David's Initiation

By Draginacht

Published on Sep 24, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

David's Initiation: The Partnership 08

Having survived Tony's 'Outing' to his family in remarkably good fashion, life for the two men, and the rest of the platoon, settled comfortably into a well-organized routine. During the week Tony left for work first, followed shortly thereafter by Dave. Dave planned his Philos visits for Tuesdays and Thursdays after work when Tony was at school.

The weekends were usually very busy. On every other Saturday, Dave and Tony went to Shannon's soccer games. On the opposite Saturdays they drove south to watch the Close boys play soccer. It was a lot of fun and helped bond them to their extended families because a family lunch followed each soccer game where they all caught up on what everyone was doing.

Sunday morning was reserved for church. The platoon usually gathered for dinner at Dave and Tony's or at Mike and Todd's. Occasionally Dan would host but the other guys tried to be sensitive to his financial limitations. These Sunday evening affairs soon turned into educational experiences for Tony, Mike and Dan. The Platoon agreed that they would take the opportunity to practice their speeches before the group and endure compliments and criticisms alike. With Dave and Todd's experiences speaking in front of various groups of people, and having taken the similar course in college, they were able to offer constructive suggestions that would prove valuable to the students when they stood in front of their classmates.

A couple of weeks after Tony's "coming out" birthday party with his family, Marcus and family arrived and stayed with Dave and Tony for five days until the truck with their household furnishings arrived. Once the furniture was moved into the leased house, the Richardsons settled in to their new surroundings and seemed quite pleased. Tonya also discovered that her concerns about staying with two gay men were ill founded.

The renovation of the second floor of the garage moved along at a rapid pace. One Sunday, after church, the boys gathered at Georgia's old house and moved all of her belongings in one trip. Georgia was ecstatic about her new apartment and wasted no time in hanging her favorite pictures and mementos on the walls. Once she was settled, she took great delight in periodically hosting two or three of her old friends for lunch so that she could share her good fortune.

True to her word, Georgia kept to her apartment except for when she needed to do the housekeeping chores in the rest of the house. On Wednesdays, she drove to Kate's where she spent the night before returning to her lovely apartment on Thursday afternoons.

As October 31, Halloween drew closer, Dave and Tony were having difficulty deciding what kind of costume they should wear to Mike and Todd's party. They both liked the idea of going as the Lone Ranger and Tonto but couldn't agree on which one of them would be which character. They finally agreed to go as two cowboys. They already had boots, well-worn Levi's, and Dave had a white, 10-gallon hat. They were able to find a couple of long-sleeved checked shirts that looked like those worn by the cowboys they remembered seeing at the Roehl ranch. And they found a black hat for Tony at a costume store. They liked the 'white hat - black hat' motif. To complete the ensemble, they added polka dot bandana's around their necks, which they used to cover their faces when they first arrived at the party.

"What's the password?" asked a masked man who opened the door to Mike and Todd's apartment. Dave and Tony didn't recognize him. The two men looked at each other; they didn't remember anything about a password.

"We're friends of Dorothy," Dave replied, not really sure where that response came from.

"Welcome, brothers, enter. You keep your masks on until someone guesses who you are," came the instructions.

"Great!" Tony exclaimed, he liked the fun aspect of this party already. "I suppose nobody had guessed who you are."

"Oh yeah, but I have to wear this when I answer the door," the young man replied as Tony and Dave stepped into the room.

"OOOO-EEEEE! David, Honey!" The squeal came across the room from a rather tall and attractive looking lady. "Lordy - lordy it's been like forever since we've seen you," The impressive figure shouted as she strutted and swooshed her way through the crowd to where the two men stood.

"Oh good Lord, I never expected to see her here," Dave said quietly as he wrapped his left hand around Tony's right forearm.

"Who is she?" Tony asked with an element of surprised interest in his voice.

"Name's Roberta, AKA Robert. She's a drag-drama queen - nice, harmless, entertaining, and very dramatic. You'll like her."

"David, you sweet, sexy thing you, pull off that mask and give me a kiss!" Dave reached up with his right hand and pulled his bandana from his face to reveal a genuine smile. "And while you're pulling things off don't stop with that mask - ha-ha!" Roberta moved in and touched cheeks with Dave, the right one first, then the left, while making a kissing sound with her lips. "And who is this gorgeous hunk you're holding on to so tightly? Honey, y'all gonna cut off the blood supply in his arm if ya don't let go soon."

