up and look and feel about to see if there is any hair" David instructed.

"Ok" said Adam as he picked his friends cock up and slowly felt the baby smooth nut sack and groin area.

Josh stood there still damp from his shower and was now having his two best pals on there knees in front of him searching for non existent pubic hairs. David and Johnny just smirked at the scene and smiled at Josh it was a knowing, controlling smile.

"Find anything lads?" he asked

"Not a single hair that I can see" replied Adam, "Nope, nothing, nadda" added Mike in conformation of this observation.

"Do you two guys want to know a secret about Josh?" David teased

"What kind of secret" Adam asked.

"Well do you want to know it or not" was David's cryptic reply.

"Ok" Mike replied, " I want to know"

"Well, because Josh here is hairless and less well developed than, say like your average 5 year old, he needs to keep playing with his cock to see if it works correctly, isn't that correct Josh" David said directing his question to the boy. There was the odd snigger around the changing room.

"Sort of" muttered Josh into his chest

"Well, more than sort off, I caught him at it the other day, whilst wearing his pants on his head, he thought he was alone in the class, but I came back early to class, during the lunch break"

David continued " You see, I think that Josh is a lot more horny than all of us put together, because be is hairless, now that says something, doesn't it?"

Josh was struggling with the out and out lies from David, but knew that he was in no position to refute them. As usual David had the upper hand in humiliating Josh.

"Come here Josh" David commanded.

The boy moved into the middle of the changing room floor.

"Lie down on your back please", David instructed.

"Adam, come here, get down on your knees and start to masturbate him, he won't mind, as he is a randy little late developer"

Adam started to protest and say that there was no way that he was going to start to play with his best friends cock, it was just not going to happen. This was a mistake as Johnny rushed forward and grabbed the boy and pinned him against the wall. The others looked on, knowing how this was likely to end. David slowly ambled his way to Adam's side and got right into his face, where he whispered quietly in his ear.

"You do know who I am, don't you?"

"Yes" the boy croaked

"Good, let me tell you something for free ... you will do as I say or you will regret it, Josh here, is not a late developer, I had his pubes removed by force and it is me that will keep him as a boy, so you see, unless you wish to join your pal in a hairless world, then you will do as I have asked, now do you understand?"

Adam had a puzzled look on his face and whispered back to David "So your saying that you removed his pubes and he let you?"

"He was a little bit tied up at the time" David smirked, "Look, you don't need to worry about the details, all you need to bother about is doing what I say or you will end up as my hairless slave boy to abuse when I want to, get it?"

"Ok, I'll do as you say", he whispered back.

"Good news lads, Adam here has seen the light and will now help Josh achieve his goals"

"Right, Adam, as I asked earlier, get down here and start to play with your pals little dick"

"Mike you also come here and don't be shy, unless you need me and Johnny here to explain to you what we explained to Adam?"

Mike soon joined Adam on the floor next to the prostrate Josh, Adam had started to work on his cock and it was soon a ridged pole. David asked Josh if he liked sucking cocks?, Josh replied yes. Mike and Adam were shocked to learn this but said nothing, they just looked at Josh.

"Right, Mike, Adam grab a leg each and pull his knees over his head and right down to the floor"

Mike and Adam did as requested and pulled his legs right over his head, David rolled a towel up and placed it under Josh's head and ordered him to suck his own cock, to show everyone what a cock hungry little slut he was. As Josh flicked out his tongue he brushed his cock head but it was still very sore to reach it, so David instructed the boys to pull his legs over more and keep playing with his cock and try to force it into his mouth. It took a good few minutes but eventually their persistence paid off and soon Josh was bent double and able to stretch his neck and to wrap his mouth around his cock head and a little bit of his shaft.

David rewarded Josh by adding "Good little cocksucker"

All the boys gathered round and watched as Josh was forced to suck on his own cock whilst being held in position by his two best pals. Then David asked one of the other boys to pass over the coke bottle that was sitting on the bench. He drained the last of the coke from the glass bottle and let out a belch that some of the boys giggled at. He passed the empty bottle to Mike and nodded his head in the direction of the boys ass. Mike took the bottle from David and just held onto it, he knew what David was wanting him to do, but he thought if he just ignored it he could get away with it. David pushed Mike again and nodded toward the ass and made it clear what was expected of him. Josh was still sucking his own cock when he saw mike positioning himself above his own ass and saw the bottle in his right hand. Mike turned the bottle upside down an started to push it in to the boys exposed hole, after a few seconds he opened up and took the bottle. Mike, looked to David who gave him a nod of encouragement and he continued to push it into his ass. More and more of the bottle neck disappeared inside the boys hole, he then pulled it out and pushed it back in. He soon started to fuck the boy vigorously with the bottle. Adam kept pulling Josh's cock whilst keeping it in his mouth.