"Hi Roberta, you always were one for slight exaggeration..."

"Ohmygod!" she gasped, "A ring! You're wearin' a ring!" She looked directly at Tony, "You filthy man, you've stolen the love of my life!"

"Roberta, let me introduce Tony Mancuso, and you're correct, he has captured me - all of me." Dave was grinning from ear to ear. Tony pulled his bandana from his face. He was a little bit in shock and wonderment at the forward, frank, almost raw nature of the conversation.

"Well Mr. David Baker, you just unhand this Italian Stallion because he's mine for the evening! God you're gorgeous!" Roberta said as she ran her tongue around her lips, took hold of Tony's left hand and began dragging him away from Dave.

Dave stood chuckling as Tony looked back over his shoulder pleadingly at his partner. It reminded Dave of that time at Art's when Maggie took over his life for the evening and it caused him to chuckle even harder. He felt a hand on his right shoulder.

"He'll be okay," Dan advised. "She's loud but she's harmless."

"Yeah, I know. I think tonight's gonna be a real awaking for Tony. He's pretty naïve about the gay community and tonight he's gonna meet a good cross section of it."

"Yeah, Roberta'll make sure he gets introduced around real good. He'll get his butt pinched and his crotch fondled. By the time she's finished with him you'll have a highly aroused sex maniac on your hands when you get him home, but he'll have a great time." Dan snickered at Tony's dilemma.

"Not to change the subject, but I see that Todd and Mike've invited quite a few singles. You lookin' to get lucky this evening?" Dave was well aware of Dan's need for affection, make that sex, and really wished he could find a true companion with whom to share his life.

"There's a good chance I can hook up with someone; we all know each other." Dan chuckled.

Later, some time around 12:30, Dave noticed Dan walking out the door with a guy who was perhaps 10 years older than he. Dave had seen the guy before at Philos but didn't know him that well. He was happy to see Dan find a companion for the night, confident Dan would practice safe sex.

Later, as they walked through the house toward the bedroom, Tony had a sense that Dave was a little too quiet. He'd been that way on the drive home and Tony was beginning to wonder if it was because of something he'd said or done. He knew his man well enough not to ask. If he waited he'd find an opportunity to get to the bottom of things.

They undressed, brushed their teeth, emptied their bladders, and slid between the sheets. Tony rolled onto his right side just as Dave scooted back against him. That made Tony feel better because, at the very least, it was an indication that Dave wasn't angry with him - maybe there was hope for a little lovin' after all. After a few moments Dave took a deep breath and exhaled in one long sigh. It was the excuse Tony was looking for.

"What's that about?" Tony asked softly.

"Ohh..." Dave paused for a moment like he was searching for an answer. "I dunno, maybe a case of the guilts."

"The guilts? Whatta you got to feel guilty about?" Tony could feel the gentle vibrations in Dave's body when he spoke.

"Ohh..." another pause. This was something he felt comfortable sharing with his partner. "I have so much. And then I go to parties like tonight and see so many people I know, and I think about how they struggle just to make ends meet, to survive. I just wish there was something I could do to help." Dave sighed a gain.

"Now David," Tony said as his large left hand caressed Dave's chest lovingly. "Listen to me, your lover, your friend... your husband." It was the first time he'd used that term. His voice was soft and soothing. "I think I can see where you're coming from but it's not your fault. Listen! Tonight I met a lot of really happy people. Some of them may not have lots of money; they may not be as well off as we are. But they sure know how to party and enjoy friendship. You can't live their lives for'em, tell'em what to do; they'd probably hate you for that. Guys gotta be allowed to make their own decisions.

"Just think about all the things you're already doing! Why, the stuff you've done with Philos is really beyond the imagination. And what you're planning to do in the months ahead is even more mind boggling. You've given a lot of people a lot of chances. That's what they need. Just keep givin' people a chance.

"Besides, it's not your fault you have lots of money. And for what it's worth, I think you're doin' the right things with it. Maybe you could look for other ways to help guys. There are probably other options you haven't thought of."

Dave was quiet for a while and Tony was beginning to wonder if he'd gone to sleep.

"Whatta ya think about setting up scholarships?"

"Yeah, that would be good." Tony was almost surprised when Dave spoke; he obviously wasn't asleep. "What say we sleep on this. Ya don't have to decide tonight and tomorrow we may have more ideas."

"Yeah, let's sleep on it," Dave replied, then he turned over and drove his tongue deep into his husband's mouth. 'After we take care of business,' Dave thought.

The next day they talked a lot about the party but the bedtime topic of the previous evening didn't come up. Tony concluded that Dave was probably mulling the idea over in his brain and he'd bring it up for discussion when he was ready.

The symphony season started and Dave was so excited and proud to have Tony at his side; it was one more thing they both enjoyed sharing. Their tastes were so totally compatible and they so completely loved each other that their relationship grew stronger with each day. Dave would arrive home from work to find Tony looking so domestic in the kitchen and he'd walk up to his man, give him a peck on the lips and a squeeze of the butt and then go about the business of talking about their day. Earlier in the relationship they were all over each other, having sex before dinner. But they'd learned to be patient and enjoy the physical charge they got out of the greeting. The anticipation seemed to make the lovin' that came later just that much more exciting - and there was no pressure of worrying about dinner burning while they played.

The approaching Thanksgiving holiday would see a change in the Platoon's pattern. In the past, Dave and his friends celebrated Thanksgiving together, either with Dave's parents, with Kate, John and their family, or with Dave. This year would be different. Now that Tony was in the mix, his family had to receive consideration but everyone adjusted well. Dan spent Thanksgiving Day with his family while Mike and Todd got together with a few of their friends who lived in the apartment complex.

Wednesday, November 26th, the two lovebirds zipped along the Interstate in the BMW toward Papa and Mama Mancuso's house. To say they were a little nervous would be a major understatement. Peter and Ashley were flying down from NYC but Christopher and his family would be spending the holiday with Kelly's family. Sean's parents had flown down for the holiday so the McGregor family was staying home.

Tony was driving when they exited the Interstate. They drove through a residential neighborhood of modest houses, past a strip mall and into an area of older homes where once it had been THE place to live. At one time these would have been considered expensive stately mansions before the wealthy moved further out of town. Dave was admiring the larger houses set far back from the road when Tony slowed the car and turned into a driveway.

The older house they approached appeared quite large, but not as large as Dave's. A veranda appeared to wrap completely around the house forming a balcony for the second story and it was definitely well maintained. It was at that moment that Dave realized how little he knew about Tony's boyhood background. Yes, Tony'd talked about going to Europe when he was young but, unlike Paul, Tony's demeanor and the way he spoke didn't convey any hint of money. Also, the family members he'd met on Labor Day seemed as normal as could be. Based on those indications, Dave had more or less assumed that Tony came from a background not too different from his. What he now saw before him looked like 'old' money. Dave wouldn't understand until later why Tony didn't seem like a rich kid.

As they walked up the front steps, Mama came outside to greet them and then directed her son and Dave to put their things in Tony's old room. That answered a question that had been weighing heavily on them ever since they accepted Mama's invitation.

"So, this is the scene of the crime," Dave stated casually as he looked around the room.

"What crime?"

"Why, where you practiced self-abuse as a teenager!"

"Oh yeah, but I don't have to do that any more now that I've got you." Tony attempted to disarm Dave's comment.

"Does that mean you expect me to pull your pud tonight?" Dave asked with a grin.

"Only if ya wanna." Tony closed the door, took Dave into his arms and kissed him. "Still nervous?"

"A little, but not as much as I was." (Short kiss.) "With Mama puttin' us up together it really says a lot about how they accept us." (Small kiss.)

"Dave," Tony spoke to his lover in a serious tone. "I'm really glad to have you in my room." (Short kiss.)

"Oh? Cunning choice of words, Mr. Mancuso," Dave slid his right hand between them, found Tony's lengthening member and gave it a playful squeeze through the fabric. "Does that mean ya wanna have me now or have me later?" (Short kiss.)

"Huh-ah, none of that right now," Tony placed his hand on top of Dave's, squeezed it and himself at the same time, and then slowly removed Dave's hand from his now rigid flesh. "That feels great." (Short kiss.) "But we have ta go back downstairs an visit for a while. Otherwise they'll begin to suspect what we're up to."

"Okay, we're definitely both 'UP' to something but at least neither one of us has to remove any lipstick." They both laughed as Tony opened the door and they walked down the hall. The rest of the evening seemed like normal family stuff with only Mama, Papa, Peter, Ashley, Dave and Tony present.

"So Dave, you brought your clubs?" Peter asked.

"Just like you ordered, Sir." Dave appeared to snap to attention and clicked his heels together.

"What about you, Tony? You still have clubs around here somewhere don't you?"