"Josh, if you are enjoying yourself, give the boys the thumbs up" David asked, already knowing the answer.

The still bent over Josh raised his right hand and gave the thumbs up signal to everyone in the changing room

"Great stuff, young man" David replied and nodded to Mike to keep fucking the boy with the bottle. Mike was getting carried away with how easy it was to fuck Josh. The thumbs up that Josh gave whilst sucking away on his own cock was all the validation that Mike needed to carry on. David encouraged Adam to wank Josh and see if he can fill his mouth with cum.

"You know he wants it, he said so himself, so to speak" he added reassuring the boys.

Adam would never have believed that when they returned from playing football he and Mike would end up sexually abusing their best pal, and yet both boys were doing just that. Adam knew that Josh must be getting blackmailed by David, that was clear to him after David and Johnny had whispered into his ear, there was a clear threat in David's voice, Adam knew then that David could and would do whatever he wanted to Josh. Adam was sure that he did not want to end up like his friend, thus he and Mike were in no position to argue. They just had to go along with what ever David and his crew wanted, even if it meant abusing their friend.

"I think that Josh is hungry for cum, so hurry up and give him what he wants" David demanded.

Adam started to really pull at Josh's cock and kept pushing it into his mouth, Mike was still fucking Josh's bottom with the bottle, which was sliding in and out with ease now. Josh started to shake and tense up a little, his ass cheeks started clenching the bottle neck and making it a little bit more awkward for Mike to keep plunging away with an even rhythm. Josh opened his mouth and stopped sucking on his cock head, he knew he was about to cum and was making it obvious to everyone. He stuck out his tongue and waited. Everyone started to clap and cheer at the impending moment. They all started to gather round, craning their necks to get a better view. Some of the boys climbed up onto the bench's to get a better look.

"Not too loud" David said to the boys, in an effort not to attract the unwanted attention of any passing teacher.

The boys reduced their noise level down a notch or two, but kept clapping and cheering Adam's efforts. Josh opened his mouth as far as he could and suddenly his cock exploded to laughter and clapping from the crowd. Some of his cum splashed straight into his mouth and some onto the tip of his nose and dribbled onto his chin and down his left cheek. Mike had a great view standing over his friend, still forcing the bottle into Josh's ass. Adam forced a few more ropes of cum from his cock, which hit his hair and forehead. When he could get no more cum from his pals cock, he looked at David for further instruction.

"Swallow it all up you little faggot" he ordered Josh.

Everyone was applauding the boy and shouting out degrading comments and generally laughing at the total humiliation of the boy. Some of them were witnessing this for the first time, whilst a few others had seen Josh in all his glory a few weeks ago at the party. They all started to get dressed, once the show was over. Mike left the bottle inside the boys ass but let go, whilst Adam had stood up releasing the pressure on Josh's bent frame. As everyone started to finish up getting dressed and getting their bags packed, David added one more instruction to the crowd.

"Adam and Mike as you two were a real help today, I want you to take one of Josh's socks each and make a large deposit of your own cum inside it, do you understand"

Adam and mike looked totally shocked, but as Johnny started moving closer, they looked at each other and then hesitantly went over to Josh's gear and searched through the bag and pulled his socks out of the bag. Josh was still lying on the floor of the dressing room, with the bottle still inside him and his own cum all over his face and mouth. The nearly dressed group of boys looked at Mike and Adam, as they both rolled a sock each over their cocks and started to masturbate into each one. David and Johnny plus most of the others turned their full attention to the two wanking boys, who were going at it like jack hammers. Within a few minutes they both came into the boys socks, to the mocking cheers of the other boys. Everyone filed out the changing rooms leaving just Mike, Adam, Josh, David and Johnny left inside.

"You three better hurry up and get changed or you will miss your bus home and remember Josh, to put your socks on, there is nothing fashionable about bare feet in school shoes", he laughed to himself as he left the changing room.