"Yeah, they're up in the closet where I stored them when I left for the Marines."

"Good. We've got a tee time at 8:50am Friday. It's gonna be you and Papa and Dave and me."

"I don't know why you young fellows want an old fart like me tagging along, I've never broken a hundred."

"Now Papa, Phillip won't go and we need a fourth." Peter tried convincing his father.

"Yeah, Papa, please, we'd love to have you along." Tony begged his father.

"C'mon, Mr. Mancuso, I'd be honored to share a cart with you." Dave added his request.

"Well, okay David, but I think it's time you started callin' me Papa like the rest of the boys." Everyone laughed.

"Okay, Papa, if that's what it takes, ya got a deal," Dave extended his hand with a smile. Papa accepted the hand and shook it, returning Dave's smile.

Later, Tony led Dave by the hand into his room, closed the door behind them, spun Dave around and wrapped him up in his arms. "Now, let's get back to that part about me having you in my room." The kiss was long and passionate.

"I sure am glad your mama invited me for a sleepover." Dave said quietly when Tony released him from the lip lock. Dave had an impish look on his face and by now Tony had learned to read that look as an invitation to play.

"Oh yeah, I told Mama we'd behave... but we don't haveta." (Short kiss.)

"I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours." A smile spread over Dave's face.

"I dunno, think we should? That wouldn't be behaving."

"You could lock the door," Dave suggested.

Tony released Dave from his arms, turned around, took a couple of steps back to the door and locked it. As he turned back around Dave had moved to the side of the bed and was sitting down. The squeaks and groans that emanated from the mattress and springs seemed loud enough to drown out a rock band. Dave looked at Tony and they burst out laughing.

"So much for a quiet roll in the hay!" Tony stated the obvious. They both understood that they would have to curtail any vigorous lovemaking as long as they slept in that bed, unless they wanted to keep the rest of the occupants of the house awake all night.

Dave stood up, walked to his partner and kissed him. "Maybe we could practice a little mutual self abuse on each other."

"That sounds like an oxymoron, Mr. Baker." (Short kiss.)

"Oxymoron?" Dave replied surprised. "There you go again."

"There're still lots of things you don't know 'bout me." (Short kiss.)

Dave giggled. "Well, lets start finding out what they are." Dave began unfastening Tony's belt. Tony began unbuttoning Dave's shirt.

It didn't take long for the two lovers to strip each other and make their way to the bed. They laughed again as the bed creaked and groaned under their weight. They lay in each other's arms for a moment, savoring the sensations that intimate body contact stimulates.

"You have a nice one," Dave whispered into Tony's ear.

"So do you," Tony whispered back. (Long kiss.) "You really set on doin' something?"

"I can wait 'til we get back home, if you'd rather," Dave whispered. He could sense that Tony was a little uneasy about having sex in his parent's house, especially since the bed was so noisy. "Why don't we just cuddle?"

"Okay with me," Tony whispered. "At least we can do that. Peter and Ashley are in separate rooms."

Dave chuckled, "Makes no sense to me, Hon."

"I guess Mama and Papa have given up on us but still won't let those two sleep together." (Long kiss.) "Why don't you turn over and let's get some sleep?" Without saying a word, Dave turned over and spooned back against his lover.

"Careful where you store that javelin, Hercules," Dave giggled.

Tony chuckled. "Sorry."

"I'm not," Dave chuckled back.

"Ya wanna stroke each other off?"

"Nah, I can wait." Dave found Tony's left hand, turned it and brought the open palm to his lips. "Night, love."

"Night, love," Tony whispered and then kissed the back of Dave's neck.

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day.

Tony and Dave slept slightly later than usual, but waited until they heard other people stirring before getting up. They showered, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Mama made them bacon, eggs, toast with jelly and, most importantly, coffee.

The fun of being in a big family started almost immediately and Dave was made to feel like a full-fledged member. Phillip, Kelly and the kids arrived just after noon and Phillip's three boys ran to give Uncle Tony and Uncle Dave big hugs. They still remembered the fun they had in Dave's pool during the Labor Day weekend. Mama planned to serve the turkey dinner about 3:00pm so that left plenty of time to visit.

Phillip was still a little standoffish but certainly not as hostile as he had been the last time they saw him. Everything seemed to be going well. Peter, Ashley, Kelly, Tony, and Papa were in the living room engaged in a lively discussion about Ashley and Peter's June wedding. Phillip wasn't participating, choosing to observe instead while leaning against the frame of the family room door. Without thinking, Tony raised his right hand and rested it lovingly on Dave's shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye Dave saw Phillip flinch, then turn and disappear into the family room. Tony quite naturally removed his hand from Dave's shoulder to gesture and make a point in the conversation.

Dave had a hunch. He leaned close to Tony's ear and whispered that he'd be back in a few minutes, something about a horse. He walked into the family room but Phillip wasn't there. Then Dave spotted him through the large picture window; he was out on the back deck with his back to the house, looking out across the back yard. Dave immediately began walking toward the deck. He didn't have a clue about what he was going to do he just had a strong feeling that he should be close to Phillip at that moment. Perhaps they could have an enlightening conversation.

Dave took a position approximately three feet to Phillip's left, close enough to be a presence but far enough away to not seem a threat. Phillip's hands were on the top of the rail in front of him and Dave leaned slightly forward and rested his elbows on the top of the rail with his hands clasped in front of him. David kept praying for something, anything to pop into his mind that would let him break the ice and start a conversation. He wracked his brain to no avail. Neither man spoke. They stood glued to one spot, staring out over the back yard. Dave lost all track of time while searching his brain for some scintillating statement to occur to him. Finally the futility of his good intentions set in and he decided to abandon the effort.

"I don't understand." Phillip said, shattering the silence and almost startling Dave.

Dave waited for a moment. "What is it you don't understand?" he asked calmly.

"Why you and Tony are... are the way you are." Dave suspected Phillip was avoiding using the 'gay' word.

"You mean why we're homosexuals?" Dave chose the generic term, hoping it would be less offensive to Phillip.

"Yeah. I mean, what I don't understand is why you're that way, why you like each other in... that way. You both seem so normal. Tony was NEVER like that when he was in high school. Maybe he learned to be that way in the Marines. But I know lots of guys who were Marines and they aren't like you two. Tony was always tough, a jock, liked the girls. What happened?" It seemed as though when Phillip started talking he wanted to get it all out at once. "And you, you ran track, were a jock in high school and you were in the Army." Dave delayed his reply to make sure Phillip was finished speaking.

"I won't speak for Tony, although we have discussed that. As for me, I began to realize I was different when I was 13. But I won't bore you with that story. If you really want to know about your brother, I'd recommend you ask him. He loves you, Phillip, and I believe he'd like the opportunity to explain it to you. And there's an organization here in town that you can contact for some answers; it's called Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. The acronym is pronounced P-Flag." David paused, waiting for Phillip to comment. He seemed lost in thought at the moment. "They even have a web site, www.pflag.org . I think you might be able to find some publications there that would answer some questions, too." Again Dave waited for Phillip to speak and when he didn't, Dave continued.

"Did you know that homosexuals have a much higher suicide rate than the general population?" That was a rhetorical question and Dave didn't wait for an answer. "The stress if being different is tremendous! There's so much pressure to conform, fit in. It's depressing."

"Did you..." Phillip interrupted.

"No," Dave stopped Phillips question short. "My sister gave me the strength, support and comfort I needed until I was strong enough to deal with it.

"Is Tony..." Phillip again interrupted. Something was reaching him and tweaking his curiosity.

"I don't think so." Dave interrupted again. "Tony's one of the strong ones, he's tough. But like most of us he deeply desires the acceptance and love of his family. It means so much to him because your family is so close."

"Well..." Phillip began but didn't finish his thought.

"I know how difficult this for you right now..."

"Oh," Phillip interrupted, his voice dripping with skeptical sarcasm, "and just how would you know about that?"

Neither man had looked at the other, they had continued looking straight ahead, doing their talking to the back yard.

"My father and I were estranged for a few years after I came out. He wouldn't talk to me; he refused to be in the same room with me. I couldn't even go home. God it was painful, it was terrible." At that moment Dave was reliving the pain of that time in his life and it was evident in his voice.

"What happened?" There it was! Phillip was interested in how Dave and his father resolved their estrangement. Dave considered that statement as a desire to reach out out.

"Some friends of mine in Texas invited my parents to spend a weekend with them. They're a married couple about my parent's ages - it was a generational thing - and they'd lost their only son who was gay. They understood each other and could talk things out as equals. Of course Mother already understood and that helped." Dave left out a lot of detail but what he told was enough for Phillip.

"Dad and I reached an agreement. He promised not to discuss what went on in his bedroom if I wouldn't discuss what went on in mine."