The three boys never said a word to each other as David and Johnny left. They could barely look at each other as they dressed as quickly as they could. Josh stood up and pulled the bottle from his raped ass and threw it into the bin in the corner. As he got dressed, the other two were aware of him picking up his socks and pulling them onto his feet, then shoving them into his shoes. He picked up his bag and put it over his shoulder and looked at the room in case he had left anything. He saw that someone had left a towel on the bench by mistake, he went over and rubbed his face in the damp towel, cleaning his face as best he could. The three of them just filed out into the corridor and left the school. The wordless trio separated not long after they had left the main school gates. Josh slowly made his way along the road in the general direction of home.

The way home ...

Lurking in the shadows at the side of the lane, the three boys were observed walking but not talking. Soon they separated and the prey was left on his own.

"Right hurry up, be quiet" was the instruction.

Three other sets of feet followed the boy at a distance, being careful not to make any noise that he could take flight from. They moved into the cover of the tree line and slipped quietly behind low walls and stayed behind corners watching but not getting too close to spook the prey. The hunt was on, the prize was getting nearer.

"Careful lads, we are almost there, just be careful"

Josh meandered along the road, his thoughts were turning to Mike and Adam, what were they going to do now?, how were they going to react to him in the future? Would they just ignore what they did and saw or were they going to abuse him and follow David's lead. His mind was struggling to cope with all the possibilities and he was worried what the future held. If he lost Mike and Adam as his best friends then he would be alone and at the mercy of David, his sister and well just about everyone who wanted to humiliate him. This was unbearably to him.

As Josh was lost in thought, he failed to hear the onrushing footsteps fast approaching him across the grassy pathway at the side of the road. Thump. He was shoulder charged from behind and sent completely off balance. Johnny and two of David's crew grabbed him by the elbows and forced him up onto his feet again.

"Your coming with us, right now, faggot boy" Johnny told the shocked Josh.

The three of them guided their prey along a path and turned into the same woods that Josh entered a few weeks ago with dire consequences. Josh looked horrified at the prospect of his destination. However Johnny and the others lead him down some other much smaller paths and soon Josh had no idea where he was, but still assumed that the paths would lead to the hut and perhaps more people. This day just was not going to end. Eventually Johnny released his grip on the boy and told him to walk on in front of him until he was told to stop. For more than 10 minutes the foursome disappeared further and further into the woods. Josh was hopelessly lost.

"Stop" Johnny shouted.

The frozen on the spot Josh just stopped and stared ahead, whilst the other three came up behind him.

"In here, now" Josh was shoved by Johnny and the four of them made their way off the path and through some bushes and trees and eventually after a few seconds broke into a little clearing in the woods. The late afternoon sunshine sliced through the tree canopy above and warmed the grassy area that they now stood in. The three boys all surrounded Josh and towered above him.

"That was quite a little performance, this afternoon in the dressing room, you looked like a little cum slut who was in 7th heaven?" Johnny stated.

"Well it is time for you to service us, do you understand? Take your clothes off, but keep your cum filled socks on" Johnny added

Josh stripped naked and stood before the three boys, with just his socks on. The boys knew in advance what they were wanting to do to Josh, as Johnny was nothing if not a good planner. They all got out their cocks and started to stroke them into life, whilst staring at the boy.

"Knees and open up" was the short instruction that Josh got. He dropped to his knees and felt his hair getting gripped and Johnny's cock was soon getting forced into his mouth. He sucked like the expert he was becoming, before he was passed to Casey and he too, forced his cock right into the wet mouth and enjoyed the sensation. It was Luke's turn next as he grabbed the boys hair and forced him to attend to his cock now. The three boys passed Josh's bobbing head between them for a a good while, maximising their pleasure.

"Get down on all fours faggot" Johnny said after the boy's wet mouth had been passed between them on a equal number of times.

Josh assumed his position. Johnny told Casey and Luke to get down on their knees at either end of the boy.

"Your are going to service these two at the same time, do you understand?"

"Yes" Josh answered. He knew that the gentle penetration he received from the Twins was not going to happen here, so be braced himself for a rougher experience.

Casey took up the rear position and Luke got round to the front and they both started to fuck his two holes, Casey spat onto his smooth rose bud and found that after the bottle fuck of less than an hour ago Josh was soon welcoming him in. He did not refuse the welcome and wholeheartedly penetrated his well fucked ass. Luke slapped his large dick against the side of Josh's face and as the boy opened his mouth, Luke teased him by running his head around his lips and smacking his chin with his cock, before pushing it into his wet mouth and started to face fuck him. Johnny encouraged his two friends.

"I am glad you are giving it up for free, you see after we had your ass in David's bedroom, we decided that we were not going to pay to fuck you. We are going to take it any time we want and for free" Johnny explained their motives.

Josh now realised for the first time that David was not the only other person in that room on that Saturday. He cast his mind back to that morning, he was sure that he was fucked about 6 times and if these three had done him, than it was probable that others had also fucked and raped him, but who?

A few slaps on his smooth ass and his mind was brought back to the here and now, he was being spit roasted in the middle of nowhere and nobody was going to be able to change his circumstances. Casey was pulled out the rear by Johnny and he then took over the duties from Casey. Luke then withdrew and Casey moved round to the front of the fuck toy. They again were getting good at rotating their positions and the boy was getting well fucked at both ends. Johnny pulled out and slapped Josh's ass hard and yanked Josh's head off of Casey's large cock, he turned the boy round and pulled him back up onto his knees and masturbated his load right onto the face of the boy. Forcing his cock into his mouth and demanding that he cleaned it all up. The other two soon followed, but in Luke's case he wanted the boy to swallow his entire load, so he made sure that his cock was inside Josh's mouth when he unloaded all his juice. Finally Casey creamed the boys face, getting as much as he could on his hair, as he really wanted to mess the boy up. The three boys flopped back onto the warm grass and looked at the cum soaked fuck toy.

"You really are just a cock sucking faggot, aren't you?" Johnny stated.

Josh never replied, his cum soaked head just slumped forward

Johnny got up and put his cock away and turned to the boys bag, he unzipped the bag and turned it upside down, shaking out all the contents in the grass, he rummaged around till he got what he wanted.

"On all fours Toby" he instructed again.

He went round behind the boy and took a Biro pen that he got from the bag, he wrote WHORE on one cheek and CUM SLUT on the other, whilst the other two giggled. He then threw away the lid and started to push the pen inside the ass of the boy leaving the nib exposed. He then got a note pad from the boys bag and placed it on the ground underneath the boys splayed legs. He stood up and said.

"I want you squat over the pad and write the following sentence: I am a faggot"

"Make sure that we can read it and make sure that you spell every word properly"

Josh just looked up bewildered. This just would be impossible.

"What the fuck are you waiting on" Johnny demanded

Josh, squatted above the pad still wearing his cum soaked socks and with the boys cum starting to drip from his face he wiggled his ass above the pad. The thin pen touched the paper and he tied his best to write, but it was impossible to make anything legible, he started to cry and sob. The three others mocked him and laughed at his efforts.

"Stop crying you fucking faggot baby" Johnny chided.

"Practice makes perfect" Luke added, then the three others picked up their bags and started to make their was back to the path. Johnny stopped and turned back towards the sill crying Josh.

"I know it is not easy, but I want you to write 10 versions with your ass, ready for me on Monday and I better be able to read them. If it helps you can write one line on each page, as I realise that your ass writing is a little on the large side, unlike your penis." he laughed. "Oh and by the way, when you are finished, just go out there onto the path, turn right and follow it all the way back to the road, try and not get lost, good boy Toby" he added.

The turned on his heel and ran from the clearing back towards his friends.

As the late Friday afternoon sunshine still lit up the clearing the sobbing Josh, with the pen still in his ass, tried to write his line on the pad, after 10 minutes of trying, he gave up and he fell back onto his back and looked at the sky through the leaves far above his head. He Lay there and cried gently to himself for a few minutes then got up, removed the pen from his ass and gathered up his stuff, wiping his face in his underpants, which he then shoved into his bag. He squared himself as best as he could and set off home.

He thought to himself as we walked down the grassy paths ... Surely it can't get worse than this?.

Meanwhile in David's Bedroom ...

Press OK to confirm purchase. Instructed the computer screen. David rechecked all the information, then moved his mouse above the button and pressed it.

"Oh boy I can't wait for this to come" he muttered and rubbed his hands together in glee.

to be continued ...

Next: Chapter 3

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