"HA-HA-HA!" Phillip laughed loudly! "I don't know why that's funny but it just is." At the sound of Phillip's laughter Dave looked to his right, Phillip was smiling. Dave smiled back. Perhaps Phillip was imagining a similar conversation with his own father.

"There you two are," Ashley shouted as she walked out onto the deck. "Everyone's been looking for you. C'mon, Papa's ready to say the blessing."

"Father," Papa began, "We ask your blessing on this bounty and on this family. We give thanks that we can be together again and ask that you bless those members of the family who are observing this day of Thanksgiving with other loved ones. We are especially thankful that Tony can be with us again and we are able to welcome his friend David. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we pray, Amen."

"Amen." The entire gathering replied.

Papa began carving the turkey as plates of mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, candied yams, cranberry sauce, began making their way around the table and the conversation never stopped. After dinner, the ladies cleared the table while the men adjourned to the family room to check on the football game. Along about 7:00pm, Phillip and Kelly rounded up their kids and said goodbye. Mama insisted they take some of the mountainous leftovers for tomorrow's lunch or dinner. The rest of the family snacked on leftovers and when Mama and Papa excused themselves at about 10:00pm to turn in for the night, the others decided to follow suite.

Dave and Tony greatly enjoyed a reverse play of the previous evening and slept soundly until Peter woke them by pounding unceremoniously and loudly on Tony's door, just like he'd done so many times when they were kids. It was 6:30 and they needed to get moving if they expected to make their 8:50 tee time.

"Where's Papa?" Peter asked his mother as he, Tony and Dave were quickly finishing off bowls of cold cereal.

"He'll be down in a minute, Dear. He's on the upstairs phone talking to Phillip." Just then Papa walked into the kitchen still dressed in his pajamas and robe.

"You'd better hurry, Papa, we don't have much time," Peter urged.

"You guys 're gonna have to get on without me this morning. Phillip just called and he's interested in becoming your 'fourth.' So I made a decision and told him to meet you at the club, hope that's okay."

"Yeah, Papa, that's great!" Tony seemed happy about it. "Isn't it, Peter?"

"Great, Papa, but we'll miss ya."

"Oh, miss me fiddle, Phillip's the golfer in the family and y'all will have more fun with him in your group than you will me."

Phillip was already in the clubhouse when Peter, Tony and Dave arrived and he'd also already charged the entire outing to his account. Exercising his position as the eldest son, Peter took charge and paired Peter and Dave in one cart, which left Tony with him in the other cart. Dave was most curious about the arrangement. Might this have anything to do with the conversation he and Phillip had yesterday? Whatever the reason, Dave was encouraged by the potential. It also gave him the opportunity to get to know Peter better and ask a few questions that had been bouncing around in his head.

By the third hole, a par 4, they had to wait for the foursome ahead of them to clear the green before they could hit.

"Tell me, Peter, what was it like growing up in a family with an older sister and three brothers? It was just me and my sister in my family."

"Ho-ho," Peter began. "I'd have to say it was wonderful. Yeah, we fought amongst ourselves but we also banded together against all threats. We were all jocks but Tony was the best football player. I was into basketball and Phillip, as you can see, was the golfer. Just look at him over there," Peter nodded toward the other cart where Phillip appeared to be giving Tony some pointers about his swing. "He's gonna have Tony playin' the same fairway we're in before we're finished." Peter and Dave both chuckled.

"There they go, the green's clear. Go ahead and hit, Dave." Dave stepped out of the cart, addressed his ball with a 7-iron and managed to hit it just short of the green where he'd have to chip to get close to the hole. They finished the third hole, went to the fourth tee box and drove into the fairway, then had to wait for the green to clear.

"I guess you guys had just about anything you wanted, like cars and such." Dave picked up the conversation where they'd left off.

"Are you kidding! Mama and Papa raised us with "Old World" values. It was "Spare the rod and spoil the child," at our house. We all had chores to do and as soon as Papa thought we could handle it we also had to start learning about the family business by working at one of the stores."

"But I thought y'all traveled to Europe every summer."

"Oh, we did plenty of that but not every summer and we sailed just above steerage class, not exactly luxurious. Finally!" Peter exclaimed. "I don't know why those folks are so slow, they oughta let us play through."

"I don't think they can, Peter, they're having to wait for the group in front of them."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe I need to calm down a little. I've got too much of the big city syndrome. Ha-ha. I need to do this more often." Peter addressed his ball and hit his second shot on the par 5.

Later, inside the clubhouse and sucking on a beer, Peter added up the scores. He shot 89, Dave shot 87, Tony shot 84, and Phillip shot 71. Phillip had obviously had some impact on Tony's golf game. It was the first time since Tony and Dave had been playing together that Tony'd beat him.

"Say, Kelly and I are expecting you over at our place for dinner this evening, and 'NO' in not an acceptable answer," Phillip announced as they sat finishing up their beer. "Mama and Papa will be there and we're gonna have burgers on the grill."

"Great!" Peter exclaimed. "Another free meal." Everyone laughed and Tony and Dave took the opportunity to exchange approving glances.

"You can count on Dave and me to be there, too. Can we bring anything, like some wine or beer?"

"That would be nice, Little Brother, pick whichever you like." Phillip obviously interpreted Tony's offer as a kind of acknowledgement that their relationship was back on firm ground. The details would be worked out later.

Dave was on pins and needles. He didn't want to say anything in front of Peter as they drove home so he'd wait to get Tony alone to find out what happened with Phillip. The two brothers seemed to be back on friendly terms so something must have happened.

The boys got cleaned up and then attacked the sandwiches Mama and Ashley had made then. Papa wanted to know how they'd played so they each told an equal number of lies that had them all laughing loudly. Dave found the family dynamics to be greatly entertaining. With lunch behind them, Tony announced that he was going to take Dave on a cook's tour of their fair city and that they'd join back up at Phillips for dinner.

"Okay, okay, what happened?" The excitement in Dave's voice was obvious. Tony had just turned out of the driveway when Dave asked his question.

"Well..." Tony seemed to be thinking about how he was going to explain what happened. "I'm not sure I've figured it out yet. It's kinda like we're back to where we were before I came out."


"Yeah, maybe... no, that's not it." Tony was quiet as the car glided quietly down the street. "It's more like he doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe he's accepted it but doesn't want to discuss it."

"You could be onto something there, Hon. He's no longer hostile to you... or to me. I guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out."

"Speaking of 'playing'," Tony reached across the center console and grabbed Dave's groin. Dave gasped in surprise.

"Hey! If you keep that up you're gonna have ta find a motel that rents rooms by the minute" Dave exclaimed as he spread his legs giving Tony better access.

"Nah, I just wanna make sure you're still alive down there; I got plans for when I get ya home."

"Well," Dave snickered, "that'll have to wait 'til tomorrow night. Unless you can replace your old mattress and springs before tonight." They both chuckled.

Tony withdrew his hand and they dropped that topic of discussion as Tony began pointing out various points of interest along their route. Tony drove past his old high school and reminisced about some good times. Dave smiled in appreciation that Tony had fond memories of his high school days, it reflected the healthy experiences he had there.

Before long, they were driving through the downtown shopping area and Dave spotted something.



"Right there," Dave pointed to his right. "C'mon, I'll treat." There was a parking spot right in front of the shop and Tony quickly turned the BMW right into it.

"Whatta ya gonna have," Dave asked as the walked toward the counter where a sign hanging from the ceiling said "ORDER HERE."

"How much can you afford?" Tony grinned at his partner. Dave fished into his pants pocket and pulled out some folded bills.

"Enough, so order what your heart desires."

"Not in here, Babe," they both laughed.

"Can I help you," asked a cute pony-tailed teenager from behind the counter.

"I'd like a cup of vanilla yogurt with hot fudge and walnuts, please," Tony ordered.

"And I'll have the same," Dave added.

"What size, sirs?"

"Uh," they looked around and saw a display with different size cups on it. "That size, regular," Tony replied.

"Me too," Dave added. Without a word the young girl turned and began preparing their orders.

The two men meandered down the counter toward the cash register and waited for their treats to arrive. Dave paid for the yogurt and they found a table along the front window and sat down to enjoy their treat.

"Say," Tony began as he chewed a mouth full of yogurt then swallowed. "I forgot to ask, what were you and Phillip talkin' about yesterday out on the back deck?"

"Hey, that was a crazy thing I did," Dave replied. "I saw him go out there and I figured, hoped that if I went out there with him we might get better acquainted."


"Not much happened." Dave shoved a spoonful of yogurt and fudge into his mouth. "We stood there for the longest time and I was about to leave when Phillip said he didn't understand us." Dave placed another spoonful in his mouth then proceeded to give Tony a more detailed description of his conversation with Phillip.

"Well, Babe," Tony took another bite of yogurt and fudge. "What you did probably had a lot to do with Phillip joining us for golf today and inviting us over this evening." Tony took another bite. "If I know Phillip, when he got home last night he probably went to the PFLAG web site and read everything he could find."

"Well, whatever caused his apparent change of attitude..."

"Tony? Tony Mancuso, is that you?" A man's voice interrupted Dave's comment. Both men looked across the small store where the saw a young man about their age was looking at them. A four-year-old little girl held on to his right hand as he held an eighteen-month-old girl in his left arm. The young man was wearing some tan slacks and a sweatshirt that had "Georgia" printed across the front.

"Al, Al Cox, well I'll be d-darned!" Tony edited his expression out of consideration for the children. "How are you?" Tony and Dave stood up from their chairs as Al and the girls approached.

"I'm fine, you look like you're doin' well," Al replied.

"Yeah, just great. These two angels yours?" Tony inquired.

"Oh yes, this is Megan," nodding to the four-year-old, "and this is Milessa," indicating the young one in his arm.

"Well I'm very pleased to meet you two," Tony smiled and bowed slightly. "Al, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Dave Baker."

"Nice to meet ya, Dave, I'd offer ta shake your hand but as you can see my hands are full," Al chuckled.

"Nice ta meet you to, Al, and I can see you do have a couple of lovely ladies to escort," Dave replied.

"So, you and Becky still together?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, these two are ours an' we have another on the way. Becky's workin' as a cashier at the grocery store this afternoon so I'm takin' the girls out for a treat."

"What're ya doin' these days, if ya don't mind me askin'?"

"I got a job at a warehouse on the south side o' town. We're doin' okay. How 'bout you?" Al obviously wanted to divert the conversation away from his personal life.

"Oh, I'm workin' construction over in the city; came home for Thanksgiving."

"Sir, your order is ready," called the teenager from behind the counter.

"Well, gotta go, Tony, good ta see ya again, you too Dave." Al guided his oldest daughter over to the cash register where he paid for their yogurt and they left the shop.

Tony and Dave sat quietly while finishing the last of their yogurt. Tony seemed to be lost in thought after meeting his friend Al, and Dave waited for him to pick up the conversation.

"Ready ta go?" Tony asked, he seemed in a hurry to get out of there.

"Yeah," Dave replied as they arose from their chairs, tossed their empty cups in the trashcan and left the shop.

"Well I'll be damned," Tony exclaimed after they were both seated in the car with the doors closed. "Al Cox. Ya see the condition he's in? He must be 25 pounds over weight!"

'More like 30 pounds,' Dave thought but he wasn't about to interrupt his mate's train of thought.

"That gut he's carryin' around isn't very attractive." Tony placed the key in the ignition but didn't turn it. "And ta think I had the hots for his bod when we were in high school." Tony was about to reveal some of his history and Dave sat quietly, listening. "We were in the same grade ever since junior high. I remember that first time we had to shower after gum class, I thought Big Al was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. When I say big, I mean 'big.' I lusted over that body for six years but never had the courage to try anything." Tony sighed. "Just look at him now. He's married, has two kids, almost three. It's no wonder, everyone knew he was bangin' Becky. Al was our star quarterback; all the girls were after him. I guess Becky got pregnant. Damn!" After another moment of reflection Tony turned the ignition key and they resumed their tour.

On the way to Phillip and Kelly's, the two men stopped at a liquor store and Tony bought a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-pape as kind of a 'making up' gift. The dinner was a success and the family seemed to be back on track.

Saturday morning Dave and Tony loaded the car and said goodbye with lots of hugs for everyone. Phillip and Kelly had come over to say goodbye and to take Peter and Ashley to the airport. Since Tony had driven Wednesday afternoon, Dave thought it only fair that he drive home, especially since he was now more familiar with the area. No sooner had he pulled onto the Interstate and set the cruise control when Tony reached across the console and placed his left hand on top of Dave's right thigh. Unprepared for Tony's movement, Dave jumped a little.

"Thanks, Babe, that was the best Thanksgiving ever," Tony said when Dave looked across the seat at his lover. "Hope you don't mind, I just feel a need to touch you."

"No, it's great." Dave gripped steering wheel with his left hand, placed his right hand on top of Tony's and smiled at his lover. He needed some physical contact also. The touch was sensual and sexual but it was so much more - it was love.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 65

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